1986-1987 Rothberg Yearbook

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To R ic h a rd *Zoggi” M iller, I leave all my Bubble Yum and<br />

Carefree Sugarless bubble gum in half piece portions, my mirror<br />

( pout, my postcard collection, my ru st boots, my Bangles-Go<br />

Go’s tape, my Wall Street Journals, my half m elted candles, and,<br />

of course, my gingerbread cookies. Love, Victoria “Virginia”<br />

Miller<br />

R o n n y ’s R e m n a n ts —And the Usual Hiking Pals. Never<br />

thought I would enjoy being stranded on deserted trails with<br />

you guys, but it was the best p a rt of Israel. Love, Choo Koo<br />

Moo Koo<br />

S u z a n n a R - Thanks for all your help in the kitchen ! Jonny<br />

S t u a r t a n d T odd —Get it down to two wipes and we will be<br />

millionaires! Jonny<br />

S T U B IR D —three weeks in Europe and a week in Houston.<br />

Get the table ready a t Nympha’s, see you a t Mamouns. TODD<br />

FISH<br />

S tu - You made this a great sem ester —Thanx, Ben.<br />

To S ta ff C lu b 11 - your insensitivity and bolshie attitude<br />

forced me to move —and I found the best roomate ever!!<br />

Thanks!! K aty<br />

To my Shakespearean mess, cheers to an interesting year. Hope<br />

to hear your knock in Decemeber. “Alfie Knox (spelling?), ladies<br />

and gentlemen, Alfie Knox... ” Much love, SM<br />

S tep h —Here’s to a great summer together a t Ramah. Joanna<br />

C h ere S a ra —Je te legue ma beaute, mon intellignce, mon<br />

charme, mon genie et ma gentillesse. Tu en auras certainem ent<br />

besoin. La nature ne t ’ayant pas gatee. Bises de D’vora.<br />

S a ra - Come visit next year<br />

dangerous place! Joanna<br />

■but be careful! JTS is a<br />

L ife is n o th in g w ith o u t frien d sh ip .<br />

S a ra M a rd e r - Cockdog! It seems as though we kept “just<br />

missing” each other. I know, I’m stupid. If your parents will let<br />

me in their house, I’d like to visit next year. Meanwhile, knock<br />

’em dead in Med School, and please work on a quick cure for<br />

gastrointeritis. Love you. Michael<br />

S a ra - W hat can I say but thank for making my year extra<br />

special. K-Bye. I love you, Shoshana.<br />

D ear S im o n e, S ue, a n d Illa n a ; It’s hard to fly like an eagle<br />

when you're surrounded by turkeys. But you're turkeys which can<br />

come over for dinner any time. See ya! K.R.<br />

S a ra Joy M ard e r: Always remember, never forget = It. nt.<br />

talks about s&m, s&m; slumber parties; Cafe HaShaon;<br />

weekends a t K’s, S & E’s, TA; E gypt ’87;... the final frontier;<br />

promise <strong>1987</strong>. Thanx for making this year so special -<br />

you are great. Love you always —best friends forever. Beth<br />

Deborah Bernhaut<br />

S h o sh an a: Do you have a question? Can you just tell me<br />

something? Well then CALL ME! Watch the alcohol intake and<br />

th a t other stuff and sometimes you must sleep ALONE. I LOVE<br />

YOU! K EEP IN TOUCH! Love, Sara Joy<br />

S h o sh a n a B e th S avltz: You’ve been a great roomate and a<br />

great friend. I don’t know how you put up w ith me, but I am<br />

glad you did. I love you (even though you do go to Brandeis).<br />

Keep in touch ALWAYS. BDB<br />

I must thank BASP for making HU a wild continuous party. (A<br />

Yankee)<br />

To the rest of my friends a t Hebrew U - Thanx for the<br />

memories. - Ronit<br />

T o S h a rle n e Z in m a n - “Lots of people die!” Thanks for<br />

being an incredible roommate. Love, Lisa Saks<br />

T a m m y P a n tllo t - Thanks for being the special friend th at<br />

you are and have always been. W hether it’s UCSB or H.U., you're<br />

always there for me! Nancy<br />

T ra c e y Vogel - Doesn’t it seem like years ago when we were<br />

sleeping on the Tel Aviv beach? I’m quite convinced th a t you<br />

have an advanced case of penis-envy (see your constant<br />

references to the C.N. tower). Don’t be embarrassed you know<br />

what the cure is. Tracey, you deserve better than me and we<br />

both know it if I’m still invited, I’ll see you a t the “cottage”. All<br />

my love - Michael<br />

T o T ra c e y V ogel I leave the planets for th a t is where she feels<br />

most comfortable. I leave her eggplant, milkys, tom atoes and<br />

cottage cheese, avocado, K raft Dinner, and potatoes. Your<br />

roomate.<br />

T odd K e sse lm a n - Cliff Rappelling? Cross it off! Eating<br />

pigeon? Cross it off! G etting chased by half-crazed Egyptian<br />

boys w ith whips, making fun of the girls, all these and more.<br />

Europe, look out! Kesselman and Cytrin are coming! It's been<br />

great having you as a friend, even if it is only for a few months.<br />

Michael<br />

T o d d (T erry ): Thanks for giving me a real appreciation of<br />

music. Being ignorant in Egypt w ith you was lots of fun. Bye!<br />

Love, Sara (Maggie)<br />

To th e to p floor o f B ld g . 15: Thanks for making my first<br />

year away so fantastic. Naomi, Irit, Connie, Donna, Leora,<br />

Tammy, and Lana. I could not have asked for better floormates.<br />

Love, Diane<br />

V ic to ria - Thanks for being such a great, caring,<br />

understanding, loving, warm, sweet friend to me! A to ast to all<br />

the fun we will have together at U.C.L.A. next year! I love you!<br />

Jaymie<br />

W a n te d : My Yaz/Yellowjackets tape. If you have it, please<br />

return it. Jonathan<br />

W o m a n (R lsa) ...something was missing from the second half<br />

of the year.________________ ______________________________<br />

T he L o rd w a tch betw een m e a n d thee, w hen we are<br />

a b sen t one fr o m another. Genesis 87:^9_________<br />

Will - Although this incredible year is coming to an end, I am<br />

not leaving anything behind; for the memories, Israel and the<br />

special people have become a perm anent p art of me. This is not<br />

a last will - it is a thank you to ya’U who were a p art of the<br />

profound impact this experience in Jerusalem made on me:<br />

Sigalit, Debbie, David U., Mindy, Andy, Adam, Ely, Dan, Risa,<br />

Lori, Jaymie, and last but certainly not least Adam ”blue” W. I<br />

love you and hope we remain in each othgrs lives. Love Kari<br />

I, Laurie Heeger, will my beeping hearing aid to those who were<br />

irritated by it - may my “people” from the alien planet beam<br />

me up soon. Also the static in my microphone I leave to Rick<br />

Winer and Sharon Young. And I leave all of my religious<br />

articles and California beach wear to the people of Mea<br />

Shearim.<br />

I 39/11: Even w ith a river running straight to my bed, I still<br />

think you’re the best! Stay in touch cause I’ll miss you guys!<br />

Love. Dara

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