Statistical Bulletin - Central Bureau of Statistics

Statistical Bulletin - Central Bureau of Statistics

Statistical Bulletin - Central Bureau of Statistics


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database CD k|sfzg sfo{ ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . o; CD df ljleGg ;|f]tx?af6 pknAw ePsf<br />

hg;f+lVos, cfly{s tyf ;fdflhs If]qsf dxTjk"0f{ tY<strong>of</strong>Íx?sf ;fy} pknAw eP;Ddsf<br />

;x;|fAbL ljsf; nIf;Fu ;DaGwL tY<strong>of</strong>Íx? cBfjlws ul/Psf] 5 . o; Database system<br />

sf] d'Vo cfsif{0f eg]sf] CD k|<strong>of</strong>]ustf{n] ljleGg u0fgf tyf ;j] {If0faf6 pknAw dxTjk"0f{<br />

tY<strong>of</strong>Íx? Ps} 7f‘paf6 k|fKt ug{ ‘sf ;fy} k|fKt tY<strong>of</strong>Íx?nfO{ tflnsf, rf6{ / gS;fdf ;lhn};Fu<br />

k|:t't ug{ ;Sg]5g\ .<br />

@= ;fdflhs tY<strong>of</strong>°<br />

ljut jif{x?df Hf:t} cfly{s jif{ @)^&.^* df klg ;fdflhs tY<strong>of</strong>Í zfvfaf6 tY<strong>of</strong>Í ultljlw<br />

@)^&.^* sf] t] ];|f] rf}dfl;s c+sdf ;fdflhs tY<strong>of</strong>Í ;DaGwL k|ltj]bg k|sfzg sfo{ ;DkGg<br />

ePsf] 5 . o; k|ltj]bgdf ;fdflhs kIf;Fu ;DalGwt ljljw ljifox? Hf:t} lzIff, :jf:Yo,<br />

ck/fw, ;jf/L ;fwg, b'3{6gf cflbh:tf ljleGg ;|f]taf6 ;+slnt tY<strong>of</strong>Íx?sf] ljj/0ffTds<br />

k|ltj]bg k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy} pSt k|ltj]bgdf ljleGg cfly{s jif{sf ;fdflhs tY<strong>of</strong>Íx?sf]<br />

t'ngfTds ljj/0f ;d]t k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .<br />

#= g]kfn ax';"rs ;j] {If0f (NMICS, 2010)<br />

;fdflhs tY<strong>of</strong>Í zfvfaf6 g]kfn ax';"rs ;j] {If0f (Nepal Mulitiple Indicator Cluster<br />

survey), NMICS, 2010 sf] If]lqo sfo{ sfo{ ;DkGg eO{ data entry, coding, editing,<br />

verification nufot tabulation ;DaGwL ;Dk"0f{ r/0fsf sfo{x? o;} cfly{s jif{ @)^&.^*<br />

df ;DkGg ePsf] 5 . ;j] {If0faf6 k|fKt k|f/lDes glthf o;} cfly{s jif{sf] t];|f] rf}dfl;sf]<br />

cGtdf k|fljlws ;ldltdf ;d]t 5nkmn ul/Psf] ly<strong>of</strong>] . NMICS, 2010 sf] k"0f{ k|ltj]bg<br />

cfly{s jif{ @)^*.^( df k|sfzg ug] { nIo /flvPsf] 5 .<br />

g]kfn ax';"rs ;j] {If0f dlxnf, afnaflnsf tyf 3/kl/jf/;DaGwL tY<strong>of</strong>Í pknAw u/fpg]<br />

ljleGg ;|f]tx?dWo]sf] Ps a[xt\ tY<strong>of</strong>ÍLo ;|f]t xf] . <strong>of</strong>] ;j] {If0f o'lg;]kmaf6 ljsl;t ul/Psf]<br />

cGt/f{li6«o:t/sf] 3/kl/jf/ ;j] {If0f Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) ljlw<br />

ckgfO{ ;~rfng ul/Psf] ly<strong>of</strong>] . MICS ;g\ !((% b]lv x/]s kfFr–kfFr aif{df ljZjsf ^) eGbf<br />

a9L d'n'sx?df ;~rfng eO/x]sf] 5 . <strong>of</strong>] ;j] {If0f g]kfnsf] kl/k| ]Iodf ljsf; k|lqm<strong>of</strong>df k5fl8<br />

k/]sf] dflgPsf dWo–klZrdf~rn tyf ;'b"/–klZrdf~rn ljsf; If]qsf dlxnf, afnaflnsf<br />

tyf 3/kl/jf/sf] cj:yfsf] cg'udg ug] { Pjd\ :t/Lo tyf t'ngf<strong>of</strong>]Uo ;"rsx? pknAw u/fpg]<br />

p2]Zosf ;fy ;~rfng ul/Psf] ly<strong>of</strong>] . o; ;j] {If0faf6 ;j] {If0fn] ;d]6]sf] If]qsf ;x;|fAbL<br />

ljsf; nIo;DaGwL !* eGbf a9L ;"rsx? k|fKt x'g]5g\ . <strong>of</strong>] ;j] {If0fn] cfufdL lbgx?df o:t}<br />

ax';"rs ;j] {If0f g]kfne/ ;~rfng ug{sf] nflu cfwf/;d]t t<strong>of</strong>/ u/]sf] 5 .<br />

;fdflhs tY<strong>of</strong>Í zfvfsf] dfly pNn]lvt sfo{x? ;Dkfbgsf] l;nl;nfdf s]Gb|Lo tY<strong>of</strong>Í<br />

ljefusf dxflgb] {zsHo" / pkdxflgb] {zsHo"af6 ljz]if cle?rL /fVb} tY<strong>of</strong>Í k|sfzgfy{ 7f];<br />

;Nnfx, ;'emfj Pj+ lgb] {zg k|fKt ePsf] ly<strong>of</strong>] .<br />


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