Nepal Standard Industrial Classification.pdf

Nepal Standard Industrial Classification.pdf

Nepal Standard Industrial Classification.pdf


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g]kfn cf}Bf]lus alu{s/0f(<strong>Nepal</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>)(2056 / 2000 )>L % sf] ;/sf//fli6|o of]hgf cfof]usf] ;lrjfnos]GbLo tYofÍ ljefuyfkfynL, sf7df8f]}+

e"ldsfg]kfnsf] cfly{s If]qdf ;+rflnt ljljw ultljlwx?nfO{ :ki6 tYof+lso 9fFrfdf k|:t't ug]{p2]Zo /fvL g]kfn cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0f (<strong>Nepal</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>, NSIC) tof/ ul/Psf]5 . cfly{s ultljlwx? ;+rfng ug]{ cf}Bf]lus Jojzflos k|lti7fgx?÷lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ jlu{s/0ftyf JofVof u/L ljleGg ju{x?df ljefhg u/L cfly{s ultljlwx?sf] JofVof ;d]t ul/Psf] 5 .o;af6 ;Dk"0f{ of]hgfjLb\, tYof+sljb tyf cGo k|of]ustf{x?nfO{ ck]lIft ;xof]u k'Ug] cfzf ul/Psf]5 .o;df g]kfnsf] cy{tGq leq ;+rflnt ljleGg cfly{s If]q tyf ;+:yfut If]qdf kg]{ pTkfbs;+:yfx?nfO{ ;d]6\g tLgsf] k|d'v sfo{sf] cfwf/df ;d'xLs[t ug{sf] nflu cGt/f{li6«o cf}Bf]lusjlu{s/0f (International <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>, ISIC-1990, Rev. 3) tyf SNA 1993 nfO{ g}cfwf/ dfgL of] g]kfn :t/Lo cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0f k|:t't ul/Psf] 5 .oxfF pBf]u tyf Joj;fosf] jlu{s/0fnfO{ ljleGg rf/ c+s (Digit) ;d'xdf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 .klxnf] c+s ;d'xdf cfly{s ultljlwsf] d'Vo :j?k (Major Category) ;d"xLs[t u/L 5'6\ofOPsf] 5 /bf]>f], t];|f] tyf rf}yf] c+s ;d'xdf qmdzM ljz]if (Specific) ;d"xx?sf] ;d"xLs[t ul/Psf] 5 .o;/L cfly{s s[ofsnfkx?nfO{ JofVof tyf kl/eflift ug]{ p2]Zo lnO{ g]kfn cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0fg]kfndf klxnf] k6s tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy} o;nfO{ ;do ;fk]If agfpg tyf cGt/fli6«o :t/dfdfGotf lbg kl5Nnf z+;f]wgx?nfO{ ;d]t ;dfj]z u/L eljiodf x'g] g]kfnL cy{tGqsf] kl/jt{gnfO{tb\cg'?k NSIC df qmdzM ;dfj]z ub}{ n}hfg] k|of; x'g]5 .k|:t't g]kfn cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0f tof/ ug{df k|fljlws dfu{bz{g (Technical Guidance) /o;sf] Joj:yfkg ug'{sf ;fy} ;DjlGwt ;j} kIf ;+u cfjZos ;dGjo u/L dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg lbg'x'g] p=d=lg= >L ;fljqL l;+xnfO{ wGojfb lbg rfxG5' .cGtdf of] g]kfn cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0fsf] k|f/lDes 8«fˆ6 tof/ ug'{ x'g] o; ljefusf tYof+sclws[t4o >L xl/ k|;fb kf}8\ofn tyf >L ;"o{ s'df/ kl08t, clGtd kl/dfh{gdf nfUg' ePsftYof+s clws[t >L ?b| ;'jfn, sDKo'6/ 6fOlkËdf ;xof]u ug'{ x'g] sDKo'6/ ;xfos >L Zofd Gof}kfg]tyf o; sfo{sf] ;'kl/j]If0fdf nfUg' ePsf pk–lgb]{zs4o >L lbg]z k|;fb bfxfn tyf >L /fwfs[i0flh=;L= nufot o; sfo{sf] ;+of]hgdf ;xof]u k'¥ofpg] o; laefusf ;a} clws[t tyf ;xof]uLsd{rf/Lx?nfO{ klg wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . To:t} o; sfo{ ug{sf] nflu cfly{s ;xof]u h'6fpg] ;+:yfUNIFEM nfO{ klg ljz]if wGojfb lbg rfxG5' . cGtdf o; k'l:tsfdf ePsf] sdL sdhf]/Lx?nfO{;'wf/ ub}{ n}hfg ;DalGwt jL1 tyf k|of]ustf{x?af6 ;Nnfx tyf ;'emfjsf] ck]Iff u/]sf 5f}+ .s]za /fh zdf{

dxf–lgb]{zsljifo;"lrs|= ;+= ljifo k}h g+=!= s[lif tyf jg !@= df5f kfng Joj;fo &# vfgL tyf pTvgg\ *$ cf}Bf]lus - k|zf]wg pBf]u _pkfbg sfo{ tyf l/;fOlSng !@%= ljB't , UofF; tyf kfgL $%^+= lgdf{0f $^&= yf]s tyf v'b|f Jofkf/ $(*= xf]6n tyf /]i6'/fF %*(= oftfoft , uf]bfd / ;+rf/ %*!) cfly{s dWo:ytf ^$!!= /Lon :6]6, ef8f tyf Joj;foLs s[ofsnfkx? ^&!@= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / ;fdflhs ;'/Iff &(!#= lzIff *$!$= :jf:y / ;fdflhs sfo{ *^!%= cGo ;fd'bfoLs , ;fdflhs tyf JolQmut ;]jf ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx? **!^= lghL 3/df sfd ug]{ (%!&= cGt/fli6|o ;+3 ;+:yf / ;f] cGt/utsf lgsfo (%

g]kfn cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0f(<strong>Nepal</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>)kl/rob]zsf] cfly{s If]q (Economic Territory) leq ;+rflnt ljljw cfly{s ultljlwx?nfO{ l;nl;n]jf/?kdf k|:t't ug]{ p2]Zo /fvL g]kfn cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0f (<strong>Nepal</strong> <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong><strong>Classification</strong>, NSIC) tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . cfly{s ultljlwx? ;+rfng ug]{ (EconomicTransactors) cf}Bf]lus÷JofjzfoLs k|lti7fgx?sf lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ jlu{s/0f tyf JofVof u/Lk|:t't ug{ ljleGg r/0fx?df -k|yd, bf]>f], t];|f] tyf rf}yf]_ c+s ;d'x (Digit) df ljefhg u/L rf}yf]c+s ;d'xsf] cfly{s ultljlwx?sf] dfq JofVof ul/Psf] 5 . o;jf6 ljleGg of]hgfsf/, tYof+sjLbtyf cGo k|of]ustf{x?nfO{ ;xof]u k'Ug] cfzf /flvPsf] 5 .g]kfn :t/Lo cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0f d'ntM cGt/f{li6«o cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0f (International <strong>Standard</strong><strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Classification</strong>, ISIC Rev-3) 1 sf] kl/efiff tyf wf/0ffdf cfwfl/t 5 . g]kfnsf]cy{tGqsf] :j?knfO{ dWogh/ u/L s]lx pbfx/0f tyf ljj/0f yk ul/Psf 5g\ eg] c;fGble{scfly{s s[ofsnfkx? x6fOPsf 5g\ . t/ ISIC Rev–3 sf] d'Vo ;+/rgf (Structure) nfO{ u|x0f u/LcGt/fli6«o t'ngfTdstf (International Comparability) sfod ul/Psf] 5 . ISIC Rev–3 df h:t}NSIC df klg A b]lv Q ;Dd d'Vo ;d'x (Major group) /x]sf] 5 .g]kfn cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0fdf ljleGg cfly{s ultljlwx?nfO{ cnu cnu ;+s]t (Code) lbO{ ISICRev–3 tyf System of National Account , SNA-1993 2 cg';f/ jlu{s/0f ul/Psf] 5 . k|:t't g]kfncf}Bf]lus alu{s/0f ubf{ cGt/fli6|o k]zf jlu{s/0f (International <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Classification</strong> ofOccupation, ISCO-88) 3 jf6 ;d]t cfjZos ;xof]u lnOPsf] 5 . jlu{s[t s[ofsnfkx?nfO{:ki6 kfg{ pbfx/0f ;lxt JofVof ul/Psf] 5 . NSIC df pNn]v eP cg';f/sf cfly{s ultljlwx?tyf o;;+u ldNbf h'Nbf j:t' tyf ;]jf pTkfbg ug]{ lgsfox?nfO{ ;d'xLs[t u/L o; ;DjlGw ;"rgftyf tYof+sx? k|:t't ug{ ;lsg] x'Fbf o:tf] jlu{s/0fjf6 cy{tGqsf ljljw If]qsf], cWoog, cg';+wfgtyf ljZn]if0fdf 7f]; ;xof]u k'Ug ;Sg] cfzf /flvPsf] 5 .kl/efiffcy{tGq leq ;+rflnt ljleGg clfy{s tyf ;+:yfut If]q (Economic and Institutional Sectors)df kg]{ pTkfbs ;+:yfx? (Producting agents) nfO{ klxrfg ug{ / oLgLx?nfO{ k|d'v ultljlwsf](Principal activities) cfwf/df ;d'xLs[t ug{sf] nflu ISIC Rev–3 tyf SNA 1993 sf] wf/0ffcg';f/ o:tf lgsfox?nfO{ lgDgfg';f/ kl/eflift ul/Psf] 5 .1 International <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Classification</strong> in all Economic Activities, United Nations Series M,No.4, Rev 3, New York 1990.2 System of National Accounts 1993, United Nations, IMF, The World Bank, OECD, EEC, 1993.3 International <strong>Standard</strong> <strong>Classification</strong> of Occupation : ISCO-88,Gneva International Labor Office,1990,

s= k|lti7fg (Establishment)M k|lti7fg eGgfn] To:tf pBd (Enterprise) jf To;sf] lx:;fnfO{hgfp5 hf] s'g} Ps :yfgdf (Location) cjl:yt x'G5 / Ps d'Vo j:t' (Prime product) pTkfbgub{5 cyf{t d'No clej[l4df (Value added) d'Vo j:t'sf] dxTjk"0f{ of]ubfg /xG5 .v= pBd (Enterprise): pBd eGgfn] To:tf] ;+ul7t (Corporate) tyf c;+ul7t(Unincorporated) lgsfonfO{ hgfp5 h:n] Ps jf Ps eGbf jl9 j:t' tyf ;]jfx?sf] pTkfbgPs jf Ps eGbf jl9 :yfg (Location_ df /x]/ ub{5 . ct =+ pBd - Enterprise) df Ps :yfgdfPs eGbf j9L j:t' pTkfbg x'G5 eg] ljleGg :yfgdf Ps} a:t' - Single Product ) sf] pTkfbg klgx'g ;Sb5 .u= pBf]u (Industry): Ps ?ksf j:t'x? (Homogeneous product) pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?sf](Establishment) ;d'xnfO{ pBf]u elgG5 .dfly kl/eflift ul/P h:t} pBf]u tyf Jojzfosf s[ofsnfkx?nfO{ Pp6f lglZrt ;d'x (Group)jgfO{ x/]s NSIC ;+s]tsf] cfwf/df ;d'xLs[t u/L pBf]usf] ?kdf klxrfg ul/Psf] 5 .pbfx/0fMCode NoName of Industry / DescriptionAs[lif / jg01 s[lif / o;\ ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?011 vfBfGg / jhf/df ljqmL x'g] jfujfgL tyf kmnkm"n pTkfbg ug]{k|lti7fgx? jf ls|ofsnfkx?0111 vfBfGg / cGoq pNn]v gePsf cGo cGg jfnLx? pTkfbg ug{]ls|ofsnfkx?pBf]u tyf Joj;fosf] jlu{s/0fnfO{ ljleGg rf/ c+s (Digit) ;d'xdf ljefhg ul/Psf] 5 . klxnf]c+s ;d'xdf cfly{s ultljlwsf] d'Vo :j?k (Major Category) 5'6\ofOPsf] 5 / bf]>f], t];|f] tyfrf}yf] c+s ;d'xdf qmdzM ljz]if (Specific) jgfO{ ;d'xLs[t ul/Psf] 5 . dflysf] pbfx/0fdf k|ydc+sdf (A) s[lif tyf jg If]qsf] klxrfg ul/Psf] 5 . bf]>f] (01) c+s ;d'xdf s]jn s[lif / o;\;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?, t];|f] ;d'xdf (011) vfBfGg / jhf/df ljqmL x'g] jfujfgL tyf kmnkm"npTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx? jf ls|ofsnfkx? ;d'xLs[t ul/Psf] 5 eg] rf}yf] c+s ;d'xdf (0111)vfBfGg / cGoq pNn]v gePsf cGo cGg jfnLx? pTkfbg ug]{ sfo{nfO{ dfq ;d]l6Psf] 5 . pQms'/fx?sf ;fy} NSIC-2000 sf] ljj/0f tflnsf ! df lbOPsf] 5.cfly{s s[ofsnfkx?nfO{ JofVof tyf kl/eflift ug]{ g]kfn :t/Lo cf}Bf]lus jlu{s/0f g]kfndf klxnf]k6s tof/ ul/Psf] 5 . o;nfO{ ;do ;fk]If jgfpg cGt/f{li6«o dfGotf tyf kl/efiffdf cfwfl/tu/L oL dfGotf tyf kl/efiffdf cfPsf] kl5Nnf] z+;f]wgnfO{ ;dfj]z (Incorporate) ub}{ hfg] k|of;ul/g]5 . To:t} k|sf/n] g]kfnL cy{tGqsf] :j?kdf cfPsf] kl/jt{gnfO{ klg tbg';f/ NSIC dfoyf;So ;dfj]z ub}{ n}hfg] k|of; x'g]5 .tflnsf ! M– NSIC- 2000 sf] ljj/0fTabulationCatagoriesADescription Division Group Classess[lif tyf jg-Agriculture and Forestry)2 5 8

BCDEFGdf5fkfng Joj;fo(Fishing)vfgL tyf pTvgg\-Mining and Quarrying)cf}Bf]lus -k|zf]wg pBf]u_ pTkfbg sfo{ tyf l/;fOlSnË-Manufacturing and Recycling)ljB't UofF; tyf kfgL(Electricity, Gas and Water)lgdf{0f(Construction)yf]s tyf v'b|f Jofkf/(Wholesale and Retail Trade)1 1 15 10 1223 54 1162 3 31 5 53 17 28H xf]6n tyf /]i6'/fF -Hotels and Restaurants) 1 @ 2IJKLMNOPQoftfoft, uf]bfd / ;Grf/-Transport, Storage and Communication)cfly{s dWo:ytf-Financial Intermediation)/Lon :6]6, ef8f tyf Jofj;foLs s[ofsnfkx?-Real state, Renting and Business Activities);fj{hlgs k|zf;g / ;fdflhs ;'/Iff-Public Administration and Social Security)lzIff-Education):jf:Yo / ;fdflhs sfo{-Health and Social Work)cGo ;fd'bfoLs, ;fdflhs tyf AolQmut ;]jf ;DjGwLs[ofsnfkx?-Other Community, Social and PersonalService Activities)lghL 3/df sfd ug]{ sfo{-Private Household and Employed Person)cGt/fli6«o ;+3 ;+:yf / ;f] cGt{utsf lgsfo-Extra-territorial Organization Body)5 8 153 5 115 17 311 3 81 4 51 3 64 9 221 1 11 1 1Total 60 148 275

ACode numbers[lif / jg(Agriculture and forestry)01 s[lif / o; ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?Name of Industry / Description(Agriculture and related service activities)011 vfBfGg / jhf/df ljqmL x'g] jfujfgL tyf kmnkm"n pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx? jfls|ofsnfkx?( Growing of crops ; market gardening ; horticulture)0111 vfBfGg / cGoq pNn]v gePsf cGo cGg jfnLx? pTkfbg ug{] ls|ofsnfkx?(Growing of cereals and other crops n.e.c.)wfg, ds}, ux', hf}, sf]bf] h:tf k|d'v vfBfGg afnLx?Ù cfn' , kL8fn', t?n, ;v/v08, jbfd, Og'lng h:tf ufgf ePsf (Tuber or root crops) –hldg d'gL kmNg]_vfB kbfy{x? / :6fr{ ePsf j:t'x?Ù tf]/L, cl8/, ;"o{d'vL, ltn, ;;L{p, ;f]ofljg/ cGo t]ncfpg] t]lno kbfy{x?Ù cGg jf cGo jg:kltx?sf] ljpx?Ù skf;, h'6,s]t'sL, kf6 h:tf /]zf jf wfuf] cfpg] j:t'x?Ù ;"lt{ pTkfbg / To;sf] k|fyldssfo{x?Ù cd|L;f], /a/, pv' h:tf cGo lj?jfx?Ù e6df;, l;dL, df;, rgf, s]/fp,d'uL cflb bfn Pj+ u]8fu'8Lx?Ù h6fd;L, 3Lps'df/L, u'/hf], af]hf], x/f]{, af/f]{,cdnf cflb h:tf h8La6L -cf}ifwLx?_ sf lj?jfx? / cGoq sxL+ pNn]v gePsfcGg jf cGo jfnLx?sf] v]tL ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .t/sf/L, jfujfgL ;DjGwL tyf g;{/L pTkfbg ug{] ls|ofsnfkx?(Growing of vegetable, horticulture specialies and nursary products) - 0112kmnkm"n pTkfbg, k]o kbfy{sf] v]tL / d;nfsf] v]tL ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Growing of fruit, beverage crops and spice crops products) — 0113ag h+unjf6 k|fKt x'g] j:t'x? h:t} ss{, w'kL, ;'ulGwt t]n, sRrf tflk{g lgsfNg];DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Growing of forest products and other wild growing materials such ascork, resine, balsams, etc) — 02000112 t/sf/L v]tL / g;{/L pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?( Growing of vegetables, horticultural specialties and nursery product)v'nf jf sf+rsf] 3/leq jf ljleGg tl/sfn] pTkfbg x''g] ;fu ;AhL, vfg] Rofp,sfpnL, km;L{, sf+qmf], t/j'hf, uf]ne]8f h:tf t/sf/L jfnLx?Ù nK;L, Oldlnt/sf/L jf crf/ vfg] kmnkm"nx?Ù km"n jf ;hfj6sf lj?jfx? -g;{/L_ pTkfbgug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .

0113 kmnkm"n, k]o kbfy{ / d;nf jfnL pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Growing of fruits, nuts, beverage and spice crops);'Gtnf, cfFk, d]jf, cgf/, :ofp, 5f]u8f, c+u'/, sfutL, lga'jf, df};d, cDjf h:tfkmnkm"nx?Ù g/Ljn, cf]v/, ;'kf/L h:tf s8f jf]qmf ePsf kmnx?Ù rLof, skmL,sf]sfljg, kfg h:tf k]o kbfy{x?Ù d/Lr, cn}rL, n;'g, cb'jf, v';f{gL, j];f/,;'s'd]n, hL/f, wlgof cflb h:tf d;nf hGo j:t'sf] v]tL ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .kz' lrlsT;f -e]6]/]g/L sfo{_ jfx]s s[lif, kz'sf] gZn ;'wf/,k|hgg\ ;]jf ;DaGwLsfo{x? ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Agricultural, animal husbandary and breeding service activities exceptveterinary activities) — 0140slkm, lrof / d;fnfsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Processing of coffee, tea and manufacturing of spice) — 1549c+u'/jf6 - cu'/ cGoq pTkfbg ePsf] _/lS; jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?(Manufacture of wine from graps not product by same unit) — 1552012 kz'kfng Joj;fo(Farming of animals_0121 kz'kfng tyf b'Uw pTkfbg ;DjGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Farming of cattles and dairy farming_ufO{, e};L, 3f]8f, vRr/, r}f/L, e]8f, jfv|f, Rof+u|f, cflb h:tf 3/kfn'jfhgfj/x?sf] Joj;foLs jf 3/fo;L ?kdf kfng kf]if0f ug]{, hgfj/x?sf] uf]7tj]nf cflbsf] x]/rfx ug]{, kz' kf]if0f ;DjGwL vfB kbfy{x? h:t} 3/fo;L kz'cfxf/, bfgf cflb tof/ ug]{ tyf b'w pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .kz' lrlsT;f jfx]s s[lif / kz'sf] gZn ;'wf/ ;DaGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Agricultural and husbandary service activities except veterinaryactivities) — 0140bU'w kbfy{ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufecture of dairy products — 15200122 cGoq pNn]v gul/Psf kz' kfng Pj+ kz'hGo j:t'sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?-Other animal farming ; production of animal products n.e.c);'+u'/, v/fof], e'jf ePsf cGo hgfj/x?, s'v'/f, xfF;, j6\6}, nf}sf6 kfng Joj;foug]{, cw{ 3/kfn'jf jf h+unL hgfj/ jf k+IfLx? h:tf )!@! ;d'xdf pNn]vgul/Psf h:t} afFb/, ;'uf, ;f/f}++, uf]xL, Eofu'tf, df]}/L, /]zd ls/f cflbsf] kfngkf]if0f ug]{Ù e'jf jf /f}+ ePsf hgfj/x? jf 3;|g] hgfj/ jf r/fr'?ËLsf] 5fnfpTkfbg -8fd]{li6s_ sfo{ ug]{, kf]N6|L kmd{ ;+rfng ug]{ cflb ls|ofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .013 cGg pTkfbg ;+u ;u} kz'kfng Joj;fo -ldl>t_ ls|ofsnfkx?{Growing of crops combined with farming of animals (mixedfarming)}

0130 cGg pTkfbg;+u ;u} kz' kfng Joj;fo - ld>Lt_{Growing of crops combined with farming of animals (mixedfarming)}s[lif, cGg / kz'kfngsf] sfo{ ldl>t ?kdf ul/g] lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g . cgfh / kz' pTkfbgsf] ldl>t sfo{ ubf{ h'g j:t'sf] sfo{ b'O ltxfO{pTkfbg kl/0ffd -d"Nodf_ eGbf j9L pTkfbg x'G5 eg] ;DjlGwt ls|ofsnfkx?df/fVg] t/ b'O{ ltxfO{ pTkfbg kl/0ffd -d"Nodf_ eGbf sd cGg / kz'kfng sfo{ldl>t ?kdf ul/G5 eg] pQm ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .014 kz' lrlsT;f jfx]s s[lif , kz'sf] gin ;'wf/ / k|hgg\ ;]jf ;DjGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Agricultural, animal husbandry and breeding service activities;except veterinary activities)0140 kz' lrlsT;f jfx]s s[lif ;+alGw ;]jf , kz'sf] gZn ;'wf/ / k|hgg ;]jf ;DjGwLsfd ug] ls|ofsnfk jf Joj;fox?(Agricultural, animal husbandry and breeding service activities(except veterinary activities)z'Ns lno/ jf s/f/df s[lif ;DjGwL cf}hf/x? h:t} xnf], 6ofS6/ skf;jf6 ljofFcnu ug]{, wfg r'6\g] h:tf d]lzgx?sf] ;]jfx? k|bfg ug]{, ls/f / /f]ujf6 v]tLnfOjrfpg] cf}iflw 5g]{ d]lzg tyf ;]jf k|bfg ug]{, jfnL ;'sfpg], ;kmf ug,]{ ljGofpg]-5fGg]_ / Kofs ug]{ ;]jf k|bfg ug]{, s[lifsf] sfd ug]{, >lds cfk"lt{ -7]sbf/L_ ug{],s[lifsf nflu l;+rfOsf] Joj:yf ug]{, kz' pTkfbg j9fpg] sfd ug]{, hgfj/x?sf]x]/rfx, gZn ;'wf/ / k|hgg ;]jf ;DjGwL ;]jf k|bfg -kz' lrsLT;f jfx]s_ ug]{Ùuf]xL, Eofu'tf h:tf 3;|g] hGt'x?sf] k|hgg\ sfo{ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\jg:kltjf6 /];f tof/ ug]{], sk8f j'Gg] / tof/ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Preparation, spinning and weaving of textile) — 1711s[liflj1 / s[lif ljz]if1tf ;DjGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Agronomists and agro- economists activities) — 7414Joj;fo tyf Joj:yfkg ;DaGwL sfo{sf] k/fdz{ ;]jf(Business and management consultant activity ) — 7414kz' lrlsT;f ;DjGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Veterinary activities) — 8520df5f kfng Joj;fo(Fish farming) — 050002 jg ljsf;, bfp/f -d'9f_ sf6\g] / o; ;DjGwL ls|ofsnfkx?-Forestry, logging and related service)020 jg ljsf;, bfp/f -d'9f_ sf6\g] / o; ;DjGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Forestry, logging and related service)0200 jg ljsf;, bfp/f -d'9f_ sf6\g] / o; ;DjGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Forestry, logging and related service)jg nufpg] / x'sf{pg], jg Joj;fo ug]{, jgdf h+unL ?vsf lj?jf <strong>pdf</strong>g]{, cUgL/]vf jgfpg], ;fg]{, uf]8g] / jgsf] ;+/If0f ug]{, jgdf kfOg] h+unL j:t'x? h:t}u'b, sRrf tflk{g, ;fnw'k, jg cf}ifwL -h8Lj'6L_ cflb ;+sng ug]{{, bfp/f sf6\g] /bfp/f ;+sng ug]{ h:tf jg pTkfbg ;DjGwL ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .

BCdf5f kfng Joj;fo -Fishing_05 df5f kfng, df5fsf e'/f pTkfbg / df5fsf] kmd{ ;DjGwL ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ls|ofsnfk jf Joj;fox?-Fishing, operating of fish hatchery and fish farms service activity_050 df5f kfng, df5fsf e'/f pTkfbg / df5fsf] kmd{ ;DjGwL ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ls|ofsnfk jf Joj;fox?-Fishing, operating of fish hatcheries and fish farms service activity)0500 df5f kfng, df5fsf e'/f pTkfbg / df5fsf] kmd{ ;DjGwL ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ sfo{x?jf Jo;fox?-Fishing, operating of fish hatchery and fish farms service activity)Jofj;flos ?kdf gbL jf kf]v/Lx?df df5f kfng Joj;fo ug]{, df5f dfg]{,df5fsf] km'n tyf e'/f pTkfbg -k|hgg_ ug]{, dT:o ljsf; ;DjGwL cGosfo{qmdx? ;~rfng ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .df5fjf6 ag]sf j:t'x?sf] k|zf]wg / ;+/If0f ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Processing and preservising of fish product) — 1512uf]xL, Eofu'tf cflbsf] kfng(Reptile & frog farming) — 0122vfgL tyf pTvgg\ s[ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?( Mining and quarrying)10 sf]Onf, hLjf:d / Peat sf] vfgL ;~rfng ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Mining of Coal and lignite ; extraction of peat101 kYy/ jf d§L sf]Onf pTvgg\ / ;+sng ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Mining and agglomeration of hard coal)1010 kYy/ jf d§L sf]Onf ;+sng jf pTvgg ug{] ls|ofsnfkx?(Mining and agglomeration of hard coal)ljleGg lsl;dsf s8f sf]Onfx? h:t} anthracite, bitumineus / cGo s8fsf]Onf cflbsf] pTvgg ug]{, vfgLjf6 lgsfn]sf sf]Onfsf] ;fOh tof/ ug]{, ;kmfug]{, vfgLjf6 lgsfn]sf j:t'sf] 9'jfgL ug]{, sf]OnfnfO{ ljs]6 jf ;f]ln8 OGwgjgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .102 lnugfO6 -v}/f] sf]Onf _ sf] ;+sng ug]{ pTvgg\ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Mining and agglomeration of lignite)1020 lnugfO6 -v}/f] sf]Onf _ sf] ;+sng ug]{ jf pTvgg\ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfJoj;fox?(Mining and agglomeration of lignite)Lignite -j|fpg sf]Onf_ cflb vfgLjf6 lgsfNg] jf ;+sng ug]{, tL j:t'x? ;kmfug]{, 5fGg], lnUgfO6 j:t'sf] 9'jfgL jf :6f]/ ug]{, ljs]6 agfpg] -cfsf/df Nofpg]_ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .103 lk6 Peat -jg:ktL s'lxP/ OGwgsf] ?kdf k|of]u x'g] a:t'_ sf] ;+sng / vf]bfO{ jfpTvgg, ;+sng ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Extraction and agglomeration of peat )1030 lk6 -jg:ktL s'lxo/ O{Gwgsf] ?kdf k|of]u x'g] j:t' _ sf] pTvgg\ / ;+sng ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? (Extraction and agglomeration of peat)lk6 -hldg d'gL s'lxPsf jg:ktL hf] OGwgsf ?kdf k|of]u x'g] j:t' _ sf] ;+sngug]{, pTvgg\ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .

11 sRrf k]6«f]n / k|fs[lts Uof;sf] pTvgg tyf pTkfbg -;e]{ jfx]s_;]jf k|bfg ug]{ls|ofsnfkx?(Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, service activitiesincidental to oil and gas extraction, excluding surveying )111 sRrf k]6«f]lnod / k|fs[lts Uof; lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx?( Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas)1110 sRrf k]6«f]lnod / k|fs[lts Uof; lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx?( Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas)sRrf t]n, k]6«f]lnod, lj6'ldg, k]6«f]n jf Uof+;sf nflu l8«lnË ug]{, k]6«f]n tyfk|fs[lts Uof+;sf] :6f]/ ug]{ / cf];f/ k;f/ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .t]n / Uof; lgsfNg] ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? -;e]{ jfx]s _(Service activities to oil and gas extraction excluding surveyingindustries) — 1120t]n / UofF; lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lgi7fgx?(Oil and gas extraction service activities or industries) — 1120k]6«f]lnod z'4 jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of refined petrolium products) — 2320/;folgs dn tyf gfO6|f]hg o'Qm of}lus jfx]ssf d'Vo /;fogx?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufacture of basic chemical except fertilizer and nitrozen compound(<strong>Industrial</strong> gas industries) — 2411ejg snf, OlGhlgol/ª snf / o; ;+u ;DjlGwt k/fd;{ ;]jf(Architectural , engineering activities and related technical consultency)— 7421112 k]6«f]lnod / Uo+f; lgsfNg] jf o;;+u ;DjlGwt ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ -;j]{ jfx]s_ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?(Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction excludingsurveying)1120 k]6«f]lnod / Uof; lgsfNg] ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? -;j]{ jfx]s_(Service activities incidental to oil and gas extraction excludingsurveying)z'Ns lnP/ jf s/f/df t]n jf Uof+; lgsfNgsf nflu 8|Llnª, /L–8«Llnª /8«LnLªsf ;fdfg cfk'lt{ ug]{, k]6«f]n tyf UofF;sf] s'jfsf] ;+/I0f ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .ejg snf, OlGhlgol/ª snf / o; ;+u ;DjGwLt k/fd;{ ;]jf(Architectural and engineering activities and related technicalconsultency) — 7421ef}ule{s / e'sDk dfkg ;DaGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Geological and seismic survey) — 742112 o'/]lgod / yf]l/od - /]l8of] wdL{ tTj_ sf] wfpx? pTvgg\ ug}{ s[ofsnfkx?(Mining of Uranium and thorium ore)120 o'/]lgod / yf]l/od - /]l8of] wdL{ tGj_ sf] wfpx? pTvgg\ ug}{ s[ofsnfkx?Mining of Uranium and thorium ore)

1200 o'/]lgod / yf]l/od - /]l8of] wdL{ tTj_ sf] wfpx? pTvgg\ ug}{ s[ofsnfkx?(Mining of Uranium and thorium ore)o'/]lgod, yf]l/od - /]l8of] wdL{ tGj_, kLr Jn}08, s+fr of]}lus sf] wfpx? pTvgg\ug]{ s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .13 wft'sf wfpx?sf] pTvgg jf vf]bfO{ ug]{ ;DjGwL ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Mining of metal ores)131 kmnfdsf] wfpsf] pTvgg\ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? k|lti7fgx?( Mining of iron ore)1310 kmnfdsf] wfpsf] pTvgg\ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?( Mining of iron ore)x]df6fO6, DofUg]6fO6, lndf]gfO6, l;8]/L6 jf 6fsf]gfO6 h:tf kmnfdsf] wfpx?pTvgg -vfgLjf6 lgsfNg]_ ug]{, kmnfdfsf wfp kufNg] ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|tli7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ ./f;folgs / vlgh dnsf vfgL ;+rfng ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Mining of chemical and fertilizer mineral) — 1421132 o'/]lgod, yf]l/d / kmnfd jfx]ssf wft'x? sf] wfp lgsfNg] Pj+ pTvgg\ ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Mining of non-ferrous metal ores, except iron, uranium and thoriumore)1320 kmnfd, o'/]lgod / yf]l/od jfx]ssf cGo u}/ wft'sf wfp lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx?jf Joj;fo(Mining of non-ferrous metal ores, except iron, uranium and thorium ore)u}/ kmnfdhGo wft'x? h:t} cfndf]lgod, tfdf, lz;f, lgsn, lkQn, h:tf, s|f]h,l6g cflb h:tf wft'sf] pTvgg\ ug]{ , DofUg]l;od 606fnd, DofUgf8Lod, sf]jfN6h:tf wft'sf] pTvgg\ ug]{ , jx'd"No wft'x? h:t}M ;'g, rfFbL, tfdf, lkQn,Knf6]lgod cflb wft'x?sf] pTvgg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .cfnd'gf, lgsn / tfdf pTkfbg sfo{(Production of alumuna, matters of nical and cupper) — 272014 cGo vfgL tyf pTvgg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fo(Other mining and quarrying)141 9'uf+, jfn'jf / df6f] lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fo(Quarrying of stone, sand and clay _

1410 9'uf+, jfn'jf / df6f] lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf Jo;fox?-Quarrying of stone, sand and clay):n]6, dfa{n, u]|gfO{6, jf;fN6, 8f]nfdfO6, rs cflb j:t'x? pTvgg\ ug]{, :df/sjf ejg jgfpg s'Fb]sf 9'+uf jgfpg], l;/fldssf nflu df6f]sf] vfgL vGg], 3/;8s jf+w k'n cflb jgfpg 9'+uf,jfn'jf / df6]f, l;/fldS; cflb h:tf j:t'x?lgsfNg], v/L 9'+uf tyf r'g 9'+uf lgsfNg], tftf] / lr;f] ;xg ug]{ u}x| wft'sfj:t'x? lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .g'g lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Salt mining ) — 1422k|fs[lts cnsqf lgsfNg] cGoq pNn]v gePsf vfgL tyf pTvgg ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? .(Natural asphalt other mining and quarrying n.e.c) — 1429df6fsf] tof/L(Processing of clay (Manu. of non-matalic mineralproducts) — 2699142 cGoq pNn]v gePsf vfgL tyf pTvgg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Jo;fo-Mining and quarrying n.e.c.)1421 /f;folgs / vlgh dnvfb ;DjGwL j:t'x? lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Mining of chemical and fertilizer materials_gfO6«f]]hg, kf]6fl;od jf km;km/;, ;Nkm/ (Pyrites and pyrrhotites) gfO6«L6,;f]l8od / k|fs[lts DofUg]l;od, k|fs[lts jfl/od, :6f]lgod, /f;folgs /u+x? Pj+dnvfbx? cflb] pTvgg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .;]Gy]l6s kml6{nfOh/ agfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of synthetic fertilizers) — 2412gfO6«f]]hg sDkfp08 jgfpg] ls||ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of nitrogen compounds)— 24121422 g"g lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Extraction of salt)vfgLjf6 g"g lgsfNg], 5fGg] / k]Ng], jf gbLsf] kfgL ;}fo{ jfliks/0fjf6 ;'sfO g"gpTkfbg ug]{, tfn jf k|s[ltsf] tftf] kfgLjf6 g"g lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .1429 cGoq st} gk/]sf -wfTjLs jf cwflTjs_ j:t'x? lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfk jf Jo;fox?(Mining and quarrying n.e.c.)Dce|s, :kml6s (Quartz), v/L (Talo), kTy/ jf /Tg jf d0fL (gem) l;lns]6,ldg/n, Asbestos, l;nLsg, sfnf] lzzf, ce|v / cGoq st} gk/]sf o:t} cGovlgh j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg / pTvgg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .cf}Bf]lus -k|zf]wg pBf]u_ pTkfbg( Manufacturing)15 vfB tyf k]o kbfy{ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of food product and beverage)

151 df;', kmnkm"n, t/sf/L, jf];f] / t]lno kbfy{sf] pTkfbg, k|zf]wg / ;+/If0f ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Production, processing, preservation of meat, fruit, vegetable, oil andfats)1511 df;' / df;'jf6 jGg] vfB kbfy{sf] pTkfbg, k|zf]wg / ;+/If0f ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Production, processing and preservating of meat and meat products)jwzfnf -Slaughterhouse_ sf] ;+rfng, hgfj/ jf kz'k+IfL -vlz, jf]sf, e]8f,/fFuf], ;'u'/, s'v'/f, xfF;, v/fof] cflb_ sf] jw ug]{, jwzfnfjf6 k|fKt ;x–pTkflbtj:t'x? -By – products_ h:t} 5fnf, xf8, /f}+, l;+u, KjfFv, pmg cflbsf] pTkfbgug]{, df;' ;+/If0fsf] nflu cGo k|zf]wg ug]{ / Koflsª ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .1512 df5f / df5fjf6 tof/ x'g] vfB kbfy{sf] k|zf]wg / ;+/If0f ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?-Processing and preserving of fish and fish products)df5f / df5fjf6 pTkflbt vfB kbfy{x?sf] pTkfbg k|s[of h:t} 3fd jf w'+jfjf6;'sfpg], g"g kfgLjf6 ;'Vvf jgfpg], df5fsf]] df;' ;+/If0f Pj+ k|zf]wg ug]{ jfl8Jjfdf Kofs ug]{{, df5f ld;fj6 u/]sf] cGo vfB kbfy{ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .df5f kfng Joj;fo(Fishing and fish farming) — 05001513 kmnkm"n / ;fu;JhL k|;f]wg / ;+/If0f ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?-Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetable)kfs]sf jf gkfs]sf kmnkm"n tyf t/sf/Lx?nfO{ ;+/If0f ug]{, Soflgª -Canning)ug]{, Kofs ug]{, kmnkm"n jf t/sf/LnfO{ t]ndf 8'jfO{ jf ;'sfP/ jf cldnf]df /fv]/;+/If0f ug]{, k|;f]wg ug]{, hfd h]nL h'; crf/ cflb tof/ ug]{ / To;nfO{ ;+/If0fug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .vfBkbfy{ k|zf]wg ug]{ dLnx?Manufacture of grain mill products — 15311514 jg:klthGo t]n tyf kz'hGo jf];f] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of vegetable and animal oil and fats products)jg:kltsf] jLofF jf kmnx? h:t}M tf]/L, /fo]f, ;/:o"+, c8L/, jbfd, e6\df;,skf;sf] ljof+, gf/]:j/, cfFvft/,] cf]nfOj / cGo vfgx'g] t]lno kmnkm"nx? k]nL -kz' / df5f jfx]s_ t]n lgsfNg]Ù Production of partly hydrogenated oil,dfhf{/Log -vfg]t]n, jf;f], kfgL, b"w ldnfPsf] ksfpg] t]n_ sf] pTkfbg ug]{Ùjf];f,] df5f cflbjf6 t]n lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? . dLnx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .kz'hGo jf];f]nfO{ /LkmfOg ug]{ / ;kmf ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?Rendering and refining of animal fats — 1511ds}sf] t]n pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufacture / Production of corn oil — 1532

152 b"Uw kbfy{ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?-Manufacture of dairy products_1520 b'Uw kbfy{ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?- Manufacture of dairy products _b"w k|zf]wg ug]{ tyf u'0f:t/Lo jgfpg] (Grading and standardizing), b"w5fGg] jf sL6f0f' /lxt jgfpg] jf lr:ofpg] jf k|zf]wg (Filtering chilling andpasteurizng/ sterilizing) ug]{, b"wsf] Kolsª ug]{, w'nf] b"w pTkfbg ug]{, b"wjf6s|Ld, k\mof6, lrh gf}gL, b'?vf, l3p, blx, cfO:s|Ld, ldNs ;'u/, NofS6f] cflbjgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5gt/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .kz'kfng / b"Uw Joj;fo ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Production of raw milk, farming of cattle and dairy farming — 0121153 vfBfGg k|zf]wg ug]{, :6fr{ -vfBfGgsf] df8) ePsf cGo vfB kbfy{ jgfpg] / kz'cfxf/ tof/ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fo(Manufacturing 0f grain mill products, starch and starch productsand prepared animal feeds)1531 vfBfGg k|zf]wg ug]{ ldn . ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of grain mill products)wfg s'6\g] jf rfdndf kfln; ug]{, lrp/f s'6\g] ldnx?, rfdn, ds}, uxF', hf}sf]bf], rgf, kmfk/ cflb vfBfGgx? lkg]/ lk7f] pTkfbg ug]{, u]8fu'8L, jg:klt,ufgf ePsf vfBfGg (Vegetable, leguminous, tuber and edible nuts) lkg]/kL7f] jgfpg], kfp/f]6L, ld7fO, s]s lj:s'6, j|]8, cflbsf nflu kL7f tof/ ug]{,lk7f]nfO{ s|Ld h:t}M d}bf pTkfbg ldn . s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .1532 :6fr{ - df8 cfpg] _ jf :6fr{ hGo j:t'sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?-Manufacturing of starch and starch products)ds}, rfdn, ux', sf]bf,] hf}, cfn', t/sf/L / cGo vfBf kbfy{jf6 :6fr{ -df8_lgsfNg], leh]sf] cGg lkg]/ n]bf] pTkfbg ug]{, Un'sf]h, l;/k pTkfbg ug]{, ds}jf6t]n lgsfNg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .cfn'sf] w'nf] jf rfgf kfg]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?Potato flour mile or chips activities — 1513ldNs ;'u/ pTkfbg ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?Milk sugar — 1520s[lqd dx pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?Artificial honey, caramel and inulin (Manufacture of other foodproduct — 1549

1533 kz' cfxf/ - bfgf _ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fg(Manufacturing of prepared animal feeds)kfNt' hgfj/ tyf kz'k+IfLx? / ljz]ifu/L kmd{df v]tLsf ?kn] kfn]sf kfNt'hgfj/x? h:t} ufO{, e};L, e]8f, jfv|f, 3]f8f, rf}/L, ;+''u'/, v/fof,] r/f, df5fcflbnfO{ Vjfpg] vfgf jf bfgf jgfpg], hgfj/ jf kz'k+IfLsf nflu ljleGglrhx?sf] plrt ;+ld>0f u/L bfgf pTkfbg ug]{, bfgf Kofs ug]{, bfgfsf nflucGo ;xfos j:t' -Intermidiate goods_ tof/ ug]{, bfgfsf] ;+ld>0f tof/ ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .df5fhGo vfB j:t' cGo kz'k+IfLsf] bfgf pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?Production of fish meal for animal feed — 15123/fo;L kz' cfxf/ - kz'kfng tyf b'Uw Joj;fo(Home made animal feed farming of cattle and dairy farming) — 0121154 cGo vfB kbfy{sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacturer of other food products)1541 j]s/L pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacturer of bakery produce)tfhf jf ;'Vvf j]s/Lx?, tfhf kfp/f]6L Pj+ qmLd /f]n, s]s, b'gf]6, lj:s'6 / cGoj]s/Lx? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .vfB kbfy{x?sf] k|zf]wg ug]{ dLnx?Manufacture of grain mill products — 1531Dofsf/f]gL, rfprfp cflb pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufacture of macaroni, noodles and cadcaus — 1544kfp/f]l6, ljis'6, j]s/L sf] nflu kL7f] pTkfbg ug]{ - vfBfGg k|zf]wg ug]{ ldn_Flour of brade, biscuit and bakery ( manu.of grain millproducts — 15311542 lrgL pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacturer of sugar)pv', r'sGb/, d'lunf cflbjf6 lrgL, v'bf], ;Vv/ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .:6f{rjf6 Un'sf]h / cGo lsl;dsf lrgL jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?Manufcture of glucose and other sugar made form starches — 15321543 sf]sf, rSn]6 / ld7fO{ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?-Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and suger confectionary)l;/k jf kfp8/ jf 6\ofjn]6 -9Lsf_ sf] ?kdf tof/ u/]sf]] sf]sf, rsn]6, r'Oud,ld7fO{x? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .1544 Dofs\/f]gL, rfprfp, cflb j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of macaroni, noodle and similar farinaceous)Dos/f]gL, rfprfp, tt\ ;DjGwL vfB kbfy{ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .

1549 cGoq pNn]v gul/Psf vfB kbfy{ Pj+ k]o kbfy{x? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfJoj;fox?(Manufacture of yeast and other food products n.e.c.)slkmsf] u]8f e'6\g], lkGg] / KoflsË ug]{, lrof pTkfbg ug]{ / KoflsË ug]{, km'njf6jGg] vfB kbfy{ tof/ ug]{, cGg df5f df;' b"w ;JhL ldnfP/ jgfPsf] jRrfsf]vfgf pTkfbg ug]{ / KoflsË ug]{, ;'Vvf vfgf jgfO{ Kofs ug]{, s[lqd dx, s'/fpgLOg'lng jgfpg], t/n jf kfp8/ jf 6o\ofAn]6sf] -ul7nf]_ ?kdf ;'k tof/ ug]{,;;]h jgfpg], df5f jf df;'sf] ;'k cflb / cGoq pNn]v gePsf vfB jf k]okbfy{x? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox? o; ;d'xdf kb{5gt/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .d;nf, lrof, skmL cflbsf] v]tL ;DjlGw s[ofsnfkx?(Production of spaice, tea and coffee (Growing of fruits, nuts beverasgeand spice crops) — 0113155 k]o kbfy{sf] pTkfbg ug{] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacturing of beverage)1551 /S;L jgfpg], ;+ld>0f ug]{, :kL/L6 jgfpg], o:t} cGo j:t' s'xfP/ OyfOncnsf]xnsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?-Distilling, rectifying and blending of sprits, ethyl alcohol productionfrom fermented metrials)cNsf]xn hGo k]o kbfy{x? h:t} JxL:sL, j|f08L, /S;L nufot cGo -ljleGg k]okbfy{x? ld;fP/ jgfPsf] ld:s6_ k]o kbfy{ jgfpg], lnSjfP/ -s8f /S;L_ :ofp,gf;kftL cflbjf6 jGg] /S;L jf cGo /S;L hGo k]o kbfy{x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{,/S;Lsf] Kofls8 / ;+/If0f ug]{, :kLl/6 jgfpg] jf k|zf]wg ug]{, /S;L pTkfbg x'g]jg:ktLsf] ;+ld>0f ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .c+u'/jf6 /S;L jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Wine of fresh grapes including fortifided wine) — 1552hfF8 jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?(Formented but not distilled alcohalic beverage) — 1552ljo/ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Brewing of malt liquor (Bear) — 1553hf+8 jf /lS;nfO{ yf]s ljqmL ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?Performed as a part of buying and selling at wholesale) — 7495jf]tndf n]jn nufpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Merely bottling and lablelling distilled liquor) — 51221552 c+u'/jf6 /S;L -jfOg_ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of wine from grapes)c+u'/ jf6 /S;L -jfOg_ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\hf} jf cGo j:t' jf6 jLo/ jgfpg] s[ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of brewing of malt liquors) — 1553

1553 hf} jf cGg s'xfO{ hfF8 -ljo/_ pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u k|lti7fg jf lqmofsnfkx?(Manufacture of malt liquors and malt)xNsf lsl;dsf] dlb/f pTkfbg h:t} hf}, cGg s'xfO{ hfF8 jf aLo/ jgfpg];DjGwL a|'c/L s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut/flvPsf] 5 .1554 xNsf k]o kbfy{ / ldg/n jf6/sf] pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u k|lti7fg jf lqmofsnfkx?(Manufacture of soft drinks and prouduction of mineral water)xNsf lsl;dsf] k]o kbfy{sf] pTkfbg h:t} sf]s, dL/L08f, tyf dLg/n jf6/cflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{ lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .16 ;"lt{hGo kbfy{sf] pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u k|lti7fg jf lqmofsnfkx?-Manufacture of tobacco products)160 ;"lt{hGo kbfy{sf] pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u k|lti7fg jf lqmofsnfkx?-Manufacture of tobacco products)1600 ;"lt{hGo kbfy{sf] pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u÷k|lti7fg jf lqmofsnfkx?-Manufacture of tobacco products)r'/f]6, ljF8L, tdfv', v}gL cflb h:tf ;'tL{ hGo ;fdfu|L pTkfbg ug]{ s+kgL,sf/vfgf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\;"tL{sf] v]lt / To;sf] k|f/lDes sfo{ ug]{ lsofsnfkx?Productionof tobacco and primary work) - 011317 sk8fsf] pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u k|lti7fg jf lqmofsnfkx?(Manufacture of textiles)171 sfTg], j'Gg], sk8fnfO{ lkmlgl;ª ug]{ pBf]u k|lti7fg jf lqmofsnfkx?(Spinning,weaving and finishing of textile)

1711 sk8fsf] wfuf] sfTg], wfuf] tof/ ug]{ - /+ufpg] w'g] _ / sk8f j'Gg] pBf]u k|lti7fgjf lqmofsnfkx?(Preparations and spinning of textile fiber, weaving of textile)skf;, /]zd, h'6, kf6, gfOng /]zf, sfuh OToflbjf6 wfuf] pTkfbg ug]{ tyfwfuf]nfO{ w'g], ;kmf ug]{, /+ufpg], ;'sfpg], sfuhsf] wfuf] jf /]zf pTkfbg ug]{,ljz]if lsl;dsf /]zf (fabrics) h:t} d;Lgf] kftnf] e]ne]6sf] /]zf, ?dfn j'Gg]/]zf, ;'tL jf ;LNssf] g/d d;Lgf] /]zfsf] pTkfbg ug]{ jf v]/ uPsf j:t'x?(wastage material) jf6 k'gM k|zf]wg u/L wfuf] jf /]zf tof/ ug]{, wfuf] jf/]zfjf6 sk8f pTkfbg ug]{ s+kgL, sf/vfgf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .h'6 ;DjGwL j:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ lsofsnfkx?(Production of jute, flax and coir) — 0111sk8fnfO{ clGtd ?k lbg] lsofsnfkx?(Finishing of textile) — 1712sfk]{6 tyf /u -/f8L kfvL_ jgfpg] sfo{x? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of carpet and rug) — 1722Unf;, kmfOj/ jgfpg] lsofsnfkx?(Manufacture of glass fiber) — 2610P;j];6;sf] /];f sfTg] s[ofsnfkx?(Spinning of yarn of asbestos) — 26991712 sk8fsf] kmLgL;LË ;+jGwL lsofsnfkx?(Finishing of textiles)sk8fnfO{ kmLgL;LË ug]{ sfo{ h:t} /+ufpg], zJb jf lrq 5fKg], rDsfpg]sk8fnfO{ w'g], k6\ofpg] jf Kofs ug]{, j'g]sf] sk8f vl/b u/L kmLgL;LËsf] sfo{cnUu} ug]{ jf o:tf] sfo{ z'Ns nLO{ jf s/f/sf] cfwf/df ug]{ s+kgL, sf/vfgf jfo;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .k|fljlws k|of]usf nflu sk8f tof/ ug]{(Manufacture of other textile articles for technical use) – 1729172 cGo sk8fsf] pTkfbg ug]{ lsofsnfkx?(Manufacture of other textiles)

1721 klx/g] kf]zfs jfx]s cGo tof/L sk8f pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u k|lti7fg jflqmofsnfkx?(Manufacture of made- up textile articales except apparels)lj:tf/fdf k|of]u x'g] sk8fx? h:t} sDdn, cf]8\g] /u, Jnf+s]6, l;/s, l;/fgL,8;gf, :nLkLª Jofu, O{Toflb jgfpg] tyf 9fSg 5]Sg k|of]u x'g] j:t'x? h:t}sf/ 5f]Kg] kfn, lqkfn, kbf{, knËsf] emNnf, tGgf, ;n OToflb jgfpg] / cGoj:t'x? h:t} ;fo/, Jofg/, nfOkm Hofs]6, Kof/fz'6, em08f OToflb jgfpg] jfo:tf] sfo{ z'Ns nLO{ jf s/f/sf] cfwf/df ug]{ s+kgL, sf/vfgf jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\l;nfO tyf j'gfOjf6 sk8f j'Gg] lsofsnfkx?(Manufacture of knitting and croched fabrics and articals) – 1730k|fljlws k|of]usf nflu sk8f tof/ ug]{ -cGoq pNn]v gePsf sk8f jgfpg]_lsofsnfkx?(Manufacture of other textile articles for technical use) – 17291722 sfk]{6 tyf /u -/f8LkfvL_ pTkfbg ug]{]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of carpet and rug)e'O{df cf}R5\ofpg] j:t'x? h:t} h'6, gl/jnsf] h6f, pgL jf ;'tL wfuf] jf gfOngjf cGo /]zfjf6 tof/ u/LPsf] sfk]{6, /u, Dof6 cflb pTkfbg ug]{ s+kgL,sf/vfgf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .ss{, jfF;, /j/ / Knfl:6ssf j:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u k|lti7fg jflqmofsnfkx?(Cork, bamboo, rubber and plastic material) — 2029lngf]lnod pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u k|lti7fg jf lqmofsnfkx?(Manufacturer of linoleum) —3699cGo /a/ hGo j:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of other rubber material) — 2519Knfli6ssf j:t'x? tof/ ug]]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of plastics material) — 25201723 n7\7f,8f]/L / ufF7 jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?(Manufacture of rope, twine and nitting)8f]/L, hfnL jgfpg], h'6 jf ;'tnL jf ;fgf d;Lgf 8f]/Ljf6 7"nf df]6f] 8f]/Ljgfpg], gfDnf], bfDnf], df5f dfg]{ hfnL cflb agfpg]÷pTkfbg ug]{ sf/vfgf jfo;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .skfnsf] ufF7f] jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of hair nets — 1810;'s'n, 8f]sf] ,esf/L ,sf7sf efF8f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? .Manufacture of straw mate , basket , bamboo and wodden article -2029v]ndf k|of]u x'g] hfnL jGg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacturing of nets used in sports — 3693

1729 cGoq pNN]v gePsf sk8f pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?-Manufacture of other textile)l8eLhg !& / !* df pNn]v gePsf cGo sk8fsf ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} n]jn, Jofrjf ljNnf (badges)sf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] pkfbg ug]{, k|fljlws sfo{sf nflu k|of]u u/Lg]cGo sk8fsf ;fdfu|Lx? jf cGo ljz]if k|sf/sf /]zf jf Sofgef;sf] sk8f jfcGo j:t'x? h:t} uxgfsf ?kdf k|of]u ug]{ wfuf]÷/Ljg, ODj|fO8/L, wft'sf] wfuf]jf tf/n] jgfPsf] lkmQf jf KNffl:6ssf] wfuf] cflb pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u jf sf/vfgfjf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .173 l;nfO tyf j'gfOjf6 sk8f tof/ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?-Manufacture of knitted and crochted fabrics and articles)1730 l;nfO tyf j'gfOjf6 sk8f tof/ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?-Manufacture of knitted and crochted fabrics and articles)xft] d]zLg jf ;Lof] jf cGo ;LnfO{ j'gfO{sf ;fwgjf6 tof/ u/LPsf sk8fx?h:t} hfnL, :jL6/, 6Lz6{, h;L{ cflb a'Gg]Ù tof/L sk8fdf h:t} tGgf, ;L/fgLsf]vf]n, rs6L cflbdf km]a|Ls k]lG6Ë ug]{Ù xf]hLof/Lsf sk8f h:t} :jL6/, 6Lz6{,h;L{, df]hf cflb a'Gg]Ù tfg nufP/ jf ;Lof]n] j'g]/ jf sk8fdf j'6\6f /fvL tof/u/Lg] sk8fx? h:t} 9fsfsf] sk8f, k:dLgfsf] sk8f cflb pTkfbg ug]{lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .d]l8sn, ;hL{sn cyf]{k]l8s sk8f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of medical, surgical & orthopedic appliances) — 331118 nufpg] kf]zfssf] pTkfbg, e'jfbf/ kf]zfssf] sf65fF6 / /+u /f]ug ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?-Manufacture of wearing apprel, dressing and dyeing)181 e'jfbf/ kf]zfs jfx]s cGo kf]zfssf] pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fg jf lqmofsnfkx?(Manufacture of wearing apparal except fur apparal)1810 e'jfbf/ kf]zfs jfx]s cGo kf]zfssf] pTkfbg ug]{ qm[ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of wearing apparal except fur apparel)km]la|s, a'g]sf] sk8f, cGo sk8f, n]b/, ;Lgy]6Ls cflbjf6 k/Dk/fut jf cfw'lgsjf Joj;flos ?kdf kf]zfsx? sl6Ë jf l8hfog u/L skfndf nufpg] hfnL, jfr'N7f], skfndf jf6\g] 8f]/L tyf cGo kf]zfsx? h:t} Xof6, 6f]kL, 6fO{, sf]6, kGhf,;n, df]hf, rf]nf,] ;6{, hfs]6, ;6{kfOG6 cflb jf 5fnfsf] kf]zfsx? l;nfO{ jfcGo ls;Ldn] tof/ ug]{ pBf]u jf 6]n/ jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .sk8fx? /Ëfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Dying of textile — 1730h'Qf jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufacture of footwear — 1920JolQmut jf 3/fo;L ;fdfgsf] dd{t ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?Repair of personsl and household goods — 5260182 e'jfbf/ kf]zfssf] /+u/f]ug / sf65Ff6 ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Dressing and dyeing of fur manufacture of articles of fur)

1820 e'jfbf/ kf]zfssf] /+u/f]ug / sf65Ff6 ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?(Dressing and dyeing of fur ; manufacture of articles of fur)e"jfbf/ sk8f jf e'jf ;xLtsf] 5fnfsf] pTkfbg ug]{ tyf 5fnfjf6 8«]; h:t}Hofs]6, 6f]kL, Dof6, /u cflb tof/ ug]{ jf s[ltd e'jf tyf To:tf] e'jfsf;fdfu|Lx? h:t} Hofs]6, 6f]kL, Dof6, /u, cflb tof/ ug]{ tyf cGo sfo{ h:t}e'jfbf/ sk8f jf 5fnfsf ;fdfu|Lx? w'g], kvfNg], sf6\g], sf6L dLnfpg], x6fpg],kfnLz nufpg,] rDsfpg] cflb sfo{ ug]{ pBf]u jf 6]n/ jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\e'jfbf/ kz' kfng ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Furskin animal farming) — 0122jwzfn ;+rfng ug] { ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?(Activity of slaughtering) — 1511h'Qf jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of footwear) — 192019 5fnfsf] /+u /f]ug Pj+ sf65fF6 ug]{, 5fnfsf] afs;, xft] Jofu / o:t} cGo;fdfgx? h:t} 3f]8fsf] sf+7L Pj+ h'Qfx? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfk jf Joj;fox?(Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage handbag suitcase and saddlery, harness and footwear)191 5fnfsf] /+u /f]ug Pj+ sf65fF6 ug]{, 5fnfsf] afs;, xft] Jofu / o:t} cGo;fdfgx? h:t} 3f]8fsf] sf+7L Pj+ ljz]if h'Qfx? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfJoj;fox?(Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage handbag suitcase and saddlery, harness and footwear)1911 5fnfsf] /+u /f]ug Pj+ sf65fF6 ug]{]{ ls|ofsnfk jf Joj;fo(Tanning and dressing of leather)192ljleGg vlgh jf /;fogsf] k|of]u u/L ljleGg kz'k+IfLsf] 5fnf 8«]l;Ë ug]{,5fnfnfO{ sf65fF6 jf /+u/f]ug (Tanning and Dressing) ug]{, 5fnfjf6 /]zf jfwfuf] pTkfbg ug]{, 5fnfsf] ;L6 tof/ ug]{ pBf]u jf 8fO{Ë ;]G6/ jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .kz'sf] jw u/L 5fnfsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Slaughterhouse production of hide and skin) — 15115fnfsf kf]zfsx? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacturing of leather apparal) — 1810e"jfbf/ 5fnf jf sk8fsf] /+u/f]ug Pj+ sf+65fF6 ug]{ sfo{(Tanning and dressing of fur) — 18201912 5fnfsf] Jofu, ;'6s]z, Xof08 Jofu, sf+6L cflb jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of luggage, handbags, and the like, addlery and harness)5fnfsf ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} emf]nf, ;'6s]z, Xof08 Jofu, v]ns'b ;fdfu|L, k]6L,38Lsf] j]08 OToflbsf] pTkfbgsf] sfo{, 5fnfsf j:t' jf 5fnf ld;fO{ ljleGg;fdfgx? pTkfbg ug]{ sfo{, 5fnfsf h:t} b]vLg] ;fdfg h:t} sk8f, Knfl:6s,6]S;6fon, /j/, k]k/jf]8{ cflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{ pBf]u jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .

1920 h'Qf pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of footwear)5fnf, Knfl:6s, sf7, /j/, ;]Gy]l6s, 6]S;6fon, cflbnfO{s6LË ug]{, l;pg], 6fF:g]hdfpg], ;fFrf]df 9fNg] u/L h'Qf jf rKkn jf j'6 jgfpg] jf h'Qf rKknsf;xfos ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} ;f]n, kmLQf jgfpg] pBf]u jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .;f]n ljgfsf] h'Qf rKknsf] pTkfbgsf] sfo{(Manufacture of footwear of textile material without applied soles)-1730P;j;6;sf] - l;nsg wft'sf /];f _ h'Qf tof/ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of footware of asbestos) — 2699cyf]{k]l8s h'Qfx? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?( Manufacture of orthopaedic shoes) — 331120 kmlg{r/ -3/]n' kmlg{r/_, k/fn Pj+ 5\jfnL jf6 lgld{t j:t'x? jfx]s sf7 jf sf7k|of]u ePsf j:t'x? / ss{ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, exceptfurniture; manufacture of articles and straw and plaiting material)201 sf7 lrg]{ / /0bf nufpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Sawmilling and plaiting of wood)2010 sf7 lrg]{ / /0bf nufpg] -lrKnf] kfg]{_ ls|ofsnfkx? jf Joj;fox?(Sawmilling and plaiting of wood)sf7sf] d'9fnfO{ lrg]{ / lglZrt cfsf/df Nofpg], sf7 lrNnf] jgfpg], sf7sf6's|fnfO{ cGo sfo{sf] nfuL k|of]u of]Uo jgfpg], sf7sf ;fdfg jgfpg], KnfO{ p8Pj+ sf8{jf]8{ jgfpg], sf7df ls/f gnfuf]; egL /;fog cf}ifwLjf6 pkrf/ ug]{,sf7sf] ;fdfg, 6's|f, w'nf] jgfpg] sfo{ ug]{ pBf]u jf ;–dLn jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .202 sf7sf j:t'x?, ss{, k/fn, 5\jfnL jf6 c]f5\ofpg] j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of products of wood, cork, straw and plaiting meterial_2021 kftnf sf7sf kmNofsx?, KnfOp8, n]ldg jf]8sf 6's|fx? ldnfP/ jf]8{ agfpg],km|]d jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of veneer sheets, plywoods lamin board and other panelsand boards product)sf7sf kftnf kmNofsx? KnfOp8 jgfpg], n]ldg]6sf8{ h:tf kftnf] sf7 ;fdfu|L(thin wooden sheet) jgfpg], kftnf] sf7sf 6'qmf ldnfP/ jf]8{ jgfpg] pBf]u jfo;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .2022 sf7 hf]8]/ sf7sf ljleGg k|sf/sf -kmlg{r/ jfx]s_ ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?jf k|ltli7fgx?(Manufacture of builders carpentry and joinary)sf7sf] em\ofn, 9f]sf, sf7sf] ;6/, sf7sf] ¥ofs, zf] s]z, e/ofFª, /]lnª, s7jf/,lkmSr/ cflb jgfpg] pBf]u jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'xcGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .

2023 sf7sf efF8fx? jf sf7sf jfs; jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of wooden container);fdfgx? Kofs ug]{ sf7sf] jS;, qm]6, 8«d jgfpg] tyf ;fdfg Kofs ug]{ cGosf7sf ;fdfg jgfpg] pBf]u jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'xcGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .2029 sf7sf cGo j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg, ss{, jf+;, k/fn jf 5jfnL / u'Gb|L jf ;'s"njgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of other products of wood cork, bamboo, straw andplaiting material)sf7, ss{, /a/, jfF;, Knfli6ssf j:t'x? h:t} sf7sf] cf/L, sf7sf] ljsf]{, 7]sL,lj+8, sf7sf h'Qf s'6f] jf sf]bfnf], lkssf] lj+8, 8f]sf, gfªnf], esf/L, 3'd cfbLh:tf ;fdfg jgfpg] jf sf7sf uxgf, XofËu/ k|m]d, efG5fdf sfd nfUg] sf7sfef+8f jgfpg] jf v/ k/fn (straw) cflbjf6 u'Gb|L, rs6L, ;'s'n, k]k/ jf]8{ cflbjgfpg] Joj;fo jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf]5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .sf7sf] n7\7L jf 5tfsf] 808L jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of other goods (wooden stick, handle of umbrella) - 3699sf7sf snfTds ;[ªf/sf j:t'x? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of other goods (imitation jewellery) - 369921 sfuh / sfuh hGo j:t' pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf kl|ti7fgx?(Manufacture of paper and paper product)210 sfuh / sfuh hGo j:t' pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf kl|ti7fgx?(Manufacture of paper and paper product)2101 kNk, sfuh / sfuhsf] jf]8{ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf kl|ti7fgx?(Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper board)sf7, sfuh jf v]/ uPsf sfuhjf6 /f;folgs jf ofGqLs k|s[of4f/f k|zf]wg u/Lsfuh jgfpg] sRrf kbfy{ -kNk_ jgfpg], o:tf] kNksf] k|of]u u/L sfuh, s]f6]8k]k/, g]kfnL sfuh, cvjf/L sfuh jf jf]8{ k]k/ jgfpg], o:tf] d]zLgsf] ;+rfngug]{, k]k/jf]8{, sf6'{g O{Toflb KoflsË ug]{ jf cGo lsl;dsf] sfuhsf] pTkfbg ug]{{jgfpg] pBf]u jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf]5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\sf]/f]u]6]8 k]k/ agfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of corrugated paper — 2102ss{ ;'s'n, 8f]sf], kNk; k]k/ / k]k/jf]8{jf6 cGo j:t'x? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Articcls of cork, straw, wicker work, pulp, paper and paper board –2029

2102 afSn]f sfuhsf kftfx?, sfuhsf af]8{x? / sfuhsf Kofs ug]{ aS; jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx? Joj;fox?(Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and containers ofpaper and paperboard ) -2029j'§]bf/ sfuh Pj+ To:tf sfuhsf kftf (sheet)x?, j'§]bf/ sfuhsf jS;, Jofu,jS; kmfPn cflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{{ pBf]u jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .vfd / k]k/ jf]8 jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of envelops and paperboard — 21092109 sfuhsf cGo j:t'x? / sfuhsf cGo ;fdfgx? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard)sfj{g k]k/, 6«]l;Ë k]k/, slk ug{ x'g] k]k/, n]6/ sf8{, vfd, kf]i6 sf8{ / lrl7k7fpg] /fd|f] sfuh, 6\jfOn]6 k]k/, sfuhsf lkmN6/, sfuhsf] ?dfn, sfuhsf]g]ksLg, sfuhsf] l/sfkL, sk Kn]6 cflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{{ pBf]u jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .22 /]s8{ ul/Psf ;fdu|Lx?sf] 5kfO{ / k'g k|sfzg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?-Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media)221 k|sfzg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Publishing)2211 k':ts, k'l:tsf / ;+uLtsf k':tsx? / cGo s[ltx? k|sflzt ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Publishing of books, brochures, musical books, and other publication);fwf/0f k':tsx?, kf7\ok':tsx?, P6n;, gS;f, k'l:tsf kDKn]6, ;+uLtsfk':tsx? / cGo k|sfzgx? k|sflzt ug]{ k|sfzg ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .2212 kq kqLsf, hg{n / cGo lkl/of]l8snx? k|sflzt ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx?(Publishing of news paper, journal and periodicals);fwf/0f jf Jofkfl/s k|sf/sf ;dfrf/ kq, ;"rgf kqx?, b}lgs jf ;fKtfxLs jfkfIfLs kqklqsf, cvjf/, k|fljlws jf Jofkfl/s ;"rgf klqsf, sdLS; sf6'{glrq cflbsf] k|sfzg ug]{ k|sfzg ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .2213 /]s8{ u/]sf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] k|sfzg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? Joj;fox?(Publishing of recorded media)/]s8{ u/LPsf sfo{s|dx? k|sfzg ug]{ h:t}M cl8of] Sof;]6x? cflbsf] k|sfzg ug]{;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; cGtu{t kb}{gg .rnlrq tyf lel8of] 6]k k|sfzg ug]{(Publishing of motion pictures & video tapes) -9211sDKo"6/ ;km\6j]/sf] k|sfzg ug]{ .(Publishing of computer software) –7220

2219 cGo k|sfzg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Other publication)kmf]6f], kf]i6 sf8{, kmd{, j'§f, lrq, kfqf],;do tflnsf, Sof]n08/ nufot cGo5flkPsf j:t'x?sf] k|sfzg ug]{ k|sfzg ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .222 5kfO{ ;DaGwL sfo{ ;+rfng ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Printing and service activities)2221 5kfO{ ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Printing)5kfO{ ;+jGwL sfo{x? h:t}M cvjf/, kqklqsf, lstfjx?, kDKn]6, gSzf kf]i6/Sof6nu, x'nfs l6s6, /fhZj cfo l6s6, r]s, gf]6 5fKg], (Security Printing)Pnjd tyf 8fo/L cflb 5fkfO{ ug]{] ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .2222 5kfO{ ;DaGwL cGo sfd ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Service activities related to printing)5kfO{;+u ;+jlGwt cGo sfo{x? h:t} 6fOk jf sDkf]h ug]{ ;fdfg pTkfbg ug]{,lk|G6LË Kn]6 jf l;ln08/ tof/ ug]{, On]S6«f] 6fOlkË / 5fKg] kftfx? jgfpg], 5kfO{sfo{df ;xof]u k'Øfpg] / 5fkfO{nfO{ ;xof]u k'Øfpg] ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .223 /]s8{ ul/Psf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] k'g k||sfzg ug{] ls|ofsnfkx?(Reproduction of recorded media)2230 /]s8{ ul/Psf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] k'g k||sfzg ug{] ls|ofsnfkx?(Reproduction of recorded media)k'gM k|sfzg ug]{ sfo{x? h:t} dfi6/ slkjf6 /]s8{ ptfg]{, >Jo b[Zo 6]k lgsfNg],tyf cGo sfo{x? h:t} sDKo"6/ 6]k lgsfNg], k\nkL, xf8{ l8:s, sDKofS6 l8:ssf]k'g pTkfbg ug]{, lkmNd 8'lKns]l6Ë ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .dWod jf dfi6/ /]s8{ ug]{ / cGo dgf]/+hgfTds sfo{ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?Production of intermediate and master record and recreationalactivity — 924923 vFlbnf] sf]O{nf, k|zf]lwt k]6«lnod kbfy{ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of coke, refined fuel petroleum)232 k|zf]lwt k]6|lnod ;fdfu|L pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of refined petroleum product)2320 k|zf]lwt k]6«f]lnod ;fdfu|L pTkfbg ug]{] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of refined petroleum product)k]6«f]nLod kbfy{sf] /LkmfO{g ug]{ sfo{x? h:t} s|'8 cfonjf6 UofF; jf t/n OGwg,z'4 n'lj|s]6Lª jf On'ldg]l6ª cfon lgsfNg] tyf cGo sfo{x? h:t} Kof/fkmLgjfS; lgsfNg] k|zf]lwt k]6«f]lnod ;fdfu|L jgfpg] ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .24 /;fog / /;folgs j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of chemical and chemical product)241 cfwf/e"t /;folgs j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of chemical and chemical product)

2411 dn tyf gfO6«f]]hg o'Qm of}lus jfx]ssfÙ cfwf/e"t /;fogx?sf] pTkfbg ug]{k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of basic chemical, except fertilizer and nitrozen compond)d'Vo /;fogx? h:t} P;]l6s Pj Og/h]lgs Pl;8, cf}Bf]lus UofF;, UofF;sftTjx?, Go"NsLo/ kmo"nsf] of}lus, lkmgf]lng cNsf]xn, jg:klt Pj+ kz'hGoj:t'nfO{ /+ufpg] /+u, ;]Gy]l6s 6]lgª OToflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ ./f;folgs dn / gfO6«f]hg sDkfp08sf] pTkfbg ug]{Manufacture of fertilizer and nitrozen compound —24122412 /;folgs dn / gfO6«f]]hg o'Qm of}lussf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of fertilizer and nitrozen compond)/f;fogLs dn h:t} 8«fO{ o'/Lof, gfO6«f]hg sDkfp8, km;km]6, kf]6f;, gfO{6«f]hgldl>t cGo /f;fogLs dn h:t} gfOl6«s Plz8, Pdf]lgof, Pdf]lgofd Snf]/fO8,kf]6f;Lod Snf]/fO8 OToflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ ./;folgs / vlgh dnsf] pTvgg\ ug]{ lqmofsnfkx?Mining of chemical and fertilizer minarals — 1421ls6gf;s / s[lif /;fog j:t' pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of pesticide and agro-chemical products - 24212413 k|f/DeLs ?ksf] Knfli6s / ;]Gy]l6s /a/ pTkfbg ug]{ sfo{x?(Manufacture of plstics in primary and of synthetic rubbers)k|f/DeLs ?ksf] Knfli6s, kf]lnsfjf]{g]6, k|f/lDes kf]lndf/, ;]Gy]l6s /a/, k|fs[lts/a/sf] ;+ld>0f OToflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .242 cGo /f;folgs j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of other chemical product)2421 ls6gf;s cf}iflw / cGo s[lifhGo /;fogx?sf] pTkfbg ug]{(Manufacuter of pesticides and other agro chemical products)ls6gf;s cf}iflw / cGo s[lif hGo /;fog pTkfbg ug]{ OToflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .

2422 /+ux?, jflg{; tyf o:t} cGo ;tx 9fSg] j:t'x?, 5kfO{ ug]{ d;L, / vf]6f] pTkfbgug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of paints varnishes and similar coating printing ink andmastics product)/+u /f]ug;+u ;+jlGwt /;fogx? h:t} /+u, jflg{;, Ogfd]n, snfsf/n] k|of]u ug]{d;L, vf]6f],rs, kmLnLË Ogk'6, 5kfO{ ug]{ 6f]g/, d;L OToflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{Ù /+up8fpg], x6fpg] /;fog OToflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .n]Vg] / 8«f]OË ug]{ dl;sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of writing and drawing ink — 24292423 /;folgs cf}iflwx?, cf}iflw jgfpg] /;fogx? / cGo jg:klthGo cf}ifwLx?pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?-Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemicals and botanicalproducts)/f;fogLs cf}ifwLsf] pTkfbg sfo{ h:t} SofK;'n, 6\ofjn]6, l;/km, kfp8/,;lh{sn 8«]l;Ë, Jof08]h, bfFtdf /fVg] l;d]G6,P06Ljfof]l6s, le6fldg, cf}ifwLjgfpg] /f;folgs kbfy{Ù jg:ktL, /f;folgs ?kdf z'4 lrgLÙ ljleGg h8La'6Ljf6jGg] cf}ifwLx? -cfo"j]{lbs_ OToflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .2424 ;fj'g tyf l86/h]06, ;/;kmfO{ / kfln; ug]{ j:t'x? / ;'ulGwt Pj+ 6\jfOn]6sfj:t' pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?-Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishingpreparation, perfumes and toilate preparation)7f]; jf emf]n ;fj'g, 6'y k]i6, :ofDkm', ;kmfO{ ;fdfu|L h:t} /f;folgs kbfy{x?h:t} Nsf]l/g, kf]6f; cflb pTkfbg ug]{, sf]7f ;hfpg] jf ;'ulGwt j:t'x? h:t}d}g, bfu d]6fpg] kfp8/Ù uLn;L/Lg, cQ/, d]scksf cGo ;fdgx?, d'v / bfFtdfnufpg] j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{, kfln;x? h:t} h'Qf jf gªdf nufpg] kfnL;pTkfbg ug]{ OToflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .t]n -pBf]un] k|of]u ug]{_ l/kmfOg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufacture of oil (use in industry) refining — 24292429 cGoq pNn]v gu/]sf /;folgs j:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of other chemical product n.e.c.)cGo /;fogx? h:t} ljikm]f6s kbfy{x?, lhn]l6g, jf?b, jfPN8Lª ug]{ j:tx?ÙpBf]ux?n] k|of]u ug]{ /f;folgs t]n, kmf]6f] w'nfpg] /;fog, kmf]6f]u|flkms lkmNd,n]Vg] / 5fKg] d;L, k|zf]lwt g"g OToflbsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .243 s[lqd /]zfx?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of artificial fibre)

2430 s[lqd /]zfx?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of man-made fibre)s[lqd /]zfx? h:t} /;folgs k|s[ofjf6 s[ltd ?kdf /]zf k}bf u/L s[lqd /]zftof/ ug]{ sfo{ h:t} ;]Gy]l6s, NffOgg -gfOng_, kf]lni6/ cflbsf] /]zf pTkfbg ug]{;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfk? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g\ .25 /a/ jf Knfli6ssf ;fdfu|L pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of rubber and plastic products)251 /a/ hGo j:t'sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of rubber producs)2511 /a/sf 6fo/ / 6\o"jsf] pTkfbg ug]{, /a/ 6fo/sf] kl/dfh{g jf /L–;f]nLª ug]{ /k'g lgdf{0f ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes retreading and rebuilding ofrubber tyres7"nf OSo"Kd]G6 tyf df]jfO{n ;jf/Lsf ;fwgx? h:t} j'N8f]h/, 8f]h/, /f]n/ cflbsf]6fP/ ;f]lnª ug]{, 6fP/ jgfpg]Ù df]6/, df]6/ ;fOsn, 6«s xjfOhxfh cflbsf]6fo/ tyf 6\o"jx? jgfpg], 6fo/sf] kl/dfh{g / /L–;f]lnª ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .2519 cGo /a/ hGo j:t'x?sf]] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of other rubber products)6fo/ / 6\o"j jfx]s cGoq pNn]v gul/Psf /a/jf6 jGg] j:t'x? h:t} /j/dfuGws ld;fP/ / gld;fO{ jgfPsf s8f k|fs[lts /j/, ud, ;]Gy]l6s pTkfbg,kfO{k, h'Qfsf] tn'jf, j]N6, cf}iflw -lkmlhof] y]/fkL_ sf] nfuL k|of]u x'g] /j/sf;fdfgx?, /j/, sfk]{6 cflb j:t' x? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .252 Knfli6ssf ;fdfg pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of plastics product)2520 Knfli6ssf ;fdfg pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of plastics product)Knf:6Lssf uxgf, ;kmfO / jfy?ddf k|of]u x'g] ;fdfgx? Knfli6s aS;, af]/f,emf]nf cflb agfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .Knfli6ssf h'Qf jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufacture of plastic footwear —1920d]l8sn, ;lh{sn / 8]06nsf] sfddf k|of]u x'g] Knfli6ssf ;fdfg pTkfbg ug]{ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of madical, surgical and dental of plastic good — 331126 u}x| wfTjLs vlghx? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of other non - metalic minaral product)261 lzzf / lzzf hGo j:t'sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of glass product)

2610 lzzf / lzzf hGo j:t'sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of glass product)lzzfsf jf sfFrsf kf/bzL{ ef8fs'8fx?, ˆo"h l;lnsf, lzzfsf 6\o"j, kfO{k, Kn]6jf l;6x?,efG5f, jfy?d, sfof{no, k|of]uzfnf cflbdf k|of]u x'g] lzzfsf;fdfgx?, cf}iflw /fVg] lzzfsf Pj+ sfFrsf jf]6nx?, lzzfsf uxgfx? tyfh'xf/tx?, r'/f, Unf;pn, lzzfsf] wfuf] / /]zf cflb jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .269 cGoq pNn]v gePsf u}x| wfTjLs vlgh j:t' pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of non - metalic minaral products n.e.c.)2691 ljgf 9fFrfdf jgfO{Psf ckf/bzL{ df6fsf efF8f pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of non-structural not refractory ceramic ware)k|zf]lwt Pj+ ck|zf]lwt df6fsf Pj+ 9'Ëfsf / k|f]z]lngsf ef8fx?, k|of]uzfnf s[lifPj+ pBf]usf /;fogx?, efG5fdf k|of]u x'g] df6fsf ef8fx?, sk Kn]6 l/sfkL cflbj:t'x?, jfy?d / ;kmfO{ ;DjGwL sfddf k|of]u x'g] df6fsf ef8fx?, df6fsfuxgf jgfpg] Pj+ d"t{L{ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .df6f]sf ckf/bz{L{ j:t' jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of refractory ceramic good —2699d]l8sn, ;lh{sn / cyf]{k]l8s sfddf k|of]ux'g] df6fsf j:t'x? jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of medical, surgical equipment and orthopaedicappliances — 3699v]nf}gf jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of toys — 36942692 rfF8} glvOg] df6fsf ;fdfgx? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of refractory ceramic products)tfkjf6 ksfP/ tof/ kfl/Psf tfksf s'rfns df6fsf j:t'x? h:t} O6f, 6fon,Jnsx?Ù df6fsf kfOk, lrK; 6fPnx? cflb jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g2693 lglZrt 9fFrfdf, :yfgLo jf ljz]if k|sf/sf] df6f]jf6 lgld{t efF8f pTkfbg ug]{ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of structural non refractory clay and ceramic products)ljz]if k|sf/sf O6f, Njs, 6fPn, df6f]sf tvtf, df6fsf] r'nf] cflb pTkfbg ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .2694 l;d]06, r'g / Knfi6/ -ldl>t r'g_ pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster products)xfO8|f]lns l;d]06, kf]6{n}08 l;d06, :nfs]8 nfOd, xfO8|f]lns nfOd, Pndf]lgc;,;'k/kmf:]km]6 o'Qm l;d]G6, SofN;Lod o'Qm r'g, Knf:6/ cfbL pTkfbg ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .l;d06, r'g / Knfi6/ -ldl>t_ sf j:t' pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufacture of articles of cement,lime and plaster — 2695

2695 —l;d06, s+ls|6 / Knfi6/sf ;fdfg pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of articale of cement, concrete and plaster)l;d]G6, slGqm6 / Knf:6/ ldl>t lgdf{0fsf ;fdfgx? h:t} Njs, 6fon, kfO{k,tvtf, :ofnj, kmlg{r/, udnf cflb pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .2696 9'Fªuf sf6\g], 5fF6\g] / kl/is[t ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?lgdf{0fsf] nflu jf 5fgf 5fpg], ;8sdf lj5\ofpg], 5fKg], / kl/is[t ug]{ / To:tf9'Ëf jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .2699 cGoq pNn]v gePsf u}/wft' hGo vlghx? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of non - metallic mineral products n.e.c.)OG;'n]6sf] g/d wfuf] jf /]zf,vlgh ce|s, dfOn :6f]g, lx6 OG;'n]l6ª, ;fp08OG;'n]l6ª, ldg/n, OG;'n]l6ª, u|fkmfO{6 cflb j:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\Unf; pmn pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of glass wool 261027 cfwf/e"t jf wft'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacturer of basic metal)271 cfwf/e"t jf kmnfd / :6Ln pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Manufacturer of basic iron and steel)2710 cfwf/e"t kmnfd / :6Ln pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfk x? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacturer of basic iron and steel)wft' kufNg] -cUgLs'08_ ;Grfng ug]{, :6Ln sGe{6/ ;+rfng ug]{, /f]lnË Pj+k|zf]wg sfo{ ;Grfng ug]{, z'4 kmnfd / :6Ln pTkfbg, /8, ;L6, Kn]6, 6\o"jkfO{k 8«d /f]n, tf/, / cGo ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .cfwf/e"t ax'd"No u}x| kmnfd hGo wft' pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of basic precious and non - ferrous metal)2720 cfwf/e"t tyf ax'd"No u}x| kmnfd hGo j:t' pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of basic precious and non - ferrous metal product)jx'd"No Pj+ u}x| kmnfd hGo wft'x? h:t} ;'g rfFbL / Nkfl6lgod pTkfbg ug]{,tfdf lgsn l6g, cflb kufNg], /8 jgfpg], kftf jgfpg],] ls|ofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .273 9n'jf wft'sf] pTkfbg(Casting of metal)2731 9n'jf kmnfd / :6Lnsf ef8fFs'8fF, j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ lqmofsnfkx?(Casting of metal)9n'jf kmnfd -ls6_ sf ljleGg efF8fs'8fF tyf j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .

2732 9n'jf kmnfd / :6Ln jfx]ssf ef8fFs'8fF j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ lqmofsnfkx?(Casting of non ferrous metal)kmnfd :6Ln jfx]ssf ljleGg efF8fs'8fF tyf j:t'x?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .28 ljleGg 9fFrfut ?kdf ag]sf d]lzg/L / pks/0f jfx]ssf wft'sf j:t'x? pTkfbgug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinary andequipment)281 ljleGg 9fFrfut ?kdf ag]sf wft'sf j:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of structural metal)2811 ljleGg 9fFrfut ?kdf ag]sf wft'sf j:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of structural metal)kmnfd] k'nsf ;fdfgx? agfpg], kmnfd jf :6Lnsf emo\fn, 9f]sf, u|Ln, ;6/agfpg], 7"nf u]6sf ;fdfg jgfpg], oftfoftsf k|of]u ug]{ kmnfd l:6ncfndf]lgodsf ;fdu|Lx? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .2812 wft'sf 6\ofFsL, hnf;o / cGo ef+8f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of tank, reservoirs and container of metal)t/n Uof+; /fVg] l;ln08/ jf sG6]g/, kfgLsf 6ofFsL, wft'sf esf/Lx? cflbjgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .289 cGo wft' ldl>t j:t'x? sf] pTkfbg / wft' ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of other fabricated metal products, metal working serviceactivities)2891 wft'nfO{ unfpg lyRg], lk6\g], /f]n -/8_ jgfpg] wft'nfO{ w'nf] jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx?( Foring, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal powdermetallurgy)wft'sf j:t'x? unfpg], lk6\g], lyRg], /f]n ug]{, wft'nfO{ w'nf] jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .2892 wft'nfO 9fSg] sfd z'Nssf cfwf/df jf s/f/df ul/g] ;fdfGo d]sflgsnOl~hlgol/ª sfo{ ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?( Treatment and coataing of metals ; general mechanical engineering ona fee and contract basis)z'Ns jf s/f/df wft'sf] d'Vo efu jf OlGhgnfO{ 9fSg] kftf jgfpg], To;nfO{ /+unufpg], To;df n]Vg], jfPlN8Ë ug]{, u|Ll8Ë ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g2893 sf6\g] ;fdfgx?, xft] cf}hf/x? / cGo kmnfdsf ;fdfgx? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of cutlery, hand-tools and general hardware)3/fo;L jf efG5fdf k|of]u x'g] j:t'x? h:t} rSs', xl;of, An]8, s}rL, v's'/L,rDrf, sf6f, s]z NsLk/, jgfpg], s[lif / jgdf sfd ug]{ ;fdfGo xltof/ h:t}s'6f], sf]bfnf], xnf,] jGr/f,] al;nf, s/f}tL cflb agfpg], kfj/ lbP/ jf xftn] klg;Grfng ug{ x'g] d]lzgx? h:t} l8«n, s/f}tL, ;jf/L dd{tsf ;dfg, kmlg{r/jgfpg] ;fdfg cflb jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .

2899 cGoq pNn]v gePsf d]lzg jf pks/0fx? jgfpg] k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of other fabricated metal products n.e.c.)gªs6, l;of], sfF6L, kLg, :6ofkn, jf;/, k]r lsnf, wft'sf] tf/, :k|Lª, efnf,t/jf/, ksfpg] efF8f, jf; a];Lg, :6]zg/L ;fdfgx?, g6jf]N6, SjfPn, u|Ln;LqmL, 306L cflb cGoq pNn]v gePsf j:t' jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; OsfO{;d'xdf kb{5gt/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\v]nf}gf jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of toy goods -3694v]ns'bsf ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of sports goods - 3693wft'sf kmlg{r/ jgfpg ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of metal furniture -369329 cGoq pNn]v gul/Psf wft'sf pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of machinary and equipment n .e .c)291 ;fdfGo vfnsf d]lzg/Lsf] pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of general purpose machinary)2911 xjfO{hxfh, uf8Lx? / ;fO{sn -w'Dg] _sf O{l~hg jfx]s cGo Ol~hg jf 6/jfO{gjgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cyclesengines)xjfO{hxfh uf8Lx? / ;fOsnsf OGhLg jfx]s cGo OGhLgx? h:t} :kfs{, O{UgL;gjf O{UgL;g, sDk|]zg, :6Ld 6/jfOg, JjfO{n/ 6jf{Og, kfgL 36\6, ;f]nf/ js{,oGqzfnf, xf8{8«f]lns 6/jfOg, UofF; 6/jfOg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\cGoq pNn]v gePsf oftfoftsf ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufacture of transport equipment n.e.c -35992912 kDk, sDk|]z/, wf/fsf] 6'6L, eNj cflb jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of pump compressors taps and valves)wft'sf kDkx?, sDk|]z/x?, Eofs'd kDkx?, eNe / wf/fsf] 6'6Lx? jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .2913 u]8L (Bearings), u]o/ tyf 8«fO{leË ;DalGw a:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ lqmofsnfkx?(Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements)o; cGtu{t u]8L, u]o/, Snr, r]g h:tf ;fdfgx?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx? jgs[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g\ .2914 r'Nxf], ag{/ tyf ttfpg] a:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of ovens, furnace and furnace burners)ljB'lto tfk lbg] (Furnace) tyf r'Nxf]x? cf}Bf]lus tyf k|of]uzfnfdf k|of]u x'g]tfk pks/0fx? pTkfbg ug]{ lqmofsnfkx? o; cGtu{t kb{5g\ .

2915 prfNg] tyf ;dfTg] Hojn pks/0fx? pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment);fdfgx? prfNg] tyf ;dfTg] d]lzg jf pks/0fx?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?o; ;d'xdf kb{5g\ .2919 c? ;fdfGo k|of]hgsf d]zLg/Lsf] pTkfbg(Manufacture of other general purpose machinaries)o; cGtu{t tf}lng] d]lzgx?, lr:ofpg] pks/0fx?, Po/sl08;g ug]{, 5s{g],k\mofFSg], KoflsË tyf a]g]{ d]lzgx?, 5fGg] tyf z'4Ls/0f ug]{ pks/0f, Jojzflosk|of]hgsf k+vf h:tf ;fdfGo pks/0fx? pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx? o; cGtu{tkb{5g\ .292 cGo ljz]if lsl;dsf d]lzg/L ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of special purpose mechinary)2921 s[lif / jg ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ d]lzg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinary)xnf], y|];/, nl8of, ds} 5f]8fpg] d]zLg, df}/Lsf] 3f/, b'wnfO lgd{nLs/0f ug]{d]lzg, kz'cfxf/ tof/ ug]{ d]lzg, xl6{sNr/ jf jg ;DjGwL sfd ug]{ d]lzg cflbjgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\s[lif ;DaGwL xft] cf}hf/ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?Manufacture of agricultural cutlery and hand tools - 28932922 d]lzg kf6{k'hf{ pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of machine tools)o; cGtu{t ljljw lsl;dsf xftn] rnfpg] jf d]lzgaf6 rNg] pks/0f tyfwft'x? tyf cGo a:t'x? sf7, 9'+uf, xf8 cflbdf k|of]u x'g] cf}hf/x? l8«lnËd]lzg, cfsf/ agfpg] ;Dofpg], lkWg], k]|; ug]{, lrNofpg] cflb agfpg] k|lti7fgx?o; cGtu{t kb{5g\ .2923 wft' ;DalGw sfdsf] nflu k|of]u x'g] d]lzg pks/0f pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of mechanery for metallurgy)ttfOPsf wft'x?df sfd ug]{, cfsf/ lbg], /f]n ug]{ d]lzgx?sf] pTkfbg sfo{ o;;d"x cGtu{t kb{5g .2924 vfgL pTvgg tyf lgdf{0fsf] sfddf k|of]u x'g] d]lzgx?sf] pTkfbg ug]{k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of mechanery for mining, qurring and construction)df6f] vGg] qml;Ë ug]{, k'm6fNg], ;Dofpg], lkWg], ld;fpg], w'g] pks/0fx? pTkfbgug]{ k|lti7fg jf s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g\ .2925 vfB, k]o tyf ;'lt{ k|zf]wgsf] nflu k|of]u x'g] d]lzgx?sf] pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of machinary for food, beverage and tobacco processing)b"w k|zf]wg ug]{, lqmd, a6/, lrh agfpg] d]lzg, cGg lkWg], 5fGg], a]s/L pBf]udfk|of]u x'g] d]lzgx? tyf r'/f]6 lj+8L agfpg k|of]u x'g] d]lzgx? agfpg] pBf]ux?o; ;d"x cGtu{t kb{5g\ .

2926 sk8f tyf 5fnfsf a:t'x? pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel, and leather production);'lt pg, kmfOj/ cfbLsf sk8fx? a'Gg] wfuf] sfTg], w'g] ;'sfpg], l;pg] d]lzgx?pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx? o; ;d"x cGtu{t kb{5g\ .2927 xltof/ / jf?b Pj+ uf]nL u7\7f jgfpg] k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of weapons and ammunition)uf]nL, jf?bx? / cGo ljikmf]6s kbfy{x? pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .2929 cGo ljz]if p4]Zosf d]lzgx? pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of other special purpose mechanery)o; cGtu{t ljz]if k|sf/sf d]lzgx? h:t} sk8f sf6\g] d]zLg, 6fo/ agfpg]d]lzg, sfuh tyf k]k/ af]8{ agfpg] d]lzg, vfd tyf sfuhsf] Jofu agfpgk|of]u x'g] d]lzg, 5fKg] d]lzg, lstfj Aof08LË ug]{ d]lzg cflb pTkfbg ug]{k|lti7fgx? o; ;d"x cGtu{t kb{5g\ .293 cGoq pNn]v gul/Psf 3/]n' pks/0f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?-Manufacture of domestic appliances n.e.c.)2930 cGoq pNn]v gul/Psf 3/]n' pks/0f jgfpg] k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of domestic appliances n.e.c.)ljB'tLo tyf u}/ ljB'lto pks/0fx? h:t} lk|mh/, /]lk|mh]/6/, 8L]; jf;/, n'uf w'g];'sfpg] pks/0f, lx6/, u|fOG8/, k+vf, s's/, 6f]i6/, Eofs'd SnLg/, kmf]xf]/ p7fpg];fdfg, kmnkm"nsf] /; lgrf]{g], ljB'lto /]h/ nufot cGo 3/fo;L ;fdfg pTkfbgug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .30 sfof{nosf] n]vf / u0fgf ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ d]lzg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx?(Manufacturer of office, accounting and computing machinery)300 sfof{nosf] n]vf / u0fgf ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ d]lzg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx?(Manufacturer of office, accounting and computing machinery)3000 sfof{nosf] n]vf / u0fgf ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ d]lzg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx?-Manufacturer of office, accounting and computing machinery)8'lKns]l6Ë d]zLg, 6fOk/fO6/, kmf]6f]skL, Sofns'n]l6Ë d]zLg, sDKo"6/ cflb;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .31 cGoq pNn]v gul/Psf ljB't d]lzg/L ;fdu|L jgfpg] k|lti7fgx? jfls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of electrical mechinery and apparatu)311 ljB'lto df]6/, h]g]/]6/ / 6\|fG;km/d/ jgfpg] k|lti7fgx? jf ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of electric motor, generator and transformers)

3110 ljB'lto df]6/, hg]/]6/ / 6\|fG;km/d/ -Plant) jgfpg] k|lti7fgx? jfls|ofsnfkx?-Manufacture of electric motors, generator and transformer)ljB'lto cN6/g]l6e jf 8L= ;L= s/]06 h]g]/]6/, l8=;L= df]6/ / h]g]/]6/, /f]6/LsGe/6/, 6«fG;km/d/, /]s6Lkmfo/, Jof6«L rfh{/, On]S6«Ls 8«fo/ cflb jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .312 ljB''t ljt/0f / lgoGq0f ug]{ pks/0f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?-Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparataus)3120 ljB''t ljt/0f / lgoGq0f ug]{ pks/0f jgfpg] k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of electric city distribution and control apparataus)ljh'nLsf :jLr, ˆo"h, ef]N6]h ld6/, PDkLP/ ld6/, hS;g jS;, Knu, xf]N8/,ljB't Sofljg]6 ljh'nL lgoGq0f Kofgn, cflb h:tf ljh'nLsf ;fdfGo j:t' jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g\ .313 OG;'n]l6ª -vf]no'Qm _ tf/ / cGo s]jn jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of insulated wire and cable)3130 OG;'n]l6ª -vf]no'Qm _ tf/ / cGo s]jn jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of insulated wire and cable)ljh'nLsf] w]/} ef/jxg Ifdtfsf Ogfd]n]6]8 jf Pgf]8fOh tf/, / Knfl:6s jf /j/n]j]/]sf tf/ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\jfO{/Lªsf ;]6 jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacturre of wiring sets) -3190314 ljleGg y/Lsf Jofl6« jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of accumulators, primary cells and primary battery3140 ljleGg y/Lsf Jofl6| jgfpg] k|lti7fgx? jf lqmofsnfkx?(Manufacture of accumulator, primary cells and primary battery)DofUg]h 8L cS;fO8, ds{/L 8L cS;fO8, / cS;fO8 o'Qm k|fOd/L ;]n jf k|fOd/LAofl6\|x?, On]S6«Ls Ps'd'n]6/, nL8 Pl;8, lgsn cfO/g, Aofl6«x? jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .315 ljh'nLsf alQ / tt\ ;DaGwL cGo j:t' pTkfbg ug]{] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of electric lamps and lighting equipment)3150 ljh'nLsf alQ / o; ;DaGwL cGo j:t' jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of electric lamps and lighting equipment)ljh'nLsf rLd, lkmnfd]G6, cN6«fefof]n]6, OGk|mf /]8 lrd, u}/ ljB'lto lrd, Nkmf;jNj, -Sofdf/fdf k|of]u x'g]_ cflb ljB'tLo k|sfz lbg] pks/0fx? jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\df]6/, df]6/ ;fOsn / cGo e]lxsnsf] aQLsf] ;fdfg jgfpg] lqmofsnfkx?(Manufacture of lighting eqiupment of motor and motor vehicle) - 3190319 cGoq pNn]v gePsf ljB't ;DjGwL pks/0f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of other electrical equipment n.e.c.)

3190 cGoq pNn]v gePsf ljB't ;DjGwL pks/0f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of other electrical equipment n.e.c.)On]S6«Ls sDk|]zg, jfOl/ª ;]6, df]6/ jf e]lxsnsf] nfOl6ª ;DaGwL ;fdfgx?,d]Ug]6f] 8fOgfdf], On]S6«f] DofUg]6, 6«flkms sG6|f]n OSo"Okd]06, rf]s, ljB'ltopks/0fsf kf6{ k'hf{ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .32 /]l8of] 6]lnlehg / cGo ;+rf/sf ;fwg Pj+ pks/0f jgfpg] lsofsnfkx?(Manufacture of radio, television and communication equipment andapparatus)321 ljB'lto eNe, 6o"j / ljB'lto cGo ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?-Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electroniccomponents)3210 ljB'lto eNe, 6o"j / cGo ljB'lto ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?-Manufacture of electronic valves and tubes and other electroniccomponents)On]S6|f]gLs eNe, 6o"j, On]S6|f]lgs O06Lu|]6]8 ;ls{6, /]lh:6/ Pj+ Sofkfl;6/, kmf]6f]Sofyf] eNe / 6o"j, dfOs|f] df]8]n cflb jgfpg] l|s|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g.322 /]l8of] Pj+ 6]lnlehgsf] 6|fG;ld6/ / nfOg 6]lnkmf]g Pj+ 6]lnu|flkm ;DaGwL pks/0fjgfpg ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of radio and television transmitters and apparatus for linetelephony and line telegraphy)3220 /]l8of] Pj+ 6]lnlehgsf] 6|fG;ld6/ / nfOg 6]lnkmf]g Pj+ 6]lnu|flkm ;DaGwL pks/0fjgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of radio and television transmitter and apparatus for linetelephony and line telegraphy)nfOg ljgf On]S6|f]DofUg]6jf6 /]l8of] k|zf/0f ug]{ ;fwg, nfOg jf nfOg ljgf6L=eL=, 6|fG;ld6/sf] ;fdfg, ;fp08 /]sl8ª / /L–k|f]8'l;ª ug]{, 6|fG;ld6/,/Ll;e/, /]l8of], 6]lnkmf]g,6]lnu|lkm, 6L=eL+ Sofd/f, 6]lnkmf]g ;]6, c6f]d]l6s jf;fdfGo :jLh jf]8{, kLSr/ 6]lnu|fkm cflb ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .323 /]l8of] / 6]lnlehgsf] l/l;e/, cfjfh jf eLl8of] /]sl8{ª jf To;sf ] k'g /]sl8{ªug]{, / To; ;+u ;DaGwLt cGo ;fdfgx? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?-Manufacture of radio and television receivers, sound or video recordingor re- producing apparatus and associated goods)3230 /]l8of] / 6]lnlehgsf] l/l;e/, cfjfh jf eLl8of] /]sl8{ª jf To;sf ] k'g /]sl8{ªug]{, / To; ;+u ;DaGwLt cGo ;fdfgx? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of radio and television receivers, sound or video recordingor re producing apparatus and associated goods)DofUg]l6s 6]k /]s8{/, ;fp08 /]sl8{ª h]g]/]6/, Sof;]6 6]k /]s8{/, lel8o]f /]sl8{ªjf /L–k|f]8'l;ª, /]s8{ Nk]o/, dfOs|]fkmf]g, nfp8:kLs/, x]8kmf]g, Pc/kmf]g /]l8of] jfl6=eL /Ll;e/sf ;fdfg jgfpg] sfo{x? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .33 :jf:y ;DjGwL, ;'Id k|fljlws pks/0f / 38L Pj+ ltgsf kf6{k"hf{x? jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of medical, precision and optical instrument, watch and clocks)

331 cK6Lsn pks/0fx? jfx]s d]l8snsf ;fdfg, kl/If0f Pj+ dfkg ug]{ ;fdfg,k/LIf0f / cGo p4]Zosf nflu k|of]u ug]{ ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of medical appliance and instrument and appliance formeasuring, checking, testing and other purposes except optical instruments)3311 d]l8sn, ;lh{sn / cyf]{k]l8s ;DaGwL sfd ug]{ ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of medical, surgical and orthopedic appliances)d]l8sn, ;hL{sn / cyf]{k]l8s, 8]G6n, kz' lrlsT;f -e]6]/Lg/L _;DaGwL sfd ug]{,l;l/Gh, PS; /] -cNkmf lj6f ufdf_ sL/0f pTkfbg ug]{, :6]/LnfOh/, ;fOsf]nf]hL6]i6, cf]hg Pj+ cS;Lhg y]/fkL, s[lqd Zjf; k|Zjf;, zl//sf s[lqd cGo efujgfpg], x:kL6n j]8 d]r 6]jn cflb jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g.3312 cf}Bf]lus kof]hg / lgoGq0f sfo{df k|of]u ul/g] pks/0f jfx]s cGo dfkg,lgoGq0f / kl/If0fsf nflu k|of]udf NofOg] pks/0f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of instruments and appliance for measuring, checking, testingand other purpose except industrial process and control equipment)ljh'nLsf] kl/df0f gfKg] / r]s ug]{ ;fdfg h:t} ef]N6]h s/]06 /]l;:6]G; cflb,ul0flto lx;fj ug]{ ;fdfg jgfpg], nDjfO{ gfKg] ;fdfg h:t} 6]k, /8, u]h cflb,cGo OsfO gfKg] h:t} dfOs|f] ld6/, xfO8«f] ld6/, ydf]{ld6/, Aof/f]ld6/, k]8f]ld6/kmnf]ld6/, lx6ld6/, Dofgf]ld6/ cflb jgfpg], ef}lts / /;folgs ljin]if0f ug]{;fdfg jgfpg] ,ljh'nL ,kfgL / UofF; cfk"lt{ ug]{ ld6/ jgfpg], /f8f/ jf /]l8of]/Ldf]6 sG6«f]n ug]{ ;fdfg jgfpg] sfo{x? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .3313 cf}Bf]lus k|of]hg / lgoGq0f ;DaGwL pks/0f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of industrial process and control equipment)cf}Bf]lus dfkg tyf lgoGq0f ug]{ :jrflnt pks/0fx? h:t} tfks|d, k|]z/ cflbgfKg] tyf lgoGq0f ug]{ ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .332 cK6Lsn / kmf]6]fu|flkm ;DaGwL pks/0f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of optical instrument and photography equipment)3320 cK6Lsn / kmf]6]fu|flkm ;DaGwL pks/0f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of optical instrument and photography equipment)n]G;, sn/ lkmN6/, kf]n/fO8sf ;fdfgx?, cKyfNdLs n]G;, cK6Lsn kmfOj/,jfOgfs'n/, df]gf]s'n/, 6]nL:sf]k, dfOs|f]:sf]k, Sofd]/fdfsf P]gfx?,Pl/onkmf]6f]u|flkm cflb ;fdfgx? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .333 38Lx? jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of watch and clocks)3330 38Lx? tyf cGo ;do dfkg ug]{ ;fdfg pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? jfk|lti7fgx?(Manufacture of watch and clocks)ljleGg k|sf/sf 38L / 38Lsf kf6{k'hf{ jgfpg], ;do gfKg] cGo pks/0f /38Lsf] j}08 jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\wft' jfx]ssf] 38Lsf] r]g -j]08_ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? jf k|lti7fgx?Manufacture of watche band of meterial other than matel - 191234 df]6/ uf8L, 6«]n/ ;]dL 6«]n/sf] a8L jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers andsemi - trailers)

342 df]6/ uf8L, 6]n/ ;]dL 6]n/sf] a8L jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles ; manufacture of trailers andsemi - trailers)3420 df]6/ uf8L, 6]n/, ;]dL 6]n/sf] a8L jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of bodies for motor vehicles ; manufacture of trailers andsemi - trailers)Knfli6s jf sf7 jf kmnfdjf6 df]6/ uf8L, 6«]n/ jf cw{ 6«]n/ cflbsf] j8Lagfpg], k];]Gh/ l;6 jgfpg], uf8Lsf] Sof/Lo/ jgfpg] cflb ls|ofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .35 cGo oftfoftsf pks/0f agfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of other transport equipment)359 cGoq pNn]v gePsf oftfoftsf pks/0f agfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of trasport equipment n.e.c.)3599 cGoq pNn]v gePsf c? oftfoftsf pks/0f agfpg] sfo{x?(Manufacture of trasport equipment n.e.c.)lJxn Jof/f], xftn] ws]Ng] uf8f, nu]h 6«]s, lJxn jfis]6, x]08 sf6,{ cGo ljleGglsl;dsf jfis]6 Pj+ 6«lnx?, hgfj/n] tfGg] ;jf/Lsf ;fwgx?, jUuL, 6fFuf,uf]?uf8f cflb jgfpg] sfo{ o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .36 cGoq pNn]v gul/Psf kmlg{r/;fdfg jgfpg] pTkfbg ug]{ k|lti7fgx? jfls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of furniture ; manufacturing n.e.c)361 kmlg{r/ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of furniture)3610 kmlg{r/ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of furniture)3/fo;L, sfof{no,xf]6n /]i6'/]G6, k|lti7fg, sn]h cflb :yfgdf k|of]u x'g] sf7, j]t,lgufn]f, jfF; cflb k|of]u u/L 3/fo;L jf sfo{fno jf k|of]uzfnfdf k|of]u x'g]kmgL{r/ jgfpg] ls|ofsnfk jf Joj;fox? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .369 cGoq pNn]v gePsf ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of n.e,c.)3691 uxgf tyf o:t} cGo ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of jewellery and related articles)lx/f, df]tL, jx'd"No wft'sf j:t'x?, k|fljlws Pj+ k|of]uzfnfdf k|of]u ug]{ jx'd"Nowft'sf ;fdfgx? h:t} jxd'No kTy/, lx/f, df]tL, tSdf - d]8n_ x?, ;LSsfx?pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .3692 ;+uLtsf pks/0f jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of musical instruments);+lutsf pks/0fx? h:t} xflj{g, tjnf, lkofgf],, dfbn, jf;'/L, d'/nL, jfhfx?,8«d, 8«d;]6, ;+uLtdf pkof]u x'g] cGo jfBjfbg sf ;fdfgx? -cf}hf/x?_ jgfpg]ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .

3693 v]ns'bsf ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of sports goods)hLDGofl:6s, Pyn]l6S;, kf}8L, jf:s]6 jn, uNkm, Jof8d]G6g, 6]jn 6]lg;, lxdfnr9g] ¥ofˆl6Ë cflb h:tf 3/ jflx/ / 3/ leq v]lng] v]nsf ;fdfg / v]n v]Nbfnufpg] ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .3694 v]nf}gf / v]n;fdfu|L jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Manufacture of toys and games)v]nf}gf, k'tnL, tf;, ljnLof8{, r];, lel8of] u]d, / dgf]/Ghg lbg] v]nsf ;fdfgjgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .3699 cGoq pNn]v gePsf ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx?(Other manufacture of n.e.c)snd, k]G;Ln, k]G;Ln ln8, xftn] sDkf]h ug]{ lk|l6GË ug]{ j:t'x?, j]jL Sof/]h6fOk/fO6/sf] /Ljg, 6f6, ;n}, j'|;, sfi7 snfsf j:t'x?, d]l8sn ;lh{sn tyfcyf]{k]l8s sfo{df k|of]ux'"g] df6fsf ;fdfgx?, 5ftf, 5ftfsf] 8f7, n7\7L, 6fFs,nfO6/, sfFOof] cflb cGoq pNn]v gePsf ;fdfgx? pTkfbg ug]{ ls|ofsnfk jfJoj;fox? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .37 k|zf]wg u/L k'gM+ k|of]u ug]{ s[ofsnfkx?(Re - cycling)371 v]/ kmflnPsf wft' / wft'sf 6's|fx?sf] k|zf]wg u/L k'g =+ k|of]u ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Recycling of metal wastes and scrap)3710 v]/ kmflnPsf wft' / wft'sf 6's|fx?sf] k|zf]wg u/L k'gM+ k|of]u ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx?(Recycling of metal wastes and scrap)wft'sf k'/fgf efF8f, wft'sf 6'qmf, d]lzg, kftf cflb kufn]/ k'gM wft'sf gofF j:t'lgdf{0f ug]{ ls|ofsnfkx? o; OsfO{ ;d'xdf kb{5g .372 v]/ kmflnPsf u}x| wft'hGo a:t' / ltgsf 6's|fx?sf] k|zf]wg u/L k'g=+ k|of]u ug]{ls|ofsnfkx?(Recycling of non- metal wastes and scrap)3720 v]/ kmflnPsf u]x| wft'hGo a:t' / ltgsf 6's|fx?sf] k|zf]wg u/L k'g =+ k|of]u ug]{ls|ofsnfkx?(Recycling of non -metal waste and scrap)wft' jfx]ssf v]/ kmflnPsf] k'/fgf a:t'nfO{ ;kmf jf k|zf]wg ug]{ h:t} M Knfi6Lssfuh,df6f], cflbjf6 k'g=+ gofF j:t' jf ;fdfg jgfpg] ls|ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .

EljB't, Uof+; tyf kfgLsf] cfk"tL{ sfo{(Electricity, Gas and Water Supply)40 ljB't P+j Uof+;sf] cfk"tL{ sfo{(Electricity and Gas supply)401 ljB'lto phf{sf] pTkfbg, ;+sng P+j ljqmL ljt/0f ug]{ ;+jGwL sfo{(Production, collection and distribution of electricity)4010 ljB'lto phf{sf] pTkfbg, ;+sng P+j ljqmL ljt/0f ug]{ ;+jGwL sfo{(Production, collection and distribution of electricity)hn, jfo', ;f}o{ jf cGo ;|f]tjf6 jf cGo ls;Ldsf ljB't pTkfbg oGqjf6ljB'lto phf{ pTkfbg ug]{, o:tf] ljB'tLo phf{sf] ;+sng ug]{ Pj+ 3/, pBf]u jfJofkfl/s k|of]hg cflbs]f nflu Jojl:yt tl/sfn] ljqmL ljt/0f ug]{ pBf]uk|lti7fg jf ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;DjlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .402 k|fs[lts ;|f]t jf pBf]u k|lti7fgjf6 Uof+;sf] pTkfbg tyf ljt/0f sfo{(Manufacture of gas, distribution of gaseous fuels through mains)4020 k|fs[lts ;|f]t jf pBf]u k|lti7fgjf6 Uof+;sf] pTkfbg tyf ljt/0f sfo{(Manufacture of gas, distribution of gaseous fuels through mains)/f;fogLs k|q[mof4f/f jf ;+dL>0f u/L jf k]6«f]lnod kbfy{ jf cGo Uof;jf6OGwgsf] ?kdf k|of]u ul/g] UoFf; pTkfbg ug]{ P+j o;/L pTkflbt OGwg Uof+; 3/,pBf]u Jofkfl/s k|lti7fg jf cGo k|of]u stf{x?nfO{ ljt/0f ug]{ lqmofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\k]6|f]lnod kbfy{sf] v'b|f ljs|L(Retail sale of petrolium) -50507f];, t/n / UofF; h:tf OGwgsf] yf]s ljls|(Whole sale of solide, liquid and gas fuel) - 514141 kfgLsf] ;+sng ug]{, z'l4s/0f ug]{ tyf ljt/0f ug]{ ;DjGwL sfo{(Collection purification and distribution of water)410 kfgLsf] ;+sng, z'l4s/0f tyf ljt/0f ug] { ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Collection purification and distribution of water)

4100 kfgLsf] ;+sng, z'l4s/0f tyf ljt/0f ug]{ ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Collection purification and distribution of water)kfgLsf] ;+sng ug]{, z'l4s/0f ug]{, 6|ofFs/jf6 kfgL ljt/0f ug] {, To:tf] kfgL 3/,pBf]u jf Jofkfl/s k|lti7fg jf cGo ls;Ldsf k|of]u stf{x?nfO{ ljt/0f ug]{;+:yfg jf o;;+u ;DjlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .s[lif k|of]hgsf nflu l;+rfO{ ;+jlGw sfo{(Irrigation system operation for agricultural purpose) - 0140k|b'if0f /f]Sgsf nflu kmf]x/ kfgLsf] pkrf/ sfo{(Treatment of waste water in order to prevent pollution) -9000dLg/n jf6/sf] pTkfbgsf] sfo{(Bottling at the source of mineral water) -1554Flgdf{0f sfo{(Construction)45 lgdf{0f sfo{(Construction)451 lgdf{0f :yn tof/L sfo{(Site preparation)4510 lgdf{0f :yn tof/L sfo{(Site preparation)lgdf{0f sfo{ ug{' eGbf cufl8 lgdf{0f :ynsf] tof/Lsf] nflu ;f] :yndf /x]sf ejgPj+ cGo ;+/rgfx? ljikmf]6g jf cGo lsl;dn] eTsfO{ ;kmf ug]{, eTsLPsf To:tf;fdfu|Lx? j]]Rg], eTsfP/ jf vfN6f] e/]/ n]jn ldnfpg], 8«Ln ug]{, lgdf{0f :yntof/L;+u ;DjlGwt sfo{ ug]{ ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;DjlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .cfˆg} nufgLdf vlgh t]n jf Uof+; lemSg] tof/L ;+jGwL] sfo{(Preparation of oil and gas fields when performed on own account) -1110z'Ns jf s/f/sf cfwf/df vlgh t]n jf Uof+; lemSg] tof/L ;+jGwL] sfo{(Preparation of oil and gas fields when performed on a fee or contractbasis) -1120k'n,9n, ;8s cflb– (Bridge sewrage. road etc.) 4520452 l;len OghLlgo/LË cGt{ut ul/g] ;+k'0f{ lgdf{0f ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Building of complete construction or parts thereof civil engineering)

4520 l;len OGhLlgo/LË cGt{ut ul/g] ;+k'0f{ lgdf{0f ;+jlGw sfo{(Building of complete construction or parts thereof civil engineering)l;len OGhLlgo/LË sfo{ cGt{ut ljleGg lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Ljf6 ;fwf/0f jf ljz]iflsl;dsf lgdf{0f h:t} cfjf;, sfo{fno, uf]bfd ejg, ;8s, k'n, ljdfg:yn, 9n,l;FrfO{ gx/, ljB't 3/, v]ns'b :yn jf ljz]if k|sf/sf] Jofkfl/s ejg jgfpg] jfTo:tf ejgdf ?k kl/j{tg x'g] u/L s]xL efu yKg] jf kl/jt{g ug]{, lgdf{0f :yndf:yfoL Pj+ c:yfoL k|s[ltsf ejg s6]/f jgfpg], ejgsf] ?k g} kl/jt{g x'g] u/Lul/g] dd{t ;Def/sf] sfo{ ug]{, o:tf] sfo{ cfˆg} /]vb]vdf jf z'Ns nLO{ jfs/f/sf] cfwf/df ug]{ . u/fpg] ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;DjlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .ejgsf] ?k kl/jt{g gx'g] u/L u/Lg] dd{t ;+ef/sf] sfo{(Construction of building and repair and manitainance) - 4530e"b[Zo, k|fs[lts b[Zosf] of]hgf jgfpg], j+u}rf, kfs{ ;DjGwL sfo{(Landscape planning and design, lawn and garden installation andmaintaince and tree surgeons activities) - 0140t]n k|fs[lts Uof+; lgsfNg] k|of]hg;+u ;DjlGwt :yndf lgdf{0f ;+jGwL sfo{(Construction activities directly related to extraction of oil and naturalgas) - 1120453 ejgsf] k|lt:7fkgsf] sfo{(Building installation)4530 ejgsf] k|lt:7fkgsf] sfo{(Building installation)lgdf{0f :yndfg} sfo{ ;Dkfbg ul/g] ;j} k|sf/sf k|lt:7fkg sfo{ h:t} kfgL;DjGwL sfo{, tftf]–lr;f] k|0ffnLsf] k|lt:7fkg sfo{, PG6Lgf, eo ;+s]t k|0ffnL,b'/;+rf/Lo sfo{, ljB'lto sfo{, OG;'n]zg sfo{, cf}Bf]uLs pks/0fsf] h8fg ubf{kfOkLËsf] sfo{, ;8s jf ljdfg:yndf /f8/ jf cGo ;+s]t k|0ffnL, lgdf{0f:yndfljB'tLo phf{ Pj+ 6«fG;kmd{/ oGqsf] k|lt:7fkg sfo{, o:Tf} sfo{ cGt{utsf] dd{t;Def/ cflb ug]{ s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .454 ejgsf] kmLgL;LË ;+jlGw sfo{(Building completion)4540 ejgsf] kmLgL;LË ;+jlGw sfo{(Building completion)ejgsf] clGtd lgdf{0f sfo{ cGt{utsf] ljleGg lkmlg;LËsf lqmofsnfkx? h:t}zLzf kmL6LË ug]{, Knf:6/sf] sfo{ ug]{, /+u /f]ug Pj+ ;hfj6sf] sfo{ ug]{, e'O{ Pj+eLQfdf 6fon nufpg], sf/k]6 kmL6 ug]{, leQ] sfuh jf sf7 ljR5fpg], ;LsdL{sf]sfo{ ug]{, ejgsf] jflx/L efu ;kmfO{ sfo{ jf dd{t ug]{ s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .emofn 9f]sf, lrDgL, 3/sf] leqL jfxL/L efu ;kmfO{ sfo{(Cleaning of windows, inside as well as outside, chimney, boilers,interiors etc.) -7493

455 lgdf{0f ug]{ jf eTsfpg] ;+jlGw oGqsf] ck/]6/ ;lxt ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator)4550 lgdf{0f ug]{ jf eTsfpg] ;+jlGw oGqsf] ck/]6/ ;lxt ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of construction or demolition equipment with operator)lgdf{0f ug{] Pj+ eTsfpg] k|of]hgsf] nflu ck/]6/ ;xLtsf] d]zLg oGq h:t} 8f]h/,s|]g, n/L, ef8fdf lbg] s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb} {gg\ .ck/]6/ ljgf g} To:tf oGq ef8fdf nufpg] sfo{(Renting of construction machinery and equipment without operator) - 7122Gdf]6/, df]6/;fO{sn,JolQmut jf 3/fo;L ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s P+j v'b|f las|Lsf ;fy}dd{t ;+ef/sf] sfo{(Wholesale and retail trade repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personaland household goods)50 df]6/, df]6/;fO{sn P+j ;+jlGwt ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s P+j v'b|f las|Lsf ;fy} dd{t;+ef/sf] sfo{(Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicle and motorcycles retail sale ofautomotive fuel)501 df]6/ P+j ;jf/L ;fwgsf] yf]s P+j v'b|f las|Lsf] sfo{(Sale of motor vehicles)5010 df]6/ P+j ;jf/L ;fwgsf] yf]s P+j v'b|f las|Lsf] sfo{(Sale of motor vehicles)k'/fgf] Pj+ gofF df]6/, ;jf/L ;fwg h:t} M PDj'n]G;, sf/, Eofg, hLk, j;, 6«s,n/L OToflbsf] yf]s Pj+ v'b|f ljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .502 df]6/, ;jf/L ;fwgsf] dd{t ;Def/ sfo{(Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles)5020 df]6/, ;jf/L ;fwgsf] dd{t ;Def/ sfo{(Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles)df]6/, ;jf/L ;fwg h:t} PDj'n]G; sf/ Eofg j; 6«s n/L OTofbLsf] dd{t ;Def/ug]{, w'g], kvfNg], rDsfpg] (Polish) cflb sfo{ ug]{ s+kgL jf js{zk jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d''xdf kb{5g .503 df]6/ kf6{;\sf] las|L sfo{(Sale of motor vehicles parts and accessories)5030 df]6/ kf6{;\sf] las|L sfo{(Sale of motor vehicles parts and accessories)df]6/ kf6{;;+u ;DjlGwt ;Dk'0f{ ;fdfu|L Pj+ ;xfos ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s Pj+ v'b|fljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .504 df]6/;fO{sn P+j o;sf] kf6{;\sf] ljs|Lsf ;fy} dd{t ;+ef/ sfo{(Sale, maintenance and repair of motor cycles and related parts andaccessories)

5040 df]6/;fO{sn P+j o;sf] kf6{;\sf] ljs|Lsf ;fy} dd{t ;+ef/ sfo{(Sale, maintenance and repair of motor cycles and related parts andaccessories)df]6/ ;fOsn / o;sf] kf6\{; jf ;xfos cGo ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s P+j v'b|f ljqmLsf;fy} df]6/;fOsnsf] dd{t ;Def/ ug]{ s+kgL jf js{zk jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{}{gg\ .df]6/, ;jf/L ;fwgsf] dd{t ;Def/ sfo{(Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles) - 5020df]6/ kf6{;\sf] las|L sfo{(Sale of motor vehicles parts and accessories) - 5030505 k]6«f]nLod kbfy{sf] v'b|f ljs|L sfo{(Retail sale of automotive fuel)5050 df]6/ hGo (Vehicles) j:t'x?sf] nflu O{Gwgsf] v'b|f ljs|L sfo{(Retail sale of automotive fuel)df]6/ Pj+ df]6/;fOsnsf] nflu OGwg h:t} M df]6/ :kL/L6, UofF;f]nLg, k]6«f]n, t/nk]6«f]n, UoFf;, df]jLn, ;kmfO{sf] nflu d§Lt]n, n'a|Ls]G6 OToflb] k]6«f]lnod kbfy{sf]v'b|f ljqmL ug]{ k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .df]6/ OGwgsf] yf]s ljqmL sfo{(Wholesale of fuels) - 5141vfgf ksfpg] tyf ttfpg] k|of]hgsf] nflu t/n k]6«f]n Uof;sf] v'b|f ljqmL sfo{(Retail sale of liquified petrolium gas for cooking or heating purpose) - 5239vfgLjf6 NofP/ pBfu]df l/kmfOg ug]{ sfo{ .-Manufacture of gaseus refine) - 402051 df]6/ df]6/;fO{sn jfx]s cGo ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s Jofkf/ jf sdLzg Jofkf/sf] sfo{(Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles)511 z'Ns nLO jf s/f/sf] cfwf/df u/Lg] yf]s ljqmL sfo{(Wholesale on a fee or contract basis)5110 z'Ns nLO jf s/f/sf] cfwf/df u/Lg] yf]s ljqmL sfo{(Wholesale on a fee or contract basis)cfˆg} jf cGosf] h]yf hdfgLsf] k|of]u u/L sldzg Ph]G6sf] ?kdf jf bnfnsf]?kdf jf nLnfdL jf cGo ls;Ldn] ljeLGg k|sf/sf ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljqmL ug]{ jfvl/bstf{ Pj+ ljqmL stf{ ljr dWo:y eO{ yf]s ljqmL sfo{ ug]{ s+kgL jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .sdLzg Ph]G6 eO{ df]6/ uf8Lsf] ljqmL P+j dd{tsfo{ – l8lehg %)(Activities of commision agents serving motor vehicles and motorcycles) - 50cFfkm}n] ;Grfng u/]sf] yf]s ljqmL sfo{(Wholesale trade in own name, whether on own account or on theaccount of others) - 5121

512 ck|zf]lwt s[ifL pkh, hLljt kz'k+IfL tyf vfB ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Whole sale of agricultural raw materials, live animals, food beverage andtobacco)5121 ck|zf]lwt s[ifL pkh P+j hLljt kz'k+IfLsf] yf]s ljs|L lqmofsnfkx?(Whole sale of agricultural raw materials and live animals)s[lif pkh h:t}M cGg, u]8f u'8L, kmnkm'n, km'n, jf]6 lj?jf, ck|zf]lwt ;'lt{,kz'k+IfL, sfFrf] 5fnf Otoflbsf] yf]s ljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .5122 vfB kbfy{, k]o kbfy{ / ;'lt{sf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Wholesale of food, beverage and tobacco)tof/L kmnkm'n, t/sf/L, b'Uw pTkfbg ;fdfu|L, c08f vfg of]Uo t]n, rLgL,rsn]6, skmL, k|zf]lwt ;'tL{ cflbsf] yf]s ljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .513 3/fo;L ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Wholesale of household goods)5131 sk8f n'uf / h'Qf jf rKknsf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Wholesale of textiles, clothing and footwear)sk8f, ;gkf6jf6 lgld{t 3/fo;L sk8f, sk8fsf ljleGg j:t'x?, e'jf ePsfsk8f, h'Qfsf ;fdfu|L Pj+ sk8fsf cGo ;fdfu|Lx?sf] yf]s ljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jfk;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .5139 cGo 3/fo;L ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Wholesale of other household goods);d'x %!#! df gk/]sf cGo 3/fo;L k|of]hgsf j:t', ;fdfu|L, d]zLg pks/0fx?h:t} M sf6\g] ;fdfg,pHofnf] u/fpg] j:t'x?, /]l8of,] 6]lnlehg, zLzf, leQ] sfuh,e"O{ sfk]{6, lrlsT;f Pj+ cf}ifwL ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} zNolqmof ;fdfu|L, ;'uGwLt Pj+;f}Gbo{jw{s ;fdfu|L, ;fa'g, cGo ;fdfu|Lx? h:t}M sfuh, lstfj, kqkqLsf,:6]zg/L, v]nf}gf, v]ns'b ;fdfu|L, 38L, uxgf, 5fnf ;fdfu|L OToflbsf] yf]s ljs|Lug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .514 u}/ s[lifhGo dWoalt{ pTkfbg / v]/ ˆofFlsPsf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Wholesale of non-agricultural intermediate products, waste and scrap)5141 7f];, t/n Pj+ Uof+; cj:yfsf OGwg ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products)7f];, t/n Pj+ Uof+; cj:yfsf OGwg Pj+ o;;+u ;DjlGwt ;dfu|Lx?sf] yf]s ljs|Lug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .o:t]f df]6/hGo OGwgsf] v'b|f ljqmL sfo{(Retail sale of automotive fuel) - 5050

5142 sf]/f wft' P+j wft'sf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Wholesale of metals and metal ores)k|fylds cj:yfsf] wft' jf sRrf kbfy{sf] ?kdf k|of]u ul/g] sf]/f wft' jf wft'sf]yf]s ljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdfkb{5g .5143 lgdf{0f;+u ;+jlGwt xf8{j]o/, KnlDjË P+j ttfpg] ;+jlGw ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljs|L tyfcfk"lt{ sfo{(Wholesale of construction materials hardware, plumbing and heatingequipment and supplies)k|fylds cj:yfdf k|of]u x'g] lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} sf7, /+u /f]ug, jfgL{;,xf8{j]o/sf] ;dfu|L, lkml6Ë Pj+ lkmSr{;sf] ;fdfu|L zLzf, KnlDjË OToflb;+u;+jGwLt ;Dk'0f{ ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .5149 cGo dWojlt{ ;fdfgx?, k'gM k|of]udf cfpg] v]/kmfnLPsf j:t'x?sf] yf]s ljs|Ls[ofsnfkx?(Wholesale of other intermediate products waste and scrap)dWojlt{ ?kdf k|of]u x'g] cf}Bf]uLs /;fog, /f;folgs dn, k|fylds ?kdf k|of]ux'g] Knfl:6s ;fdfu|L, k'gM k|of]udf NofOg] v]/ uPsf sk8f, /]zf, wft'sf 6'qmfx?OToflbsf] yf]s ljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .515 d]zLg, pks/0f cfk"lt{sf ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljs|L ug]{ s[ofsnfkx?(Whole sale of machinery equipment and supplies)5150 d]zLg, pks/0f cfk"lt{sf ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljs|L ug]{ s[ofsnfkx? -oftfoft jfx]s_(Whole sale of machinery equipment and supplies)df]6/uf8L P+j df]6/ ;fOsn tyf ;fOsn h:tf oftfoftsf pks/0fx? afx]scGo d]zLg/Lx? h:t}M s[lif ;fdfu|L, lgdf{0f P+j l;len OGhLlgo/LËsf d]zLg;dfu|Lx?, ckmL; d]zLg/L ;fdfu|L, sk8f, sf7 jf wft' pBf]usf d]zLg/L / o:t}k|sf/sf cfk"lt{ ug]{ cGo d]zLg/Lx?sf] yf]s ljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\df]6/ P+j ;jf/L ;fwgsf] yf]s P+j v'b|f las|Lsf] sfo{(Sale of motor vehicles) - 5010df]6/;fO{sn P+j o;sf] kf6{;\sf] ljs|Lsf ;fy} dd{t ;+ef/ sfo{(Sale, maintenance and repair of motor cycles and related parts andaccessories) - 5140df]6/ kf6{;sf] ljs|L( Sale of motor vehical parts) - 5030df]6/ dd{t(Repair of moror vehical) - 5260519 cGo ;fdfu|Lsf yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Other Wholesale)

5190 cGo ;fdfu|Lsf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{(Other Wholesale)yf]s Jofkf/ ;DaGwdf cGoGq jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf ljz]if k|sf/sf tyf s'g} vf;ljlzi6Ls/0f jfx]ssf ljleGg ;fdfu|Lx?sf] yf]s ljqmL ug]{ s+kgL jf k;n / oxL;d'xsf] j:t' egL ls6fg u/]sf ljleGg a:t'sf] s'n cfDbfgL - k|fKtL _ sf] %)k|ltzt eGbf sd cfDbfgL k|fKt x'g] ;fdfgsf] yf]s ljs|L ug]{ s[ofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .52 df]6/uf8L, df]6/;fO{sn jfx]ssf ljleGg k|sf/sf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] v'b|f ljs|L sfo{ P+jJolStut jf 3/fo;L ;fdfu|Lsf] dd{t ;Def/ ;+jlGw sfo{(Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles, repair of personal andhousehold goods)521 ljlzi6tf jfx]ssf ;fdfGo k;ndf ul/g] v'b|f ljs|L sfo{(Non specialized retail trade in sotres)5211 vfB, k]o P+j ;'tL{hGo kbfy{sf] k|wfgtf /x]sf] ;fdfu|Lx?sf] ;fdfGo k;n jfhg/n :6f]/x?df v'b|f ljs|L sfo{(Retail sale in non-specialized stores with food, beverages or tobaccopredominating)ljz]if u/L vfB, k]o kbfy{ P+j ;'tL{hGo ;fdfu|Lx?sf] k|wfgtf /x]sf hg/n:6f]/x?df oL ;fdfu|Lsf ;fy} cGo ;fdfu|L h:t} tof/L kf]zfs, kmlg{r/, ljz]ifk|sf/sf 3/fo;L ;fdfu|L, xf8{j]o/ ;fdfu|L, ;f}Gbo{jw{s ;fdfu|L Otoflbsf] v'b|fljqmL ug] { s+kgL, k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ljljw ;dfu|L ef8fdf nufpg] sfo{(Renting of personal and household goods) - 71305219 ;fdfGo k;n jf hg/n :6f]/x?df cGo ;fdfu|Lx?sf] v'b|f ljs|L sfo{(Other retail sale in non specialized stores)vfB, k]o kbfy{ / ;'lt{hGo ;fdfu|Lsf] k|wfgtf g/x]sf] t/ o;sf ;fy} cGo;fdfu|Lx? h:t} tof/L kf]zfs, kmlg{r/, ljz]if ;fdfu|L, xf8{j]o/, ;f}Gbo{jw{s -s;d]l6s _ ;fdfu|L, uxgf, v]nf}gf, v]ns'b ;fdfu|Lx?, tL ;dfu|Lsf] leGg leGgefu (Section)df /fvL ;fw/0ftof l8kf{6d]G6n :6f]/x?df Pp6} Joj:yfkgjf6;+rflnt eO{ u/Lg] v'b|f ljs|L ug]{ l8kf6{d]G6n :6f]/ jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .522 ljlzi6Ls/0f ul/Psf hg/n :6f]/x?df vfB, k]o P+j ;'tL{ hGo ;fdfu|Lsf]] v'b|fljs|L sfo{(Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores)5220 ljlzi6Ls/0f ul/Psf vf; :6f]/x?df vfB, k]o P+j ;'tL{ hGo ;fdfu|Lsf]] v'b|f ljs|Lsfo{(Retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco in specialized stores)tfhf kmnkm'n Pj+ t/sf/L, b'Uw pTkfbg, c08f, df;' jf df;'hGo kbfy{, df5f,lrgL, sGkm]S;g/L, kfp/f]6L jf ldi7fGg, k]o kbfy{,;'tL{ hGo pTkfbg jf cGoqjuL{s/0fdf gk/]sf vfB kbfy{ OToflb s'g} Ps ;fdfu|Lsf] ljlzi6Ls/0f ul/Psfvf; :6f]/x? dfkm{t v'b|f ljqmL ug]{ l8kf6{d]g6n :6f]/ jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .

523 ljlzi6Ls/0f ul/Psf vf; :6f]/x?df gofF k|sf/sf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] v'b|f ljs|L sfo{(Other retail trade of new goods in specialized stores)5231 cf}ifwL / cf}ifwL hGo ;fdfu|L, ;f}Gbo{jw{s P+j ;kmfO{ ;fdfu|Lsf] v'b|f ljs|L sfo{(Retail sale of pharmaceutical and medical goods, cosmetic and toilet articles)cf}ifwL, lrlsT;f xfF8–dfF;sf] lrlsT;f ;fdfu|L, ;'uGwLt Pj+ ;f}Gbo{jw{s ;fdfu|L,w'g] ;kmfO{ ug]{ ;fj'g OToflb h:tf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] nflu egL tf]sLPsf v'b|f Jofkf/ug]{ d]l8sn :6f]/ jf hg/n :6f]/ jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\cGo ;fdfgsf] yf]s ljs|L sfo{ - Other wholesale) - 51905232 sk8f, tof/L sk8f, h'Qf / 5fnfsf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] v'b|f Jofkf/ sfo{(Retail sale of textiles, clothing, footwear and leather goods)sk8f, tof/L sk8f, e'jfsf] j:t'x?, sk8fsf ;xfos ;fdfu|Lx?, h'Qf / 5fnfsf;fdfu|L Pj+ ofqf ubf{ k|of]u u/Lg] ;/;fdfu|Lx? OToflbsf nflu egL tf]sL ul/Psf]v'b|f Jofkf/ ug]{ hg/n :6f]/ jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .5233 3/fo;L k|of]hgsf ljleGg k|sf/sf ;fdfu|Lx? tyf pks/0fx?sf] v'b|f Jofkf/ sfo{(Retail sale of household appliances, articles and equipment)3/fo;L k|of]hgsf ljleGg k|sf/sf ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} kmlg{r/, ljleGg d]zLg oGqpks/0f ;fdfu|L, efF8fjt{gx?, sf6\g] ;fdfu|L, uLnf;, sk Kn]6, /]l8of,] 6]lnlehg,6]k, ;+uLt ;fdfu|L, sfi7 ;fdfu|L, ljh'nLsf ;fdfu|L, kbf{, tGgf, e'mn h:tfsk8fsf ;fdfu|Lx? OToflb h:tf cGoqsf] juL{s/0fdf pNn]v gePsf;fdfu|Lx?sf] nflu egL tf]sL ul/Psf v'b|f Jofkf/ ug]{ hg/n :6f]/ jf k;n jfo;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDt s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\3/fo;L ;fdfgsf] yf]s ljs|]tfWholesale of household goods - 51395234 xf8{j]o/, /+u/f]ug, zLzf ;fdfu|Lsf] v'b|f ljs|L sfo{(Retail sale of hardware, paint and glass)xf8{j]o/sf ;fdfu|L, /+u/f]ug, jf/gL;, zLzf, ljleGg k|sf/sf lgdf{0f ;fdfu|Lx?sf]nflu egL tf]sL ul/Psf v'b|f ljqmL ug]{ hg/n :6f]/ jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .5239 ljlzi6Ls/0f ul/Psf cGo k|sf/sf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] v'b|f ljs|L sfo{(Other retail sale in specialized stores)sfof{no k|of]hgsf ljleGg k|sf/sf ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} sDKo"6/ ;ˆ6j]o/, lstfj,kqklqsf, :6]zg/L, kmf]6f]u|flkms ;fdfu|L, ;kmfO{ ;fdfu|L, leQ] sfuh, e'O{sf] sfk]{6,38L, u/uxgf, v]ns'b ;fdfu|L, v]nf}gf, km'n lj?jf, 3/kfn'jf hgfj/, vfgfksfpg] ttfpg] OGwg clfb cGoqsf] juL{s/0fdf gk/]sf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] nflu egLtf]sLPsf v'b||f ljs|L ug]{ hg/n :6f]/ jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .524 Ps k6s k|of]u eO{;s]sf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] k'gM ljs|L ug]{ k;n(Retail sale of second hand goods in store)

5240 Ps k6s k|of]u eO{;s]sf ;fdfu|Lx?sf] k'gM ljs|L ug]{ k;n(Retail sale of second hand goods in store)Ps k6s k|of]u eO{ ljleGg sf/0fjf6 k'gM j]Rg jf w/f}6L sf] ?kdf /flvg];fdfu|Lx?nfO{ v'b|f ?kdf j]Rg] hg/n :6f]/ jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .525 :6f]/x? jfx]s cGodf u/Lg] v'bf| ljqmL sfo{Retail sale not in store5252 :6ndf jf jhf/ dfkm{t ;fdfu|Lx?sf] v'bf| ljqmL sfo{(Other sale via stalls and market)h'g;'s} k|sf/sf pTkfbg ;fdfu|Lx? :6ndf jf 3'DtL k;nsf ?kdf, ;8s k]6L,;fj{hlgs :yndf, ljs|L k|ltlglw dfkm{t v'b|f ljqmL ul/g] sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'xcGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .5259 xf6 jhf/ jf d]nfdf /fvL ljs|L u/Lg] k;nx?(Other non-store retail sale)cGoqsf] juL{s/0fdf gk/]sf ;a} k|sf/sf pTkfbg ;fdfu|Lx?sf] v'b|f ljqmL ug]{sfo{ h:t} ljqmL k|ltlgwL 3/ 3/df uO{ jf sfof{nox?df uO{ jf xf6 jhf/ jfd]nfdf j]Rg] jf z'Ns nLO{ jf s/f/sf cfwf/df e]l08ª -ljqmL_ d]zLgsf] k|of]u u/Lu/Lg] v'b|f ljqmL ug]{ jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut/flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGtu{t kb}{gg\ .:6f]/x?jf6 gofF pTkfbg ;fdfu|L jf cGo ;fdfu|L 3/3/df k'¥ofO{ lbg] jf 3/sfof{nodf nuL ljqmL ug]{ sfo{(The sale and home delivery of new products stores) 521 -523526 JolQmut jf 3/fo;L ;fdfu|Lsf] dd{t ug]{ sfo{(Repair of personal and household goods)5260 JolQmut tyf 3/fo;L ;dfu|Lsf] dd{t ug]{ sfo{(Repair of personal and household goods)HpTkfbs jf yf]s ljqm]tf jf v'b|f ljqm]tfsf] ;xof]u jf ;DjGw ljgf g} JolQmut jf3/fo;L ;fdfu|Lsf] dd{t ug]{ JolQmut jf 3/fo;L k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .xf]6n tyf /]i6'/]G6(Hotels and restaurants)55 xf]6n tyf /]i6'/]G6(Hotels and restaurants)551 xf]6n, jf SofDkLË :yn tyf cGo 5f]6f] ;dosf] j;fO{sf] Joj:yf ug]{ .(Hotels, camping sites and other provision of short stay accommodation)

5510 xf]6n, jf SofDkLË :yn tyf cGo 5f]6f] ;dosf] j;fO{sf] Joj:yf ug]{ .(Hotels, camping sites and other provision of short stay accommodation)xf]6n, nh, u]i6 xfp;, xf]:6]n cflbsf] z'Nssf] cfwf/df -5f]6f] ;dosf] j;fO_{sfo{, SofDkLË sfo{ jf /]i6'/]G6 ;Grfng ug]{ jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .ef8f lnO{ nfdf] ;dosf nflu xf]6n jf Pkf6{d]G6sf] j;fO {.(Rental of long-term furnished acclmodation eg appartment hotels) - 70552 /]i6'/]G6, af/ / rd]gf u[x -SofG6Lg _ ;+rfng ug]{ sofsnfkx?(Restaurants, bars and canteens)5520 /]i6'/]G6, af/ / rd]gf u[x -SofG6Lg _ ;+rfng ug]{ sofsnfkx?(Restaurants, bars and canteens)ef]hg of]Uo vfB jf k]o kbfy{sf] /]i6'/]G6, rd]gf u[x, Sofkm], jf/df ljqmL ug]{ jfSof6/LË ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .e]l08ª -ljqmL _ d]zLgsf] k|of]u u/L ljqmL ul/g] sfo{(Sale through vending machine) - 52295f]6f] j;fO{sf] ;fydf ul/g] ef]hg ljqmL sfo{(The above mentioned activities cacrried out in connection with the provision oflodging ) 5510Ioftfoft, uf]bfd Pj+ ;~rf/ ;DjGwL s[ofsnkx?( Transport, storage and communications)60 :yn oftfoftsf] sfo{(Land transport)601 /]n oftfoft ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Transport via railways)6010 /]n oftfoft ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Transport via railways)/]n oftfoftdf ofq'x? Pj dfn;fdfg cf];f/ k;f/ ug]{, /]nj] oftfoft Pj+ o:tf]oftfoft;+u ;+jlGwt cGo sfo{ ug]{ ;:+yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o;;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\lgoldt ;]jf cGtu{tsf cGo :yn oftfoft(Other scheduled passenger land transport) - 6021602 cGo :yn oftfoftsf ;fwgx?- Other land transport)

6021 lgoldt ;]jf cGtu{tsf cGo :yn oftfoft ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Other scheduled passenger land transport);dotflnsf jdf]lhd lgoldt ?kn] gu/, pkgu/, cGt/gu/ If]qdf oftfoft;~rfng u/L ofq' P+j dfn;fdfg cf];f/ k;f/ ug]{ df]6/j;, 6«fd, 6«nLj;, :s"nj;, gu/ j;, tf/sf] dfWodjf6 rNg] oftfoft h:t} M s]j'nsf/, t'Og cflb;~rfng ug]{ ;+:yf jf ;ldlt jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xcGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\/]n oftfoft ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Transport via railways) -60106022 ljgf ;dotflnsf jdf]lhd ;+rfng x'g] cGo :yn oftfoft(Other non- scheduled passenger land transport)ljgf ;dotflnsf jdf]lhd ;+rfng x'g] ofq'jfxs :yn oftfoftsf ;fwg h:t}6]S;L, 6]Dkf], l/Szf, 6fFuf, ef8fdf nLO{ rnfOPsf lghL sf/x?, e|d0flzn P+jcj;/ jdf]lhdsf ofqf sfo{ tyf dflg; jf hgfj/n] ;~rfng ug]{ oftfoftsfcGo ;fwg cflb ;~rfng ug]{ ;+:yf jf ;ldlt jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{ggbdsn, PDa'n]G; cflb sfo{(Fire brigade, ambulance) - 85196023 ;8sjf6 dfn 9'jfgL ;DjlGw oftfoft ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Freight transport by road);8s oftfoftjf6 ;dotflnsf jdf]lhd jf ljgf ;dotflnsf jdf]lhd ;+rfngx'g] dfnjfxs :yn oftfoftsf ;fwg h:t} ef8fsf 6«s, n/L, dflg; jf hgfj/n]tfGg] ;fwgx?, rf}/L ofs uwf Rofªu|f cflbnfO ef/L af]sfO ;fdfg j;f/ k;f/ug]{ sfo{x?, ef8fsf 6«s OToflb oftfoftsf ;fwgx?jf6 h'g;'s} lsl;dsfdfn;fdfg 9'jfgL ug]{ ;+:yf jf ;ldlt jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg s[ofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb}{gg\ .lgoldt ;]jf cGtu{tsf cGo :yn oftfoft ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Other scheduled passenger land transport) 6021ljgf ;dotflnsf jdf]lhd ;+rfng x'g] cGo :yn oftfoft(Other non- scheduled passenger land transport)- 6022dflg;jf6 ef/L jf]Sg] sfo{Potar activity - 930961 hn oftfoft ;DjGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Water transport)612 kfgLdf rnfO{g] hn oftfoft;+u ;DjlGwt s[ofsnfkx?(Inland water transport)

6120 kfgLdf rnfO{g] hn oftfoft;+u ;DjlGwt s[ofsnfkx?(Inland water transport);dotflnsf jdf]lhd jf cGo lsl;dn] hn oftfoftsf ;fwgx? h:t} ;fgf 7'nf8'Ëf, 8f]/Ln] tfGg] jf wsNg] 8'Ëf cflbjf6 gbL, gx/, jGb/ufx, tfndf ofq'x? Pj+dfn;fdfg cf];f/ k;f/ ug]{, 8'Ëfdf e|d0f ug]{ . u/fpg], hn ko{6g, 8'Ëfjf6b[Zofjnf]sg cflb;+u ;DjlGwt sfo{ ug]{ ;+:yf jf ;ldlt jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .62 xjfO{ oftfoft ;DaFwL s[ofsnfkx?(Air transport)621 ;dotflnsf jf ljgf ;dotflnsf jdf]lhdsf] xjfO{ oftfoft(Scheduled / non scheduled air transport)6210 ;dotflnsf jdf]lhdsf] xjfO{ oftfoft(Scheduled air transport);dotflnsf jdf]lhd ;+rfng x'g] xjfO oftfoftsf ;fwgx? h:t} h]6 Kn]g, xjfO{hxfh, x]nLsK6/ cflbsf] ;~rfng u/L ofqL Pj+ dfn;fdfgsf] cf];f/ k;f/ ug]{,xjfO{ ;+:yf jf k|fO{e]6 s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5gt/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .xjfO{hxfhsf] dd{t ;+ef/;+u ;DjlGwt sfo{(Repair and maintainance of aircrafts) - 3530s]j'nsf/ / o; ;DaGwLCable way ( cable car) - 6021622 ljgf ;dotflnsf jdf]lhdsf] xjfO{ oftfoftNon scheduled air transport6220 ljgf ;dotflnsf jdf]lhdsf] xjfO{ oftfoftNon scheduled air transportljgf ;dotflnsf jdf]lhd ;+rfng x'g] xjfO oftfoftsf ;fwgx? h:t} h]6 Kn]g,xjfO{ hxfh, x]nLsK6/ cflbsf] ;~rfng u/L ofqL Pj+ dfn;fdfgsf] cf];f/ k;f/ug]{, lxdfnosf] b[Zofjnf]sg ug]{ , xjfO{ ;+:yf jf k|fO{e]6 s+kgL jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g63 6«fen Ph]G;Lsf lqmofsnfkx? Pj+ oftfoftnfO{ ;xof]u k'Øfpg] ;xfoslqmofsnfkx?(Supporting and auxiliary transport activities, activities for travel agencies)630 6«fen Ph]G;Lsf lqmofsnfkx? Pj+ oftfoftnfO{ ;xof]u k'Øfpg] ;xfoslqmofsnfkx?(Supporting and auxiliary transport activities, activities for travel agencies)

6301 sfuf] { ;~rfng ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Cargo handling)ljleGg oftfoftsf ;fwgx? h:t} xjfO{hxfh, df]6/, /]n OToflbsf] k|of]u u/LaGb/ufx, uf]bfd 3/ jf oftfoftsf] h'g;'s} cj:yfdf sfuf]{ jf ofqLsf] ;fdfu|Ln}hfg], r9fpg], ptfg]{;+u ;DjlGwt sfuf]{ Sofl/o/ jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt sfo{nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .;8sjf6 dfn 9'jfgL ;DjlGw oftfoftsf] sfo{(Freight transport by road) - 60236302 e08f/ tyf uf]bfd3/ ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Storage and ware house)cGg jfnL, kmlg{r/, sk8f, k]o kbfy{,df]6/uff8L nufotsf ;j} k|sf/sfdfn;fdgx? e08f/ jf uf]bfd3/df jf lr;f] uf]bfd3/df /fVg] ;DjlGw sfo{nfO{o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 . o;sf ;fy} ljb]zL Jofkf/Ls e"lddf df}Hbft /fVg]sfo{nfO{ klg o;} ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .6303 oftfoftnfO{ ;xof]u k'Øfpg] cGo lqmofsnfdx?(Other supporting transport activities)ofqL Pj+ dfn;fdfgsf] ljleGg cj:yfdf ljleGg k|sf/n] oftfoft ;]jf h:t} j;,/]n xjfO hxfh cflbsf] :6]zg, jGb/ufxdf ;fdfu|L cf];f/ k;f/ ug{ ;xof]u ug]{,tyf ;8s, k'n, kfsL{Ë :yn, Uof/]h, uf]bfd3/ OToflbdf dfn;fdfg jf]Sg jfcf];f/ k;f/ ug{ ;xof]u k'–ofpg] lsl;dsf jf 6«fkmLs lgoGq0f ;+jGwL ljeLGglqmofsnfkx? ;~rfng ug]{ sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtu{t /flvPsf] 5 .6304 cGoq jlu{s/0fdf gul/Psf 6«fen Ph]G;Lsf lqmofsnfkx? Pj+ ofqf ;~rfng,ko{6s ;xof]usf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of travel agencies and tour operators, tourist assistance activities)cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf] tyf 6«fen Ph]G;Lsf ;+k'0f{ lqmofsnfkx? h:t} ofqf;jlGw ;"rgf ;+sng ug]{, ofqfsf] of]hgf jgfpg], ;Nnfx lbg], ofqfsf] Joj:yfkgug]{, ko{6s Pj+ ofqLsf] oftfoftnfO{ ;/n Pj+ ;'ljwf of]Uo jgfpg], o:tf] sfo{df;xof]u k'–ofpg], ky k|b{zg ug]{, ofqfnfO{ ;';lHht jgfpg] 6«fen Ph]G;L jfo;;+u ;DjlGwt sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPsf] 5.6309 cGo oftfoft Ph]G;Lsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of other transport agencies)dfn;fdfg 9'jfgL ug]{ Pj+ oftfoftsf] Joj:yfkg ldnfpg], ;fdfg j'em\g], ljt/0fug]{, o; ;DjGwL b:tfj]h tof/ ug]{, eG;f/ ljn kl/If0f ;DjGwdf dWo:tfsf]sfo{ ug]{, ;fdfgx? 9'jfgLsf] nflu KoflsË ug]{, ;fdfgsf] lgl/If0f ug]{, ;fdfgtf}ng], gd'gf hfFRg] OToflb h:tf sfo{ ug]{ ;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtu{t/flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .b|'t ;]jf cGtu{tsf ljleGg lqmofsnfkx?(Courier activities utilizing public transport) - 6412dfn;fdfgsf] 9'jfgLsf] Joj:yfkg P+j ljdf ;DjlGw sfo{(Activities related to the arrangement of the freight insurance) - 6720

64 x'nfs P+j b'/ ;+rf/Lo s[ofsnfkx?(Post and Telecommunications)641 x'nfs P+j s'/Lo/sf ljeLGg lqmofsnfkx?(Post and courier activities)6411 /fli6«o x'nfs;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?(National post activities)/fli6«o tyf cGt/fli6«o lr7Lkq, kf;{n OToflb ;+sng ug]{, oftfoftsf] ljleGgdfWodjf6 x'nfs j:t' ;+jlGwt 7fF<strong>pdf</strong> ljt/0f ug]{ / ljt/0fsf] Joj:yfkg ug]{,x'nfs l6s6sf] k|sfzg ug]{, 6fFrf nufpg], ljqmL ug]{ lr7Lkq kf;{nsf] /lhi6«Lug]{, nufotsf ;Dk'0f{ sfo{x? ug]{, x'nfs sfo{fno, jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .x'nfs sfof{nojf6 ljlQo sf/f]jf/ ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Postal activities and other financial activities sometimes carried out incombination with postal activities) - 6519/fli6«o x'nfs jfx]s cGo h:t} s'/Lo/ ;]jfsf ljeLGg sfo{x?(Courier activities other than national post activities) - 64126412 /fli6«o x'nfs jfx]s cGo s'/Lo/ ;]jf ;+jGwL ljeLGg sfo{x?(Courier activities other than national post activities)/fli6«o x'nfs;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? jfx]ssf cGo lghL :t/sf s'/Lo/ ;]jfdfkm{t ;fgfltgf kf;{n, Kofs]h, lr7Lkqx? lng], lbg], oftfoftsf] ljleGgdfWodjf6 ;+jlGwt 7fF<strong>pdf</strong> o;sf] ljt/0fsf] ug]{, lghL :t/sf s'/Lo/ ;]jf tyfb|'t 8]nLe/L ;eL{; jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ ./fli6«o x'nfs k|z;gsf] lqmofsnfk cGtu{tsf sfo{x?(All postal activities carried out by the national postal administrations) - 6411b'/;+rf/ ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Telecommunication) - 6420642 b'/;+rf/ ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Telecommunication)

6420 b'/;+rf/ ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Telecommunication)tf/ jf j]tf/jf6 k|fKt WjgL, ;+s]t, lnvt cflb h:t} M 6]lnkmg, 6]lnu|fkm, 6]n]S;,6]lnkmofS;, kmofS;, Od]n, :of6]nfO{6 g]6js{, /]l8of] k]lhª, cflb h:tfs[ofsnfkx? / o;sf] dd{t ;DaGwL sfo{ o; ;d'xdf kb{5g .Jt/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ ./]8Lof], 6]nLeLhg jf6 k|zf/0f x'g] /]l8of], 6]lnkmf]gsf] sfo{qmd pTkfbg ug]{ jfk|;f/0f ug]{ ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Production of radio and television programmes, whether or notcombined with broadcasting) - 9213/fli6«o x'nfs k|zf;gsf] lqmofsnfk cGtu{tsf sfo{x?(All postal activities carried out by the national postal administrations) - 6411/fli6«o x'nfs jfx]s cGo h:t} s'/Lo/ ;]jfsf ljeLGg sfo{x?(Courier activities other than national post activities) - 6412ljlQo dWo:ytf ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Financial intermediation)65 jLdf Pj+ k]G;gsf]if jfx]ssf cGo cfly{s dWo:ytfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Financial intermediation except insurance and pension funding)651 d'b|f dWo:ytf ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Monetary intermediation)6511 s]Gb|Lo j}lsË sf/f]jf/ -g]kfn /fi6« j}+s_(Central banking)>L % sf] ;/sf/sf] a}+lsª sfd ug]{, >L % sf] ;/sf/sf] df}b|Ls sfd ug]{, df}lb}|sgLlt, of]hgf,/ sfo{s|d sfo{Gjog ug]{, afl0fHo tyf ljsf; a}+sx? / cGo ljlQo;+:yfx?sf] ;dGjo ug]{, cGt/fli6«o df}lb|s ;+:yf;+u ;DaGw / ;dGjo ug]{ .cfly{s ;+:yfx?sf ljrsf] cfly{s ;d:of, /]fsfj6 x6fpg, jfl0fHo j}+sx?sf];~rfng k|lqmofsf] ;'kl/j]If0f ug{, /fi6«sf] df}lb|s gLltnfO{ l:y/ /fVg], /fli6«o d'b|fjf gf]6sf] lgisf;g ug{], ;/sf/sf] d'Vo c+usf] ?kdf Pj+ cGo j}+sx?sf] klgj}+ssf] ?kdf sfo{ ug]{ h:t} /fi6« j}+s ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o;} ;d'x cGtu{t/flvPsf] 5 .6519 cGo df}lb|s dWo:ytf ;DaGwL sfo{(Other monetary Interamediation)/fi6« j}+s jfx]s cGo df}lb|s ;+:yfx?n] ug]{ dWo:ytf ;+jlGw sfo{ ug]{, df}lb|s;+:yf Pj+ To;sf] lqmofsnfkx? h:t} ;x'lnot / jrt sfo{qmd tyf s]xL vl/bug{ C0f ;xof]u k|bfg ug]{, lwtf] rnfpg] ;DjGwL ljlQo ;+:yfx?n] ug]{ sfo{sf;fy} d'b|f :yfgfGt/0f ug]{ h:t} x'nfsjf6 wgfb]z, a}+sjf6 8«fˆ6, 6L 6L cflb ug]{a}+s, ljsf; sfo{sf nflu C0f lbg] ;+:yfx? jf jfl0fHo j}+s jf x'nfs jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtu{t /flvPsf] 5 .659 cGo ljlQo dWo:ytfsf] sfo{(Other financial intermediation)

6591 ljlQo lnlhË ;DaGwL s[ofsnfkx?(Financial leasing)lnlhË - ljz]if cjlwsf] nflu ul/g] s/f/ _ sf] k|of]hgsf nflu ;DklQsf]cg'dflgt cfo' kQf nufO{ lnhLËsf] sfo{ ug]{ Pj+ o:tf] sfo{jf6 ;Defljt hf]lvdkmfObfsf] ;d]t lx;fj ug]{ lnlhË s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt ;+:yfsflqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtu{t /flvPsf] 5 . o:tf] sfo{df ;DklQsf]x:tfGt/0f x'g jf gx'g klg ;Sb5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .;+jlGwt j:t'x?sf] k|sf/ cg';f/sf] lnhLËsf] sfo{(Operational leasing according to types of goods leased) - 716592 cGo shf{ k|bfg ug]{ ;+:yfx?(Other credit granting)dWo:ytfsf] sfo{ cGt{ut d'Votof ;+:yfx?n] tof/ u/]sf] t/ df}lb|s dWo:ytfsf]sfo{ jfx]ssf] lqmofsnfkx? h:t} pkef]Qmf hdfgL, pBf]ux?nfO{ nfdf] ;do ;DdljlQo k|fjwfg, j}lsË k|0ffnL eGbf jflx/ uO{ nufgL ug]{, ljgf lwtf] 3/ vl/b ug{C0f cg'bfg lbg] ;DjGwL ljsf; j}+s, ljQ sDkgL jf cGo ljlQo ;+:yfx?sflqmofsnfk?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .66 clgjfo{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff jfx]ssf] ljdf Pj+ k]G;g sf]if sfo{qmd(Insurance and pension funding except compulsory social security)660 clgjfo{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff jfx]ssf] ljdf Pj+ k]G;g sf]if sfo{qmd(Insurance and pension funding except compulsory social security)6601 hLjg ljdfsf] sfo{(Life insurance)jrt jf ljgf jrt k|lqmof cGt{ut s]xL sf]if ;~rfng jf nufgL u/L ul/g] nfdf]jf 5f]6f] cnlwsf] lhjg ljdf jf k'gM ljdf ;DjGwL sfo{ ug]{ ljdf s+kgL jfo;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtu{t /flvPsf] 5 .6602 lgj[t sf]if sfo{qmd(Pension funding);]jfjf6 cjsfz k|fKt u/] kl5 k|fKt x'g] k]G;g Pj+ ;+sng tyf sf]ifsf] nufgL;d]t u/fO ul/g] k]G;g ;DjGwL sd{rf/L ;+rosf]if jf cGo lqmfosnfkx?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .6603 lghL{jg ljdf ug]{ lqmofsnfkx?(Non -life insurance)b'3{6gf, cfunfuL, :Jff:Yo, ;DklQ, ;jf/L ;fwg, oftfoft, cfly{s IftL,pQ/bfoLTj cflbsf] ljdf jf k'gM ljdfx? Pj+ cGo nfdf] jf 5f]6f] cjwLsf] ljdf;DjGwL sfo{ ug]{ ljdf s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xcGtu{t /flvPsf] 5 .67 cfly{s dWo:ytf ;DjGwL ;xfos lqmofsnfkx?(Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation)

671 ljdf Pj+ k]G;g jfx]ssf cfly{s dWo:ytf ;DjlGw ;xfos lqmofsnfkx?(Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation except insurance and pensionfunding)6711 ljQLo -k"+hL _ jhf/ ;+jlGw k|zf;sLo sfo{(Administration of financial market);/sf/L clwsf/L jfx]s cGo O{sfO{ dfkm{t ljQLo jhf/sf] ;~rfng ug]{,;'kl/j]If0f ug]{, ;fy} :6ssf] cfbg k||bfg -:6s PS;r]Gh_ ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?ug]{, ljlQo -k"hL _ jhf/sf c+ux?;+u ;DjlGwt lgoldt sfo{sf ;fy} o:tf]sfo{sf] ;'kl/j]If0f ug]{ jf o;;+u ;jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPsf]5 .6712 ;]So"l/6L ;+u ;DjlGwt lqmofsnfkx?(Security dealing activities)ljlQo jhf/ jf c?sf] nflu ul/g] ljlQo lqmofsnfkx? h:t} z]P/ dfs]{6 , :6sbnfn Pj+ o:tf] sfo{;+u ;DjlGwt cGo sfo{x?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtu{t /flvPsf] 5t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .cfˆg} nufgLdf ;+rflnt ljlQo sf/f]jf/(Dealing in markets on own accounts) - 65996719 cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf cfly{s dWo:ytf ;DjlGw ;xfos lqmofsnfkx?(Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation n.e.c.)cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf dWo:ytfsf] ;xof]uL lqmofsnfkx?sf ;fy ;fy}cfly{s ;Nnfxsf/, jGwsL td;'ssf] ;Nnfxsf/ jf bnfn j;DjGwL sfo{x? h:t}a}+s;{ Snj , bnfn ;+3 , cfly{s ;Nnfxsf/ ;+3 cflbnfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPsf] 5t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .ljdf k||ltlglw Pj+ o;;+u ;DjlGwt ljdf / k]G;g ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?—^&@)672 ljdf / k]G;g;+u ;DjlGwt ;xfos lqmofsnfkx?(Activities auxiliary to insurance and pension funding)6720 ljdf , k]G;g / p4f/;+u ;DjlGwt ;xfos lqmofsnfkx?(Activities auxiliary to insurance , pension and rescue funding)Kcfly{s dWo:ytfsf] sfo{ jfx]s cGo k]G;g / ljdf ;DjGwL Joj:yfkg nufotsfsfo{x?df ;xof]u k'Ug] sfo{x? h:t} ljdf k|ltlglw, 3f6f gfkmfsf] ldnfg sfo{,ljdf ;DjGwL u0fLtLo sfo{ cfunfuL, jf9L, k}x|f], lxdkft h:tf k|fs[lts ljklQdfk'Ug uPsf] IftLnfO{ ;kmfO{, p4f/, ;+ef/ ug]{ ;+jGwL ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?nfO{o; ;d'x cGtu{t /flvPsf] 5 .e"—;+klQ, ef8f tyf Joj;flos ls|ofsnfkx?(Real estate, Renting and Business activities)70 e"—;+klQ ;+jGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Real Estate Activities)701 cfˆg} jf lnhdf lnOPsf] e";+klQ ;+jGwL ljleGg ls|ofsnfkx?(Real estate activities with own or leased property)

7010 cfkm}} jf lnhdf e";+klQ ;+jGwL ljleGg ls|ofsnfkx?(Real estate activities with own or leased property)cfˆg} jf nLhdf nLO{ e"—;DkQL -hUuf_, cfjf; jf u}/ cfjf;Lo ejg, 3/, xf]6njf hUuf cflbsf] vl/b ljs|L jf ef8fdf nufpg], Knl6Ë ug]{ jf To:tf] 3/ hUufsf]ljleGg ls;Ldjf6 ;~rfng, v/Lb—ljqmL ug]{ jf hUuf bnfnsf] sfd ug]{ l/on:6]6 s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .cfˆg} ;lqmotfdf lgdf{0f sfo{sf] ljsf; ug]{(Development on own account involving construction) – 4520xf]6n sf]7f SofDk cfflbdf 5f]6f] cjwLsf] j;fO ;DjlGw sfo{sf] ;+rfng(The operation of hotels, rooming houses, camps, trailer camps andother short term lodging places) – 5510702 z'Ns jf s/f/sf] cfwf/df u/Lg] e";+klQsf ls|ofsnfkx?(Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis)7020 z'Ns jf s/f/sf] cfwf/df u/Lg] e";+klQsf ls|ofsnfkx?(Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis)z'Ns nLO{ jf s/f/sf] cfwf/df e";Dkltsf] vl/b ug]{, ljqmL ug]{, ef8fdf nufpg],Joj:yfkg ug]{, d'Nof+sg ug]{ l/on :6]6 s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .71 d]zLg, ;fdfu|L, pks/0fx?, JolStut jf 3/fo;L ;fdfu|Lsf] +rfns ljgf g}ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGw sfo{(Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personaland households goods)711 oftfoftsf pks/0fx? ef8fdf lbg] ;DjGwL sfo{(Renting of transport equipment)7111 :yn oftfoftsf pks/0fx? ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGw sfo{(Renting of land transport equipment);jf/L ;fwgx? h:t} sf/, 6«s, 6«nL, df]6/ ;fO{sn, Eofg, sG6]g/ h:tf ;j}k|sf/sf :yn oftfotsf ;fwg ;fdfu|L, pks/0fx? rfns jf 8«fOe/ ljgf g}7]Ssf jf ef8fdf lbg] s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf/flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .8«fOe/ ;xLt o:tf ;fwgx? ef8fdf lbg] ;DjGwL sfo{(Renting or leasing of vehicle with driver) – 60228«fOe/ ;xLt 6«s h:tf ;fwgx? ef8fdf lbg] ;DjGwL sfo{(Renting or leasing of trucks with driver) – 6023ljlQo 7]Ssf - lnhLË_ ;DjGwL sfo{(Financial leasing) – 6591;fOsn ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of bicycle)–7130

7112 hn oftfoftsf pks/0fx? ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGw sfo{(Renting of water transport equipment)hn oftfoftsf ;fwgx? h:t} 8'Ëf, Jofkf/Ls 8'Ëf cflb 8'Ëf rfns ljgf 7]Ssfjf ef8fdf lbg] s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .dgf]/+hg k|bfg ug]{ ;+jlGw 8'Ëf ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of pleasure boats and related ducking facilities) – 7130hn oftfoftsf ;fdfu|Lx? ;~rfns ;lxt ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of water transport equipment with operator) – 61207113 xjfO oftfoftsf pks/0fx? ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGw sfo{(Renting of air transport equipment)xjfO{ oftfoftsf ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} xjfO{hxfh, x]nLsK6/ cflb kfO{n6 ljgf g}ef8fdf jf 7]Ssfdf lbg] s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf/flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .;~rfns ;xLt xjfO{oftfoftsf ;fwgx? ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGw sfo{(Renting of air transport equipment with operator) – 62712 cGo k|sf/sf dzLg pks/0fx? ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGw sfo{(Renting of other machinery and equipment)7121 s[lif ;+jlGw dzLg pks/0fx? ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGw sfo{(Renting of agricultural machinery and equipments)s[lif sfo{df k|of]u ul/g] d]zLg ;fdfu|L, pks/0fx? rfns ljgf 7]Ssf jf ef8fdflbg] s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .s[lif d]zLg ;fdfu|L ;~rfns ;xLt g} 7]Ssf ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of agricultural machinery and equipments withoperator) – 01407122 lgdf{0f Pj+ l;len OGhLlgol/Ë;+u ;+jlGwt d]zLg ;fdfu|L pks/0fx? ef8fdf lbg];+jlGw sfo{(Renting of construction and civil engineering machinery andequipment)lgdf{0f Pj+ l;len OGhLlgol/Ë;+u ;+jlGwt d]zLg ;fdfu|L pks/0fx? h:t} qm]g,n/L, 8f]h/ OToflb rfns ljgf 7]Ssf jf ef8fdf lbg] s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .lgdf{0f Pj+ l;len OGhLlgo/LËsf o:tf ;fdfu|Lx? ;~rfns ;xLt g} 7]Ssf jfef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of such machinery and equipment with operator) – 4550cfly{s lnlhËsf] sfo{(Financial leasing) – 6591

7123 sfof{no;+u ;+jlGwt d]zLg ;fdfu|L, pkx/0fx? ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGw sfo{(Renting of office machinery and equipment)sfof{nosf ;j} k|sf/sf d]zLg ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} 8'KnLs]l6Ë d]zLg, 6fOk/fO6/,zJb k|zf]wg d]zLg, Sofns'n]6LË d]zLg, sDKo"6/ OToflb pks/0fx? rfns ljgf7]Ssf jf ef8fdf lbg] s+kgL jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf/flvPs]f 5 .7129 cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf cGo k|sf/sf d]zLg pks/0fx? ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGwsfo{(Renting of other machinery and equipment n.e.c.)cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf P+j pBf]usf] d'Vo oGqsf] ?kdf :yfkLt ljB'tLo jfofGqLs ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} OGhLg, 6jf{Og, ofGqLs ;fdfu|Lx? tyf vfgL Pj+Jofkf/Ls If]qsf ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} /]l8of], 6]nLeLhg, b'/ ;+rf/Lo ;fdfu|L OToflb7]Ssf jf ef8fdf lbg] s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o;;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .cfly{s lnlhË sf] sfo{(Financial leasing) - 6591s[lif d]zLg ;fdfu|L ef8fdf lbg] ;DjGwL sfo{(Renting of agricultural machinery and equipment with or withoutoperator) – 0141 or 7129lgdf{0f Pj+ l;eLn OGhLlgol/Ë;+u ;+jlGwt d]zLg ;fdfu|L ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipmentwithout operator) – 7122sfof{no;+u ;+jlGwt d]zLg ;fdfu|L, pkx/0fx? ef8fdf lbg] ;+jlGw sfo{(Renting of office machinery and equipment) – 7123713 cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf JolStut jf 3/fo;L ;fdfu|Lx? ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of personal and households n. e. c.)7130 cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf JolStut jf 3/fo;L ;fdfu|Lx? ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of personal and households n. e. c.)3/fo;L jf pBf]ux?n] pkef]u ug]{ JolQmut ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} sk8f, h'Qf, kmlg{r/,df6f]sf] efF8f, zLzf, x:tsnf ;fdfu|L, efG;f 3/sf ;fdfu|L, ljB'lto ;fdfu|L,;fOsn, v]ns'b ;fdfu|L, u/uxgf, ;+uLt ;fdfu|L, lstfj, kqklqsf eL8Lof] 6]k,l/s8L{Ë h:tf ;fdfGo k|sf/sf ;fdfu|Lx? ef8fdf jf 7]Ssfdf nufpg] s+kgL jfk;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .ofq'jfxs sf/ Eofg jf Sof/fefg 6«]n/ cflb rfns ljgf g} ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting without operator of passanger cars and vans caravans andtrailers) – 7111ljbf dgfpg], cfgGbbfos lsl;dsf dgf]/GhgfTds ;fdfu|Lx?;+u ;DjlGwtlqmofsnfkx?(Renting of leisure and pleasure equipment as for recreational industries)– 924972 sDKo"6/;+u ;+jlGwt ls|ofsnfkx?(Computer and related activities)721 sDKo"6/sf] xf8{j]o/sf] k/fdz{ ;+jlGw sfo{(Hardware consultancy)

7210 sDKo"6/sf] xf8{j]o/sf] k/fdz{ ;+jlGw sfo{(Hardware consultancy)sDKo"6/sf] xf8{j]o/sf] ;+/rgf / o;sf] ljljwtfsf ;DjGwdf k/fdz{ lbg] Pj+k|of]ustf{sf] cfjZostf / ;d:ofsf] klxrfg u/L k/fdz{ lbg] sG;N6\ofG;L,s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .sDKo"6/sf] ljqmL :yndf o:t} k|sf/sf ul/g] sfo{x?(Similar activities carried out by units selling computers) – 3000722 sDKo"6/sf] ;ˆ6j]o/sf] k/fdz{ P+j cfk'lt{ ;+jlGw sfo{(Software consultancy and supply)7220 sDKo"6/sf] ;ˆ6j]o/sf] k/fdz{ P+j cfk'lt{ ;+jlGw sfo{(Software consultancy and supply)ljleGg k||of]hgsf nflu sDKo"6/ ;ˆ6j]o/sf] ljleGg k|0ffnLsf] sfo{qmd jgfpg],ljZn]if0f ug]{, k|of]ustf{sf] cfjZostf / ;d:ofsf] ljZn]if0f ug]{, ldtJooLtfsf]cfwf/df ;d:ofsf] ;dfwfg ug]{, k/fdz{ lbg] jf cfjZos sDKo'6/ ;ˆ6j]o/lgdf{0f ug]{ Pj+ o;sf] cfk'lt{ ug]{ sG;N6\ofG;L, s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .gg\ s:6f]dfOh ;km6j]o/sf] k'g pTkfbgReproduction of non - cotomize software - 2230723 8f6f k|zf]wg ;+jlGw sfo{(Data Processing)7230 8f6f k|zf]wg ;+jlGw sfo{(Data Processing)ljleGg lsl;dsf 8f6fx?sf] k|zf]wg ug]{, 6]j'n]zg ug]{, l/kf]{6 tof/ ug]{, sf8{(card)jf6 6]k (tape)df kl/jt{g ug]{, o;sf] cfjZostf jdf]lhd Joj:yfkgldnfpg] jf k/fdz{ lbg] sG;N6\ofG;L, s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .sDKo"6/ / o;;+u ;DjlGwt xf8{j]o/sf] sfo{ tyf hf]8\g], lx;fj ug]{ d]zLgnfO{ef8f 7]Ssfdf nufpg] sfo{(Renting and leasing of computers and computer related hardware andadding and calcuting machines) – 7123;ˆ6j]o/ k/fdz{ jf cfk'lt{sf] sfo{(Software consultancy and supply) – 7220724 8f6fj];;+u ;+jlGwt ls|ofsnfkx?(Data Base activities)

7240 8f6f j];;+u ;+jlGwt ls|ofsnfkx?(Data Base activities)ljleGg >f]tjf6 ;+slnt ljleGg k|sf/sf 8f6fnfO{ k|of]u u/L 8f6fj]zsf] ljsf;ug]{Ù sDKo"6/ ;fdfu|Lx?df cf+s8fsf] ;+ro ug]{ / ljleGg k|sf/sf 8f6f h:t}cfly{s, tYofÍLo jf k|fljlws 8f6fnfO{ sDKo'6/sf] Joj:yfkg u/L 8f6fj]z jgfO{pknJw u/fpg] h:tf tLg k|sf/sf sfo{ ug]{ sG;N6\ofG;L, s+kgL jf k;n jfo;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .k':tsfno jf ;|u|fxfnodf pknJw u/fOg] sDKo"6/fOH8 lnvt ;DjGwL sfo{(Computerrized documentation activities provided by libraries andarchives) – 9231725 sfo{fnosf] n]vf / sDKo'6LË d]zLgsf] dd{t ;+ef/sf] sfo{(Maintenance and repair of office accounting and computing machinery)7250 sfo{fnosf] n]vf / sDKo'6LË d]zLgsf] dd{t ;+ef/sf] sfo{(Maintenance and repair of office accounting and computing machinery)sfo{nosf] n]vf / sDKo'6LË ;DjGwL d]zLg, sDKo"6/ / o;;+u ;DjlGwt ;fdfu|Lsf]dd{t ;Def/sf] sfo{ ug]{ s+kgL jf k;n jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o;;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .729 sDKo"6/;+u ;+jlGwt cGo ls|ofsnfkx?(Other computer related activities)7290 sDKo"6/;+u ;+jlGwt cGo ls|ofsnfkx?(Other computer related activities)cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf sDKo"6/;+u ;DjlGwt cGo lsl;dsflqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtu{t /flvPsf] 5 .73 cg';Gwfg P+j ljsf; ;+jlGwt sfo{(Research and development)731 k|fs[lts lj1fg P+j OlGhlgo/LË ;+jlGw ljifosf] cg';Gwfg P+j k|of]ufTds ljsf;sfo{(Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering)7310 k|fs[lts lj1fg P+j OlGhlgo/LË ;+jlGw ljifosf] cg';Gwfg P+j k|of]ufTds ljsf;sfo{(Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering)k|fs[lts lj1fg h:t} u0fLt, ef}ltszf:q j|Dxf08 zf:q, /;fog, lhj lj1fg, s[lif,OGhLlgo/LË P+j k|ljwL OToflb ljifox?df Jojl:yt lsl;dn] cg';Gwfg Pj+ljsf;sf] If]qdf /rgfTds sfo{ u/L ljBdfg 1fgdf yk clej[l4 ub}{ hfg]k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .732 ;fdflhs lj1fg P+j dfgljsL ;+jlGw ljifosf] cg';Gwfg P+j k|of]ufTds ljsf;sfo{(Research and experimental development on social sciences andhumanities)

7320 ;fdflhs lj1fg P+j dfgljsL ;+jlGw ljifosf] cg';Gwfg P+j k|of]ufTds ljsf;sfo{(Research and experimental development on social sciences andhumanities);fdflhs lj1fg h:t} cy{zf:q, dgf]lj1fg, ;dfh zf:q, sfg"g / dfgjLsL h:t}efiffzf:q, snf OToflb ljifox?df Joj:yLt lsl;dn] cg';Gwfg Pj+ ljsf;sf]If]qdf /rgfTds sfo{ u/L ljBdfg 1fgdf yk clej[l4 ub}}{ hfg] k|lti7fg, ;+3;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .jhf/ cg';Gwfg sfo{(Market research) – 741374 cGo Jofkf/Ls ls|ofsnfkx?(Other business activities)741 sfg'g, a's—lslkË, n]vf k/LIf0f ;+jlGw ls|ofsnfkx?, s/, jhf/ cg';Gwfg P+jhgdt ;+sng, Jofkf/Ls P+j Joj:yfkg ;+jlGw lqmofsnfksf] k/fdz{ sfo{(Legal accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities, tax consultancy marketresearch and public opinion polling business and management consultancy)7411 sfg"g ;+jlGw ljleGg ls|ofsnfkx?(Legal activities)b]jfgL, kmf}Hbf/L d'4f jf cGo ljjfbsf ljifox?df lghL jf ;fj{hlgs x}l;ot lnO{sfg'gL k/fdz{ k|bfg ug]{, sfg'gL k|ltlgwL eO{ sfo{ ug]{, sfg"gL k|ltj]bg tof/ ug]{jf cbfnt jf Gofonodf kIf ljkIf eO{ jxz k}/jL ug]{ h:t} clejStf, clwjStf,k]6]G6x?n] ug{] n kmd{, sfg'gL k/fdz{ s]Gb| jf sfg"g;+u ;DjGwLtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .sfg"gL cbfntx?sf] lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of legal court) – 75237412 n]vf, a's—lslkË, >]:tf k|0ffnL, n]vf kl/If0f ;+jlGw ls|ofsnfkx?, s/ k/fdz{;+jlGw sfo{( Accounting, book-keeping and auditing activities, tax consultancy)Jofkf/ jf ;DjlGwt ;]jf lqmofsnfksf] n]vf >]:tf k|0ffnL cGtu{t vftf /fVg],ljlQo n]vf tof/ kfg]{, n]vf kl/If0f ug]{, gLhL jf Jofj;foLs cfos/ ;DjGwLk|ltj]bg tof/ ug{], o:tf] sfo{df ;Nnfx lbg] n]vf kl/If0f sDkgL jf k/fdz{ s]Gb|jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .cf+s8f k|zf]wg Pj+ tflnsLs/0f sfo{(Data processing and tabulation activities) – 7230Joj:yfkg k/fdz{ sfo{ h:t} n]vf k|0ffnLsf] l8hfOg, d"No n]vf sfo{qmd jh]6lgoGq0f ljwL sfo{(Activities involving management consultancy, by units that do notprovide accounting or auditing services eg. design of accounting systems,cost accounting programmes, budgetary control procedure) – 7414ljn ;+sng sfo{(Bill collection activities) – 7499

7413 jhf/ cg';Gwfg P+j hgdt ;+sng ;+jGwL sfo{(Market research and public opinion polling)jhf/ ;DefJotf, ;dy{g Pj+ k|rlnt pTkfbg vl/b ljqmL ;DjGwL pkef]Qmfsf]?rL, gofF pTkfbgsf] ljsf;df jhf/ zf:q;+u ;DjlGwt sfo{ ug]{ tyf /fhg}lts,cfly{s / ;fdflhs ljifox?df hg cjwf/0ff ;+sng u/L cg';Gwfg ;~rfng ug]{;+3 ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .7414 Jofkf/Ls P+j Joj:yfkg ;+jlGw lqmofsnfksf] k/fdz{ lqmofsnfkx?(Business and management consultancy activities)Jofkf/ Joj;fodf ;Nnfx jf ;~rfngsf nflu cfjZos ;xof]u k|bfg ug]{ ;DjGwLsfo{ ug]{, hg;Dks{sf] dfWodjf6 Jofkf/Ls kl/sNkgf ug]{, of]hgf jgfpg],hgdtsf] ljrf/ tyf u|fxs / hgtf Jofkf/L ljrsf] ;+jGwsf] ljsf; ug]{, ;+u7g;'4[9Ls/0f, lgoGq0f, Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL sfo{ h:t} jfnLlj1 / s[lif cy{zf:qLn]s[ifs;+u tyf >dLs / Joj:yfks ljr sfo{ ;Dks{ j9fpg] ;DjGwL sfo{ ug]{k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .sDKo"6/ ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Computer activities) – 72sfg"gL ;Nnfx Pj+ k|ltlglw jGg] ;DjGwL sfo{(Legal advice and representations) – 7411n]vf >]:tf k|0ffnL, n]vf kl/If0f tyf s/ k/fdz{ ;DjGwL sfo{(Accounting, book- keeping and auditing activities and tax consultancy) – 7412jhf/ cg';Gwfg P+j hgdt ;+sng ;+jlGw sfo{(Market research and public opinion polling) – 7413k||fljlwsLo ;Nnfxsf/ ;DjGwL sfo{(Technical advisory activities) – 7421lj1fkg ;DjGwL sfo{(Advertising) – 7430742 ejgsnf, OGhLlgo/LË Pj+ cGo k||fljlwsLo sfo{(Architectural engineering and other technical activities)7421 ejgsnf, OGhLlgo/LË tyf o;;+u ;+jlGwt k||fljlwsLo k/fdz{ lqmofsnfkx?(Architectural and engineering activities and related technical consultancy)ejgsnf ;DjGwL h:t} ejg l8hfOg, gS;f lgdf{0f, zx/sf] of]hgf cflb ljifodfOGhLlgo/LË ;]jf k|bfg ug]{ tyf l;len, hn oftfoft, ljB'tLo ofGqLs OtoflbIf]qs]f ;fy} e"—tTj cGj]if0f cGtu{tsf sfo{x? ug]{ k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .k/LIf0fsf] ?kdf k]6«f]lnod kbfy{ UofF; cflb lemSg u/Lg] 8«Ln ;DjGwL sfo{(Test drilling and testhole boring in connection with petroleum and gasextraction) – 1120k|fljlwsLo kl/If0f sfo{(Technical testing) – 7422cfGtl/s ;hfj6 sfo{(Interior decorating) – 7499

7422 k||fljlwsLo kl/If0f P+j ljin]if0fsf] sfo{(Technical testing and analysis)pTkflbt dfn;fdfgx?sf] u'0f:t/ h:t} jnLof]kgf, df]6fO{, vKg]kgf, z'4tf Pj+;+/rgf cflbsf] ljZjf;gLotf / u'0f:t/ kl/If0f ug]{ Pj+ ljZn]if0f ug]{ sfo{fno,k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .lrlsT;f P+j bGt ;fdfu|L, cf}ifwLsf] kl/If0f P+j ljZn]if0fsf] sfo{(Testing and analysis of medical and dental specimens) - 8519743 lj1fkg ;+jlGw sfo{(Advertising)7430 lj1fkg ;+jlGw sfo{(Advertising)lj1fkg ;]jf;+u ;DjlGwt sfo{sf] k|jGw ldnfpg], lj1fkg Ph]G;Lsf] sfo{ ug]{,ljleGg kq kqLsf, lstfj, /]l8of], 6]lnlehg, j'n]6Lg, k||m]d, xf]l8{Ëjf]8{ OToflbdflj1fkg lbg] tyf lj1fkg k|bz{gsf] nflu ;fdfu|Lsf] l8hfO{g ug]{ Ph]G;L jf ;+3;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .lj1fkg ;fdfu|L 5fKg] sfo{(Printing of advertising material) – 2221jhf/ cg';Gwfg sfo{(Market research) – 7413hg;Dks{ ;DjlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Public relation activities) – 7414;f]em} kqfrf/ u/L ug]{ lqmofsnfkx?(Direct mailing activities) – 7499/]l8of], 6]lnlehg / lkmNddf Jofkfl/s pTkfbgsf] ;"rgf lbg] sfo{(Production of commercial message for radio, television and film) – 9211749 cGoqsf] juL{s/0fdf gk/]sf Jofkf/Ls ls|ofsnfkx?(Business activities n.e.c.)7491 >dLs etL{ P+j sd{rf/Lsf] Joj:yfkg ;+jlGw ls|ofsnfkx?(Labor recruitment and provision of personnel)sd{rf/Lsf] vf]hL ug]{, of]Uotf hfFr u/L 5gf]6 ug]{] / kb:yfkgf ug]{, /f]huf/Ltfs]fsfo{ ljj/0f 5'§ofpg], cfjb]ssf] lgj]bg kl/If0f, cGj]if0f ug]{, >dLsx?;+u s/f/ug]{ /f]huf/ s+kgL, ;+3 ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf/flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .s[lif >dLssf] s/f/ ;DjGwL sfo{(Activities of farm labour contractors) – 0140o:tf] sfo{ ug]{ Ph]G;Lsf lqmofsnfkx?(Agencies activities) – 7499df]zg lkSr/ ;DjGwL sfo{(Motion picture and other theatrical casting activities) – 9249

7492 ;'/Iff Pj+ ck/fw cg';Gwfg ;+jlGw ls|ofsnfkx?(Investigation and security activities)JolQm tyf ;DklQsf] ;'/Iff h:t} sfof{no, pBf]u, lgdf{0fflwg If]q, xf]6n, OToflbsf];'/Iff Pj+ ck/fw tyf ck/fwLsf] cGj]if0f, ;'/Iff uf8{ cflb ;'/Iff ;+u ;DjGwLtlqmofsnfkx? ug]{ k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .ljdf;+u ;+jGwLt cGj]if0fsf] sfo{(Investigation in connection with insurance) – 6720;+s]t k|0ffnLsf] h8fgsf] sfo{(Installation of alarm system) – 45307493 ejgsf] ;kmfO{ ;+jlGw ls|ofsnfkx?(Building cleaning activities)sfo{fno, k;n, ;+3 ;+:yf, Jofj;foLs Pj+ Jofkfl/s ejg, cfjf; If]qsf] jfX\o Pj+cfGt/Ls ;/;kmfO{ ug]{ k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .gofF sfk]{6 / /usf] ;kmfO{ sfo{(Carpet and rug shampooing and drapery curtain cleaning) – 9301o:t} ;kmfOsf] sfo{ 3/]n' sfdbf/ dfkm{t ug]{ sfo{(Similar activities carried out by private households employing domicils)– 95007494 kmf]6f]u|fkmL ;+jlGw ls|ofsnfkx?(Photographic activities)Jofkfl/s ?kdf jf pkef]Qmfsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu ;j} k|sf/sf kmf]6f] h:t} kf;kf]6{,ljjfx jf cGo cj;/df kmf]6f] lvRg] jf ko{6g k|of]hgsf] nflu jf Jofkf/Ls ?kdfdf]8]n jf km]zg l8hfOgsf] nflu kmf]6f] lvRg], kmf]6f] pTkfbg ug]{, To;sf] k|zf]wgug]{ ;fy} P/Lon kmf]6f] u|flkm, lkmNd k|zf]wg ljsf; Pj 5kfO{ ug]{ ;DjGwL k|lti7fg,;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .;Lg]df jf 6]nLeLhgsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu df]zg lkSr/sf] lkmNdsf] k|zf]wgsf] sfo{(Processing motion picture film related to the motion picture andtelevision industries) – 9211

7495 KofsLË ;+jlGw ls|ofsnfkx?(Packaging activities)ld>0f u/L jf gu/L jf]Qn eg]{, SofgLË ug]{, cf}ifwL ;fdfu|L, s:d]6Ls ;fdfu|L,pkxf/ ;fdfu|L Kofs ug]{, n]jn nufpg], 5fk nufpg,] kf;{n Kofs ug]{, sfuhn]j]g]{, d]zLgsf] k||of]u u/L jf gu/L o:tf] sfo{ ug]{ / o:tf] sfo{ z'Ns jf s/f/sf]cfwf/df ug]{, ;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf/flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .oftfotsf] k|of]hgsf] nflu KofsLË ug]]{ sfo{(Packaging activities for transport) – 63097499 cGoq juL{s/0f gu/LPsf cGo Jofkf/Ls ls|ofsnfkx?(Other business activities n.e.c)LJofkf/Ls ?kdf u|fxsnfO{ ;]jf k'Øfpg] ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx? h:t} ljn n]Vg],;+sng ug]{, JolQm jf Jofkf/Ls kmd{ jf6 jf+sL /sd p7fpg] sfo{, Jofkf/Ls bnfn;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx? h:t}M ;fgf jf dWod k|sf/sf Jofkf/Ls sfo{df vl/bljqmLsf] k|jGw ldnfOlbg], ljdf / e";DklQ jfx]ssf] d"Nof+sg ;DjGwL sfo{,8'KnLs]l6Ë Pj+ lr7Lkq k7fpg] h:tf ;]qm]6/Ln sfo{x?, km]zg l8hfOg;+u;DjGwLt ljleGg sfo{, ;fdfu|L jf kf]zfssf] k|bz{g ;DjGwL ljleGg sfo{,lnnfdsf] sfo{, efiff cg'jfb, efiff ;Dkfbg OToflb ug]{ k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf,sfof{no jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .hgk|zf;g, ;'/Iff P+j clgjfo{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff ;+jlGw ls|ofsnfkx?(Public administration and defense compulsory social security)75 hgk|zf;g, ;'/Iff P+j clgjfo{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff ;+jlGw ls|ofsnfkx?(Public administration and defense compulsory social security)751 /fHo k|zf;g tyf ;d'bfosf] nflu cfly{s, ;fdflhs gLlt ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Administration of the state and the economic and social policy of thecommunity)

7511 hg;]jf ;+jlGw ;fw/0f ls|ofsnfkx?(General (overall) public service activities);/sf/sf] k|zf;sLo lqmofsnfkx? cGt{ut Joj:yfkLsf -;+;b_ jf sfo{kfnLsfsf]ljleGg c+ux? h:t} :yfgLo jf If]qLo, s]Gb|Lo c+ujf6 sfg"g jgfpg] / sfof{Gjogu/fpg], ljlQo kl/:yLtLx?sf] k|zf;sLo Pj+ ;'kl/j]If0fsf] sfo{ ug]{, sfo{ of]hgfsf]sfof{Gjog ug]{, ljb]zL tyf :jb]zL cg'bfg, C0f Pj+ /fhZjsf] kl/rfng Joj:yLtlsl;dn] ug]{, eG;f/ / s/ k|zf;g sfo{ ug]{ tyf /fHosf] ;dli6ut ljsf; lgtLtyf cg';Gwfg lgtL / o;;+u ;+jlGwt sf]ifsf] k|zf;sLo sfo{ ug]{ Pj+ ;Dk'0f{cfly{s ;fdflhs of]hgf Pj+ tYof+sLo ;]jf sfo{ ljleGg txdf ;~rfng Pj+sfof{Gjog ug]{ k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .88888888888t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .JolQm ljz]ifsf] a[lQ ljsf;sf] nflu ljsf; gLlt tyf cg';+wfg gLlt / o; ;+jlGwsf]ifsf] k|zf;sLo sfo{(Administration of R & D policies intended to increase personal wellbeing and of associated funds) – 7512cfly{s ;'wf/sf] nflu ljsf; gLlt tyf cg';+wfg gLlt / o; ;+jlGw sf]ifsf]k|zf;sLo sfo{(Administration of R & D policies intended to improve economicperformance and competitiveness and of associated funds) – 7513/Iff;+u ;+jlGwt ljsf; gLlt tyf cg';+wfg gLltsf] k|zf;sLo sfo{ —&%@@(Administration of defence related R & D policies and associated funds) – 75227512 :Jff:Yo x]/rfx, lzIff, ;f:s[lts ;]jf P+j cGo ;fdflhs ;'/Iff jfx]ssf ;fdflhs;]jf ;+jlGw Ph]G;Lsf lgoldt ls|ofsnfkx?(Regulation of the activities of agencies that provide health care, educationcultural services and other social services and other social services excludingsocial security)JolQm ljz]ifsf] a[lQ ljsf;sf] nflu ljsf; gLlt tyf cg';+wfg gLlt ;+jGwL tyfsf]ifsf] k|zf;sLo sfo{x? ug]{, h'g;'s} k|sf/sf] tfnLd sfo{s|dsf] k|zf;sLo sfo{ug]{, pT;fxLd'ns ;fF:s[lts ;]jf sfo{s|d, vfg]kfgLsf] cfk'lt{, k|b'if0f lgoGq0f,kfgLs]f z'l4s/0f, cfjf; Jofj:yfkgsf] sfo{ cflbsf] k|zf;sLo sfo{ ug]{ k|lti7fg,;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no, jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .x'nfs;+u ;DjlGwt sfo{(Postal activities) – 6411b'/ ;~rf/ ;DjGwL sfo{(Telecommunication activities) – 6420cg';GWffg Pj+ k||of]ufTds ljsf;;+u ;DjlGwt sfo{(Research and experimental development activities) – 73clgjfo{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff ;DjGwL sfo{(Compulsory social activities) – 7530z}lIfs lqmofsnfkx?(Educational activities) – 80dfgj :jf:Yo ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Human health related activities) – 851

7513 Jofkf/ Jofj;fodf bIftf clea[l4 tyf lgoldt ug]{ sfo{s|dx?(Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of business);/sf/jf6 u/Lg] ljleGg k|sf/sf cfwf/e't ;+/rgf ;DjGwL sfo{x? h:t} s[lifof]Uoe"dLsf] Joj:yfkg, e"dL ;'wf/ P+j e"dL Joj:yfkg ;+jlGw sfo{, s[lif d"No Pj+cfDbfgL ;DjGwL sfo{, s[lif jhf/ P+j cfly{s ;xfotf ljt/0f ;+jlGw lgodLt sfo{,xfgLsf/s sfo{sf] lgoGq0f sfo{, ljB't Pj+ cGo phf{, OGwg cflbsf] k|zf;sLosfo{, yf]s tyf v'b|f Jofkf/ ;]jf sfo{ ;+u ;DjlGwt k|zf;lgs sfo{x?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .cg';Gwfg Pj+ k|of]ufTds ljsf;;+u ;DjlGGt sfo{(Research and experimental development activities) - 737514 ;/sf/sf nflu ;xfos ;]jfx? ;+jGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Ancillary service activities for the government as a whole)sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;]jf;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx? h:t} ;fdfGo sd{rf/L ;]jf ;~rfng;DjGwL k|zf;gLs sfo{, sd{rf/Lx?sf] lgtL Pj+ pTyfg sfo{;+u ;DjlGwt ljsf;Pj+ sfof{Gjogsf] sfo{, sfdsf] juL{s/0f, d"Nof+sg, sd{rf/Lx?sf] ;]jf lgodLt ug]{k|zf;gLs ultljwL x]g]{ k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .752 ;d'bfosf] ;]jf;+u ;+jlGwt sfo{(Provision of services to the community as a whole)7521 k//fi6« ;+jlGw ljeLGg lqmofsnfkx?(Foreign affairs)k//fi6« dGqfno;+u ;DjlGwt ljb]zdf jf :jb]zdf cGt{/fli6«o ;+3 ;+:yfx?dfcj:yLt s'6g}lts ;Nnfxsf/Lo sfo{ ;Grfng / o;sf] k|zf;gLs sfo{ ug]{, ;"rgfPj+ ;f:s[lts ;]jf sfo{, ljsf;]fGd'v /fi6«nfO{ cfly{s ;xfotfsf] cfk"tL{ sfo{,;}gLs ;xfotf, j}b]zLs Jofkf/;+u ;DjlGwt ljifoj:t'sf] sfo{, cGt/fli6«o ljQLoPj+ k|ljlw ;DjGwL sfo{, z/0ffyL{ jf ef]sd/L h:tf] cj:yfdf cGt/fli6«o ;xof]uh'6fpg] k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o;;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .

7522 ;'/Iff ;+jlGw ljleGg lqmofsnfkx?(Defence activities)cfd gful/s tyf ;}lgsx?sf] ;'/Iffsf] nflu ljleGg dfWodx? h:t} :yn, xjfO{If]qdf ;}lgs ;'/Iff ;Grfng, ;'kl/j]If0f tyf o;sf] k|zf;lgs sfo{ ug]{,;}gLsx?sf] -:ynut_ ;]jf :Jff:Yo;+u ;+jlGwt sfo{, ;}gLs If]qsf] OghLlgo/LË,oftfoft, ;+rf/, ;'/Iff cflbsf] k|zf;g;+u ;DjlGwt sfo{ ug]{, o;sf] ljsf; /cg';Gwfg;+u ;+jlGwt gLlt Pj+ sfo{ ug]{ sfof{no, ;+3 ;+:yf jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .cg';Gwfg Pj+ k|of]ufTds ljsf; lqmofsnfkx?(Research and experimental development activities) - 73;/sf/L ;'/Iff lgsfo;+u ;DjlGwt k|zf;lgs lqmofsnfkx?(Administrative activities of the governmental defence bodies) - 7511cfktsfnLg cj:yfdf cfjZos ;fdfu|L cfk'lt{ ug]{ sfo{(Provision of supplies for domestic emergency use in case of peace timedisaster) - 7523;}lgsx?nfO{ k|bfg ul/g] z}lIfs sfo{(Educational activities of military school, college and academies) - 80;}lgs c:ktfn;+u ;DjlGwt lqmofsnfx?(Activities of military hospitals) - 85117523 ;fj{hlgs zflGt ;'/Iff ;+jGwL ljeLGg lqmofsnfkx?(Public order and safety activities)cUgL lgoGq0f;+u ;DjlGwt ;Dk'0f{ sfo{, sfg"gL cbfntx?sf] cbfntL sfo{;~rfng Pj+ k|zf;lgs sfo{ ug]{, h]n jf ;'wf/ u[xsf] ;Grfng Pj+ k|zf;lgssfo{ ug]{, k|x/L jn k|of]u u/L jf k|x/Lsf] ;fydf ;+nUg (attached) eO{ cGo lgsfodfkm{t u/Lg] lgoldt jf ;xfos sfo{x? h:t} l;df ;'/Iff sfo{, 6«flkms sfo{,k|x/Lx?nfO{ rflxg] cfjZos ;fdfu|Lx? h:t} uf8L, xjfO{hxfh P+j ;+jlGwt cGo;fdfu|Lx? cflbsf] cfk"tL{ sfo{x? ug]{ k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .b]jfgL tyf kmf}hbf/L d'4fdf ;Nnfxsf/ jf k|ltlgwL jGg] sfo{(Advice and representation in civil criminal and other cases) - 7411;}gLsx?sf] sfo{ ;Grfng Pj+ k|zf;gLs sfo{(Administration and operation of armed forces) - 7522s}bLx?;+u ;DjlGwt z}lIfs sfo{ —(Activities of prision school) - 80753 clgjfo{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff ;+jlGw ljeLGg lqmofsnfkx?(Compulsory Social security activities)

7530 clgjfo{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff ;+jlGw ljeLGg lqmofsnfkx?(Compulsory Social security activities);/sf/sf] tkm{jf6 pknJw ;fdflhs ;'/Iff sfo{qmd cGtu{t h:t} lj/fdL x'g],b'3{6gfdf kg]{, j]/f]huf/L, ljdf, lgj[tLe/0f, pkbfgsf ;fy} ;'Ts]/L cj:yf, c:yfoL?kdf czSt, ljwjf, 7'nf] kl/jf/ jf cGo ls;Ldsf] IftL OToflbnfO{ cfFzLs jfk'0f{ ?kdf cfly{s ;xfotfsf] k|jGw ldnfpg] Pj+ o; ;+jlGw k|zf;gLs sfo{ ug]{k|lti7fg, ;+3 ;+:yf, sfof{no jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf/flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .k|ToIf ?kdf cfjf; ;'ljwf ;'lxt sNof0f ;]jf pknJw u/fpg] sfo{(Direct provision of welfwre services and other social work withaccomodation) - 8531k|ToIf ?kdf cfjf; ;'ljwf /xLt sNof0f ;]jf pknJw u/fpg] sfo{Direct provision of welfwre services and other social work withaccomodation) - 8532Mz}lIfs lqmofsnfkx?(Education)80 z}lIfs lqmofsnfkx?(Education)801 k|fylds txsf ljBfnox?(Primary Education)8010 k|fylds txsf ljBfnox?(Primary Education)k|fylds txdf lzIf0f ul/g] ;fdfGo z}lIfs lqmofsnfkx? h:t} g;{/L, s]=hL ;xLtjf g;{/L s]=hL ljgfsf sIff % ;Ddsf z}lIfs sfo{x? jf k|fylds txdf hf]l8Psfljz]if z}lIfs sfo{x? jf ;fd'lxs lqmofsnfkx? u/fO{ z}lIfs jftfj/0fsf] k'j{1fglbnfpg] / k9fO{, jf]nfO{ n]vfO{ Pj+ u0fLtLo 1fg lbnfpg] ;+jlGw jf czQmx?nfO{k|fylds ljBfno :t/Lo ljz]if z}lIfs sfo{qmd jf ;fIf/tfsf] sfo{qmd ;Grfngug]{ z}lIfs ;+3 ;+:yf, ljBfno jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xcGtut{ /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .k|f}9 ;fIf/tf sfo{qmd(Provision of literacy programme for adults) – 8090jRrfsf] b}lgs x]/ ljrf/, /]vb]v sfo{(Child day care activities) – 8090802 lgDg dfWolds tyf dfWolds txsf ljBfnox?(Lower Secondary and Secondary School)8021 ;fwf/0f lsl;dsf lgDg dfWolds tyf dfWolds txsf ljBfnox?(General Lower Secondary and Secondary Education);fwf/0f lsl;dsf sIff ^ b]lv sIff & ;Dd k9fOg] lgDg dfWolds ljBfno tyfsIff * / ;f] eGbf dfly P;= Pn= ;L= ;Dd k9fOg] dfWolds txdf ;~rfng x'g]

z}lIfs sfo{qmdx? h:t} ljifox? 5'§ofO{ cWofkg u/fpg] jf k|fljlws Jofj;foLsljifo jf cGo ljifo k9fpg], czQmx?nfO{ dfWolds :t/sf] ljz]if z}lIfs sfo{qmd;GRffng ug]{, sn]h n]jndf lnOg] k|j]z kl/Iffsf] nflu egL lnOg] sf]lrË sIff;+rfng ug]{ z}lIfs ;+3 ;+:yf, ljBfno jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o;;d'x cGtut{ /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .:jo+;]js eO{ k|f}9x?nfO{ ljxfg ;fFem k9fpg] ;DjGwL z}lIfs sfo{(General programmes provided for adults more on a volunteer basis eg.in evening classes) – 80908022 k|fljlwsLo jf Jofj;foLs lsl;dsf dfWolds txsf ljBfnox?(Technical and vocational secondary education)dfWolds :t/sf] k|fljlws Pj+ Jofj;foLs ljifodf ljifo j:t'sf] ljz]if bIftfxf;Ln ug]{ lsl;dsf] jf ;}4fGtLs 1fgsf] clea[l4 ug]{ lsl;dsf] jf k|of]ud'ns P+j;Lkd'ns /f]huf/Lsf nflu pko'Qm x'g] u/L lbOg] Pj+ czQm ljBfyL{nfO{ dfWoldstxsf] k|fljlws Pj+ Jofj;foLs lzIff k|bfg ug]{ z}lIfs ;+3 ;+:yf, ljBfno jfo;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtut{ /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .pRr dfWolds Pj+ ljZjljBfno :t/sf] k|fljlws Pj+ Joj;foLs z}lIfs sfo{qmd(Technical and vocational education at post secondary and universitylevels) – 8030803 pRr lzIff(Higher Education)8030 pRr lzIff(Higher Education)pRr dfWolds lzIff Pj+ ljZjljBfno jf ;dsIfL txsf] jf ljleGg ;fw/0f jfk|fljlws ljifoj:t';+u ;DjlGwt z}lIfs sfo{qmdx? ;}4flGts P+j k|fof]uLs lzIffdfhf]8 lbg] z}lIfs ;+3 ;+:yf, pRr dfWolds ljBfno, ljZjljBfno jf o;;+u;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtut{ /flvPsf] 5 .809 k|f}9 lzIff Pj+ cGo z}lIfs sfo{qmd(Adult and other education)8090 k|f}9 lzIff Pj+ cGo z}lIfs sfo{qmd(Adult and other education)k|f}9 Pj+ cGo lzIff sfo{qmd cGtu{t ;fwf/0f jf Jofj;foLs ljifodf lgoldt?kdf :s"n jf ljZjljBfno ghfg] dflg;x?nfO{ ljxfg jf ck/fGx jf ;fFemljBfno sIff sf]7fdf lzIf0f ug]{, logLx?s} nfUfL /]l8of] 6]lnlehg dfkm{t jf o:t}cGo tl/sfjf6 lzIf0f ug]{, o:tf] sfo{ :j+;]js eO{ ug]{ Pj+ k|f}9x?nfO{ ;fIf/jgfpg] z}lIfs ;+3 ;+:yf, ljBfno jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xcGtut{ /flvPsf] 5 .

N:jf:Yo P+j ;fdflhs sfo{(Health and social work)85 :jf:Yo P+j ;fdflhs sfo{(Health and social work)851 dflg;sf] :jf:Yo;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?(Human Health activities)8511 c:ktfn;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?(Hospital activities)c:ktfn;+u ;DjlGwt ;+3 ;:yfx? h:t} ;}lgs c:ktfn, k|x/L c:ktfn, s}bLc:ktfn OToflbdf lj/fdLx?sf] :jf:Yo x]/rfxsf] sfo{ ;f]em} lrlsT;sjf6;'kl/j]If0f ug]{, k|of]uzfnf Pj+ k|fljlwsLo ;'ljwf h:t} /]l8of]nf]hL, j]xf]z jgfpg],OToflbsf ;fy} cfs:dLs ;]jf pknJw u/fpg] ;DjGwL c:ktfn, ;+3 ;+:yf,sfof{no jf z/0f:yn, kfunvfgf, k'g{:yfkgf s]Gb| cflbsf] nflu ;+rflnt cfjf;;'ljwf ( accomodation) ePsf] :jf:y ;+jGwL lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xdf/flvPs]f 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .;}lgsx?nfO{ o'4e"dLdf pknJw u/fOg] :jf:Yo ;DjlGw sfo{(Health activities for military personnel in the fields) – 7522ljgf cfjf; ;'ljwfsf] bfFtsf] ;]jf ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Dental activities without accomodation) – 8512c:ktfn, 8fS6/ jfx]s cGon] pkrf/ ug]{ jfx]o lj/fdL ;DjGwL lqmofsnfk(Activities carried out predominently for out patients) – 8519kz' :jf:Yo ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Veterinary activities) – 85208512 bGt P+j lrlsT;f cEof; ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Medical and dental practice)lghL ?kdf jf ;+3 ;+:yfsf] ?kdf jf :s"n, 3/, pBf]udf ;Grflnt :jf:Yo ;Nnfx,pkrf/ jf bGt pkrf/ P+j ;fwf/0f jf ljz]if cf}ifwL ;DjGwdf 8fS6/n] jf;+jlGwt ljifosf] lj1n] jf zNo lrlsT;sn] ljgf j]8 -cfjf;_ ;'ljwf pkrf/ ug]{c:ktfnsf] ;]jf ;DjGwL ;Dk'0f{ lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .c:ktfnsf cGt/Ë ;]jf ;DjGwL lqmofsnfk(In patients hospital activities) – 8511:jf:Yo ;]jLsf ;'8]gL ;]jf lkmhLof]y]/fkL ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Paramedical activities such as those of midwifes, nurses andphysiotherapists) – 85198519 cGo dfgjLo :Jff:Yo ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Other human health activities)

c:ktfn, lrlsT;s jf bGt lrlsT;s jfx]s cGo :Jff:Yo rf}sL, SnLlgs jf :s"npBf]u 3/ jf cGo :yfgdf ;Grflnt ljleGg lqmofsnfkx? h:t} :Jff:Yo ;]jLsf,:jf:Yo ;xfos, ;'8]gL ;]jf, lkmhLof]y]/fkLsf] sfo{, PSo'kGr/, xf]dLof]y]/fkLsf] sfo{,/Stj}+s (blood bank), k|of]uzfnf ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut/flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .k|of]uzfnfdf jf cGo 7fF<strong>pdf</strong> s[ltd cFu h:t} gfFs, cfFvf, bfFt cflb pTkfbg;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Production of artificial teeth, dentures and prosthetic appliances bydental laboratories) – 3311vfB kbfy{sf] u'0f:t/sf] kl/If0f ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Testing activities in the field of food hygiene) – 7422852 kz' :Jff:Yo ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Veterinary activities)8520 kz' :Jff:Yo ;+jGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Veterinary activities)kz' c:ktfn jf kz' :Jff:Yo s]Gb|df ;+rflnt ljleGg lqmofsnfkx? h:t} kz'lrlsT;f, kz' zNolqmof, bfFt pkrf/ ug]{, o:tf] ;]jf sfo{ cfkm} jf cfˆg} k|ToIflgu/fgLdf ug]{], kz' c:ktfn jf o;;+u ;+jlGwt ;Dk'0f{ lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o;;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .kz' k|hgg ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Animal boarding activities without health care) – 0140853 ;fdflhs lqmofsnfkx?(Social work)8531 cfjfz o'St ;fdflhs lqmofsnfkx?(Social work with accommodation)jfn jRrf, k|f}9, tf]lsPsf cGo JolQmx?, czQmx?, cljjflxt cfdf / p;sfjfnaRrf cflbnfO{ :ffdflhs ;xfotf pknJw u/fpg] p4]Zon] ;/sf/L jf lghL jf;+:yfsf] ?kdf ul/g] lqmofsnfkx? h:t} cgfyfno, cjf;Lo ljBfno, xf]:6n-5fqfjf;_, a[4cf>d jf ;'wf/ u[xdf ul/g] ljleGg ;fdflhs lqmofsnfkx? (dlb/fkfg stf{, nfu' cf}ifwx?nfO{ u/Lg] pkrf/fTds sfo{ jfx]s_ ;DjGwL ;Dk'0f{sfo{x?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .clgjfo{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff ;DjGwL sf]if h'6fpg] tyf k|zf;sLo lqmofsnfkx?(Funding of and dministration of compulsory social security programmes)–7530wd{k'q ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Adoption activities) – 8532

k|fs[lts ljkQLjf6 lkl8tnfO{ cfjf; sfo{qmd ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Shelter activities for disaster victims) – 85328532 cfjfz /lxt ;fdflhs lqmofsnfkx?(Social work without accommodation)ljleGg k|sf/sf ;fdflhs k/fdz{, sNof0f, z/0ffyL{ sfo{ jf o:t} k|sf/sf] lgb]{lztjf ;dfg ?ksf] cGo sfo{, ;/sf/L ?kdf jf lghL ;+:yfut ?kdf h:t} lxGb'sNof0f, b}lj k|sf]k lkl8t ;xfotf /fli6«o jf :yfgLo :jo+ ;]js sfo{ jfn jRrfsf]b}lgs x]/rfx czQmnfO{ x]/rfx ug]{ ;fdflhs ;+3 ;+:yf, jf o;;+u ;+jlGwtlqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtut{ /flvPsf] 5 .Ot/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .clgjfo{ ;fdflhs ;'/Iff ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Funding and dministration of compulsory social security programmes)–7530cfjf; ;'ljwfo'Qm ;fdflhs sfo{ ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Social work with accommodation) – 8531cGo ;fd'bflos, ;fdflhs P+j JolQmut ;]jf ;+jGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Other community, social and personal services activities)90 9n lgsf;, kmf]x/ ˆofSg], ;/;kmfO{ h:tf lqmofsnfkx?(Sewage and refuse disposal sanitation and similar activities)900 9n lgsf;, kmf]x/ ˆofSg], ;/;kmfO{ h:tf lqmofsnfkx?(Sewage and refuse disposal sanitation and similar activities)9000 9n lgsf;, kmf]x/ ˆofSg], ;/;kmfO{ h:tf lqmofsnfkx?(Sewage and refuse disposal sanitation and similar activities)3/, pBf]u, Jofkfl/s k|lti7fg, ;fj{hlgs :ynjf6 kmf]xf]/ d}nfsf] ;+sng ug]{,j9fg]{, ;kmf ug]{, 9'jfgL u/L kmf]x/ kmfNg] :yn (Dumping site) ;Dd k'¥ofpg],gfz (Dispose) kfg]{, 9njf6 kmf]xf]/ lgsf; ug]{, 9nx?sf] ;/;kmfO{ ug]{,/fhdfu{df lxpF, j/km ;kmf ug]{, g'g jfn'jf lkmg]n 5s{g] ;fdflhs ;+3 ;+:yf jfo;;+u ;+jlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtut{ /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .s[lif;+u ;+jGwLt xfgLsf/s tTj lgoGq0f sfo{(Peste control in connection with agriculture) – 0140kmf]x/ kbfy{sf] l/;fOlSnlgËsf] sfo{(Recycling of waste) – 37kfgLsf] ;+sng, z'4Ls/0f Pj+ ljt/0fsf] sfo{(Collection, purification and distribution of water) – 41009n k|0ffnLs]f lgdf{0f Pj+ dd{tsf] sfo{(Construction and repair of sewerage system) – 452091 cGoq pNn]v gu/LPsf ;b:o ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of membership organizations n. e. c.)911 Jofj;foLs, /f]huf/ P+j k]zfut ;+jlGw ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?

(Activities of business, employers and professional organizations)9111 Jofj;foLs P+j /f]huf/ ;+jlGw ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of business and employers organization)s'g} lglZrt k|sf/sf] Joj;fosf] ljsf; Pj+ ;d[l4df lglxt eO{ ljleGg k|sf/sf;+u7gsf ;b:ox?4f/f ul/g] lqmofsnfkx?, ;"rgf ;]jf k|;f/0f tyf ljt/0f ug]{sfo{, ;/sf/L Pj+ >lds ljrsf] ;Demf}tf tyf jfl0fHo ;+jGwL sfo{ ug]{ Jofkf/;+3x?, pBf]uLx?sf] ;+3, RofDj/ ckm sd;{, FNCCI, /f]huf/ kl/ifb / o:t}k|sf/sf cGo lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .oL ;+:yfx?jf6 ul/g] kq klqsf k|sfzg ug]{ sfo{(Publication of news papers journals etc. by those organizations) – 221z'Ns lnO{ jf s/f/sf] cfwf/df >dLssf] ;Demf}tf ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Labour negotiations on a fee or contract basis)74149112 k]zfut ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of professional organizations)n]vs, snfsf/, lrqsf/, kqsf/, 8fS6/, O{lGhlgo/ cflb k]zfut ;+3÷;+:yfx?sf]lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .o:tf ;+3 ;:+yfjf6 kq klqsf k|sfzg ug]{ sfo{(Publication of news papers journals etc. by those organizations) – 221o:tf ;+3 ;+:yfjf6 pknJw x'g]] z}lIfs lqmofsnfkx?(Education provided by those organizations) – 80912 6«]8 o'lgogsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of trade unions)9120 6«]8 o'lgogsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of trade unions)Jofj;flos, k|fljlws, ;f+:s[lts, s[lif, ;/sf/L sd{rf/L jf cGo ;+3 ;+:yfsfsd{rf/Lx?sf] xs lxtsf] nflu u7Lt 6«]8 o'lgog jf ;+3 ;+:yf jf o;sf ljleGgzfvf k|zfvfx?jf6 u/Lg] jf ;+3 ;+:yfsf] ;b:osf] lxtsf] nflu k|ltlglw eO{ ug]{;DjlGw ljleGg lsl;dsf lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .o:tf ;+3 ;:+yfjf6 kq klqsf k|sfzg ug]{ sfo{(Publication of news papers journals etc. by those organizations) – 221o:tf ;+3 ;+:yfjf6 pknJw x'g]] z}lIfs lqmofsnfkx?(Education provided by those organizations) – 80919 cGo ;b:o ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?

(Activities of other membership organization)9191 wfld{s ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of religious organization)JolQm jf wfld{s ;+:yf4f/f k|ToIf ?kdf dlGb/, :t'k dl:hb cflbdf jf>4fn'x?nfO{ >4f hufpg] sfo{, cf>d ljxf/df x'g] ljleGg wfld{s sfo{;+u;DjlGwt lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .o:tf ;+3 ;:+yfjf6 kq klqsf k|sfzg ug]{ sfo{(Publication of news papers, journals etc. by those organizations) – 221o:tf ;+3 ;+:yfjf6 pknJw x'g]] z}lIfs lqmofsnfkx?(Education provided by those organizations) – 80To:tf] ;+:yf4f/f :jf:Yo ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Health activities by religious organizations) – 851Hof]ltif lj1fg, cfWofTd ;+jGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Astrological and spiritualists activities) – 93099192 /fhg}lts ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of political organizations)/fhlglts ;+u7gx? Pj+ o;sf eft[;+u7gx? h:t} o'jf, dlxnf, e"tk"j{ ;}lgsOToflbn] cfˆgf] sfof{nodf jf cGo PsqLt x'g] 7fF<strong>pdf</strong> ug]{ ljleGg lsl;dsflqmofsnfkx? h:t} /fhlglts ;"rgfsf] k|;f/0f, sf]ifsf] ;+sng Pj+ hgtf;+u;DjGw ;'b[l9s/0f ;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .9199 cGoq juL{s/0f gu/LPsf cGo ;b:o ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of other membership organizations n.e.c.)ljleGg k|sf/sf lqmofsnfkx? h:t} hgtfsf] ljleGg ljifonfO{ z}lIfs cfwf/dfcuf8L j9fpg], ;d'bfonfO{ ;3fpg], z}lIfs ;'ljwf, jrfj, ljz]if ;d'x, hfthftLsf]pTyfg ;DjGwL sfo{ ug]{, ;fF:s[lts ;'wf/, ;flxlTos sfo{, ;fdflhs lrghfg h:t}Snj, o'jf ;d'x, ljBfyL{ o"gLog, :sfp6 ;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut/flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .k|fl1s Pj+ k]zfut ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Activities of scholory and professioonal associations) – 911292 dgf]/~hg, ;fF:s[lts P+j v]ns'b ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Recreational,cultural and sporting activities)921 df];g lkSr/, /]8Lof], 6]nLeLhg P+j cGo dgf]/~hgfTds lqmofsnfkx?(Motion picture, radio, television and other entertainment activities)9211 rnlrq, eL8Lof], pTkfbg ug]{ P+j ljt/0f ug]{ sfo{(Motion picture and video production and distribution)

gf6\ozfnf jf k|bz{g ug{sf nflu lkmNd jf lel8of] pTkfbg ug]{, /]l8of]6]lnlehgdf k|;f/0f ug]{ u/L rnlrq pTkfbg ug]{ jf ;lhj lkmNd jf sf6'{gsf]pTkfbg ljz]if k|of]uzfnfdf ug]{, dgf]/Ghg jf lj1fkg jf z}lIfs jf tflndk|of]hgsf nflu jf ;'rgf ;dfrf/, wfld{s rnlrqx? k|b{lzt ug'{sf ;fy} z'Ns jfs/f/sf] cfwf/df lkmNdsf] ;Dkfbgsf] sfo{ ug]{ tyf o:tf] lel8of] rnlrq ljt/0fug]{ ;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .lkmNd lel8of]sf] dfi6/ skLjf6 k'g pTkfbg jf 8'KnLs]l6Ësf] sfo{x?(Film duplicating as well as audio and video tape reproduction frommaster copies) – 2230o:tf] ;fdfu|Lsf] v'b|f ljqmL ug]{ sfo{(Retail trade of tapes) – 523lkmNd lel8of] 6]k ef8fdf lbg] sfo{(Renting of tapes to the general public and renting of scenery and customs) -7130lkmNd lel8of] k|zf]wgsf] sfo{(Film processing other than for the motion pictures industry) – 7494lkmNd gfos gfoLsf, sf6'{lgi6, lgb]{zs, ;Nnfxsf/, k|fljlw1n] cfkm} (ownaccount) ;+unUg eO{ u/]sf sfdx?(Activities of own account actors, cartoonists, directors, consultants andother technical specialists) – 92199212 rnlrq k|bz{g sfo{(Motion Picture Projection)rnlrq lel8of] 6]k cflb gf6\ozfnfdf, :qmLgdf jf cGo 7fF<strong>pdf</strong> k|bz{g ug]{;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .gf6\ozfnf jf d+r ef8fdf nufpg] sfo{(Renting of space in theatre etc.) – 709213 /]8Lof] P+j 6]nLeLhg ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Radio and Television activities)/]l8of] jf 6]lnlehgsf] nflu ljleGg t/Lsfjf6 jf 6]kdf jf cGo /]sl8{Ëdfdgf]/GhgfTds jf lzIffk|b jf z}lIfs tflnd jf ;dfrf/d'vL sfo{qmd pTkfbg ug]{,6]kdf /]s8{ ug]{, v]ns'b ;fdfu|L df};d l/kf]{6 cGt/jft{f OToflb sfo{qmdsf]pTkfbg ug]{, /]l8of] jf 6]lnlehgjf6 k|;f/0f ug]{ tyf o:tf] lel8of] 6]k ef8fdflbg] jf ljqmL ug]{ ;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .tf/ (cables) dfkm{t 6]lnlehgsf] sfo{qmd(Cable television) – 6420l/n] u/L jf :of6fnfO{6 dfkm{t /]l8of] l6le sfo{qmd k|zf/0f ug]{ sfo{

(Radio and television transmission by relay or settelite) – 7499lkmNd :6'8Lof]df lkmNd lel8of] 6]k pTkfbg ug]{ sfo{(Production of movies in video tapes in movie studios) – 92119214 gf6\osnf, ;+uLt P+j cGo snf ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Dramatic arts, music and other arts activities)k|ToIf ?kdf Psn jf ;fd'lxs ?kdf gf6s, ;+uLt ;df/]fx, uf]i7L, ;+uLt d08nL,g[Tosf] sfo{ ug]{ Pj+ o:tf] sfo{df sfd ug]{ snfsf/, ;+uLtsf/, n]vs, d'tL{sf/pb\wf]ifs, lrqsf/, k|sfz 5fFofsf/ l6s6 Ph]G;Lsf lqmofsnfkx?nfO{ o; ;d'xcGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .gf6s3/ cflb ef8fdf nufpg] sfo{(Renting of space in theatre etc.) – 70Ph]G;L Pj+ sf:6LËsf lqmofsnfkx?(Agencies and casting activities other than recreational activities) - 74999219 cGoq juL{s/0f gu/LPsf cGo dgf]/~hgfTds lqmofsnfkx?(Other entertainment activities n.e.c.)cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf cGo k|sf/sf dgf]/GhgfTds sfo{qmdx? h:t} l8:sf],Snj, g[To lgb]{zg dgf]/GhgfTds kfs{, ;s{; ;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGt{ut/flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .cGo dgf]/+hgfTds sfo{Other recreational activities) – 9249922 ;dfrf/ Ph]G;Lsf sfo{x?(News agency activities)9220 ;dfrf/ Ph]G;Lsf sfo{x?(News agency activities);dfrf/ ;ldlt, ;dfrf/ Ph]G;Lsf sfo{x? h:t} ;dfrf/, kmf]6f] lrq tof/ kfg]{,;dfrf/ ;+kfbg ug]{, ;Grf/ dfWodx?nfO{ k|bfg ug]{, ;dfrf/ l/kf]{6LË ;]jf kqklqsf, /]l8of], 6]lnlehg ;dfrf/ k|;f/0f stf{nfO{ lbg] sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'xdf/flvPsf] 5 .923 k':tsfno, k'/ftTj ;+u|xfno P+j ;fF:s[lts lqmofsnfkx?(Library, archives, museum, and other cultural activities)9231 k':tsfno P+j k'/ftTj ;+u|fxnosf lqmofsnfkx?(Library and archives activities)k':tsfno, k'/ftTj ;+u|xfnodf ePsf ljleGg k|sf/sf ;"rgf ;fdfu|L, 8s'd]G6\;,cflb k9fO{, ;'gfO{, b[Zofjnf]sgjf6 pknJw u/fO{lbg] tyf o:tf ;fdfu|Lsf] ;+sngug]{, Sof6fnudf Joj:yLt ?kdf /fVg] / hg;fwf/0f ljBfyL{, j}1flgsx?nfO{

;"rgf pknJw u/fpg] ;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .8f6f j]z ;DjGwL sfo{(Database activities) – 72409232 ;+u|fxnosf lqmofsnfkx? P+j P}ltxfl;s :yn jf ejgsf] ;+/If0f ;+aGWLLlqmofsnfkx?(Museums activities and preservation of historical sites and buildings)ljleGg k|sf/sf ;+u|xfno ;fdfu|L h:t} snf ;u|xfno, u/uxgf, kmlg{r/,;hfj6o'Qm sk8f, df6f] P+j rf+bLsf eFf8f, k|fs[lts ?kdf Pltxf;Ls Pj+ j}1flgs;fdfu|Lsf] ;+u|x ;}lgs ;fdfu|L, Pltxf;Ls ejg, If]q Pj+ ljleGg k|sf/sf ljz]if;fdfu|Lx?sf] ;+u|x P+j k|bz{g ;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPsf] 5 .9233 jg:ktL, jGohGt' kfs{ P+j k|fs[lts ;Dkbfsf] ;+/If0f ;DaGwL ls|ofsnfkx?(Botanical and zoological gardens and nature reserves activities)jg:ktL Pj+ k|f0fL j+u}rfsf] ;/If0f ;Dj4{g ug]{ Pj+ k|s[lt ;+/If0f OToflb;+u;DjlGwt sfo{sf] ;Grfng ug]{ sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPsf] 5 .924 v]ns'b ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Sporting activities)9241 v]ns'b ;+jlGw lqmofnfkx?(Sporting activities);j} k|sf/sf leq jflx/ v]nfpg] k|lt:kwf{Tds v]nx? h:t} km'6jn, l:jldË, jS;LËr]; OToflbsf] /Ëzfnf, se8{xndf v]Ng] sfo{, l;Sg] sfo{, o:tf] sfo{ ;Grfng ubf{ul/g] ljleGg k|sf/sf sfo{x? ;Dkfbg ug]{, o:tf v]ns'b ;+jlGw Snjsf ljleGglqmofsnfkx? ug]{, /]k|mL PDkfo/sf] sfo{, v]nsf] lzIf0f k|lzIf0fsf] sfo{, v]n:s'nx?sf] sfo{ OToflb ;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x df /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .v]n ;fdfu|L ef8fdf nufpg] sfo{(Rental of sporting equipment) – 7130kfs{ -pBfg_ ;DjGwL sfo{(Park and beach activities) – 92499249 cGo dgf]/~hgfTds lqmofsnfkx?(Other recreational activities)cGoqsf] jlu{s/0fdf gk/]sf dgf]/+hgfTds lqmofsnfkx? h:t} df]zg lkSr/,6]lnlehgsf] nflu sf:6LË ;DjGwL sfo{, gf6s pTkfbgdf jf cGo dgf]/GhgfTdssfo{x?, z'Ns nLO{ jf s/f/sf] cfwf/df kfs{df u/Lg] dgf]/+hgfTds lqmofsnfkOToflbnfO{ o; ;d'x df /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .

;'/Iffsf] nflu s's'/nfO{ tflnd lbg] sfo{(Training of dogs for security reasons) – 7492Ph]G;Lsf] lqmofsnfk(Agencies activities) – 7499cGo dgf]/GhgfTds lqmofsnfk h:t} ;s{z l8:sf] ;DjGwL sfo{(Other entertainment activities e.g. circus production and discotheques) – 921993 cGo ;]jf ;+jGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Other Service Activities)930 cGo ;]jf ;+jGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Other Service Activities)9301 sk8f P+j e'jfbf/ sk8f w'g], kvfNg] P+j ;/;kmfO{ ;+jGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Washing and cleaning of textile and fur products);j} k|sf/sf sk8f, e'jf sk8f tyf sfk]{6 cflb ;+sng u/L w'g], kvfNg] k|]zul/lbg], /+ufpg] dd{t ;Def/ ul/lbg], ljt/0f ug]{, pBf]u k|lti7fg ufd]{G6ljBfnox?df tf]lsPsf] kf]zfs ef8fdf nufpg] h:tf lqmofsnfknfO{ o; ;d'xdf/flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .JolQmut cfwf/df sk8fsf] dd{t ;Def/ ug]{(Repair and alteration of clothing etc.as an indepandent activities) – 5260sk8f jf 3/fo;L sk8f ef8fdf nufpg] sfo{(Renting of clothing or household textiles) – 71309302 skfnsf] ;hfj6 P+j cGo ;f}Gbo{ pkrf/ -Jo"6L kfn{/ _ ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Hairdressing and other beauty treatment)dlxnf jf k'?ifsf] skfn w'g], ldnfpg] sf6\g] ;]l6Ë ug]{, ;'sfpg], vf}/g], ldnfpg,]d'xf/sf] d;fh ug]{, xft v'§fsf] g+usf] pkrf/ ug]{, d]sck Pj+ ;f}Gbo{ pkrf/ ug]{;DjGwL sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'xdf /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .gSsnL /f}+sf] pTkfbg sfo{(Manufacture of wigs) – 36999303 nfz uf8\g], hnfpg] , ;8fpg] lqmofsnfkx?(Funeral and related activities)d[t dfgj, k|f0fLnfO{ hnfpg], uf8\g], ;8fpg], gi6 kfg]{ sfo{;+u ;DjlGwt ;Dk'0f{sfo{ jf o:tf] d'bf{ :yn Pj+ cfjZos ;fdfu|L ef8fdf lbg] sfo{, d'bf{3f6 dd{t;Def/ ;/ ;kmfO{ ug]{ sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x df /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .sfhlqmof ;DjGwL lqmofsnfkx?(Religious funeral service activities) – 9191

9309 cGoq juL{s/0f gu/LPsf cGo ;]jf ;+jlGw lqmofsnfkx?(Other services activities n.e.c)PQ;fpgfjfy, d;fh sIf, cf/fd sIf, Hof]ltifLo Pj+ cWofTdLs lqmofsnfk, ;fdflhslqmofsnfk h:t} ;'/Iff ;]jf, ;do tf]Sg] ;]jf, j}jflxs ;]jf, j+zfjnLsf] sfo{, h'QfrDsfpg] ;fsL{, ef/L jf]Sg] OToflb sfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtu{t /flvPsf] 5 .lghL 3/df ug]{ sfdbf/sf sfo{x?(Private households with employed persons)95 lghL 3/df ug]{ sfdbf/sf sfo{x?(Private households with employed persons)950 lghL 3/df ug]{ sfdbf/sf sfo{x?(Private households with employed persons)9500 lghL 3/df ug]{ sfdbf/sf sfo{x?(Private households with employed persons)lghL 3/df ul/g] ljleGg k|sf/sf 3/fo;L sfo{x? h:t} gf]s/÷gf]sgL{, jRrfnfO{k9fpg], efG;], j+u}r], u]6kfn], 3f]8f x]g]{, dflg; x]/rfx ug]{, ;/;kmfO{ ug]{ OToflbsfo{nfO{ o; ;d'x cGtu{t /.flvPs]f 5 .cGt/fli6«o ;+3 ;+:yf P+j o;sf c+usf lqmofsnfkx?(Extra-territorial organizations)99 cGt/fli6«o ;+3 ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Extra-territorial organizations)990 cGt/fli6o ;+3 ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Extra-territorial organizations)9900 cGt/fli6«o ;+3 ;+:yfsf lqmofsnfkx?(Extra-territorial organizations)cGt/fli6{o ;+3 ;+:yf h:t} ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3, / o;sf ljz]if Ph]G;L, If]lqo c+ux?OToflb kf/:kl/s cfly{s ;xfotf kl/ifb\, o"/f]lkog sldl6 cflbsf lqmofsnfknfO{o; ;d'x cGt{ut /flvPsf] 5 .t/ lgDg lqmofsnfkx? o; ;d'x cGt{ut kb}{gg\ .s'6lglts Pj+ ;Nnfxsf/Lo ld;gsf] k|zf;sLo Pj+ sfo{ ;Grfng sfo{(Administrations and operations of diplomatic and consulor missionsstationed abroad or at office of international organizationals) – 7521

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