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18th International<br />
<strong>Recycled</strong><br />
<strong>Aluminium</strong> Conference<br />
17 & 18 November 2010<br />
Radisson Blu Hotel, Krakow, Poland<br />
Key speakers include:<br />
●● Grzregorz Stulgis, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Alumetal, Poland<br />
●● Roland Scharf-Bergmann, Head of Recycling, hydro <strong>Aluminium</strong>, Germany<br />
●● Atul Malhotra, Head of Purchasing, Georg Fischer Automotive, Switzerland<br />
●● Norberto Vidaña, Aluminum Purchasing Manager, Nemak Europe, Germany<br />
●● Marcin Koza, Commodity Manager, Opel, Poland<br />
●● Rainer Pracejus, Sales Manager, Elkem Silicon, Germany<br />
●● Jeff Kimball, Commercial Director, Loacker Recycling, Hungary<br />
●● Ben Lee, President, wang Kei yip Development Ltd (Alco Alloy), China<br />
●● Roland Leder, VP & General Manager, Aleris Europe Recycling, Germany<br />
●● Michael Lion, Chairman & Director, Sims <strong>Metal</strong> Management Asia Ltd, China, and President,<br />
Lion Consulting, USA<br />
●● Mark Brookes, Managing Director, Reox/Aleris, UK<br />
●● Michal Skriecka, Commercial and Financial Director, Confal as, Slovakia<br />
●● Shanker Gopalkrishnan, President, Madras Consultancy Group, India<br />
●● wayne Murcott, Managing Director, JVM Castings, UK<br />
●● Günther Kirchner, Secretary General,<br />
Organisation of European <strong>Aluminium</strong> Refiners and Remelters (OEA), Germany<br />
●● Dick Slade, Project Manager, harsco <strong>Metal</strong>s, UK<br />
●● Bert Barkmeijer, Managing Partner, be-real Consultants, Netherlands<br />
●● Daniel Zeiler, VP Shears & Balers/Business Development RBL, Metso Lindemann Gmbh, Germany<br />
●● Carmelo Brocato, Commercial Director, Continuus-Properzi SpA, Italy<br />
●● Thomas Niehoff, Head of Industry Segment Non-Ferrous & Mining, Linde Gas, Germany<br />
●● Marcin Zembron, Commercial Manager, Nicromet, Poland<br />
●● Carmelo Paolucci, Trentavizi SpA, and President of NF Division, Assofermet, Italy<br />
For more information and to register please visit<br /><br />
Register ONLINE<br />
before 1 October &<br />
SAVE<br />
€300<br />
Official publication
18th International<br />
<strong>Recycled</strong> <strong>Aluminium</strong><br />
Conference<br />
<strong>Metal</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> Event’s International <strong>Recycled</strong> <strong>Aluminium</strong><br />
Conference has for the past several decades provided the<br />
key annual industry forum for examining what is driving<br />
this sector at world, regional and national level, its expert<br />
speakers and panelists giving delegates an insight into this<br />
vital and growing business.<br />
Like many of the metals sectors, recycled aluminium<br />
plumbed the depths in early 2009, but has since seen<br />
a steady reversal in fortunes, with ingot values rising to<br />
close to 2006’s record highs and scrap becoming more<br />
available. But not all companies are reaping the benefits of<br />
recovery to the same degree, while others have been quick<br />
to take advantage of the upturn in demand. Why are some<br />
companies more adept than others at this? Why are some<br />
regions faring more strongly, and what can be done to<br />
improve volumes and margins elsewhere?<br />
If you are involved in the aluminium recycling loop – as a<br />
scrap generator, merchant, processor or consumer, if you<br />
use secondary aluminium alloy in your plants, or provide<br />
goods and services to the industry, or if you simply need to<br />
understand more about the dynamics of this key industry<br />
activity – then join us in Krakow, a beautiful and historical<br />
city at the heart of southern Poland’s industrial region, for<br />
the 18th International <strong>Recycled</strong> <strong>Aluminium</strong> Conference.<br />
Nowhere else will you have the chance to learn, discuss<br />
and network with so many key executives of the global<br />
aluminium recycling business.<br />
Benefits of attending<br />
• Meet and network with key recycling industry decisionmakers<br />
from around the globe<br />
• Examine and discuss industry dynamics with our expert<br />
panel of international speakers<br />
• Uncover market opportunities and technology options<br />
for making your business more successful<br />
• Find out more about aluminium recycling and<br />
consumption trends in this growth region<br />
wednesday 17 November, 2010<br />
08:00 Registration desk opens<br />
09:00 Opening remarks<br />
09.10 welcome address<br />
• Bucking the trend in Europe: economic and industrial development<br />
in Poland<br />
• Is economic success driving aluminium sector growth?<br />
• <strong>Aluminium</strong> recycling in Poland: scrap flows, recyclers and markets<br />
Grzregorz Stulgis, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Alumetal,<br />
Poland<br />
09.35 Keynote address<br />
• Change and challenge in aluminium recycling: the case for<br />
consolidation and greater investment<br />
• Shifting the emphasis from price to margins: strategies for the recycler<br />
• Truly embracing recycling – a must for any primary producer<br />
Roland Scharf-Bergmann, Head of Recycling, hydro <strong>Aluminium</strong>,<br />
Germany<br />
10.05 Session I: Market and industry analysis – near term<br />
picture and longer-term prospects<br />
• What has been the lasting impact of global recession? Is the worst over?<br />
• Is there more scrap coming to market now? Is China’s appetite still<br />
as voracious?<br />
• What expectations for price trends – on the LME and in the<br />
physical market?<br />
• Will the scrap-ingot margin remain under pressure?<br />
• What prospects for improved demand in 2011? Is all the growth in<br />
emerging markets?<br />
• Has the issue of overcapacity been resolved? Does more need to go?<br />
• Should the EU 6% duty go – and if so what will be the<br />
long-term impact?<br />
• Is trade finance and indemnity insurance still difficult to secure?<br />
Panellists include:<br />
Jeff Kimball, Commercial Director, Loacker Recycling, Hungary<br />
Michael Lion, Chairman & Director, Sims <strong>Metal</strong> Management Asia<br />
Ltd, China, and President, Lion Consulting, USA<br />
Shanker Gopalkrishnan, President, Madras Consultancy Group, India<br />
Carmelo Paolucci, Trentavizi SpA, and President of NF Division,<br />
Assofermet, Italy<br />
Marcin Zembron, Commercial Manager, Nicromet, Poland<br />
11.00 Refreshment break<br />
Session II<br />
11.30 Remelt versus primary alloy – price, performance and<br />
other criteria in the wrought aluminium sector<br />
• Which are the main alloys? Can primary and scrap feed be<br />
reapportioned without any impact on product quality?<br />
• Optimising material throughputs and in-house recycling<br />
• Economic considerations in remelting – how good must the scrap<br />
be? What of the alloying elements?<br />
Roland Leder, VP & General Manager, Aleris Europe Recycling,<br />
Germany<br />
12.00 UBC control: joint responsibility for all stake holders<br />
in the value chain?<br />
• Increasing recycling rates<br />
• Improving quality<br />
• Maintaining cost and price levels<br />
Bert Barkmeijer, Managing Partner, be-real Consultants, Netherlands<br />
12.30 Post-consumer scrap as a vital source of aluminium<br />
supply: what is being done and how much must to be achieved?<br />
• Examining life-cycles in aluminium consumption from buildings to<br />
vehicles to cans<br />
• How much of this scrap has been recovered and how much is<br />
being lost to landfill?<br />
• Initiatives to boost end-of-life scrap collection and processing –<br />
where does responsibility lie?<br />
Günther Kirchner, Secretary General, Organisation of European<br />
<strong>Aluminium</strong> Refiners and Remelters (OEA), Germany
13.00 Lunch<br />
Session III: Regional round-up – examining recovery and<br />
industry progress in key markets<br />
14.30 <strong>Aluminium</strong> recycling in China – implications for<br />
global scrap and ingot balances<br />
• Is China’s appetite for imported scrap still as strong? How is the<br />
local supply base changing?<br />
• Government, trade and environmental issues affecting recycling<br />
• Opportunities and challenges for overseas recyclers in China<br />
Ben Lee, President, wang Kei yip Development Ltd (Alco Alloy),<br />
China<br />
14.55 The Indian market perspective – an economy with<br />
growing aspirations and material needs<br />
• The economy and the role of the aluminium sector<br />
• How is the recycling industry structured today? Where do the main<br />
challenges lie?<br />
• Trends in legislation and tariffs<br />
Shanker Gopalkrishnan, President, Madras Consultancy Group, India<br />
15.20 An examination of aluminium alloy recycling in<br />
Central Europe<br />
• Who is doing what in this region? Is expansion happening?<br />
• Demand prospects from the diecasting and other sectors<br />
• Trade patterns and issues (duties, tariffs etc)<br />
Michal Skriecka, Commercial and Financial Director, Confal as,<br />
Slovakia<br />
15.45 Refreshment break<br />
16.15 Session IV: Dross and salt cake disposal and<br />
recycling panel<br />
• Optimising metallics recovery – what are the options? For the primary<br />
producer? For the aluminium recycler? On-site or third-party?<br />
• Recovering and reusing salt and non-metallics from dross:<br />
weighing the economic and legislative considerations<br />
• Adding value to the non-metallic stream for total product recycling<br />
• Global industry growth – what will be the dross and slag recycling<br />
needs of the future?<br />
Panellists include:<br />
Dick Slade, Project Manager, harsco <strong>Metal</strong>s, UK<br />
Mark Brookes, Managing Director, Reox/Aleris, UK<br />
17.30 End of day one<br />
17.45 Conference cocktail reception<br />
Sponsorship opportunities<br />
Sponsorship opportunities developed by <strong>Metal</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> Events have<br />
become essential tools for organisations in fulfilling their complex<br />
marketing goals and objectives and have taken marketing solutions<br />
to a higher level of effectiveness. Our business events provide an<br />
excellent platform for companies to approach normally elusive and<br />
difficult to reach executives, to influence them with your brand identity,<br />
organisational goals and secure your market position.<br />
• wELCOME RECEPTION network and welcome potential<br />
clients with your branding prominent<br />
• hOST A DELEGATE LUNCh entertain a large number of<br />
existing and potential clients<br />
• COFFEE BREAK SPONSOR get your message across with<br />
high visibility branding<br />
• DELEGATE BAG SPONSOR your company logo on the<br />
move for maximum effect<br />
For more information please contact Dmitri Volodko<br />
call: UK + 44 (0) 20 7779 8439 or<br />
email:<br />
Thursday 18 November, 2010<br />
08.30 Registration desk opens<br />
09.00 Opening remarks<br />
09.05 Session V: Dissecting diecasting and automotive<br />
industry trends<br />
• How did the diecasting business weather the storm of recession?<br />
Is a shake-out still needed?<br />
• Does the shift east continue? Does Eastern & Central Europe hold<br />
promising potential?<br />
• Is aluminium still making inroads into powertrain, engine and car<br />
body parts?<br />
• Supply chain issues – what can the recycling business do to help<br />
demand grow?<br />
Speakers include:<br />
Atul Malhotra, Head of Purchasing, Georg Fischer Automotive,<br />
Switzerland<br />
Norberto Vidaña, <strong>Aluminium</strong> Purchasing Manager, Nemak Europe,<br />
Germany<br />
wayne Murcott, Managing Director, JVM Castings, UK<br />
Marcin Koza, Commodity Manager, Opel, Poland<br />
10.30 Refreshment break<br />
Session VI: Addressing the cost elements of<br />
aluminium recycling<br />
11.10 The impact of silicon supply issues and price<br />
volatility on aluminium recyclers<br />
• Restructing in the western supply base – should consumers<br />
be concerned?<br />
• Can we expect continued price swings and peaks in silicon<br />
metal prices?<br />
• What outlook for supply? How are tariffs and other barriers<br />
distorting trade?<br />
Rainer Pracejus, Sales Manager, Elkem Silicon, Germany<br />
11.40 Advanced gas technologies for the recycling and<br />
remelting of aluminium<br />
• The use of advanced oxyfuel combustion technologies in<br />
aluminium melting<br />
• Modifying existing furnaces for more efficient melting<br />
• The implications for flue gas emissions and the carbon footprint<br />
Thomas Niehoff, Head of Industry Segment Non-Ferrous & Mining,<br />
Linde Gas, Germany<br />
12.10 Using technology and automation for enhanced<br />
returns in aluminium scrap processing<br />
• What are the main types of aluminium scrap? What are the<br />
limitations of traditional sorting and preparation?<br />
• Technology options for baling, compacting and separation – how<br />
quickly can the benefits be reaped?<br />
• Extracting greater recoveries through automated shredding and<br />
fragmentation<br />
Daniel Zeiler, VP Shears & Balers/Business Development RBL,<br />
Metso Lindemann Gmbh, Germany<br />
12.40 Innovations in ingot casting: the Properzi track and<br />
belt caster<br />
• Continuous casting of foundry ingots and the development of the<br />
wheel and belt caster<br />
• The benefits of the track and belt caster<br />
• Application of track and belt casting to both primary and<br />
secondary ingots<br />
Carmelo Brocato, Commercial Director, Continuus-Properzi SpA,<br />
Italy<br />
13.10 Close and lunch<br />
<strong>Metal</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> Events reserve the right to alter the venue, timings and/or speakers. ©<strong>Metal</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> Ltd, part of Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC group.
18th International <strong>Recycled</strong><br />
<strong>Aluminium</strong> Conference<br />
17 & 18 November 2010 | Radisson Blu Hotel, Krakow, Poland<br />
If your details above are incorrect please amend them here.<br />
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*Delegates must give an email address in order to receive booking confirmation and access to the<br />
Delegate Messenger System.<br />
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BOOKING CONDITIONS: Registrations can only be confirmed upon receipt of payment or proof of<br />
payment and discounted fees will only apply when payment is received within the offer period. If you<br />
are not able to attend, a substitute delegate will be accepted. Cancellations must be received 28 days<br />
before the Conference to qualify for a full refund less €135 administration fee. It may be necessary<br />
for reasons beyond the control of the organisers to alter the content, timing and venue. In the unlikely<br />
event of the Conference being cancelled or curtailed due to any reason beyond the control of <strong>Metal</strong><br />
<strong>Bulletin</strong> Ltd., or it is necessary or advisable to relocate or change the date and/or location of the<br />
event, neither <strong>Metal</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> Ltd., nor its employees will be held liable for refunds, damages and/<br />
or additional expenses which may incurred by delegates. We therefore recommend prospective<br />
delegates to arrange appropriate insurance cover.<br />
Before 1 October 2010 and SAVE €300<br />
REGISTRATION RATES Online Via Tel/Fax<br />
Before 1 October 2010 €1499 €1599<br />
Thereafter €1699 €1799<br />
Please send me more information on any field trips<br />
Please contact me about sponsorship and exhibition rates<br />
Please sign the form in order for registration to be processed.<br />
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To make a payment by credit card, please call +44 (0) 20 7779 8905<br />
or visit to book and pay online<br />
I would like to pay by bank transfer.<br />
Option only available before 17 October 2010.<br />
Note: Full bank details will be emailed to you with your booking confirmation.<br />
When paying by bank transfer, please ensure that you transfer enough funds to<br />
cover the full price of your purchase, plus any bank charges you may incur.<br />
IMPORTANT: Please make sure you quote your full invoice number, details<br />
can be found on your invoice.<br />
<strong>Metal</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> standard terms and conditions apply.<br />
Visas are the responsibility of delegates.<br />
Fees: The conference fee includes attendance at all sessions, refreshments,<br />
lunch and access to online conference documentation.<br />
Indian based delegates: Price quoted net is exclusive of any TDS /<br />
Withholding Tax. Any deductions would be liable unless an original Withholding<br />
Tax Certificate is forwarded to <strong>Metal</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> Ltd.<br />
VAT: If your organisation is tax registered within the European Union please<br />
provide your company VAT number:<br />
Our VAT Number is GB 243 31 57 84<br />
Please tick if you are not registered for sales tax.<br />
ONLINE<br /><br />
+ 44 (0) 20 7779 7999<br />
FAx<br />
+ 44 (0) 20 7779 5200<br />
EMAIL<br /><br />
+ 44 (0) 20 7779 8905<br />
Roger Cooke<br />
<strong>Metal</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> Events, Nestor House,<br />
Playhouse Yard,London, EC4V 5EX, UK<br />
VENUE<br />
Booking your accommodation: Nestled in the business and cultural heart<br />
of Krakow, the five-star Radisson SAS Hotel is just two minutes away from<br />
the largest market square in Europe and is ideal for both business and leisure<br />
travellers.<br />
Contact information:<br />
Radisson Blu Hotel<br />
Straszewskiego Street 17<br />
31-101 Krakow, Poland<br />
Tel: +48 (12) 618 88 88<br />
Fax: + 48 (12) 618 88 89<br />