Geology and Resources of ·vanadium

Geology and Resources of ·vanadium

Geology and Resources of ·vanadium


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.Zazubin, A. I. See Tarasenko, V. Z. 01028<br />

01174 Zazubin, A. I.; Barshchevskaya, A. N.; Potapova, G. M. Complex reprocessing<br />

<strong>of</strong> red mud [in Russian]: Akad. Nauk Kazakh. SSR, Inst. Metallurgii, Obogashch.<br />

iOgneuporov, v. 25, p. 3-7, 1967; abs. in Chern. Abs., v. 68, no. 2, abs. no. 5ll7g,<br />

1968.<br />

0097I Zeller, H. D.; Baltz, E. H., Jr. Uranium-bearing copper deposits in the Coyote<br />

district, Mora County, New Mexico: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 334, II p., I954.<br />

Some <strong>of</strong> the deposits in s<strong>and</strong>stone contain a secondary uranium-vanadium mineral.<br />

Zemlyanov, A. A. See Badalov, S. T. 01228<br />

00972 Zieler, Hans. Die Gewinnung von Vanadin aus deutschen Rohst<strong>of</strong>fen [The<br />

production <strong>of</strong> vanadium from German raw materials]: Stahl u. Eisen, v. 58, no.<br />

28, p. 749-756, I938; abs. in Annot. Bibliography Econ. <strong>Geology</strong>, v. 1I, p. 255,<br />

1938.<br />

00973 Zil'bermints, V. A.; Florensky, K. P. The field method <strong>of</strong> the determination<br />

<strong>of</strong> vanadium [in Russian with English summ.]: Akad. Nauk, Leningrad,<br />

Lomonosovskiy Inst., Trudy, v. 7, p. 355-361, 1936.<br />

00974 Zil'bermints, V. A.; Kostrikin, V. M. 0 rasprostranenii vanadiya v iskopaemykh<br />

uglyakh [On the distribution <strong>of</strong> vanadium in coals (with English summ.)]: Moscow,<br />

Vses. Nauchn.-Issledov. Inst. Mineral'nogo Syr'ya, Trudy, v. 87, I8 p., I936; abs.<br />

in Annot. Bibliography Econ. <strong>Geology</strong>, v. 9, p. I2I, I936.<br />

00975 Zil'bermints, V. A.; Rozhkova, E. V. Rasprostranenie vanadiya, mysh'yaka i<br />

margantsa v Kerchenskikh zheleznykh rudakh [The presence <strong>of</strong> vanadium, arsenic,<br />

<strong>and</strong> manganese in the Kerch iron ores]: Mineral'noe Syr'e i ego Pererabotka, v.<br />

3,no. 5,p. 323-332,1928.<br />

OI169 Zil'bermints, V. A. On the occurrence <strong>of</strong> vanadium in fossil coals: Acad. Sci.<br />

URSS, Comptes Rendus (Doklady), nouv. ser., I935, v. 3, p. I17-120, 1935.<br />

Summarizes the results <strong>of</strong> analyzing more than 500 samples <strong>of</strong> coals from various<br />

fields in the U.S.S.R., <strong>and</strong> suggests a reason for the high vanadium content <strong>of</strong> some<br />

samples.<br />

00976 Zippe, F. X. M. Ober den rhombischen Vanadit [On rhombic vanadite]: Akad.<br />

Wiss., Wien, Math.-Naturw. Klasse, Sitzungsber., v. 44, Abt. I, p. I97-200, 1862.<br />

00977 Zitting, R. T.; Masters, J. A.; Groth, F. A.; Webb, M. D. <strong>Geology</strong> <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Ambrosia Lake area uranium deposits: Colorado Mining Assoc., Natl. Western<br />

Mining Conf., 60th, Trans., I957, v. I, p. 106-1I4, I957.<br />

The uranium deposits described contain some vanadium.<br />

00978 Znamenskiy, N. D.; Fominykh, V. G. Composition <strong>of</strong> titanomagnetites in granitic<br />

rocks <strong>of</strong> the gabbro series from the Middle Urals: Akad. Nauk SSSR Doklady,<br />

Earth Sci. Sec., v. 146, no. I-6, p. I58-160, [I962] I964; translated from Akad.<br />

Nauk SSSR Doklady, nov. ser., v. I46, no. 3, p. 686-688, I962; abs. in Chern. Abs.,<br />

v. 58, col. I243, I963.<br />

Discusses the difference in content <strong>of</strong> vanadium <strong>and</strong> other elements in<br />

titanomagnetite in two types <strong>of</strong> granitic rocks.<br />

Zolotavin, V. L. See Bezrukov, I. Ya. 00893<br />

. Zoubov, N., de. See Deltombe, E. 004I2<br />

00979 Zubovic, Peter; Stadnichenko, Taisia; Sheffey, N. B. Relations <strong>of</strong> the minor<br />

element content <strong>of</strong> coal to possible source rocks, in Short papers in the geological<br />

sciences: U.S. Geol. Survey Pr<strong>of</strong>. Paper 400-B, p. B82-B84, I960.

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