draft programme

draft programme

draft programme


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Criminal Justice Project I<br />


“Simultaneous EAW and MLA simulations”<br />

Zagreb 5-6-7 December 2012<br />

Hotel International – Miramarska 24 – 10 000 Zagreb<br />


European Judicial Training Network<br />

CORE GROUP 1 Croatia / CORE GROUP 2 Czech Republic / CORE GROUP 3 France<br />

Wednesday 5 th December 2012<br />

09:15 Arrival and registration of participants at conference room MEDITERAN<br />

09:30 Opening of the seminar<br />

Ivana Goranic, Director of the Judicial Academy of Croatia (tbc)<br />

Luis S. Pereira, Secretary General of the European Judicial Training Network<br />

10:00 Introduction to the seminar<br />

Luis S. Pereira, Secretary General of the European Judicial Training Network<br />

10:15 Study of cases/ Drafting of requests (in separate conference rooms ADRIATIC II and<br />

KORNATI)<br />

Sanja Katušić Jergović, HR National expert<br />

Petr Klement, CZ EJN contact point<br />

Jean-Michel Peltier, FR National expert<br />

Anna Richterova, Deputy to the National Member for Czech Republic at Eurojust<br />

11:15 Coffee break<br />

11:30 Drafting of request continued (in separate conference rooms ADRIATIC II and<br />

KORNATI)<br />

Sanja Katušić Jergović, HR National expert<br />

Petr Klement, CZ EJN contact point<br />

Jean-Michel Peltier, FR National expert<br />

Anna Richterova, Deputy to the National Member for Czech Republic at Eurojust<br />

13:15 Lunch<br />

14:30 Drafting of request continued (in separate conference rooms ADRIATIC II and<br />

KORNATI)<br />

Sanja Katušić Jergović, HR National expert<br />


Criminal Justice Project I<br />


“Simultaneous EAW and MLA simulations”<br />

Zagreb 5-6-7 December 2012<br />

Hotel International – Miramarska 24 – 10 000 Zagreb<br />

European Judicial Training Network<br />

Petr Klement, CZ EJN contact point<br />

Jean-Michel Peltier, FR National expert<br />

Anna Richterova, Deputy to the National Member for Czech Republic at Eurojust<br />

16:00 Coffee break<br />

16:15 Drafting of request continued (in separate conference rooms ADRIATIC II and<br />

KORNATI)<br />

Sanja Katušić Jergović, HR National expert<br />

Petr Klement, CZ EJN contact point<br />

Jean-Michel Peltier, FR National expert<br />

Anna Richterova, Deputy to the National Member for Czech Republic at Eurojust<br />

17:15 End of first day<br />

20:00 Social dinner organised by EJTN (tbc)<br />

Thursday 6 th December 2012<br />

9:15 Arrival and registration of participants at conference room MEDITERAN<br />

CHAIR Luis S. Pereira, Secretary General of the European Judicial Training Network<br />

9:30 International judicial cooperation in criminal matters: concurring jurisdictions, ne bis<br />

in idem and transfer of criminal proceedings (lecture)<br />

Professor Wolfgang Schomburg, Professor at Durham University, UK), Former judge of the<br />

ICTY/ICTR and the German Federal High Court.<br />

10:30 Coffee break<br />

10:45 Executing of an EAW and MLA request (separate conference rooms ADRIATIC I and<br />


Sanja Katušić Jergović, HR National expert<br />

Petr Klement, CZ EJN contact point<br />

Jean-Michel Peltier, FR National expert<br />

Anna Richterova, Deputy to the National Member for Czech Republic at Eurojust<br />


Criminal Justice Project I<br />

13:00 Lunch<br />


“Simultaneous EAW and MLA simulations”<br />

Zagreb 5-6-7 December 2012<br />

Hotel International – Miramarska 24 – 10 000 Zagreb<br />

European Judicial Training Network<br />

14:15 European actors and the effectiveness of the European arrest warrant: the role of<br />

Eurojust in judicial cooperation in criminal matters (conference room MEDITERAN)<br />

Anna Richterova, Deputy to the National Member for Czech Republic at Eurojust<br />

15:15 Coffee break<br />

15:30 General debriefings on the execution of an EAW and MLA by the Core Groups<br />

(separate conference rooms MEDITERAN, ADRIATIC I and ADRIATIC II)<br />

16:30 End of second day<br />

Friday 7 th December 2012<br />

09:30 Arrival and registration of participants at conference room MEDITERAN<br />

9:45 Executing of a EAW and a MLA request: final conclusions by the core groups<br />

(separate conference rooms MEDITERAN, ADRIATIC I and ADRIATIC II)<br />

Sanja Katušić Jergović, HR National expert<br />

Petr Klement, CZ EJN contact point<br />

Jean-Michel Peltier, FR National expert<br />

10:45 Coffee break<br />

CHAIR: Luis S. Pereira, Secretary General of the European Judicial Training Network<br />

11:00 Plenary session (conference room MEDITERAN):<br />

� Reports of the National experts<br />

� Final debriefings by rapporteur CG1, CG2 and CG3<br />

12:15 Frequent Questions and Answers<br />

12:30 End of the seminar<br />


Criminal Justice Project I<br />


“Simultaneous EAW and MLA simulations”<br />

Zagreb 5-6-7 December 2012<br />

Hotel International – Miramarska 24 – 10 000 Zagreb<br />

European Judicial Training Network<br />

This event is a part of the Criminal Justice project I. Further events are being organized in 2013 in several EU<br />

Member States with different Core Groups from EU. Programme may be subject to amendment. For<br />

<strong>programme</strong> updates: www.ejtn.eu<br />


To promote judicial cooperation with the aim of contributing to the creation of a genuine European area<br />

of justice in criminal matters based on mutual confidence, EJTN has organised a series of simultaneous<br />

sets of seminars in different venues across Member States during the first phase of the Criminal Justice<br />

project I 2010-2012.<br />

The new approach on methodology of the seminars, based upon a simulation on the existing EU judicial<br />

cooperation environment has been a success among EU participants. The progress of a case inspired from<br />

actual facts written by experts involving both nationally and cross-border judicial cooperation and in<br />

applying EU mutual recognition instruments will be examined by the delegates. By means of the<br />

simulation, judges and prosecutors will learn about the practical questions that arise under their own<br />

legal system and moreover, under the systems of their colleagues in other Member States when<br />

executing a European Arrest Warrant or requesting Mutual Legal Assistance.<br />

The seminar will require strong interactivity between the participants divided in 3 Core Groups having a<br />

national component in each seminar. The Core Group 1 composed of magistrates who are nationals from<br />

the Hosting country (Croatia) and the Core Groups 2 and 3 composed of magistrates from the Sending<br />

countries (Czech Republic and France). Participants will comment on the practical cases according to their<br />

national systems to promote mutual trust.<br />

A comprehensive overview of the work of EUROJUST and the EJN and their contribution to the process of<br />

international judicial co-operation in matters related to European Criminal Law will be examined. The<br />

seminars will be assisted by international and national experts, EJN contact points as well as EUROJUST<br />

representatives.<br />

The working language will be English. The language in the national Core Groups will be the mother<br />

tongue.<br />


The seminar will address judges and prosecutors as follows: 20 magistrates from Croatia selected by the<br />

Judicial Academy of Croatia will act as Core Group 1 (CG1) including a national expert selected by the<br />

Judicial Academy of Croatia to conduct the CG1; 10 magistrates from France selected by the Ecole<br />

Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM) will act as Core Group 2 (CG2) including a national expert selected by<br />


Criminal Justice Project I<br />


“Simultaneous EAW and MLA simulations”<br />

Zagreb 5-6-7 December 2012<br />

Hotel International – Miramarska 24 – 10 000 Zagreb<br />

European Judicial Training Network<br />

the Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (ENM) to conduct the CG2; 10 magistrates from the Czech Republic<br />

selected by the Judicial Academy of the Czech Republic will act as Core Group 3 (CG3) including a national<br />

expert selected by the Judicial Academy of the Czech Republic to conduct the CG3<br />

Please contact your national EJTN Member (www.ejtn.eu) to apply for the selection procedure. For<br />

further information: Mónica Martí, EJTN Secretariat, Tel. +32 2 2802242 Email: monica.marti@ejtn.eu<br />


Ivana Goranic, Director of the Judicial Academy of Croatia (tbc)<br />

Luis S. Pereira, Senior Public Prosecutor. Secretary General of the European Judicial Training Network<br />

Sanja Katušić Jergović, Judge of County Court, Republic of Croatia<br />

Petr Klement, Prosecutor at the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office, Czech Republic. EJN contact<br />

point for Czech Republic<br />

Jean-Michel Peltier, Prosecutor at the Court of First Instance, Toulouse. Former French Liaison<br />

Magistrate to Czech Republic<br />

Professor Wolfgang Schomburg, Professor at Durham University, UK). Former judge of the ICTY/ICTR<br />

and the German Federal High Court.<br />

Anna Richterova, Deputy to the National Member for Czech Republic at Eurojust<br />

Within the support of the European Union<br />


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