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sanctified it, because He rested from all His work on it, which Elohim had created to make” (Genesis 2:2-3).<br />

This day was different from the other days of creation week. Yahweh blessed the seventh day and sanctified<br />

it. The word sanctify means to set apart as holy; Yahweh specifically set apart the seventh day as holy. We<br />

read three times in these two verses that Yahweh did not work on this day. The emphasis is that this was His<br />

day of rest. It was Yahweh’s <strong>Sabbath</strong> rest.<br />

Some people dispute this interpretation, saying this was not the origin of the commanded day of rest, noting<br />

that the <strong>Sabbath</strong> isn’t mentioned here. However, the Hebrew word translated “rested” is shabat, which is the<br />

root word for “<strong>Sabbath</strong>.” Shabat means to cease, or rest, and it is from this that the <strong>Sabbath</strong> gets its meaning as<br />

“a day of rest.” To paraphrase the account in Genesis 2, “Elohim sabbathed on the seventh day from all His<br />

work.” The Hebrew language is clear and unambiguous in its intent.<br />

When Is the <strong>Sabbath</strong> to Be Kept?<br />

Our convention of starting a new day at midnight is an arbitrary, humanly devised practice. Yahweh, who<br />

created the heavenly bodies and set them in motion to mark the passage of time (Genesis 1:14), counts time<br />

differently---from evening to evening.<br />

We see this indicated in the creation account in Genesis 1. After dividing day from night, Yahweh tells us<br />

that “there was evening and there was morning the first day” (verse 5). “Evening” is mentioned first, followed<br />

by “morning.” Yahweh describes each day’s creation in similar terms (verses 8, 13,19, 23, 31).<br />

In the Bible, evening began when the sun went down (Joshua 8:29; 2 Chronicles 18:34; Nehemiah 13:19;<br />

Mark 1:32), and at that time a new day began. Regarding His <strong>Sabbath</strong>s, Yahweh commands that they be<br />

observed “from evening to evening” (Leviticus 23:32). This was the usual way at that time of calculating the<br />

beginning and ending of days (Exodus 12:18).<br />

In New Testament times, days were calculated the same way. Mark 1:32 records that, after the sun had set,<br />

marking the end of one <strong>Sabbath</strong>, crowds brought many ailing people to Yahshua to be healed, having waited<br />

until after the <strong>Sabbath</strong> to come to Him. The Gospel accounts also record that Joseph of Arimathea entombed<br />

Yahshua’s body before evening to keep from working on a approaching annual <strong>Sabbath</strong> (Matthew 27:57-60;<br />

Mark 15:42-46; Luke 23:50-54).<br />

Yahweh, Creator of the <strong>Sabbath</strong>, determines when it begins and ends, and it was observed from sunset to<br />

sunset throughout the Bible. His <strong>Sabbath</strong> begins Friday evening at sunset and ends Saturday evening at sunset.<br />

<strong>Sabbath</strong> made for humankind<br />

Remarkably, some will still argue that this doesn’t prove the <strong>Sabbath</strong> existed from creation week and wasn’t<br />

instituted until given to Israel at Mount Sinai and that it was then given only to the physical nation of Israel for a<br />

limited time.<br />

However, Messiah Yahshua Himself dispelled this notion. “The <strong>Sabbath</strong> came into being for man’s sake, not<br />

man for the <strong>Sabbath</strong>’s sake,” He explained to some who completely misunderstood its intent and purpose (Mark<br />

2:27). He clarified the great underlying principle of the <strong>Sabbath</strong> day that so many have missed through the<br />

centuries: The <strong>Sabbath</strong>, far from enforcing a tiresome bondage or sanctioning a list of forbidden activities, is<br />

something Yahweh made for man! It was sanctified---made holy---when mankind was made, with Yahweh<br />

creating Adam and Eve on the sixth day of creation week and creating the <strong>Sabbath</strong> on the following day<br />

(Genesis 1:26-31; 2:1-3).<br />

To Messiah Yahshua the <strong>Sabbath</strong> was positive and beneficial, not the oppressive burden some religious<br />

leaders had made of it in His day. Notice Yahshua’s choice of words. The <strong>Sabbath</strong> wasn’t something just for<br />

the nation of Israel; He said it was made for man---for all humanity---and observing it wasn’t a meaningless<br />

practice forced on people to bring only hardship and difficulty.<br />

The seventh day was made for man, created expressly for mankind’s benefit and well being! Several other<br />

translations bear this out: “The <strong>Sabbath</strong> was made for the good of man,” says Today’s English Version. “The<br />

<strong>Sabbath</strong> was made for the sake of man,” reads the New English Bible. The Williams New Testament says,<br />


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