ASHLAND, MA PEBMIT NO.7 - Quarter Century Wireless Association

ASHLAND, MA PEBMIT NO.7 - Quarter Century Wireless Association

ASHLAND, MA PEBMIT NO.7 - Quarter Century Wireless Association


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Leo greets every guest.<br />

Leo gets his birthday wish!<br />

erol meeting. This yeor's meet wos very successful for oll<br />

the members ond guests of Utoh Chopter ,l60 of aCWA.<br />

A big thonks to Chorlie Lum Kee, KH6AB for toking core<br />

of these orrongements.<br />

Other octivities of the Chopter included the ARRL<br />

Rocky Mountoin Section Convention, July 2008 ot Ruby's<br />

lnn on the edge of Bryce Conyon Notionol Pqrk in Utoh.<br />

A booth within the moin Vendor oreo wqs set up ond<br />

mony homs stopped by. One new member wos signed up<br />

ond o good time wos hod by those who ottended.<br />

Ongoing Chopter proiects include collecting outobiogrophies<br />

of members for Chopter history.<br />

Dave Roah, W7DKR, President<br />

Chopter I62, Southeqst Wisconsin (WS)<br />

We ore one week from our spring OCWA QSO porty, os<br />

I write this orticle; ond os the 2009 Convention host,<br />

Ouare' Cent --rqy Wire ess Assoc,atton<br />

*#p,er€$.,",.,r;<br />

0n the left, Dave Raah, W7DKR, Prcsident, and Past President, Lee Horn, K7NKH,<br />

staff the booth at ABBL Convention.<br />

The Salt Lake bunch: ln 0ctober 2008, a dinner lor those who live in and around<br />

Salt Lake City. Those who met together were (L to R), Ron Lewis, NTBU; Rick<br />

Seyboldt, K70WZ; & Phil Bullock, K7PB. Maryellen Vaughan, WCKD, Chapter<br />

Sec reta ry, a I so atten de d,<br />

Chopter 162 will operote in it os W2MM. We hope to be<br />

octive on most of the Hom bonds using SSB, CW ond<br />

Digitol. With good bond conditions ond o greot turnout of<br />

our QCWA membership, there should be some nice scores<br />

ond o lot more QCWA octivities then normol. lt seems like<br />

porticipotion hos fqllen off in recent yeors. Perhops when<br />

conditions improve, more Homs will ioin in on the QSO<br />

porty.<br />

During the some weekend mony of us will be enioying<br />

the onnuol SuperFest thot Amoteur Electronic Supply (AES)<br />

hosts in Milwoukee. Mony of better known commerciol<br />

rodio ond equipment vendors send representotives ond<br />

obout 45 rodio clubs ioin in for the two-doy event. lt is<br />

reolly o wonderful indoor odventure with some very interesting<br />

rodio forums.<br />

Our Awords Committees hove been tosked with the<br />

selection of the 2009 Olin Fox, K9AKG Recognition of<br />

Excellence Awordee, ond with the creotion of the Robert

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