ASHLAND, MA PEBMIT NO.7 - Quarter Century Wireless Association

ASHLAND, MA PEBMIT NO.7 - Quarter Century Wireless Association

ASHLAND, MA PEBMIT NO.7 - Quarter Century Wireless Association


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Members of Chapter 206.<br />

speciol guests we could olso meei o representotive of the<br />

Swiss OFCOM os well os HB9.JOE, Andy, USKA ond<br />

IARU region I treosurer with his XYL HBgELF, Yvonne. This<br />

wos reolly o greot doy, thonk you very much Mox helping<br />

us to keep oll these equipments olive.<br />

Herherl Aeby, HB9B0U, Secretory<br />

Choprer 2I2, Mid'Ohio (OH)<br />

President, Froncis "Frilz" , WDBE, recently underwent heort<br />

surgery. Fritz is now home ond progressing nicely. He<br />

hopes to otiend fulure 21 2 meetings when he is oble.<br />

Fritz is olso the poster boy for weoring your seoi belt. He<br />

wos involved in o heod-on crosh in his truck on June 1 3th,<br />

2008, iusi o few feet from his drivewoy. He wos struck on<br />

his side of the rood by onother pickup truck. Although he<br />

hod to be cut out of his truck, he didn't suffer ony molor<br />

inluries in the crosh due to the foci he wos weoring his<br />

seot belt ond the sieering wheel oirbog deployed.<br />

Boh Coshdollsr, NR&U, Secrelary<br />

Our monthly meeiings ore on the 4th Tuesdoy ond Noon<br />

oi Corrow's Restouront, 4480 N. Blockstone in Fresno. All<br />

QCWA members ore welcome to ottend if they ore in ihe<br />

Fresno Colifornio qreo on our meeting doy. Our meetings<br />

ore very informql with on qveroge ottendonce of 20 mem-<br />

bers ond guests. Wa6CWA hod the third highest phone<br />

score in the 2008 OCWA Foll aSO Porty. Our Chopter is<br />

growing wnh 42 members now. WQ6CWA wos octive in<br />

the QCWA spring QSO PortY'<br />

Charles McConnell, W 6DPD, Seuetor y / Treasurer<br />

<strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>Century</strong> <strong>Wireless</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />

#xE&fffi- ?"sp*rts<br />

WS\M (center) receiving his QCWA 50th Yr Gold Certificate Continuous<br />

Licensing Award as well as his QCWA 50th Yr. Gold Anniversary of Licensing<br />

Award, Chapter 217 members, left to right are: WIGDE, Jules Deschenes; WglM,<br />

Dean Sever; W3GQJ, John Fleming, President Chapter 217; and W40E, Harolel<br />

Lloyd, Secretary/Treasurer, Chapter 217.<br />

Chopter 217, The Villqges (FL)<br />

Our monthly meeting is held on the 2nd Thursdoy of eoch<br />

Month @ 1030AM EDT ot The Verondo Cofe, Loke Sumter<br />

Londing Squore, The Villoges, FL.<br />

Poid Members: Six. Our membership is down by six<br />

from lost report.<br />

Awords: WBIM, Deon Sever, received his QCWA<br />

5Oth Yr. Gold Certificote Continuous Licensing Aword ond<br />

the QCWA 5Oth Yr. Gold Anniversory of Licensing<br />

Aword. Congrotulotions to Deonl The Aword wos given ot<br />

our monthly meeting ot The Verondo Cofe, Loke Sumter<br />

Londing, The Villoges, FL. The picture wos ioken by<br />

OCWA guest; KC4FE, Woyne Schieber.<br />

Harold Lloyd, W40l Secretary /lreasurer<br />


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