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A PC-model to predict Moisture Buffer Capacity in Building<br />

Materials according to a NordTest Method<br />

Lars-Erik Harderup, Associate professor,<br />

Lund University, Department of Building Physics, Box 118,221 00 Lund, Sweden;<br />

lars-erik.harderup@byggtek.lth.se, http://www.byfy.lth.se<br />

KEYWORDS: moisture, indoor climate, theory, buffering, PC-model.<br />

SUMMARY:<br />

Both building materials and furnishing exposed to variations in the surrounding climate will absorb moisture<br />

when the relative humidity increases and desorbs water when the relative humidity decreases. The interest for<br />

this interaction between surface materials and the humidity of the indoor air has increased in recent years.<br />

The growing interest for this area has also shown that t<strong>here</strong> is a need for generally accepted definitions and test<br />

methods. To establish a generally accepted definition of moisture buffering capacity and proper laboratory test<br />

methods a NordTest project was initiated in 2003. The suggested test method proposes cyclic variations in the<br />

surrounding relative humidity and constant temperature. For example eight hours with high relative humidity<br />

followed by sixteen hours with low relative humidity, repeated for five days. The weight of the specimen is continuously<br />

measured. With known material properties and boundary conditions it might be possible to predict the<br />

behaviour of the specimen by calculations.<br />

A PC-program, MoistBuff, specially designed for the proposed test method, has been developed at the Department<br />

of Building Physics at Lund University. The program is restricted for this purpose and can only be used to<br />

calculate the moisture buffer capacity if normal hygrothermal material properties are known.<br />

Comparisons between measurements and calculations show that it is not generally possible to use the standard<br />

moisture capacity derived from ordinary absorption or desorption curves, as input to the described model. If<br />

hysteresis phenomena occurs the actual moisture capacity is generally overestimated, which in turn overestimates<br />

the buffering capacity. On the other hand comparisons between measurements and calculations show that<br />

the shapes of the curves are very similar, especially if we choose a proper value for the moisture capacity. For<br />

untreated common building materials it seems sufficient to use ordinary material properties to simulate the<br />

moisture buffer capacity on a rather short time scale.<br />

The comparison made in this paper is insufficient for a total evaluation of the model. It has still to be further tested<br />

if the model can be used on highly permeable materials with a coating with non negligible moisture capacity.<br />

1. Introduction<br />

Both building materials and furnishing exposed to variations in the surrounding climate will absorb moisture<br />

when the relative humidity increases and desorb water when the relative humidity decreases. The interest for this<br />

interaction between surface materials and the humidity of the indoor air has increased in recent years; see<br />

(Harderup, 1998). A licentiate thesis about this subject was presented in Sweden in 2003 by Kaisa Svennberg,<br />

(Svennberg, 2003). Similar projects are also in progress both in other Nordic countries and at different European<br />

laboratories such as the Glasgow Caledonian University, UK; Fraunhofer Institut für Bauphysic, Germany;<br />

Dresden University, Germany; INSA-Lyon, France; KU Leuven, Belgium; Faculdade de Engenharia da<br />

Universidade do Porto, Portugal. Some work has also been initiated within IEA annex 41 “Whole Building, heat,<br />

air and moisture response”.<br />

The growing interest for this area has also shown that t<strong>here</strong> is a need for generally accepted definitions and test<br />

methods. To establish a generally accepted definition of moisture buffering capacity and proper laboratory test<br />

methods a NordTest project was initiated in 2003. Prior to the NordTest project a workshop was arranged in<br />

Denmark (Rode, 2003).

Several different ways of defining moisture buffer capacity have been suggested. Most of them use well established<br />

material properties, such as; moisture capacities, water vapour permeability and density to calculate some<br />

kind of moisture buffer value. Since the moisture buffer capacity is generally derived from other material properties,<br />

the time scale is also an important factor. Some materials have very high buffering capacity if examined on<br />

short time scales (hours, days) while other materials have considerable buffering capacity on long time scales<br />

(month, years). Generally, we are only interested in materials with high or moderate moisture capacity on a<br />

relatively short time scale.<br />

The suggested test method proposes cyclic variations in the surrounding relative humidity and constant temperature.<br />

For example eight hours with high relative humidity followed by sixteen hours with low relative humidity,<br />

repeated for five days. The weight of the specimen is continuously measured. With known material properties<br />

and boundary conditions it might be possible to predict the behaviour of the specimen by calculations.<br />

A PC-program, MoistBuff, especially designed for the proposed test method, has been developed at the Department<br />

of Building Physics at Lund University. The program is restricted for this purpose and can only be used to<br />

calculate the moisture buffer capacity if normal material data are known. Theory and results from validations are<br />

presented in this paper.<br />

2. Nomenclature<br />

Bi Biot number -<br />

Bn Coefficient -<br />

c Specific heat capacity J/(kg·K)<br />

d Relative thickness for the surface layer m<br />

ds Thickness of the surface layer m<br />

Dw Moisture diffusivity m²/s<br />

gv Density of moisture flow rate kg/(m²·s)<br />

G’ Dimensionless accumulated flow -<br />

Gv Accumulated moisture flow kg/m²<br />

L Thickness of the slab m<br />

m Mass kg<br />

M Molar weight kg/kmole<br />

p Pressure Pa<br />

R Molar gas constant = 8314,3 J/(kmole·K)<br />

t Time s<br />

T Temperature °C; K<br />

u Dimensionless vapour concentration -<br />

v Vapour concentration kg/m³<br />

vs Vapour concentration at saturation point kg/m³<br />

V Volume m³<br />

w Moisture content kg/m³<br />

Z Water vapour resistivity (d/δ) s/m<br />

Zs Water vapour resistivity for the surface layer s/m<br />

δs Permeability to vapour for the surface layer m²/s<br />

δv Permeability to vapour m²/s<br />

ϕ Relative humidity -<br />

μn Exponential factor -<br />

ρ Density kg/m³<br />

τ Dimensionless time -<br />

ξ Moisture capacity kg/m³<br />

ξ’ Moisture capacity -<br />

3. Theory<br />

Assuming that the vapour concentration is the only potential for moisture flow the following equation can be<br />


By writing<br />

∂w<br />

= −<br />

∂t<br />

∂<br />

∂x<br />

( g )<br />

v<br />

0 < x

∂v<br />

∂x<br />

= 0<br />

x = L (10)<br />

v1<br />

− v ∂v<br />

= −δ<br />

v ⋅ x = 0 (11)<br />

Z ∂x<br />

s<br />

v ( x,<br />

0)<br />

= v 0 < x < L (12)<br />

By rewriting Eqn. 11 we have<br />

∂v<br />

v1 = v − δ v ⋅ Z s ⋅<br />

∂x<br />

0<br />

x = 0 (13)<br />

In a dimensionless expression the vapour concentration can be written as<br />

w<strong>here</strong><br />

( v − v ) u(<br />

x',<br />

τ )<br />

v( x,<br />

t)<br />

= v0<br />

+ 1 0 ⋅<br />

(14)<br />

x<br />

x ' =<br />

(15)<br />

L<br />

Dw ⋅t<br />

δ v ⋅t<br />

τ = =<br />

(16)<br />

2<br />

2<br />

L ξ ⋅ L<br />

u(x’,τ) must fulfil the following conditions<br />

2<br />

∂u<br />

∂ u<br />

= 2<br />

∂τ<br />

∂x'<br />

0<br />

' =<br />

∂u<br />

∂x<br />

u1 v<br />

0 < x’ < 1, τ > 0 (17)<br />

x’ = 1 (18)<br />

− u δ ∂u<br />

⋅δ<br />

s = − ⋅ x’ = 0 (19)<br />

d L ∂x'<br />

s<br />

u ( x',<br />

0)<br />

= 0 0 < x’ < 1 (20)<br />

Eqn. 19 can be transformed to<br />

w<strong>here</strong><br />

δ v ⋅ Z<br />

1 = u −<br />

L<br />

L<br />

Bi = =<br />

δ ⋅ Z<br />

v<br />

s<br />

s<br />

∂u<br />

1 ∂u<br />

⋅ = u − ⋅<br />

∂x'<br />

Bi ∂x'<br />

L<br />

d<br />

It can be derived from Eqn. 21 that u only depends on one parameter, Bi the Biot number.<br />

To calculate the accumulated moisture flow as a function of time, Eqn. 24 has to be integrated.<br />

G<br />

g<br />

v<br />

v<br />

=<br />

t<br />

∫<br />

0<br />

g dt'<br />

(23)<br />

v<br />

( v − v )<br />

∂v<br />

δ v ⋅ 1 0 ∂u<br />

= −δ<br />

v ⋅ = − ⋅ x = 0 (24)<br />

∂x<br />

L ∂x'<br />

If Eqn. 23 is expressed with a dimensionless integral we get<br />

( v − v )<br />

δ v ⋅<br />

Gv<br />

=<br />

L ∫<br />

τ<br />

2<br />

1 0<br />

L<br />

⋅<br />

τ<br />

0<br />

∂u<br />

∂x'<br />

( −)<br />

⋅ ( 0,<br />

τ ')<br />

⋅ ⋅d<br />

'<br />

D<br />

w<br />

(21)<br />

(22)<br />


w<strong>here</strong><br />

2<br />

L<br />

dt'=<br />

⋅dτ<br />

'<br />

(26)<br />

D<br />

Eqn. 25 can now be written<br />

w<br />

τ<br />

δ v ⋅ L<br />

∂u<br />

Gv<br />

=<br />

D<br />

∂x<br />

∫<br />

w<br />

Now we can write<br />

w<strong>here</strong><br />

G v<br />

∂u<br />

∂x'<br />

( v1<br />

− v0<br />

) ⋅∫<br />

( −)<br />

⋅(<br />

0,<br />

τ ')<br />

⋅dτ<br />

'=<br />

ξ ⋅ L ⋅(<br />

v1<br />

− v0<br />

) ⋅ ( −)<br />

⋅(<br />

0,<br />

τ ')<br />

⋅dτ<br />

'<br />

0<br />

( v − v ) ⋅ G'<br />

1<br />

0<br />

' 0<br />

= ξ ⋅ L ⋅<br />

(kg/m²) (28)<br />

τ<br />

∂u<br />

G'= ∫ ⋅<br />

∂x'<br />

0<br />

( −)<br />

( 0,<br />

τ ) dτ<br />

'<br />

3.1 Solution for dimensionless step response<br />

According to Luikov (1968) the integral in Eqn. 28 can be expressed as<br />

G'=<br />

τ<br />

∂u<br />

∂x'<br />

∫(<br />

−)<br />

( 0,<br />

) ⋅dτ<br />

'=<br />

1−∑<br />

0<br />

τ<br />

τ<br />

∞<br />

n=<br />

1<br />

2<br />

−μn<br />

⋅τ<br />

Bn<br />

⋅e<br />

(30)<br />

The exponent factors, μn, in Eqn. 30 are roots to<br />

( n ) n<br />

Bi μ<br />

1<br />

cot μ = ⋅<br />

(31)<br />

which is equivalent to<br />

n<br />

( ) = Bi<br />

μ ⋅ tan μ<br />

(32)<br />

n<br />

The Bn-coefficients can be calculated with Eqn. 33.<br />

2<br />

2⋅<br />

Bi<br />

Bn<br />

= n = 1, 2,…… (33)<br />

μ ⋅ +<br />

2<br />

n<br />

2<br />

2<br />

( Bi + Bi μ )<br />

n<br />

With known Bn-coefficients we can solve Eqn. 30 for arbitrary times, if thickness and material properties are<br />

known for the slab and the surface.<br />

Further information about the theory and solutions, for the special cases when L = +∞ or the surface resistance<br />

Zs is negligible, can be found in Harderup, (1983).<br />

4. Comparison between measurements and calculations<br />

Round Robin Tests on Plywood have been carried out at different laboratories in Nordic countries. Preliminary<br />

results from these measurements have recently been compiled and published by Svennberg, (2005). Since the<br />

compiled results are preliminary t<strong>here</strong> might be changes that cannot be included in this paper. In this comparison<br />

between measured and calculated results I have chosen to use only the results from DTU. The reason is mainly<br />

that these measurements have been registered every five minutes during the entire period, which makes it easier<br />

to compare them with the calculated values.<br />

4.1 Input to the calculations<br />

As input to the PC-program MoistBuff you have to know:<br />

• Thickness L of the material. For the plywood used in the Round Robin tests the thickness is 8,8 mm.<br />

(27)<br />


• Single- or double-sided exposure. For the reported case in this paper the exposure is double-sided.<br />

• The moisture capacity ξ, according to equation 9.<br />

• Permeability to vapour for the untreated material, δv, m²/s.<br />

• Temperature during the test, °C.<br />

• Low and high RH-value during the test, 33% respectively 75%.<br />

• Surface moisture resistance Zs, s/m. In the calculations the surface moisture resistance is set to 360 s/m.<br />

• Ηours per day with high RH-value. In the calculations the samples are supposed to have been conditioned<br />

at a constant relative humidity of 33%. For the first eight hours of every day during the test period the<br />

RH-value is supposed to be exactly 75%. For the remaining part of the day the relative humidity is assumed<br />

to be 33%. This cycle is repeated for five days.<br />

To determine the moisture capacity (ξ) the sorption isotherms for both absorption and desorption have to be<br />

known for the material. In the Round Robin test the absorption isotherm for plywood has been determined by<br />

VTT in Finland. The permeability to vapour for the tested plywood has also been determined by VTT in Finland.<br />

From the laboratory tests made by VTT the moisture capacity for both absorption and desorption have been calculated<br />

to 58 for the RH-interval 33 to 75 %. Since it is very possible that t<strong>here</strong> is a hysteresis between the absorption<br />

and desorption curve for plywood, the moisture capacity from the measurements is probably too high,<br />

see Fig. 2. From isotherms, for equilibrium conditions, from other wooden materials, (Hedenblad, 1994), it is<br />

possible to estimate a scanning curve for the RH-interval of interest. In this paper it is assumed that the moisture<br />

capacity derived from the VTT measurements can be divided by two for transient calculations.<br />

w [kg/m³]<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100<br />

RH [%]<br />

FIG. 2: Sorption isotherms and scanning curve for an arbitrary homogeneous material made of wood.<br />

From the measurements from VTT the permeability to vapour for the plywood has been calculated to 2,2 · 10 -7<br />

m²/s.<br />

4.2 Results<br />

Desorption<br />

Absorption<br />

Fig. 3 shows the results from the Round Robin measurements on plywood made at DTU, and the calculated<br />

results from the PC-program MoistBuff.<br />

The measured results in Fig. 3, (DTU1 and DTU3) are the results from two individual specimen of plywood used<br />

in the Round Robin tests within the NordTest project. Both specimens have been weighed every five minutes during<br />

the whole test period. All measurements were made in a climate chamber at DTU with constant temperature.<br />

The measured results in Fig. 3 are from a summary made by Svennberg, (2005). The differences between the

series DTU1 and DTU3 are probably results of natural variations within the used plywood material and<br />

unintentional variations in the surrounding climate.<br />

Input parameters to the calculations have been discussed earlier in this paper. The only difference between the<br />

two calculations is the value of the moisture capacity for the plywood. In calculation MoistB1 the moisture capacity<br />

is derived directly from the measurements made by VTT within the Nordtest project. From section 4.1 we<br />

know that the medium moisture capacity for the interval 33 to 75% relative humidity is 58. In calculation<br />

MoistB2 the value of the moisture capacity in MoistB1 is divided by two, i.e. a value of 29 is used.<br />

In Fig.3 we can see that the curves from DTU1 and MoistB2 are almost identical, while the difference between<br />

DTU3 and MoistB1 are rather large.<br />

Weightchange [g/m²]<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

0,00 1,00 2,00 3,00 4,00 5,00 6,00<br />

Time [days]<br />

DTU1 DTU3 MoistB1 MoistB2<br />

FIG. 3: Measured and calculated results for plywood. The measured results from two series of laboratory tests<br />

performed at DTU in Denmark (DTU1, DTU3). The corresponding calculated results (MoistB1, MoistB2) were<br />

calculated with the PC-program MoistBuff for a time period of five days.<br />

5. Discussion<br />

MoistB1<br />

MoistB2<br />

The results in Fig. 3 show that it is not generally possible to use the standard moisture capacity derived from<br />

ordinary absorption or desorption curves, as input to the model described in this paper. If hysteresis phenomena<br />

occurs, the actual moisture capacity is generally overestimated, see Fig. 2. On the other hand comparisons<br />

between measurements and calculations show that the shapes of the curves are very similar, especially if we<br />

choose a proper value for the moisture capacity, ξ. For untreated common building materials it seems sufficient<br />

to use ordinary material properties to simulate the moisture buffer capacity on a rather short time scale. One of<br />

the major problems to overcome is how to choose a correct value for the moisture capacity. The model has to be<br />

further validated with other results from the Round Robin study, and for other building materials and combinations<br />

of building materials.<br />

A problem that can not be handled by the model is if a material, like plywood, is treated with a surface layer with<br />

both moisture resistance and moisture capacity. Other flaws in the model are that all material properties have to<br />

be constant for a given interval in relative humidity and that the temperature must be constant. Furthermore, a<br />

flaw in the theory can be seen in Fig. 2. The material has to be semi infinite or absolutely vapour tight on the<br />

backside. This means that a surface material in an exterior wall cannot interact with other materials closer to the<br />

cold side of the construction.

6. Conclusions<br />

The theory in MoistBuff can be used on single homogeneous materials with or without surface resistance, and<br />

moisture flow in one dimension. The major problem to overcome when simulating measurements to determine<br />

some kind of moisture buffer value is to choose a proper value for the moisture capacity from a relevant scanning<br />

curve.<br />

The comparison made in this paper is insufficient for a total evaluation of the model. For example, it has still to<br />

be tested if the model can be used on highly permeable materials with a coating with non negligible moisture capacity.<br />

7. References<br />

Harderup L-E. (1983). Luftfuktighet i bostäder (Humidity in dwellings). Lund University, Dept of Building<br />

Physics, TVBH-3009 (in Swedish).<br />

Harderup L-E. (1998). Luftfuktighet inomhus med hänsyn till icke-stationära fenomen. Sammanställning av publiceringar<br />

under perioden 1979-1998 (Indoor humidity with consideration to non-stationary phenomena.<br />

Compilation of publications from the period1979-1998). Lund University, Dept of Building Physics,<br />

TVBH-3033 (in Swedish).<br />

Hedenblad G. (1996). Materialdata för fukttransportberäkningar (Material data for moisture transport calculations).<br />

Svensk Byggtjänst, T19:1996, Stockholm (in Swedish).<br />

Luikov. (1968). Analytical heat diffusion theory. Academic Press, London.<br />

Nevander L E. and Elmarsson B. (1994). Fukthandbok - Teori och praktik (Moisture Handbook – Practice and<br />

theory). Svensk Byggtjänst, andra reviderade utgåvan, andra tryckningen. ISBN 91-7332-716-6 (in<br />

Swedish).<br />

Rode C. (2003). Workshop on Moisture Buffer Capacity – Summary Report. Report R-067. Department of Civil<br />

Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.<br />

Svennberg K. (2003). Determination of Moisture Properties for Materials Exposed to the Indoor Air. Lund<br />

University, Dept of Building Physics, TVBH-3042.<br />

Svennberg K. (2005). Moisture Buffer Value – NORDTEST. Round Robin Test on plywood using the<br />

NORDTEST-method. Lund University, Dept of Building Physics.

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