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TL9000 HID<br />

35W portable light<br />

Range: Range:<br />

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Excellent Excellent electrical electrical characteristics characteristics of of of the the TL9000 35W HID Searchlight<br />

Searchlight<br />

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Safety Safety of of of the the TL9000 35W HID searchlight<br />

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Included Included Included in in in delivery delivery of of the the TL9000 TL9000 35W 35W HID Searchlight<br />

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Warning Warning notices notices fort fort he he use use of of the the 35W 35W HID Searchlight<br />

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Caution: Caution: High High voltage voltage voltage inside inside the the flashlight flashlight body body body ! !<br />

!<br />

Caution, Caution, Do Do not not open open the the flashlight, flashlight, flashlight, it may cause danger danger to to life life<br />

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<strong>Mellert</strong> <strong>Mellert</strong> SLT SLT GmbH GmbH & & Co. Co. KG<br />

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75015 75015 Bretten<br />


Spec Specifications Spec Specifications<br />

ifications of of the TL9000 35W HID HID Searchlight<br />

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équipements électriques ou<br />

électroniques et les piles contiennent des<br />

substances nuisibles à la santé et à<br />

l’environnement. Ceux-ci ne doivent pas<br />

être jetés avec vos déchets ménagers<br />

mais dans des dépôts spécifiques<br />

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