13489 Habitat8 Book.indb - Resene

13489 Habitat8 Book.indb - Resene

13489 Habitat8 Book.indb - Resene


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welcome<br />

from the editor<br />

It’s a hurly burly world we live in. One in which we<br />

rush from home to work, to school pick-ups to social<br />

events. One in which the world rushes to meet us with<br />

its bigger crowds, brighter advertising messages, new<br />

fi lms, new products and faster, better technologies.<br />

Thank goodness we have a haven called home. It’s a<br />

place where we can retreat for a while, and create a<br />

cocoon for ourselves and our families.<br />

With interior trends swinging away from minimalist<br />

interiors, our homes can be made more welcoming<br />

and comfortable. No more perching on the edge of the<br />

hard-edged sofa for fear you’ll wrinkle the upholstery!<br />

As chandeliers become the in thing, as beds are dressed<br />

in squishy brocade quilts and appliquéd cushions grace<br />

our sofas, there is more opportunity to feather our<br />

nests with strong colour and rich detail. Let’s all breathe<br />

a sigh of relief that white-on-white is no longer right.<br />

In this issue of Habitat, we bring a little of the feel-good<br />

factor to your lives – from the purely practical with<br />

advice on which insulation might suit you, to the<br />

decorative, like how to create a pretty fl ower<br />

arrangement to dress your house. There’s an inviting<br />

family home to visit, entertainer Jackie Clarke’s<br />

collections to marvel at and four luscious looks to try<br />

in your living room.<br />

So switch off the TV, block out the world for a while<br />

and relax with this season’s issue of Habitat magazine.<br />

from <strong>Resene</strong><br />

What goes around comes around. It’s funny how often progress goes<br />

full circle. <strong>Resene</strong> was founded many decades ago on making coatings<br />

for concrete and now more than 60 years on, we are again involved<br />

with concrete, but this time paint is going into it, rather than on it.<br />

<strong>Resene</strong> has been working with Fletcher Building, Golden Bay<br />

Cement, Firth Industries and 3R during the past few years to develop<br />

novel ideas for turning waste paint once destined for landfi lls into a<br />

useful ingredient in concrete. The outcome – PaintCrete, a PaintWise<br />

solution – will divert thousands and thousands of litres of paint into<br />

concrete manufacture, improving the properties of the concrete.<br />

Other waterborne paint collected by the <strong>Resene</strong> PaintWise service<br />

(www.resene.co.nz/paintwise.htm) is diverted into covering graffi ti with<br />

tens of thousands of litres donated free of charge to tackle the tagging<br />

throughout the country. Further allocations of paint go to a range of<br />

community groups to help them with their arts activities, repaint their<br />

premises and much more.<br />

And you can help. By bringing back your unwanted paint and paint<br />

packaging to the <strong>Resene</strong> PaintWise service, it can be redistributed to<br />

community groups, reused and recycled.<br />

So next time you are in the mood to decorate, clear the clutter fi rst. Start<br />

with those unwanted paints in your garage that are gathering dust.<br />

Round them up, bring them into the <strong>Resene</strong> PaintWise service available<br />

at more than 40 <strong>Resene</strong> ColorShops nationwide and give them a new<br />

lease of life.<br />

And while you’re at the store, check out some of the sumptuous and<br />

exciting colours from <strong>Resene</strong>’s The Range 2008. You’ll see many of<br />

the colours represented within the pages of this magazine, and some<br />

inspiring ways to use them. After years of our interiors being fairly<br />

neutral, we’d like to encourage you to embrace the latest trend towards<br />

stronger colour – to feel comfortable while you read our ‘feel-good’<br />

issue. Happy reading!<br />

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