zinetta 8 - teclux

zinetta 8 - teclux

zinetta 8 - teclux


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At the movies<br />

08 by John Rijpens Knack, 27 February 1974<br />

Deep Throat: a hard act to swallow<br />


38<br />

The most talked about film since Last Tango in Paris had<br />

its European premiere last week. No, not in London, Paris,<br />

or Amsterdam, but in Antwerp, which is quite something.<br />

It all went off rather secretly. The event was carefully shielded<br />

from the press, but the organisers still hoped to draw enough<br />

people for the two showings to have to turn some cinemagoers<br />

away. After all, the film had never, and was not now, going to be<br />

shown free of charge, as it had already brought in an estimated<br />

six million dollars for the producers. The Belgian organisers<br />

were undoubtedly influenced by the decision of the American<br />

Supreme Court to prohibit public showings of Deep Throat and<br />

the hesitation of our northern neighbours to show what the<br />

Amsterdam ‘Movie’ Theatres have called The Godfather of<br />

porno films.<br />

In New York and elsewhere around the world, Deep Throat has<br />

been called a sociological phenomenon. Everyone wanted to<br />

see the film. Every day has witnessed silly giggling emanating<br />

from shuffling rows of onlookers as yet another stately<br />

limousine stops outside the New Mature World Theatre so that<br />

the film may be shown to the richest and most famous<br />

celebrities in the United States. This is because Deep Throat is<br />

now regarded as a must.<br />

For Antwerp, the matter has now grown into a somewhat<br />

melancholy event. It is a poignant but artificial situation. No<br />

expensive fur coats or flashy hairstyles. No chauffeurs driving in<br />

the area around the Borgerhout Drink. Neither do you see the<br />

somewhat hardened regulars of the nude circuit in their faded<br />

raincoats, glancing to the left and right in order to drift in as<br />

unobtrusively as possible. No, the viewers who came to see the<br />

film in Antwerp were film enthusiasts and intellectuals.<br />

Where they all came from suddenly, who knows, but it is<br />

obvious that in Belgium as well ‘Deep Throat’ has become one<br />

of the most prominent discussion topics in receptions, editorial<br />

offices and film circles. Wim Verstappen and his buddies at Vrij<br />

Nederland were busy for weeks talking about ‘The breakthrough<br />

of hard porno films’ and other matters in which the film was<br />

always the focus. In the December edition of Playboy 1973, the<br />

leading lady, Linda Lovelace, was with her frizzy hair described<br />

as the heroine of America’s hottest porno hit, Deep Throat, and<br />

proclaimed the sexiest female star of the year. The rest is, as<br />

one says, history. She has recently written a much talked-about<br />

autobiography (Inside Linda Lovelace) and she has never<br />

minced her words as a victim or celebrity in interviews for the<br />

London Times, Screw, Women’s Wear Daily, and, of course, in<br />

Playboy. She made an impressive contribution to the colloquium<br />

New Sexual Life Style.<br />

Pound for the elite<br />

It was inevitable, I think, that porn would permeate through to<br />

the elite. Lazlo Kovsaka and Francis Ford Coppola had already<br />

filmed hardcore porno before they respectively made Easy<br />

Rider and Five Easy Pieces or The Godfather.<br />

Deep Throat has some elements which were lacking in all the<br />

previous porno films: a professional approach, colour, and on<br />

35mm film (instead of second-hand 16mm cameras and no<br />

sound), plus synchronised hi-fi sound. In other words, Deep<br />

Throat could count on the finishing attributes which make a film<br />

a real film, despite the fact that it was shot in barely six days in<br />

Florida with a budget of 25,000 dollars.<br />

The film was also shot in a relatively professional manner<br />

(written, directed and cut by Jerry Gerard) and even has an<br />

original music score. The copy used in Antwerp was simply<br />

pathetic, and that is a pity because now it looks as though this<br />

was the umpteenth attempt to take the public for a ride, which<br />

is by no means the case here. Quite the contrary, since what is<br />

merely suggested in other so called sex films is shown here in<br />

full detail.<br />

Deep Throat only lasts sixty-two minutes, i.e. half an hour less<br />

than a ‘normal’ feature film. During that hour, the viewer<br />

witnesses fifteen sexual acts, ranging from vaginal intercourse<br />

to sodomy, fellatio and cunnilingus. Nothing is left to a decent<br />

cinema visitors’ imagination. You could use the clinical close-up<br />

fragments for training films for a new Kinsey Report or for<br />

teaching material for gynaecology students.<br />

Unlike most porno films, Deep Throat offers a (truly rudimentary)<br />

bit of intrigue. The film is about a timid girl who cannot<br />

experience sexual pleasure until a doctor comes to the<br />

staggering conclusion that her clitoris is in her throat. Really.<br />

You can guess the rest.<br />

Scandalous success<br />

According to reports, the producer of Deep Throat wanted to<br />

make it a comedy porno film. The smutty jokes are certainly not<br />

of a very high intellectual or witty level, but that’s another matter.<br />

The film only becomes really witty at moments when the makers<br />

did not intend it to be that way. The style of the entire picture<br />

leans towards baroque, rude, coarse and badly written army<br />

sketches and large parts of the film are also painfully tedious.<br />

For some viewers, the sixty-two minutes seemed more like sixtytwo<br />

hours. So why the appreciation, interest and scandalous<br />

success? Linda Lovelace? Most actresses in porno films make<br />

a coarse, stupid, and somewhat slobbery impression. 22-year<br />

old Linda from Texas is young, lively, quite pretty and has a<br />

supple figure. However, it is relatively clear that she doesn’t<br />

know the first thing about acting. A film authority at the New<br />

York Times expressed it like this: she has immense talent for<br />

fellatio. She performs her numbers in the art of oral sex (even<br />

five times) with the vigour of unsurpassed sword bearers.<br />

Another reason why the multitudes flock to see Deep Throat lies<br />

in the fear that one day certain authorities may take the film from<br />

film clubs to the evidence room of a judicial court.<br />

In the United States, the decision by the Supreme Court was<br />

clearly aimed at the flood of porno films which is swamping<br />

America at the moment. The ‘obscenity rules’ (which have<br />

become notorious in the meantime) were phrased so<br />

ambiguously that indecency could be applied to almost<br />

everything. What is obscene? A lecture on abortion or<br />

euthanasia? Is there a writer anywhere from any literary genre<br />

whose work contains nothing which can be interpreted as<br />

obscene? Which films or texts from pop songs can pass this<br />

test? The best way to remove so-called obscenities is to let<br />

them prosper. Outlawing pornography only stimulates its<br />

popularity and drives it straight into the hands of the mafia.<br />

Pornography was certainly in decline in the US before the<br />

Supreme Court intervened. Deep Throat has been very<br />

fortunate and has definitely been boosted by a publicity<br />

overdose. I have seen ‘serious porn’ with just a few people in<br />

the hall. The Antwerp audience which saw Deep Throat gave no<br />

impression of being sleazy. Those under 21 were prohibited in<br />

any case, so who has to be protected? No one forces you to go<br />

and see porno films. Wanting to save us from a feigned<br />

immorality is a form of hypocrisy and shows a disregard for the<br />

intelligence and individual freedom of choice of ordinary people.<br />

Deep Throat will undoubtedly never be shown to the general<br />

adult public here in Belgium. In some respects, that is a pity. For<br />

if everyone had seen Deep Throat, there would have been no<br />

need to go and see Deep Throat II, which Linda Lovelace and<br />

co. are currently filming. Let Deep Throat loose on the masses<br />

and no one will talk about it any more.

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