266-299 - SABONET

266-299 - SABONET

266-299 - SABONET


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Erect or scrambling perennial herb from a woody rootstock, with several<br />

much-branched hairy stems; leaves opposite, more or less sessile, thick,<br />

rigid, spreading, 3–12 x 1–2 mm, margins serrate to crenate; flowers single,<br />

alternate, axillary, white to pale pink or purplish, bell-shaped, equally<br />

5-lobed; in open grasslands or on forest margins; 2,150–2,440 m. Nyika<br />

Plateau northwards to Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Kenya. A monotypic<br />

genus confined to tropical Africa.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 156 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika Plateau, below Sangule Kopje, 7 km S.W. of Chelinda Camp,<br />

2,255 m, 1970, Brummitt 10759 (K, SRGH).<br />

Zambia. Nyika Plateau, near source of Chire River, 2,135 m, 1952, White<br />

2748 (K).<br />

No country given. 1955, Lees 72 (UZL).<br />

Limosella australis R.Br. <br />

Limosella subulata Ives<br />

Small creeping or submerged tufted amphibious herb; leaves cylindrical or<br />

subulate (awl-shaped), 15–80 x 0.3–15 mm; flowers white, blue beneath,<br />

on stalks 5–35 mm long; fruit a round capsule 2–2.5 mm diameter; in shallow<br />

lakes or on muddy lakesides; up to 2,340 m in the Flora zambesiaca<br />

area. Zimbabwe and Malawi; also in N. America, Europe, Australia.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 73 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika Plateau, Lake Kaulime, 2,150 m, 1958, Robson & Angus<br />

320 (K, LISC, SRGH).<br />

Lindernia nummulariifolia (D.Don) Wettst. <br />

Erect annual herb 30–140 mm tall, stems simple or basally branched; leaves<br />

subsessile, ovate, ovate to round, 9–15 x 5–13 mm, margins serrate to crenate,<br />

lower surface with a few hairs; flowers single in axils, stalks 3–14 mm<br />

long, corolla blue to violet, ca 6 mm long; fruit a round to cylindric, beaked<br />

capsule; on wet soils in marshes and riversides, in crevices on granite outcrops;<br />

up to 1,600 m. From Zimbabwe through much of tropical Africa;<br />

also through southern Asia to China.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 65 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika National Park, without locality or collecting details (Mill<br />

1979); Dembo Bridge, 2000, Winter 4032 (MAL, PRE, UZL).<br />

Melasma calycinum (Hiern) Hemsl. <br />

Velvitsia calycina Hiern<br />

Erect perennial herb to 0.75 m tall, stems leafy, simple, rarely branched;<br />

leaves opposite, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 25–67 x 7–28 mm, margins crenate<br />

to toothed or lobed, hispid-scabrid on both surfaces; flowers alternate<br />

or clustered terminally, yellow to orange or white with reddish or purplish<br />

veining, 5-lobed; in swamps, marshes, and wet grassland along rivers; 1,200–<br />

2,250 m. Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia, and Angola.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 84 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika National Park, without locality or collecting details (Mill 1979).<br />

Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst.) Benth. <br />

Macrosiphon fistulosus Hochst.<br />

Erect, branched annual herb 50–500 mm tall; leaves pinnatisect, the segments<br />

filiform, less than 1 mm wide; flowers solitary, stalk 9–20 mm long,<br />

corolla white, cream, pale pink or pale blue, 5-lobed, with a tube 25–30 mm<br />

long; on peaty soils over sheetrock, on or between rocks in shallow, slowrunning<br />

rivers or streams, but more frequently near rivers and in grassy<br />

swamps; 600–1,750 m. Widespread from W. Africa, Chad, and Sudan,<br />

through Central and E. Africa S. to South Africa; also in Madagascar, New<br />

Guinea, and Australia.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 135 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika Plateau, 1903, McClounie 96 (K).<br />

Sibthorpia europaea L. <br />

Sibthorpia prostrata Salisb.; Sibthorpia europaea var. africana Hook.;<br />

Sibthorpia australis Hutch.<br />

Prostrate, creeping herb, rooting at nodes, all parts hairy; leaves roundish,<br />

deeply cordate, 5–15 mm diameter, petioles 5–30 mm long; flowers single,<br />

small, in leaf axils, stalks 2–5 mm long, corolla to 2 mm long, yellow to<br />

purple; on streamsides, river-banks, and moist areas, usually in shade; up<br />

to 2,150 m. Zimbabwe and Zambia; also in Europe and the Azores, and<br />

268 Plants of the Nyika Plateau<br />

from Ethiopia to Tanzania.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 75 (1990).<br />

Zambia. Nyika Plateau, below Rest House on path to N. Rukuru (Chisanga)<br />

Waterfall, 2,150 m, 1958, Robson 402 (K).<br />

Sopubia eminii Engl.<br />

Sopubia trifida sensu Skan in F.T.A.<br />

Delicate erect, scabrid, annual herb, stems simple to much-branched basally,<br />

obscurely angled; upper leaves undivided with the lower leaves trifid<br />

or 5-fid; flowering stalks 5–9 mm long, flowers yellow or white with a<br />

purple centre, calyx lobe margins only slightly woolly; in woodland, grassy<br />

places, and hillsides; up to 2,300 m. Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania,<br />

Kenya, and Uganda.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 146 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika Plateau, S. of Chelinda above Mwenyenyesi Dam, 2,200–<br />

2,300 m, 1977, Grosvenor & Renz 1126 (K, SRGH).<br />

Sopubia karaguensis Oliv. var. karaguensis<br />

Sopubia welwitschii Engl. var. micrantha Engl.; Sopubia fastigiata Hiern<br />

Erect robust perennial herb to 1 m tall, stems pubescent to long-pilose or<br />

more or less hairless; leaves undivided or 3- to 5-fid, often with smaller<br />

leaves in axils, hairy and scabrid; flowering stalks 0–6.5 mm long, flowers<br />

pink, mauve or purple, outer calyx densely woolly, 6–11 mm long; in damp<br />

areas; up to 1,450 m. Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania,<br />

Kenya, and Uganda.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 149 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika National Park, near base of Nganda mountain, 1977,<br />

Grosvenor & Renz 1155 (K, SRGH); Mbuzinandi, 2000, Salubeni &<br />

Mwanyambo 6813 (MAL); without locality or collecting details (Patel 1999).<br />

Sopubia mannii Skan var. mannii (Engl. & Gilg) Hepper <br />

Erect, rigid, scabrid branched herb 0.2–1.5 m tall, stems very leafy, arising<br />

from a woody rootstock; leaves linear to filiform, undivided, closely arranged<br />

on stem, midrib often obscure; flowering stalk 2–10 mm long, flowers<br />

pink to mauve to purple, calyx hairy; in grassland; 1,500–2,600 m. Zimbabwe,<br />

Mozambique, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Tanzania, Ivory<br />

Coast, and Cameroon.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 144 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika Plateau, Nganda Peak, 2,600 m, 1969, Pawek 2074 (K).<br />

Sopubia mannii Skan var. tenuifolia (Engl. & Gilg) Hepper<br />

Sopubia dregeana var. tenuifolia Engl. & Gilg; Sopubia trifida forma<br />

humilis Engl. & Gilg<br />

As for var. mannii, but with the leaves undivided or 3- to 5-fid, more openly<br />

arranged, and the flowering stalks 12–18 mm long; in wet and dry grassland,<br />

bordering rivers, and among rocks; 1,000–2,500 m. Mozambique,<br />

Zimbabwe, and Botswana northwards to Angola, Zambia, Uganda, and<br />

Kenya; also in Sierra Leone.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 145 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika Plateau, 25.6 km E. of Rest House, 2,438 m, 1957, Boughey<br />

1635 (K).<br />

Sopubia ramosa (Hochst.) Hochst.<br />

Sopubia similis Skan in F.T.A.<br />

Erect, scabrid, much-branched perennial shrublet, stems branching, densely<br />

hairy; leaves linear to lanceolate, undivided or trifid, scabrid, midrib prominent<br />

below; flowering stalks 1.5–4.5 mm long; flowers pink, lilac or lavender,<br />

calyx shortly scabrid-pubescent without; on forest margins, in open<br />

woodland or grassy hillsides and plains; from almost sea level in Mozambique<br />

to over 2,200 m. Zimbabwe and Mozambique, though Central and<br />

W. Africa, to Sudan and Ethiopia.<br />

Source. Flora zambesiaca 8(2): 145 (1990).<br />

Malawi. Nyika National Park, Dembo Bridge, 2000, Thera 3002 (MAL);<br />

Chosi Viewpoint, 2000, Mwanyambo 482 (MAL).<br />

Zambia. Lundazi District, Nyika Plateau, Kangampande Mt. (Chowo area),<br />

2,130 m, 1952, White 2743 (BR, K).<br />

Sopubia simplex (Hochst.) Hochst.<br />

Sopubia dregeana Benth., nom. illeg.

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