Hypercomplex Analysis Selected Topics

Hypercomplex Analysis Selected Topics

Hypercomplex Analysis Selected Topics


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are mutually inequivalent, see [44]. The key step for constructing the Gelfand-<br />

Tsetlin bases is to understand the branching of the module H s k (Rm ).<br />

Theorem 10. Let m ≥ 3, s = 0, . . . , m and k ∈ N0. Denote by N s,m<br />

k the<br />

set of pairs (t, j) ∈ {0, . . . , m − 1} × {0, . . . , k} such that t ∈ {s − 1, s} and,<br />

if t ∈ {0, m − 1} then j = 0. Then, under the H-action of P in(m − 1), we<br />

have the following multiplicity free irreducible decomposition<br />

H s k(R m ) = <br />

Here the embedding factors X s,t,m<br />

k,j<br />

(t,j)∈N s,m<br />

k<br />

X s,t,m<br />

k,j Ht j(R m−1 ). (3.24)<br />

are defined as the polynomials<br />

X s,t,m<br />

k,j (x) = X (k−j)<br />

m,j (x)e s−t<br />

m + α X (k−1−j)<br />

m,j+1 (x)(β t−s (x ∧) + β t−s+1 (x •)) e s−t+1<br />

m<br />

where x = (x, xm) ∈ R m , X (k−j)<br />

m,j<br />

β = −(j + m − 1 − t)/(j + t) and<br />

α =<br />

are given in (3.11), X (−1)<br />

m,k+1 = 0,<br />

−(j + 1)/(m + 2j − 1) unless t = 0, m − 1;<br />

0 if t = 0, m − 1.<br />

In particular, this decomposition is orthogonal.<br />

Proof. In [L9], a proof is given by the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya method. Let Is k<br />

be the set of initial polynomials for the space Hs k (Rm ), that is, Is k is a subset<br />

of Pk(Rm−1 , Cℓm) such that CK(I s k ) = Hs k (Rm ). Then, in [L9], it is shown<br />

that<br />

I s k = Ker s k ∂ + ⊕ (Ker s−1<br />

k ∂ − )em<br />

where Ker s k ∂ ± = {u ∈ Pk(R m−1 , Cℓ s m) | ∂ ± u = 0}. The branching (3.24) for<br />

Hs k (Rm ) is obtained by applying the operator CK = exmem∂ to the irreducible<br />

decomposition of the module Is k under the H-action of P in(m − 1). See [L9]<br />

for details.<br />

Now we give an alternative proof. It is a well-known fact from representation<br />

theory that, under the H-action of P in(m − 1), the module Hs k (Rm )<br />

possesses the decomposition<br />

H s k(R m ) = <br />

(t,j)∈N s,m<br />

k<br />

into irreducible submodules ˜ H t j equivalent to H t j(R m−1 ). To get (3.24) we<br />

need to describe explicitly the pieces ˜ H t j in the decomposition. To do this,<br />

we recall that, under the H-action of P in(m), the space Mk(R m , Cℓm) decomposes<br />

into inequivalent irreducible pieces as<br />

Mk(R m <br />

m<br />

, Cℓm) = H s k(R m <br />

) ⊕<br />

s=0<br />

m−1<br />

<br />

s=1<br />

30<br />

˜H t j<br />

((x ∧) + β s,m<br />

k−1 (x •)) Hs k−1(R m )<br />

<br />


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