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lsely leaved branches. Second branching is at interval of 1—3 mm, so that the branches seem whorled.<br />

sequent forking is unequal, giving the shoot a pseudomonopodial aspect, with the main axis straightened<br />

1 the lateral branches distichous. The lateral branches are at acute angle to the main axis, some of them bent<br />

:kwards, at interval of 10 mm in the middle portion of a shoot, but more crowded at the apex. Leaves on the<br />

in axis and at the angle of branching are broadly ovate or rhomboidal, about 3—4 x 2—2.5 mm, imbricate,<br />

:h the obliquely decurrent, clasping base and the attenuate, hair-like apex, funnel-shaped or folded along the<br />

n, flabellately striated, showing the ligular scar as a minute pit at the base (PL 2, fig. 24). Leaves on the lateral<br />

nches are dimorphous, four-ranked (PL 2, figs. 17, 18): those in the ventral ranks like on the main axis, the<br />

:sal ones small, about 1 mm long, not always discernible. Adventitious roots, when preserved, attached in the<br />

Is of the ventral leaves. Rounded bodies, 2—7 mm in diameter, with a thick folded cuticle associated with the<br />

>ots, might be tubers.<br />

;t-Fig. 2. Limnothetis gobiensis sp. nov., reconstruction of a fertile zone.<br />

In the fertile portion of a shoot, the specialized fertile brachyblasts (sporangiophores) are in the axil of each<br />

ltral leaf, crowded, overlapping, arranged distichously, alternate. The sporangiophores are elliptical, about<br />

nm long, consisting of a short axis bearing a single terminal sporangium and about 10 appressed bracts which<br />

se above the sporangium (PL 2, figs. 20, 21).<br />

Sporangia are mostly elliptical, 1 x 0.6 mm, containing numerous small spores (10 sporangia were macerated<br />

spores). Occasional sporangia are considerably larger, 1.2 x 1 mm, rounded and appear more bulky (PL 2,<br />

. 22). They are limonized, not yielding to maceration.<br />

Spores are about several hundred per sporangium, trilete, amb rounded, diameter 44—60 mm, leasurae<br />

sed, arching, extending to the amb. Exine thin, trilete, folded. Many spores are folded along two leasurae so<br />

.t they seem elliptical, with pointed ends (PL 3, fig. 31).<br />

Dispersed organs associated with Limnothetis gobiensis sp. nov.<br />

Megaspores found on the rock surface in close association with the shoots (PL 3, figs. 25, 26, 29) are all of one<br />

id, spherical, diameter 600-800 jLtm, amb rounded, fringe (arcuate lamellae) about 50 /лт wide, trilete ridges<br />

ending to equator. Exine is reticulate, with polygonal meshes 7—8 /лт wide, thickened at the corners, elongate<br />

i passing into concentrical ridges in the fringe. The exine is also ornamented with spines, more numerous on the<br />

tal face than on the proximal. The spine stumps are rounded, set on the corners of the reticulum, occasionally<br />

ising concentrical arrangement of the meshes.<br />

There are also numerous reniform bodies, sometimes covering the rock surface, about 1 mm in diameter,<br />

lvex, transversed by a median groove (PL 1, figs. 1—6). On transfer preparations these bodies show polygonal<br />

;ontographica Abt. B. Bd. 181 2

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