Chapter 4 Linear Differential Operators

Chapter 4 Linear Differential Operators

Chapter 4 Linear Differential Operators


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iii) the normalized eigenfunctions ϕn(x) = √ 2 sin nπx are complete: any<br />

function in L 2 [0, 1] has an (L 2 ) convergent expansion as<br />

where<br />

y(x) =<br />

an =<br />

1<br />

0<br />

∞<br />

n=1<br />

√<br />

an 2 sin nπx (4.43)<br />

y(x) √ 2 sin nπx dx. (4.44)<br />

This all looks very good — exactly the properties we expect for finite Hermitian<br />

matrices. Can we carry over all the results of finite matrix theory to<br />

these Hermitian operators? The answer sadly is no! Here is a counterexample:<br />

Let<br />

Again<br />

T = −i∂x, D(T ) = {y, T y ∈ L 2 [0, 1] : y(0) = y(1) = 0}. (4.45)<br />

〈y1, T y2〉 − 〈T y1, y2〉 =<br />

1<br />

0<br />

dx {y ∗ 1 (−i∂xy2) − (−i∂xy1) ∗ y2}<br />

= −i[y ∗ 1y2] 1 0 = 0. (4.46)<br />

Once more, the integrated out part vanishes due to the boundary conditions<br />

satisfied by y1 and y2, so T is nicely Hermitian. Unfortunately, T with these<br />

boundary conditions has no eigenfunctions at all — never mind a complete<br />

set! Any function satisfying T y = λy will be proportional to e iλx , but an exponential<br />

function is never zero, and cannot satisfy the boundary conditions.<br />

It seems clear that the boundary conditions are the problem. We need<br />

a better definition of “adjoint” than the formal one — one that pays more<br />

attention to boundary conditions. We will then be forced to distinguish<br />

between mere Hermiticity, or symmetry, and true self-adjointness.<br />

Exercise 4.3: Another disconcerting example. Let p = −i∂x. Show that the<br />

following operator on the infinite real line is formally self-adjoint:<br />

Now let<br />

H = x 3 p + px 3 . (4.47)<br />

ψλ(x) = |x| −3/2 <br />

exp − λ<br />

4x2 <br />

, (4.48)

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