PhD. thesis - Univerzita Karlova

PhD. thesis - Univerzita Karlova

PhD. thesis - Univerzita Karlova


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Acknowledgements<br />

Al though a <strong>PhD</strong> the sis is of fi cially a work of one per son, it stems from dis cus sions,<br />

ex changes of ideas and ex pe ri ences col lected dur ing the course of a the sis. I would like to<br />

thank the In sti tute of Pe trol ogy and Struc tural Ge ol ogy for pro vid ing a stim u lat ing en vi ron ment,<br />

re sources and fund ing for my re search assistantship through out this <strong>PhD</strong>.<br />

There are many peo ple to thank for their sup port and en cour age ment, without whom<br />

this <strong>thesis</strong> would have been impossible, improbable, and/or impoverished.<br />

Firstly spe cial thanks to my su per vi sor, Prof. Karel Schulmann, whose en thu si as tic cry<br />

of ‘Any Prog ress’ will haunt me for the rest of my days - his un quench able cu ri os ity and love for<br />

the sub ject are prob a bly the most valu able les sons I have learned from this <strong>PhD</strong>, and his<br />

con tin uous sup port and en cour age ment have kept me go ing over the last six or so years.<br />

Thanks also to the many col leagues I’ve worked with, par tic u larly Pavla, Lenka,<br />

Zdeněk, Kony, Stano, Láďa and oth ers - whose sug ges tions and/or guid ance were al ways<br />

much ap pre ci ated.<br />

Next there are all the friends I’ve made, the list is too long to men tion but their<br />

friend ship, drink ing or sing ing skills helped to make my stay in Prague a re ally happy one.<br />

Much ap pre ci a tion goes to my Mom and Dad and the rest of my fam ily, who have been<br />

great over the years and never raised an eye brow when I claimed my the sis would be fin ished<br />

in the “next two weeks” for cou ple of years…<br />

Last, but cer tainly not least, I thank my girl friend, Markéta, whose love gave me the<br />

strength and en cour age ment to fol low the path that I felt was right, and whose pa tience al lowed<br />

me the free dom to com plete the task. This <strong>PhD</strong>. is lov ingly ded i cated to her.<br />

A big, big THANK YOU to all of you.

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