Argentinian snakes

Argentinian snakes

Argentinian snakes


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15<br />

Misiones. According to Peters´ (1960) key, the Chaco specimen was identified as Dipsas indica cisticeps,<br />

because of the presence of a large dark dot that extends from the frontal and preoculars to the distal end of<br />

the parietals. Peters (1960) considers this dot to be diagnostic of the subspecies. Some characters of<br />

scutelation are slightly different from those given by Peters (1960) for cisticeps: the individual is a male and<br />

has 176 ventrals (183 -192 in Peters) and 83 subcaudals (89 - 99 in Peters). However, Peters (1960) studied<br />

few individuals, all from Bolivia, and the variation is not completely known.<br />

We include Dipsas indica cisticeps in the <strong>Argentinian</strong> fauna based on the specimen from Chaco. However,<br />

results obtained by Brazilian authors and further knowledge on the variation of populations from Argentina<br />

and bordering countries could change the identification of this specimen.<br />

Drymarchon Fitzinger, 1843<br />

Drymarchon Fitzinger, 1843. Syst. Rept. : 26.<br />

Georgia Baird & Girard, 1853. Cat. N. Amer. Rept.: 92.<br />

Geoptyas Steindachner, 1867. Sitz. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien. 55 (1): 271, pl. 3, figs.4-7.<br />

Type species: Coluber corais Boie, 1827, by original designation.<br />

Drymarchon corais corais (Boie 1827)<br />

Coluber corais Boie, 1827. Isis von Oken: 537.<br />

Geoptyas flaviventris Steindachner, 1867. Sitz. Math. Naturwiss. Kl. Akad. Wiss. Wien 55 (I):<br />

272, pI. 4, Figs. 1-4.<br />

Phrynonax angulifer Werner, 1923. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien. 36: 162.<br />

Drymarchon corais corais Serié, 1936 Inst. Mus. Univ. La Plata, Obra Cincuentenario: 40.<br />

Type locality: America.<br />

Distribution: Chaco and Formosa (Bergna et al., 1992) and Salta. Chaqueña province.<br />

Comments: Although mentioned from Formosa by Bergna, Rey & Alvarez (1992) based on a voucher<br />

specimen (UNNEC 175) from La Rinconada, the third author did not include the species in a later list of the<br />

herpetofauna of Formosa, Chaco and Corrientes (Alvarez et al., 1996). This study mentions the species in<br />

Salta for the first time based on a voucher specimen FML 07960 from around Santa Victoria Este, Rivadavia<br />

department and FML 07961 from 10 km before Hickman, General San Martín department.<br />

Echinantera Cope, 1894<br />

Echinantera Cope, 1894. Amer. Nat. 28: 841.<br />

Echinantera Di Bernardo, 1992. Comun. Mus. Cienc. PUCRS, ser. zool. 5 (13): 228.<br />

Type species: Aporophis cyanopleurus Cope, 1885. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc. 22: 191.<br />

Comments: This genus was revalidated by Di Bernardo (1992) for the species of the Rhadinaea brevirostris<br />

group and three species considered incertae sedis at that moment. Myers & Cadle (1994), revalidated<br />

Taeniophallus for R. brevirostris group and T. nicagus. Di Bernardo & Di Bernardo (1996), in a new<br />

revision, demonstrated that there were more synapomorphic traits within Echinantera and the species of R..<br />

brevirostris group than among this group and Taeniophallus (sensu stricto). Based on the conclusions of Di<br />

Bernardo & Di Bernardo (1996), we consider that the <strong>Argentinian</strong> species should be included in Echinantera.<br />

Echinantera cyanopleura (Cope, 1885)<br />

Aporophis cyanopleurus Cope, 1885. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. 22: 191.<br />

Dromicus melanostigma Boulenger, 1885. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 15: 195.<br />

Liophis melanostigma Boulenger, 1894 (partim). Cat. Sn. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 2:142.<br />

Echinanthera cyanopleura Cope, 1894. Amer. Nat. 28: 841.<br />

Leimadophis melanostigma Amaral, 1930 (partim). Mem. Inst. Butantan 4: 86.<br />

Incertae sedis melanostigma Dixon, 1980 (partim). Milwaukee Publ. Mus. Contrib. Biol. Geol. 31: 7.<br />

Dromicus melanostigmus Lema; Fabian-Beurmann; Araújo; Alves & Vieira, 1980. Iheringia<br />

(zool.) (55): 30.<br />

Leimadophis melanostigmus Lema; Vieira & Araújo, 1985. Rev. Bras. Zool. 2 (4): 211.<br />

Liophis (?) melanostigma Lema, 1987. Acta Biol. Leopoldensia 9 (2): 230.

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