Magiae Naturalis by John Baptista Porta.pdf - Gnomicon

Magiae Naturalis by John Baptista Porta.pdf - Gnomicon

Magiae Naturalis by John Baptista Porta.pdf - Gnomicon


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have one and the same space to bring forth in. For if one of them bring forth in twelve months, and the other in six,<br />

then the young will be ripe <strong>by</strong> one side, when it is but half ripe <strong>by</strong> the other. A Dog must have two months, and a Horse<br />

must have twelve. And the philosopher says, no creature can be born, except he have his full time. So then a Dog<br />

cannot be born of a man, nor a Horse of an Elephant, because they differ in the time of their bearing. Again, the<br />

creatures which we would thus couple, must be one as lustful as the other. For a chaste creature, that uses coition but<br />

once a year, if he have not his female at that time, he loses his appetite before he can fancy any other mate. But those<br />

which are full of lust, will eagerly couple with another kind as well as their own. Among four-footed beasts, a Dog, a<br />

Goat, a Swine, an Ass, be most lascivious, among birds, Partridge, Quails, Dove, Sparrows. Moreover, they must be<br />

coupled at such a time as it fit for generation. For nature has prescribed certain times and ages fit for that work. The<br />

common time, is the Spring, then almost all creatures are prone to lust. The ages of them must likewise be fit. For the<br />

generative power comes to creatures, at a set age. Neither of them must be barren, not weak, nor too young, for then<br />

their seed is unfit for generation. But both of them, if it may be, in the prime of their best age and strength. If any<br />

creatures want appetite thereunto, there be many slights, where<strong>by</strong> we may;<br />

"Make them eager in lust."<br />

And if the female do cast out the seed, there be means to make her hold in it. Encouragements to lust there are many<br />

set down <strong>by</strong> writers, and some usual with us. Aelianus writes, that the keeper of Sheep, and Goats, and Mares, do<br />

besmear their hands with Salt and Nitre, and then rub the generative parts of them in the time of their coition, for<br />

their more lustful and eager performance of that action. Others besmear them with Pepper, otherwise with Nettle<br />

seed, others with Myrrh and Nitre, all of them kindle the appetite of the female, being well rubbed therewith, and make<br />

her stand to her male. The He-goat, if you besmear their chin, and their nostrils with sweet ointment, are there<strong>by</strong> much<br />

inclined to lust, and contrariwise, if you tie a thread about the middle of their tail, they are nothing so eager of<br />

copulation. Absyrtus shows, that if you wipe off some Nature or Seed of a Mare, and therewith besmear the nostrils<br />

of a Stallion Horse, it will make him very lustful. Dydimus says, that if a Ram, or any other beast, feed up the herb<br />

Milk-wort, they will become both eager to lust, and stronger for the act of copulation. Pliny shows, that Onions<br />

increase desire of copulation in beasts, as the herb Rotchet does in men. The She-ass, holds the seed within her the<br />

better, if presently after copulation she be well beaten, and her genitories besprinkled with cold water, to make her run<br />

after it. Many such helps are recorded <strong>by</strong> those who have written the histories of living creatures.<br />


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