Magiae Naturalis by John Baptista Porta.pdf - Gnomicon

Magiae Naturalis by John Baptista Porta.pdf - Gnomicon

Magiae Naturalis by John Baptista Porta.pdf - Gnomicon


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such Dogs, and he received them as a great present, and accepted them gladly and thankfully. And moreover, rewarded<br />

the Indian that gave them with a Princely recompense. The same story Philes also writes. But Diodorus Siculus and<br />

Strabo, say that Sopithes a King, gave Alexander an hundred and fifty of these Dogs, all very huge and strong, and<br />

usually coupling with Tygres. And Pollux writes the same. And Plutark describes the Indian-dog, and his fight before<br />

Alexander, as it is before related. Pliny writes, that the King of Albania gave Alexander a great Dog, wherewith he<br />

was much delighted. But when he brought the Dog, first bears, then Boars, and then Deer, and saw he would not<br />

touch them, being much offended that so great a body should have so little courage, he caused him to be killed. The<br />

King that gave him, hearing this, sent him another, and withal charged the messenger, that he should not be tried in<br />

small matches, but either with a Lion or an Elephant. So then, Alexander caused a Lion to be set before him, and<br />

presently the Dog killed him. Afterward he tried him with an Elephant, and the Dog bristled and barked at him, and<br />

assaulted him so artificially every way, till the Elephant was giddy with turning about, and so fell down and was killed.<br />

Gratius writes of this kind of Dog, thus generated of a Bitch and a Tyger. There is also another kind of Dog,<br />

"Generated of a Lion ."<br />

And these are strong Dogs, and good hunters. Pollux says, that Arcadian dogs first came of a Dog and a Lion, and<br />

called Lion-Dogs. And Coelius writes the same. And Oppianus commends the Arcadian dogs, and those of Tegea,<br />

which is a town of Acadia. This also<br />

"A strong and swift Dog gendered of a kind of Wolf called Thos,"<br />

which, as Aristotle writes, is in all his entrails like a Wolf's, and is a strong beast, swift, and is wont to encounter a<br />

Lion. Pliny says, it is kind of Wolf , Hesychius says, it is like a Wolf , Herodotus, that it is gendered in Africa. Solinus<br />

called them Ethiopian Wolves. Nearchus calls these beasts Tygres, and says there be diverse kinds of them.<br />

Wherefore Gratius says, that Dogs generated of these Thoes, are strong, and fit to hunt, and calls them half-savage,<br />

as coming of a tame Dog, and a savage kind of Wolf . There is also a,<br />

"Dog called Crocuta, gendered of a Dog and a Wolf."<br />

Pliny says, that these Dogs break all things with their teeth, and presently devour them. As the Indians join Tygres,<br />

so do the Gauls join Wolves and Dogs together, every herd of wolves there, has a Dog for their ring-leader. In the<br />

Country of Cyrene in Li<strong>by</strong>a, Wolves do couple with Dogs, as Aristotle and Pollux write. Galen, in his book concerning<br />

the use of parts, writes, that a Bitch and may conceive <strong>by</strong> a He-wolf , and so the She-wolf <strong>by</strong> a Dog, and retain each<br />

others seed, and ripen it to the bringing forth of both kinds. Diodorus says, that the Dog which the Ethiopian calls<br />

Crocuta, is a compound of the nature of a Dog and Wolf . When Niphus was hunting, one of his Dogs eagerly pursued<br />

a she-wolf, and overtaking her, began to line her, changing his fierceness into lust. Albertus says, that the great Dog<br />

called a mastiff, is gendered of a Dog and a Wolf . I myself saw at Rome, a Dog generated of a Wolf , and at Naples, a<br />


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