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THE CACTUS AND SUCCULENT January, 1951<br />


By J. A. JANSE, F.R.H.S.<br />

(Section Diacanthium)<br />

Euphorbia Royleana Boiss., in D.C., XV, 2, 83 (1862) ; id. in Brandis, Forest Flora of N.W. & C. India, 438 (1874) ;<br />

id. in Hooker, Flora Br. India, V, 255 (1890) ; id. in Berger, Sukk. Euph., 65 (1907) ; E. pentagona Royle, lllustr.<br />

Bot. Himal. Mnt., t 82, fig I, not of Haw (1839).<br />

Original description (translated from the Latin original) ; a shrub, branched ; branches 5-angled, ascending ;<br />

angles acutely prominent, margins undulate with paired spines, more or less subulate, flowers sessile aggregate<br />

or solitary.<br />

This Indian species was first described and illustrated by Royle in his beautiful work on Himalayan plants,<br />

however, the author chose a name already used by Haworth for a South African species, twelve years previously.<br />

Boissier, in his revision of the genus, in De Candolle's Prodromus, therefore, re-named it after Royle. This botanist,<br />

a medical officer in the Indian Army, later Director of the Botanical Garden at Saharanpur, ended his life as Professor<br />

of Botany at Queen's College, London.<br />

Royle's illustration gives a short part of a stem, without leaves and, therefore, apparently made from a specimen<br />

in its resting period. Hooker writes, " leaves not described," and this might have misled Berger to place it in<br />

his sub-section Polygonae between E. canariensis and £. Reinhardtii, two species with which it is only remotely allied.<br />

Its general habit shows much more resemblance with the other Indian species, E. neriifolia L., and E. nivulia Ham.<br />

E. Royleana may be recognised by the 5 to 7-angled, thick stem with the wings sharply prominent. Between them<br />

the sides are rather flat, especially in the older parts of the stem. The large leaves, developed at the tip of the<br />

stem, and soon deciduous, are oblanceolate, at the broadest part 2-| cm. by about 12 cm. in length. In its native<br />

country, the hills of the Suevalak district, it attains a height of 15-16 feet, its circumference being about six feet.<br />

It is difficult to say when E. Royleana has been introduced in our collections ; Berger did not see it in a living<br />

state when compiling his little booklet on Succulent Euphorbias in 1907. I have seen rather large specimens in<br />

the Palmengarten of Frankfurt (Main, Germany), of which one is illustrated in one of the accompanying figures.<br />

Fig. I. E. Royleana Boiss, a young specimen imported from France.<br />

Fig. 2. E. Royleana Boiss, an older specimen in the collection of the Palmengarten, Frankfurt, Germany.<br />

We must apologize to Miss M. Maytham Kidd and to the Botanical Society of South Africa for the wrong<br />

impression and confusion caused by our notice, on page 93, October, 1950. We believed there was only one book<br />

being published, but we now learn there are two. " Wild Flowers of the Cape Peninsula," by Miss M. Maytham<br />

Kidd, by post £3 4s. 2d. and " Wild Flowers of the Cape of Good Hope," issued by the Botanical Society of South<br />

Africa, by post 52/6. These books deal with general flora of South Africa, but contain some succulent material.<br />

Once more we apologize for mentioning the product of one of our advertisers because we feel it is of special<br />

value to the members. We refer to Neale's Photographic Plates. Approximately one hundred plates have already<br />

been issued and their quality and distinctness is extremely good. We need such clear, distinct photographs.<br />

It is not known to many that Curtis' Botanical Magazine commenced, in 1786, as a publication by Curtis and Salisbury,<br />

Seedsmen, of Botanic Nursery, Queen's Elm Turnpike, Brompton, and continues to the present day by the Royal<br />

Horticultural Society and runs into thousands of plates. Neale's Photographic Plates are well on the way to<br />

becoming the Curtis of the cactus and succulent world.<br />

Professor Buxbaum wishes us to draw attention to an unfortunate mistake occurring in the " Euechinocactanae<br />

development " illustration on page 83 of the October, 1950, Journal. In Ramis III Choryphanthanae should, of<br />

course, be Coryphanthanae.

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