ap chemistry summer assignment - Cherry Creek School District

ap chemistry summer assignment - Cherry Creek School District

ap chemistry summer assignment - Cherry Creek School District


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<strong>School</strong> Year 2012-2013<br />

Hi! My name is Ms. Scheffel. I will be your AP Chemistry teacher next school year. As the school year<br />

is coming to an end, I wanted to get out some information about class for next school year. I am<br />

excited to meet all of you and begin another fun year of AP Chemistry. Over the <strong>summer</strong> I have an<br />

<strong>assignment</strong> that I would like you to complete. It is a twofold <strong>assignment</strong>, see below.<br />

I will be at school over the <strong>summer</strong> if you want to come in and work with me on the <strong>assignment</strong>. I<br />

also suggest meeting with others that have signed up for the class so you can work on the <strong>assignment</strong><br />

together. There will be a quiz the first day of class so please make sure you see me or use your study<br />

guide to get your questions answered.<br />


Please Note: This <strong>assignment</strong> is a requirement, and is NOT for extra credit!<br />

1. Purchase<br />

a. Study Guide: AP Achiever, Chemistry, McGraw Hill, ISBN 10: 0078928397<br />

ISBN 13: 978-0078928390 (Best place to purchase this study guide is online or from one of my<br />

previous students. If you are unable to purchase the study guide please let me know. I have some<br />

copies for students to borrow.)<br />

b. Buy color highlighters and sticky notes to mark up your study guide.<br />

2. Read and study Ch<strong>ap</strong>ter 1-3 in study guide. Highlight and uses sticky notes.<br />

a. Bring your highlighted study book and notes. Points will be assigned to you and then the<br />

book will be returned to you for your further enjoyment.<br />

3. Go to school website and printout the <strong>summer</strong> <strong>assignment</strong>. (Or you can email me and I will<br />

send it to you.)<br />

a. Email me<br />

b. Make flashcards<br />

c. Complete naming and writing formulas, and simple stoichiometry problems.<br />

Thank you!<br />


Once you have opened and printed out the <strong>summer</strong> homework…<br />

Please email me. I would like to start an email list for all those who are<br />

registered for AP Chemistry.<br />

jscheffel3@cherrycreekschools.org<br />

Welcome to AP Chemistry! Most of you already have a background in <strong>chemistry</strong> from your Chemistry or<br />

Honors Chemistry class, but AP Chemistry is very different. Rather than memorizing how to do particular<br />

types of problems, you must really understand the <strong>chemistry</strong> and be able to <strong>ap</strong>ply it to all sorts of different<br />

situations.<br />

It is not all about memorization; however, having these items memorized is essential for success in learning<br />

the concepts covered in the course. Make flashcards, have your friends and family quiz you, take the lists with<br />

you on vacation, or do whatever it takes to get this information firmly planted in your head. Do not wait until<br />

the night before school begins.<br />



Polyatomic Ions: Used for Naming Ionic Compounds and Acids (MAKE FLASHCARDS)<br />

Name Symbol/Charge Name Symbol/Charge<br />

ammonium NH4 +1 carbonate CO3 -2<br />

acetate C2H3O2 -1 chromate CrO4 -2<br />

perbromate BrO4 -1 dichromate Cr2O7 -2<br />

bromate BrO3 -1 peroxide O2 -2<br />

bromite BrO2 -1 oxalate C2O4 -2<br />

hypobromite BrO -1 selenite SeO4 -2<br />

perchlorate ClO4 -1 thiosulfate S2O3 -2<br />

chlorate ClO3 -1 sulfate SO4 -2<br />

chlorite ClO2 -1 sulfite SO3 -2<br />

hypochlorite ClO -1 phosphate PO4 -3<br />

periodate IO4 -1 phosphite PO3 -3<br />

iodate IO3 -1 borate BO3 -3<br />

iodite IO2 -1 carbonate CO3 -2<br />

hypoiodite IO -1 chromate CrO4 -2<br />

cyanide CN -1 dichromate Cr2O7 -2<br />

dihydrogen phosphate H2PO4 -1 peroxide O2 -2<br />

hydrogen carbonate HCO3 -1 oxalate C2O4 -2<br />

hydrogen sulfate HSO4 -1 selenite SeO4 -2<br />

hydrogen sulfite HSO3 -1 thiosulfate S2O3 -2<br />

hydrogen sulfide HS -1 sulfate SO4 -2<br />

hydroxide OH -1 sulfite SO3 -2<br />

nitrate NO3 -1 phosphate PO4 -3<br />

nitrite NO2 -1 phosphite PO3 -3<br />

permanganate MnO4 -1 borate BO3 -3<br />

thiocyanate SCN -1

START of AP Chemistry Summer Homework<br />

Part I: Chemical Formulas<br />

1. Write the formulas for the following: 2. Name each of the following:<br />

a. barium sulfate__________________________ a. CuSO4__________________________________<br />

b. ammonium chloride_____________________ b. PCl3____________________________________<br />

c. chlorine monoxide_______________________ c. Li3N___________________________________<br />

d. silicon tetrachloride______________________ d. BaSO3__________________________________<br />

e. magnesium fluoride______________________ e. N2F4___________________________________<br />

f. sodium oxide____________________________ f. KClO4__________________________________<br />

g. sodium peroxide________________________ g. NaH___________________________________<br />

h. copper (I) oxide_________________________ h. (NH4)2Cr2O7____________________________<br />

i. zinc sulfide_____________________________ i. HNO2__________________________________<br />

j. potassium carbonate_____________________ j. Sr3P2____________________________________<br />

k. hydrobromic acid_______________________ k. Mg(OH)2_______________________________<br />

l. perchloric acid__________________________ l. Al2S3___________________________________<br />

m. lead (II) acetate________________________ m. AgBr__________________________________<br />

n. sodium permanganate___________________ n. P4O10___________________________________<br />

o. lithium oxalate__________________________ o. HC2H3O2_______________________________<br />

p. potassium cyanide______________________ p. CaI2____________________________________<br />

q. iron (III) hydroxide______________________ q. MnO2__________________________________<br />

r. silicon dioxide__________________________ r. Li2O____________________________________<br />

s. nitrogen trifluoride______________________ s. FeI3____________________________________<br />

t. chromium (III) oxide_____________________ t. Cu3PO4_________________________________<br />

u. calcium chlorate________________________ u. PCl5___________________________________<br />

v. sodium thiocyanate_____________________ v. NaCN__________________________________

Part II: Stoichiometry<br />

Show all of your work for the following problems.<br />

1. Find the mass % of nitrogen in each of the following compounds:<br />

a. NO<br />

b. NO2<br />

c. N2O4<br />

d. N2O<br />

2. Benzene contains only carbon and hydrogen and has a molar mass of 78.1 g/mol. Analysis shows the<br />

compound to be 7.74% hydrogen by mass. Find the empirical and molecular formulas of benzene.<br />

3. Calcium carbonate decomposes upon heating, producing calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.<br />

a. Write the balanced chemical equation for this reaction.<br />

b. How many grams of calcium oxide will be produced after 12.25 g of calcium carbonate is completely<br />

decomposed?<br />

c. What is the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced when 12.25 g of calcium carbonate is<br />

decomposed at STP?<br />

4. Hydrogen gas and bromine gas react to form hydrogen bromide gas.<br />

a. Write the balanced chemical equation for this reaction.<br />

b. 3.20 g of hydrogen react with 9.50 g of bromine gas. Which is the limiting reactant?<br />

c. How many grams of hydrogen bromide gas can be produced using the amount in (b)?<br />

d. How many grams of excess reactant are left unreacted?<br />

5. When ammonia gas, oxygen gas and methane gas (CH4) are combined, the products are hydrogen cyanide<br />

gas and water.<br />

a. Write the balanced chemical equations for this reaction.<br />

b. Calculate the mass of each product produced when 225.00 g of oxygen gas is reacted with an excess<br />

of the other two reactants.<br />

c. If the actual yield of the experiment in (b) is 105.00 g of HCN, calculate the percent yield.

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