Footnotes 3 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Footnotes 3 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
Footnotes 3 - Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
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With Your Help we<br />
will end MS!<br />
The 2007 Super Cities WALKs for MS in Edmonton and St. Albert are surely ones that will<br />
be remembered. This year, 2,600 WALKers joined forces to raise over $670,000 – a new<br />
record! By participating in the WALK, you’ve helped families living with MS in your own<br />
community. So take time to pat yourself on the back and know that you WALK to end MS!<br />
From the Desk <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Organizer...<br />
To the 2,600 WALKers, each with your own<br />
connection, story and reason to be part <strong>of</strong> the<br />
Super Cities WALK, you’ve completely blown<br />
me away! Over the past several months I have had<br />
the honor to meet many <strong>of</strong> you and to share in your<br />
stories. Your dedication, enthusiasm and passion<br />
to fi nd a cure for multiple sclerosis are the drive<br />
behind the success <strong>of</strong> this event.<br />
My appreciation goes out to all WALKers, Teams, Sponsors, and<br />
countless volunteers who make the WALK successful and special every<br />
year. With your help we will end MS.<br />
I look forward to seeing all <strong>of</strong> you next year and having the opportunity<br />
to share in more <strong>of</strong> your dedication, passion and enthusiasm. Thank<br />
you and congratulations on a fantastic fundraising year!<br />
Mona Pattison<br />
Super Cities WALK Manager<br />
I n t h i s<br />
I s s u e<br />
2 A Message from<br />
the Spokes Family<br />
3 Photo Gallery<br />
4 Elite Feet Club<br />
Members<br />
5 Jerry Sawchuk -<br />
A WALKer since<br />
day one<br />
6 Prize Winners<br />
7 Top Fundraising<br />
2<br />
You<br />
Congratulations and well done again to all <strong>of</strong> the<br />
2007 WALKers!<br />
As Spokes family, we’ve certainly learned a lot and<br />
experienced many fi rsts over the past three years.<br />
We’ve heard many stories <strong>of</strong> courage and hope,<br />
have had the pleasure <strong>of</strong> meeting many amazing,<br />
inspirational and dedicated people, and we’ve<br />
enjoyed plenty <strong>of</strong> hugs. We’ve experienced the<br />
excitement <strong>of</strong> the WALKs, joined in the enthusiasm<br />
<strong>of</strong> the thousands <strong>of</strong> participants and have delighted<br />
in being part <strong>of</strong> <strong>Canada</strong>’s largest Friends and Family<br />
team.<br />
Are Making<br />
A Difference<br />
A Message from the Super Cities WALK for MS Spokes Family<br />
We’ve shared our story and having done so, have<br />
grown stronger as a family with MS. With help<br />
from our friends and family, we’ve accomplished the<br />
goals our family set out - fi rst, to raise awareness<br />
<strong>of</strong> MS, second, to promote the WALK and third, The Romanuik family.<br />
to fundraise for a cure. We are thrilled to see that<br />
people are starting to take notice <strong>of</strong> the need to include MS in their list <strong>of</strong> donations and prayers.<br />
So, we proudly step aside and hand the Spokesperson reins over to someone who can add their own bit<br />
<strong>of</strong> sparkle to the cause.<br />
**hugs**<br />
Thank you everyone - it’s been quite the ride! The Romanuik Family<br /><br />
Mark Your Calendar<br />
2008 WALK Dates<br />
St. Albert Sunday April 27 Millennium Park<br />
Fact:<br />
MS affects women<br />
three times as<br />
<strong>of</strong>ten as as men men. men<br />
Edmonton Sunday May 25 Rundle Park – Family Recreation Centre
2007 Super Cities WALK<br />
for MS Photo Album<br />
Check out our website at for all the 2007 WALK photos.<br />
4<br />
Meet the 2007<br />
“Elite”<br />
in the Elite Feet Club<br />
$25,000+ Club $15,000+ Club<br />
Chris Kieser Julia Daniluck<br />
$10,000+ Club $5,000+ Club<br />
Donna Romanuik Debbie Gallant Rhonda Wehrhahn<br />
$3,500+ Club $2,000+ Club<br />
Dwayne Pohranychny<br />
Russell Webb<br />
Hal Zalmanowitz<br />
Pam Jansen<br />
$1,000+ Club<br />
Gino Ferri Corie Giesbrecht Cindie Lindberg<br />
Michael Maloney Carol Matthews Grace Millenaar<br />
Colin Minor Tammie Morris Tracy Prouty<br />
Chris Romanuik Pat Semrok Michelle Smith<br />
Judy Ulbricht Patricia Vos Joan Ozirny<br />
Carrie Mattern Neil Pierce<br />
Andrea Anderson Patrick Aube Judy Bargholz Tonya Barich<br />
Greg Barter Lisa Barter Lisa Billesberger Sharon Biollo<br />
Laurie Bjorgan Kimberly Boyko Tammy Bresnahan Athena Bush<br />
Heather Byrne Lindsay Charbonneau Eily Chouinard Gail Cowie<br />
Chantel Cox Jim Craig Kelly Creusot Lorraine Dykes<br />
Douglas Fedoretz Mai Ferguson Peter Fraser Dave Ganert<br />
Cathie Gerke Tracy Giffi n Janine Greschner Erin Harrison<br />
Wayne Herbert Stephanie Hewins Leah Hopkins Dianne Hopkyns<br />
Courtney Kieser Kristina Kowalyk Lorraine Lenz Karen Letwin<br />
Kobi Lorentz Diane MacDonald Stacey Marks Kimberly Martin<br />
Briana Meikle Carol Miller Betty Minor Debbie Mohn<br />
Jocelyn Murray Darlene Pankonin Melanie Popp Dan Prodor<br />
Debbie Prokopchuk Renata Rallon Sharla Reiter Robert Rennie<br />
Tanys Romanuik Mona Rosenberg Grant Sanderson Gerald Sawchuk<br />
Bob Schimmel Sammy Semrok Patricia Shannon-Davis Jennifer Shunock<br />
Wendy Spiers Shelley Srahulek Jennifer Steber Dan Tabashniuk<br />
Joe Tatarin Leona Taylor Terry Taylor Brenda Tompkins<br />
Sherry Try Lisa Valens Joanna Wi Rosanne Alldis<br />
Susan Blackmore John Buck Theresa Delisle Ken Hakes<br />
Lucy Jarema Dina Marko Terri-Lynne Morrissey Dianne Sloan<br />
Hedi Sokalski Carol Wasmuth<br />
Please forgive any mistakes or omissions on the list. Thank you!
On a stormy day in 1991 the fi rst Super Cities WALK for MS<br />
took place here in Edmonton. On that day 870 enthusiastic participants braved the weather and raised<br />
$130,000 in pledges. The Edmonton Super Cities WALK for MS has come a long way since 1991, but<br />
one thing has remained constant and that is WALKer Gerry Sawchuck. Gerry had been living with MS<br />
10 years prior to the fi rst WALK and wanted to do his part to raise funds for MS. He has been involved<br />
in every WALK since.<br />
Gerry was diagnosed with MS in 1981 when he was 35 years young, following symptoms such as<br />
poor balance and fatigue. His current symptoms include a loss <strong>of</strong> strength in arms and legs, which he<br />
combats by regularly participating in exercise groups at the MS <strong>Society</strong>, which Gerry describes as “my<br />
second home and family.”<br />
This year at the 17th Edmonton Super<br />
Cities WALK for MS, we saw record<br />
totals and a huge increase in the<br />
average money raised per WALKer. It<br />
was also Gerry Sawchuck’s 17th year<br />
participating and this year he raised<br />
over $1,700 to help end MS. Gerry<br />
keeps coming back because not only<br />
does he believe in the cause but “I<br />
love meeting new and old friends,”<br />
says Gerry. Even though he isn’t<br />
able to WALK the route, Gerry’s wife<br />
Julie helps him out by pushing his<br />
wheelchair.<br />
After 17 years <strong>of</strong> participating in the<br />
Super Cities WALK for MS we haven’t<br />
seen the last <strong>of</strong> Gerry Sawchuk. He<br />
and his wife Julie will be out there<br />
next year and for many years to come.<br />
To Gerry, “MS means ‘More Smiles’,<br />
keep smiling, it will make folks<br />
wonder what you’ve been up to!”<br />
Special Sponsor Thank You!<br />
A special thank you to the following sponsors for their generous support:<br />
CEDA<br />
BioMS<br />
Shoppers Home Health<br />
Canadian Tire – Edmonton West<br />
Check out page 8 for all our sponsors.<br />
▲ Gerry Sawchuck, 1991<br />
▲<br />
Gerry Sawchuck, 2007<br />
6<br />
2007<br />
WALK<br />
Stars<br />
Top Fundraisers & Team Prizes<br />
Everyone who supports the Super Cities WALK for MS is a star.<br />
These two pages acknowledge our superstars – the people who went<br />
above and beyond to ensure the event’s success!<br />
Top Fundraiser: Chris Kieser<br />
Prize: Via Rail return trip for two – Edmonton to Jasper<br />
Second Highest Fundraiser: Julia Daniluck<br />
Prize: Gift Certifi cate for the Keg Steakhouse & Two tickets to ‘Noises Off’ courtesy <strong>of</strong> The Citadel<br />
Theatre<br />
Top Fundraising Friends & Family Team: Munnky Krunchers<br />
Prize: Entertainment package from Gateway Entertainment Centre & Hotel and Breakfast courtesy <strong>of</strong><br />
Crowne Plaza<br />
Top Fundraising Corporate Team: Team AMA<br />
Prize: Entertainment package from Gateway Entertainment Centre & Hotel and Breakfast courtesy <strong>of</strong><br />
Crowne Plaza<br />
Highest Pledge Average Team: Team Julia<br />
Prize: Gift package from Club Fit<br />
Top Volunteer Group: Arch Bishop Jordan High School<br />
Prize: Signed Ricky Ray Photo courtesy <strong>of</strong> the Edmonton Eskimos & Cheese Board and Knife courtesy<br />
<strong>of</strong> Mayor Cathy Olesen – Strathcona County<br />
Event Spirit from a Rookie (St. Albert): Dina Marko<br />
Prize: Gift Basket courtesy <strong>of</strong> Bella Salon<br />
Event Spirit from a Rookie (Edmonton): Joanna Wi<br />
Prize: Gift certifi cate from the Keg Steakhouse<br />
Overall Event Contribution: Donna Romanuik<br />
Prize: Talbots Gift Card & Company’s Coming Coming Cookbooks<br />
Top 15<br />
Fundraising<br />
Teams<br />
Munnky Krunchers........................ $45,609<br />
Team Julia ...................................... $27,190<br />
Team AMA ..................................... $16,189<br />
Moxie’s Marauders ....................... $14,586<br />
Striden’ Riders ............................... $13,915<br />
Smitty’s Supporters<br />
Supporters........................<br />
........................ $12,320<br />
Team Scona Scona....................................<br />
.................................... $10,300<br />
Strutting Divas .............................. $9,873<br />
Smitties Biddies ............................. $8,910<br />
Team Horner Horner.................................. $8,512<br />
Soles for Souls Souls................................<br />
................................ $6,030<br />
Geo Jo and the Twinkle Toes Toes........ ........ $5,755<br />
Joe’s Angels ................................... $5,379<br />
New Dawn .................................... $5,300<br />
Raney Roo’s....................................<br />
.................................... $5,251<br />
Music, Acting<br />
& Red Noses<br />
Thank you to the entertainers who<br />
added to the magic <strong>of</strong> the day.<br />
Musicians & Entertainers<br />
Chance Quartet<br />
Aaron Goodvin<br />
Apocalypse Kow<br />
Anna Fodcuk and Edmond Duggan<br />
Strathcona Pipes and Drum Band<br />
Knights <strong>of</strong> the Northern Realm<br />
Star Wars 501 Legion Badlands Garrison<br />
Kristilyn Robertson<br />
Marg Daly<br />
Anne Lario<br />
Bob Disler<br />
Mascots <strong>of</strong> all shapes & sizes<br />
2007 Super<br />
Cities<br />
WALK<br />
Committees<br />
Thank you for sharing your time,<br />
talents and dedication.<br />
Edmonton St. Albert<br />
Roland Provost Jeff Mattern<br />
Sherryl Prebushewski Carrie Mattern<br />
Leonard Kieser Joan Brick<br />
Sharon Kieser Linda Chipchura<br />
Jim McGuinness Deb Blair<br />
Deb Zukowski Lorraine Jewitt<br />
Jody Jones Helen Kieran<br />
Dan Tabashniuk Monique Langridge<br />
Michelle Hogan<br />
Marg Daly<br />
Trish van Doornum<br />
Donna Romanuik<br />
Super Cities<br />
WALK Staff<br />
Mona Pattison ............. WALK Manager<br />
Graham Metzger......... WALK Coordinator<br />
Daniella Sabo............... Development Manager<br />
Julie Kelndorfer........... Volunteer Manager<br />
MS <strong>Society</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />
<strong>Canada</strong> Mission:<br />
To be a leader in fi nding a cure for<br />
multiple sclerosis and enabling people<br />
affected by MS to enhance their quality<br />
<strong>of</strong> life.<br />
8<br />
Thank you<br />
to our sponsors!<br />
www.supercitieswalkk..ccoomm<br />
Fact:<br />
1 in 2 Canadians<br />
know someone<br />
with MS.<br />
Contact Us:<br />
150-9405 50 Street,<br />
Edmonton, AB T6B 2T4<br />
Phone: (780) 463-1190<br />
Fax: (780) 479-1001<br />
Toll Free: 1-800-268-7582