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porcus - sappo

porcus - sappo


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34<br />

nutrition<br />

Mycotoxins Continued from p 33<br />

intoxication with T-2 toxin may be a consequence<br />

of shock syndrome with reduced<br />

cardiac output and hypotension.<br />

Similar to DON, Type A trichothecenes<br />

can also reduce feed intake via altered<br />

brain neurochemistry.<br />

Swine fed 5 to 10 ppm T-2 toxin displayed<br />

reduced feed intake and weight<br />

gain while complete feed refusal was<br />

observed at 16 ppm. Growing swine<br />

fed T-2 toxin became soporific and<br />

developed dermatitis and crusting of the<br />

skin on the snout, nose, oral commissure,<br />

ears and prepuce. Gastrointestinal<br />

hemorrhagic syndrome has been associated<br />

with natural trichothecenes feed<br />

contamination in beef cattle and swine.<br />

The specific T-2<br />

toxin induced oral lesions serve as an<br />

indicator of possible diet contamination<br />

with Fusarium toxins. Trichothecene A<br />

mycotoxins-induced immune suppression<br />

affects all the components of the<br />

immune system (inflammation, humoral<br />

and cell-mediated responses).<br />

Feeding swine 0.5 to 3 ppm T-2 toxin<br />

for 21 days reduced specific antibody<br />

levels to horse globulin and peripheral<br />

blood mononuclear cells stimulation.<br />

Type B trichothecene Fusarium<br />

mycotoxins<br />

The major mycotoxin belonging to this<br />

group is DON and it is generally considered<br />

as a marker for the presence of<br />

other Fusarium mycotoxins. Pig is the<br />

most sensitive domestic animal species<br />

to DON and DON-induced feed refusal<br />

and the subsequent growth depression<br />

has been causing major economic<br />

losses globally.<br />

The effect of DON in reducing feed intake<br />

has been related to elevated blood<br />

tryptophan and brain serotonin concentrations.<br />

DON is usually accompanied by<br />

fusaric acid as a co-contaminant and the<br />

loss of appetite is greater when they are<br />

present together.<br />

Pair-feeding studies in pigs have<br />

shown that feed refusal can explain<br />

most of the growth depression observed<br />

in pigs exposed to DON. When fed at<br />

low levels, however, pigs can consume<br />

DON-contaminated feed and may be<br />

exposed to its direct immunosuppressive<br />

effects.<br />

Monocytes, macrophages, as well as<br />

T- and B-lymphocytes of the immune<br />

system can be cellular targets of DON<br />

and other trichothecenes. A great deal of<br />

research has been conducted on DON-<br />

induced IgA nephropathy in mice and<br />

elevated serum IgA concentrations have<br />

been noted in pigs. Feeding of up to 4.7<br />

ppm DON for nine weeks to growing<br />

pigs resulted in dose-dependent reduction<br />

in secondary antibody response to<br />

tetanus toxoid. Feeding DON-contaminated<br />

grains can increase the incidence<br />

of stillborn piglets in gilts. Sows fed the<br />

same contaminated grains exhibited<br />

reduced feed intake, weight loss, lower<br />

serum protein and urea concentrations,<br />

and tendency for increased weaning to<br />

oestrus interval.<br />

Fumonisins<br />

Six different fumonisins (A 1 , A 2 , B 1 , B 2 ,<br />

B 3 and B 4 ) so far have been isolated and<br />

their mechanism of action appears to<br />

be a disruption of sphingolipids synthesis<br />

in biological membranes. Although<br />

fumonisins toxicity in swine is characterised<br />

by pulmonary oedema, their effects<br />

on swine immunity seem to be of major<br />

commercial significance.<br />

In spite of discrepancy in the literature<br />

related to the concentration of fumonisins<br />

required to cause chronic toxicity in<br />

pigs, Rotter and others (1996) showed<br />

11% decrease in weight gain when<br />

10 000 ppb FB 1 was fed to starter pigs.<br />

It is important to note that this level of<br />

fumonisin or even higher is very common<br />

in swine feeds as in some countries<br />

(such as USA) more than 50% of swine<br />

diets may contain corn.<br />

Bouhet and Oswald (2007) recently<br />

reviewed the impact of fumonisin ingestion<br />

on the intestine. Fumonisins can<br />

alter intestinal epithelial cell viability and<br />

proliferation, modify cytokine production,<br />

and modulate intestinal physical<br />

barrier function. All these effects may<br />

lead to reduced nutrient absorption<br />

and/or increased disease susceptibility.<br />

Research from del Rio Garcia and others<br />

(2007) also concluded that the combination<br />

of aflatoxins and fumonisins at low<br />

concentrations can produce synergistic<br />

effects on altering the intestinal cellular<br />

morphophysiology. FB 1 can also alter the<br />

cytokine profile and decrease the specific<br />

antibody response to vaccines.<br />

Zearalenone<br />

This is a very common Fusarium fungal<br />

metabolite and often found in association<br />

with either DON or nivalenol. Pigs<br />

are very sensitive to zearalenoneinduced<br />

oestrogenic syndrome which is characterised<br />

by reddening and increased size<br />

of vulva, increased size of mammary tissue,<br />

abnormal lactation, infertility, pseu-<br />

dopregnancy, still births, abortions and<br />

rectal or vaginal prolapses. It has been<br />

recommended that 0.5 ppm zearalenone<br />

would have no serious effects on the<br />

reproductive efficiency of young gilts.<br />

This recommendation, however, needs a<br />

revisit as more information is now available<br />

on the previously described masked<br />

zearalenone. Unlike the reproductive<br />

function, growth performance in pigs is<br />

less affected by zearalenone and further<br />

research is needed to define its impact<br />

of on the immune system.<br />

Ergot alkaloids<br />

Ergotism is the disease caused by the<br />

ingestion of alkaloids contained in the<br />

sclerotia of Claviceps species. There are<br />

several ergot alkaloids detected in<br />

grains (sorghum, wheat, barley, oat and<br />

rye) used for swine feed and these<br />

are pharmacologically active compounds.<br />

The effect of feeding ergotcontaminated<br />

grain to pigs is not consistent,<br />

and ultimately depends on both the<br />

ergot content and the alkaloid concentration.<br />

Murphy (2006) suggested that the<br />

maximum tolerable ergot level in the diet<br />

was 0.10 and 0.05% based on average<br />

daily gain and average daily feed intake,<br />

respectively, corresponding to 2.07 mg<br />

and 1.04 mg alkaloid/kg diet. Increased<br />

intake of ergot-contaminated feed can<br />

cause a severe reduction in the growth<br />

performance of weaned pigs with or<br />

without an effect on feed intake.<br />

Ergot alkaloids can affect the reproduction<br />

of sows through the effects on<br />

prolactin levels. Because of the wide biological<br />

variation in both the quantity and<br />

quality of the alkaloids present in ergot<br />

sclerotia, it is very difficult to establish<br />

safe levels.<br />

Mycotoxin interactions in pigs<br />

Mycotoxins seldom occur in isolation<br />

in poultry feeds. Mycotoxins discussed<br />

above and many more occur together<br />

and by no means do the mycotoxins<br />

discussed above form a complete list.<br />

This co-occurrence makes the individual<br />

mycotoxin tolerance dose irrelevant (safe<br />

levels) and therefore, the mere presence<br />

of multiple mycotoxins in swine feed<br />

should be considered as a warrant.<br />

Mycotoxin interactions within the body<br />

of pigs are very well proven. These interactions<br />

are mainly additive in nature, but<br />

can be synergistic antagonistic as well. It<br />

is important to note that the type of interaction<br />

can vary for different parameters<br />

in the same animals.<br />

Porcus Januarie/Februarie 2012

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