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therpark@iafrica.<strong>co</strong>m<br />

www.theresapark.<strong>co</strong>.<strong>za</strong><br />

Tel: (012 542 1186/7<br />

Faks/Fax: (012) 542 1210 /<br />

0866261190<br />

FORM B1: GDE ADMISS. 02<br />

<strong>GAUTENG</strong><br />

<strong>DEPARTEMENT</strong><br />

<strong>VAN</strong> <strong>ONDERWYS</strong><br />


Geagte voornemende ouers en leerders,<br />

Hierdie toelatingsvorm moet soos volg voltooi word:<br />

1. Voltooi die vorm volledig.<br />

2. Heg al die verlangde dokumentasie aan.<br />

3. Maak seker dat die inligting wat u op die vorm verskaf het, korrek is. Indien<br />

valse inligting verskaf word sal die aansoek afgekeur word.<br />

4. Maak seker dat u ‘n geskrewe nommer ontvang wanneer u die vorm inhandig.<br />

Waglys A – indien u in die voedingsarea (binne 5km radius om die skool)<br />

van die skool woonagtig, of werksaam is.<br />

Waglys B – indien u buite (verder as 5km om die skool) die voedingsarea<br />

woonagtig is.<br />

5. Teen die einde van Julie van hierdie jaar sal u in kennis gestel word of u<br />

aansoek om toelating suksesvol was, al dan nie.<br />

6. Indien hierdie aansoek nie aanvaar word nie, sal u die skriftelike redes vir die<br />

weiering van u aansoek ontvang, asook die adresse van die LUR indien u appèl<br />

sou wou aanteken teen die weiering.<br />

7. U moet die inskrywingsregister teken, dit beteken nie dat u kind toegelaat is<br />

tot die skool nie.<br />

8. Ouers moet verkieslik (sover moontlik) self hul eie kinders inskryf by die skool.<br />

9. Elke leerder moet op sy eie aansoekvorm ingeskryf word.<br />

10. In geval van pleegsorg moet die hofbevel aangeheg word.<br />

Dankie vir u aansoek om toelating tot ons skool. Indien u enige verdere navrae het<br />

kan u die skool kontak.

therpark@iafrica.<strong>co</strong>m<br />

www.theresapark.<strong>co</strong>.<strong>za</strong><br />

Tel: (012 542 1186/7<br />

Faks/Fax: (012) 542 1210 /<br />

0866261190<br />


Ek, die ondergetekende ………………………………………………………………………….<br />

ID Nommer …………………………………………….. verklaar hiermee dat ek:<br />

<strong>GAUTENG</strong><br />

<strong>DEPARTEMENT</strong><br />

<strong>VAN</strong> <strong>ONDERWYS</strong><br />

A) Vir leerder ……………………………………………………………………………………………………<br />

Slegs by een skool / inrigting om toelating aansoek gedoen het,<br />

By meer as een skool / inrigting aansoek gedoen het.<br />

B) Ek het sy / haar naam op waglys ………………………………….. (meld A / B) by die volgende skole<br />

/ inrigtings geplaas:-<br />

……………………………………………………………… (skool)<br />

……………………………………………………………… (skool)<br />

My voorkeur vir toelating is soos volg:-<br />

1. ……………………………………………………..<br />

2. …………………………………………………….<br />

C) Ek verstaan en erken dat Laerskool <strong>Theresapark</strong>:<br />

se Onderrigtaal Afrikaans en Engels is,<br />

‘n Skoolfonds betalende skool is.<br />

Geen kostes met hierdie registrasie van my verwag nie.<br />

My toelaat om my kind by meer as een skool in te skryf.<br />

Alle inligting sal verifieer.<br />

Die aansoek sal afkeur indien valse inligting verskaf is.<br />

GETEKEN: …………………………………….. TEL. NR.: ………………………………..<br />

DATUM: ………………………………………. ADRES: ………………………………….

therpark@iafrica.<strong>co</strong>m<br />

www.theresapark.<strong>co</strong>.<strong>za</strong><br />

Tel: (012 542 1186/7<br />

Faks/Fax: (012) 542 1210 / 0866261190<br />

Hiermee erken Laerskool <strong>Theresapark</strong> die ontvangs van<br />

aansoek om toelating vir:<br />

Leerder: …………………………………………………..<br />

Graad: ........................................................<br />

U waglysnommer: A / B ………………….<br />

Geteken deur Administratiewe beampte:<br />

....................................................................<br />

therpark@iafrica.<strong>co</strong>m<br />

www.theresapark.<strong>co</strong>.<strong>za</strong><br />

Tel: (012 542 1186/7<br />

Faks/Fax: (012) 542 1210 / 0866261190<br />

Hiermee erken Laerskool <strong>Theresapark</strong> die<br />

ontvangs van aansoek om toelating vir:<br />

Leerder: …………………………………………………..<br />

Graad: ........................................................<br />

U waglysnommer: A / B ………………….<br />

Geteken deur Administratiewe beampte:<br />

....................................................................<br />

Skool stempel<br />

Skool stempel<br />

<strong>GAUTENG</strong><br />

<strong>DEPARTEMENT</strong> <strong>VAN</strong><br />

<strong>ONDERWYS</strong><br />

<strong>GAUTENG</strong><br />

<strong>DEPARTEMENT</strong> <strong>VAN</strong><br />


therpark@iafrica.<strong>co</strong>m<br />

www.theresapark.<strong>co</strong>.<strong>za</strong><br />

Tel: (012 542 1186/7<br />

Faks/Fax: (012) 542 1210 /<br />

0866261190<br />

Laerskool <strong>Theresapark</strong> accept application for admission<br />

from:<br />

Learner: …………………………………………………..<br />

Grade: ........................................................<br />

Your waiting list number: A / B ………………….<br />

Signed by the Administratife officer:<br />

....................................................................<br />

therpark@iafrica.<strong>co</strong>m<br />

www.theresapark.<strong>co</strong>.<strong>za</strong><br />

Tel: (012 542 1186/7<br />

Faks/Fax: (012) 542 1210 /<br />

0866261190<br />

Laerskool <strong>Theresapark</strong> accept application for admission<br />

from:<br />

Learner: …………………………………………………..<br />

Grade: ........................................................<br />

Your waiting list number: A / B ………………….<br />

Signed by the Administratife officer:<br />

....................................................................<br />

School stamp:<br />

School stamp:<br />

<strong>GAUTENG</strong><br />

<strong>DEPARTEMENT</strong> OF<br />


<strong>GAUTENG</strong><br />

<strong>DEPARTEMENT</strong> OF<br />


therpark@iafrica.<strong>co</strong>m<br />

www.theresapark.<strong>co</strong>.<strong>za</strong><br />

Tel: (012 542 1186/7<br />

Faks/Fax: (012) 542 1210 /<br />

0866261190<br />

<strong>GAUTENG</strong><br />

<strong>DEPARTEMENT</strong> OF<br />



Dear prospective parents and learners,<br />

To <strong>co</strong>mplete the admission form you must:-<br />

1. Complete the form in full.<br />

2. Submit all the required documentation.<br />

3. Ensure that all the information on the form is <strong>co</strong>rrect. Any false statement<br />

may cause this application to be rejected.<br />

4. Receive a number in writing when you hand in the form. This number will<br />

advise you of your position on:-<br />

Waiting List A if you live in the feeder zone (within 5km from the<br />

school), or work in the feeder zone; or on<br />

Waiting List B if you live outside (more than 5km from the school) the<br />

feeder zone.<br />

5. By the end of July of this year you will be informed as to whether your child’s<br />

application has been successful or not.<br />

6. If you are unsuccessful, you will be given reasons in writing and the address of<br />

the MEC so that you may lodge an appeal if you wish to.<br />

7. You must sign the entry register, it does not mean that your child has been<br />

admitted to the school.<br />

8. It is preferble that parents have to enrol their own children at the school.<br />

9. Each learner must enrol on his/her own form.<br />

10. In the case of foster care, a <strong>co</strong>urt order must ac<strong>co</strong>mpany the application.

Thank you for submitting an application form to our school. Should you have any<br />

further queries please do not hesitate to <strong>co</strong>ntact the school using the details<br />

supplied above.<br />

therpark@iafrica.<strong>co</strong>m<br />

www.theresapark.<strong>co</strong>.<strong>za</strong><br />

Tel: (012 542 1186/7<br />

Faks/Fax: (012) 542 1210 /<br />

0866261190<br />


<strong>GAUTENG</strong><br />

<strong>DEPARTEMENT</strong> OF<br />


I, the undersigned …………………………………………………………………………..……….<br />

ID No. ………………………………………………….. hereby declare:<br />

A) That I have applied for admission for learner ………………………………………………….<br />

Only at Laerskool <strong>Theresapark</strong><br />

at more than one institution/school.<br />

B) I have entered his / her name on waiting list ………………………(state A/B) at:<br />

……………………………………………………….. (school)<br />

……………………………………………………….. (school)

My preference order for admission is:<br />

1. .…………………………………………………….<br />

2. ……………………………………………………..<br />

C) I understand and acknowledge that Laerskool <strong>Theresapark</strong>:<br />

Have Afrikaans and English as languages of instruction.<br />

Is a school fee paying school.<br />

Will charge no fees with this registration.<br />

Allows me to enrol my child at other schools.<br />

That all information will be verified.<br />

Will reject this application if false information is provided.<br />

SIGNATURE: ………………………………………… TEL. NO.: ………………………………<br />

DATE: ………………………………… ADDRESS: ……………………………..........<br />


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