AP Spanish Study Sheet: Stem-Changing Verbs

AP Spanish Study Sheet: Stem-Changing Verbs

AP Spanish Study Sheet: Stem-Changing Verbs


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<strong>AP</strong> <strong>Spanish</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong>: <strong>Stem</strong>-<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Verbs</strong><br />

Figure It Out!<br />

Page 1 of 4<br />

No me siento muy bien hoy. Me duele el estómago y la cabeza. Me gusta celebrar los<br />

cumpleaños, pero no puedo comer la comida de mi tía. Pienso que algún día su comida va a<br />

matar a alguien. Mientras estos dolores continúen siento que me muero. Por eso, ahora<br />

quiero ir al médico. Cuando estoy en su oficina siempre consigo medicina.<br />

Although not categorized as "irregular," most of the verbs in the previous paragraph<br />

undergo some form of alteration when conjugated. Do you see any pattern in these<br />

"changes"?<br />

Introduction<br />

The majority of the verbs that are used most often in <strong>Spanish</strong> are either irregular, have an<br />

irregular 1 st person singular (yo) form, are stem-changing, or have spelling changes.<br />

This activity focuses on the last two of these four types of verbs in the present tense.<br />

Present Tense: <strong>Stem</strong>-<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Verbs</strong><br />

<strong>Stem</strong>-changing verbs can appear to be a little intimidating at first glance. But once you<br />

learn the pattern of how they are conjugated, the only thing that you have to worry about is<br />

knowing which verbs require a stem change. To deal with this problem, when you learn a<br />

new verb, make a mental note of whether it is a stem-changing verb. In most textbook<br />

vocabulary lists, the verb is listed in its infinitive form with the stem change in parenthesis;<br />

for example, poder (ue). This means that the –o– changes to –ue– in the stem of the<br />

conjugated verb. However, many new verbs that you will learn will not appear in vocabulary<br />

lists. So you will have to look for stem changes in the root of the conjugated verbs. Once<br />

you have identified a verb as stem-changing, then you just apply the appropriate stemchanging<br />

pattern. Here's some simple advice on how you can give this problem "the boot."<br />

In the chart below, the dark gray areas forming a boot shape require a stem change in the<br />

present tense, while the light gray areas don’t. That is, on these types of verbs, all the verb<br />

forms get a stem change except for nosotros and vosotros. It’s as simple as that!<br />

THE "BOOT"<br />

yo nosotros<br />

tú vosotros<br />

él/ella/usted ellos/ellas/ustedes<br />

The table on the following page shows the three types of stem changes that occur in the<br />

present tense. Look for the "boot." That is, look for the stem changes in the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd<br />

person singular and in the 3 rd person plural forms. Just remember that the 1 st and 2 nd<br />

person plural forms (nosotros/as and vosotros/as) do not have stem changes in the present<br />

tense. Never! At the bottom of the table are some common stem-changing verbs in the<br />

present tense.<br />

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No portion of these materials may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without the express permission of<br />

powerspeaK 12 .

<strong>AP</strong> <strong>Spanish</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong>: <strong>Stem</strong>-<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Verbs</strong><br />

O UE E IE E I<br />

MOSTRAR (to show) PENSAR (to think)<br />

muestro mostramos pienso pensamos<br />

muestras mostráis piensas pensáis<br />

muestra muestran piensa piensan<br />

PODER (to be able) QUERER (to want)<br />

puedo podemos quiero queremos<br />

puedes podéis quieres queréis<br />

puede pueden quiere quieren<br />

Page 2 of 4<br />

DORMIR (to sleep) SENTIR (to feel) PEDIR (to ask for)<br />

duermo dormimos siento sentimos pido pedimos<br />

duermes dormís sientes sentís pides pedís<br />

duerme duermen siente sienten pide piden<br />


acostar<br />

almorzar<br />

aprobar<br />

contar<br />

costar<br />

encontrar<br />

mostrar<br />

probar<br />

recordar<br />

sonar<br />

volar<br />

devolver<br />

doler<br />

llover<br />

poder<br />

resolver<br />

volver<br />

dormir<br />

morir<br />

to wake up<br />

to eat lunch<br />

to pass<br />

to count<br />

to cost<br />

to encounter<br />

to show<br />

to try<br />

to remember<br />

to ring<br />

to fly<br />

to give back<br />

to hurt<br />

to rain<br />

to be able<br />

to resolve<br />

to return<br />

to sleep<br />

to die<br />

acertar<br />

cerrar<br />

comenzar<br />

confesar<br />

empezar<br />

negar<br />

nevar<br />

pensar<br />

recomendar<br />

sentar(se)<br />

atender<br />

defender<br />

encender<br />

entender<br />

perder<br />

querer<br />

advertir<br />

consentir<br />

convertir<br />

divertir<br />

hervir<br />

mentir<br />

preferir<br />

sentir<br />

sugerir<br />

to be right<br />

to close<br />

to begin/start<br />

to confess<br />

to begin/start<br />

to deny<br />

to snow<br />

to think<br />

to<br />

recommend.<br />

to sit<br />

to wait on<br />

to defend<br />

to light<br />

to intend<br />

to lose<br />

to want<br />

to advise<br />

to allow<br />

to convert<br />

to entertain<br />

to boil<br />

to lie<br />

to prefer<br />

to feel<br />

to suggest<br />

competir<br />

despedir<br />

gemir<br />

impedir<br />

medir<br />

pedir<br />

repetir<br />

servir<br />

vestir<br />

to compete<br />

to send away<br />

to groan<br />

to impede<br />

to measure<br />

to ask for<br />

to repeat<br />

to serve<br />

to dress<br />

The words in bold in the table above are those that were conjugated in the upper part of<br />

the table.<br />

© 2008 powerspeaK 12 . All rights reserved. This material is intended for the exclusive use of registered users only.<br />

No portion of these materials may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without the express permission of<br />

powerspeaK 12 .

<strong>AP</strong> <strong>Spanish</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong>: <strong>Stem</strong>-<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Verbs</strong><br />

Page 3 of 4<br />

The verbs adquirir, jugar, and oler are unique stem-changing verbs of their kind. The<br />

following table shows their conjugations with the stem-changes in the "boot."<br />

U UE I IE O HUE<br />

JUGAR (to play) ADQUIRIR (to acquire) OLER (to smell)<br />

juego jugamos adquiero adquirimos huelo olemos<br />

juegas jugáis adquieres adquirís hueles olís<br />

juega juegan adquiere adquieren huele huelen<br />

Now that you know the pattern of stem-changing verbs in the present tense, and you have<br />

identified some common stem-changing verbs, practice conjugating them until this becomes<br />

second nature. The exercises at the end of this Activity will help.<br />

Present Tense: Spelling Changes<br />

Sometimes when you conjugate a verb in the present tense, some forms undergo a special<br />

spelling change. Why?<br />

Unlike English, <strong>Spanish</strong> spelling is highly consistent in matching letters with sounds. That’s<br />

why some verbs require a spelling change to preserve the correct pronunciation of the stem.<br />

The following table highlights the spelling changes that occur in the 1 st person singular (yo)<br />

form of certain verbs. It also shows some common verbs with that particular spelling<br />

change.<br />

<strong>Verbs</strong> ending in –cer or –cir preceded by a vowel add z before c in the first person singular.<br />

conocer (to know) conozco, conoces, conoce, conocemos, conocéis, conocen<br />

conducir (to drive) conduzco, conduces, conduce, conducimos, conducís, conducen<br />

Other –cer and –cir<br />

verbs:<br />

aparecer<br />

crecer<br />

parecer<br />

to appear<br />

to grow<br />

to seem<br />

introducir<br />

producir<br />

traducir<br />

to introduce<br />

to produce<br />

to translate<br />

<strong>Verbs</strong> ending in –cer or –cir preceded by a consonant change c to z in the first person<br />

singular.<br />

vencer (to win) venzo, vences, vence, vencemos, vencéis, vencen<br />

esparcir (to scatter) esparzo, esparces, esparce, esparcimos, esparcís, esparcen<br />

Other –cer and –cir<br />

verbs:<br />

convencer to convince ejercer to exercise<br />

<strong>Verbs</strong> ending in –ger and –gir change g to j in the first person singular.<br />

proteger (to protect) protejo, proteges, protege, protegemos, protegéis, protegen<br />

dirigir (to direct) dirijo, diriges, dirige, dirigimos, dirigís, dirigen<br />

Other –ger and –gir<br />

verbs:<br />

corregir (i)<br />

coger<br />

to correct<br />

to grasp<br />

exigir<br />

recoger<br />

to demand<br />

to collect<br />

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No portion of these materials may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without the express permission of<br />

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<strong>AP</strong> <strong>Spanish</strong><br />

<strong>Study</strong> <strong>Sheet</strong>: <strong>Stem</strong>-<strong>Changing</strong> <strong>Verbs</strong><br />

Page 4 of 4<br />

<strong>Verbs</strong> ending in –guir change gu to g in the first person singular.<br />

extinguir (to extinguish) extingo, extingues, extingue, extinguimos, extinguís, extinguen<br />

Other –guir verbs:<br />

conseguir (i)<br />

distinguir<br />

to obtain<br />

to distinguish<br />

proseguir (i)<br />

seguir (i)<br />

to pursue<br />

to follow<br />

The following table highlights "boot" spelling changes. That is, these spelling changes occur<br />

in the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd person singular and in the 3 rd person plural forms only! It also shows<br />

some common verbs with that particular spelling change.<br />

<strong>Verbs</strong> ending in –uir change i to y before o and e.<br />

incluir (to include) incluyo, incluyes, incluye, incluimos, incluís, incluyen<br />

Other –uir verbs:<br />

concluir<br />

contribuir<br />

to conclude<br />

to contribute<br />

destruir<br />

influir<br />

to destroy<br />

to influence<br />

Some verbs ending in –iar and –uar change the i to í and the u to ú in all forms except<br />

nosotros and vosotros.<br />

confiar (to trust) confío, confías, confía, confiamos, confiáis, confían<br />

acentuar (to accentuate) acentúo, acentúas, acentúa, acentuamos, acentuáis, acentúan<br />

Other –iar and –uar<br />

verbs of this type:<br />

Regular –iar & –uar<br />

verbs:<br />

ampliar<br />

continuar<br />

enfriar<br />

anunciar<br />

apreciar<br />

averiguar<br />

to enlarge<br />

to continue<br />

to cool<br />

to announce<br />

to value<br />

to find out<br />

graduar(se)<br />

guiar<br />

situar<br />

cambiar<br />

estudiar<br />

limpiar<br />

to graduate<br />

to guide<br />

to place<br />

to change<br />

to study<br />

to clean<br />

Of course, the lists of example verbs in the tables are not exhaustive. That is, these are<br />

only examples. Many more verbs exist for each point explained above.<br />

© 2008 powerspeaK 12 . All rights reserved. This material is intended for the exclusive use of registered users only.<br />

No portion of these materials may be reproduced or redistributed in any form without the express permission of<br />

powerspeaK 12 .

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