Das seltsame Buch - Académie de Nancy-Metz

Das seltsame Buch - Académie de Nancy-Metz

Das seltsame Buch - Académie de Nancy-Metz


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Montag, <strong>de</strong>n 18. Februar, 23.40 Uhr<br />

Premier prix en allemand : Julie SCHMIT<br />

<strong>Das</strong> <strong>seltsame</strong> <strong>Buch</strong><br />

Gestern hat meine Mutter mir ein Tagebuch geschenkt. Es ist das erste Mal, dass ich darin schreibe.<br />

Ich stelle mich vor : Ich heiβe Anna. Ich bin ein junges Mädchen, das 15 Jahre alt bin. Ich wohne in<br />

Berlin mit meinen Eltern und meiner kleinen Schwester.<br />

Ich wer<strong>de</strong> meinen Tag erzählen :<br />

Wie je<strong>de</strong>n Morgen gehe ich in die Schule. Ich treffe meine zwei besten Freundinnen: Ja<strong>de</strong> und Clara.<br />

Wenn wir in <strong>de</strong>r Klasse sind, kommt die Schulleiterin mit einem neuen <strong>seltsame</strong>n Mädchen. Sie sagt :<br />

Hier, das ist Selena, die neue Schülerin. Ich hoffe, dass ihr nett zu ihr sein wer<strong>de</strong>t.<br />

Selana setzt sich hin, ohne zu sprechen. Sie hatte sehr helle, fast weiβe und sehr lange Haare. Ihre<br />

Haut ist blass wie Schnee. Alle Leute <strong>de</strong>nken, dass Selena eine Hexe ist. Während <strong>de</strong>r Pause, spricht<br />

niemand mit Selena, also gehe ich zu ihr, sie liest ein groβes <strong>Buch</strong>, das einem Zauberbuch ähnelt. Ich<br />

frage sie : Was ist das ? Gleich schließt Selena das <strong>seltsame</strong> <strong>Buch</strong> und sie sagt mir : du sollst dir dieses<br />

<strong>Buch</strong> nicht ansehen, es ist sehr gefährlich !! Selena läuft weg.<br />

Meine Mutter sagt mir oft, dass ich zu neugierig bin, aber hier will ich wissen, was dieses <strong>Buch</strong> enthält !!<br />

Nach <strong>de</strong>r Pause spreche ich mit Ja<strong>de</strong> und Clara über das <strong>seltsame</strong> <strong>Buch</strong> und ich sage, dass ich das <strong>Buch</strong><br />

Selena wegnehmen möchte. Ich erkläre meinen Plan.<br />

Nach <strong>de</strong>m Unterricht la<strong>de</strong>n Ja<strong>de</strong> und Clara Selena in eine Bar ein, um sie kennen zu lernen..<br />

Ich folge ihnen. In <strong>de</strong>r Bar sagt Clara wie abgemacht zu Selena, dass sie einen Tintenfleck im Gesicht<br />

hat. Also steht Selena auf und geht in die Toilette, um sich zu waschen. Während<strong>de</strong>ssen nehme ich das<br />

<strong>Buch</strong> aus Selenas Sack und ich laufe damit nach Hause.<br />

Zuhause esse ich, mache mein Hausaufgaben, sehe fern und gehe in mein Bett, ich nehme das <strong>Buch</strong> von<br />

Selena und ich öffne es … NICHTS !! Es gibt nichts, die Seiten sind leer !!!! ich kann es nicht glauben<br />

!!!!!!!!! Ich schlieβe das <strong>Buch</strong>.<br />

Jetzt liegt es auf meinem Nachttisch, ich habe ein ungutes Gefühl … ich habe Angst vor <strong>de</strong>m <strong>Buch</strong>.<br />

Morgen gebe ich es dieser Hexe zurück. Ich wer<strong>de</strong> schlafen,<strong>de</strong>nn ich bin mü<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Gute Nacht mein Tagebuch, bis Morgen.<br />

Aber <strong>de</strong>r kommen<strong>de</strong> Morgen existiert nicht mehr für Anna, sie ist während <strong>de</strong>r Nacht gestorben.<br />

Lianen sind aus <strong>de</strong>m <strong>Buch</strong> hervorgesprossen und sie haben Anna während ihres Schlafs erwürgt …<br />

Die Moral von dieser Geschichte ist, dass Neugier<strong>de</strong> ein schlimmer Charakterfehler ist.

Premier prix en Italien : Marine Welter<br />

Una strana bottega<br />

Molti secoli or sono, un ragazzo chiamato Francesco Melzi, dai capelli biondi e dagli occhi azzurri,<br />

varcava la soglia di una strana bottega. Questo non era il suo primo tentativo di entrare, ma ogni volta un<br />

uomo dall'aspetto severo l'aveva cacciato via.<br />

Ora era entrato, e con curiosità poteva guardare i numerosi libri che coprivano le pareti. La bottega era<br />

composta da due locali: nel primo, abbastanza ampio, lo spazio era occupato da un mucchio di apparecchi<br />

strani mentre nel secondo, più piccolo, c’erano una scrivania ed una biblioteca dagli scaffali pieni di libri,<br />

di piantine e di manoscritti.<br />

Francesco si avvicinò alla scrivania e vi scorse un enorme libro posto su un pulpito. Sulla copertina lesse<br />

le parole «orbil ocigam». Non capendone il significato, pensò di aprire il libro quando ad un tratto entrò<br />

l’uomo che già conosceva… Egli l’aveva già avvertito a proposito <strong>de</strong>l libro, ma a<strong>de</strong>sso era troppo tardi!<br />

Francesco alzò gli occhi e si accorse che molte persone lo stavano circondando quasi imprigionandolo con<br />

il loro cerchio rumoroso e minaccioso. Spaventato, egli fece segno che tutto andava bene e volle<br />

andarsene aprendosi con difficoltà un passaggio tra la folla. Vi<strong>de</strong> allora nella stanza vicina una macchina<br />

insolita che stranamente ticchettava e girava molto rapidamente. Sbalordito, uscì sulla strada soleggiata<br />

e calda e prese a correre verso casa sua…<br />

Nel mezzo <strong>de</strong>l cammino, alzò gli occhi e scorse molto alto nel cielo un’altra macchina ancora più strana<br />

<strong>de</strong>lla prima. Ora si trattava di una specie di enorme uccello bianco che percorreva il cielo attraverso le<br />

nuvole. Si fermò e restò immobile pochi minuti poi scosse la testa e riprese a correre.<br />

Incrociò una persona… due persone… tre persone… tutte avevano in mano un pezzo di ar<strong>de</strong>sia che si<br />

accen<strong>de</strong>va e dove sul quale era scritto l’alfabeto. Francesco ignorava a che cosa potesse servire<br />

quest’oggetto… Più andava avanti, più era stupito e preoccupato da ciò che scopriva: a <strong>de</strong>stra stavano<br />

immense case di circa 12 metri (cioè di 39.372 piedi), incollate una all’altra; a sinistra, nella vetrina di<br />

una bottega, i personaggi di alcuni dipinti si muovevano e si succe<strong>de</strong>vano scene fantastiche: chi parlava,<br />

chi faceva <strong>de</strong>i giochi, chi presentava piatti cucinati…. Tutti questi quadri animati erano illuminati con<br />

can<strong>de</strong>le che non si consumavano mai... Questo era troppo! Francesco non ce la faceva più a capire dove<br />

era e perché tante cose strane gli stavano intorno… La gente non era più vestita come prima, strani<br />

macchinari lo circondavano e le case erano di un’ altezza impressionante.… Francesco si chiese<br />

improvvisamente se la spiegazione non stesse nella strana officina in cui era entrato e <strong>de</strong>cise di tornarci.<br />

Si girò e corse in direzione contraria….<br />

L’uomo severo lo stava aspettando! Ansimando, Francesco si scusò di avere aperto il libro malgrado il suo<br />

avvertimento e gli promise di non esser mai più tanto curioso. L’uomo guardò Francesco e gli disse: «Devi<br />

ubbidire, certo! Ma <strong>de</strong>vi anche conservare un po’ di curiosità! Solo così farai progressi nel conoscere e<br />


Francesco guardò di nuovo il libro sul pulpito e notò una firma sull’ultima pagina: «Leonardo Da Vinci». Si<br />

accorse inoltre che le parole <strong>de</strong>lla copertina si leggevano dalla <strong>de</strong>stra verso la sinistra e significavano<br />

«libro magico»… Così Francesco diventò l’assistente di Leonardo Da Vinci.

Deuxième prix en italien : Melek Demir<br />

Una pagina al vento!<br />

Ho quattro anni di crediti non saldati nei ristoranti lionesi. I miei genitori si sono tenuti per diciassette<br />

anni la Renault 4L per potermi iscrivere in una scuola privata che io ho marinato senza vergogna.<br />

Ero molto impegnata a fumarmi la vita sognando amori immaginari. Il mio snobismo è sempre stato<br />

inversamente proporzionale alla mia socievolezza. Non sono mai stata molto amichevole, ma durante gli<br />

anni di cui parlo sono diventata <strong>de</strong>l tutto autista, davvero.<br />

Sono una lebbrosa (non quella di Clau<strong>de</strong>l che sarebbe piuttosto mia sorella; ma quella di Montherlant,<br />

praticamente), la figlia di padre Goriot (e certo anche <strong>de</strong>lla madre Goriot). Il mio principe azzurro è un<br />

algoritmo che alle volte trovo un po' complicato.<br />

Pensavo che mi sarei stufata <strong>de</strong>gli specchi, ma al termine di centinaia di migliaia di ore di contemplazione<br />

invece no. Quando mi guardo, mi accorgo che la mia carnagione ha assunto un colore giallo come i miei<br />

sogni. Ho voluto aromatizzarli con la violenza per compensare la mia paura, che si è trasformata in<br />

mollezza e apatia. Secondo me, questo significa non fare concessioni.<br />

Per non volere fare concessioni senza ostinarsi, è stato necessario “inclu<strong>de</strong>re” molto. “Inclu<strong>de</strong>re” cioè<br />

impadronirsi <strong>de</strong>i pensieri di chi invidi per pensare come lui ed essere sicuro che pensa come te. Ho<br />

cominciato con l’invidiare le cose belle, poi ho invidiato ciò che le mie bellezze invidiavano ed ho finito<br />

con l’invidiare il potere di essere invidiato. Invidiando il potere sono riuscito ad impadronirmi di pensieri<br />

che fanno paura e questo ha fatto scappare i vivi che mi stavano attorno.<br />

Il romanticismo come qualsiasi sistema cerca il mezzo per iscrivere in una continuità momenti che hanno<br />

lasciato un segno. Ciò implica chiu<strong>de</strong>rsi sotto vuoto. Il maniaco <strong>de</strong>l sistema infatti non accetta che alcuni<br />

di questi elementi possano non essere integrati nel suo sistema.<br />

Ma ammette che gli occorrerà tempo per stabilire tutte queste connessioni. E non vuole essere<br />

disturbato durante il suo lavoro. Quando ci si chiu<strong>de</strong>, ci si in<strong>de</strong>bolisce, e per arrestare la <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>nza<br />

occorre ingannare la noia. Ingannare la noia, vuol dire mantenere vive la ragioni <strong>de</strong>l proprio <strong>de</strong>si<strong>de</strong>rio,<br />

occorre personificare: aggrapparsi ad una struttura evolutiva a coordinate fisse.<br />

Far tacere, mettendolo da parte, l'amico fittizio che incarna l'altro implacabilmente simpatico, che ti<br />

viene incontro e non urta che l'imperfezione <strong>de</strong>lla sua progressione, e che può recitarlo finché sente<br />

che queste coordinate sono soltanto l'incrocio tra due strutture che si compenetrano, avente per base<br />

<strong>de</strong>lle coordinate tanto soli<strong>de</strong> ma così diverse, una fe<strong>de</strong>ltà all'altro e non a sé stesso, e sé stesso in<br />

equilibrio sul limite di questa fe<strong>de</strong>ltà dorata.<br />

L'oro più bianco, l'oro più pesante, l'amico che viene incontro, l'innamorato accanto: ci sono accumuli nei<br />

piccoli interstizi. Per fe<strong>de</strong>ltà al momento il romantico ca<strong>de</strong> in un pozzo senza fondo: giura che utilizzerà<br />

tutti gli accumuli per fargli un corpo, ma cambia, si <strong>de</strong>forma, si per<strong>de</strong> per recuperare un momento che<br />

nell'intervallo ha perso il suo proprietario. A patto che il proprietario in questione non sia già in questo<br />

pozzo. I vivi se ne sono andati ed io ho <strong>de</strong>i vuoti.

Lei strappa la pagina dal suo diario, si sente più leggera, liberata da un peso, ha scaricato tutti i suoi<br />

pensieri su questa piccola e sottile pagina. Aveva riempito questa pagina con astio, per liberarsene.<br />

Scrivendolo. Seduta sul balcone, osserva il sole alzarsi, anche oggi andrà a lezione, ad ascoltare il<br />

discorso falso <strong>de</strong>i professori che come sola evoluzione nelle loro vite, vedono aumentare le loro <strong>de</strong>lusioni<br />

amorose, così triste.<br />

Piegarsi alle leggi di un a società che non sa neppure dove sta andando, che ti dice di seguirla di entrare<br />

nella norma.<br />

Forse un giorno lei ne avrà abbastanza <strong>de</strong>lle regole. Forse si ribellerà? Forse lei sorpren<strong>de</strong>rà? Tanti sono<br />

quelli che lei aveva avvisato, giovani come lei, tutti avevano finto di non sentire, esattamente come lei<br />

prima di capire tutto. Peggio per loro! Lei allunga la sua mano nel vuoto. Lasciare o non lasciare?<br />

Lui l’aveva avvisata a proposito <strong>de</strong>l libro. Ora era troppo tardi! Suo nonno !<br />

Non aveva voluto ascoltarlo, ora compren<strong>de</strong>va. Il libro <strong>de</strong>lla Vita, che si ripete ancora ed ancora. Non<br />

siamo altro che foglio strappato al vento, siamo fragili ma ci battiamo senza sosta contro quest'ostile<br />

invisibile nemico che è la vita, voliamo ma mai troppo lontani dal suolo. Che fine farà dunque questo foglio<br />

di carta?Finirà nelle mani di qualcuno? E lei sparirà senza lasciare traccia, in segreto? La ricor<strong>de</strong>ranno?<br />

Chiuse gli occhi e si prestò al gioco, il gioco <strong>de</strong>lla vita.

Premier prix en anglais, catégorie secon<strong>de</strong> : Lucie Gutman<br />

He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late…<br />

I was sleeping on the sofa whereas my parents were packing their bags. My little sister, Enola,<br />

was playing in her bedroom. The house was very quiet, but sud<strong>de</strong>nly, somebody rang at the door. I<br />

stayed on the sofa; waiting for someone to open the door. My mum asked me to go, so I stopped my nap.<br />

Behind the door there was a girl, who was around 15 years old, like me. She was carrying a big bag<br />

“Hello! I’ m Lena, the babysitter!” said she.<br />

which looked very heavy.<br />

“Good afternoon! My name is Nathan; I think you want to see my parents! I’ll go and find them!”<br />

“Yes, thank you very much.”<br />

I went to find my parents but a big noise could sud<strong>de</strong>nly be heard.<br />

“What happened?” I said.<br />

“Nothing, I just dropped my bag!”<br />

“Oh, it’s true that it looks heavy… Do you want me to take it?”<br />

“Yes, that would be very nice! Thanks.”<br />

I invited her in, I put the bag in the living-room and I went to find my parents. They said that I<br />

could go to my bedroom; they wanted to explain to Lena her job for the weekend. So I went to my<br />

bedroom to play vi<strong>de</strong>ogames.<br />

At 7 pm, my parents went to the airport so I stayed at home with the new super baby-sitter! I went<br />

into the kitchen to get back to my kingdom. Lena was cooking and it smelt good.<br />

“What are you doing?” I asked.<br />

“I am just cooking a little something for dinner, are there things that you don’t like?”<br />

“Not particularly!”<br />

“Ok, it’s easier for me! I will feed Enola. Can you stay with me please? Because she doesn’t know<br />

me, so she can be afraid of me.”<br />

“Yes, if you like!”<br />

We fed Enola, after, Lena put her to bed. Enola loved Lena; she didn’t cry when she put her to<br />

bed, she was very nice. So I <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to be nice with her too, perhaps she <strong>de</strong>served that. When she<br />

came back, we ate together. And I spoke to her about my parents’ library. We had a big library, with<br />

many books, I’m proud of it because it is like in a film, a beautiful library with sofas and tables to work

on. She was very interested and she wanted me to show it to her. Then, I said that I would do it after<br />

dinner. We ate and I cleared the table. Next, I led her to the library.<br />

Then, she pushed the door, a very strange thing happened: all the shelves fell sud<strong>de</strong>nly! All the<br />

books fell, all except one. It was floating in the air, as if it were suspen<strong>de</strong>d by a piece of string. I was<br />

scared, this book was the Book of the soul, it was very dangerous, my father had forbid<strong>de</strong>n me to touch<br />

it. The only thing that I knew about it was that it had killed my aunt. Lena was walking in the direction<br />

of the mystery book.<br />

“No! Don’t go!” I shouted. “This book is dangerous! It killed my aunt! Please come here!”<br />

“What? The book which killed you aunt? That’s impossible! We must try to tidy this room, come!”<br />

She caught the book, and at that moment, I knew that she wouldn’t be able to live any longer. A<br />

white light appeared and it wrapped Lena. I heard her shout, and then nothing. I was alone in the<br />

library. I had warned her about the book, but now it was too late.

16 Baker Street.<br />

Deuxième prix en anglais, catégorie secon<strong>de</strong> : Ryad Asnoun<br />

That’s where Janet Woods, 25 years old, book addict, must go to buy what she wants: books, books,<br />

more books…. She learnt that an old man sells books almost for free! Because she is a book addict, she<br />

takes her car and goes to London. Her husband doesn’t like reading, so he doesn’t like it when she goes<br />

far for books.<br />

“One day, reading will kill you!”<br />

“ Maybe, but unfortunately for you, not today! Bye! I’m taking the GPS!”<br />

That’s how Janet sets off to London: she is going for a very long trip…<br />

When she is in the right street, she feels a little bit tired (she drove 400 miles only for books!). But<br />

Janet persists and she opens the door of Mr. John Lin<strong>de</strong>n, a former librarian. Janet feels in a dream:<br />

the heaven of reading! Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n says:<br />

“ Oh, you came for the books, I suppose…”<br />

“ Yes, of course, I wanna be the first!”<br />

“And you are! You can find your happiness here! Choose what you want!”<br />

A book attracts Janet; she can’t take her eyes off of this book, she is afraid, and she sud<strong>de</strong>nly says:<br />

“This book is…special, right?”<br />

“Well, you discovered it.”<br />

“Please, I want to buy this book.”<br />

“No.”<br />

“Why?”<br />

“Because it killed my father!”<br />

“How?”<br />

“Probably a heart attack.”<br />

That doesn’t stop Janet, and Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n sells it.<br />

“Be careful!” said the librarian.<br />

“Ok, no problem!”<br />

Janet now has the book, but she chooses to visit the city and go shopping: she can have a life outsi<strong>de</strong> of<br />

reading!<br />

After that, she stays at home, and she begins reading the book. It is about a little boy who was<br />

assassinated, and the suspects are his parents. Janet would like to stop reading, but she can’t. The book

paralyses Janet; she can’t take her eyes away from this book ; she’s in panic; she tries to move, but she<br />

can’t. She screams before sud<strong>de</strong>nly dying.<br />

He had warned about the book, but now, it’s too late. She had a son, a baby called Bryan… Unfortunately<br />

he will never see his mum again.<br />

Janet’s <strong>de</strong>ath is a shock for everybody, but life likes so few things…

Premier prix en anglais, catégorie première : Melek Demir<br />

Dust Eaters<br />

Minnesota, (A.K.A : the North Star State), U.S.<br />

We all imagine ourselves as the agents of our <strong>de</strong>stiny, capable of <strong>de</strong>termining our own fate. But do we<br />

truly have any choice when we rise? Or when we fall? Or does a force larger than ourselves bid us to go<br />

that way? Is it evolution that takes us by the hand? Does science point our way to us? Or is it God who<br />

intervenes, keeping us safe?<br />

What the hell am I doing with my life? Well, I just want to connect, make a link with people, share<br />

something; I want to feel nee<strong>de</strong>d, useful. I want to leave some sort of track of my passage on Earth.<br />

Why is life so hard with me? Why can’t I connect with people? Oh, right. It’s because I’m <strong>de</strong>ad.<br />

I wish I could introduce myself but I don’t remember my name, I think it is something that begins with<br />

a B or a C but it’s all I have left, it’s kind of a bummer. I don’t know since when I have been that way, a<br />

day, a year, but you’ll just have to take it or leave it, I guess?<br />

I have flashbacks sometimes but I don’t know if they’re real or just ma<strong>de</strong> up fantasies. Do I have a girl-<br />

friend called Clara Morgan? Well, it doesn’t matter, right now there is a high probability that she got<br />

eaten already.<br />

But you know I remember one or two facts about my human life even if I startle myself sometimes; try<br />

not to look idiot when you’re actually fighting with your own reflection on a mirror. It turns out that I<br />

am blond haired, pale like a <strong>de</strong>ad man –Jokes! – A pretty young male with blue lips and blood-shot blue<br />

eyes with a terrible posture. I am well preserved, which is a good point when you’re <strong>de</strong>ad because I’ve<br />

seen some of my kind getting seriously rotten! The only spot on this handsome picture: I limp and walk<br />

as if I were on the movie vi<strong>de</strong>o of Thriller with MJ’s zombie staff.<br />

I mean if you’re still alive, stay at home at all costs. Or else you’ll end up like me or like the guys that I<br />

ate… I wish I had been transformed into a hunter in a heroic way, like saving a hot girl or sacrificing<br />

myself to save others, but I just got caught in the public toilets. Nothing glorious. Nothing to be proud<br />

of. Skip that part.<br />

It’s hell on Earth, mate. Chaos is everywhere there is no mouse hole you can hi<strong>de</strong> in; I talk from<br />

experience as a former human being and a new hunter, I mean even if there was somewhere you could<br />

hi<strong>de</strong> in, humanity is going to an end so… better get eaten sooner than later, right? The fact is when<br />

you’re near the end of the world, it is pretty hard to choose which way you’re going next, I am already<br />

Dead but it’s not that bad, I’ve learnt to live with it.<br />

I remember going through some serious messed up things and you know what? Getting bitten by an<br />

over-weight old granny who had lost her <strong>de</strong>ntal appliance, du<strong>de</strong>, it changes you. Even now as a half-<strong>de</strong>ad<br />

half-alive, I still can’t get over it, it’s a freaking trauma! I managed to save myself but it was only to<br />

end up in the arms of an old massive black cop!

I survived, somehow. But the nightmare wasn’t over. It was a matter of life and <strong>de</strong>ath, constantly on<br />

alert, no safe place. Nature took its own rights. I think it was its punishment for us, too idiotic, too<br />

cocky, and too disrespectful to our Mother Earth. Man, I shouldn’t be so hard on myself, I mean we’re<br />

all <strong>de</strong>ad, right!? There’s no reason to hurry or be worried since the worst actually happened right? Darn<br />

it! That’s some colossal responsibility to be a moral creature!<br />

Thing is, the <strong>de</strong>ad ones still do the same things as when they were alive, the security guy has got enough<br />

strength in his left arm to raise it with the metal <strong>de</strong>tector when I go through. Preventing violence, when<br />

you’re a zombie yourself, ironic, isn’t it?! They’re not even trying to un<strong>de</strong>rstand where that plague came<br />

from…!<br />

I mean I am no hero or an X-man, I can’t fly, but I don’t feel pain and my organs reconnect easily –<br />

sewing them back together with some string isn’t a problem since there is no blood in my system- not<br />

losing them is enough, but that leaves some possibilities according to my situation, right? I could, for<br />

example, okay? Jump through a window from the Willis Tower? No one will complain since I am already<br />

<strong>de</strong>ad, they won’t even notice!<br />

Since this weird plague took place, the whole society has just implo<strong>de</strong>d. Man, do you remember what<br />

chauvinistic pigs men were? Well it is the past. I’ve never thought I’d tell that but women are scary; like<br />

really, really, scary…. Feminists took the power, women are lea<strong>de</strong>rs and the remaining males are soldiers<br />

or slaves, it’s the same, but in my opinion they kind of <strong>de</strong>served it.<br />

The day my little zombie routine en<strong>de</strong>d was a normal day, I wanted to change and actually did something<br />

for my life to be different, that day was my first baby step towards change. I went to the shopping<br />

mall and sat next to my best friend, who’s able to think too since he responds to me. It’s a black albino<br />

with green eyes, in his twenties, he wears his usual jagged suit, I call him Morpheus. We even have<br />

almost a conversation sometimes!<br />

-….Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuurghtttttt ?………… (You ready?)<br />

-……Uaargh...Glurpinoui?........ (We don’t really have the choice, do we?)<br />

-……Uuuuuh…….aAaaarght!...... (Come on, man! I know it’s hard but we need to eat too!)<br />

-……Hum….Hum…….. (Yeah,yeah.)<br />

-…Mruuuualuuublooondyyipp….!....... (Look even the blond girl is coming….!)<br />

-…..Morphhhhhhhozjk!....... (Morph’ !)<br />

He is planning on leading a small hunting party to the city and is currently trying to make me have a<br />

relationship with a zombie girl, which I disagree with, with all my un-beating heart and might.<br />

He used to be such a philosopher! The first time we met he told me about the irony of the zombie<br />

situation: like newly-born babies, everything is an adventure for us, a conquest, everything is funny, but<br />

we can’t smile, ‘cause our lips have rotten off, and yet, since he fell in love with that Dust Eater, he has<br />

said he wants me to feel the same way towards someone.

Seriously, that guy lost it, falling for a Dust Eater? God dammit, I have seen everything in my life! Dust<br />

Eaters look like <strong>de</strong>ad green half-lizard half-human hybrids with rotting flesh on their bones, they are<br />

seriously fast, wolverine and strong enough to lift a truck. They will eat anything with a heartbeat. I<br />

mean, I will too, but at least I’m conflicted about it. And he is worried because I do not have a<br />

girlfriend?! And you know how he fell in love with a Dust Eater? By freaking saving a book!<br />

Writing isn’t just about using letters, it is a way to communicate, it is the biggest and the most useful<br />

part of my memory, how can you, humans, un<strong>de</strong>rstand that insi<strong>de</strong> that body still remains a human soul if<br />

we can’t communicate? That’s what Morpheus and I were thinking when that iguana tried to absorb our<br />

last hope: “Learn how to spell with phonetics! Kids spelling book!”, we wanted it so bad and yet that<br />

brainless thing was <strong>de</strong>stroying it with her slobbery fangs! ‘Cause of course Dust Eaters are dumb pieces<br />

of muscle, so wanting to make a sandwich with paper and human flesh is normal for them! Ready to<br />

fight, Morphy and I looked at each other <strong>de</strong>ep in the eyes, words were pointless, there were about<br />

twelve Dust Eaters in that library, we were surroun<strong>de</strong>d by the nest, like one man, we dashed in the same<br />

direction. The skirmish in the library began that way.<br />

Morpheus jumped on her back. Yelled at her to drop the book. I blocked her arms. She tried to chop my<br />

head off. I got clear. Morpheus caught her jaw. He had warned her, but now it was too late! He gave her<br />

a firm and bone-crushing hug. The book fell, I caught it but her tail projected me on the wall. She<br />

became furious and shook her head in all directions. The other Dust Eaters heard the fight, I could<br />

hear their footsteps, and they were coming! I pushed the bookshelves on the monster. Her comra<strong>de</strong>s<br />

entered the battle. Three Dust Eaters attacked Morphy! He bravely bit back. I crawled to the<br />

electricity generator and shut it off. Something tried to crush me on the wall. Sud<strong>de</strong>nly the windows<br />

explo<strong>de</strong>d, humans came in, I tightened the book against my chest. I found my way back to Morpheus,<br />

totally shocked against the wall, the iguana –first Dust Eater- protecting him from the female soldiers!<br />

I pulled the sleeve of his suit, that idiot was not moving, come on! A human noticed us. I pulled him<br />

behind me. He struggled!<br />

-“Hey! Don’t move! Hands in the air!”, shouted a scary blond girl.<br />

Morpheus woke up and looked at me. I looked at him. We looked at the girl. We looked at each other.<br />

We stuck our tongues out of our mouths and –tried to- grin, took to our heels and ran like hell! Laughing,<br />

it is the only cure that could save our world.

Deuxième prix en anglais, catégorie première : Imen El Abdani<br />

What we see is not always reality<br />

Everybody started to buy it, compulsively. -A crowd like this has never been seen, even during Black<br />

Friday shopping frenzy!- A reporter was speaking next to the people in lines in front of the biggest<br />

bookshop of the city – The army has taken action to keep things in or<strong>de</strong>r: nevertheless, it is still quite<br />

difficult. Sorry, we have to disconnect now, the store has opened its doors and it’s impossible to<br />

communicate!-<br />

Then everybody started to walk into the bookshop by pushing, to go in faster, and the reporter was<br />

compelled to interrupt the connection with the studio as he was pushed too.<br />

Their gazes were gleaming as if they were hypnotized; Jamie couldn’t believe her eyes: what in the<br />

world was happening? She joined the people in the queue to see for herself what the book that<br />

everybody wanted to buy so fast was like. When she arrived, she noticed that the book <strong>de</strong>partment was<br />

oddly bigger than the last time she had seen it, then she twitched and rushed to buy the book too, all of<br />

a sud<strong>de</strong>n; she came round only when she stepped out of the bookstore.<br />

A tramp who was sitting in the street talked to her when she passed by him –I see that you are still<br />

lucid to think with your own mind, you absolutely must not open that book, or better still if you throw it<br />

into the river and don’t think about it anymore! Listen to me young girl, this is a conspiracy of the<br />

government to dazzle people with a new chemical substance and establish a new world or<strong>de</strong>r: I was<br />

working at the research center on this before and when they learnt that I disagreed with their<br />

methods, they kicked me out and intimidated anyone who gave me a job, in or<strong>de</strong>r to turn me into a<br />

beggar. “This way, nobody will believe you” they said… I informed various people but they didn’t listen to<br />

me and now it’s too late to do anything! Hey, where are you going…. hey!-<br />

The girl was scared and curious at the same time when she was running away. Once she arrived at home,<br />

her brother was entering with that book in his hand too. Shocked, she said before any greeting -Did you<br />

see the crowd for this book? Someone told me that it was a conspiracy created by politicians, it’s a sort<br />

of hallucinogenic stuff that blinds people – He sud<strong>de</strong>nly replied -Stop saying foolish things and come<br />

here, we’ll read it together! The shop assistant said that the more people read it together, the funnier<br />

it is, I like having fun! If only mum and dad were here… It would have been better! I can’t wait, let’s go<br />

to the living room-<br />

Her curiosity overwhelmed her and she followed her brother. When they reached the end, they<br />

sud<strong>de</strong>nly started to have spasms all over their bodies; Jamie at that time remembered the beggar’s<br />

words: he had warned her about the book. Now it was too late.<br />

When she woke up, she found herself without any top wear and what was more incredible was the fact<br />

that she had grown… wings!<br />

She looked at her brother and he had wings too! The situation was unbelievable: everybody who read<br />

the book found themselves with a pair of butterfly wings. Little by little, the society started to adapt<br />

to the new condition, whoever had beautiful colors and a particular style of wings was consi<strong>de</strong>red a part

of the high-class and people who didn’t read the book bought it too because they felt different. Jamie<br />

was asking herself –Did we go back to history, to the aristocracy and social classes period?-<br />

The dictatorship of those who had the most beautiful wings dominated in schools too: there were<br />

groups of stu<strong>de</strong>nts based on this, and bullying increased. The feature of the clothes adapted to the new<br />

fashion and everybody started to care more about what they were wearing; there was someone who had<br />

tried to cut his wings off but they looked like any other part of the body, so it was as if he was trying<br />

to cut an arm or an ear and it was difficult, as well as really painful!<br />

Jamie lost her words in front of a world like this. When she was looking for the beggar to ask him for<br />

some help, she sud<strong>de</strong>nly felt a pain in her back and fainted. When she woke up she found herself in her<br />

bed and she hadn’t wings anymore; it was early in the morning, her mother entered the bedroom – Well,<br />

do you plan to sleep today? What about your performance? Weren’t you going to be the main<br />

butterfly?-<br />

She was perplexed: was all of that a dream?<br />

Meanwhile a scientist was boarding the plane to fly to his new workplace. Everybody at the laboratory<br />

was waiting for him and for the project that could probably change the world that we all knew in 2013.

Troisième prix en anglais, catégorie première : Claire Spingardi<br />

The Book<br />

I woke up with the shrill sound of my alarm clock. Ugh, I was tired…I didn't want to go to work that<br />

day. As if I had the choice…I got up, yawning. I put some coffee on the fire and had a shower while it<br />

was heating up. When I left the bathroom the coffee was ready. I slowly drank it. Sud<strong>de</strong>nly I<br />

remembered: I had finished my book the day before. I had nothing to read tonight. Hmm, perhaps I can<br />

ask Christopher if I can borrow something. I’ll tell him about it. I finished getting ready and got out of<br />

my house. I walked into the street in the cold morning, using the same way as usually to the library.<br />

Ah, I was there. I opened the door and entered the small library. Chris was behind his <strong>de</strong>sk, smiling to<br />

me, as he always did.<br />

“Hi, Melody!” Christopher said.<br />

“Hi, Chris. What’s up?” I answered.<br />

“Well, nothing you don’t already know.” He said with a smile.<br />

“What do you mean?” I answered looking annoyed, “Is Marian still angry?”<br />

“Hey, don’t look at me like that! I didn’t do anything!” He said, “I swear, she was angry before I came<br />

here!”<br />

“Right, right.” I said with an amused tone, smiling. “It’s not as if you teased her every morning. You<br />

don't, do you?”<br />

“No!” he said, his cheeks red<strong>de</strong>ning. “I don’t!”<br />

I laughed a bit. Yes, he loved Marian. But when he tried to talk to her, he couldn't help making jokes<br />

about her. And she didn’t like it, actually. He really tried to please her, but I didn’t think he un<strong>de</strong>rstood<br />

he annoyed her. Poor boy. He didn’t tell me about it, but he was not discreet.<br />

“Whatever.” He finally said.<br />

“Yeah. Hmm tell me, do you have a book to lend me? I've just finished Shinning.” I said.<br />

“Shinning? By Stephen King?” He said.<br />

“Yup. It was awesome.” I said.<br />

“Humm…I can lend you something. But I warn you, you won’t be able to stop reading.” He said, looking<br />

really serious.<br />

“What is it about?” I asked, a bit afraid of what he'll give me.<br />

“It’s by Terry Pratchett. It’s called “Snuff”. It talks about an investigation.” He said.<br />

“That looks great.” I said.<br />

“Wait a minute! I think we have it here.” He said.<br />

He left his <strong>de</strong>sk and disappeared in the corridor. He came back with the book in his hands. He gave it to<br />

me, with his usual big smile.<br />

“Thanks.” I said.<br />

“You’re welcome” He said, “Have a good time reading it.”<br />

I smiled to him and he gave it back to me. Well, time to work. I went to my own <strong>de</strong>sk and sat down,<br />

putting the book he had just given me in my bag.<br />

Nothing special happened that day. I finished working at 7pm and got back home. I put my bag down, sat<br />

down on the couch and watched TV for two hours. Then I ate a pizza before going to bed. I took Chris’<br />

book and looked at it. Snuff. So let’s see if Christopher is right.<br />

Oh my god. This book is just…just…so awesome! I can't stop reading…eh. He warned me about the book<br />

and now it is too late, I guess. What time is it? 1am?! Oh wow, I thought it was something like 11pm…I<br />

had to sleep now.<br />

Aaaaah! Chris was SO right! I can't stop reading…<br />

Melody, you MUST STOP NOW.

I can’t! Damn it!<br />

Ok, it’s 5 am. I have to get up in 2 hours. Enough now.<br />

Oh god, damn me. I have just finished the book. And it’s 8 am. I was late! I got up, feeling the rings<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r my eyes. I quickly put some coffee on the fire and ran to the bathroom. I quickly had a shower. I<br />

brushed my teeth and put some make-up at the same time. I put my make-up in my mouth and I tried to<br />

make up with my toothbrush. Ew, that’s gross! And that hurt…my poor eye! Hey, I must hurry up! And I<br />

didn’t see a thing any more! I felt my make-up roll down my cheeks with my tears. As if I had the time<br />

for this! Oh and whatever the make-up! I’d put on sunglasses today! Oh no, the coffee! I put it in a cup<br />

and drink it in a hurry. Ow, I think I just burnt my tongue! And it boiled, it’s not good! I jumped into my<br />

shoes and got out. Hey, my bag! I went back into the house, grabbed my bag and got out again. It was<br />

raining. What am I doing with sunglasses?! I ran until I reached the library. I finally entered, gasping<br />

for air, with dishevelled hair and an open bag, my book fell out of it. I put it back into my bag and closed<br />

it. Ah, here’s Chris.<br />

“Mel?! Wha-what happened?” He said, panicked.<br />

“You…it’s your damn book!” I said, “Wait. I’m going to give it back to you…”<br />

I searched in my bag. Don’t tell me…I forgot it.<br />

“Great…” I said, really annoyed.<br />

“Um…I guess you liked it?” He said bashfully.<br />

“You can say that…I didn’t sleep at all. That book was too…too…” I said.<br />

“You DIDN’T sleep?!” He said.<br />

“Your fault.” I said, “And I’ve burnt my tongue because of you!”<br />

“Hey, it’s not my fault!” He said.<br />

“Yes it is” I said, “And because of YOU I tasted make-up! Bleh!”<br />

He looks at me, amused.<br />

“DON’T imagine!” I said, “Or I’ll make you taste it!”<br />

He bursts out laughing.<br />

“Damn you!” I yelled at him. That ma<strong>de</strong> him laugh even more.<br />

“Well” He said, still laughing, “I’m happy you enjoyed it!”<br />

Meh, whatever. Time to work. I sat behind my <strong>de</strong>sk.<br />

…Huh? Oh no. I…I think I have just slept. I just slept until 11am! Oh god, I hope no one saw me…Ah?<br />

Chris is here.<br />

“Ah, you’re awake” He said, “Don’t worry, I did your part of work today. But don’t get used to that!”<br />

He laughed. I laughed a bit too.<br />

“Hum, yeah” I said, “Thanks, Chris.”<br />

“Heh, no problem. Let’s eat in a fast-food restaurant now, I’m hungry!” He said with a big smile.<br />

“Let’s go!” I said happily.<br />

I followed him out of the library. We were walking in the street when a car sud<strong>de</strong>nly came from<br />

nowhere and hit me. I fell down onto the road and the car crushed my leg. I screamed. Chris ran<br />

towards me.<br />

“Oh my god, are you okay?!” He said.<br />

I didn’t react straight away. I was …shocked. This happened so quickly…wow. I tried to keep calm…<br />

“Ow…I…I guess I can be happy to be alive…” I said.<br />

“Why did you walk onto the road?! Didn’t you see the car?!” He said<br />

Oh. So the car is not guilty. Oh god, I didn't even seen it.<br />

“We’ll heal you, don’t worry!” He said.<br />

He seems panicked. I’m still happy to be alive, even if I just got hurt by a car.<br />

“Chris?” I said, “You…you’re not going to cry, are you?”<br />

“What? No, I…” He said.<br />

“I don’t mind if you do, you know.” I said.<br />

He looked at me, and I saw a tear roll down his face. An ambulance arrived, and the firemen took care

of me. I saw the driver wasn’t hurt. That’s good. Ow…my leg hurts. Before I entered the ambulance, I<br />

said to Chris:<br />

“Don’t worry for me…it’ll be ok…”<br />

I could see he was worried. The ambulance took me to the hospital. The doctor healed me and I en<strong>de</strong>d<br />

up alone in a room, my leg covered in bandages, in a plaster. I looked at my cell phone.<br />

“You’re ok?” From Chris.<br />

“Yes” I answered, “The doctor said I’ll be back in a week.”<br />

“I’ll come to see you later. Don’t you dare to die before!” He said.<br />

“Lol ok” I answered.<br />

He’s really nice. He always makes me smile. So I waited in that boring white room. The TV didn’t even<br />

work.<br />

…And I had nothing to read.

Premier prix en anglais, catégorie terminale : Tom Cartau<br />

He had warned her about the book. Now, it was too late.<br />

« The culprit isn't always the killer »<br />

Cassie loved reading. It was a real passion. She often went to a little library called “Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n's<br />

Library” when she went back home. On that evening, she had not planned to go to this library. But it was<br />

raining a lot, and she had no umbrella. Therefore when she saw the neon-sign “Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n's library”, she<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to enter to be protected from the rain, and maybe to borrow a book.<br />

-“Hello Mr. Lin<strong>de</strong>n !<br />

-Oh Cassie ! It's a long time I haven't see you for a long time ! How are you girl ?<br />

-I know, I haven't got much time anymore, with my A level to prepare. But I miss reading so...<br />

-If you want to choose a book, take your time, I close in one hour”.<br />

Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n was an old man. He had a stick and when he walked, the sound of it echoed in all the shop.<br />

Cassie liked this sound. She found that it gave a magical feeling to this place.<br />

Cassie began to look at the books. When she was in a library, she was like a child in a toys shop. She was<br />

excited, <strong>de</strong>lighted. She could stay long hours to search the book she borrowed. She took a book, read<br />

the summary and put it back on the shelf. She continued to search and sud<strong>de</strong>nly, she didn't know why, a<br />

book attracted her attention. It was a little red book entitled “Who is the mur<strong>de</strong>rer?”. She took it.<br />

What was strange was that there was no author and no summary. She <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to ask Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n.<br />

-“Sorry Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n, can you say me what this book is about?”<br />

Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n looked up from his <strong>de</strong>sk. He looked at the book, and sud<strong>de</strong>nly looked strange.<br />

-“Oh... You shouldn't take this book Cassie. It seems to be a dangerous book. Everybody I know who<br />

took this book had lots of problems....”<br />

-“What ? What sort of problems? And what is this book about?”<br />

-“I've never really read this book. I think it's about a serial killer. And the people who have read this<br />

book... are <strong>de</strong>ad !”.<br />

Cassie didn't believe in this story. How could a book make people die? It was unbelievable. She was very<br />

curious, and <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to borrow this book, <strong>de</strong>spite Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n’s piece of advice. There must be an<br />

explication to these <strong>de</strong>aths. But she was sure, that she didn't take any risk.<br />

When she was at home, the book she had borrowed intrigued her. She <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to read it just then. She<br />

took the book on her <strong>de</strong>sk, sat on her bed and began to read. In fact, it wasn't an ordinary book, with a<br />

story, with paragraphs… There were a just few lines per page : a name, geographical coordinates, a date<br />

and an hour. On the first page : Mark Winston, N050°45’47” W001°18’42”, 11/06/12 21h. On the<br />

second page, there was one sentence : « The mur<strong>de</strong>rer isn't always the person who kills“. Then another<br />

name : Julia Parwok, N050°44’47” W001°18’42”, 11/07/12 21h30. On the next page : “Who are really<br />

these people?”.<br />

It was a good question. She <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to search on the internet who these persons were. What she<br />

discovered astonished her. These persons had all died in strange circumstances, at the hour and in the<br />

place mentioned in the book. The police thought about a serial killer. How Strange! , Cassie thought. She<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to read the rest of the book. There were two other names. The last sentence surprised Cassie<br />

: “What’s the link ? ”

The link… Cassie began to search. A link…A link… Yes of course ! One month between two victims. +30<br />

minutes. +000°01”00’… the next… Let’s see … No it’s impossible…<br />

Cassie looked for the place on Google Earth. Oh no ! It’ impossible !...<br />

On her sheet of paper, she had written : Today, 22h30, home. The next victim was her.<br />

It was 22h15. She was frightened. Her parents were not at home this evening. She was alone. She ran in<br />

her parents’ room, took her father’s gun. She stood in front of the door, ready to fire. And she waited.<br />

22h20. 22h30. It was now. 22h35. 22h40. Nobody. It wasn’t possible. A killer who was so accurate. He<br />

is here. He must be here. Nobody. 22h50. She calculated again. Yes here…22h30…A killer so thorough…<br />

She was alone at home. And the killer was in there. He had to be! It was horrible, but there was an only<br />

explanation. She was the killer. She didn’t remember this. She had unconsciously killed all these people.<br />

What could she do ? Go to see the police ? No. She was afraid. She was a monster. She couldn’t live with<br />

that. Therefore she raised the gun to her head, and fired. Cassie, the nice girl, had killed Cassie, the<br />

mur<strong>de</strong>rer.<br />

After the gunshot, the door opened out.<br />

No she wasn’t the mur<strong>de</strong>rer.<br />

The noise of stick echoed in the room.<br />

She was a victim. She wasn’t the culprit.<br />

The real culprit took the book, and left. The culprit isn’t always the killer.<br />

Some days after, a man walked into Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n’s library. Sud<strong>de</strong>nly, he saw a strange book. There was<br />

just a title : “Who is the mur<strong>de</strong>rer? ”.

Deuxième prix en anglais, catégorie terminale : Gaëlle Peltier<br />

Dream or not ?<br />

'Once upon a time, in an Irish Forest, a nation of elves lived in peace with nature.'<br />

'What a boring story !'<br />

'Let me finish !'<br />

'It doesn't matter. I know what will happen, a horrible man will arrive and a brave elf will fight and win<br />

and find love, a happy ending !'<br />

'How can you know ?' I have just begun.<br />

'Your stories always end like this.'<br />

'Maybe I've changed my way to tell them...'<br />

'Really ?'<br />

'Yes'<br />

'I don't believe you !'<br />

'So, you want the real one ?'<br />

'YES !'<br />

'The scary one ?'<br />

'Yes, please, tell me !'<br />

'OK. This is my story, me and Mr Oldurn.'<br />

'The way that you got your injury on your cheek ?'<br />

'Yes, listen to me...'<br />

Wednesday December 12 th 2012<br />

7.03<br />

A lovely blond girl was waiting at her bus stop early in the cold morning. She had her hat and her<br />

scarf, a big coat and boots. She was ready to confront the hard day she had. The only thing that ma<strong>de</strong><br />

her happy was that she had finished reading her last novel and it was time to borrow a new one ! The<br />

bus finally arrived and she took it.<br />

11.40 am<br />

The time had come ! At last ! The first hour of free time in the day !<br />

-' Isaya ! Come !' Someone called.<br />

The blond-haired girl just smiled and followed her best friend, Swan. They went to the school<br />

library of their high school.<br />

The two girls had met the year before. They had immediately become close friends and finally<br />

best friends.<br />

Isaya and Swan just entered their favorite place : the library ! They found some places and sat<br />

down. They immediately started to look for the perfect book. Isaya went to the end of the library with<br />

the strange authors' names. As usual she was amazed in front of all the different world and all the<br />

different stories which were just waiting for her. She noticed a strange but attractive book near the<br />

floor. She bent down and took it. At that time she didn't know it was the worst thing to do but she<br />

borrowed it without listening to the librarian. There were no words on the book cover, a mystic book...<br />

6.40 pm

Rain. It was the only thing that Isaya was thinking about because she was at her bus stop un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the rain without any umbrella. Then she realised that she couldn't read because of the rain.<br />

'Oh ! My saviour !' she thought when she saw her bus. Once she was in it, she took out her mysterious<br />

book with a little smile on her face.<br />

Flash-Back<br />

'Hello ! I want to give back this one and to borrow this one', Isaya said.<br />

'Yes. Hum. This one ? Are you sure ? The librarian asked'<br />

'Obviously ! I want it !'<br />

'This one isn't a good book... No one who borrowed it came back but the book came back...' he<br />

whispered.<br />

Isaya hid her laugh.<br />

End flash-back<br />

6.45 pm<br />

Isaya took her book and opened it. The librarian had warned her about the book, now it was too late...<br />

Gently a luxuriant vegetation started to appear on the bus seat, everywhere near Isaya. She looked all<br />

around her and a look of horror formed itself on her lines while she discovered that she couldn't move<br />

any more. She was obliged to see this transformation unable to do anything. When the whole landscape<br />

became an equatorial forest, Isaya could move. She started to panic and ran at top speed but there was<br />

no path between the big trees and Isaya got lost. Her clothes were torn and dirty. She was still holding<br />

the book when sud<strong>de</strong>nly a noise tore the silence behind her. She turned back and saw a strange<br />

creature. It was half human half snake. It had the figure of a man but the skin and the appearance<br />

belonged to a snake. It showed its fangs and Isaya screamed and started to run faster than ever. She<br />

heard the noise of it in her back. She wasn't accustomed to being in such a <strong>de</strong>nse forest that's why she<br />

stumbled and fell on the ground. The horrible animal jumped onto her and she felt its fangs on her<br />

cheeks and her neck. After that, she passed out because she was too scared and because of her<br />

injuries...<br />

Saturday December 15 th 2012<br />

12.30<br />

The first thing Isaya was conscious of was that she had an enormous headache. Then she heard<br />

a little bip, bip... And she managed to open her eyes at that moment she realized that she was in a<br />

hospital... She tried to remember what happened and the horrible forest came back to her mind. All of a<br />

sud<strong>de</strong>n a doctor entered her room and smiled at her.<br />

' What, what happened ?' Isaya asked<br />

'Someone gave you drugs and you injured yourself while trying to escape your hallucinations,' the doctor<br />

said.<br />

How ?'<br />

There was a syringe on your seat. You felt nothing because of the cold, all your body was numb'<br />

'Oh my god...' was the only thought she had...

'What kind of amazing story !' Isaya had a smile<br />

'Sleep now, it's time !'<br />

'OK mom ! Good night !'<br />

'Good night,' said Isaya before leaving her daughter's room'<br />

When she was alone, Isaya crossed a finger on her scars which hurt for a moment before she went to<br />

bed and fell asleep... On the book one word was written : Mr Oldurn

Troisième prix en anglais, catégorie terminale : Vincent Di Caro<br />

Mr. Lin<strong>de</strong>n's Library<br />

Lizzie Hupston was a lovely girl of sixteen. She had a thin figure and an angelic face : a fair skin<br />

complexion, arched eyebrows, big glittering brown eyes, freckles on her aquiline nose, sunken cheeks<br />

and luscious lips. Silky curly dark hair fell on her sweet shoul<strong>de</strong>rs.<br />

She wasn't only cute, but brilliant and smart too. The kind of girl that every single boy dreams of<br />

having. But Lizzie wasn't like the other girls, shy and reserved, she wasn't interested in having a<br />

boyfriend, she had other things to think about. Well-mannered thanks to her father, a pastor, and her<br />

mother, a teacher, the passion of reading had been instilled into her from an early age.<br />

She atten<strong>de</strong>d Predtson high school near the little peaceful district of Lincoln Height, where everybody<br />

knew everybody and where children ran in the street with their red cheeks.<br />

However, in that peaceful district, there was a strange street, the 25 th street, where it was preferable<br />

not to venture.<br />

At the <strong>de</strong>ad end of the street, there was a big squalid home with ivy on the faça<strong>de</strong>, a sinister and dark<br />

gate and shutters always half-closed.<br />

As surprising as that may seem, someone was living in it. It was an old home-loving man whose face had<br />

never been seen. Children in the street called him the Boogeyman.<br />

One day, Lizzie was going to her friend’s, Jessica, to do homework. On the way back home, she met two<br />

rascals :<br />

“Look at that… Hey you! Where are you going like that?”<br />

“Hum… I’m going back home!”, said Lizzie shyly.<br />

“Where do you live?”<br />

“It's none of your business!”<br />

“That's ok, don't be nasty! Let us accompany you!”, said one of them.<br />

“I… I prefer to be alone !”<br />

“Oh, really? I don't care, you don't have the choice!”<br />

“Leave me alone!”<br />

“Keep cool! We just want to help you, you know?”<br />

“That's enough, let me go, please...”<br />

Lizzie went away, walked fast, but the two dare<strong>de</strong>vils followed her. Panic-stricken, Lizzie ran as fast as<br />

possible, but they were running too. She rushed into the 25 th street. She was face to face with the<br />

<strong>de</strong>ad end, completely exhausted and out of breath, she put her hands on her knees, turned round, and<br />

saw the two guys approaching her. She closed her eyelids and prayed. They were coming closer and<br />

closer, and she was praying more and more. She had tears in her eyes when sud<strong>de</strong>nly :<br />

“Get the fuck out of here!”<br />

It was the old man from the 25 th street. He hadn't minced his words. The two rascals were running off.<br />

“You <strong>de</strong>served it!”, screamed Lizzie.<br />

“Are you all right?”, asked the old man.

“Thanks to you, yes! It takes a lot of courage to do that, you're my savior!”<br />

“It's nothing, boys will be boys… Don't stay here you're going to catch cold, go back home and be<br />

careful!”<br />

“Hum… I don't want to be ru<strong>de</strong> but... Can I sleep with you tonight? It's dark and I'm afraid to go back<br />

home alone!”<br />

The old man seemed a little embarrassed:<br />

“It's… It's freezing cold in my house!”<br />

“I don't mind!”, she said.<br />

“I... I have no bed for you!”<br />

“I don't mind!”, she ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

“I have no…”<br />

“I'll make do, don't bother!”<br />

“You're tough!”<br />

She answered with a little smile:<br />

“You have hit the nail on the head!”<br />

“Oh… In that case, it's a waste of time, welcome home!”<br />

“Thanks!”<br />

Lizzie entered the old man's home.<br />

“Make yourself at home! ”, he said.<br />

They were both sitting in a kind of living room and the old man started a more intimate conversation:<br />

“What's your name?”<br />

“My name is Lizzie Hupston, my friends call me Hermione because my passion is reading, like Hermione<br />

in J.K. Rowling's work and I live in the 23 rd street and you? I found you a little bit… mysterious?”<br />

“If you don't like it, you’ll just have to lump it.”<br />

“I'm sorry…”<br />

“There's no harm, it's my fault I dislike talking about myself...”, he said.<br />

“Why?”<br />

“Ha ha, you're inquisitive… Well, my name is Mr. Lin<strong>de</strong>n, I have travelled all around the world with Didi,<br />

the love of my life. She loved reading, like you. And one day, on the 13 th of April 1989, Didi had an<br />

acci<strong>de</strong>nt. Since, I haven’t been the same…”<br />

“Oh... I'm sorry”, she said nicely.<br />

“You're welcome!”<br />

“Can I ask you something?”<br />

“You must be joking! Of course you can my sweetie, ask me!”<br />

“Hum… What happened on the 13 th of April 1989?”<br />

“Follow me…”<br />

Lizzie and Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n went in an immense library next to the living room.<br />

“You see, Lizzie, it's like when Didi was still alive, it was her secret gar<strong>de</strong>n, nothing has moved.”<br />

He pulled a big book on the second shelf in aisle 1B, “you see, that book is the reason why Didi is now six<br />

feet un<strong>de</strong>r ...”<br />

“I don't un<strong>de</strong>rstand…”, said Lizzie, worried.<br />

“Forget it... But promise me never to read that book, I'm serious, you are the only person to know<br />

that…”<br />

“Okay, I promise...”

“Well, now it's time to go to bed, come on!”<br />

Lizzie and Mr Lin<strong>de</strong>n returned in the living room.<br />

“You can sleep on the sofa, I’ll go upstairs, good night Lizzie, see you tomorrow!”<br />

“Okay, it's very nice, thanks for everything!”<br />

Lizzie didn’t manage to sleep. So curious and excited, she was thinking about the book in aisle 1B, what<br />

could it contain? She <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to steal it. She tiptoed as far as the library and stole the book.<br />

The next morning, Lizzie went back home, in her bag, there was the book from aisle 1B.<br />

In the evening, before sleeping, she took the book out of her bag and started to read it.<br />

The story was about a girl who was killed by ivy in her sleep.<br />

The story was so engrossing that Lizzie read it until she fell sud<strong>de</strong>nly asleep, the book open, in front of<br />

her.<br />

During the night, ivy slowly grew out of the book.<br />

Lizzie never woke up.<br />

He had warned her about the book.<br />

Now it is too late.

Premier prix en anglais, catégorie BTS : Nirina Randria<br />

The heart has its reasons that the reason ignores<br />

Wangi had finished school. She was used to taking the shortest way to go back home. She<br />

walked alone because she didn’t have any friends except Rachel but on that day she wasn’t there. Wangi<br />

was twelve, a girl like any other girl of her age except that she was a gifted girl and had been adopted<br />

by the Steins who went to China to bring her to Germany.<br />

The Steins lived in one of the most exclusive district of Germany. they loved to be the first in<br />

all categories and were game for anything to reach their goal. They also loved boasting about all they<br />

had and above all about the success of their two sons who were at medical university in England. They<br />

were the perfect family but there was a problem: they had no daughter and in this country to have a<br />

girl was an essential value. So they <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to adopt a girl in China. Why China? Because they wanted all<br />

their friends and family to believe that they pitied poor children in this country and that it was their<br />

duty to help at least one of them even though it was in reality to have a good reputation. Wangi was only<br />

one when she was adopted. Her parents had abandoned her for a reason that she never knew because<br />

she didn’t dare to ask her foster parents about it for fear they should be embarrassed. Before being<br />

adopted, Wangi lived in a poor district with other abandoned children but fortunately she quickly left<br />

this environment. Wangi never experienced poverty and although she lived in comfort, she wasn’t like<br />

the Steins at all. That’s right; she always received affection and love from her foster parents but<br />

although she was only twelve she knew that something was wrong. They hid something…<br />

When Wangi walked, she was used to walking headlong because she was very shy and she never knew<br />

why but she felt ill-at-ease in this country. She didn’t feel at home. After five minutes, she finally<br />

arrived home. When she opened the gate, Wangi saw her parents come back from the back of their<br />

gar<strong>de</strong>n with a spa<strong>de</strong> and mud on their faces and on their hands. Mrs. and Mr. Stein came close to their<br />

daughter to hug her. Wangi noticed that they were behaving oddly.<br />

'Hi Darling! How was school today?' Said Mrs. Stein looking at her husband.<br />

'Good! I’m top of my class again!'<br />

'Really?! That’s not a surprise for us anymore! We are really proud of you Wangi!' Said Mr. Stein<br />

with pri<strong>de</strong> thinking about what else he could say about it.<br />

'Thank you dad. But what are you doing with this spa<strong>de</strong> and mud?'<br />

'Oh! Nothing darling…' Mrs. Stein quickly ad<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

They went into the house. That night, Wangi didn’t manage to sleep. Sud<strong>de</strong>nly she heard a noise from<br />

the gar<strong>de</strong>n. After a few minutes, she rose and looked out of the window. Her parents were digging a<br />

hole to hi<strong>de</strong> a kind of book, which she didn’t clearly see. At that moment Wangi won<strong>de</strong>red if they really<br />

hid something and what…<br />

The day after, at breakfast, before going to school:<br />

'What were you doing last night in the gar<strong>de</strong>n?'<br />

Sud<strong>de</strong>nly Mrs. and Mr. Stein stopped eating.<br />

'Whaa…what? Last night?' stammered Mrs. Stein.<br />

'Yes, last night. I saw you in the gar<strong>de</strong>n digging a hole for a kind of book',said Wangi innocently.<br />

Mrs Stein looked at her husband before saying:<br />

'Well, yes…it’s a book from a strange person who came yesterday. It talks about weird things<br />

that you don’t have and don’t need to know because it’s only for adults. Moreover you will have a<br />

nightmare.' He said teasing her. 'So, please don’t touch it ok darling? Promise it to us, Wangi.'<br />

'I promise!' Crossing fingers.' It’s not my business anyway.'<br />

They were reassured by their daughter's answer although Mrs Stein knew that Wangi suspected<br />

something. Wangi went to school. On the way she was thinking of the book in the hole. She couldn’t<br />

concentrate in class. She knew that her foster parents didn’t tell her the truth.

After school, Wangi came back home, her parents weren’t in the house. They left a little note on the<br />

table “Darling we’re going to your uncle's because he had an acci<strong>de</strong>nt. I will call you later.”<br />

After reading this note, Wangi went into the gar<strong>de</strong>n to have a look at the place where they had dug the<br />

hole. Although she had promised the opposite, she hastened to take the spa<strong>de</strong> in the garage and started<br />

digging. After a few minutes, she felt the book in her hands. She was scared, she drea<strong>de</strong>d that moment<br />

but she wanted to know if her parents had told her the truth. She sat in a corner, took the book. To<br />

Wangi’s surprise, it was a book about wild animals. She didn’t un<strong>de</strong>rstand why he had said that she would<br />

have nightmares and that it was only for adults. She thought for a moment and wasn’t proud of what she<br />

was doing because she had ma<strong>de</strong> a promise to the people who had saved her from poverty but something<br />

told her that she had to open the book. Wangi opened it. There was a photo with a letter. Her heart<br />

started beating quickly when she saw a Chinese couple on the photo. She turned the photo “Wangi’s<br />

parents”. She couldn’t believe it. She cried. She didn’t un<strong>de</strong>rstand why her foster parents had never<br />

shown it to her. Wangi started reading the letter. She began to tremble and cried, cried…She put the<br />

photo and the letter on the floor, closed her eyes. Now she knew why she was adopted.<br />

When Mrs. and Mr. Stein wanted to adopt a child in China, they learnt that a Chinese mother gave birth<br />

to a child who wasn’t like the others because this child had <strong>de</strong>veloped something very rare; she was a<br />

very bright child. The couple thought that it was a good opportunity to have a good reputation again<br />

because it was a little girl and moreover she was gifted; so they went to China to find this baby and<br />

when they found her they offered Wangi’s parents a lot of money in exchange of their daughter but<br />

they refused although they were very poor. The Steins insisted but for Wangi it was clear. They didn’t<br />

want to exchange their daughter for money. Unfortunately this family was facing a man like Mr Stein<br />

who wasn’t the kind of person to give up when he really wanted something…<br />

When Wangi learnt with the last paragraph that Mr Stein asked some men to kill her parents because<br />

they refused to give them Wangi, she collapsed and cried with all her soul. The phone rang, it was her<br />

mother. She rose and put the book back in the hole. She rinsed her face, tried to calm down. She would<br />

act as if there was nothing because she was just twelve and she didn’t know and couldn’t do anything for<br />

the moment.<br />

'How are you darling? I called but you didn’t answer…'<br />

'Hi mum! I’m just tired, I was sleeping and I didn’t hear the phone sorry,' she said trying to hi<strong>de</strong><br />

her pain.<br />

After that day, Wangi always had nightmares about her parents and how they were killed. Every time,<br />

she won<strong>de</strong>red if it had been a good i<strong>de</strong>a to open the book that day.<br />

He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late.

Deuxième prix en anglais, catégorie BTS : Anaïs Schmitt<br />

Don’t Read it<br />

His name is Josh, and he is forty six years old. Today, he is married with a superb woman whose name is<br />

Laura and has three children with her. His life is beautiful, he built himself his big house and he is a<br />

salesman in a famous firm. However, something makes him sad.<br />

This lack comes from his past. Josh was fourteen when he met Milla. They were young, and they were in<br />

love. During two years, they lived a fabulous story, but one day, a piece of news changed all their life.<br />

They were sixteen and Milla was pregnant. Josh was afraid and believed that he was too young to care<br />

for a child and he imagined his parents’ reaction. Just before this, all his friends had already gibed at<br />

him and he preferred to go away. He thought sincerely that she hadn’t kept the child. He lived in his<br />

grandparents’ house eight hundred kilometers from Milla and his past.<br />

He never called her to know what she did and he led his own life in his new city where he met his wife.<br />

During thirty years, he thought a little about it because he believed that he had no child, and hoped<br />

that she hadn’t kept his child. As a matter of fact, recently, he reflected more and more about it. He<br />

won<strong>de</strong>red if this child had been a girl or a boy, if he or she would have looked like him. But these<br />

questions stayed in his head and he had no answer.<br />

One afternoon, Ryan, Josh’s ol<strong>de</strong>st son who was studying literature, came home with a new book. In his<br />

bedroom, he had more than a thousand books. He loved reading. This new book was entitled “Alone with<br />

mom “. It was written that it was a real story. The author seemed to be thirty years old, and she had<br />

the same eyes and the same mouth as his father. Ryan read the book while remembering an old story<br />

that his father had told him when he was a teenager. A lot of <strong>de</strong>tails remin<strong>de</strong>d him of this story. He<br />

<strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to keep this story for himself.<br />

One day, Ryan found his father with “Alone with mom” in his hand. . He won<strong>de</strong>red how this book had<br />

come here. Josh was looking at the author’s photograph. He looked sad. Ryan asked him why. His father<br />

said, “Do you remember my past story?. He answered “Yes” and didn’t want his father to read the book.<br />

He took the book back but Josh didn’t want to let go. He didn’t know what to do.<br />

Josh read it. It was his turn not to know what to do. He had warned him about the book. Now it was too<br />


Premier prix en anglais, catégorie classes préparatoires : Joris Ayadi<br />

Agog<br />

No event can alter her habit of walking her dog every Monday morning. Christiane loves seeing<br />

her comra<strong>de</strong> moving in the open air, without any noise. Even when it prompts the unremitting barks of<br />

the neighbour’s dog. Everyone is well-behaved in the Ertegan family, especially the dog, silent, peaceful,<br />

docile.<br />

She regularly inquires after her only son. Well, her son is used to calling her and to seek advice<br />

from her at the same time. On this occasion, he wants to know the accurate dosage of a pharmaceutical<br />

formula against stress. All his studies have brought him to become a high-ranking executive in finance.<br />

Even his mother could not imagine such a thing was possible for her prodigy.<br />

Every Sunday morning, she goes out for muffins while her husband, George, keeps snoring until<br />

the smells of chocolate swamp the house. At the baker’s, Christiane meets Mrs Hermann, the smiling<br />

butcher’s wife, amiable-looking, who is always abreast of the latest gossip about people in the<br />

neighborhood, the latest squabbles and tragedies. She is a smiling busy-body but each smile hi<strong>de</strong>s<br />

teeth and teeth-grindings.<br />

When Christiane comes back home with the chocolate-flavoured booty, George hurries<br />

downstairs to savour the muffins and to spend time with his wife, whose heart was conquered twenty<br />

years ago. Christiane suggests an afternoon activity. She is used to looking up garage sales. In<strong>de</strong>ed, she<br />

always finds time to go to improbable places to unearth books as old as her couple, which <strong>de</strong>al with<br />

everything and nothing. Whatever has a binding or a bookmark catches her attention. All that enables<br />

her to find her way in the huge book of life interests her.<br />

Christiane walks in the neighboring village where the event is taking place, like a lost ant which<br />

tries to find its colony. When her husband looks away to scrutinise a book about warbirds, Christiane<br />

seems to be attracted to a table. She moves closer and <strong>de</strong>tects the sparkling color of the book edge,<br />

trapped between two others. The women seizes it and discovers a <strong>de</strong>licate and worn out cover, which<br />

was scrubbed. That covers a forty years ol<strong>de</strong>r work. First, she is astonished by the lack of title then by<br />

the cru<strong>de</strong> sticker on the book back meant to indicate the price. But on opening the first page,<br />

Christiane is taken aback and reads what appears to be a preface. “Christiane Ertegan, a forty-year-old<br />

woman, native of the East Midlands, is a talented pharmacist, a loving mother and an attentive wife.<br />

While her life has always been organized, the encounter with a certain Mr Agog will overwhelm her<br />

existence. The pledge of total love will <strong>de</strong>vastate her dreary and predictable daily life. The <strong>de</strong>sire of a<br />

new life and her curiosity will finally drive her…”<br />

Christiane turns white and almost falls down. Awe-stricken. George, who has heard the seller offering<br />

water, discovers his shaken wife, who is clutching the strange book.<br />

-What’s wrong, sweetheart ? George asks her.<br />

-There’s nothing, I was just surprised by the age of this book. Buy it.<br />

-Is it the fug of old books which has reached your nose ? George says with a grin and in a reassured<br />

tone.<br />

On the same evening, while her husband is sleeping peacefully next to her, Christiane begins to<br />

read the book and she holds her breath. Then she is astonished by the sentences whispered by the<br />

first pages.<br />

“Every week begins with walking the family dog. That dog is so worn out by time that it cannot<br />

run anymore. The only thing it perfectly succeeds in is causing the provocative barks of the neighbour’s<br />

harebrained dog. (…) A call from her son forces Christiane to remember the accurate dosage. Too many<br />

obstacles prevent him from inquiring himself. What a lack of in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce ! (…) The constant meeting<br />

with Mrs Hermann silently irritates Christiane, who cannot stand this frightening and ferocious glance

anymore. With her angelic smile, the woman is too curious, and too <strong>de</strong>vious for everybody to un<strong>de</strong>rstand<br />

her ploy, and that she is basically a bad person.”<br />

That cannot be true ! Her life is laid bare on paper, her life written in black ink, black like her<br />

thoughts which do not seem belong to her. Sud<strong>de</strong>nly, an inhuman curiosity overwhelms her along with an<br />

unrestrained <strong>de</strong>sire to discover the rest and to check if the next pages will not lie. She is keen to know<br />

her secret thoughts which are intertwined in her subconscious mind. At this instant, she starts a<br />

<strong>de</strong>epened reading in quest of herself.<br />

Every evening, she hurries to read, to <strong>de</strong>vour the lines and the pages, to impart the alternative<br />

story she might live. The same questions always pierce her. Who did write that disturbing book ? Was<br />

he able to foresee the future ? Who was Mr Agog whose name comes up every five pages - the person<br />

who, the book had warned her, would bring about an extreme change in her life.<br />

The weeks go by. George gradually worries about his wife’s health. She has difficulty in getting<br />

up, does not smile like before. She looks concerned.<br />

Christiane, her, does not un<strong>de</strong>rstand. The book <strong>de</strong>als with a person she does not see, not yet.<br />

That obsesses her mind. That face <strong>de</strong>scribed by the black ink is absent on any human body she meets.<br />

During any journey that her daily life forces her to do, she watches out for the least sign of the<br />

encounter with Mr Agog. She checks the names of business employees, shelf managers when she goes to<br />

the supermarket. That name is unlisted in the telephone directory. She looks it up on the Internet,<br />

without results. She looks for him. Amid her many hairdressers, among the chemist’s customers. The<br />

book does not reveal any clue, any place of meeting. Only that name, that name she shall find. As soon as<br />

the book talks about dreams where she sees him, Christiane starts to dream of the silhouette of a man<br />

with an elegant perfume. Then the odour of old books gradually swamps the limbs of her dreams.<br />

The relationship of the couple is affected. George feels jilted. He implores his wife and asks her<br />

for explanations about her <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>nt behavior. Christiane blames work. But she secretly renounces her<br />

life as Mrs Ertegan. Therefore, she lets her dog bark every Monday morning until her husband <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>s<br />

to walk the dog before it dies of asphyxiation. The rooms lack pure air and lucidity. Now, even Mrs<br />

Hertmann does not exactly know what is going on in the Ertegan house, what is happening to Mrs<br />

Ertegan.<br />

Cloistered in her bedroom, she goes out only to feed or to provi<strong>de</strong> her husband with bedclothes,<br />

as he prefers to stay in the lounge, instead of venturing in the cold marriage-bed.<br />

A good pharmacist, Christiane knows practically all the symptoms of all existent diseases. But<br />

when her limbs obey her less and less, she seems ignorant about what is happening.<br />

Day after day, her health turns sour and sleep has no effect on her anymore. The only thing<br />

which encourages her to open her eyes is the failure to un<strong>de</strong>rstand what exu<strong>de</strong>s from the cursed book.<br />

One month has gone by since the first reading and all the predictions proved to be true except for Mr<br />

Agog. The <strong>de</strong>terioration of the couple and the sadness, all was indicated, all has occurred except for<br />

the encounter with Mr Agog, the starting point of a better life, un<strong>de</strong>r the invisible smiles of this man<br />

who is still unknown.<br />

The end of the book is imminent. The last page announces that Christiane will be finally<br />

cheerful, after so many efforts and personal torments. But she reads the last lines aloud, separated by<br />

a clear space from the previous ones.<br />

“She looked for her driving force doggedly, the origin of her <strong>de</strong>sire to have a more thrilling life,<br />

the pledge of a bright existence. She had always known that it was Mr Agog and who he was. Her<br />

unconfessed lover. Him, who took her away from there. Him who took her”.<br />

Christiane closes the book abruptly and she stares at it in confusion. Sweat sli<strong>de</strong>s down her<br />

neck, the book without a name observes her… She touches the torn cover. The sticker of the fa<strong>de</strong>d

price covers it. Quivering, she snatches it and finds out with fear the red ink-carved name of the book,<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r the sticker, on the back cover. Agog…<br />

She found it, finally. Her hand seems <strong>de</strong>prived of strength, the book falls flat on the floor with<br />

an echo. The <strong>de</strong>lusion tricks her, her life is being taken away. Her curiosity has taken her.

Deuxième prix en anglais, catégorie classes préparatoires : Guillaume<br />

Hazemann<br />


Lori Jones, a 17 year old girl with brown hair, was sleeping in the car when her parents awoke her. They<br />

were about to go onboard of a ferry. They had <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to spend the holidays on a small island in the<br />

area of the Great Lakes, Ohio.<br />

Thirty minutes later the crossing was completed and the family had arrived in the small town of<br />

Blackwater. Loris’ parents had rented a small house in the heights of the island. Lori noticed that she<br />

had forgotten to carry something to read for the holidays. The next morning she <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to go to town<br />

in or<strong>de</strong>r to buy a book. She was crossing the single avenue of the city when she saw a small library<br />

where one could read on the sign “Mr. LINDENS’ Library”.<br />

Lori rummaged on the book shelves and she saw a book which looked old and whose title was “Wendigo”.<br />

She was just going to open the book when sud<strong>de</strong>nly a young man stopped her.<br />

“I advise you to put this book back, it is dangerous,” the young man said nervously.<br />

“Why that? How could a book be dangerous? And besi<strong>de</strong>s who are you?” Lori asked suspiciously.<br />

“My name is Kyle”, the teenager answered.<br />

“Well, Kyle… I’m Lori”, she said shyly.<br />

“Okay, Lori listen to me. This is one of the books written by George Cane,” Kyle informed her.<br />

“Who is that guy?” Lori questioned.<br />

“Who was. He was a writer who lived here in Blackwater. He had a house on the other si<strong>de</strong> of the<br />

hill. He wrote several books but one day he became insane and disappeared. But it doesn’t matter. The<br />

fact is that his books are doomed,” Kyle explained calmly. “After he went missing, his house was<br />

<strong>de</strong>stroyed and his books were dissipated everywhere in the island,” he continued.<br />

“And to what extends are this book dangerous?” Lori retorted impatiently.<br />

“These books kill,” Kyle completed.<br />

“Okay… Don’t worry about that, I’ll be careful,” Lori answered ironically.<br />

“You don’t un<strong>de</strong>rstand, all the people who read these books were found <strong>de</strong>ad, the book open<br />

besi<strong>de</strong> them. And the weir<strong>de</strong>st thing is , each time an object from the story sprouted from of the open<br />

pages,” Kyle explained seriously.<br />

“Stop that, I don’t believe in this folklore,” Lori <strong>de</strong>clared while moving away.<br />

“Please don’t!” Kyle begged. “They are not urban legends, these events really happened but<br />

people don’t want to believe that it’s because of these books”.

Lori bought the book from the bookseller and went up the street towards the heights of the island.<br />

When the night fell Lori went to bed. She was impatient to discover the mysterious book. She read the<br />

first pages. The story was set in a forest of Kansas where teenagers camped. The latter were sud<strong>de</strong>nly<br />

surprised by strange noises. A supernatural creature roamed the wood: the Wendigo. Its shadow<br />

seemed to be that of a tall thin man, but its skin was <strong>de</strong>siccated and it had long sharp-edged claws. The<br />

creature attacked the camp. It moved very quickly and lacerated its victims the one after the other<br />

Lori was still reading the story when sud<strong>de</strong>nly she found herself literally in the novel. The air was icy.<br />

She heard howls and started to run. She was sheltering behind a tree when she felt cold bla<strong>de</strong>s tears<br />

her back. She crumbled on the ground. The Wendigo had caught her. Then it hunted down the last<br />

survivors. A white veil was falling in front of Lori’s eyes while she was lying on a bed of ivy. The howl<br />

ceased and the forest became again quickly quiet.<br />

The next morning, she was found <strong>de</strong>ad in her bed. She seemed to be sleeping. The book was open next<br />

to her and a branch of ivy sprouted from the pages. Kyle had warned her about the book. Now it was too<br />


Les élèves volontaires du lycée Schuman et du lycée<br />

Cormontaigne <strong>de</strong> <strong>Metz</strong> ont participé à un concours d’écriture<br />

<strong>de</strong> nouvelles en langue étrangère pour lequel il s’agissait<br />

d’inventer une histoire à partir <strong>de</strong> la phrase suivante :<br />

“Il l’avait prévenue au sujet du livre,<br />

maintenant, il était trop tard.”<br />

Très inspirés, les participants nous ont offert <strong>de</strong>s nouvelles<br />

originales et variées qui témoignent <strong>de</strong> leur goût pour<br />

l’écriture et <strong>de</strong> leur imagination débordante. Nous les<br />

remercions tous pour leurs efforts et leur créativité et nous<br />

les encourageons vivement à continuer à écrire.

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