Microsoft Word – FGB§2 verbs

Microsoft Word – FGB§2 verbs

Microsoft Word – FGB§2 verbs


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Exercise 63 [<strong>verbs</strong> that take an indirect object]<br />

1 We were told that the money had been paid.<br />

2 You must try and resist such temptations.<br />

3 He ordered the soldiers to fire on the enemy.<br />

4 I shall order the children to be silent.<br />

5 Promise your father that you’ll work hard.<br />

6 I advised him to tell the police everything.<br />

7 He forbade his son to see his new friends.<br />

8 We have been forbidden to go out tonight.<br />

9 I will let my students relax this evening.<br />

10 We’re not allowed to use that book.<br />

11 She forgave her son for deceiving her.<br />

12 We were given a bank account.<br />

13 I was told not to say anything.<br />

14 She told him to look for his lost books.<br />

15 I’m not going to tell him this again.<br />


These <strong>verbs</strong> take a preposition in English, but not in French.<br />

regarder to look at Nous regardons le chat<br />

augmenter to put up Le boucher a augmenté ses prix<br />

chercher to look for Nous cherchons la solution<br />

marchander to haggle over Il faut marchander les prix<br />

siffler to whistle at Ne sifflez pas les jeunes filles!<br />

ajouter to add up Aidez-moi à ajouter ces factures<br />

méditer to think over Elle médite ses problèmes<br />

sonner to ring for Elle a sonné sa femme de chambre<br />

fournir to supply with Le boulanger m’a fourni du pain<br />

raser to shave off Il vient de raser sa moustache<br />

écouter to listen to Il passe son temps à écouter la radio<br />

approuver to approve of Je n’approuve pas ta conduite<br />

désapprouver to disapprove of Je désapprouve ton nouvel ami<br />

percer to make a hole in J’ai percé ce morceau de bois<br />

payer to pay for On va payer les chambres<br />

prier to pray to Le moine priait les saints<br />

fuir to flee from Fuyez la colère de Dieu!<br />

appeler to ring up Je vais appeler mon avocat<br />

expier to atone for Pourras-tu jamais expier tes péchés?<br />

attendre to wait for Ils attendaient le train

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