Louis Nicholas Song Collection - Belmont University Library

Louis Nicholas Song Collection - Belmont University Library

Louis Nicholas Song Collection - Belmont University Library


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Papillons, Les Renaud, Albert Gautier, Th. n/a Henri Tellier 3 28 Papillons, Les<br />

Vos Mains Rey-Andreu, E. Duplessis de Pouzillac, Dr. P. 1922 Ch. Hayet 4 20 Vos Mains<br />

Half a Moon (Is Better Than No Moon) Reynolds, Dowling, and Hanley n/a 1926 Shapiro Bernstein & Co. Inc. 3 1 Half a Moon (Is Better Than No Moon)<br />

Mort des Amants, La Rhene-Baton Baudelaire, Ch. n/a E. Demets, Editeur 6 20 Mort des Amants, La<br />

Donald Rhys-Herbert, W. Robarts, Walter 1904 J. Fischer & Bro. 6 5 Donald<br />

Golden Days Rhys-Herbert, W. Robarts, Walter 1904 J. Fischer & Bro. 4 5 Golden Days<br />

Mary of Argyle Richardson, T. n/a n/a The B.F. Wood Music Co. 4 16 Mary of Argyle<br />

Greatest Wish in the World, The Riego, Teresa Del n/a 1913 The John Church Company 6 15 Greatest Wish in the World, The<br />

Wiegenlied Ries, F. n/a 1893 The B.F. Wood Music Co. 3 29 Wiegenlied<br />

Veilchen, Das (Violet, The) Ries, Franz n/a 1895 Ries & Erler 6 29 Veilchen, Das Violet, The<br />

Hear, O Heavens, and Give Ear, O Earth Riker, Franklin n/a 1922 G. Schirmer, Inc. 5 22 Hear, O Heavens, and Give Ear, O Earth<br />

Jesus is Calling Risher and Crosby n/a 1925 The Arthur P. Schmidt Co. 5 10 Jesus is Calling<br />

He Cares for Me Robers, J.E. n/a 1946 Theodore Presser Co. 3 3 22 He Cares for Me<br />

Cross if Christ, The Roberts and Bowring n/a 1918 Theo. Presser Co. 6 6 10 Cross if Christ, The<br />

In My Garden Roberts, George Roberts, George 1923 J. Fischer & Bro. 3 5 In My Garden<br />

Up on the Top of the Hill Roberts, George Kerin, Susie 1927 J. Fischer & Bro. 3 6 Up on the Top of the Hill<br />

After All Roberts, Lee Callahan, J. Will 1919 Jerome H. Remick & Co. 2 1 After All<br />

You Are My Own Sweetheart Roberts, Lew Roberts, Lew 1907 Lew Roberts 3 3 You Are My Own Sweetheart<br />

First Waltz, The Robinson, J. Russel Curtis, Billy 1923 Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co. 3 1 First Waltz, The<br />

Normandy Robinson, Little, and Britt n/a 1925 Henry Waterson, Inc. 4 3 Normandy<br />

To-Morrow Mornin' Robinson, Little, and Britt n/a 1925 Henry Waterson, Inc. 2 3 To-Morrow Mornin'<br />

Lonely Acres Robinson, Willard n/a 1926 Arthur Lange, Inc. 4 2 Lonely Acres<br />

Answer? Robyn, Alfred G. n/a 1885 Balmer & Weber 4 14 Answer?<br />

Answer?, c.2 Robyn, Alfred G. n/a 1885 Balmer & Weber 3 14 Answer?<br />

Christ Is Born Robyn, Alfred G. n/a 1901 St. <strong>Louis</strong> Music Co. 2 12 Christ Is Born<br />

Blue Room, The Rodgers, Richards Hart, Lorenz 1926 Harms Inc. 4 27 Blue Room, The Girl Friend, The<br />

Fellow Needs a Girl, A Rodgers, Richards Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1947 Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstei 5 27 Fellow Needs a Girl, A<br />

I Whistle a Happy Tune Rodgers, Richards Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1951 Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstei 5 27 I Whistle a Happy Tune King and I, The<br />

It's a Grand Night for Singing Rodgers, Richards Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1945 Williamson Music, Inc. 5 27 It's a Grand Night for Singing<br />

June Is Bustin' Out All Over Rodgers, Richards Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1945 Williamson Music, Inc. 6 27 June Is Bustin' Out All Over Carousel<br />

Manhattan Rodgers, Richards Hart, Lorenz 1925 Edward B. Marks Music Corporation 11 27 Manhattan<br />

Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin' Rodgers, Richards Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1943 Williamson Music, Inc. 3 27 Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin' Oklahoma!<br />

People Will Say We're In Love Rodgers, Richards Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1943 Marlo Music Corporation 4 27 People Will Say We're In Love Oklahoma!<br />

Calvary Rodney, Paul Vaughn, Henry n/a G. Schirmer 6 8 Calvary<br />

Cast Thy Bread on the Waters Roeckel, Joseph L. Mark-Lemon, Mary n/a W. F. Shaw Publishing Company 3 8 Cast Thy Bread on the Waters<br />

Gray Mare, The Roeckel, Joseph L. Weatherly, Fred E. n/a Oliver Ditson & Co. 5 16 Gray Mare, The<br />

Skippers of St. Ives, The Roeckel, Joseph L. Weatherly, F.E. n/a Oliver Ditson Company 4 14 Skippers of St. Ives, The<br />

Little Mountain Lad, A Roecrel, Joseph L. Weatherly, F.E. n/a Oliver Ditson & Co. 6 14 Little Mountain Lad, A<br />

And Love Means--You Rogers, James H. Roberts, Charles G.D. 1905 G. Schirmer 3 5 And Love Means--You<br />

Out of the Depths Rogers, James H. n/a 1904 Arthur P. Schmidt 5 12 Out of the Depths<br />

Out of the Depths Rogers, James H. n/a 1905 Arthur P. Schmidt 5 22 Out of the Depths<br />

Out of the Depths, c.2 Rogers, James H. n/a 1904 Arthur P. Schmidt 5 12 Out of the Depths<br />

Who Knows? Rogers, James H. Moulton, <strong>Louis</strong>e Chandler 1900 G. Schirmer 2 5 Who Knows?<br />

Do-Re-Mi Rogers, Richard Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1959 Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstei 6 27 Do-Re-Mi Sound of Music, The<br />

It Might As Well Be Spring Rogers, Richard Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1945 Williamson Music, Inc. 4 27 It Might As Well Be Spring State Fair<br />

My Favorite Things Rogers, Richard Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1959 Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstei 4 27 My Favorite Things Sound of Music, The<br />

South Pacific Rogers, Richard Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1949 Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstei 12 27 South Pacific South Pacific<br />

Surrey with the Fringe on Top, The Rogers, Richard Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1943 Williamson Music, Inc. 5 27 Surrey with the Fringe on Top, The Oklahoma!<br />

You Took Advantage of Me Rogers, Richard Hart, Lorenz 1928 Harms Inc., N.Y. 4 27 You Took Advantage of Me Present Arms!<br />

You'll Never Walk Alone Rogers, Richard Hammerstein, Oscar 2nd 1945 Williamson Music, Inc. 4 27 You'll Never Walk Alone Carousel<br />

Closer Still with Thee Rolfe, Walter Rolfe, Walter 1912 M. Witmark & Sons 4 12 Closer Still with Thee<br />

I Come to Thee {high} Roma, Caro Graff, Geo. Jr. 1911 M. Witmark & Sons 3 22 I Come to Thee<br />

I Come to Thee {low} Roma, Caro Graff, Geo. Jr. 1911 M. Witmark & Sons 3 22 I Come to Thee<br />

Oh! For the Wings of a Dove Roma, Caro n/a 1909 M. Witmark & Sons 8 10 Oh! For the Wings of a Dove<br />

Oh! For the Wings of a Dove [missing last page] Roma, Caro n/a 1909 M. Witmark & Sons 7 10 Oh! For the Wings of a Dove<br />

Resignation {high} Roma, Caro Roma, Caro 1908 M. Witmark & Sons 3 12 Resignation<br />

Resignation {medium} Roma, Caro Roma, Caro 1903 M. Witmark & Sons 4 12 Resignation<br />

Ring Out! Sweet Bells of Peace Roma, Caro Gardner, William H. 1918 M. Witmark & Sons 3 12 Ring Out! Sweet Bells of Peace<br />

Silent Voice, The Roma, Caro Roma, Caro 1916 M. Witmark & Sons 5 10 Silent Voice, The<br />

Silent Voice, The, c.2 Roma, Caro Roma, Caro 1916 M. Witmark & Sons 5 10 Silent Voice, The<br />

Tell Me about the Savior Roma, Caro Roma, Caro 1912 M. Witmark & Sons 4 12 Tell Me about the Savior<br />

Sweetheart Special (On the Lovy-Dove Line) Romberg and Schwartz Atteridge, Harold 1919 Jerome H. Remick & Co. 4 27 Sweetheart Special (On the Lovy-Dove Line) Monte Christo Jr.<br />

Auf Wiedersehn! Romberg, Sigmund Reynolds, Herbert 1915 G. Schirmer 3 27 Auf Wiedersehn! Blue Paradise, The<br />

Keep It Dark Romberg, Sigmund Donnelly, Dorothy 1921 Karczag Publishing Co., Inc. 5 27 Keep It Dark Blossom Time<br />

Kiss Waltz, The Romberg, Sigmund Young, Rida Johnson 1916 G. Schirmer 12 27 Kiss Waltz, The Her Soldier Boy<br />

Mother Romberg, Sigmund Young, Rida Johnson 1916 G. Schirmer 4 27 Mother Her Soldier Boy<br />

My Baby-Talk Lady Romberg, Sigmund Atteridge, Harold 1918 Jerome H. Remick & Co. 4 27 My Baby-Talk Lady Passing Show of 1918, The<br />

Ragtime Pipe of Pan, The Romberg, Sigmund Atteridge, Harold 1915 G. Schirmer 4 27 Ragtime Pipe of Pan, The<br />

Serenade Romberg, Sigmund Donnelly, Dorothy 1921 Karczag Publishing Co., Inc. 4 27 Serenade Blossom Time<br />

Will You Remember (Sweetheart) Romberg, Sigmund Young, Rida Johnson 1917 G. Schirmer, Inc. 4 27 Will You Remember (Sweetheart) Maytime<br />

Will You Remember (Sweetheart), c.2 Romberg, Sigmund Young, Rida Johnson 1917 G. Schirmer, Inc. 4 27 Will You Remember (Sweetheart) Maytime<br />

<strong>Song</strong> of Love Romberg, Sigmund (Schubert and Berte) Donnelly, Dorothy 1921 Karczag Publishing Co., Inc. 4 27 <strong>Song</strong> of Love Blossom Time<br />

<strong>Song</strong> of Love, c.2 Romberg, Sigmund (Schubert and Berte) Donnelly, Dorothy 1921 Karczag Publishing Co., Inc. 4 27 <strong>Song</strong> of Love Blossom Time<br />

Down in the Forest Ronald, Landon Simpson, Harold 1907 Enoch & Sons 4 16 Down in the Forest<br />

Down in the Forest Ronald, Landon Simpson, Harold 1906 Enoch & Sons 4 16 Down in the Forest<br />

Sheepfold <strong>Song</strong>, A Ronald, Landon Salmon, Arthur L. 1925 Enoch & Sons Ld. 4 16 Sheepfold <strong>Song</strong>, A<br />

Little Bird Why Singest Thou Ronn, Lizzie B. n/a 1870 The S. Brainard's Sons Co. 3 14 Little Bird Why Singest Thou<br />

Nearer, My God, to Thee Roode, R. De n/a 1893 The John Church Co. 4 8 Nearer, My God, to Thee

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