Louis Nicholas Song Collection - Belmont University Library

Louis Nicholas Song Collection - Belmont University Library

Louis Nicholas Song Collection - Belmont University Library


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Not Ashamed of Christ Boex, A. J. n/a 1894 The Geo. B. Jennings Co. 5 8 Not Ashamed of Christ<br />

And There Were Shepherds Boex, Andrew J. n/a 1902 The Geo. B. Jennings Co. 5 11 And There Were Shepherds<br />

Now Let All Christian Men Rejoice Boex, Andrew J. n/a 1896 The John Church Co. 6 8 Now Let All Christian Men Rejoice<br />

Kiss and Make Up (w/Head Over Heels in Love) Bogate and Hoefle Miller, Ned 1927 Leo. Feist, Inc. 2 1 Kiss and Make Up<br />

Dass sie die Perle tragt (She, Who the Pearl Contains) Bohlmann, Theodor F. Ruckert, F. 1902 G. Schirmer 1 29 Dass sie die Perle tragt She, Who the Pearl Contains<br />

Ich fragte: Wie haben die Lieder all (I Question'd: For All Thy <strong>Song</strong>s, O Lark) Bohlmann, Theodor F. Leander, Richard 1902 G. Schirmer 3 29 Ich fragte: Wie haben die Lieder all I Question'd: For All Thy <strong>Song</strong>s, O Lark<br />

Lied eines Schmiedes (<strong>Song</strong> of a Smith) Bohlmann, Theodor F. n/a 1902 G. Schirmer 2 29 Lied eines Schmiedes <strong>Song</strong> of a Smith<br />

Mit einem Christgesschenk (With a Christmas Gift) Bohlmann, Theodor F. n/a 1902 G. Schirmer 2 29 Mit einem Christgesschenk With a Christmas Gift<br />

Infinite Love Bohm, Carl Root, Frederic W. 1907 Clayton F. Summy Co. 4 21 Infinite Love<br />

Little <strong>Song</strong>, A (Ein kleines Lied) Bohm, Carl Eschenbach 1903 Arthur P. Schmidt 2 29 Little <strong>Song</strong>, A Ein kleines Lied<br />

Mother's Heart, The (Mutterherz) Bohm, Carl n/a 1902 Arthur P. Schmidt 5 29 Mother's Heart, The Mutterherz<br />

Lead Kindly Light Bohr, Francis Newman, Cardinal 1903 Swan & Co. 5 11 Lead Kindly Light<br />

Woman Gets Tired of One Man All the Time, A Booker, Chas. H. Carter and Booker 1920 Yancy & Booker Music Publishing Co. 2 3 Woman Gets Tired of One Man All the Time, A<br />

Consolation Bories, Merton H. Gunsky, Maurice 1926 Villa Moret Inc. 3 1 Consolation<br />

Newe Year, A Boughton, Rutland n/a 1920 J. Curwen & Cons Ltd. 5 15 Newe Year, A<br />

Papillons, Les Bouhy, Jacques Gauhier, Th. n/a A.O'Kelly 4 28 Papillons, Les<br />

Sirene, La Boulanger, Nadia n/a n/a Monde Musical 4 20 Sirene, La<br />

Angelus, L' (Angelus, The) Bourgault-Ducoudray, L.A. Coppee, Francois 1917 Olvier Ditson Company 3 17 Angelus, L' Angelus, The<br />

Fleurs a la Vierge Bourgault-Ducoudray, L.A. Cesbron, Achille n/a Monde Musical 5 20 Fleurs a la Vierge<br />

Myrdhin Bourgault-Ducoudray, L.A. Arnaud, Simone n/a Monde Musical 4 20 Myrdhin<br />

Reve de Nour-Eddin Bourgault-Ducoudray, L.A. Gallet, <strong>Louis</strong> n/a L. Grus & Cie 5 20 Reve de Nour-Eddin Thamara<br />

Veritable Manola, Le (Manola) Bourgeois, Emile n/a 1891 Olvier Ditson Company 4 17 Veritable Manola, Le Manola<br />

Kuu Loke Ula Ula Bowers, Frederick V. Glick, Jesse G. M. 1917 Frederick V. Bowers 2 2 Kuu Loke Ula Ula<br />

Wait Bowers, Frederick V. Horwitz, Charles 1900 Hill, Horwitz & Bowers 3 3 Wait<br />

When Lovers Prove Unkind Bowers, Frederick V. Horwitz, Charles 1892 Sol Bloom 2 3 When Lovers Prove Unkind<br />

Singing in God's-Acre, The Brackett and Field n/a 1900 The B.F. Wood Music Co. 6 11 Singing in God's-Acre, The<br />

Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken Brackett and Lyte Brackett and Lyte 1900 The B.F. Wood Music Co. 6 9 Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken<br />

Bella del sur sorriso (Fair in Her Grace So Loving) Braga n/a 1901 The John Church Company 4 29 Bella del sur sorriso Fair in Her Grace So Loving Reginella<br />

Down Here Brahe, May H. O'Reilly, P.J. 1915 Enoch & Sons 4 15 Down Here<br />

Japanese Love <strong>Song</strong>, A Brahe, May H. Dickson, Madge 1910 Allan & Co. Prop Ltd, Melbourne 3 15 Japanese Love <strong>Song</strong>, A<br />

Off to the Greenwood Brahe, May H. Taylor, Helen 1919 Enoch & Sons 5 15 Off to the Greenwood<br />

There's a Whisper in the Air Brahe, May H. Marsland, Nancie B. 1916 Enoch & Sons 4 15 There's a Whisper in the Air<br />

Auf dem Kirchhofe (In the Church Yard) Brahms, Johannes n/a n/a N. Simrock 2 29 Auf dem Kirchhofe In the Church Yard<br />

Gipsies, The (Bohemiennes, Les) Brahms, Johannes n/a n/a n/a 10 23 Gipsies, The Bohemiennes, Les<br />

Wine from the Rhine, The (Vom Rhein der Wein) Brandt, H. n/a 1905 Carl Fischer 4 29 Wine from the Rhine, The Vom Rhein der Wein<br />

If I Was What I Ain't (Instead of What I Is) Branen and Johnson n/a 1922 T. S. Denison & Company 4 1 If I Was What I Ain't (Instead of What I Is)<br />

I Missed My Train Branen, Jeff Branen, Jeff 1925 T. S. Denison & Company 6 1 I Missed My Train<br />

In My Heart There Lives a <strong>Song</strong> Branscombe, Gena Branscombe, Gena 1921 J. Fischer & Bro. 6 4 In My Heart There Lives a <strong>Song</strong><br />

Clair de Lune Braunstein, Pierre Verlaine, P. n/a Courrier Musical 4 20 Clair de Lune<br />

Cheritza Breau, <strong>Louis</strong> Ford and Bibo 1926 Bibo, Bloedon & Lang 4 1 Cheritza<br />

Fly Home to Your Nest Breau, <strong>Louis</strong> Breau, <strong>Louis</strong> 1922 Belwin Inc. 4 1 Fly Home to Your Nest<br />

Mo-Na-Lu Breau, <strong>Louis</strong> Breau, <strong>Louis</strong> 1922 Belwin, Inc. 4 2 Mo-Na-Lu<br />

Rose of No Man's Land, The Brennan, James A. Caddigan, Jack 1918 Leo. Feist, Inc. 2 3 Rose of No Man's Land, The<br />

Rose of No Man's Land, The, c.2 Brennan, James A. Caddigan, Jack 1918 Leo. Feist, Inc. 2 3 Rose of No Man's Land, The<br />

Not Here, Not There Breuer, Ernest Dixon, Mort 1923 Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co. 3 3 Not Here, Not There<br />

Bonjour, Mon Coeur Breville, P. de Ronsard, Pierre de 1925 Rouart Lerolle & Cie., Edrs. 2 20 Bonjour, Mon Coeur<br />

Sainte Breville, P. de Mallarme, Stephane 1923 Rouart Lerolle & Cie., Edrs. 3 20 Sainte<br />

Eros Vainqueur Breville, Pierre de Lorrain, Jean 1909 Rouart Lerolle & Cie 6 20 Eros Vainqueur<br />

Eros Vainqueur Breville, Pierre de Lorrain, Jean 1910 Rouart, Lerolle et Cie. 7 20 Eros Vainqueur<br />

Sometimes a Bird Will Sing Breville-Smith, F.S. Dickinson, Dorothy 1920 Boosey & Co. 3 15 Sometimes a Bird Will Sing<br />

Where My Dear Lady Sleeps Breville-Smith, F.S. Weatherly, Fred E. 1920 Boosey & Co. 4 15 Where My Dear Lady Sleeps<br />

Bashfulness Brewer, John Hyatt n/a 1891 G. Schirmer 6 13 Bashfulness<br />

Rock-a-By Lady from Hushaby Street, The Brewer, John Hyatt Field, Eugene 1897 Arthur P. Schmidt 6 13 Rock-a-By Lady from Hushaby Street, The<br />

Hear Our Cry Briggs and Clifford n/a 1914 Arthur P. Schmidt 5 11 Hear Our Cry<br />

Shadows of the Evening Hour, The Briggs and Proctor Briggs and Proctor 1907 Theo. Presser 3 9 Shadows of the Evening Hour, The<br />

Shadows of the Evening Hour, The, c.2 Briggs and Proctor n/a 1907 Theo. Presser 3 9 Shadows of the Evening Hour, The<br />

Shadows of the Evening Hour, The, c.3 Briggs and Proctor n/a 1907 Theo. Presser 3 9 Shadows of the Evening Hour, The<br />

Hold Thou My Hand Briggs, C.S. Briggs, C.S. 1910 The B.F. Wood Music Co. 6 9 Hold Thou My Hand<br />

Hold Thou My Hand (Sei du Mit Mir) Briggs, C.S. Briggs, C.S. 1904 The B.F. Wood Music Co. 5 21 Hold Thou My Hand Sei du Mit Mir<br />

Thy Work to Do Briggs, C.S. Martin, Harry Leland 1903 B.F. Wood Music Co. 6 11 Thy Work to Do<br />

I'm Gonna Let the Bumble Bee Be Britt and Little n/a 1925 Henry Waterson, Inc. 2 1 I'm Gonna Let the Bumble Bee Be<br />

Canticle III (Still Falls the Rain) Britten, Benjamin Sitwell, Edith 1956 Boosey & Co., Ltd. 6 24 Canticle III (Still Falls the Rain)<br />

Friday Afternoons, v.1 Britten, Benjamin Anon 1936 Boosey & Co. Ltd. 18 15 Friday Afternoons, v.1<br />

Friday Afternoons, v.2 Britten, Benjamin Anon 1936 Boosey & Co. Ltd. 19 15 Friday Afternoons, v.2<br />

In Shadowland Brooks and Ahlert Lewis and Young 1924 Henry Waterson, Inc. 4 2 In Shadowland<br />

In Shadowland Brooks and Ahlert Lewis and Young 1924 Henry Waterson, Inc. 6 2 In Shadowland<br />

God Keep You, Love Broome, edward Oxenford, Edward 1905 The Boston Music Co. 3 4 God Keep You, Love<br />

David's Psalm Broones, Martin n/a 1950 Martin Broones, Paul Francis Webster an4 21 David's Psalm<br />

Everlasting Arms, The Broones, Martin Webster, Paul Francis 1950 Martin Broones, Paul Francis Webster an4 21 Everlasting Arms, The<br />

I Can't Get Over a Girl Like You (Loving a Boy Like Me) Broones, Martin Ruskin, Harry 1926 Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 3 1 I Can't Get Over a Girl Like You (Loving a Boy Like Me)<br />

I Can't Get Over a Girl Like You (Loving a Boy Like Me), c.2 Broones, Martin Ruskin, Harry 1926 Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. Inc. 3 1 I Can't Get Over a Girl Like You (Loving a Boy Like Me)<br />

If I Knew I'd Find You (w/Tentin' Down in Tennessee) Brown and Clare Brown and Clare 1926 Irving Berlin Inc. 2 1 If I Knew I'd Find You<br />

Whoopee (w/You Told Me to Go) Brown and Conrad n/a 1925 Jerome H. Remick & Co. 2 3 Whoopee<br />

Here Comes Fatima (w/Gone Again Gal) Brown and Friend n/a 1926 Jerome H. Remick & Co. 2 1 Here Comes Fatima<br />

So Will I (w/When I'm in Your Arms) Brown and Friend n/a 1926 Irving Berlin Inc. 2 3 So Will I<br />

What Could Be Sweeter Than You (w/Good Mornin') Brown and Friend n/a 1925 Jerome H. Remick & Co. 2 3 What Could Be Sweeter Than You<br />

Give Me a Ukelele (w/Lonely Eyes) Brown and Williams n/a 1926 Shapiro Bernstein & Co. Inc. 2 1 Give Me a Ukelele<br />

Give Me a Ukelele (w/Lonely Eyes), c.2 Brown and Williams n/a 1926 Shapiro Bernstein & Co. Inc. 2 2 Give Me a Ukelele

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