Housestaff Survival Guide Crosscover Specialty Procedures + Calcs ...

Housestaff Survival Guide Crosscover Specialty Procedures + Calcs ...

Housestaff Survival Guide Crosscover Specialty Procedures + Calcs ...


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<strong>Crosscover</strong><br />

<strong>Specialty</strong><br />

<strong>Procedures</strong> + <strong>Calcs</strong><br />

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<strong>Crosscover</strong><br />

<strong>Housestaff</strong><br />

<strong>Survival</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

<strong>Housestaff</strong> <strong>Survival</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> | <strong>Crosscover</strong> | Shortness of Breath<br />

On the phone:<br />

Get full vitals; onset of SOB; underlying diseases; order oxygen if hypoxic (avoid too much oxygen in CO2 retainers), nebs, ECG,<br />

ABG kit to bedside and go see pt now<br />

Hx<br />

sudden onset (PE, PTX, pulmonary edema) vs. gradual onset (pneumonia, COPD/asthma exacerbation, pulm edema or effusion),<br />

h/o lung or heart disease, associated sx (cough, hemoptysis, fever, chest pain), risk factors for PE or MI<br />

PE:<br />

vitals, use of accessory muscles, midline trachea, signs of cyanosis, JVP, lungs, heart, loud P2, RV heave, edema, mental status<br />

(confused, drowsy)<br />

Tests:<br />

ABG, CXR, EKG, CBC; Consider high-resolution Chest CT with PE protocol (if kidneys can tolerate dye – pre-hydrate with<br />

IVF unless overloaded). Consider Visipaque contrast for high-risk nephropathy. Patient will need 18<br />

gauge IV access for the contrast dye (often can’t use PICC). Generally, can’t get V/Q scans at<br />

night/weekends (that goes for both VA & UIC).<br />

Other: anxiety/pain/opiates/narcotics<br />

Do not miss:<br />

Hypoxia – insufficient tissue oxygenation (look at PO2 – assuming it’s not venous!);<br />

Anaphylaxis (wheezing, itch/urticaria, hypotension)<br />

Management:<br />

-supplemental oxygen (NC, face mask, NRFM, BiPAP 10/5)<br />

-Albuterol/Ipratropium nebs<br />

-Lasix if fluid overloaded, CHF exacerbation (Lasix 40mg IV, if no response, double the dose every 1 hour, e.g. 40mg, 80mg,<br />

160mg, …and consider adding metolazone 2.5mgPO)<br />

-check peak flows if asthma; sputum culture<br />

-if narcotic overdose, give naloxone 0.2 to 2mg IV<br />

-Anaphylaxis tx: Epi (0.3cc of 1:1000epi SC or 3cc of 1:10000epi IV), Hydrocortisone 250mg<br />

IVPB, Benadryl 25-50mg IVPB, Famotidine<br />

Indications for Intubation?<br />

Look for rapid shallow breathing and fatigue. Try to reverse underlying conditions.<br />

1) airway protection 2) decline in mental status 3) pCO2 increasing 4) pO2 < 60, not responding to<br />

supp oxygen 5) pH 50 with pH

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