1890 - Pikes Peak Library District

1890 - Pikes Peak Library District

1890 - Pikes Peak Library District


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The Colu~~czdo i~tzplev~ent Conzpnlzy-President, W. E. Meek ;<br />

Vice President, Jas. &I. Bradshaw; Secretary and Treas -<br />

urer, S. P. Gutshall.<br />

Hue?fa~zo Stveet Ivzf~~o~~emetzt Co~~zfany-President, Leopold<br />

Robertson ; Vice President, Frank White ; Secretary<br />

and Treasurer, A. J. Denton.<br />

Colouado Spvings Gde~zs-Proprietors, Ehrich & White ;<br />

Manager, F. W. 1sham.<br />

North colol*ado Sf rings Land a JL d I??zp?fove~?zen t Co??zpa iy -<br />

President, J. A Hayes, Jr. ; Vice President, L. R. Ehrich;<br />

Secretary, Treasurer and Manager, Frank White.<br />

The Nortiz E~zd Additiolz-Wheeler, Hayes & Ehrich.<br />

T?ze lLTort/z Color~ado .Spt~i?zgs Additioa-W h eel e r , Hayes &<br />

Ehrich.<br />

The Ute fiss La122 and fivate?~ Co+fa?zy-President, L. R.<br />

Ehrich ; Vice President, J. A. Hayes, Jr.; Secretary and<br />

Treasurer, Frank White ; Manager, Albert L. Murray.<br />

The Ea~t Coloi~ado ~fvrji~s Lalzd Co~?zfa?zy (so called)-Manager,<br />

Frank White.<br />

Tize Forn~ztai~z Gardens Comfnny-Treasurer and Manager,<br />

Frank White.<br />

The Granri Ecw AAddo~z Co~?z$a?g/-President, A. A. Mc-<br />

Govney; Vice President, F. L. Martin; Secretary, Treas-<br />

urer and Manager, Frank White.<br />

Xte Roswll Tozun and Land Co~?zpn?ly-President, J. A. Hayes,<br />

Jr. ; Treasurer, W. B. Faunce ; Secretary and Manager,<br />

Frank White.<br />

The Pzreblo Gvavity Water ~~~~~~~~~-Treasurer and Manager,<br />

Frank White.<br />


N, i For Eastern Capitalists.<br />


- =<br />

The Colorado Springs Crystal ice nnd Cold Storage Company-<br />

President, L. R. Ehrich ; Treasurer, Frank White ;<br />

Manager, D. C. Henny.<br />

MErchnnts' Mercantile Ag eltry-President, J. F. Wilcox ; Vice<br />

President, 0. P. Hopkins ; Secretary, A. D. F. Arm-<br />

strong ; Treasurer, 0. E. Hemenway.<br />

The Exhi6itlon Co~rzfa~zy-President, C. H. Crowell ; Secretary<br />

and Treasurer, D. C. Goddard.<br />

Brunduzooi Land and Investme?zt Cotnpnny-President, James<br />

Pourtales; Vice President, Duncan Chisholm; Secretary<br />

and Treasurer, Wrn. J. Willcox.<br />

Colorado Sfrings Live Stock Co~~zfa?zy-President, F. L. Martin ;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, W. N. Burgess.<br />

Central Wool Growe+s' Associatio~z-President, C. E. Noble ;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, C. E. Stubbs.<br />

The B& Hont Uitclz Cum$a?zy-President, Milo Rowel1 ; Sec-<br />

retary, H. C. McCreery; Treasurer, E. S. Bumstead.<br />

El Paso Lu;iz6er~lzan's Association-President, C. R. Hustsd ;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, E. W. Davis.<br />

Lowe Gas and Electric Co~~zpalzy-General Manager, H. B.

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