Storm Loss Be Told - Southingtonlibrary.org

Storm Loss Be Told - Southingtonlibrary.org

Storm Loss Be Told - Southingtonlibrary.org


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Southing on Airport hangar rests on one o<br />

the four planes it housed• 2. The home of Ed- . .....<br />

ward Hackbarth of Main Street, .Plantsville,<br />

when a large tree<br />

model homes project on South End Road<br />

whicI/ va u'n-dd o ver and pm ly blown apart.<br />

4. The grandstand at the Recreation Park<br />

after the wind h.ad ripped the roof off and<br />

collapsed the p 5 Uc- v.e screen on<br />

pod the front corner from a home off West<br />

Main Street, Plainville. 6. A Connecticut Light<br />

and, Power crew works to repair damaged<br />

pole and power lines on Marion Avenue.<br />

(A1LPhetos by Bob Place of The News Staff)<br />

• - ........... - at d fferent nter als to ptck p M Charles L nke of H gh eod<br />

" _ -- . w' own mstluments after a t, t per-] bass and C st e Rush piano. I :. . ff]o l <strong>Storm</strong> Calls.... m o h r batch of emmgency calls._, Avenue. A program of "Chrl tl 2<br />

•tro re s ,t Musw rogra ,. . - . P- - -,. -, .....h,s..a so,m coat,ibuted, are , - " ' .... v inval-I between 5 80 p.m. when the storm Illness" wi, be presented by -<br />

and u . At that time, the school. five wobns, th eexmhts, twoeeblos U l b l 'uable help to the pohce depart-; wasat tsx ors ,anut p.-,-,,- ICarl hi. man ann<br />

": I utnu X. +,'-n scl o01 sunerintendent, said this week ava ab fro" other begmning stu- re owned y the s2uden s. ' I Local lu m the pohce to ,epo fallen [ .... 1 assist as.noytcss.. . =.. _. ;.<br />

• - • " HI h School, tdents . . w "es, t aey called tbe Connecticut llS. lOllary y 1 -.<br />

"-t t the instltlme tal pio nm at SoRthmgto g .... • , Th s Scmor Orchestra has been Pa d Melton of New Britain, s- _ .., ...... wh.,. w.. a • I..... ,, , wranned Christmas gifts for<br />

w1s-Ll oln and the elementary schools m no g, • g - , ..... :--at,n, tian fn," bo inners m I}] gross fo • s x years x th ..; --etno of Lons Interns- g . ......... ; ...... ffi ....., x ; irls at the Mather School a to<br />

. . g'- , ..... ,a trill ineamnlete s av able fro" one school .vea ' " "" " ," , . " i tional congratulated the " :xs,.*It flashh htso. and d rected traf- .sionarv. Society of the F rst Bnp-lbe brought to this meeting.<br />

• . , . .I " ......... ,period. Due to the limited tm c of • ' " _ ". '. " " ington Lions Club on . " until the renm ea nrriyed on t]st Church will be hehl at 2:30 gift should be properly m<br />

.P.............. _ the dwecto , Mr. Mm conda and....... , :sh p aml the ftne cond the scene Others, the Chmf stud, m Thursday st the h me of to contents.<br />

:Elizabeth Reed, flute Robert DI -IFleur d ms " " m ' " " " -<br />

....... t -- " ..... o med n these g up must be ' 'ted.' Th, Jumor Olchest a s the di- Mr Moran spoke WednesdnY cet. ax av trees that had fallen<br />

V....... d ....g , . " . . _u:_u were Participattoa m all ensemble, feet rcsuh of the Music Fund All I evening at a neetlng in the Rose rote the<br />

groups is open to all pupds ho , nstruments used b '<br />

"Avitabile and Donald Mongillo, E [ u'chased through the Musc Fund , • . . ." but om of the Y I Room. ., s, d that he wnnted<br />

at s ephoaes; Mtle Badgley, B ....ions of Southin on in nuuntam the necessary stanaaras. ,this g'oup we , obtained last, The mstr ct govelnm" lescribed tnmt ,e.,'y --.: :-<br />

[<br />

i<br />

" ;<br />

I<br />

" at saxophone; Gerald Alien, Har- d viduals, <strong>org</strong>anlzatioas and bast- I Domimck Mmicooda is conduct- spring through th s tuna. Licns Internationals the mrge t , d d these o untary sea-ices.<br />

et Mauch, Roger Mulbns and ,ness concerns, include four "" 'ing the band ork at L ncoln-Lewm, " " " " - '," ' " '. He added th t the pohce realize<br />

hester T masciewicz, trumpets, nets, two trumpets, two trombones, and Stanley W. Eukers has charge 'wnce, some a vancea .s m ,ere: [ with a mcm rshtp of 400,vvv n ] that many ctttzens rtsked injury or<br />

nd John urcak, mcllophone. :two mcllophones, one bar ton e, one of the orchestral work and the " • 8000 , clubs - functmmng n 29 na"<br />

from falhng trees and<br />

; In the Lincoln-Lewis Band are] ' t uba , one ba" s drun and one s. hale • strmg, nstructmn program m the bland. PululS from the Lincoln-!tions. t even death to help out n the<br />

Richard Lt dino and Rab, Thorpe, 'drun • One trumpet and one mello . €lementa . . y schoo s . Lewts Band tfll join this group as Mr Moran was introducted by l hve x tres<br />

" " mnas DelSanto An iphone m the above ists were g fts The - esent Scarer Orcbestra their expctt nce xath nts. Ho ard L nke, president of tl e<br />

cmrtnets, t ' . ' .'1 " - ... h- s hools - t .... __ Up to September 1, 1950, the, ocal club. Two extra officers were assignhony<br />

lori , • • .' , ......... g . IMas c t'und received $2,g17.68 and Thomas Wrinn, a threetor of the ed to natrol the business d str ct<br />

I at'itone Robert Zobbl, rues, anu .owneu cmr.me.s a. .......y --,,".. mlne apt' o an o etg oty- $312.52. S ce then addittonal pur- re, r 'sent the club as n cot nc di"oae rtnort o'f breaking or enter-<br />

Robert Brewster arid Robert La- lStrong stud, must acquu tne r ring, first violins Robert and R - . .€ .....a.a instruments haw I " " ' • - - -'- " '<br />

'<br />

: .........<br />

•<br />

' .<br />

Nathamel Flormn, <strong>Be</strong>rkley Flortan<br />

been made<br />

"<br />

,<br />

[<br />

Dr<br />

"<br />

Floyd Nell, chairman of the<br />

" The<br />

',<br />

ohee de mrtment's txto way<br />

" J.eanette Hinckley ........ , rad o went dead about 8 p.m. and<br />

l[ramp<br />

' '<br />

tz, second wohns;<br />

ce DiCa-'<br />

Burba<br />

o J Miss<br />

•<br />

GtaglOS<br />

. .<br />

Oii S|a bleachers ordered by the I ion for was not in operation agaiu until<br />

In And See DtCapr,o, cello, Jan ," ,, .................. v-all a.m .Sunday ,nor4ung urm.<br />

Ii bass; Gerald All.eat ii#g2r Multins, Of paper A l$, t, th n_aenoov .x m, ,.. , .a .... . - Tthat tithe it was u,,,oss ble to keep<br />

. - Us Ih O . -. und Chestdi Tomasciew cz, rum-i Mis Matilda Oiagios, daughtm'land were being stordu at thor<br />

• mel h ne and of Mr a d ,Irs James Giagios of school nny contact between the head-<br />

ffi= o pct ; John Xurcak I p t ' "" . ' - ....... uartet . a d the two patrol cars.<br />

ew meat1on Don Flormn, planm I<br />

No.t Mare Street s on the<br />

............<br />

t/di- Roy van ttast ocR, entertain- -<br />

The officers,<br />

-<br />

rtdtng double In<br />

.<br />

the<br />

€- " Me nbers of the Junior Orchestra :totml st ff of the Boston Umvers- moat enmrman, sat t tne c uu , . • _a_uarte<br />

would not have a New Year s Eve<br />

HllD 8 $ OE EIEIIT are KurtzJ i hth°rn'ClnrkBr°wn']ityNews"<br />

"Meriden's Cancellation Sh.se-Sto e<br />


William urtiss, Robert Hinkson, The student publication has juet party but would plan a social<br />

January under Lions' sponsorship.<br />

Tom Ru h and <strong>Be</strong>tty now, violins; b6en rated a uong the top five ¢oi- event for February. .<br />

Dr. John Coekayne, actixdties Jack Black, a manufacturer's<br />

D.olore,s Brown and Robert Deckort,/lege wee. hes m the country for<br />

eommlttee chairman, discussed agent, was introduced as a guest<br />

v olae, Jean Garrepy and Virginia chools ith an enrollment of more<br />

plans for a wrestling match in of the club. -<br />

ogl in, celloo; Robcl:t Ga rrepy, then 5,000 students.

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