Storm Loss Be Told - Southingtonlibrary.org

Storm Loss Be Told - Southingtonlibrary.org

Storm Loss Be Told - Southingtonlibrary.org


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] Nm a.lt la a l Ml . tleleu Zajae, trus- <strong>Be</strong>echer PTA To Learn<br />

To Close Dec, Mrs. Zajac, incoming- premaent, Miss Josephine Izzo of Walhngurged<br />

membe to make reaelva-[ford will be the guest speaker at<br />

on ay yeast t o m for the c ubs annual Christ-4.. _ ct....<br />

'...... Imas party to be held December 12 -t 8 "} m Monde" at the <strong>Be</strong>ed cr<br />

y at the hn naculatJ Coz cept on at t e monapme va Lmant, t ram- Street Sdmol. 5hs Izzo assistant<br />

Chinch'will dose with specml de- ville, to F. C. Upham ia MerMen in<br />

vDtiona at 7:30 p.m. FHday, De- 'the advcrtisiag department, will<br />

comber 8. Dtu mg the novena, set- tork Works Overfitnt, dpmt.nstrate gift x rapplug.<br />

vices will be held at 5:30 and 9 Daughters were bran at the M s. R.bert E. Foley, a;tangea<br />

and<br />

This novena dl end ou the lueek to Mr. and Mrs. Richard IL said lladilimm] emol wdl he sung'<br />

Feast of the hnmaeutate Concep- Hutton of 19 Neigh Summit and a xisit flora Sant t Clan. wil '<br />

finn. At closng service neu . a...... s Jose Ne b faatn,ed Mcmh..s will b lng<br />

members x ;ll be formully accepted w o" 4" Doolltt'e D ive Plants .5-.c, tfts for the grab hag<br />

and presentatmn ,ff badges ,,il} be.err, 1 } Mulbe, ' ' Street, lqan ' PTA n,e,,.he ,,b. ,,.,ide m the<br />

made. [wile; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Telke Wale Sqe t ,hsuici,<br />

After the d,vo ods the dub'a of 36 Church Street, PlaDtsville t0 M e D,O el l,,x v PTA<br />

new officers xsdl lm installed at[aad U, Mr. nnd Mi's..Robert M.<br />

special ceremonws m the chinch Siegel Raurka Avenue• '<br />

basbment. Th Rex Fnthe Jogoph Sons wpl'e horll to Mr. and Mrs.<br />

W. Kukue, nssmtant p,mtor, ill Xason. mpagmmo of 88 <strong>Be</strong>eche, Clark Bros. Party ,<br />

"conduct tin. instaltatmn. Street anti Mr. and Mrs. John De-<br />

New officers are M s. MaKv Za-'Pmta of 145 Liberty Sttvet. ' For Em oyees Set'<br />

ae, president; birs. Ih.[[y<br />

Bo e, secretmy 5hs. Stolla[y.f the Southia ton Re,I (ross. ('lalk lh'othcrn Bolt Companb'<br />

Knapp, financ : see ett'v; Mrs.[ Chapter will meel at 8 p. m Man- of Milldale udl pou or i s anna<br />

Kopcza, t easurer, a d M s day at the Bradley Memorial lies-[nual employees' Christmas pmty'<br />

Helen AIfano, M s. Mar u'et Pu- pital. ' Tuesday mght, Detember 12, at<br />

-- StreeL Dinne xxdl be served at<br />


NEW kiN<br />

Will-<br />


Bride Of Robert McCorma'ck<br />

bwk , Mac Fanchd]<br />

and Johllr-Dn--,- ('at] - lrq" -Robert E. 31¢Corma . e t,r Angeliuc l'aladiuo * of<br />

Bcllevie Avenue, n shown in this portrait after her marmage Ib,i<br />

lt<br />

o n lunches,<br />

a tu bru)g 93-M<br />

or ne<br />

All donattons of toys used.<br />

uill e appreciated by the<br />

/,o Fov_tb .( 4 at t. Thoma Church. She is { e daughter of Mr<br />

t 11 Peter p d degroo i th o f l -<br />

mentq ahouhl bt' made thlough he " "<br />

performed by the Rev. Father William II. Kenuedy, pastor.<br />

eomm ttc , assiMed by the Rev. Father John O'Couaor and the Rev. Father<br />

hel I m .July at the Southington Francis 31ihalek.<br />

the dinner. There wdl Im a g ah,<br />

ly hope that ever.',, emph.yee<br />

be on haml for the pa ty."<br />

--PAGE ONE<br />

,<br />

I<br />

Miss Perkins Eugaged Santy Nametl To Head , Ladies Aid Group<br />

1"o C. F. Roth, Jr. IDella Neve Society ;Tu Sell Yule Articles<br />

5h. aml Mr. . E. S. Perkmz of,, Michael F. Sandy of Eden Ave- Ladms Aid Socmty will mee<br />

Mere'ell 'Avenue have an0ounced, hue has been nominated for prem- 2 p.m. Wednesday, cember 13,<br />

tlw engagement of their daughtei'. dent o the Marm S.S. Della Neve. at the parish house of the Plan -<br />

5h s Justine Elizabeth Perkins. to Sectary fm 1950-51. The annual villc Couglegatlonal Church. [ .<br />

(huent'e Fzedelick Roth, Jr., on election dl be held Sunday, De- Norman M MacLeod, JL, will<br />

cf ML and 3ha. (. I". Roth of ('emb.z 10. at the Sons of Italy, th. dvxotions.<br />

Buffalo, N.Y. lhdt, ('enter Street. At :l p.m th. bessmn will be<br />

A g aduate of Merulcn High<br />

lege In Wa]te-te , Mas., Miss<br />

415 l'armmg-<br />

lhun vz k Axenue, West llurt-<br />

,lanual x eddmg.<br />

Ilizpah Circh, To Hold<br />

ilI-Dov ih,eting<br />

u eli-day mee Ang of the<br />

pah Cu'cte (,f the Grace MethOdist<br />

Rungs, xlcv pvvsldent. Sumuel<br />

phcn th:mo Ralph Rwh, Angelo<br />

Wtlh,t.I Rich and Ralph Rich,<br />

l)(, colh,cted thro c Protegt.ant<br />

Churches. at Elme's <strong>Be</strong>auty<br />

Shop in Ptantswlle Judd's Shoe<br />

Stole on ('enter Sts et ot b ¢ call-<br />

'llg ilnP of the committee<br />

Men,bels of this committee .ttx•<br />

t - --- .i l Bob. Ny, .n, Telephone " 1521 and*<br />

OPEN 9 A.'M. TO 3:30 I'. M.<br />

Mdl,lah. I- at the<br />

went a mmm operatton thla aveek, h'y 31emaHal Hospital<br />

HOURS FOR YOU .oo,,. I.. Fontana and hw $1.98. up i* HICKOK BELTS<br />

roommate, Ge<strong>org</strong>e <strong>Be</strong>nder of Okra-,<br />

awe, tudents at the Umver,-it of ,v __ Z •HICKOCK ,,<br />

. p.,. nt . M,..,, t m, . ,,,y Fo... €BIt B E L T S + ' •SWANK<br />

Shop<br />

M s Elizmbeth<br />

VelnOn Road ,s a<br />

+,,+ Momoriul<br />

u]P)' +f<br />

patlent at<br />

rlo.p,tul. SPORT COATS '.<br />

GLOVES<br />


. In Sou ington<br />

It's Towne<br />


$6.98<br />

:S<br />

' FLEETWAY<br />


JR,<br />

.p,,m.d it, th. pubhc fin a aalo o£ -:<br />

L'hlz.qtmas zx.ens and food. The<br />

l'hmtsvillc West gloup will sere<br />

Formal Wear<br />

Headquarters<br />

]tenting or buying 3ou'll<br />

find .New Formal<br />

here far eddlng and ll "<br />

Men.<br />


e HANI)KER('tlIEFS<br />

6 for $1.00 up<br />

)<br />

HATS<br />

SEI,I,,( lION OF<br />


,,? ve 'AhL your pre- HATS -- $1.98<br />

S ACKS ......... ,:u RAINCOATS .. SLIPPERS<br />

W S NRN<br />


JUST CALL...( I,EATHER JACKETS $16.9 -<br />

NY Towne GUN & "<br />

We Flck liver (BOYS' SHG FLOOR) NEW<br />


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