Volume 3, Number 5 - North Country News, May, 2010.

Volume 3, Number 5 - North Country News, May, 2010.

Volume 3, Number 5 - North Country News, May, 2010.


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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Country</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

ESTABLIShED 2008..........ThE BEST PAPER IN TOWN !!!!<br />

VOL. 3 NO. 5 • • • • • <strong>May</strong> 2010 • • • • • SINGLE COPY $1.00<br />

Despite the recent news coverage concerning<br />

the sanitary conditions of the Rio Linda/Elverta<br />

Community water system, we want to make it<br />

perfectly clear that the sanitation, safety, and<br />

reliability of our water has never been compromised!<br />

Although we understand that circumstances<br />

outlined in the Grand Jury Report, released on<br />

April 5, 2010 have raised a number of concerns<br />

throughout the community. The statements made<br />

Fair Political Practices<br />

Commission closes files<br />

o n c o m p l a i n t s a g a i n s t<br />

no rt h co u n t ry ne w s ,<br />

ViVien sp i c e r-Jo h n s o n,<br />

ge n e a n d ch a r l e a mo o r e,<br />

Fay e wi l d e r, ma ry ha r r i s<br />

a n d cat h y ho o d<br />

The FCC issued a letter on April 13, 2010<br />

stating that they are closing their files on the<br />

complaints filed against the above named individuals<br />

and newspaper, having found insufficient<br />

evidence of the alleged violations including disclosure<br />

requirements of economic interests, contributions<br />

as a committee and failure to file as a<br />

committee. None of the named individuals were<br />

found to be in violation of any statutes or codes.<br />

Petals & Paws<br />

FTD Florist<br />

916-992-0345<br />

Richard Kerr, Owner<br />

641 M Street<br />

Rio Linda, CA. 95673<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Country</strong> <strong>News</strong><br />

PO Box 328 Elverta, CA 95626<br />


NO. 328<br />

ELVERTA, CA 95626<br />


www.NC<strong>News</strong>328.com<br />


and safety have never been at jeopardy.<br />

By W. Mychael Cardenas,<br />

Interim General Manager<br />

by the news media, as to whether or not our water<br />

is safe to drink, are not only misleading but<br />

very irresponsible.<br />

While we certainly recognize that increasing the<br />

water pressure will alleviate many of the operational<br />

issues the District has experienced in the<br />

past, we want to point out that the public’s health<br />

Don't miss the 16th Annual Farm & Tractor Days at<br />

the Historic Dry Creek Ranch House 6852 Dry Creek<br />

Rd. in Rio Linda sponsored by the Rio Linda/Elverta<br />

Historical Society and the Early Day Gas Engine and<br />

Tractor Association, Inc.<br />

There will be dozens of clanging, sputtering, puffing and<br />

steaming machines, engines, tractors and more. These<br />

engines are all in working condition and are both fascinating<br />

and educational. Watch as the tractors attempt to<br />

out-pull each other to see which machine<br />

is the strongest and can move the heaviest<br />

sled the farthest.<br />

The Golden State Draft Horse and Mule<br />

Club will demonstrate the original horse<br />

powered machines used for all types of<br />

work on a ranch or farm at the beginning<br />

of the 20th Century. Displays will<br />

include farm animals, a working Boy<br />

Scout camp, plus antique fire trucks, face<br />

painting, food and games on the beautiful<br />

grounds of the Rio Linda/Elverta Historical Society's<br />

Dry Creek Ranch House.<br />

See story about Pleasant Grove School's agricultural/environmental<br />

science program at the bottom of page 15<br />

There have never been any reports of illness due<br />

to drinking the water from RLECWD nor have<br />

there been any threats of contamination of any<br />

sort. Our operating pressures have more than<br />

met the safe drinking standards governed by the<br />

California Department of Public Health.<br />

We will continue to remain vigilant, testing the<br />

water quality to protect the public.<br />

The Dry Creek Ranch House was built in 1916<br />

by David Smith and has been a working ranch<br />

for most of it's history. The Ranch House Museum<br />

will be open and admission is free. Parking<br />

is free.<br />

The Rio Linda Elverta Recreation and Park District<br />

will host their annual Western BBQ from<br />

11a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday. The Historical Society<br />

Snack Bar will be open both days.<br />

Pleasant Grove School's families and teachers came together to build garden<br />

beds as a start to our agricutural/environmental science program

2<br />




Rio Linda’s Brown Bag program is held each<br />

first Thursday of every month. This month’s<br />

will be <strong>May</strong> 6. If you are already signed up<br />

for Elverta’s Brown Bag program you may<br />

not sign up for Rio Linda’s.<br />

The food is supplied by Foodlink a non profit<br />

organization that distributes food to seniors<br />

and disabled persons through out California.<br />

For additional information on qualification<br />

and how to register please call the Park District<br />

office at 916-991-5929<br />

Letters<br />

to the Editor<br />

<br />

To all Rate Payers of Rio Linda/Elverta<br />

Vivien<br />

What can we do as ratepayers to stop these 5 or<br />

more people in RL that are trying to destroy our<br />

water district? I cannot name names because I<br />

can’t afford a lawsuit but if you are a member of<br />

the RL Net I’m sure you know who they are.<br />

These folks have cost the rate payers several<br />

thousand of dollars in frivolous lawsuits in the<br />

last year. We now have a board that is trying to<br />

get new wells drilled but it seems that everything<br />

the Board tries to do these few people protest.<br />

They have gone to the Health Dept. Sac. County,<br />

Sac. Bee, Channel 3 & 10 and now the Grand<br />

Jury. They also send all their E-mails and snide<br />

remarks to Roger Dickinson and some of the Sac<br />

County officials. These people will do anything<br />

to stop progress on these new wells. The Manager<br />

is working very hard to apply for everything<br />

that we need to get State money. I will not even<br />

talk about the Union.<br />

We have safe, affordable water and pressure according<br />

to all the reports on our wells that was<br />

presented to the ratepayers at the April 19th<br />

meeting. If our water drops below 20 psi we<br />

have a line at 30th hooked into Suburban WD<br />

that we can get water if needed.<br />

I ask these people, that seem to have a vendetta<br />

against a few of the Board members, why don’t<br />

they apply to be elected to the Board. They tell<br />

me they don’t have time, but they sure are busy<br />

trying to destroy the district. They have lived<br />

here for many years and you would think they<br />

would want to help the district not destroy it.<br />

Do not believe all the things that you hear or read<br />

from these few people. Ask the Manager or a<br />

Board member if those statements that were sent<br />

to the Sac. County, Health Dept, <strong>News</strong> Media<br />

and Grand Jury are true. I would like to know if<br />

all the Board of Directors were interview by the<br />

Grand Jury!<br />

I am asking all of you rate payers to stand behind<br />

this Board.<br />

Mary Nelson, Rio Linda<br />

(Mary, all the members of the Board were not<br />

interviewed by the Grand Jury....Viv)<br />



BAG<br />

TuESDAY - <strong>May</strong> 11 th<br />

Elverta Fire Station at Elwyn & Elverta Rd.<br />

Hi Vivien!<br />

For those 60 years old or disabled.<br />

Must be pre-registered.<br />

Call Nancy 387-9000 or register<br />

at the Fire Station<br />

Volunteer helpers … 9:00 a.m.<br />

Pick up bags from:10:00 to 12 noon.<br />

Please Be Prompt<br />

<br />

I was flabbergasted at the recent events regarding<br />

the Water District. Here is what I posted to<br />

the blog in Sac Bee.<br />

Most of these folks talking poop here are just<br />

plain scummy liars. you all know how Mary<br />

H. basically has been single-handedly trying to<br />

clean up the huge plutocratic pile of crap left behind<br />

by these “good-old-boys” who used to run<br />

the Dist. You know you’re full of shoot, especially<br />

John Todd, who ever-so-slightly says “we<br />

need to REMOVE THESE WOMEN”. Ha-ha,<br />

that says it all! The prior board members harassed<br />

Harris relentlessly to no end. She unfortunately,<br />

had no choice but to spend her well intentioned<br />

efforts constantly defending herself and<br />

it’s the prior board members’ fault if it was at the<br />

expense of the ratepayers.<br />

Example: Duh, there had never been a ‘union’<br />

in this Dist and it was ultimately formed and<br />

propped up by expunged managers. Hello? It’s<br />

part of their plan to refute her courageous efforts<br />

to control huge unnecessary labor costs, not to<br />

mention the grand fathering in of ginormous<br />

pensions and retirement plans, which would’ve<br />

cost the Dist plenty in the long run. The truth is<br />

the prior board is responsible for all the shortcomings<br />

this current board faces. Mary H. and<br />

anyone who tried to help her get the job done,<br />

was basically hunted down, stalked and set-up to<br />

fail by the members of the prior Dist board. The<br />

grand jury and the District Attorney need to go<br />

back further than Mary H to unearth the deeper<br />

rooted problems.<br />

Marlene Vallee<br />

(Editors note: go online and research the Grand<br />

Jury reports on the RLECWD in 1996 and<br />

2002/2003. It's a real eye opener.)<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

<br />

As I watched the TV news 10 about our Rio Linda<br />

Water Dist, I was appalled at the misrepresentation<br />

of what is actually happening. Mary H.<br />

was made out to look like the bad guy by Robert<br />

Blanchard (so called ratepayer), when in fact he<br />

is a former Board member that got us into this<br />

mess with his fellow cronies by letting the former<br />

GM allegedly bankrupt the district.<br />

Food Closet<br />

The Rio Linda & Elverta Ministerial Association<br />

Food Closet serves zip codes<br />

95673 & 95626 only.<br />

The Food Closet is located at the Rio Linda<br />

United Methodist Church, 6800 6 th St. at<br />

the corner of 6 th and M St. in Rio Linda,<br />

across from the Rio Linda Elementary<br />

School.<br />

The Food Closet is open on Thursdays<br />

from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.<br />

you must provide proof of address and<br />

identification for everyone in your household<br />

that is requesting food.<br />

Donations are needed including canned<br />

and dry goods that can be made into nutritional<br />

meals.<br />

Sadly, these people are seemingly continuously<br />

trying to tie the hands of the New Board by spouting<br />

venom and personal attacks against Mary H.<br />

and the New Board. I believe Blanchard and his<br />

group have no real concern for the welfare or the<br />

destiny of the water district. Mary H. and the<br />

new board came in to clean up the mess and apparently<br />

these people can’t stand a female doing<br />

their job.<br />

They just want to spread their propaganda in<br />

an attempt to hurt the people we elected to lead<br />

us out of the alleged bankruptcy created by the<br />

Robert Blanchard’s of the community.<br />

I don’t want to imagine what would happen to<br />

our water rates if these people got back in power<br />

in the elections of <strong>2010.</strong><br />

T. Compton - Ratepayer and long time resident<br />

<br />

Dear Editor and RLECWD Board,<br />

How can a Grand Jury call out the RLECWD on<br />

a couple of side issues while missing the big pic-<br />


<strong>North</strong> of Sacramento<br />

Elverta • Rio Linda • Pleasant Grove<br />

Copyright 2009 by Vivien Spicer Johnson<br />

Published Monthly • Circulation 10,000<br />

PO Box 328, Elverta, CA 95626<br />

Phone: 916-991-5056<br />

Fax: 916-991-9536<br />

Email: NC<strong>News</strong>328@aol.com<br />

Visit the web site: www.NC<strong>News</strong>328.com<br />

Vivien Spicer Johnson<br />

Owner, Publisher and Managing Editor<br />


For a price quote please call:<br />

916-991-5056 or fax: 916-991-9536 or<br />

Email…NC<strong>News</strong>328 @ aol.com.<br />


Articles; Letters to The Editor; Meeting Announcements;<br />

Event Flyers; Answers to Fun Money Quiz<br />

due by the10 th of the preceding month. Example -<br />

items for the July issue will be due on June 10th.

More<br />

Letters<br />

to the Editor<br />

Vivien<br />

ture? Who the heck did they talk to? Or better yet, who<br />

didn’t they talk to?<br />

There’s no doubt you (meaning the District and board) got<br />

hosed by their report, the Sacramento Bee and KCRA.<br />

Vivien should refund the couple of bucks she received<br />

for selling the District space in her newspaper. Now she<br />

knows better.<br />

The Board should issue a clear, concise response to the accusations.<br />

Not a rebuttal. Rather than pointing fingers at<br />

any specific person, administrator, employee or previous<br />

board, focus on the progress made amid unprecedented<br />

obstacles and the commitment of the Board to stay on<br />

message. Take the high road.<br />

If there was no collusion with regard to which well sites<br />

were selected, stand by the reasons you selected them.<br />

It is clear the District has employed and/or currently employs<br />

some person or persons who do not have the District’s<br />

best interest at heart. Anyone on the payroll who<br />

stands in the way of providing quality service needs to<br />

be identified and replaced. And damn those previous<br />

employees, Directors and busy-bodies who try to foil the<br />

hard work and best intentions of the District for personal<br />

reasons.<br />

The majority of constituents support the people they elected<br />

to serve on the board and act in the District’s mission to<br />

deliver safe, affordable water.<br />

I, for one, wish I had an opportunity to address<br />

the Grand Jury. I’d love to share my observations<br />

and opinions on some of the multitude of bad decisions<br />

and behavior that led the District down a<br />

counterproductive “road to ruin” for more than<br />

a decade. Spending hundreds of thousands of<br />

dollars to unsuccessfully litigate the ill-advised<br />

“pipeline” project while the quality of the District’s<br />

infrastructure and water deteriorated was<br />

not the doing of the current Directors.<br />

I say, stay the course. Ask for help. Analyze<br />

new ideas. Get rid of District employees who<br />

do not serve in the best interest of the RLECWD<br />

and its customers. Look for and root-out fiscal<br />

irresponsibility at every level.<br />

We all want good, clean water and lots of it. It<br />

won’t deliver itself. So keep working hard and<br />

do whatever is necessary to make the system better<br />

for our community. Fight the good fight.<br />

Paul Mitchell Harbert, Rio Linda<br />

(Paul those items were placed in my paper upon<br />

the aggressive insistence of the former GM,<br />

Gilbert Tafoya. It was not a board action. The<br />

money has since been refunded…..Viv)<br />

Editor:<br />

<br />

Recently, <strong>News</strong> 10 did a story on RLECWD,<br />

planned by Erwin Hayer in an attempt to sway<br />

public opinion against the water board. When<br />

<strong>News</strong> 10 showed up, Erwin found himself with<br />

“egg on his face” there were only a hand-full<br />

of protesters. However, the community showed<br />

up in droves to support the new Board of Direc-<br />

Fight your friends at Super<br />

Smash Bros. Brawl, Race<br />

to win at Mario Kart,<br />

or rock it out with<br />

Rock Band 2 for the<br />

Wii!<br />

Rio Linda<br />

February 6, 2010<br />

Saturday, 2 p.m.<br />

March 11, 2010<br />

Thursday, 4 p.m.<br />

April 8, 2010<br />

Thursday, 4 p.m.<br />

GAME-ON!<br />

Rio Linda Library<br />

Mar-Val Ray Plaza, 902 Oak Lane<br />

Rio Linda, CA 95673<br />

www.saclibrary.org<br />

Sacramento Public Library<br />



The Grand Jury’s Report, released on April 5,<br />

2010, in spite of the criticisms of the board and<br />

directors, supports very strongly, the position<br />

taken by the current Board of Directors of the<br />

Rio Linda/Elverta Citizens Water District.<br />

It has long been known that prior boards have<br />

neglected to maintain the infrastructure of this<br />

aging district. They failed to construct new<br />

wells, loop many of the lines, require upgrading<br />

or enlarging the main supply lines and wasted<br />

millions of dollars over the past twenty years on<br />

dry pipe lines, primo benefit programs and outrageously<br />

high salaries.<br />

The only way to look at this report is in a positive<br />

way. The Grand Jury has finally made the<br />

neglect of this district a matter of public record<br />

tors. I am personally fed up with these people<br />

(Hayer, Blanchard, Reed, Day, etc.) giving Rio<br />

Linda and this community a black eye with all<br />

their misinformation spewed about.<br />

As I watched <strong>News</strong> 10 interview Robert<br />

Blanchard and Pat Day my thoughts were<br />


Pat Day states on camera, “If we want to fill a<br />

one quart pot of water in the summer with people<br />

watering their lawn it takes five minutes.” Five<br />

minutes, what a piece of crap. Robert Blanchard<br />

states on camera, “the district (board) has gone<br />

By Vivien Spicer Johnson<br />

as it did with the two previous reports in 1996<br />

and 2002/03. It has given the current Board the<br />

tools and ammunition to continue to make the<br />

required cuts and changes necessary to bring<br />

the District up to date and to insure there is<br />

clean, safe water for all the ratepayers at an affordable<br />

price.<br />

The California Department of Public Health<br />

meets on a monthly schedule with the current<br />

Board. The CDPH has been very supportive<br />

and helpful working with the District in their efforts<br />

toward completing all areas of both Compliance<br />

Orders within the time line required.<br />

(Editors comment: This is my own observation<br />

and in no way suggests that I am speaking for<br />

the RLECWD Board of Directors)<br />

from horrible to unbelievable.” My interpretation<br />

of “horrible" means ousted board members Robert<br />

Blanchard and Hal Morris. “Unbelievable"<br />

is how the new board have brought RLECWD<br />

out of a near bankrupt condition created by those<br />

removed.<br />

These people need to start wearing tee shirts that<br />

say, “We passed the buck” or “I make things<br />

up.”<br />

Sincerely, Dave - Rio Linda<br />

<br />


4<br />

BOOKS<br />

ch a n g e s: a n o V e l o F t h e<br />

dr e s d e n Fi l e s b y Jim bu t c h e r<br />

Reviewed by Michael Thompson<br />

Harry Dresden, Chicago’s only professional<br />

wizard, has to make some<br />

hard choices and fight some seriously<br />

powerful foes this time around in<br />

the 12th book of the Dresden Files.<br />

In “Changes” Jim Butcher continues<br />

his long running urban fantasy<br />

series with a very hardboiled detective<br />

feel; an extremely thrilling<br />

novel that shakes up the series to<br />

allow for new growth and developments<br />

for future books.<br />

Over the series Harry Dresden and<br />

friends have had to battle black magicians,<br />

werewolves, vampires, fairies,<br />

and all manners of supernatural<br />

creatures, demons, and devils. The<br />

last few novels have been focused<br />

on the war with the vampires of the<br />

Red Court, and this novel will resolve<br />

this conflict, one way or another.<br />

“I answered the phone, and Susan<br />

Rodriguez said. ‘They’ve taken our<br />

daughter.’ I sat there for a long five<br />

count, swallowed and said, ‘Um.<br />

What?’” The story starts off with a<br />

phone call from Harry’s long separated<br />

love of his life Susan Rodriguez,<br />

who leaves him in the 3rd<br />

book after being turned into a half<br />

vampire, informing him that the<br />

evil Red Court vampires have kidnapped<br />

their daughter, that Harry<br />

never knew about. Susan had kept<br />

her a secret to try and protect her<br />

from all the supernatural violence<br />

that Dresden seems to attract.<br />

Suddenly the war with the vampires<br />

has become very personal for Harry<br />

Dresden. They took his daughter<br />

and plan to use her as blood sacrifice<br />

to perform some monstrous<br />

black magic curse. He cannot allow<br />

this to happen no matter the cost to<br />

himself or the White Council and<br />

the rest of humanity. “Changes”<br />

is an excellent title for this book<br />

as there are so many life altering<br />

changes happening to Dresden; becoming<br />

a father has truly devastated<br />

his status quo. The Red King, progenitor<br />

of the vampires, is a being<br />

of godly powers and strengths far<br />

beyond Dresden’s abilities. Harry<br />

must find away to gather the power<br />

and strength necessary to save<br />

his daughter. The decisions Harry<br />

makes in this book will have lasting<br />

consequences through the rest of<br />

the series. Many friends and allies<br />

will be tested and strained to breaking<br />

on his personal crusade to save<br />

his daughter.<br />

If you enjoyed this book or want to<br />

start from the beginning of Harry’s<br />

adventures, you can begin with<br />

Storm Front.<br />

Jim Butcher also writes a more<br />

traditional fantasy series, he likes<br />

to call swords and horses fantasy,<br />

you can check out the Codex Alera,<br />

starting with Furies of Calderon.<br />

Another urban fantasy, that has<br />

strong female leads and explores a<br />

more romantic angle to the genre<br />

are Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita<br />

Blake: Vampire Hunter and Merry<br />

Gentry series.<br />

Also, Kim Harrison’s Rachel Morgan<br />

series and Mike Resnick’s Fables<br />

of Tonight series would make<br />

excellent reads.<br />

For more reviews please sign up for<br />

Sacramento Public Library’s free<br />

“Book Bulletin” to have reviews<br />

e-mailed to your home. Visit our<br />

website http://www.saclibrary.org<br />

and click on “Book Bulletin.”<br />

Rio Linda High School<br />

Class of 1965<br />

45th Reunion<br />

to be held on Saturday,<br />

September 18, 2010<br />

at Club Pheasant in<br />

West Sacramento<br />

Please contact: Joe or Frances Del Rio<br />

(916) 725-3325<br />

E-mail: onephatgranny@comcast.net<br />

or<br />

Mary Leibham Zatkovich<br />

(916) 683-3057.<br />

E-mail: ibmuggs@frontiernet.net<br />

The Rio Linda Library<br />

Welcomes You<br />

The Friends Of The Rio Linda/Elverta Library<br />

For info about programs at the library please visit:<br />

http://www.myspace.com/riolindalibrary<br />

For info about The Friends of the Library please visit:<br />

http://groups.myspace.com/FriendsoftheRioLindaLibrary<br />


Tu e s d ay - 1:00 to 8:00pm<br />

We d n e s d ay & Th u r s d ay - 11:00a m to 6:00pm<br />

Fr i d ay & saT u r d ay - 1:00pm to 5:00pm<br />

Community Candidate Forum<br />

The Sacramento League of Women Voters and Sacramento Metropolitan<br />

Cable Television Commission are co-sponsoring a “Local Election<br />

Forum” on Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 1, 2010, at the County Board of Supervisors<br />

Chambers, 700 H Street, Room 1450, Sacramento.<br />

Schedule for Saturday, <strong>May</strong> 1st is:<br />

9:00am District 1 - Board of Supervisors<br />

9:45am District 2 - Board of Supervisors<br />

10:30am District 5 - Board of Supervisors<br />

11:15am County District Attorney<br />

Noon County Sheriff<br />

1:00pm District 1 - Sac. City Council<br />

1:45pm District 3 - Sac. City Council<br />

2:45pm District 5 - Sac. City Council<br />

4:00pm District 7 - Sac. City Council<br />

5:00pm Propositions 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17<br />

The public and media are invited to attend. A playback schedule is advertised<br />

on Metro Cable 14’s bulletin board daily from 6:00am to 8:00 am.<br />

"de m o c r a c y d e p e n d s o n a n e d u c aT e d, i n F o r m e d p u b l i c "<br />


Elkhorn Farmers’ Market opened its second season on April 3rd. We want<br />

to welcome back all our loyal customers and vendors. We’d also like<br />

to throw out a huge welcome to our new vendors and all community<br />

members who are coming by for the first time. We want to thank all the<br />

well wishers that have encouraged us in our endeavor to bring fresh fruits<br />

and vegetables to the <strong>North</strong> Highlands and surrounding communities.<br />

Elkhorn Farmers’ Market will be back at the Watt Towne Center at the NE<br />

corner of Watt Avenue and Elkhorn Boulevard on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to<br />

12 p.m. from April 3rd through September 30th. We’ll be bringing back<br />

all the fresh fruits, vegetables and flowers you found here last year and<br />

we’ll be adding plants and more varieties of fresh produce. In addition,<br />

we will be featuring a craft event on the second Saturday of each month.<br />

If you would like to be a vendor for the certified farmers market<br />

or have quality crafts you’d like to offer on second Saturdays<br />

either call us at 916 599-7985 or download a vendor application<br />

and market rules at www.elkhornfarmersmarket.com.<br />

Remember to bring your family and friends to Elkhorn Farmers Market for<br />

fresh produce, plants, flowers and friendly conversation every Saturday<br />

morning.<br />



Please visit our web site www.NC<strong>News</strong>328.com for the current and all the back issues of NC<strong>News</strong>.<br />

PAPA’S<br />


420 Elkhorn Blvd. Rio Linda<br />

KEY SHOP<br />



641 M Street, Rio Linda<br />


332-9299 N. Highlands<br />

CUT IT UP<br />


635 M Street, Rio Linda<br />

Archway Market<br />

Archway Check Cashing<br />

416 M Street, Rio Linda<br />

Elverta Feed Pet<br />

& Tack, Inc.<br />

7831 Rio Linda Blvd. Elverta<br />

Rio Food & Liquor<br />

Corner of RL Blvd. & Elkhorn<br />

Elverta<br />

Market & Deli<br />

7835 Rio Linda Blvd. Elverta<br />

Rio Linda Library<br />

902 Oak Lane, Rio Linda<br />

Rio Linda<br />

Liquor<br />

428 “M” Street, Rio Linda<br />

Lew’s Club<br />

6734 Rio Linda Blvd. Rio Linda<br />

Vanessa’s Place<br />

Hair Salon<br />

641 M Street, Rio Linda<br />

Oak Tree Diner<br />

950 Oak Lane, Rio Linda<br />

Pleasant Grove Cafe<br />

Corner of Pleasant Grove Rd. & Howsley<br />

Rd., Pleasant Grove<br />

BG’s Family<br />

Restaurant<br />

6730 Rio Linda Blvd. Rio Linda<br />

Riego Market & Deli<br />

Corner of Pleasant Grove Rd. & Baseline<br />

Water rite Products<br />

Pl u m b i n g & irrigation suPPlies<br />

4807 Rio Linda Blvd. 916-925-3629<br />

Stop & Shop<br />

6007 Dry Creek Rd. Rio Linda<br />

River Valley Feed<br />

& Pet Supply<br />

6549 16th Street Rio Linda<br />

Food Source<br />

430 Elkhorn Blvd. Rio Linda<br />

The Pink Door<br />

Mary’s Hair Salon<br />

1020 Q St. Rio Linda<br />

Elkhorn<br />

Bait & Tackle<br />

6745 20th St. Rio Linda<br />

Vic Auto<br />

Paint & Supply<br />

7145 Watt Ave. Unit B <strong>North</strong> Highlands<br />

Phone: 916-339-9190<br />

Vic Cell: 916-600-6665<br />

www.vicautopaint.com<br />

7 Eleven<br />

Food Store<br />

Corner of Rio Linda & Elkhorn Blvd.,<br />

Rio Linda<br />

Saveway<br />

970 Oak Lane, Rio Linda<br />

Mama's Creamery<br />

924 Oak Lane, Rio Linda<br />

ACE<br />

5<br />

Rio Linda Hardware<br />

&Building Supply<br />

6748 Front St. Rio Linda<br />

Rio Java<br />

440 Elkhorn Blvd. #1 Rio Linda<br />

s u p p ly<br />

h a r d wa r e<br />

7115 Watt Ave. <strong>North</strong> Highlands<br />

Total Image Salon, Spa<br />

& Boutique<br />

7145 Watt Ave. <strong>North</strong> Highlands<br />

Jimmy’s Donuts<br />

748 M Street, Rio Linda 798-4748<br />

Amy’s Cafe<br />

750 M Street, Rio Linda 992-0378<br />

Tummy’s Sub Shop<br />

741 M St. Rio Linda 991-5507<br />

Goodwill<br />

Industries<br />

8031 Watt Ave. Elverta<br />

Elverta Crossing Shopping Center<br />

_ Support the Businesses that Support the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Country</strong> <strong>News</strong> _<br />

___ Pick up your <strong>North</strong> <strong>Country</strong> <strong>News</strong> at any of these businesses _ _ _

6<br />

Gibson Ranch will<br />

open on Fridays<br />

By Charlea Moore<br />

The Rio Linda Elverta Recreation and Park District<br />

has reached an agreement with the County<br />

to open Gibson Ranch to the public on Fridays<br />

from April 23 through June 25, <strong>2010.</strong><br />

The Sacramento County budget cuts hit County<br />

Regional Parks especially hard during fiscal<br />

2009-<strong>2010.</strong> There is another round of cuts coming<br />

and the current County budget deficit is $166<br />

Million dollars for fiscal 2010-2011.<br />

During the last round of cuts and for many years<br />

prior to this, the Board of Supervisors has constantly<br />

reduced both staff and budget for Regional<br />

Parks. Now there is literally nothing left to<br />

cut and the very survival of Regional Parks is in<br />

question.<br />

Without staffing or money, County Regional<br />

Parks has been forced to close Gibson Ranch<br />

during the weekdays and only open on Saturdays<br />

and Sundays. With the help of Rio Linda Elverta<br />

Recreation and Park District, Gibson Ranch will<br />

now open for an additional day on Fridays.<br />

You can volunteer to help keep Gibson Ranch<br />

open by calling Shannon Brown at 875-1255 or<br />

the Rio Linda Park District at 991-5929.<br />

Other ways to help is to lobby the supervisors for<br />

minimum funding to maintain current assets and<br />

allow Regional Parks to reorganize as a special<br />

district.<br />

Special Districts (such as the Rio Linda Elverta<br />

Park District) are funded by a percentage of the<br />

property tax revenues and not from the County<br />

General Fund. If Regional Parks were to reorganize<br />

as a special district they would no longer<br />

have to fight for increasingly smaller and smaller<br />

slices of the County General Fund pie.<br />

Also, special districts have their own locally<br />

elected boards that are responsible directly to the<br />

voters. There would not be any increase in your<br />

property taxes as a result of reorganization.<br />

you can reach Roger Dickinson at 874-5485 or<br />

email him at: dickinsonr@saccounty.net<br />

HUMOR<br />

An avid duck hunter was in the<br />

market for a new bird dog. His<br />

search ended when he found a dog<br />

that could actually walk on water<br />

to retrieve a duck.<br />

Shocked by his find, he was sure<br />

none of his friends would ever<br />

believe him. He decided to try to<br />

break the news to a friend of his, a<br />

pessimist by nature. He invited him to hunt with<br />

him and his new dog.<br />

As they waited by the shore, a flock of ducks<br />

flew by. They fired and a duck fell. The dog<br />

responded and jumped into the water. However,<br />

he did not sink, but instead walked across the<br />

water to retrieve the bird, never getting more<br />

than his paws wet.<br />

The friend saw everything but did not say a<br />

single word.<br />

On the drive home the hunter asked his friend,<br />

“Did you notice anything unusual about my new<br />

dog?” “I sure did,” responded his friend. “He<br />

can’t swim.”<br />


Thomas a’Kempis was born Thomas Hemerken in Kempen, a town not far from Cologne. He is best<br />

know for the devotional “The Imitation of Christ,” which has contributed to the spiritual growth of<br />

Christians since it was written in the 1400’s.<br />

I want to editorialize on four paragraphs from his devotional thought, “Love Jesus Above All<br />

Things.”<br />

“Blessed is he who understands what it is to love Jesus, and to despise himself for Jesus’ sake. Jesus<br />

will be loved above all things. The love of created things is deceitful and inconstant; the love of<br />

Jesus is faithful and persevering. He who cleaves to a creature shall fall with that which is subject<br />

to fall; he who embraces Jesus shall be made strong forever.”<br />

Jesus summarized the greatest of all commandments by saying, “You shall love the LORD, your<br />

GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.<br />

This is the first commandment.” (Mark 12:30).<br />

Thomas a’Kempis continues, “Love Him, and keep Him for your friend, who, when all go away, will<br />

not forsake you, nor suffer you to perish in the end. Keep close to Jesus both in life and in death, and<br />

commit yourself to His faithfulness, who, when all fail, can alone help you.”<br />

The third paragraph reads, “Your Beloved is of that nature that He will admit no rival, but will have<br />

your heart alone, and sit on His throne as King!”<br />

I believe that Jesus will be Lord of all, or not be Lord at all. It is really our decision to allow Him<br />

access and ownership of all that we are: Heart, soul, mind and strength! For that is the whole of our<br />

being. Another writer penned, “If you give Satan half a heart, he will take all of it, but if you offer<br />

Jesus half a heart, He will have none of it.”<br />

Finally, Thomas wrote: “If you seek in all things Jesus, you shall surely find Him.” The prophet<br />

Isaiah gives this admonition: “Seek ye the Lord while He may be found and call upon Him while<br />

He is near” (Isaiah 56:5).<br />

My word to you today is “To love Jesus Above All Things!”<br />

Tommy R. Carpenter<br />

Arkansas Assemblies of God<br />

Secretary/Treasurer<br />

A Beautiful Flower<br />

I saw a beautiful flower today<br />

and immediately thought of you.<br />

I remembered a much simpler time<br />

and the grace of God<br />

bestowed on you.<br />

Think about the things in life<br />

that you have suffered<br />

and remember if you will<br />

all that God has<br />

brought you through.<br />

Remember how his loving hand<br />

picked you up<br />

when you were down.<br />

Remember the beauty<br />

you have seen<br />

And how his love abounds.<br />

Don’t forget the suffering<br />

you went through,<br />

remember that he suffered too.<br />

He gave his life especially for you.<br />

Christine Hardcastle<br />

I would like to take this time to invite<br />

you to come worship with us at<br />

736 O st. Rio Linda Ca.<br />

Sunday Morning 10:00 Am<br />

Sunday Night 6:00 Pm<br />

Wednesday night Prayer. 6:00<br />

District Mission Director<br />

(501) 455-5444 office<br />

(501) 607-2927 cell<br />

Classifieds<br />

WANTED: Sub-Contract Ad sales persons. Work the<br />

hours you want to work. Salary is commission only.<br />

Contact Vivien at 916-991-5056 and leave a message.<br />

Fax 916-991-9536 with your information or email:<br />

NC<strong>News</strong>328@aol.com.<br />


care of your loved ones. Over eleven years experience.<br />

Elena Lup Administrator. Lic. #347003280<br />

(916) 992-8920 Email: inechc@yahoo.com<br />

JEFF’S ELECTRIC: All types of electrical - Repaired,<br />

Replaced or Installed. Free estimates.<br />

Lic.# 705009 Call: Jeff (916) 834-1270<br />


MENT Elverta - Rio Linda - <strong>North</strong> Area<br />

Free Estimate. Call Roy (916) 991-4705


CalVaRy<br />

lutheRan ChuRCh<br />

5 th & L Streets, Rio Linda<br />

(916) 991-2135 Pastor: Todd Eckblad<br />

Sunday Adult Ed: 9:00 am<br />

Sunday Worship: 10:30 am<br />

Child Care Provided during Worship<br />

with Bible Stories and Crafts<br />

Teens Meet 2 nd & 4 th Monday’s<br />

4:30 pm – 6:00 pm<br />

Free Community Meals: Last Saturday<br />

Each Month: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm<br />

All Are Welcome!<br />

Elverta<br />

United Methodist Church<br />

“Open Hearts, Open Minds,<br />

Open Doors”<br />

916-991-1451<br />

7861 Elmont Avenue • Elverta<br />

Worship Service 9:00am.<br />

Pastor Judy Robbins<br />

New Life Center<br />

2037 Elkhorn Boulevard • Rio Linda<br />

Ph. 916-991-3001<br />

Sunday School 9:45am.<br />

Sunday Service l0:45am.<br />

Sunday Evening 6:00pm<br />

Wednesday 7:00pm.<br />

Pastor James A. Duncan<br />

The Church<br />

Home of<br />

Old Time Religion<br />

6550 Dry Creek Road • Rio Linda<br />

Ph. 916-991-6766<br />

Bob Royer, Pastor<br />

Sunday School 10:00am<br />

Sunday Evangelistic 6:00pm.<br />

Wed. Bible Study 7:30pm.<br />

Fri.. youth Service 7:30pm<br />



18th St. & Elkhorn Blvd.. • Rio Linda<br />

Phone 991-9774 Pastor Lyle Monday<br />

su n d ay wo r s h i p<br />

Morning 10:00 a.m.<br />

Evening 6:00 p.m.<br />

Children’s Classes 10 a.m.<br />


Sunday of each week 6:00pm.<br />

Tuesday of each week 7:00pm<br />

Wednesday of each week 7:30pm.<br />

Friday of each week 7:00pm.<br />

Calvary Lutheran Church<br />

Parish Hall<br />

5th & L Street • Rio Linda.<br />

916-992-1409<br />

or Call 24/7 hotline AA 454-1100<br />




3rd Wednesday of each month<br />

6:30pm Community Center<br />

810 Oak Lane • Rio Linda<br />

991-5929<br />



1st Wednesday of each month.<br />

Please call for location and time<br />

Sac. Co. Parks - Liz Bellas<br />

916-875-5925<br />


2nd Monday each month<br />

7:00 - 8:00 p.m.<br />

Depot • 6730 Front St.<br />

Rio Linda<br />

Rivers of Living Water Church<br />

“The Little Santa Ana Avenue Church”<br />

Pastor Dave Chapman<br />

1350 Santa Ana Ave. Sacramento, CA. 95838<br />

(916) 922-0763<br />

Sunday Morning: 11:00am<br />

Sunday Evening: 6:00pm<br />

Wednesday Evening 7:00pm<br />



4840 Marysville Blvd.. • Rio Linda<br />


Liberty Ministries extends an<br />

Invitation to come and join us<br />

for Celebration Worship each<br />

Sunday 9am or 11am<br />

Call for info on Child Care, Pre-School,<br />

youth Extreme & Food Closet. 922-6442<br />



6420 Rio Linda Blvd. • Rio Linda<br />

Corner of Elkhorn & Rio Linda Blvd.<br />

Pastor Steve Gleghorn<br />

Sunday School 9:30am<br />

Morning Worship 11:00am<br />

Evening Worship 6:00pm<br />

Wed. Prayer Service & youth 7:00pm<br />

trinity apostolic<br />

Faith Church<br />

7842 Elmont Avenue<br />

Elverta, CA 95626<br />

991-7895<br />

Pastor Steve Mixer<br />

Sunday School 9:30 am<br />

Worship Service 11:00 am<br />

Evening Evangelistic Service 6:00 p.m.<br />

Wednesday Bible Study: 7:30 p.m.<br />

RIO LINDA Seventh Day<br />

Adventist Church<br />

7535 - 10th St. & U • Rio Linda<br />

991-4091<br />

9:15am Saturday<br />

Sabbath School for Adults & Children<br />

11:00am Worship Service<br />

6:30pm Wednesday • Prayer Meeting<br />

6:30pm Friday • Vespers<br />



1st & 3rd Tuesday each month<br />

916-566-1786<br />

5107 Dudley Blvd. Building 250<br />

Bay “B”<br />

McClellan • McClellan Park<br />

www.twinriversusd.org<br />




1st Wednesday - Quarterly<br />

6:30-8:00 p.m.<br />

Next meeting June 2 nd<br />

902 Oak Lane (inside the library)<br />

Phone: 566-2138<br />


CHURCH (SBC)<br />

112 West Delano Street • Elverta<br />

Pastors Ted Hooker & Randall Gillespie<br />

Church Ph:. 991-5545<br />

Sunday<br />

Adult Bible Study: 9:45am<br />

Teen Bible Study: 9:30am<br />

Worship with Band : 11:00am<br />

KidSpace Children’s Service: 11:00am<br />

Gospel Service:6:00pm<br />

Wed.: Worship & Bible Study 7:00pm<br />

Friday: TeenLIVE! youth 7:00pm<br />

LifePointe<br />

Church of the Nazarene<br />

A Place of New Beginnings<br />

Corner Q St. & Rio Linda Blvd. R. L.<br />

Phone 991-4624<br />

Pastor Dennis Druckhammer<br />

Sunday School 9:15am<br />

Worship 10:30am & 6:00pm<br />

Wed. Family Night 7:00pm<br />

Rio Linda Community<br />

United Methodist Church<br />

6th & M Streets • Rio Linda<br />

991-1638<br />

Pastor Judy Robbins<br />

Sunday School 9:30am<br />

Worship Service 11:00am<br />

Rio Linda<br />

Pentecostal Church of God<br />

“Home of Christian Family Worship”<br />

736 “O” Street • Rio Linda<br />

(916) 606-6928<br />

Pastor Rick Willock<br />

• Sunday Services•<br />

10am -Christian Education<br />

11:00am - Morning Worship<br />

6:00pm - Evening Worship<br />

FAMILY<br />


Rio Linda Four Square Church<br />

1281 Q Street • Rio Linda • 348-3637<br />

Pastor John Frank<br />

Church and Sunday School 10:00am<br />

Wed. Bible Study 7:00pm<br />



4191 Norwood Ave. Sac. 95838<br />

Phone (916) 923-1147<br />

Jason Darden, Minister<br />

7<br />

su n d ay<br />

Bible Classes 10:00am<br />

Worship 11:00am<br />

Worship 6:00pm<br />

Wednesday • Bible Classes • 7:00pm<br />


3644 Bolivar Ave.<br />

<strong>North</strong> Highlands, CA.<br />

(LCMS) Tel:332-4001<br />

http://www.ZionLutheranNH.org<br />

su n d ay sc h e d u l e<br />

8:00 AM Traditional Worship<br />

9:30 AM Kingdom Quest for kids<br />

9:30 AM Adult & Teen Bible Study<br />

10:45 AM Praise Service with Band<br />

Kid’s Church (during 10:45 service)<br />



6608 16th St. • Rio Linda<br />

Ph. 991-5870<br />

Pastor William Hilton<br />

Sunday School 10:00am<br />

Morning worship 11:00am<br />

Evening Worship 6:00pm<br />

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00pm<br />



(American Baptist)<br />

10th & O Streets • Rio Linda<br />

Pastor Tom Daniels 991-2918<br />

Sunday School 9:45am<br />

Sunday Worship 11:00am<br />

Wednesday Bible Study 5:30pm<br />

St. Clare<br />

Catholic Church<br />

1950 Junction Blvd. • Roseville, CA<br />

Rev. Liam MacCarthy, Pastor<br />

Rev. Paul Ricks, Parochial Vicar<br />

(916) 772-4717<br />

Saturday 5:00 p.m.<br />

Sunday 9 a.m. • 11 a.m. • 5 p.m.<br />

Community Meeting Notices<br />


LuNCH BuNCH<br />

1st Thursday each month<br />

11:30am<br />

Pancake Palace Watt Ave.<br />

<strong>North</strong> Highlands<br />

Please call 916-991-5056 to list meetings<br />




2nd Monday of each month<br />

7pm Depot/Visitors Center<br />

6730 Front Street • Rio Linda<br />

991-1000<br />


3rd Thursday of each month.<br />

5:30pm to 6:30pm<br />

Community Center<br />

810 Oak Lane • Rio Linda.<br />




4th Wednesday of each month<br />

7:00 p.m. Depot/Visitors Center<br />

6730 Front Street • Rio Linda<br />

RIO LINDA GRANGE # 403<br />

1315 G Street Rio Linda<br />

1st Wed. each month<br />

Mary Anne 991-3933<br />



1st Tuesday of each month.<br />

5:30pm. Depot/Visitors Center<br />

6730 Front Street • Rio Linda<br />

916-991-9344<br />




1st & 3rd. Wed. of each month.<br />

6:00pm. - 916-566-4000<br />

2101 Hurley Way • Sacramento<br />



02nd Monday of each month.<br />

6:00pm • 916-991-2244<br />

7900 Eloise Ave. • Elverta

8<br />

Saturday<br />

<strong>May</strong> 8, 2010<br />

Foothill<br />

Community<br />

Classic Car<br />

Show<br />

&<br />

Carnival<br />

10am-3pm<br />

Foothill High School<br />

5000 McCloud Drive, Sac.<br />

PRIzES<br />

CRAFTS<br />

FOOD<br />

MuSIC<br />

Fr e e<br />

Fa m i ly<br />

Fu n<br />

Three ways to participate:<br />

Show a classic car (Registration Form http://fhspress.<br />

com/2010/04/100406_car_show/application_car_show.pdf )<br />

Host a craft, carnival or vendor booth (Registration Form<br />

http://fhspress.com/2010/04/100406_car_show/application_<br />

vendor_booth.pdf )<br />

Attend the event on <strong>May</strong> 8 (10am-3pm)<br />

Proceeds will benefit Foothill High School athletic programs<br />

and fund college campus visits<br />

Sponsored by Performance Chevrolet!<br />

Next Regular<br />

RLECWD<br />


<strong>May</strong> 17 TH<br />

7:00p.m.<br />

BOOKS<br />

Mother Becky is reading<br />

a three book series about<br />

our 16th President Abraham<br />

Lincoln, written by<br />

Carl Sandburg.<br />

Depot Visitors Center<br />

6730 Front Street<br />

916-991-1000<br />

President Lincoln was<br />

born February 12, 1809<br />

and died April 15, 1865, just over 145 years<br />

ago.<br />

The first book in the series “The Prairie Years”<br />

deals with Lincoln’s beginnings and ends with<br />

his move from Springfield in 1861 to the Whitehouse<br />

as President.<br />

The second book “The War Years” from 1861<br />

thru 1864. They were terrible years for our<br />

country and the people of those times.<br />

The third book, 1864-1865 is also titled “The<br />

War Years.” It is his second term and covers the<br />

assassination. Seems Lincoln had a premonition<br />

just as he was moving to Washington for the beginning<br />

of his first term that he would not live out<br />

his second term in<br />

office.<br />

Mother’s comments<br />

were that<br />

reading history is<br />

always interesting<br />

and that times<br />

have not changed<br />

that much. There<br />

was plenty of<br />

corruption and<br />

economic troubles during those years. About the<br />

only thing different is the politicians seem to get<br />

shot more back then!

SANDY’S<br />


Coloring - Perms - Waxing - Highlights - Shampoo Set<br />

Men’s & Women’s Hair Cuts<br />

Licensed Barber on Site<br />

Walk-Ins Welcome - Open Mon.-Sat.<br />

6806 Front Street - Rio Linda<br />

(Next to Nuway Market)<br />

Sandy 992-8516 or 212-6635<br />

Senior Discount<br />

Hair Cuts $9-$10 Mon.-Sat.<br />

10% off for Perms<br />

Conservative Republican, Capable, Independent<br />

As your Representative I will fight to:<br />

• Fix the Economy<br />

• Balance the Budget<br />

• Make CA Business Friendly again<br />

• Stop Government Expansion<br />

• Return Quality to Education<br />

With your Help, We can Reclaim Our Golden State<br />

To See How you can Help, Visit our Website at:<br />

www.suzannejonesforassembly<strong>2010.</strong>com<br />

Email us at: suzanne@suzannjonesforassembly<strong>2010.</strong>com<br />

Paid for by Suzanne Jones for Assembly 2010 FPPC # 1322503<br />

Watson Storage<br />

(916-992-6022)<br />

Storage Units, Rv’s & Boats<br />

8628 Pleasant Grove Rd.<br />

Open 8:30 am - 5:00 p.m.<br />

Closed Sundays & Mondays<br />

5 X 10 - $45.00<br />

5 X 14 - $55.00 - 1 Room<br />

10 X 10 - $65.00 - 2 Rooms<br />

10 X 12 - $75.00 - 3 Rooms<br />

10 X 14 - $85.00 - 4 Rooms<br />

12 X 14 - $95.00 - 5 Rooms<br />

9<br />

14 X 24 - $140.00 - 6 Rooms+

10 Congratulations Rio Linda High School Class of 2010<br />

Victor Aguilar Valeria Aguirre Steven Almanza Lorena Ambriz Danielle Anderson Mariah Anderson Shaquisha Anderson<br />

Victor Andreo Robert Arias Aqueelah Armstead Annique Barber Phillip Barker Ericka Barrios Dewayne Barron<br />

Cassandra Bassett Inna Batishcheva Karina Batiz Katelyn Bell Ricardo Beltram Ken Benavente Jr Cameron Bennett<br />

Kaysamuel Blanks Timothy Blocker Trevor Bloom Mary Bondar Kevin Borihane Joshua Brainard Derek Bruening<br />

Smith<br />

Coleman Burns Scott Cabrera Chad Call Adrian Camarena Destinee Campbell Jake Campbell Nina Cha<br />

Krish Chand Vue Chang Jose Chavez Shea Childers Ian Clariza Joel Claudio Lupita Claudio<br />

Marco Cobian Michael Compton II Ariel Cook Elsy Guadalupe Breeona Cox Richard Crespo Max Crisp<br />

La Plai Crump Brenda Cruz Rosa Cruz Sharoon Cruz Castellano Brianna Daniel Javonna Davis Johnathan Davis

Congratulations Rio Linda High School Class of 2010<br />

Richard Davis Lissbeth Delgado Macie Deniz Marilyn Deniz Tanya Derock Kaitlyn Diaz Thomas Dickinson<br />

Nikki Dixon Villalobo Michael Dolan Robert Dolan Brisma Dominguez Travis Donnelly Jasper Dorais Elvera Dovganyuk<br />

Brandi Edd Bilguun Erdenebaatar Rachel Erickson Jesus Espinoza Paula Espinoza Gavin Evans Daniel Farias<br />

Daniel Fernandez Jennifer Fernandez Richard Fernandez Anthony Folsom Cynthia Fong Thean Fowler Tia Franco<br />

Nicholas Furman Katherine Fusaro Hannah Gaidos Bianca Garcia Lisa Garrett Justin Garvin Nathanael Gibson<br />

Amanda Gifford Tyler Golden Devon Golez Alejandra Gonzalez Diane Gonzalez Luis Gonzalez Natalie Gonzalez<br />

Cherie Gordon Rene Grajeda Brandy Gray Ashley Gregory Manuel Guerrero Danielle Gutierrez James Gwin<br />

Kimberly Hall Mathew Harreld Tyler Harris A Marcan Harting Kassandra Harvey Reed Hastings Ceara Hays<br />


12<br />

Congratulations Rio Linda High School Class of 2010<br />

Stephanie Heinen Cyle Hellwig Ryan Henderson Lloyd Hendricks Jeamee Her Katie Her Thia Her<br />

Erica Hernandez Jordan Hester Clayton Hetherington Pedro Hilario Jacob Hyer Gerald Jackson Zedrick James<br />

Joshua Johnson Michelle Johnson Timothy Johnson Amanda Jones Lata Kafu Helen Kearns Nina Ketcherside<br />

Alexander Khan Watson Michael Kinney Shelbie Kral Clyde Krantz Kalie Krantz James Brian Lacuesta Chelsea Ladd<br />

Caitlyn Lake Manuel Landeros Luis Lara Fabian Lariz Joshua Ledbetter Dillon Lee Kabao Lee<br />

Kao Na Lee Kou Cee Lee <strong>May</strong> Ong Lee Megan Lee Padee Lee Sabrina Lee Kevin Levine<br />

Kyler Levine De Anna Liggins Nephi Lo Pa Hnu Lo Peter Lo Viktoriya Lobkova Alex Loera<br />

Jeannethe Lopez Yesenia Lopez Quiroz Wendy Lor Samantha Losano Steffan Loudon Corbin Lucas Benjamin Ly<br />


Congratulations Rio Linda High School Class of 2010<br />

Coy Lyles Tyrone Lymos Briana Lynch Paja Lynhiavue Kenneth Lyons Xavier Macinnis Mechelle Magee<br />

Neelam Maharaj Taquilla Malone Virginia Mancenido Erika Matu Dakota Mawyer Dylan Maxey Gail McCurin<br />

Christina McDaniel Shane McGuire Malika McLaughlin Nicholas McLeod Roland Melancon Daniel Mendez Florentina Mendoza<br />

Jimenez<br />

Rebecca Mendoza Kristopher Meraz Carolanne Cameron Mikell Cierra Milton Nicole Montoya Tyler Moody<br />

Jimenez Middlebrooks<br />

Jacob Morrison Patty Mott Ani Movsisyan Namuun Munkhuu Janette Munoz Fatima Murguia Adrian Naidu<br />

Robert Nelson Henry Ng Brandon Niblett Ryan Nonu Amanda Ochoa Armando Orozco Angelina Ortega<br />

Cheyenne Osborne Ashley Osier John Paige Christina Parra Spencer Parsley Christopher Parsons Casey Peabbles<br />

Pleshe<br />

Priscilla Perez Blaise Perock Brittany Phanvilay Jay Phenephom Kristine Marie Piamonte Brianda Plasencia Cheyla Price<br />


14 Congratulations Rio Linda High School Class of 2010<br />

Cindy Puga Jusnideo Quintos Andrea Reed Dominique Reyes Mark Reyes Guillermina Reynoso Larissa Rivera<br />

Edgar Rodriguez German Rodriguez Ihtzy Rodriguez Margarita Rodriguez <strong>May</strong>ra Rodriguez Vanessa Rodriguez Yesenia Rodriguez<br />

Shyllo Rodrique Zachary Rogers <strong>May</strong>reli Rosas Michelle Roshdy Daniel Ross Erik Rowlett Joseph Ruiz<br />

Liliana Ruiz Armando Sabala Thailina Saetern Marriah Salamanca Nuviarely Saldana Jacob Sanchez Marina Sanchez<br />

Andrea Santiago Leslie Santos Upasna Sharan Inna Shcherbina Brett Shuman Krystal Sigler Lacy Silveria<br />

Vanessa Simpson Allen Singh Lanisa Smith Spencer Smith Emily Snow Danielle Spencer Alicia Stanley<br />

Brian Stauffer Jacob Stedman Anthony Stokes Richard Stone Holquin Elizabeth Suarez Matthew Summers Donald Swett<br />

Charlene Sykes Gabriela Tafolla Lisa Thao Mai Choua Thao Kara Thomas Jordan Thompson Derek Thomsen

Congratulations Rio Linda High School Class of 2010<br />

Willey Thor Timothy Thurman Margo Tillman Ambrosia Tisdale Ruben Torres Hannah Trammell Phillip Tran<br />

Kristyn Traynor Jonathan Tsang Jairo Valdivia Salvador Valencia James Vang Lou Vang Deanna Vargas<br />

Tomas Vasquez Victor Vasquez Jesus Villalpando Lyubov Voshev Sarah Vue Shinie Vue Lita Ward<br />

David Watson Sophia Whipple Nathaniel Whitaker Anthony White Brianna Wiffler Moriah Williams Lynea Williams Bible<br />

Amanda Wilson Amanda Wright Malokai Wright Travis Wright Jeanny Xiong Jennifer Xiong Kristie Xiong<br />

Richie Xiong Tishia Xiong Xeng Xiong Christopher Yang Gaolee Yang Jonathan Young Christopher Zaragoza<br />

Pleasant Grove Joint union School District<br />

ag r i c u lt u r a l/en V i r o n m e n ta l sc i e n c e em p h a s i s<br />

We are proud to provide a high quality education in<br />

a small school environment to students in the Pleasant<br />

Grove community and in surrounding communities.<br />

We welcome the contributions these students<br />

and their families make to Pleasant Grove School.<br />

In the spirit of continuous improvement, more great<br />

programs will be implemented for the 2010/11<br />

school year. Knowing that students learn in unique<br />

ways, we are committed to offering a variety of educational<br />

opportunities.<br />

In order to reach a variety of learners, we strive to<br />

connect our curriculum to the lives of our students.<br />

15<br />

One way to accomplish this is to return to our<br />

agricultural roots by integrating agricultural and<br />

environmental sciences throughout our program.<br />

We have teamed with the California Foundation<br />

for Agriculture in the Classroom and East Nicolaus<br />

High School to implement an integrated program<br />

throughout the grade levels. This program will<br />

prepare our students for the multiple agricultural<br />

and environmental science education and career<br />

pathways available to them.<br />

We look forward to the many educational opportunities<br />


16<br />

a library<br />

..........<br />

program at<br />

let’s have fun!<br />


LOT SALE<br />

<strong>May</strong> 15, 2010<br />

7:00am to 4:00pm<br />

Moose Lodge<br />

6003 Rio Linda Blvd.<br />

Corner of E St. &<br />

Rio Linda Blvd.<br />

(916) 929-3810<br />

It’s Like Driving Around Under an Umbrella!<br />

<strong>North</strong> Highlands<br />

Jim Simpson 332-9299<br />

Rio Linda<br />

Every Thursday<br />

11 a.m.<br />


Kids, of all ages, are welcome<br />

to hear stories, sing songs, do<br />

silly activities, and enjoy ageappropriate<br />

crafts. Bring the<br />

whole family and let them join<br />

the fun!<br />

Rio Linda Library<br />

Mar-Val Ray Plaza, 902 Oak Lane<br />

Rio Linda, CA 95673<br />

www.saclibrary.org<br />

Sacramento Public Library<br />

Drop in and visit with the<br />

Elder Craftsman any Wednesday<br />

between 10:00am & 2:00pm<br />

at the Depot in Rio Linda.<br />

991-2810<br />



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