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<strong>KURT</strong> <strong>MAHLER</strong><br />

<strong>26</strong> <strong>JULY</strong> <strong>1903</strong> — <strong>26</strong> <strong>FEBRUARY</strong> <strong>1988</strong><br />

<strong>ELECTED</strong> F.R.S. 1948<br />

By J. H. Coates F.R.S. and A. J. van der Poorten<br />

Kurt Mahler was born on <strong>26</strong> July, <strong>1903</strong> at Krefeld am Rhein in Germany; he died<br />

in his 85th year on <strong>26</strong> February, <strong>1988</strong> in Canberra, Australia. From 1933 onwards<br />

most of his life was spent outside of Germany, but his mathematical roots remained<br />

in the great school of mathematics that existed in Germany between the two world<br />

wars. Above all Mahler lived for mathematics; he took great pleasure in lecturing,<br />

researching and writing. It was no surprise that he remained active in research until<br />

the last days of his life. He was never a narrow specialist and had a remarkably<br />

broad and thorough knowledge of large parts of current and past mathematical<br />

research. At the same time he was oblivious to mathematical fashion, and very<br />

much followed his own path through the world of mathematics, uncovering new<br />

and simple ideas in many directions. In this way he made major contributions to<br />

transcendental number theory, diophantine approximation, p-adic analysis, and the<br />

geometry of numbers. Towards the end of his life, Kurt Mahler wrote a considerable<br />

amount about his own experiences; see ‘Fifty years as a mathematician’ [209],<br />

‘How I became a mathematician’ [192], ‘Warum ich eine besondere Vorliebe für die<br />

Mathematik habe’ [214], ‘Fifty years as a mathematician II’ [222]. There is also a<br />

recent excellent account of his life and work by Cassels (1991). In preparing this<br />

Memoir we have freely used these sources. We have also drawn on our knowledge of<br />

and conversations with Mahler, whom we first met when we were undergraduates<br />

in Australia in the early 1960s.<br />

Krefeld, where Mahler spent the first twenty years of his life, was a town of some<br />

100,000 inhabitants in a predominantly Catholic part of the Prussian Rhineland.<br />

His family was Jewish, and had lived in the Rhineland for several generations. His<br />

father and several of his uncles worked in the printing and bookbinding trade, beginning<br />

as apprentices and slowly saving enough money to start small firms of their<br />

own. Kurt and his twin sister Hilde (<strong>1903</strong>-1934) were the youngest of eight children<br />

born to Hermann Mahler (1858-1941) and his wife Henriette, née Stern (1860-1942).<br />

Four of the children died young. An elder sister Lydia (who died in 1984) married<br />

a printer who was also a musician, and lived in the Netherlands. An elder brother<br />

Josef, who joined and eventually took over his father’s firm, disappeared together<br />

with his wife in a concentration camp during the Second World War.<br />

Work of the second author supported in part by grants from the Australian Research Council and<br />

by aresearch agreement with Digital Equipment Corporation.<br />

Typeset by AMS-TEX

2 John Coates and Alf van der Poorten<br />

The family had no academic traditions. None of Kurt’s four grandparents went to<br />

more than elementary school (Volksschule). However, the four children acquired a<br />

love of reading from their father. At the age of 5, Kurt contracted tuberculosis,<br />

which severely affected his right knee. The knee was subsequently operated on<br />

several times, but it did not heal until he was 35 and left him with a stiff leg, which<br />

very much hindered his walking throughout his life. Because of this illness, Kurt<br />

only attended school for a total of four years up till the age of 14, but he had some<br />

private tuition at home for two additional years. At Easter 1917, shortly before he<br />

turned 14, he left elementary school, and attended technical schools for the next<br />

two years, with the intention of becoming a precision tool and instrument maker.<br />

Mahler always retained a fascination with technical drawing and calligraphy. Most<br />

important, these technical schools gave him his first training in algebra and geometry.<br />

He very quickly decided that mathematics was what he really liked doing.<br />

Already, from the summer vacation of 1917, he began teaching himself logarithms<br />

(the arithmetic properties of which turned out to be one of his abiding interests<br />

in transcendental number theory), plane and spherical trigonometry, analytic geometry<br />

and calculus. In 1918, he became an apprentice in a machine factory in<br />

Krefeld, working for one year in the drawing office and then for almost two years<br />

in the factory itself. Later, the drafting skills he acquired would be useful; see<br />

the papers of L. J. Mordell in the period 1941–45. Mahler said himself that his<br />

aim in taking the apprenticeship was that it might eventually allow him to study<br />

mathematics at a technical university (Technische Hochschule), thereby avoiding<br />

the difficult entrance examination required to enter a traditional university. He did<br />

learn a little more elementary mathematics as part of evening classes, but quickly<br />

progressed with his mathematical self-education. How successful he was as an autodidact<br />

is illustrated by the fact that he soon acquired and began reading, without<br />

any expert guidance, such sophisticated books as Bachmann’s Zahlentheorie, Landau’s<br />

Primzahlen, Knopp’s Funktionentheorie, Klein and Fricke’s Modulfunktionen<br />

and Automorphe Funktionen, and Hilbert’s Grundlagen der Geometrie.<br />

In Mahler’s own words: ‘The great day came in 1921’. He was in the habit of<br />

writing little articles about the mathematics he had read. Without his knowledge<br />

his father had sent some of Kurt’s work to the director of the local grammar school<br />

(Realschule). Dr Junker was a mathematician, having written a doctoral thesis in<br />

invariant theory under Christoffel. He was evidently impressed by the apprentice’s<br />

efforts, and sent some of Mahler’s work to Klein in Göttingen, who passed it on to his<br />

young Assistant, C. L. Siegel. Thus began a lifelong association between Siegel and<br />

Mahler: Siegel urged that Mahler should be helped to pass the university entrance<br />

examination. Mahler left the factory and spent two years at home, preparing for<br />

the entrance examination (he cites preparation for papers in German, French, and<br />

English) with the assistance of teachers at the Realschule, as well as continuing his<br />

own reading in mathematics. He passed the examination (he says ‘I just scraped<br />

through’) in the fall of 1923, amidst the political turmoil of German hyper-inflation<br />

and the occupation of the Ruhr. Mahler’s 1927 Frankfurt doctoral dissertation is<br />

dedicated to Dr Josef Junker.<br />

Siegel had moved to the University of Frankfurt am Main and, following his suggestion,<br />

Mahler went to study there in 1923, at the age of 20. Frankfurt was then

Kurt Mahler <strong>1903</strong>–<strong>1988</strong> 3<br />

avery stimulating place for study with Dehn, Hellinger, Epstein, Szass and Siegel<br />

making up the Mathematics Faculty (see Siegel’s lecture (1964) on this period at<br />

Frankfurt). Mahler was an unusual freshman. In his first semester, he speaks of<br />

attending lectures on calculus by Siegel, topology by Dehn and elliptic functions by<br />

Hellinger, a seminar on cyclotomy (in which he gave several lectures), and a seminar<br />

on the history of mathematics. Mahler was clearly greatly influenced during this<br />

period by Siegel, who was the only person whom he recognized as his teacher in<br />

mathematical research. In the summer of 1925, when Siegel left for a period of leave<br />

overseas, Mahler moved to Göttingen, where he remained until 1933. Göttingen<br />

was then still the world’s leading mathematical centre, but was going through a<br />

period of change because the great era of Hilbert and Klein was almost at an end.<br />

Landau seems to have been kind to Mahler, but took little active interest in his<br />

work. From Emmy Noether’s lectures, he learnt of p-adic numbers, whose study<br />

grew to be one of the main themes of his mathematical research. (A few years later,<br />

Mahler proudly reports lecturing on his own work on p-adic numbers at Marburg<br />

to Hensel). Perhaps most importantly, in Göttingen Mahler met a galaxy of young<br />

mathematicians from Europe and the United States, many of whom became leading<br />

figures in later years. These included Alexandroff, Hopf, Koksma, Mordell, Popken,<br />

van der Waerden, Weil and Wiener. In 1927, Mahler submitted his doctoral dissertation,<br />

on the zeroes of the incomplete gamma function, to Frankfurt (he reports<br />

that Ostrowski was not very impressed with the dissertation, and advised him ‘to<br />

do less easy mathematics’.)<br />

For most of his time at Göttingen, Mahler was wholly supported in his studies<br />

by his parents and other members of the Jewish community in Krefeld. However,<br />

shortly before he was 30, he was awarded a two-year research fellowship by the<br />

Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft, and records that he was even able<br />

to save some of the stipend. In the Göttingen years, all the main themes of his<br />

later research, with the exception of the geometry of numbers, appeared in his<br />

papers (which are the first twenty or so papers in his list of publications). Mahler<br />

invented a new transcendence method, he discovered his celebrated classification of<br />

transcendental numbers, extended the ideas of Hermite’s original work in his studies<br />

of the approximation properties of e, pioneered diophantine approximation in padic<br />

fields, and applied his results on p-adic diophantine approximation to prove his<br />

well known generalization of Siegel’s theorem on integer points on curves of genus<br />

1. Mahler undoubtedly realized that his method could be extended to curves of<br />

genus greater than 1, but it was typical of his outlook that he did not have the<br />

patience to work through his generalization of Siegel’s method. Mahler mentions<br />

that his idea of extending the Thue-Siegel theorem to p-adic algebraic numbers<br />

came to him on a small island in the North Sea during the Whitsun holidays of<br />

1930, when bad weather had forced him to stay inside!<br />

Mahler had been appointed to his first post, an assistantship in the University of<br />

Königsberg, but had not yet taken it up, when Hitler came to power in 1933. He<br />

seems to have realized immediately that he must leave Germany. In the summer<br />

of 1933, Mahler spent six weeks in Amsterdam with van der Corput and his two<br />

pupils Koksma and Popken, whom Mahler had met in Göttingen; they were to<br />

remain his lifelong friends. Mahler moved to Manchester for the academic year

4 John Coates and Alf van der Poorten<br />

1933-34, where Mordell had secured him a small research fellowship called the<br />

Bishop Harvey Goodwin Fellowship. Mahler often spoke in later years of Mordell’s<br />

kindness to him on this and many subsequent occasions, including in helping him<br />

to learn English. It seems that the first English lesson Mahler had in Manchester<br />

consisted of being put in front of a blackboard immediately on his arrival and told<br />

to give a seminar! The next two academic years were spent in Groningen in the<br />

Netherlands, supported by a stipend obtained by van der Corput from a Dutch<br />

Jewish group. Here a new theme, the geometry of numbers, began to emerge in<br />

Mahler’s work.<br />

In 1936, he was run into by a bicycle in Groningen, and this accident reactivated<br />

the tuberculosis in his right knee. He was unable to walk for some time and had to<br />

return to Krefeld, where he had several operations culminating in the removal of the<br />

kneecap. These operations together with two three-month periods in a sanatorium<br />

at Montana, Valis, Switzerland during the summers of 1937 and 1938, finally cured<br />

the tuberculosis, but he was left with a permanent limp. Mahler speaks of having<br />

to take morphine to lessen the pain after his last operation, and being relieved to<br />

find that he could still do mathematical research when he proved that the decimal<br />

expansion 0.123456789101112 ... is a transcendental number. (In later years,<br />

Mahler often stated the view that twentieth century mathematicians had greatly<br />

neglected the study of the arithmetic properties of decimal expansions.) Needless<br />

to say, there were other difficulties during these years, which Mahler rarely talked<br />

about and certainly did not record in his own written memories. In one incident<br />

(which one of us learnt of from Popken, and which Mahler subsequently confirmed<br />

in conversation), Mahler was refused entry at the Dutch border and was about to<br />

be sent back to Nazi Germany. Fortunately, Koksma had a colleague at the Free<br />

University of Amsterdam, G. H. A. Grosheide, who was related to a senior member<br />

of the Dutch government. An urgent intercession was made on Mahler’s behalf via<br />

this channel, and he was finally allowed to enter the Netherlands.<br />

In 1937, Mahler returned to Manchester. He thoroughly enjoyed the lively intellectual<br />

atmosphere in number theory that Mordell had fostered in the Department.<br />

While his own research flourished, the practical side of life could not always have<br />

been easy for him. In the period 1937–41, he had two short appointments as a<br />

temporary assistant lecturer and a little support from fellowship stipends, but for<br />

over two of these years he lived on his own savings. In 1939, he had planned to take<br />

up an appointment at the University of Szechuan in China, where his friend Chao<br />

Ko was teaching, but he was forced to abandon the idea because of the outbreak of<br />

war. However, Mahler had begun to learn Chinese and that study was to remain<br />

an important interest and hobby. In 1940, he was interned for three months as an<br />

‘enemy alien’, first in a tent city near the Welsh border and then in boarding houses<br />

on the Isle of Man. Here he lectured to the other internees on the construction of<br />

the real numbers by means of Cauchy sequences of rational numbers, as part of a<br />

university set up in the internment camp. Mahler records that he later found the<br />

same material very suitable for the beginning of first year honours courses in analysis<br />

at Manchester. While interned, he was awarded a ScD degree by the University<br />

of Manchester.<br />

In 1941, Mahler was appointed to the Assistant Lectureship at Manchester, which

Kurt Mahler <strong>1903</strong>–<strong>1988</strong> 5<br />

Davenport had vacated when he moved to take a chair at Bangor. In the next few<br />

years, Mahler developed a geometry of numbers of general sets in n-dimensional<br />

space, including his celebrated compactness theorem. His future was now assured.<br />

He was promoted to Lecturer (1944), Senior Lecturer (1947) and Reader (1949),<br />

and in 1952 the first personal chair in the history of the University was created for<br />

him. He became a British subject in 1946 and was elected a Fellow of the Royal<br />

Society in 1948. He made his first visit to the United States in 1949, spending most<br />

of the time at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. At Christmas 1949,<br />

he contracted diphtheria and had another severe bout of illness for three months,<br />

but recovered in time to spend the summer lecturing in Colorado, and taking part<br />

in the International Congress of Mathematicians at Harvard University.<br />

At Manchester, he lived from 1938 until 1958 at Donner House, a hostel where<br />

some 25-30 single staff lived in bedsitting rooms and dined communally. When the<br />

hostel was pulled down to make way for more extensive student dormitories, Mahler<br />

bought a small house in suburban Manchester, and lived there until his departure for<br />

Canberra. However, in later life he complained that he found the burden of looking<br />

after his own house rather onerous, and one senses that the fact that he could live<br />

at University House (a collegiate institution for postgraduate students and research<br />

workers in the Institute of Advanced Studies of the Australian National University)<br />

was one of the factors which made him decide to move to Canberra in 1963. Of<br />

course, there were many other reasons for this move. Most of the mathematicians<br />

he had known at Manchester had moved on to positions around the world, and he<br />

was clearly feeling a little isolated there.<br />

In the early 1960s, B. H. Neumann, a colleague of Mahler at Manchester, was<br />

invited to set up a new Department of Mathematics in the purely research side of<br />

the Australian National University, the Institute of Advanced Studies. Mahler was<br />

one of the first of many visitors whom Bernhard Neumann quickly invited. There is<br />

no doubt that Mahler immediately liked the warm and stimulating atmosphere in<br />

the new department, as well as the beautiful climate of Canberra and the delightful<br />

setting of the ANU campus on the edge of what was then a large country town.<br />

Mahler himself says he was very happy to accept the offer of a research professorship,<br />

which he took up in September 1963. The position gave him great freedom to travel<br />

and to pursue his own research, both of which he did with energy and enthusiasm.<br />

However, Mahler was also very concerned with sowing the seeds of his own mathematical<br />

knowledge in his new country. As in his own mathematical research, he<br />

instinctively felt that the best way to do this was to go back to first principles, and<br />

to begin by teaching beginners in the subject. The ANU had begun to award undergraduate<br />

degrees only a few years before Mahler arrived, and Hannah Neumann<br />

was appointed to head the new Department of Mathematics in the teaching side of<br />

the University (the School of General Studies) at about the same time that Mahler<br />

took up his chair. Between them, they arranged for Mahler to give two courses<br />

to the small number of undergraduates reading mathematics, one in 1963 on elementary<br />

number theory, and the second in 1964 on the elliptic modular function<br />

j(z). One of us had the good fortune to attend these courses. Mahler started and<br />

finished each lecture with extraordinary punctuality; in between, the audience was<br />

given a rare insight into his understanding of and enthusiasm for the material of

6 John Coates and Alf van der Poorten<br />

the lecture. As he spoke, he would produce a beautiful written exposition on the<br />

blackboard of the key points, which were neatly placed in order in his characteristic<br />

rectangular boxes. Although he seemed at first so different and forbidding, we soon<br />

discovered that he was very willing to talk about his knowledge of mathematics in<br />

general, and to lend us his own mathematical books when we could not find them in<br />

the library. Mahler gave lectures at various summer schools in Canberra and elsewhere<br />

around Australia, as well as a number of advanced courses on transcendental<br />

number theory in the Institute of Advanced Studies. In the end the fascination of<br />

what he was doing beguiled us both into research in number theory, and we made<br />

our first steps in mathematical research on problems suggested by him.<br />

In 1968, Mahler reached the statutory retiring age for professors, and was forced<br />

to retire from the ANU. He then moved to a chair at the Ohio State University<br />

in Columbus, Ohio, where the chairman was an old friend, Arnold Ross (whose<br />

summer schools for gifted high school students have attracted many young people<br />

into mathematical research in Australia, the USA and Germany). In 1972, Mahler<br />

returned to Canberra for his ‘final retirement’, living once more in University House.<br />

But his mathematical activity never abated, as is shown by the publication of<br />

some forty papers from 1972 until his death. He left the bulk of his estate to the<br />

Australian Mathematical Society, which has already used part of it to establish a<br />

lectureship in his memory.<br />

Kurt Mahler never married. Indeed, he affirms in notes left with the Royal Society<br />

that on his part that was a deliberate decision made on grounds of his poor health.<br />

In the event, he outlived his contemporaries. That was of course a source of sadness<br />

for him, but also one of wry pride.<br />

Mahler was an excellent photographer; many of his pictures adorn University House<br />

at the ANU where he lived for more than twenty years. He remained fascinated<br />

by Chinese and was exceptionally proud of having written the paper [96]. His<br />

non-mathematical reading comprised mostly science fiction and history.<br />

Mahler received many distinctions during his lifetime. He was elected a Fellow of<br />

the Australian Academy of Science in 1965 and received its Lyle Medal in 1977.<br />

The London Mathematical Society awarded him its Senior Berwick Prize in 1950,<br />

and its De Morgan medal in 1971. In November 1977, he received a diploma at<br />

aspecial ceremony in Frankfurt to mark the golden jubilee of his doctorate. Het<br />

Wiskundig Genootschap (the Dutch Mathematical Society) made him an honorary<br />

member in 1957, as did the Australian Mathematical Society in 1986.<br />

In a letter to one of us dated 24 February <strong>1988</strong> — received after hearing of his<br />

death — Kurt Mahler sets the following problem:<br />

Let f(x) be apolynomial in x with integral coefficients which is positive<br />

for positive x. Study the integers x for which the representation of f(x)<br />

to the base g ≥ 3 has only digits 0 and 1.<br />

Concerning his life’s work he also happened to write, in that letter: ‘When my old<br />

papers first appeared, they produced little interest in the mathematical world, and<br />

it was only in recent times that they have been rediscovered and found useful ... ’.<br />

That grossly underrates the impact of his work in the past, but correctly notices<br />

the richness of even his minor remarks.

Kurt Mahler <strong>1903</strong>–<strong>1988</strong> 7<br />

Mathematical Work<br />

There are a number of interlinked themes that run through Mahler’s work. The<br />

primary one, and in any case the one on which we are best able to comment and<br />

therefore will concentrate, is diophantine approximation and transcendence theory.<br />

We recall Mahler saying disappointedly that he had never proved a ‘major result’,<br />

that his main contribution had been to prove mere lemmas. In that sense his ‘near<br />

proof’ [169] of the transcendence of Euler’s constant γ must have been a major<br />

disappointment. Yet even there he proves such results as the transcendence of<br />

πY0(2)<br />

2J0(2)<br />

− γ ;<br />

γ does not separate from the Bessel functions because of a nonlinear algebraic<br />

relation relating the Bessel functions appearing in the auxiliary function featuring<br />

in the proof.<br />

The future will tell which of his papers have been the most inappropriately neglected.<br />

On a number of occasions Mahler mentioned his paper [43] (and [152]) on<br />

periodic algorithms as well warranting further study. He was disappointed by the<br />

apparent lack of response to his paper [157] on ideal bases.<br />

Mahler’s Method. Of course Mahler introduced entire new subjects. Chronologically,<br />

the first is ‘Mahler’s method’, so named by Loxton and van der Poorten (1977)<br />

which is introduced in Mahler’s papers [4,7,8] but was then long-neglected, except<br />

for Mahler’s foray into Chinese [96] and its translation [115], until revived by him<br />

in [170]. The method yields transcendence and algebraic independence results for<br />

the values at algebraic points of ‘Mahler functions’, to wit power series f satisfying<br />

functional equations with simplest example the so-called Fredholm series<br />

f(z) =<br />

∞<br />

z 2h<br />

with f(z 2 )=f(z) − z.<br />

h=0<br />

Multivariable examples include the remarkable series<br />

Fω(z1,z2) =<br />

∞<br />

<br />

h1=1 1≤h2≤h1ω<br />

which satisfy a chain of functional equations<br />

Fωk (zak<br />

1 z2,z1) =−Fωk−1 (z1,z2)+<br />

z h1<br />

1 zh2 2<br />

z ak+1<br />

1 z2<br />

(1 − z ak<br />

1 z2)(1 − z1) ;<br />

here 0

8 John Coates and Alf van der Poorten<br />

When ω is a quadratic irrational the periodicity of the continued fraction expansion<br />

allows one to compact the chain of functional equations to a single functional<br />

equation, yielding the celebrated result that<br />

∞<br />

⌊hα⌋z h<br />

h=1<br />

is transcendental for all quadratic irrational α and algebraic z satisfying 0

Kurt Mahler <strong>1903</strong>–<strong>1988</strong> 9<br />

transcendence theory, that of LeVeque, has a chapter which is essentially a translation<br />

of [11]). Mahler achieves that by returning to and generalizing the formulae<br />

that allowed Hermite to prove the transcendence of e and π and in effect gives<br />

avery explicit example applying the transcendence method developed by Siegel.<br />

The Padé approximations of [10] foreshadow present important work on effective<br />

approximation of algebraic numbers.<br />

The underlying principle [168] is the following: Let f1,...,fm be power series linearly<br />

independent over C(z). Then for every choice of ρ1,...,ρm non-negative integers<br />

with sum σ , there are (by elementary linear algebra) polynomials a1,...,am ,<br />

not all zero, of respective degrees not exceeding ρ1 −1,...,ρm−1 sothat the linear<br />

form<br />

a1(z)f1(z)+a2(z)f2(z)+···+ am(z)fm(z)<br />

has a zero of order σ − 1atz =0. Ifα1,...,αm are distinct complex numbers<br />

then<br />

a1(z)e α1z + a2(z)e α2z ···+ am(z)e αmz<br />

has a zero of order at most σ − 1atz =0.InMahler’s felicitous terminology [168]<br />

the vector e α1z ,e α2z ,... ,e αmz is a perfect system of functions. It is now a relatively<br />

easy matter to construct m linearly independent polynomial ‘approximations’ to<br />

the vector. Eventually, Shidlovskii showed — this is the essence of the celebrated<br />

Shidlovskii’s lemma — that if f1,...,fm are the solutions of a linear differential<br />

equation with rational function coefficients then there is a defect δ = δ(f), independent<br />

of the ρi ,sothat in any case the order of the zero at z =0 of the linear<br />

form does not exceed σ − 1+δ . Mahler’s paper [168], though written in Groningen<br />

in the mid-1930s, was not published until 1968. In the meantime, his handwritten<br />

manuscript had been the basis of work by Jager in Amsterdam, of the honours<br />

essay of Coates and an important part of van der Poorten’s doctoral thesis; see also<br />

Baker (1966). Other instances of exact constructions include [119] and [164].<br />

Mahler’s celebrated inequality: for integers p, q>0<br />

|π − p/q| >q −42<br />

is proved in [119]. The index 42 was subsequently decreased by various authors<br />

employing minor refinements of the method employed by Mahler. It was a real<br />

surprise when Apéry showed by an elementary method that<br />

see van der Poorten’s story (1979).<br />

|π 2 − p/q| >q −11.851... ;<br />

Geometry of numbers. The term ‘Geometry of Numbers’ was first used by Minkowski<br />

to describe arguments based on considerations of packing and covering. In simple<br />

situations this leads to striking proofs, but it required Mahler’s compactness theorem<br />

of 1946 to systematize and simplify the intuitive considerations of the subject.<br />

The theorem states that the set of lattices in n-dimensional space satisfying<br />

some clearly necessary conditions is compact with respect to a natural topology.<br />

Mahler explores the consequences of his compactness theorem in [82,83,84,87,88].

10 John Coates and Alf van der Poorten<br />

The geometry of numbers of some nonconvex bodies had already been considered<br />

by Davenport, Mordell and others but Mahler gives a systematic general theory,<br />

especially for star bodies. In particular Mahler makes a special study of the consequences<br />

of the existence of an infinite group of automorphisms of a star body. A<br />

recent important result in which Mahler’s compactness theorem plays an essential<br />

role is that of Margulis (1987).<br />

Chabauty (1950) provides a treatment of Mahler’s compactness theorem which is<br />

independent of successive minima and which generalizes to certain algebraic groups;<br />

see also Mumford (1971).<br />

In [79] Mahler proved, independently and almost simultaneously with Hlawka, a<br />

form of the Minkowski-Hlawka theorem. In [1<strong>26</strong>,127,128,129] Mahler introduces the<br />

notion of the p-th compound of a convex body. Any choice of p points from the<br />

body determines a point of the appropriate grassmannian. The p-th compound is<br />

the convex closure. At first this was considered a useless, if interesting, abstraction.<br />

It turned out to be a vital tool in the generalization by Schmidt (1970) of Roth’s<br />

theorem. The special case of polar convex bodies [57] serves for the case n =3 of<br />

Schmidt’s theorem and is applied by Davenport to his study of indefinite quadratic<br />

forms; see also Schmidt (1977).<br />

Mahler’s work [44,53,56] and particularly [57] on Khintchine’s transference theorems<br />

systematizes the observed relationships and shows their natural setting to be convex<br />

bodies, their distance functions and their duals.<br />

Minkowski developed his theory of the reduction of definite quadratic forms in the<br />

context of the geometry of numbers. It seems likely that [55] led Mahler to his work<br />

on transference theorems and also to his compactness theorem. Minkowski had<br />

shown that given a reduced quadratic form aijxixj in n variables and of determinant<br />

D there is a constant λn depending only on n such that λna11 ···ann ≤ D .<br />

Bieberbach and Schur (1928) gave the first weak estimate; it was improved by Remak<br />

(1938) in a difficult paper. In [55] Mahler gives an estimate which applies<br />

to all convex distance-functions. The best possible value of λ3 already appears in<br />

Gauss. In [70] Mahler gives an alternative derivation and in [92] he obtains the best<br />

possible λ4 . The discussion by van der Waerden (1956) shows in particular that<br />

Remak’s estimate for λn can be obtained by a modification of Mahler’s argument.<br />

For more on the matters of this section see the books by Cassels (1959), Rogers<br />

(1964) and Gruber and Lekkerkerker (1987).<br />

Polynomials. Several of Mahler’s papers (for example [143,144,148,150,153,154,156])<br />

are concerned with measures for the size of a polynomial<br />

f(x) =a0X n + ···+ an = a0(X − α1) ···(X − αn)<br />

and thence with measures for the numbers αi defined by f .Aprimary concern is<br />

the study of inequalities, important in transcendence theory, between such quanti-<br />

ties as the classical height<br />

the length of f<br />

max |aj| ,<br />

j<br />

L(f) =|a0| + ···+ |an| ,

Kurt Mahler <strong>1903</strong>–<strong>1988</strong> 11<br />

and the size (spoken of as their ‘house’ by Mahler) of its zeros<br />

α = max |αi| .<br />

i<br />

To that end Mahler introduces [143] the measure, now known as Mahler’s measure,<br />

M(f) =|a0| <br />

1<br />

max(1, |αi|) =exp log |f(e<br />

0<br />

2πit )| dt .<br />

i<br />

One has, congenially,<br />

M(fg)=M(f) M(g) .<br />

Nowadays, if f ∈ Z[X] is irreducible (and a0,...,an are relatively prime) one<br />

defines the absolute logarithmic height h(α) =log H(α) ofazero α of f by<br />

(deg f) h(α) =log M(f) = <br />

max(0, log |α|v) ,<br />

where v runs over the appropriately normalised absolute values of the number<br />

field Q(α). This definition is efficient inter alia because it provides an equitable<br />

treatment of all absolute values, quite eliminating the mystique once possessed<br />

by p-adic generalizations of classical diophantine results. It is a measure of the<br />

conservatism of transcendence theory that the absolute height is still not in universal<br />

use.<br />

Mahler’s measure probably first appears in work of Landau (1905). It is central<br />

to Lehmer’s celebrated question : Suppose f(X) ∈ Z[X]. Then, by a theorem<br />

of Kronecker, M(f) =1if and only if f is a cyclotomic polynomial. Is M(f)<br />

uniformly bounded away from 1 if f is not cyclotomic? The best result known is<br />

Dobrowolski’s inequality<br />

log M(f) ≫<br />

v<br />

log log deg f<br />

log deg f<br />

David Boyd’s work, see for example his survey (1981), is a major contribution<br />

towards this important problem.<br />

p-Adic numbers and p-adic Diophantine Approximation. The p-adic numbers had<br />

been introduced by Hensel at the beginning of the century and Hasse had made<br />

vital use of them in his study of quadratic forms in the early ’twenties. Mahler’s<br />

work helped p-adic numbers to become part of the general mathematical culture.<br />

Amongst Mahler’s lasting contributions is his characterization [139] of continuous<br />

functions f on Zp as sums<br />

<br />

<br />

x<br />

an with an → 0 .<br />

n<br />

This has become part of the general mathematical culture and plays a fundamental<br />

role in the theory of p-adic L-functions and Iwasawa theory; as an example see<br />

Iwasawa (1972).<br />

3<br />


12 John Coates and Alf van der Poorten<br />

Suppose<br />

f(X, Y )=a0X n +a1X n−1 Y +···+an−1XY n−1 +anY n = a0(X−α1Y ) ···(X−αnY )<br />

is a binary form of degree n ≥ 3 defined over Z and irreducible in Z[X, Y ]. Then<br />

the diophantine equation f(X, Y )=m, m some given integer, has only finitely<br />

many solutions (X, Y ) ∈ Z 2 . This is essentially because a solution entails that<br />

some factor X − αY is small:<br />

|X − αY |≪f |m|/Y n−1 ,<br />

and that is impossible for infinitely many Y by Thue’s theorem on the approximation<br />

of algebraic numbers by rationals.<br />

Mahler’s p-adic generalization (in fact of Siegel’s sharpening of Thue’s result) allows<br />

one to replace the given m by an integer composed from the primes of some given<br />

finite set S ; alternatively X , Y may be S -integers: they are allowed denominators<br />

whose factors come from S . This entails results on the greatest prime factor of<br />

integers represented by binary forms [17,20]; or that there are only finitely many<br />

S -integral points on a curve of genus 1 [21]. One refers to the generalized equation<br />

as the Thue-Mahler equation. Indeed, generally, the suffix ‘-Mahler’ signals the<br />

generalization of a diophantine problem to one in S -integers. In the present spirit,<br />

Mahler and Lewis [147] provide bounds for the number of solutions (X, Y ) ∈ Z2 of f(X, Y )=m as m varies in terms of the number of prime factors of m. This<br />

problem has been studied more recently by Bombieri and Schmidt (1987).<br />

In an interesting application, Mahler [135] employs a 2-adic argument to obtain a<br />

lower bound for the fractional part of (3/2) k —aresult settling the value of g(k)<br />

in Waring’s problem. However, Mahler’s solution is ineffective in k . More recent<br />

effective arguments, using p-adic versions of Baker’s inequalities, are too weak to<br />

apply to Waring’s problem.<br />

Mahler initiated the now burgeoning study of transcendence properties of p-adic<br />

analytic functions with his paper [14] on the p-adic exponential function and his<br />

proof [30] of the p-adic analogue of the Gelfond-Schneider theorem on the transcendence<br />

of αβ for algebraic α = 0, 1 and irrational algebraic β .<br />

In 1933 Skolem deduced results about the number of solutions of certain diophantine<br />

problems from a new kind of series expansion. Mahler concluded that in essence<br />

the method was p-adic and applied similar techniques to prove the beautiful result<br />

[25,31] that the zero Taylor coefficients of a rational function defined over an algebraic<br />

number field occur periodically (from some point on). Eventually Lech and<br />

independently Mahler [131,131a] generalized the result to arbitrary fields of definition<br />

of characteristic zero. Cassels (1976) gives an elegant simplified treatment. For<br />

results placing the Lech-Mahler theorem in context, see van der Poorten’s survey<br />

(1989).<br />

In [139,145] Mahler proves a criterion for a function defined on the positive integers<br />

to have an interpolation continuing it to a continuous function on the p-adic integers.<br />

This result is basic for the modern theory of p-adic L-functions. Mahler’s

Kurt Mahler <strong>1903</strong>–<strong>1988</strong> 13<br />

book (an extended second edition of [184]) studies the elementary analysis of p-adic<br />

functions defined in this way.<br />

The paper [17] includes a proof that if S0 , S1 , S2 are disjoint nonempty finite sets<br />

of rational primes then an equation<br />

z0 + z1 + z2 =0,<br />

where zi is only divisible by primes in Si , has only finitely many solutions in integers<br />

z0,z1,z2 . This is the genesis of the important and presently fashionable study<br />

of S -unit equations initiated by remarks of van der Poorten and Schlickewei, and<br />

of Evertse. Dubois and Rhin, and Schlickewei had applied p-adic generalizations of<br />

Schmidt’s subspace theorem to extend Mahler’s result to general S -unit equations<br />

z0 + z1 + ···+ zn =0,<br />

settling a conjecture of Mahler. The more recent results eliminate the requirement<br />

that the sets of primes be pairwise disjoint by asking for primitive solutions (in an<br />

appropriate sense) of the S -unit equation. There are numerous applications; see<br />

the survey of Evertse, Győry, Stewart and Tijdeman.<br />

Mahler regarded p-adic numbers as a special case of g -adic numbers defined by<br />

a pseudo-valuation [34,37,38,39]. Here g is any positive integer and, it turns out,<br />

the g -adic completion is the product of the p-adic completions over the primes p<br />

dividing g .<br />

Decimal expansions. Mahler regretted that, apart from his own work, little interest<br />

had been shown by twentieth century mathematicians in the study of arithmetic<br />

properties of decimal expansions. Reaction to his papers [191, 203, 207] is beginning<br />

to repair that neglect. It appears that Mahler was the first to conjecture that<br />

an irrational algebraic number has a normal decimal expansion. Other than for<br />

experimental support little is as yet known on this beyond the result of Loxton<br />

and van der Poorten op cit to the effect that such expansions are at any rate not<br />

generated by a finite automaton.<br />

Unexpectedly, perhaps, Mahler’s p-adic generalization of the Thue-Siegel theorem<br />

allowed him to prove the following amusing but striking result [46]: Suppose f is<br />

a non-constant polynomial taking integer values at the nonnegative integers. Then<br />

the concatenated decimal<br />

φ =0.f(1)f(2)f(3) ...<br />

is transcendental. In particular Champerknowne’s normal number<br />

0.12345678910111213 ...<br />

is transcendental. Mahler’s argument relies on the observation that one readily<br />

obtains rational approximations to φ with denominators high powers of the base<br />

10, thus composed of the primes 2 and 5 alone. Perhaps disappointingly, Roth’s<br />

definitive form of the Thue-Siegel inequalities permits a more immediate argument<br />

obviating the need for an appeal to the p-adic results.<br />

In his ‘post-retirement’ years Mahler made extensive use of his TI-calculator to<br />

study digital patterns [218,221]. His desk was covered with detailed such calculations<br />

at the time of his death.

Kurt Mahler<br />

Bibliography<br />

(1) 1927 On the translation properties of a simple class of arithmetical functions (part two<br />

of: Norbert Wiener, The spectrum of an array and its application to the study<br />

of the translation properties of a simple class of arithmetical functions). J. Math.<br />

and Physics 6, 158–163 [Reprinted in Publ. MIT Ser. II 62 No. 118 (1927)]<br />

(2) Über die Nullstellen der unvollständigen Gammafunktionen. Dissertation Frankfurt.<br />

= Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo 54 (1930), 1–41 [Note<br />

“Lebenslauf” at end of thesis.]<br />

(3) 1928 Über einen Satz von Mellin. Math. Ann. 100, 384–398<br />

(4) 1929 Arithmetische Eigenschaften der Lösungen einer Klasse von Funktionalgleichungen.<br />

Math. Ann. 101, 342–366 [Plus “Berichtigung”, Math. Ann. 103]<br />

(5) Über die Nullstellen der Abschnitte der hypergeometrischen Reihe. Math. Ann.<br />

101, 367–374<br />

(6) Zur Fortsetzbarkeit gewisser Dirichletscher Reihen. Math. Ann. 102, 30–48<br />

(7) 1930 Über das Verschwinden von Potenzreihen mehrerer Veränderlichen in speziellen<br />

Punktfolgen. Math. Ann. 103, 573–587<br />

(8) Arithmetische Eigenschaften einer Klasse transzendental-transzendente Funktionen.<br />

Math. Z. 32, 545–585<br />

(9) Über Beziehungen zwischen der Zahl e und Liouvilleschen Zahlen. Math. Z. 31,<br />

729–732<br />

(10) 1931 Ein Beweis des Thue-Siegelschen Satzes über die Approximation algebraischer<br />

Zahlen für binomische Gleichungen. Math. Ann. 105, <strong>26</strong>7–276<br />

(11) Zur Approximation der Exponentialfunktion und des Logarithmus. Teil I. J. für<br />

Math. 166, 118–136<br />

(12) 1932 Über das Maß der Menge aller S -Zahlen. Math. Ann. 106, 131–139<br />

(13) Zur Approximation der Exponentialfunktion und des Logarithmus. Teil II. J. für<br />

Math. 166, 137–150<br />

(14) Ein Beweis der Transzendenz der P -adischen Exponentialfunktion. J. für Math.<br />

169, 61–66<br />

(15) Einige Sätze über Diophantische Approximationen. Jahresbericht d. Deutschen<br />

Math. Verein. 41, 74–76<br />

(16) Über die Darstellung von Zahlen durch Binärformen höheren Grades, Kongressbericht,<br />

Zürich, 1932. 2pp<br />

(17) 1933 Zur Approximation algebraischer Zahlen. I ( Über den grössten Primteiler binärer<br />

Formen). Math. Ann. 107, 691–730<br />

(18) Zur Approximation algebraischer Zahlen II ( Über die Anzahl der Darstellungen<br />

ganzer Zahlen durch Binärformen). Math. Ann. 108, 37–55<br />

(19) Zur Approximation algebraischer Zahlen III ( Über die mittlere Anzahl der Darstellungen<br />

grosser Zahlen durch binäre Formen). Acta Math. 62, 91–166

– 15 –<br />

(20) 1933 Über den grössten Primteiler der Polynome X2 ∓1.Archiv Math. og. Naturv. 41,<br />

1–8<br />

(21) Über die rationalen Punkte auf Kurven vom Geschlecht Eins. J. für Math. 170,<br />

168–178<br />

(22) 1934 Zur Approximation P -adischer Irrationalzahlen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk. 18, 22–34<br />

(23) Über die Darstellungen einer Zahl als Summe von drei Biquadraten. Mathematica<br />

(Zutphen) 3, 69–72<br />

(24) Über Diophantische Approximationen in Gebiete der p-adische Zahlen. Jahresbericht<br />

d. Deutschen Math. Verein. 44, 250–255<br />

(25) Eine arithmetische Eigenschaft der recurrierenden Reihen. Mathematica (Zutphen)<br />

3, 153–156<br />

(<strong>26</strong>) 1935 On Hecke’s theorem on the real zeros of the L-functions and the class number of<br />

quadratic fields. J. London Math. Soc. 9, 298–302<br />

(27) Über eine Klasseneinteilung der P -adischen Zahlen. Mathematica (Zutphen) 3B,<br />

177–185<br />

(28) On the lattice points on curves of genus 1. Proc. London Math. Soc. 39, 431–466<br />

(29) On the division-values of Weierstrass’s ℘-function. Quart. J. Math. Oxford<br />

74–77<br />

6,<br />

(30) Über transzendente P -adische Zahlen. Compositio Math. 2, 259–275; A Correction,<br />

ibid. (1948), 2pp<br />

(31) Eine arithmetische Eigenschsaft der Taylor-Koeffizienten rationaler Funktionen.<br />

Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v. Wetenschappen 38, 50–60<br />

(32) Über den grössten Primteiler spezieller Polynome zweiten Grades. Archiv Math.<br />

og. Naturv. 41, Nr 6, 3–<strong>26</strong><br />

(33) (With J. Popken) Ein neues Prinzip für Transzendenzbeweise. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche<br />

Akad. v. Wetenschappen 38, 864–871<br />

(34) Über Pseudobewertungen, I. Acta Math. 66, 79–119<br />

(35) 1936 Eine arithmetische Eigenschaft der kubischen Binärformen. Nieuw Arch. Wisk.<br />

18, 1–9<br />

(36) Ueber Polygone mit Um– oder Inkreis. Mathematica (Zutphen) 4A, 33–42<br />

(37) Über Pseudobewertungen II. Acta Math. 67, 51–80<br />

(38) Über Pseudobewertungen III. Acta Math. 67, 283–328<br />

(39) Über Pseudobewertungen Ia. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v. Wetenschappen<br />

39, 57–65<br />

(40) Note on Hypothesis K of Hardy and Littlewood. J. London Math. Soc. 11, 136–<br />

138<br />

(41) Ein Analog zu einem Schneiderschen Satz, I. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v.<br />

Wetenschappen 39, 633–640<br />

(42) Ein Analog zu einem Schneiderschen Satz, II. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v.<br />

Wetenschappen 39, 729–737

Kurt Mahler<br />

(42a) 1936 Pseudobewertungen. Proc. International Congress of Mathematicians, Oslo, 1936<br />

1p.<br />

(43) 1937 Über die Annäherung algebraischer Zahlen durch periodische Algorithmen. Acta<br />

Math. 68, 109–144<br />

(44) Neuer Beweis eines Satzes von A. Khintchine. Mat. Sb. I, 43, 961–963<br />

(45) Über die Dezimalbruchentwicklung gewisser Irrationalzahlen. Mathematica (Zutphen)<br />

B6, 22–<strong>26</strong><br />

(46) Arithmetische Eigenschaften einer Klasse von Dezimalbrüchen. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche<br />

Akad. v. Wetenschappen 40, 421–428<br />

(47) 1938 (With P. Erdős) On the number of integers which can be represented by a<br />

(48)<br />

binary form. J. London Math. Soc. 13, 134–139<br />

On a special class of Diophantine equations, I. J. London Math. Soc. 13, 169–173<br />

(49) On a special class of Diophantine equations, II. J. London Math. Soc. 13, 173–<br />

177<br />

(50) Ein P -adisches Analogon zu einem Satz von Tchebycheff. Mathematica (Zutphen)<br />

B7, 2–6<br />

(51) On the fractional parts of the powers of a rational number. Acta Arith. 3, 89–93<br />

(52) Über einen Satz von Th. Schneider. Acta Arith. 3, 94–101<br />

(53) A theorem on inhomogenous Diophantine inequalities. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche<br />

Akad. v. Wetenschappen 41, 634–637<br />

(54) Eine Bemerkung zum Beweis der Eulerschen Summenformel. Mathematica (Zutphen)<br />

B7, 33–42<br />

(55) On Minkowski’s theory of reduction of positive definite quadratic forms. Quart. J.<br />

Math. Oxford 9, 259–<strong>26</strong>2<br />

(56) 1939 Ein Übertragungsprinzip für lineare Ungleichungen. Math. Časopis 68, 85–92<br />

(57) Ein Übertragungsprinzip für konvexe Körper. Math. Časopis 68, 93–102<br />

(58) (With P. Erdős) Some arithmetical properties of the convergents of a continued<br />

fraction. J. London Math. Soc. 14, 12–18<br />

(59) Ein Minimalproblem für convexe Polygone. Mathematica (Zutphen) B7, 118–127<br />

(60) On a the solutions of algebraic differential equations. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche<br />

Akad. v. Wetenschappen 42, 61–63<br />

(61) A proof of Hurwitz’s theorem. Mathematica (Zutphen) 8B, 57–61<br />

(62) Bemerkungen über die Diophantischen Eigenschaften der reellen Zahlen. Mathematica<br />

(Zutphen) 8B, 11–16<br />

(63) 1939 On the minimum of positive definite Hermitian forms. J. London Math. Soc. 14,<br />

137–143<br />

(64) 1940 On a geometrical representation of p-adic numbers. Ann. of Math. (2) 41, 8–56<br />

(65) On the product of two complex linear polynomials in two variables. J. London<br />

Math. Soc. 15, 213–236 [Mahler writes “This is an extension of an earlier paper

– 17 –<br />

which was accepted for publication by Acta Arith. in February 1939 of which I<br />

had just received the first proofs when war broke out”.]<br />

(66) 1940 Note on the sequence √ n (mod 1). Nieuw Arch. Wisk. 20, 176–178<br />

(67) (With G. Billing) On exceptional points on cubic curves. J. London Math. Soc.<br />

15, 32–43<br />

(68) On a special functional equation. J. London Math. Soc. 15, 115–123<br />

(69) Über Polynome mit ganzen rationalen Koeffizienten. Mathematica (Zutphen) 8B,<br />

173–182<br />

(70) On reduced positive definite ternary quadratic forms. J. London Math. Soc. 15,<br />

193–195<br />

(71) On a property of positive definite ternary quadratic forms. J. London Math. Soc.<br />

15, 305–320<br />

(72) 1941 An analogue to Minkowski’s Geometry of Numbers in a field of series. Ann. of<br />

Math. (2), 42, 488–522<br />

(73) 1942 On ideals in the Cayley-Dickson algebra. Proc. Royal Irish Academy 48, 123–133<br />

(74) Remarks on ternary Diophantine equations. Amer. Math. Monthly 49, 372–378<br />

(75) Note on lattice points in star domains. J. London Math. Soc. 17, 130–133<br />

(76) 1943 On lattice points in an infinite star domain. J. London Math. Soc. 18, 233–238<br />

(77) 1944 A problem of Diophantine approximation in quaternions. Proc. London Math.<br />

Soc.(2) 48, 435–466<br />

(78) (With B. Segre) On the densest packing of circles. Amer. Math. Monthly<br />

<strong>26</strong>1–270<br />

51,<br />

(79) On a theorem of Minkowski on lattice points in non-convex point sets. J. London<br />

Math. Soc. 19, 201–205<br />

(80) On lattice points in the domain |xy| ≤1, |x + y| ≤ √ 5, and applications to<br />

asymptotic formulae in lattice point theory, I. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 40,<br />

(81)<br />

107–116<br />

On lattice points in the domain |xy| ≤1, |x + y| ≤ √ 5, and applications to<br />

asymptotic formulae in lattice point theory, II. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc.<br />

116–120<br />

40,<br />

(82) 1945 A theorem of B. Segre. Duke Math. J. 12, 367–371<br />

(83) 1946 Lattice points in two-dimensional star domains, I. Proc. London Math. Soc.<br />

128–157<br />

49,<br />

(84) Lattice points in two-dimensional star domains, II. Proc. London Math. Soc. 49,<br />

158–167<br />

(85) Lattice points in two-dimensional star domains, III. Proc. London Math. Soc. 49,<br />

168–183<br />

(86) On lattice points in a cylinder. Quart. J. Math. Oxford 17, 16–18<br />

(87) On lattice points in n-dimensional star bodies, I, Existence theorems. Philos.<br />

Trans. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 187, 151–187

Kurt Mahler<br />

(88) 1946 Lattice points in n-dimensional star bodies. II. Reducibility theorems. I, II, III,<br />

IV. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v. Wetenschappen 49, 331–343, 444–454,<br />

(89)<br />

524–532, 622–631 = Indag. Math. 8, 200–212, 299–309, 343–351, 381–390<br />

(With H. Davenport) Simultaneous Diophantine approximation. Duke Math. J.<br />

13, 105–111<br />

(90) Lattice points in n-dimensional star bodies. Rev. Univ. Nac. Tucumán, A<br />

113–124<br />

5,<br />

(91) The theorem of Minkowski-Hlawka. Duke Math. J. 13, 611–621<br />

(92) On reduced positive definite quarternary quadratic forms. Nieuw Arch. Wisk.<br />

207–212<br />

(93) 1947 A remark on the continued fractions of conjugate algebraic numbers. Simon Stevin<br />

25, 45–48<br />

(94) On irreducible convex domains. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v. Wetenschappen<br />

50, 98–107 = Indag. Math. 9, 73–82<br />

(95) On the area and the densest packing of convex domains. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche<br />

Akad. v. Wetenschappen 50, 108–118 = Indag. Math. 9, 83–93<br />

(96) On the generating functions of integers with a missing digit [in Chinese]. K’o Hsüeh<br />

Science 29, <strong>26</strong>5–<strong>26</strong>7<br />

(97) On the adjoint of a reduced positive definite ternary quadratic form. Sci. Rec.<br />

Academia Sinica 2, 21–31<br />

(98) On the minimum determinant and the circumscribed hexagons of a convex domain.<br />

Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v. Wetenschappen<br />

9, 3<strong>26</strong>–337<br />

50, 692–703= Indag. Math.<br />

(99) 1948 (With K.C. Hallum) On the minimum of a pair of positive definite Hermitean<br />

forms. Nieuw Arch. Wisk. 22, 324–354<br />

(100) On the admissible lattices of automorphic star bodies. Sci. Rec. Academia Sinica<br />

2, 146–148<br />

(101) On lattice points in polar reciprocal convex domains. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche<br />

Akad. v. Wetenschappen 51, 176–179 = Indag. Math. 10, 482–485<br />

(102) Sui determinante minimi delle sezione di un corpo convesso. Atti Accad. Naz.<br />

Lincei Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. (8) 5, 251–252<br />

(103) On the successive minima of a bounded star domain. Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4)<br />

27, 153–163<br />

(104) 1949 On the critical lattices of arbitrary point sets. Canad. J. Math. 1, 78–87<br />

(105) On the minimum determinant of a special point set. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche<br />

Akad. v. Wetenschappen 52, 633–642 = Indag. Math. 11, 959–968<br />

(106) On a theorem of Liouville in fields of positive characteristic. Canad. J. Math. 1,<br />

397–400<br />

(107) On Dyson’s improvement of the Thue-Siegel theorem. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche<br />

Akad. v. Wetenschappen 52, 449–458 = Indag. Math. 11, 1175–1184<br />

(108) (With W. Ledermann) On lattice points in a convex decagon. Acta Math. Acad.<br />

Sci. Hungar. 81, 319–351

– 19 –<br />

(109) 1949 On the continued fractions of quadratic and cubic irrationals. Ann. Mat. Pura<br />

Appl. (4) 30, 147–172<br />

(109a) A correction to “On the continued fractions of quadratic and cubic irrationals”.<br />

Compositio Math. 8, p112<br />

(110) On the arithmetic on algebraic curves, in Seminar on Algebra and Number Theory,<br />

Chicago. 28–32<br />

(111) On algebraic relations between two units of an algebraic field, in “Algèbre et théorie<br />

des nombres”. Colloques internationaux du CNRS, CNRS, Paris, 1950 24, 47–55<br />

(112) 1950 On a theorem of Dyson [in Russian]. Mat. Sb. <strong>26</strong>, 457–462<br />

(113) Geometry of numbers. [Lectures given at the University of Colorado in the<br />

(114) 1951<br />

summer of 1950 (mimeographed notes).]<br />

(With J.W.S. Cassels and W. Ledermann) Farey section in k(i) and k(ρ).<br />

Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 243, 585–6<strong>26</strong><br />

(114a) 1952 Farey section in the fields of Gauß and Eisenstein. Proc. International Congress<br />

Cambridge, Mass. 1950 1, 281–285<br />

(115) 1951 On the generating function of the integers with a missing digit. J. Indian Math.<br />

Soc. 15A, 34–40 [Translation of (96)]<br />

(116) On a question in elementary geometry. Simon Stevin 28, 90–97<br />

(117) 1953 On the lattice determinants of two particular point sets. J. London Math. Soc.<br />

28, 229–232<br />

(118) On the approximation of logarithms of algebraic numbers. Philos. Trans. Roy.<br />

Soc. London Ser. A 245, 371–398<br />

(119) On the approximation of π . Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v. Wetenschappen<br />

Ser. A 56, 30–42 = Indag. Math. 15, 30–42<br />

(120) (With J. Popken) Over een Maximumprobleem uit de Rekenkunde. Nieuw Arch.<br />

Wisk. (3) 1, 1–15<br />

(121) On the greatest prime factor of ax m + by n . Nieuw Arch. Wisk. (3) 1, 113–122<br />

(122) (With P. M. Cohn) On the composition of pseudo-valuations. Nieuw Arch. Wisk.<br />

(3) 1, 161–198<br />

(123) 1954 A problem in elementary geometry. Math. Gaz. 37, 241–243<br />

(124) On a problem in the geometry of numbers. Rendi. Mat. Appl. (5) 14, 38–41<br />

(125) 1955 On a problem in Diophantine approximations. Archiv Math. og. Naturv. 6, 208–<br />

214<br />

(1<strong>26</strong>) On compound convex bodies, I. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 5, 358–379<br />

(127) On compound convex bodies, II. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 5, 380–384<br />

(128) The pth compound of a sphere. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 5, 385–391<br />

(129) On the minima of compound quadratic forms. Czech. Math. J. (5) 80, 180–193<br />

(130) A remark on Siegel’s theorem on algebraic curves. Mathematika 2, 116–127<br />

(131) 1956 On the Taylor coefficients of rational functions. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc. 52,<br />


Kurt Mahler<br />

(131a) 1957 Addendum to “On the Taylor coefficients of rational functions”. Proc. Cambridge<br />

Phil. Soc. 53, p544<br />

(132) 1956 Invariant matrices and the geometry of numbers. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh A<br />

64, 223–238<br />

(133) A property of the star domain |xy| ≤1. Mathematika 3, p80<br />

(134) 1957 Über die konvexen Körper, die sich einem Sternkörper einbeschrieben lassen. Math.<br />

Z. 66, 25–33<br />

(135) On the fractional parts of the powers of a rational number, II. Mathematika<br />

122–124<br />

4,<br />

(136) A matrix representation of the primitive residue classes<br />

Math. Soc. 8, 525–531<br />

(mod 2n). Proc. Amer.<br />

(137) 1958 A factorial series for the rational multiples of e. Math. Gaz. 42, 13–16<br />

(138) On the Chinese remainder theorem. Math. Nachr. 18, 120–122<br />

(139) An interpolation series for continuous functions of a p-adic variable. J. für Math.<br />

199, 23–34<br />

(140) 1959 An arithmetic property of groups of linear transformations. Acta Arith. 5, 197–<br />

203<br />

(141) On a theorem of Shidlovski, lectures given at the Math. Centrum, Amsterdam,<br />

December 1959.<br />

(142) 1960 On a theorem by E. Bombieri. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v. Wetenschappen<br />

Ser. A 63, 245–253 = Indag. Math. 22, 245–253<br />

(142a) On a theorem by E. Bombieri. Proc. Kon. Nederlandsche Akad. v. Wetenschappen<br />

Ser. A 64, 141= Indag. Math. 23, 141<br />

(143) An application of Jensen’s formula to polynomials. Mathematika 7, 98–100<br />

(144) 1961 On the zeros of the derivative of a polynomial. Philos. Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc.<br />

London Ser. A <strong>26</strong>4, 145–154<br />

(145) A correction the the paper “An interpolation series for continuous functions of a<br />

p-adic variable”, [Seq. No. 139]. J. für Math. 208, 70–72<br />

(146) 1961 Lectures on Diophantine Approximations I : g -adic Numbers and Roth’s Theorem,<br />

Lectures given at the University of Notre Dame in 1957, University of Notre Dame<br />

Press, Notre Dame, Indiana, 188 pages.<br />

(147) (With D.J. Lewis) On the representation of integers by binary forms. Acta Arith.<br />

6, 333–363<br />

(148) 1962 On some inequalities for polynomials in several variables. J. London Math. Soc.<br />

37, 341–344<br />

(149) Geometric number theory, Lectures given at the University of Notre Dame in 1962<br />

(bound mimeographed notes). 151 pp<br />

(150) 1963 On two extremum properties of polynomials. Illinois J. Math. 7, 681–701<br />

(151) On the approximation of algebraic numbers by algebraic integers. J. Austral. Math.<br />

Soc. 3, 408–434<br />

(152) 1964 Periodic algorithms for algebraic number fields (mimeographed lecture notes). 4th<br />

Summer Research Institute of the Austral. Math. Soc. University of Sydney, January<br />

1964 19pp

– 21 –<br />

(153) 1964 A remark on a paper of mine on polynomials. Illinois J. Math. 8, 1–4<br />

(154) An inequality for the discriminant of a polynomial. Michigan Math. J. 11, 257–<br />

<strong>26</strong>2<br />

(155) Transcendental numbers. J. Austral. Math. Soc. 4, 393–396<br />

(156) An inequality for a pair of polynomials that are relatively prime. J. Austral. Math.<br />

Soc. 4, 418–420<br />

(157) Inequalities for ideal bases in algebraic number fields. J. Austral. Math. Soc.<br />

425–448<br />

4,<br />

(158) 1965 (With G. Baumschlag) Equations in free metabelian groups. Michigan Math. J.<br />

12, 417–419<br />

(159) Arithmetic properties of lacunary power series with integral coefficients. J. Austral.<br />

Math. Soc. 5, 56–64<br />

(160) 1966 A remark on recursive sequences. J. Math. Sci. Delhi 1, 12–17<br />

(161) Transcendental numbers. Encyclopaedia Brittannica, 1 column<br />

(162) A remark on Kronecker’s theorem. Enseign Math. 12, 183–189<br />

(163) 1967 (With G. Szekeres) On the approximation of real numbers by roots of integers.<br />

Acta Arith. 12, 315–320<br />

(164) Applications of some formulae by Hermite to the approximation of exponentials<br />

and logarithms. Math. Ann. 168, 200–227<br />

(165) On a class of entire functions. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 18, 83–96<br />

(166) On a lemma by A. B. Shidl’ovski [in Russian]. Math. Zametki Acad. Nauk SSR 2,<br />

25–32<br />

(167) 1968 An unsolved problem on the powers of 3/2. J. Austral. Math. Soc. 8, 313–321<br />

(168) Perfect systems. Compositio Math. 19, 95–166 [First publication of a manuscript<br />

written in the 1930s]<br />

(169) Applications of a theorem by A. B. Shidlovski. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London<br />

Ser. A 305, 149–173<br />

(170) 1969 Remarks on a paper by W. Schwarz. J. Number Theory 1, 512–521<br />

(171) On algebraic differential equations satisfied by automorphic functions. J. Austral.<br />

Math. Soc. 10, 445–450<br />

(172) Lectures on transcendental numbers (Summer Institute on Number Theory at<br />

Stony Brook, 1969). Proc. Symp. Pure Math. (Amer. Math. Soc.) XX, 248–274<br />

(173) 1971 A lecture on the geometry of numbers of convex bodies. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.<br />

77, 319–325<br />

(174) (With H. Brown) A generalization of Farey sequences. J. Number Theory<br />

364–370<br />

3,<br />

(175) On formal power series as integrals of algebraic differential equations. Rend. Accad.<br />

Naz. dei Lincei (8) 50, 36–49<br />

(176) A remark on algebraic differential equations. Rend. Accad. Naz. dei Lincei (8) 50,<br />


Kurt Mahler<br />

(177) 1971 An arithmetical remark on entire functions. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 5, 191–195<br />

(178) An elementary existence theorem for entire functions. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.<br />

5, 415–419<br />

(179) On the order function of a transcendental number. Acta Arith. 18, 63–76<br />

(180) Transcendental numbers. I. Existence and chief characteristics of transcendental<br />

numbers [in Hungarian]. Mat. Lapok 22, 31–50<br />

(181) 1972 Transcendental numbers. II. Convergence of Laurent series and formal Laurent<br />

series [in Hungarian]. Mat. Lapok 23, 13–23<br />

(182) On the coefficients of the 2n -th transformation polynomial for j(ω). Acta Arith.<br />

21, 89–97<br />

(182a) Obituary, L. J. Mordell. J. Number Theory 4, iii–iv<br />

(183) 1973 The classification of transcendental numbers. Proc. Symp. Pure Math. (Amer.<br />

Math. Soc.) XXIV, 175–179<br />

(184) Introduction to p-adic Numbers and their Functions, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics<br />

64, Cambridge University Press, London/New York. 89pp<br />

(185) Arithmetical properties of the digits of the multiples of an irrational number. Bull.<br />

Austral. Math. Soc. 8, 191–203<br />

(186) On a class of Diophantine inequalities. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 8, 247–259<br />

(187) A p-adic analogue of a theorem by J. Popken. J. Austral. Math. Soc. 16, 176–184<br />

(188) 1974 On the coefficients of the transformation polynomials for the modular function.<br />

Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 10, 197–218<br />

(189) On rational approximations of the exponential function at rational points. Bull.<br />

Austral. Math. Soc. 10, 325–335<br />

(190) Polar analogues of two theorems by Minkowski. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.<br />

121–129<br />

11,<br />

(191) On the digits of the multiples of an irrational p-adic number. Proc. Cambridge<br />

Phil. Soc. 76, 417–422<br />

(192) How I became a mathematician. Amer. Math. Monthly 81, 981–983<br />

(193) 1975 On a paper by A. Baker on the approximation of rational powers of e. Acta Arith.<br />

27, 61–87<br />

(194) A necessary and sufficient condition for transcendency. Math. Comp. 29, 145–153<br />

(195) On the transcendency of the solutions of a special class of functional equations.<br />

Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 13, 389–410<br />

(196) 1976 On certain non-archimedean functions analogous to complex analytic functions.<br />

Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 14, 23–36<br />

(197) An addition to a note of mine. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 14, 397–398<br />

(198) A theorem on Diophantine approximations. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.<br />

465<br />

14, 463–<br />

(199) Corrigendum to “On the transcendency of the solutions of a special class of functional<br />

equations”. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 15, 477–478

– 23 –<br />

(200) 1976 Lectures on Transcendental Numbers, Edited and completed by B. Divis and W. J.<br />

LeVeque, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 546 , Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York.<br />

254pp<br />

(201) On a class of non-linear functional equations connected with modular functions.<br />

J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A 22, 65–118<br />

(202) On a class of transcendental decimal fractions. Comm. Pure Appl. Math.<br />

717–725<br />

29,<br />

(203) 1977 On some special decimal fractions, in Hans Zassenhaus ed., Number Theory and<br />

Algebra, Academic Press, New York, 1977. 209–214<br />

(204) 1980 On a special function. J. Number Theory 12, 20–<strong>26</strong><br />

(205) 1981 p-Adic Numbers and Their Functions (), Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 76,<br />

Cambridge University Press, London/New York.<br />

duction to p-adic Numbers and Their Functions]<br />

320pp [2nd edition of Intro-<br />

(206) 1980 On two definitions of the integral of a p-adic function. Acta Arith. 47, 105–109<br />

(207) 1981 On some irrational decimal fractions. J. Number Theory 13, <strong>26</strong>8–<strong>26</strong>9<br />

(208) On a special non-linear functional equation. Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc. London Ser.<br />

A 378, 155–178<br />

(209) 1982 Fifty years as a mathematician. J. Number Theory 14, 121–155 [The present<br />

publication list is a correction and extension of the one appearing here.]<br />

(210) On a special transcendental number. Arithmétix<br />

of number theorists in France]<br />

5, 18–32 [Information bulletin<br />

(211) On the zeros of a special sequence of polynomials. Math. Comp. 39, 207–212<br />

(212) 1983 On a theorem in the geometry of numbers in a space of Laurent series. J. Number<br />

Theory 17, 403–416<br />

(213) On the analytic solution of certain functional and difference equations. Proc. Roy.<br />

Soc. London Ser. A 389, 1–13<br />

(214) Warum ich eine besondere Vorliebe für die Mathematik habe. Jber. d. Deutschen<br />

Math.-Verein. 85, 50–53 [Essay originally written in 1923]<br />

(215) 1984 On Thue’s theorem. Math. Scand. 55, 188–200<br />

(216) Some suggestions for further research. Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 29, 101-108<br />

(217) 1986 (With D. H. Lehmer and A. J. van der Poorten) Integers with digits 0 or<br />

1. Math. Comp. 46, 683–689<br />

(218) A new transfer principle in the geometry of numbers. J. Number Theory<br />

20–34<br />

24,<br />

(219) The successive minima in the geometry of numbers and the distinction between<br />

algebraic and transcendental numbers. J. Number Theory 22, 147–160<br />

(220) 1987 On two analytic functions. Acta. Arith. XLIX, 15–20<br />

(221) 1989 The representation of squares to the base 3. Acta Arith. 53, 99–106<br />

(222) 1991 Fifty years as a mathematician II. J. Austral. Math. Soc. (Series A) 51, 366–380<br />

[Appendix 2 of A. J. van der Poorten, Obituary of Kurt Mahler. ibid., 343–380]

John Coates and Alf van der Poorten<br />

References to other authors<br />

Alan Baker (1966), ‘A note on the Padé table’, K. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc.<br />

Ser. A, 69, 596–601.<br />

L. Bieberbach and I. Schur (1928), ‘ Über die Minkowskische Reduktionstheorie’.<br />

Sitzungsberichte Preuß. Akad. Berlin 1928 , 510–535; Berichtigung 1929, 508.<br />

E. Bombieri and W. M. Schmidt (1987), ‘On Thue’s equation’, Invent. Math., 88,<br />

69–81.<br />

David W. Boyd (1981), ‘Speculations concerning the range of Mahler’s measure’,<br />

Canad. Math. Bull. 24, 453–469.<br />

J. W. S. Cassels (1959), An Introduction to the Geometry of Numbers. Grundlehren<br />

Math. Wiss. 99, Springer, Berlin.<br />

J. W. S. Cassels (1976), ‘An embedding theorem for fields’, Bull. Austral. Math.<br />

Soc., 14 (1976), 193–198; Addendum: ibid., 14, 479–480.<br />

J. W. S. Cassels (1991), ‘Obituary of Kurt Mahler’, Acta Arith. (3), 58, 215–228.<br />

C. Chabauty (1950), ‘Limite d’ensembles et géométrie des nombres’, Bull. Soc.<br />

Math. France, 78, 143–151.<br />

John Coates (1966), ‘On the algebraic approximation of functions I, II, III’, K.<br />

Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A, 69, 421–461; IV, ibid., 70 (1967), 205–212.<br />

G. Christol, T. Kamae, M. Mendès France and G. Rauzy (1980), ‘Suites algébriques,<br />

automates et substitutions’, Bull. Soc. Math. France, 108, 401–419.<br />

A. Cobham (1968), ‘On the Hartmanis-Stearns problem for a class of tag machines’,<br />

Technical report RC 2178, IBM Research Centre, Yorktown Heights, New York,<br />

15pp.<br />

Michel Dekking, Michel Mendès France and Alf van der Poorten (1982), ‘FOLDS!’,<br />

The Mathematical Intelligencer, 4, 130–138; II: ‘Symmetry disturbed’, ibid., 173–<br />

181; III: ‘More morphisms’, ibid., 190–195.<br />

H. Davenport (1958), ‘Indefinite quadratic forms in many variables (II)’, Proc.<br />

London Math. Soc., 8, 109–1<strong>26</strong>.<br />

E. Dobrowolski (1979), ‘On a question of Lehmer and the number of irreducible<br />

factors of a polynomial’, Acta Arith., 34, 391–401.<br />

E. Dubois and G. Rhin (1976), ‘Sur la majoration de formes linéaires àcoefficients<br />

algébriques réels et p-adiques (Démonstration d’une conjecture de K. Mahler)’, C.<br />

R. Acad. Sc. Paris, A282, 1211.<br />

Jan-Hendrik Evertse (1984), ‘On sums of S -units and linear recurrences’, Compositio<br />

Math., 53, 225–244.<br />

J.-H. Evertse, K. Győry, C. L. Stewart and R. Tijdeman (<strong>1988</strong>), ‘S -unit equations<br />

and their applications’, in New advances in Transcendence Theory ed. Alan Baker<br />

(Durham Symposium on Transcendental Number Theory 1986), Cambridge Univ.<br />

Press, 110–174.<br />

P. M. Gruber and C. G. Lekkerkerker (1987), Geometry of Numbers. North-Holland,<br />


– 25 –<br />

C. Hermite (1873), ‘Sur la fonction exponentielle’, Oeuvres, t.III, 151–181.<br />

C. Hermite (1893), ‘Sur la généralization des fractions continues algébriques’, Oeuvres,<br />

t.IV, 357–377.<br />

Kenkichi Iwasawa (1972), ‘Lectures on p-adic L-functions’. Annals of Mathematics<br />

Studies 74, Princeton University Press.<br />

H. Jager (1964), ‘A multidimensional generalization of the Padé table’, Proc. K.<br />

Nederl. Akad. v. Wetenschappen Series A, 67, 192–249.<br />

A. Khintchine (19<strong>26</strong>), ‘ Über eine Klasse linearer Diophantischer Approximationen’,<br />

Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 50, 170–195.<br />

J. F. Koksma (1939), ‘ Über die Mahlersche Klassenteilung der transzendenten<br />

Zahlen und die Approximation komplexer Zahlen durch algebraische Zahlen’, Monatsh.<br />

Math. Phys., 48, 176–189.<br />

E. Landau (1905), ‘Sur quelques théorèmes de M. Petrovich relatifs aux zéros des<br />

fonctions analytiques’, Bull. Soc. Math. France, 33, 251–<strong>26</strong>1.<br />

Christer Lech (1953), ‘A note on recurring series’, Ark. Mat., 2, 417–421.<br />

D. H. Lehmer (1933), ‘Factorization of certain cyclotomic functions’, Ann. Math.,<br />

34, 461–479.<br />

W. J. LeVeque (1961), Topics in Number Theory Vol. 2 Addison-Wesley.<br />

L. Lipshitz and A. J. van der Poorten (1990), ‘Rational functions, diagonals, automata<br />

and arithmetic’, in Number Theory, ed. Richard A. Mollin (First Conference<br />

of the Canadian Number Theory Association, Banff <strong>1988</strong>), Walter de Gruyter<br />

Berlin/New York, 339–358.<br />

J. H. Loxton and A. J. van der Poorten (1977a), ‘Arithmetic properties of certain<br />

functions in several variables III’, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc., 16, 15–47.<br />

J. H. Loxton and A. J. van der Poorten (1977b), ‘Transcendence and algebraic<br />

independence by a method of Mahler’, in Transcendence Theory — Advances and<br />

Applications, ed. A. Baker and D. W. Masser, Academic Press London & New<br />

York, Chapter 15, 211–2<strong>26</strong>.<br />

J. H. Loxton and A. J. van der Poorten (<strong>1988</strong>), ‘Arithmetic properties of automata:<br />

regular sequences’, J. für Math., 392, 57–69.<br />

G. A. Margulis (1987), ‘Formes quadratiques indéfinies et flots unipotents sur les<br />

espaces homogènes’, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 304, 249–253.<br />

D. W. Masser (1982), ‘A vanishing theorem for power series’, Invent. Math., 67,<br />

275–296.<br />

M. Mendès France (1980), ‘Nombres algébriques et théorie des automates’, Enseign.<br />

Math. (2), <strong>26</strong>, 193–199.<br />

D. Mumford (1971), ‘A remark on Mahler’s compactness theorem’, Proc. Amer.<br />

Math. Soc., 28, 289–294.<br />

Alfred van der Poorten (1979), ‘A proof that Euler missed ... Apéry’s proof of<br />

the irrationality of ζ(3) ; An informal report’, The Mathematical Intelligencer, 1,<br />

195-203.<br />

A. J. van der Poorten (1989), ‘Some facts that should be better known; especially<br />

about rational functions’, in Number Theory and Applications, ed. Richard A.Mollin

John Coates and Alf van der Poorten<br />

(NATO – Advanced Study Institute, Banff, <strong>1988</strong>), Kluwer Academic Publishers,<br />

Dordrecht, 497-528.<br />

A. J. van der Poorten and H. P. Schlickewei (1991), ‘Additive relations in number<br />

fields’, J. Austral. Math. Soc., 51, 154–170.<br />

R. Remak (1938), ‘ Über die Minkowskische Reduktion’, Compositio Math., 5, 368–<br />

391.<br />

C. A. Rogers (1964), Packing and Covering, Cambridge Tracts 54.<br />

H. P. Schlickewei (1977a), ‘The p-adic Thue-Siegel-Roth-Schmidt theorem’, Arch.<br />

Mat., 29, <strong>26</strong>7–270.<br />

H. P. Schlickewei (1977b), ‘ Über die diophantische Gleichung x1+x2+···+xn =0’,<br />

Acta Arith., 33, 183–185.<br />

W. M. Schmidt (1968), ‘T -numbers do exist’, Symposia Mathematica IV, INDAM<br />

Rome, Academic Press, London; see also ‘Mahler’s T -numbers’, Proc. Symposia in<br />

Pure Math. (Stonybrook, 1969) XX, Amer. Math. Soc., (1971), 275–286.<br />

W. M. Schmidt (1970), ‘Simultaneous approximation to algebraic numbers by rationals’,<br />

Acta Math. 125, 189–201.<br />

W. M. Schmidt (1977), Small Fractional Parts of Polynomials, CBMS Regional<br />

Conf. Ser. 32, Amer. Math. Soc., 41pp.<br />

A. B. Shidlovskii (1959), ‘Transcendality and algebraic independence of the values<br />

of certain functions’, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (2), 27 (1963), 191–230 = Trudy<br />

Moscov. Mat. Obsc., 8, 283–320; ‘A criterion for algebraic independence of the<br />

values of a class of entire functions’, Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (2), 22 (1962), 339–<br />

370 = Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Mat., 23 (1959), 35–66 and see further references<br />

in [200].<br />

C. L. Siegel (1929), ‘ Über einige Anwendungen diophantischer Approximationen’,<br />

Preuß. Akad. Wiss. Phys.-mat. Kl. Berlin No.1 = Gesammelte Abhandlungen I,<br />

Springer-Verlag, 1966, 209–<strong>26</strong>6.<br />

C. L. Siegel (1964), ‘Zur Geschichte des Frankfurter Mathematischen Seminars’, in<br />

Gesammelte Abhandlungen III, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, 1966,<br />

462–474.<br />

V. G. Sprindzuk (1965), ‘A proof of Mahler’s conjecture on the measure of the set<br />

of S -numbers’, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR (ser. mat.), 29, 379-436.<br />

B. L. van der Waerden (1956), ‘Die Reduktionstheorie der positiven quadratischen<br />

Formen’, Acta Math., 96, <strong>26</strong>5–309.<br />

John H. Coates<br />

Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics<br />

16 Mill Lane<br />

Cambridge CB2 1SB<br />

jhc13@dpmms.cambridge.ac.uk<br />

Alfred J. van der Poorten<br />

Centre for Number Theory Research<br />

Macquarie University NSW 2109<br />

Australia<br />


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