1st Missionary Trip - Lorin

1st Missionary Trip - Lorin

1st Missionary Trip - Lorin


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Βαριησοῦ literally means ‘son of Jesus / Joshua. He is called a μάγον,<br />

which can be either positive, a wise man (4x in Matthew), or negative,<br />

a magician (2x in Acts).<br />

Page 207<br />

82 Clearly the latter is intended by Luke. The<br />

performing of magical tricks in the ancient world usually took on the<br />

nature of astrology, fortune telling and related activities. For this man<br />

to function in the court of the Roman governor meant he was there<br />

to help the governor make correct decisions about actions that could<br />

have significant impact on the governor and on the island. By supposedly<br />

being able to tell the future, Bar-Jesus was an advisor to the<br />

governor. That government leaders employed the services of such<br />

individuals in the ancient world was normal and wide spread. The first<br />

century world was enormously superstitious and fearful of the future. 83<br />

None of the following forms of the name itself can however be immediately eliminated: Βαριησοῦς; Βαριησοῦ; Βαριησοῦμ;<br />

Βαριησοῦαν; perhaps also the Syriac Barshuma. Βαριησοῦς and Βαριησοῦν (accusative agreeing with μάγον κτλ.) may be taken as<br />

attempts to improve the grammar. Βαριησοῦ and Βαριησοῦαν (accusative) may be regarded as alternative transliterations of עושי־רב.<br />

It does not seem possible to account for all the variations as attempts to avoid Jesus as a nomen sacrum (Dinkler, Signum Crucis<br />

30); but the Syriac bar šumaʾ, son of the name, may be one. In rabbinic use, םש (name) may stand for God; a Syriac translator who<br />

could not bring himself to say bar yesu might make the corresponding substitution (StrB 2:711).<br />

[C. K. Barrett, A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, The international critical commentary on the Holy<br />

Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments (Edinburgh: T&T Clark., 2004), 613.]<br />

82 “μάγος, οὑ, ὁ (s. μαγεία, μαγεύω)<br />

1. a Magus, a (Persian [SNyberg, D. Rel. d. alten Iran ’38], then also Babylonian) wise man and priest, who was expert in astrology,<br />

interpretation of dreams and various other occult arts (so Hdt.+; Jos., Ant. 20, 142; s. Da 2:2, 10; in still other pass. in Da, Theod.;<br />

Tat. 28, 1. Beside φιλόσοφος of Apollonius of Tyana: Orig., C. Cels. 6, 41, 13). After Jesus’ birth μάγοι Magi Mt 2:7 (cp. Jos., Ant. 10,<br />

216), 16a (=GJs 22:1); vs. 16b; GJs 21:1, 3 (apart fr. the pap text, μάγοι appears in codd. of GJs twice in 21:2; once in vs. 3), or more<br />

definitely μάγοι ἀπὸ ἀνατολῶν (ἀπὸ Ἀρραβίας Just., D. 77, 4; ἀπὸ ἀνάτολῆς Orig., C. Cels. 1, 40, 20) Magi from the east Mt 2:1 came<br />

to Palestine and declared that they had read in the stars of the birth of the Messianic King. Diog. L. 2, 45 φησὶ δʼ Ἀριστοτέλης μάγον<br />

τινὰ ἐλθόντα ἐκ Συρίας εἰς Ἀθήνας in order to announce to Socrates that he would come to a violent end.—ADieterich, ZNW 3, 1902,<br />

1–14; FSteinmetzer, D. Gesch. der Geburt u. Kindheit Christi 1910; GFrenken, Wunder u. Taten der Heiligen 1929, 186–93; KBornhäuser,<br />

D. Geburts-u. Kindheitsgesch. Jesu 1930. FCumont, L’Adoration des Mages: Memorie della Pontif. Acc. Rom. di Archeol. 3,<br />

’32, 81–105. EHodous, CBQ 6, ’44, 71–74; 77–83.—On the Magi HMeyboom, Magiërs: TT ’39, 1905, 40–70; GMessina, D. Ursprung<br />

der Magier u. d. zarath. Rel., diss. Berl. 1930, I Magi a Betlemme e una predizione di Zoroastro ’33 (against him GHartmann, Scholastik<br />

7, ’32, 403–14); RPettazzoni, RHR 103, ’31, 144–50; Goodsp., Probs. 14f.—On the star of the Magi HKritzinger, Der Stern der Weisen<br />

1911; HGVoigt, Die Geschichte Jesu u. d. Astrologie 1911; OGerhardt, Der Stern des Messias 1922; DFrövig, D. Stern Bethlehems in<br />

der theol. Forschung: TK 2, ’31, 127–62; CSSmith, CQR 114, ’32, 212–27; WVischer, D. Ev. von den Weisen aus dem Morgenlande:<br />

EVischer Festschr. ’35, 7–20; ELohmeyer, D. Stern d. Weisen: ThBl 17, ’38, 288–99; GHartmann, Stimmen d. Zeit 138, ’41, 234–38;<br />

JSchaumberger, Ein neues Keilschriftfragment über d. angebl. Stern der Weisen: Biblica 24, ’43, 162–69, but s. ASachs and CWalker,<br />

Kepler’s View of the Star of Bethlehem and the Babylonian Almanac for 7/6 B.C.: Iraq 46/1, ’84, 43–55. Cp. ποιμήν 1.<br />

2. magician (Trag. et al.; Aeschin. 3, 137 [μάγος=πονηρός]; Diod S 5, 55, 3; 34 + 35 Fgm. 2, 5 τὶς … ἄνθρωπος μάγος, a false<br />

prophet, who πολλοὺς ἐξηπάτα; Vett. Val. 74, 17; Philo, Spec. Leg. 3, 93; TestReub 4:9) of Barjesus=Elymas on Cyprus Ac 13:6, 8.<br />

Cp. Hm 11:2 v.l.—On the history of the word ANock, Beginn. I 5, ’33, 164–88=Essays I 308–30; HKippenberg, Garizim u. Synagoge<br />

’71, 122–24 on Ac 8:10; MMeyer/PMirecki, edd., Ancient Magic and Ritual Power ’95. M-LThomsen, Zauberdiagnose und Schwarze<br />

Magie in Mesopotamien (CNI Publikations 2) n.d.: ancient Mesopotamian background. S. also MSmith, Clement of Alexandria and a<br />

Secret Gospel of Mark ’73, esp. 220–78 for ancient sources and 423–44 for bibl. (for caution about media hype and fantastic hypotheses<br />

relating to this work s. JFitzmyer, How to Exploit a Secret Gospel: America, June 23, ’73, 570–72). FGraf, La magie dans l’ antiquité<br />

Gréco-Romaine, ’95.—B. 1494f. Renehan ’82 s.v. DELG. M-M. TW.<br />

[William Arndt, Frederick W. Danker and Walter Bauer, A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian<br />

Literature, 3rd ed. (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 608-09.]<br />

83 “Court astrologers or magicians who allegedly predicted the future and attempted to alter the fates with their magic were not uncommon<br />

in the Mediterranean world. Tiberius followed the guidance of the astrologer Thrasyllus (Suetonius, Tiberius 14.4) and various<br />

Chaldean soothsayers (Juvenal, Satires 10.93–94). Nero accepted the divinations of the astrologer Babillus (Suetonius, Nero 36.1). Otho<br />

used the services of the astrologer Seleucus (Suetonius, Otho 4.1; 6.1). Vespasian had great faith in his horoscope (Suetonius, Vespasian<br />

25). Domitian had in his employ the astrologer Ascletarion (Suetonius, Domitian 15.3). Marcus Aurelius kept Arnuphis, an Egyptian<br />

magician, with him on the Danube (Dio Cassius 71.8.4). Valerian’s persecutions of Christians were encouraged by the advice of Macrianus,<br />

an Egyptian magician (Eusebius, Church History 7.10.4–6). Lesser rulers as well were not immune to the practice. For example,<br />

Felix, the procurator (Acts 24), used a Jew named Simon, who was a Cyprian magician (Josephus, Antiquities 20.7.2 §§ 141–44). A<br />

magician is also a part of the household of Senator Marcellus (Acts of Peter 8). It is, therefore, no surprise to find the proconsul of Cyprus<br />

advised by a magician. Nor is it a surprise to have him connected to Cyprus. Pliny, Natural History 30.11, says that Cyprus had in<br />

his times supplanted previous famed centers of magic. Nor is it surprising that the magician is depicted as Jewish. In the Greco-Roman<br />

mind, Jews and magic were closely linked (Strabo, Geography 16.2.43; Pliny, Natural History 30.11; Apuleius, Apology 90; Celsus [in<br />

Origen, Against Celsus 1.26; 4.33]). Nor is it surprising that the proconsul’s adviser tries to interfere with the official’s religious quest.<br />

For example, Plutarch (On the Obsolescence of Oracles 45 D-F) tells how Epicurean advisers to a ruler in Cilicia attempted to keep him

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