Sample Examination

Sample Examination

Sample Examination


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University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />



General Instructions<br />

Name Matriculation No. Typ<br />

A<br />

SS07<br />

Page 1<br />

• This is a multiple-choice questions exam. Answer on the Multiple-Choice Solution Sheet<br />

provided.<br />

• This is a closed book exam and no reference books and materials are allowed. No<br />

calculators and other electronic devices are allowed.<br />

Annotation to the Assignments and the Multiple-Choice Solution Sheet<br />

• A set of the assignment sheets, a page of the multiple-choice solution sheet and some<br />

working papers will be provided in an envelope to each student. Do not use your own<br />

paper.<br />

• Only the multiple-choice solution sheet will be evaluated. Marked answers on the<br />

assignment sheet, solution approaches and workings will not be evaluated.<br />

• No corrections on the markings on the multiple-choice solution sheet is allowed. In case<br />

of erroneous entries on the solution sheet, ask the examiner for a new multiple-choice<br />

solution sheet and give up the invalid copy.<br />

• For each sub-task of an assignment, one or more answers may be correct.<br />

But : If the box "None of them" of one sub-task is shaded, the other shaded answers<br />

to this sub-task will be disregarded.<br />

• A negative score is not attainable in any sub-task of an assignment.<br />

• Hand in everything (assignment sheets, multiple-choice solution sheet and the working<br />

papers - used and unused) at the end of the examination in the envelope.<br />

• Only examinations that are returned completely with a signature on the declaration page<br />

will be evaluated.<br />

• Fill in your name and matriculation number on the assignment sheets and the multiplechoice<br />

solution sheets.

University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />

SS07<br />

Page 2<br />

Assignment 1 (20 Points)<br />

An operating system is an important part of almost every computer system. A computer system<br />

can be divided into four components: the hardware, the operating system, the application<br />

programs, and the user. Most modern computers use disks as primary on-line storage medium<br />

for information, both programs and data. The file system provides the mechanism for online<br />

storage of and access to both data and programs residing on the disks.<br />

1.1 Concerning operating systems and file systems, which statements are true?<br />

A:2 An operating system is a program that acts as an intermediary between the user of a<br />

computer and the computer hardware<br />

B: A soft real-time system guarantees that critical tasks be completed on time and are<br />

used for industrial control and robotics<br />

C:2 Time sharing and time-shared operating systems allow many users to use the<br />

computer system interactively at the same time<br />

D: Parallel systems have only one CPU with their individual computer bus and<br />

separated memory and peripheral devices<br />

E:2 A person whose job is to write programs for the level n virtual machine need not be<br />

aware of the underlying interpreters and translators<br />

F:2 Mass storage media is distinctive from main memory. The former retain data even<br />

when the computer is switched off.<br />

G: Directory organisation refers to various techniques for storing large amount of data<br />

H:2 The file system FAT16 is more reliable against bad sectors than FAT12<br />

I: The file system depends on the technology of the hard disk<br />

J: The file system FAT32 uses the lower order 32 bits for cluster addressing<br />

K: None of them

University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />

SS07<br />

Page 3<br />

CSMA/CD, carrier sense multiple access/collision detection, is a set of rules determining how<br />

network devices respond when two devices attempt to use a data channel simultaneously.<br />

Standard Ethernet networks use CSMA/CD mechanism and enable network devices to detect a<br />

collision.<br />

Token Ring is a type of computer network in which all the computers are arranged<br />

schematically in a circle. When capitalized, Token Ring refers to the PC network architecture<br />

developed by IBM. The IBM Token-Ring specification has been standardized as the IEEE 802.5<br />

standard. Token-passing networks move a small frame, called a token, around the network.<br />

1.2 Concerning CSMA/CD and Token Ring, which statements are true?<br />

L: CSMA/CD uses a token to announce that the common cable is now used<br />

M:2 CSMA/CD demands that a station has to wait a random time in case of collision<br />

before trying a new transmission<br />

N: CSMA/CD is a deterministic media access method<br />

O:2 CSMA/CD is a statistical media access method<br />

P:2 The CSMA/CD protocol is designed to provide fair access to the shared channel so<br />

that all the stations get a chance to use the network<br />

Q: In a Token Ring several stations can send a message simultaneously<br />

R:2 In a Token Ring network, the active monitor removes continuously circulating frames<br />

from the ring when its sending device fails<br />

S: If no station in a Token Ring wants to send data, the token is kept by the active<br />

monitor<br />

T: Token Ring is a deterministic media access method<br />

U:2 Ethernet networks are use in applications where delays must be predictable and<br />

where applications require a robust network operation<br />

V: None of them

University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />

SS07<br />

Page 4<br />

Assignment 2 (9 Points)<br />

A local area network operates Ethernet with CSMA/CD mechanism and runs at a<br />

transmission rate of 8 Mbps and a one-way signal propagation time of 25 μs.<br />

2.1 What is the minimum transmitted frame length (bits)?<br />

A: 300 B: 500 C: 800<br />

D: 200 E:3 400 F: None of them<br />

2.2 How long (μs) has a station to wait before trying to access the channel again, after<br />

experiencing 5 successively collisions?<br />

G: 125 H: 625 I: 800<br />

J:3 1 600 K: 3 200 L: None of them<br />

Looking at a Token-Ring network with a Token-Holding-Time (THT) of 10ms and a<br />

transmission rate of 10 Mbps.<br />

2.3 What is the longest frame size (bits)?<br />

M: 25 000 N: 12 500 O:3 100 000<br />

P: 200 000 Q: 50 000 R: None of them

University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />

SS07<br />

Page 5<br />

Assignment 3 (16 Points)<br />

Definition:<br />

• Runtime is the time a process needs to solve a given task, if it would not be interrupted<br />

• The process control block is called pcb<br />

• A quantum is a small unit of continuous CPU time (tQ). After this quantum has elapsed,<br />

the scheduler changes to the next process (respectively to the method)<br />

• A change of the current process (changing the pcb) takes tC = 1ms<br />

• Changing the pcb is not part of a quantum<br />

• The response time tR is the time between the input event for a process and its response<br />

There are 10 different processes running on a workstation. Idle processes are waiting for an<br />

input event in the input queue. Busy processes are scheduled with the Round-Robin timesharing<br />

method.<br />

3.1 Which out of the following quantum times is the best value for small response times, if<br />

the processes have a short runtime, e.g. less than 10ms?<br />

A:4 tQ = 15ms B: tQ = 40ms C: tQ = 45ms D: tQ = 50ms<br />

3.2 Which out of the following quantum times is the best value concerning CPU efficiency, if<br />

the processes have a long runtime, e.g. greater than 1s?<br />

E: tQ = 10ms F: tQ = 50ms G: tQ = 100ms H:4 tQ = 250ms

University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />

Consider the following set of processes, with the length of the CPU-burst time given in<br />

milliseconds:<br />

SS07<br />

Page 6<br />

Process Burst Time Priority<br />

P1 10 3<br />

P2 1 1<br />

P3 2 3<br />

P4 1 4<br />

P5 5 2<br />

Assume that P 1 is at the head of the ready queue and P5 is at the tail, and ignore the<br />

time for changing inter-processes.<br />

3.3 Using Round Robin scheduling algorithm (where the quantum q= 1ms) which is the<br />

average turnaround time?<br />

I: tav = 12ms J:8 tav = 9.2ms<br />

K: tav = 7ms L: tav = 10.8ms M: None of these

University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />

SS07<br />

Page 7<br />

Assignment 4 (20 Points)<br />

With the Dijkstra Algorithm the shortest path from a source node to any other node in the<br />

network can be calculated, if the network topology is known. The method starts with a list S<br />

of all nodes (except the source node) and calculates the arrays D[v] and R[v]. In D[v] the<br />

current distance from source node to the node v is stored. R[v] contains all nodes which lay<br />

on the shortest route from source to node v. The list and the arrays are initialized as follows:<br />

Initialize list S to include all nodes except the source node.<br />

Initialize array D in the way, that D[v] is the weight of the edge/link from the source to v if the<br />

edge/link exists, otherwise with “infinitive”. R[v] is initialized with the source node, if edge/link<br />

from source to v exists, otherwise with Null (empty).<br />

Given is the following network topology. Use Dijkstra’s Algorithm to define the shortest path<br />

from a to each node.<br />

a<br />

10<br />

Figure 4.1: Network topology<br />

4.1 What is the shortest distance from node a to node b ?<br />

A: 5 B: 7 C:5 8<br />

D: 9 E: 10 F: None of these<br />

4.2 What is the shortest distance from node a to node c ?<br />

G: 5 H: 7 I: 8<br />

5<br />

J:5 9 K: 10 L: None of these<br />

b<br />

e<br />

2<br />

3<br />

1<br />

2<br />

9<br />

7<br />

4 6<br />

c<br />


University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />

4.3 What is the shortest distance from node a to node d ?<br />

M: 5 N:5 7 O: 8<br />

P: 9 Q: 10 R: None of these<br />

SS07<br />

Page 8<br />

4.4 Using the Dijkstra algorithm, how many routes were replaced with routes of shorter<br />

distance? (Neglecting replacement of infinity values)<br />

S: 1 T: 2 U:5 3<br />

V: 4 W: 5 X: None of these

University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />

SS07<br />

Page 9<br />

Assignment 5 (15 Points)<br />

5.1. Consider a swapping system in which memory consists of the following hole sizes in memory<br />

order:<br />

H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7<br />

10K 4KB 20KB 18KB 7KB 9KB 12KB 15KB<br />

and a successive segment request of<br />

a) 12 KB<br />

b) 10KB<br />

c) 9KB<br />

Which of the following sentences is/are true?<br />

A:2 First Fit algorithm allocates H2, H0, H3 for the mentioned request.<br />

B: Next Fit algorithm allocates H3, H6, H7 for the mentioned request.<br />

C: Best Fit algorithm allocates H2, H0, H3 for the mentioned request.<br />

D: First Fit algorithm allocates H2, H6, H7 for the mentioned request.<br />

E: Worst Fit algorithm allocates H2, H3, H6 for the mentioned request.<br />

F:2 Next Fit algorithm allocates H2, H3, H5 for the mentioned request.<br />

G:2 Best Fit algorithm allocates H6, H0, H5 for the mentioned request.<br />

H:2 Worst Fit algorithm allocates H2, H3, H7 for the mentioned request.<br />

I: None of them

University<br />

Duisburg-Essen<br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Dipl. Ing. Bogdan Marin<br />


Operating Systems and Computer Networks (ISE)<br />

Data Processing 2 (AOS & E-Technik)<br />

5.2. A computer with a 16 bit address, a 4KB page size, has 64K of VA and 32K of PA.<br />

The page table for this computer is given in the following figure.<br />

Assuming that at a given time the running process issues the following instruction:<br />

MOV REG, 12292<br />

Which will be the outcome of the Memory Management Unit mapping?<br />

J:<br />

K:<br />

L:<br />

M:<br />

N:7<br />

Page table<br />

MOV REG, 12292<br />

MOV REG, 5000<br />

MOV REG, 16388<br />

MOV REG, 4<br />

None of them<br />

15<br />

14<br />

13<br />

12<br />

11<br />

10<br />

9<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

000<br />

000<br />

000<br />

000<br />

111<br />

000<br />

101<br />

000<br />

000<br />

000<br />

011<br />

100<br />

000<br />

110<br />

001<br />

010<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

0<br />

1<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

1<br />

Present<br />

bit<br />

SS07<br />

Page 10

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