What's Your Worldview? - Chalcedon Presbyterian Church

What's Your Worldview? - Chalcedon Presbyterian Church

What's Your Worldview? - Chalcedon Presbyterian Church


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What’s <strong>Your</strong> worldview?<br />

hat’s your sign?” Maybe you<br />

“Ware a Leo or a Libra, a Virgo or<br />

an Aquarius. Some people believe their<br />

astrological sign aff ects or determines<br />

their future. Well, one thing is for certain,<br />

your LIFEVIEW does determine<br />

your future! Do you know what your<br />

“Lifeview” is? Most people can tell you<br />

Signs of the Zodiac<br />

what their “sign” is but they have no<br />

idea what their “lifeview” is. Th e philosopher<br />

Socrates once said, “Th e unexamined<br />

life isn’t worth living.” I want to<br />

ask you to examine your lifeview! 1<br />

1. I recently have come across a tract on a<br />

number of websites entitled “Two Ways<br />

To Live” by Matthias Media, www.<br />

matthiasmedia.com. What I like about<br />

this presentation is that it presents the<br />

Wayne Rogers<br />

What is a LIFEVIEW? A lifeview is how<br />

you view life, the world, how you understand<br />

the origin, meaning, purpose, and<br />

goal of life, what happens after you die,<br />

etc. Th is is also called a “worldview,”<br />

how you look at and understand the<br />

world, its existence and purpose. How<br />

does this aff ect your life? Well, if you<br />

believe there is no God, that all things<br />

just exist by chance, that will aff ect how<br />

you live. But if you believe there is a God<br />

and the Bible is His word, then that will<br />

aff ect how you live. Th e next time you<br />

watch a TV program or movie ask what<br />

the lifeview of the actors or story is. For<br />

example, you will fi nd one kind of lifeview<br />

refl ected on “Little House on the<br />

Prairie” and diff erent one on afternoon<br />

“Soap operas.”<br />

What’s your lifeview? Like navels,<br />

everyone has one; you just may not<br />

have examined yours before. A lifeview<br />

is your most basic beliefs. Some people<br />

don’t believe in God. Others believe<br />

there is a God and all religions lead to<br />

Him. People believe things such as “I’m<br />

a good person and if there is a heaven I<br />

will go there.” Others say they believe<br />

in God but they live as if there weren’t<br />

one. Still others believe that man can<br />

solve his own problems without God.<br />

So, everyone has a lifeview. What’s<br />

yours? How do you know if it is right?<br />

Gospel from the perspective of God’s<br />

kingship and kingdom. Th is article has<br />

modifi ed that presentation.<br />

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What diff erence does it make? What if<br />

you’re wrong?<br />

Th e Bible is not just “Sunday<br />

School” stories for boys and girls. It<br />

presents a lifeview. Th e basic message<br />

at the heart of Christianity is really<br />

quite simple – it is a message from God<br />

about you and His Son, Jesus Christ. It<br />

is a message about life, about happiness,<br />

about right and wrong, and about<br />

the future. Th e Lifeview of the Bible<br />

starts with a loving creator God…<br />

1. GOD IS A LOVING<br />




(Gen. 1:26-28).<br />

Th e Christian message is that God created<br />

you and all things and that He is in<br />

charge of the world. He is the ruler, the<br />

supreme governor, the king. Unlike human<br />

rulers, however, God always does<br />

what is best for His people. He is the<br />

kind of king you’d like to be ruled by.<br />

God rules the world because He<br />

made the world. Like a potter with his<br />

clay, God fashioned the world into just<br />

the shape He wanted, with all its amazing<br />

details. He made it and He owns it.<br />

He also made you. God created you<br />

like Him in several ways: with knowl-<br />

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edge, intelligence, aff ections, morality,<br />

and put man in charge of the world— to<br />

rule it, to care for it, to be responsible<br />

for it, to develop it, and to enjoy all its<br />

beauty and goodness. He appointed us<br />

to supervise and look after His world,<br />

always under His own authority, honoring<br />

Him and obeying His directions<br />

from the Bible.<br />

You can see this represented in<br />

our fi rst illustration: God is the ruler<br />

(the crown) and humanity was created<br />

to live in and rule God’s world under<br />

God’s loving authority.<br />


NOW! Th at all sounds rather ideal—<br />

God in heaven, people ruling the world<br />

according to His directions, and everything<br />

right with the world. But everything<br />

is very obviously not right with us<br />

or the world.<br />



Th e sad truth is that, from the very beginning,<br />

men and women everywhere<br />

have rejected God and His will by doing<br />

things their own way. We all do<br />

this. We don’t like someone telling us<br />

what to do or how to live—least of all<br />

God—and so we rebel against Him, His<br />

will, and His kingly moral law in lots of<br />

diff erent ways. We ignore Him and just<br />

get on with our own lives; or we disobey<br />

What’s <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Worldview</strong>?<br />

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His instructions for living in His world;<br />

or we shake our puny fi sts in His face<br />

and tell Him to get lost. We even try to<br />

make Him in our image so that we can<br />

live any way we want to.<br />

How ever we do it, we are all rebels<br />

because we don’t live God’s way which<br />

He revealed in the Bible. We prefer<br />

to follow our own desires and to run<br />

things our own way, without God. Th is<br />

rebellious, disobedient, self-centered,<br />

self-suffi cient attitude is what the Bible<br />

calls ‘sin’.<br />

Th e trouble is, in rejecting God,<br />

we are alienated from God, and we are<br />

under His wrath and curse for our sinful<br />

rebellion and unbelief; we make a<br />

mess not only of our own lives, but of<br />

our society and the world. It has been<br />

said, “If you go against the grain of the<br />

universe, you get splinters.” Of course,<br />

we have more than splinters, to say the<br />

least. Th e whole world is full of people<br />

bent on doing what suits them, and not<br />

following God’s perfect, wise, holy, and<br />

good will. We all act like little gods,<br />

with our own little crowns, competing<br />

with one another. Th e result is misery.<br />

Th e suff ering and injustice that we see<br />

around us in the world all go back to<br />

our basic rebellion against God.<br />


THIS REBELLION? By rebelling<br />

against God, we’ve made a terrible mess<br />

of things. Th e question is: what will<br />

God do about it?<br />

What’s <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Worldview</strong>?<br />



FOREVER.<br />

God certainly takes our rebellion seriously.<br />

God is a holy and loving God.<br />

He will not tolerate this treason in His<br />

kingdom. He calls us to account for<br />

our actions, for failing to worship Him<br />

alone and to obey Him, and for failing<br />

to love Him and our neighbors as<br />

ourselves. Th ese were His two greatest<br />

commandments. He will not let this rebellion<br />

go on forever. He has planned a<br />

day of judgment for all people.<br />

Th e sentence this loving God passes<br />

against us is entirely just. God created<br />

us to live in a life-love bond with Him<br />

and others. He created us to worship,<br />

love, serve, and obey Him. Man’s chief<br />

purpose is to glorify God and enjoy Him<br />

and in so doing enjoy life as well. And<br />

in worshipping, glorifying, and serving<br />

God alone man would enjoy the blessings<br />

of God in this life and the life to<br />

come. In rebelling against God and His<br />

Word, we are saying to him, “Go away.<br />

I don’t want you telling me what to do.<br />

Leave me alone.” Perhaps we are even<br />

saying “I don’t believe in you.” God’s<br />

judgment on those who rebel against<br />

Him is to withdraw from them, to cut<br />

them off from Himself—completely and<br />

permanently. Since God alone is the<br />

source of life and all good things, being<br />

cut off from him ultimately means<br />

death and hell. God’s judgment against<br />

rebels is an everlasting, God-less death<br />

and destruction.<br />

Th is is a terrible thing, to fall under<br />

the sentence of God’s judgment. It<br />

is a prospect we all face, since we are all<br />

guilty of rebelling against God.<br />

Is that it then? Are we all destined<br />

for death and everlasting ruin? If not for<br />

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God’s own miraculous and loving intervention,<br />

we would be. GOD’S JUSTICE<br />






Since all men are guilty sinners, no mere<br />

man can save himself or anyone else.<br />

Th erefore God sent His own Son into the<br />

world to save sinners. God’s eternal Son<br />

became a man, Jesus of Nazareth, in order<br />

that He might pay the penalty for sin<br />

and save those who repent of their sinful<br />

rebellion, disobedience, and unbelief<br />

and return to Him in faith as the Son of<br />

God and Savior of sinners.<br />

Unlike us, Jesus didn’t rebel against<br />

His Father. He perfectly obeyed Him,<br />

delighting in His Will and law. Th erefore,<br />

He did not deserve to die. Yet Jesus<br />

did die. Although He had the power of<br />

God to heal the sick, walk on water and<br />

even raise the dead, Jesus allowed himself<br />

to be executed on a cross. Why?<br />

Th e Bible rings with the incredible<br />

news that Jesus died as a substitute for<br />

rebels like us. “Th e wages of sin is death.”<br />

Th e debt for sin that was owed to God<br />

Jesus paid by dying on the cross. He took<br />

the full force of God’s justice on himself<br />

so that those who repent and believe<br />

might be forgiven and pardoned. He<br />

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died to cover sin, to reconcile sinners to<br />

God, to take away the wrath of God due<br />

them, and to deliver them from bondage<br />

to sin and their sinful nature, giving<br />

them a new heart, a new life now, and a<br />

new future! All this is quite undeserved<br />

by us. It is a generous gift, from start to<br />

fi nish. BUT THAT’S NOT ALL…<br />



WORLD.<br />

God accepted Jesus’ death as payment<br />

in full for sin, and raised Him from the<br />

dead. Th e resurrection is the vindication<br />

of His sacrifi ce for sin. Th e risen<br />

and ascended Jesus is now what humanity<br />

was created to be: God’s ruler of<br />

the world.<br />

As God’s ruler now in heaven, Jesus is<br />

building His church, the people, and<br />

family of God. He has inaugurated the<br />

kingdom of God! Jesus has also been<br />

appointed God’s judge of the world. Th e<br />

Bible declares that one day, He will return<br />

to call all of us to account for our<br />

rebellion and unbelief. He commands<br />

all men now to repent and believe the<br />

good news that Jesus is Lord and Savior.<br />

In the meantime, Jesus promises<br />

new life, both now and eternally, to<br />

those who repent, believe, and follow<br />

Him in faith and obedience. Now, sins<br />

What’s <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Worldview</strong>?<br />

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are forgiven through Jesus’ death, and<br />

those who repent and believe have a<br />

new life and a fresh start with God, no<br />

longer as rebels but as friends. In this<br />

new life, God himself comes to live<br />

within us by his Spirit. We experience<br />

the joy of a new relationship with God.<br />

What’s more, when we are pardoned<br />

through Jesus’ death, we can be<br />

quite sure that when Jesus does return<br />

to judge, we will be accepted by Him.<br />

Th e risen Jesus will give us eternal life,<br />

not because we have earned it or because<br />

we have done good works, but<br />

because He has died in the place of sinners.<br />


LEAVE US? It leaves us with the fact that<br />

there are ultimately only two lifeviews!<br />



Reject the creator and ruler-God. Try to<br />

run your own life your own way.<br />

RESULT<br />

Condemned by God. Facing death and<br />

God’s judgment.<br />



Submit to Jesus as your Lord. Repent of<br />

your sinful disobedience and rebellion<br />

and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord<br />

and Savior.<br />

RESULT<br />

Forgiven by God. New life now and<br />

eternal life.<br />

I must tell you that if your life-view is<br />

based on “there is no-God” and evolution,<br />

you have no basis on your life-<br />

What’s <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Worldview</strong>?<br />

view for reason, logic, ethics, or science.<br />

Th ese are all based on the fact<br />

that you and the world are what the<br />

Bible says about God and creation.<br />

You can continue in your unbelief and<br />

rebellion against God, and try to run<br />

your life your own way without Him.<br />

Sadly, this is the option that many people<br />

persist in.<br />

Th e end result is that God your creator<br />

and King condemns you for your<br />

rejection of His rightful rule over your<br />

life. You not only have to put up with the<br />

messy consequences of rejecting God<br />

here and now, but you face the dreadful<br />

reality of an eternity of separation from<br />

Him in hell, without life or love.<br />

For those who realize their sinful and<br />

selfi sh rebellion and repent there is<br />

mercy and grace. John 3:16, “For God so<br />

loved the world that He gave His only<br />

begotten Son, that whoever believes in<br />

Him should not perish but have everlasting<br />

life.” For those who do not, “Th e<br />

wrath of God abides on them,” John<br />

3:36. Th e eff ect is not only personally<br />

devastating, but social, culturally, and<br />

nationally devastating. Psalm 9:17, “Th e<br />

wicked shall be turned into hell and all<br />

nations that forget God.”<br />

If we, like the prodigal son, turn<br />

back to God, trusting in Jesus’ death<br />

for our sins, believing in His resurrec-<br />

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tion, and repenting of our sins, then<br />

everything is new. “If any man be in<br />

Christ, he is a new creation, old things<br />

are passed away, behold, everything becomes<br />

new, 2 Cor. 5:17.<br />

For a start, God wipes our slate<br />

clean. Whereas you were a convicted<br />

and condemned rebel traitor, He gives<br />

you a new record, free from guilt and<br />

punishment. He accepts Jesus’ death as<br />

payment for your sins, and freely and<br />

completely forgives you. He gives you a<br />

new heart and a new life that stretches<br />

past death and into forever. We are no<br />

longer rebels, but part of God’s own family,<br />

the Christian church, as his adopted<br />

sons and daughters. We now live with<br />

and for Jesus as our Lord and Savior.<br />

Th e two ways to live could not be<br />

more diff erent, and they call you, the<br />

reader, to respond. God now commands<br />

all men everywhere to repent!<br />

If your answer to the question above<br />

is ‘my own way’, then you probably<br />

don’t believe some or all of the message<br />

we have been outlining.<br />

Perhaps you do not believe there is<br />

a God, that if there is a God He is going<br />

to judge rebels, or that you really are<br />

a rebel. If that is the case, then please<br />

think carefully. What do you base that<br />

on? How do you know? What if you are<br />

wrong? It would be a good idea to investigate<br />

more thoroughly the claims<br />

that have been made here, because if<br />

they are true, the consequences of not<br />

believing are death.<br />

Perhaps you could talk to a Christian<br />

friend or fi nd a church which believes<br />

and teaches the same things we<br />

have written here for further explanation.<br />

Sadly, not all churches or religions<br />

however believe and teach salvation by<br />

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grace through faith alone. Th erefore, you<br />

have to talk to someone who believes the<br />

Bible to be the Word of God and the<br />

things we have written in this pamphlet.<br />

However, if you know that you<br />

have been a rebel against God (and<br />

the Bible says that actually all men<br />

know there is a god but they suppress<br />

that knowledge in unrighteousness–see<br />

God knows all about you!)<br />

the next obvious question is: What<br />

should you do about it?<br />

Well, you should do what we have<br />

said all along, repent of your unbelief,<br />

rebellion, and disobedience, and trust in<br />

Christ alone as your savior, the one who<br />

was a substitute for sin, and now seek to<br />

follow and serve Him as your Lord.<br />

Next, you need to fi nd a biblical<br />

Christian church. Jesus gave Himself<br />

to build His church, His bride,<br />

Eph. 5:25-27. Everyone who was saved<br />

in the Bible was added to the church,<br />

Acts 2:38-42. When Jesus ascended to<br />

heaven He gave some to be pastors and<br />

teachers to Christians, to build them<br />

up, Eph. 4:11-12. His church, through<br />

God called and qualifi ed pastors and<br />

teachers, continues His work and ministry<br />

on earth by His Word and Spirit.<br />

You need to know that not all<br />

churches are the same. Maybe you were<br />

brought up in a church or “tried church”<br />

and you are now completely turned off<br />

or burned out. Not all churches are the<br />

same. Frankly, not all churches are truly<br />

Christian churches. Some churches<br />

don’t believe in the infallibility of the<br />

Bible. Others don’t believe in salvation<br />

by grace through faith alone.<br />

Th ere are marks of “true church.”<br />

Look for a church where there is a<br />

strong emphasis on Bible preaching<br />

and teaching and the application of the<br />

Bible to all of life. Look for a church<br />

What’s <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Worldview</strong>?<br />

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where worship is reverent and biblical.<br />

Beware of churches that entertain<br />

people more than they worship God.<br />

Look for a church where “the love of the<br />

brethren” and concern for the world is<br />

evident. Look for a church that puts a<br />

great emphasis on the home, marriage,<br />

family, children, and society.<br />

Not all true Christian churches are<br />

alike either. Th ere is no perfect church.<br />

However, we believe the church that<br />

best expresses the teaching, faith, and<br />

life of the Bible is a church that is both<br />

<strong>Presbyterian</strong> and Reformed (not one<br />

without the other). “Reformed” refers<br />

to the Protestant reformation which<br />

began in the 16 th Century. Th at was a<br />

time when the Spirit of God led God’s<br />

people to return to the Bible alone as<br />

the inspired and infallible Word of God<br />

and to salvation by grace through faith<br />

alone. “<strong>Presbyterian</strong>” is from the word<br />

translated “elders” in the Bible. <strong>Presbyterian</strong><br />

refers to pastoring the church by<br />

godly “Elders.”<br />

In a biblical Christian church you<br />

will be shepherded as one of Jesus’<br />

sheep and have the Word of God ministered<br />

to you so that you can grow in<br />

Christ, 1 Peter 2:2, and learn how to live<br />

in God’s world and please Him, 2 Peter<br />

3:18. You will have fellowship with and<br />

support from fellow believers. You will<br />

praise God in worship and learn how to<br />

live in every area of life for God according<br />

to His will; you will learn how to<br />

solve problems and serve the God who<br />

called and saved you!<br />

So, you truly are at a “Cross-road”<br />

and a “Crown-road.” What is your “Lifeview”?<br />

What do you base it on? Th ere<br />

are only two ways to live. Who will be<br />

the Lord of your life? You or God?<br />

What will you do with Jesus<br />

Christ? What will He do with YOU?<br />

What’s <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Worldview</strong>?<br />


MODULE<br />



AUGUST 10-14, 2009<br />


CHURCH<br />

302 Pilgrim Mill Rd.<br />

Cumming, Ga. 30040<br />

770-205-9390<br />



• Principles of Biblical Counseling<br />

• Premarital Counseling<br />

• Crisis Counseling<br />

• Basic Marriage Counseling<br />

• Communicating Biblically<br />

• Counseling Provocative Parents<br />

• Counseling Teenagers<br />

• Dealing With Rebellious Children<br />

• Forgiveness<br />

• Counseling Couples through Adultery<br />

• Dealing with Obsessions<br />

• Divorce “Recovery”<br />





FAMILY: $60<br />

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