June 27, 2010 Bulletin (.pdf) - Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

June 27, 2010 Bulletin (.pdf) - Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

June 27, 2010 Bulletin (.pdf) - Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church


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<strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> A.D. Pastor Brad Urbach – 224-2838<br />

<strong>Faith</strong> Ev. <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> – Pierre, SD Pastor Levi Willms – 224-4620<br />

Website: www.faithluth.com <strong>Church</strong> Phone – 224-2216<br />

Email: faith@faithluth.com <strong>Church</strong> Fax – 224-2226<br />

As We Gather – As there is physical fitness, so there is<br />

also spiritual fitness ---being "fit," prepared, ready, and in<br />

shape to follow Jesus and focus on Him amid the<br />

distractions of our lives in this world. That fitness begins<br />

with God's own call and fitting us for the kingdom by faith<br />

in Christ Jesus. Christ's righteousness in Holy Baptism<br />

equips us with the Word and promises God alone gives us to<br />

carry us through all temptations. We, of course, will be able<br />

always to "recall" our past sins and our life of aimless<br />

wandering without God. But we are not to yearn for those<br />

old days because Christ focuses us on our goal---the New Jerusalem of eternal life. We will "press<br />

on toward the goal" (Philippians 3:14) keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2).<br />


If there are prayer concerns for you, your family, your friends, or your<br />

neighbors, please put them on the blue information card. Our Board of<br />

Elders are prayerful with our pastors about these joys and struggles of our<br />

earthly journey.<br />

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16b<br />



THE OPENING HYMN “Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun” LSB 868<br />

(We cheerfully rise and sing)<br />


P In the name of the Father and of the † Son and of the Holy Spirit.<br />

C Amen.<br />



P If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.<br />

C But if we confess our sins, God, who is faithful and just, will forgive our sins and<br />

cleanse us from all unrighteousness.<br />

P Let us then confess our sins to God our Father.<br />

C Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have<br />

sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and by what<br />

we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved<br />

our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve your present and eternal punishment.<br />

For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and<br />

lead us, so that we may delight in your will and walk in your ways to the glory of<br />

your holy name. Amen<br />

P Almighty God in His mercy has given His Son to die for you and for His sake forgives you<br />

all your sins. As a called and ordained servant of Christ, and by His authority, I therefore<br />

forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the † Son and of the Holy Spirit.<br />

[John 20:19-23]<br />

C Amen.<br />

THE HYMN OF PRAISE “Glory to God in the Highest” Luke 2:14; John 1:29<br />


THE SALUTATION (Chanted)<br />

P The Lord be with you.<br />

C And also with you.<br />


Lord of all power and might, author and giver of all good things, graft into our hearts the love of<br />

Your name and nourish us with all goodness that we may love and serve our neighbor; through<br />

Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God,<br />

now and forever. Amen.<br />

THE SPECIAL MUSIC “More Precious”…Marty Parks<br />

Kelsey Wilson, vocalist<br />

THE EPISTLE LESSON Ephesians 6:10-18<br />


THE HOLY GOSPEL St. Luke 9:51-62 (The challenge of following Jesus.)<br />

THE SERMON HYMN "Be Strong in the Lord," LSB 665 (Tune 804)<br />

THE SERMON “I Have a Plan”<br />

Jeremiah 29:11<br />

Pastor Brad Urbach<br />

THE HYMN “Rise Up, O Men of God”<br />

THE CREED 8:20 Apostles’ Back cover of <strong>Lutheran</strong> Service Book<br />

11:00 Nicene Inside back cover of <strong>Lutheran</strong> Service Book<br />



THE OFFERING We gather our tithes, gifts of love, and our “Building Together in <strong>Faith</strong>” gifts<br />

THE OFFERTORY “Create in Me” LW 175<br />


P Almighty God, that You have made us fit partakers of Your kingdom by faith in the<br />

forgiveness of our sins for the sake of Jesus Christ, the Lord. Give to Your whole <strong>Church</strong><br />

Your light and Your peace. And keep us focused on the ultimate goal, the salvation of the<br />

world in the new heavens and earth. Lord, in Your mercy,<br />


C hear our prayer.<br />

P Fit us with all the spiritual gifts for service in Your kingdom: love toward You and for one<br />

another, the joy and peace of knowing we belong to You, patience, kindness, and<br />

goodness in our dealings with our neighbors, and faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control<br />

in our conduct. Lord, in Your mercy,<br />

C hear our prayer.<br />

P Help us not to let past, forgiven sins exercise any power or control over or between us, and<br />

enable us to live in peace, in the forgiveness of our sins. Lord, in Your mercy,<br />

C hear our prayer.<br />

P Give to leaders of all nations the desire and will to promote justice and peace in the world.<br />

Bless the Word of Your kingdom to be spread through every land. Lord, in Your mercy,<br />

C hear our prayer.<br />

P Guide and direct doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, and first responders in our<br />

communities that the sick and injured may receive Your healing, comfort, and peace.<br />

We pray for our <strong>Faith</strong> family and its friends in the midst of life’s joys and<br />

struggles…Lord, in Your mercy,<br />

C hear our prayer.<br />

P Into Your hands, O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your mercy;<br />

through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.<br />

C Amen.<br />


Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,<br />

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread;<br />

and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;<br />

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.<br />

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.<br />

The 8:20 service concludes on page 8 with<br />

The Benediction<br />



11:00<br />

P It is truly good, right, and salutary …evermore praising You and saying:<br />

THE SANCTUS ~ Holy, Holy, Holy<br />

THE WORDS OF OUR LORD Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25<br />

THE PAX DOMINI John 20:19<br />

P The Peace of the Lord be with you always.<br />

C And also with you.<br />




“Your Table I Approach” LSB 628<br />

“O Savior, Precious Savior” LSB 5<strong>27</strong><br />

“Oh, for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” LSB 528<br />

NUNC DIMITTIS ~ Song of Simeon Luke 2:29-32<br />


THE BENEDICTION (With Sung Amens)<br />

P The Lord bless you and keep you.<br />

The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.<br />

The Lord look upon you with favor and † give you peace.<br />

THE CLOSING HYMN “Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus” LSB 685<br />

Welcome to <strong>Faith</strong> <strong>Evangelical</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> on this Fifth Sunday after Pentecost!<br />

We are delighted to have you in worship with us. If you are visiting from out of town, we bid you<br />

welcome and God-speed on your journey. Should you be from our community, and have no<br />

church home, we invite you to make <strong>Faith</strong> your church home. Greeting you this morning:<br />

Before Early Service Before Late Service<br />

Corey & Susan LaFave Al & Norma Meier<br />

Vernon & Gloria Bump Dennis & Margaret Kayser<br />

After Early Service After Late Service<br />

Pat & Veryl Huisman Ryan & Kyley Cumbow<br />

Ron & Sandy Peterson Rich & Gloris Zoller<br />

Preaching this morning is Pastor Brad Urbach who will also preach at Trinity <strong>Lutheran</strong> in Blunt<br />

between our services. Pastor Levi Willms is our Liturgist and will lead our Adult Study on our<br />

Missouri Synod history this morning.<br />

Our Altar flowers last Sunday were given by Lyle & Elaine Wagner on the<br />

joyful occasion of their 50 th wedding anniversary. Thanks Lyle & Elaine.<br />


Holy Communion is celebrated at our 11:00 service. In this Sacrament, our Lord brings us<br />

strength and forgiveness to be about His vision and mission. Those confirmed <strong>Lutheran</strong>s who<br />

come to the Sacrament of the Altar today are asked to read the communion side of our information<br />

card found in the pew rack and to sign the bottom of the reverse side so that our communion<br />

records might be complete.<br />

Morning Fellowship A fresh cup of coffee awaits you in our Christian Family Life<br />

Center this morning. Come join us!<br />

Sunday School Summer Sunday School continues today and will meet in the Preschool. It is for<br />

N-5 th grade.<br />

Our Adult Study continues this Sunday with the history of our <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Missouri<br />

Synod. Next Sunday we will have a morning coffee and a Presentation from our Hong Kong<br />

guests.<br />

Nursery There is nursery this morning during our 11:00 service.<br />

God Be With You!<br />

Our Broadcasts Both Sonrise and our Cable Broadcast are made possible this morning by Dave<br />

& Janice Johnson in thanksgiving to God for the wedding of Chad & Amanda Johnson. Thanks<br />

Dave & Janice, may God bless Chad & Amanda as they begin life’s journey together.<br />

The Broadcast schedules are on the traveling <strong>Bulletin</strong> board, which is in the Narthex.<br />

Our Cable Broadcast is also on our Website which Dennis and Carolyn Ryckman keep very<br />

current for us. Take a look at www.faithluth.com. COST: You may sponsor the radio broadcast of<br />

Sonrise for $30.00. This radio broadcast is on 1240 AM KCCR at 6:40 a.m. on Sunday morning.<br />

The cost of sponsoring the cable broadcast of our worship service is $35.00. This cable access<br />

broadcast is televised on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. on Channel 8. If you choose to sponsor<br />

both, the cost is $60.00.<br />

<strong>June</strong> 20, <strong>2010</strong>, Att. 354; General Fund $8849.00; Building Fund $3345.00; Love Fund $60.00;<br />

Thrivent Automatic Withdrawal $2990.10 (General $1570.10; Building Fund $1420.00);<br />

Broadcasts $30.00; Utecht Ministry $50.00; Memorial Garden $140.00; VBS $173.50; VBS<br />

Mission Project $240.00; Forever Young $30.00; LYF Pancake Feed $436.00; Endowment Fund<br />

in memory of Marvin (PeeWee) Keller $400.00.<br />

This Week at <strong>Faith</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

Today: <strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong> 8:20 am Worship<br />


9:30 Sunday School/Adult Study<br />

11:00 am Communion<br />

4:30 pm Loesch/Galt Wedding in Bismarck<br />

Mon: <strong>June</strong> 28<br />

7:00 Fulfillment Committee Meeting<br />

Tues: <strong>June</strong> 29<br />

8:25 am Staff Devotions<br />

Wed: <strong>June</strong> 30<br />

6:30 am Ladies Study<br />

6:30 pm Summer Worship<br />

7:30 pm LYF<br />

Thurs: July 1<br />

11<br />

8:25 am Staff Devotions<br />

Fri: July 2<br />

Students from Hong Kong arrive at <strong>Faith</strong><br />

Sat: July 3<br />

10:00 Betty’s Place – Board of Elders<br />

Sun: July 4<br />

8:20 am Worship<br />

9:30 Presentation by our Hong Kong guests<br />

11:00 am Worship<br />

Gifts –<br />

Thank you for your gifts of $4,765.00 this past week to the Building<br />

Fund which included a gift for two more occasional chairs for the<br />

Living Room given in memory of PeeWee Keller by Shirley Keller<br />

and Dale & Renee Knapp. Your gifts in the past three weeks have amounted to$43,534.89 to the<br />

Building Fund.<br />

What does this mean?<br />

It means we can pay the final bills, the last payment to Sioux Falls Construction, and put a<br />

$7,000.00 dent in the Bank West interim loan of $56,000.00.<br />

It Means!<br />

We will not need to borrow any further interim finance monies. This is a great relief!<br />

It Means!<br />

Hopefully many will be willing to extend our giving for a period of time to pay off the Bank West<br />

interim loan very quickly.<br />

Our New Cup We want every family to have one of our new Christian Family Life Center mugs.<br />

Please pick one up for your family today.<br />

Dedication Day <strong>Bulletin</strong>s are also on the cup table if you desire to see the day’s events, please<br />

pick one up. Services fron that day will be available on DVD by next week.<br />

Different Different Different Gifts/Equal Gifts/Equal Gifts/Equal Sacrifice Sacrifice<br />


Important dates pending: Fulfillment Committee – Monday, <strong>June</strong> 28 at 7:00 p.m.<br />

God’s Gardeners – with more flowers and shrubs than ever before we<br />

are looking for a group of people willing to prune roses, cut off old<br />

blooms, maintain the beautiful planters, from time to time add new<br />

flowers and of course stay after the volunteer weeds. A dozen<br />

Gardeners would be great. We might have a set time to gather or take<br />

different areas of responsibility, in any case we could use some help to<br />

keep our beautiful, blooming campus stunning. Can you help? Speak<br />

to Pastor Urbach. Thank you.<br />

We again thank Gail Ferris for the petunias, the planters and the<br />

petunias and sedum in the Grace Plaza.<br />

Preschool Registration Our Preschool is now taking applications for next<br />

fall. There are still openings. The registration forms are on the information<br />

desk in the Narthex.<br />

Hong Kong Interface Project <strong>Faith</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> will host<br />

the first-ever Hong Kong International Student Exchange with our<br />

LCMS partner - Hong Kong <strong>Lutheran</strong> Synod. Students will be<br />

arriving in Pierre on Friday, July 2 nd and will be departing<br />

Tuesday, July 6th. These students range from grades 8-12. Please<br />

join our worship on July 4 th and let’s make this a memorable trip<br />

for these young people.<br />

Thank You to Priscilla Circle for hosting a very nice Reception for Pastor Wagner last Sunday as he<br />

celebrated his 20 th Ordination Anniversary. Coffee Cake, a decorated cake and nuts & mints. Pastor<br />

Wagner, in addition to an honorarium, was given a neat plaque commemorating this 20 year event and<br />

a gift certificate.<br />

Summer Worship Gone on the weekend this Summer?<br />

Well here is an opportunity to still worship. Every week<br />

during the summer months, we will have a shorter service on<br />

Wednesday nights at 6:30.<br />

Communion will be every other Wednesday and the service is<br />


usually 30 minutes. Sometimes the Homily is somewhat like Sunday’s, sometimes totally different.<br />

Last summer our high was 49 people and our low 6 people. Some who were there on Sunday were<br />

there Wednesday too for just the wonderful opportunity to worship and sing with others.<br />

Gone on a weekend, join us on Wednesday.<br />

Circuit Bible Camp Circuit Bible camp will be this<br />

summer, July <strong>27</strong>-30 at Custer State Park. This is for<br />

kids currently in 3rd-8th grade, registration forms can<br />

be found in the Narthex. If there are any adults that<br />

would like to go and help with Circuit Bible Camp,<br />

please speak with Pastor Willms.<br />

Bible Bee There are information sheets for Bible Bee in the Narthex or if you want more<br />

information or visit www.biblebee.org. There are also detailed materials you can look at located in<br />

the welcome center at Community Bible <strong>Church</strong>. This is a great opportunity for families to read<br />

and study the Bible together! Talk to Barb Bishop 224-9186 or Jessica Willms 224-4620 if you<br />

have questions.<br />

LYF National Youth Gathering Meeting We will meet on July 1 st at 7:30 pm to discuss plans<br />

for the National Youth Gathering and to plan additional fundraisers if needed.<br />

“The Grill” Our monster Pancake Grill is now wonderfully portable thanks to the<br />

welding and tire talent of Johnny Zeiszler and the new cords built by Brandon<br />

Butler. Our LYF kids enjoyed fixing the flapjacks for you last Sunday. We thank<br />

Johnny & Brandon for sharing their time and talent. We had the largest pancake<br />

feed we have ever had.<br />

Parking Lot We extend a large thank you to our Board of Trustees for placing edging timbers on the<br />

graveled lot at our “642” property. Now the lawn is lawn, and parking lot is parking lot. It is a very<br />

nice improvement.<br />

Bricks and Blocks for the Taking – With the exception of the burnished<br />

block and the pallet of bricks used on the new building, all the landscaping<br />

blocks and used bricks are up for grabs for anyone who can use them. The<br />


asketball pole and backboard are also not going to have a place in the new parking lot. So first come,<br />

first serve! If you are unsure about what is and is not available, speak to Jay Fredrich, Pastor Urbach or<br />

Dale Knapp, chairman of the Board of Trustees.<br />

Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10 AM on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls and<br />

at 9 AM on KEVN-FOX Rapid City. Viewers, area churches, and memorial gifts support Main<br />

Street Living. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired. Mailing address is Main Street<br />

Living, 1400 S. Duluth Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105. The program may be viewed on the web at<br />

www.mainstreetliving.com. E-mail mainstreet@sio.midco.net.<br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>27</strong>, <strong>2010</strong> – Kid’s Crossing Janitor Bob shares God’s command that we should love one<br />

another.<br />

The featured speaker is Rev. Jenina Gatnoor, Sudanese minister of Zion <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

in Sioux Falls. The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted<br />

for the hearing impaired.<br />

July 4, <strong>2010</strong> – Kids Crossing walks with Jesus as we witness the selection and the appointment of<br />

the 12 apostles.<br />

The featured speaker is Rev. George Sagissor III from Our Redeemer <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in<br />

Sioux Falls, SD. The sermon theme is “Freedom Now!” The hymns are God of Grace and God of<br />

Glory; America the Beautiful; and God Bless Our Native Land. The Main Street Living Choir will<br />

provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.<br />

Life Quotes “Our hope as Christians is in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, ‘I am the<br />

resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and<br />

believes in me will never die’ (John 11:25). We can believe it! Although we will die, we will ive –<br />

eternally with Christ. ” Kay L. Meyer, director of development for <strong>Lutheran</strong>s For Life This “Life<br />

Quote” is from <strong>Lutheran</strong>s For Life – www.lutheransforlife.org.<br />

6 More Months!<br />

Our Request<br />

Our Board of Stewardship is requesting all of our families to consider extending their giving to the<br />

Building Fund for 6 months.<br />

One Goal<br />

The request has but one goal; to quickly pay back the Bank West loan of $56,000.<br />

Why the Bank West Debt?<br />

Because all of the contingency monies of $100,000.00 were spent mostly on needed foundation<br />

issues and we finished off some of the Building while we had the contractors here. We’ve incurred<br />

a $56,000 short term debt.<br />


Will the large offerings of <strong>June</strong> 6 & 13 help?<br />

Yes, we have paid all bills on hand, set aside monies to pay the final few bills, and put $7,000.00<br />

toward the Bank West loan.<br />

When is the first District Payment due of $5,836.00 a month?<br />

That will be July 1. This will be a new debt of about $6,000 a month. We therefore urge all in our<br />

parish to remember their weekly tithes and gifts of love, especially in these summer months<br />

when we are gone more. Please remember your weekly offerings even on Sundays you are<br />

gone! Thank you!<br />

Will there be an encouragement to do Debt Retirement on our $1,000,000.00 <strong>Church</strong><br />

Extension Fund loan?<br />

Yes, indeed, we can save thousands and thousands of dollars by prepaying on this loan but for<br />

now, first things first, we wish to quickly pay off the Bank West short-term loan.<br />

The Board of stewardship Encouragement is what in terms of extending our giving?<br />

* That those who have met their commitments would extend their giving.<br />

* That those who are still striving to meet their commitments will do so.<br />

* That those who are giving without commitments will continue to give.<br />

* That those who have waited to see how this all went might be willing to help our “Building<br />

Together in <strong>Faith</strong>” campaign at this time.<br />


16<br />

Dedication Reflections<br />

Thank you! And you, and you, and you, and<br />

you, & you & you & you & on & on & on…<br />

Sunday, <strong>June</strong> 6 was a remarkable day.<br />

The Preachers – we heard three fine sermons<br />

from Pastors David Schmidt, Jonathan Offt,<br />

and Reed Lessing. For those at the 2:00<br />

Dedication service it will be a long time<br />

before they will ever forget the words of<br />

Jeremiah preached by Dr. Lessing “Buy the<br />

Field.”<br />

The Music – wonderful anthems, first by the

ladies of the choir directed by Rodd Bauck, and accompanied by Karen Lindbloom and bass<br />

player Larry Johnson. The afternoon anthem was terrific and the choral verse of “earth and all<br />

stars” and the beautiful doxological verse written by Karen Lindbloom, well, you could almost<br />

hear “Engines and steel! Loud pounding hammers! Limestone and beams! Loud building<br />

workers!”<br />

The organists and the piano/organ duets by Annette Hill & Carolyn Ryckman and Jeanne<br />

Schweigert & Jodi Hartmann were smashing, not to mention the beautiful trumpet work of Jim<br />

Schweigert.<br />

Morning Reception – A tip of the hat to Priscilla Circle and Rebekah Circle for the morning<br />

coffee cheerfully presented with a lovely decorated serving table.<br />

More Music – It was most delightful to have music between services by Pastor Bob Hinckley<br />

and his good friend for many years, Jim Schweigert.<br />

Noon Meal – what a remarkable bunch of cooks from Zion <strong>Lutheran</strong> in Sioux Falls. Their<br />

ministry action team was assisted by Pastor Greg Lehr, Vernon & Gloria Bump’s son-in-law. The<br />

meal was a feast of German sausage, sauerkraut, baked beans and potatoes. What a selection of<br />

cakes – we thank all the cake bakers.<br />

Buggy rides – We thank Mike & Angie Roman for the wagon rides around the church. It was a<br />

big hit and the Clydesdales are beautiful horses.<br />

The clowns – speaking of big hits – the clowns with the Ministry Action Team were really<br />

enjoyed. We enjoyed all the balloon hats.<br />

More Music – the sounds of polkas added a festive touch during our noon meal. We thank Mal<br />

Hinckley for arranging this with Veryl Hohn of Mitchell. Dueling accordions – what a festive<br />

touch to the meal. We know some of you wanted to dance.<br />

The Dedications – The Dedication Reflections and Prayers were heart warming and moving. We<br />

thank those who were a part of this.<br />

The Dedication of Grace Plaza<br />

Jay Fredrich & Steve Fiechtner<br />

The Dedication of the Urbach Memorial Garden<br />

Jennifer Urbach & Jonathan Urbach<br />

The Dedication of the Cross on our Euclid Avenue brick wall<br />

Marrill & Sandy Bales and Forrest & Alice Wixon<br />

The Dedication of the Young Conference Room<br />

Andy Young & Bob Shoup<br />

The Dedication of the Christian Family Life Center<br />

Laurie Schultz & Brent Adney and Larry Coyle<br />

Not done yet – Wow, the kuchen and kuchen bars were yummmmy and what a selection! Thanks<br />

to all the kuchen bakers.<br />

Ribbon Cutting – in the middle of Kuchen, a ribbon cutting took place with Bob Shoup,<br />

congregational president and Larry Coyle, past president doing the cutting. Brent Adney then let<br />

go of the huge bow, which drifted toward the gym floor. This was followed by a standing ovation<br />


as we thanked God and congratulated ourselves for a remarkable task done together.<br />

More Music – You’re kidding, more music? Yes, we enjoyed nearly 45 minutes of piano<br />

keyboarding by Casey Ortbahn, what a treat!<br />

Oh yes, the Clean-up – dozens of willing hands then went to work and in a few minutes a job<br />

that would take hours for a few was done. Willing hands.<br />

So thank you, and you and you and you…<br />

Sunday night when it was all done and it was time to again lock up the church, the following had<br />

been written on the portable white board.<br />

“God bless <strong>Faith</strong> and all who serve within these walls.”<br />

We don’t know who wrote this thoughtful and warm hearted reflection but all we can say is -<br />

“AMEN!”<br />

…Thus Far<br />

P.S. We want every family to have one of the new Building mugs filled with some goodies. There<br />

are also some bulletins from Sunday so you can see what all went on.<br />



Happy Birthday to Jane Bales and Adeline Forgey today. Kenneth Fanger will celebrate a<br />

birthday on Tuesday the 10 th and Sara Thomas is having a birthday on this Friday. Happy<br />

Birthday to all.<br />


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