February 3, 2013 Bulletin (.pdf) - Faith Lutheran Church

February 3, 2013 Bulletin (.pdf) - Faith Lutheran Church

February 3, 2013 Bulletin (.pdf) - Faith Lutheran Church


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<strong>February</strong> 3, <strong>2013</strong> A.D. Pastor Brad Urbach – 224-2838<br />

<strong>Faith</strong> Ev. <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> – Pierre, SD Pastor Joshua Baumann - 220-1908<br />

Website: www.faithluth.com <strong>Church</strong> Phone – 224-2216<br />

Email: faith@faithluth.com <strong>Church</strong> Fax – 224-2226<br />

A Christ Caring People Who Gather Around Word and Sacrament,<br />

Yoked Together, In Personal Service to Christ in World Wide Missions<br />

From the cross forever beameth All Thy bright redeeming light. LSB 578:4<br />

As We Gather– In the Epiphany Season, we see Jesus continuing to<br />

reveal Himself to foes and followers alike. Today's Gospel records Jesus<br />

casting out an unclean spirit by commanding him to leave; the onlookers<br />

recognize that Jesus speaks with unmatched authority. God's Word<br />

always carries Christ's divine weight and influence; with the same<br />

conviction the Lord assures Jeremiah when He calls him to be a chosen<br />

prophet. Today, the <strong>Church</strong> gathers to listen and heed our Savior as He<br />

speaks with authority, dispelling our fears and calling us to be His<br />

faithful people.<br />


If there are prayer concerns for you, your family, your friends, or your neighbors,<br />

please put them on the blue information card. Our Board of Elders are prayerful with<br />

our pastors about these joys and struggles of our earthly journey.<br />

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” James 5:16b<br />




THE OPENING HYMN "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" LSB 790<br />

(We cheerfully rise and sing)<br />


P In the name of the Father and of the T Son and of the Holy Spirit.<br />

C Amen. Matthew 28:19b; [18:20]<br />



P If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.<br />

C But if we confess our sins, God, who is faithful and just, will forgive our sins and<br />

cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8-9<br />

P Let us then confess our sins to God our Father.<br />

C Most merciful God, we confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We<br />

have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and<br />

by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we<br />

have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We justly deserve your present and<br />

eternal punishment. For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.<br />

Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in your will and walk in<br />

your ways to the glory of your holy name. Amen<br />

P In the mercy of almighty God, Jesus Christ was given to die for us, and for His sake God<br />

forgives us all our sins. To those who believe in Jesus Christ He gives the power to<br />

become the children of God and bestows on them the Holy Spirit. May the Lord, who has<br />

begun this good work in us, bring it to completion in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.<br />

John 1:12; Philippians 1:6<br />

C Amen.<br />

THE HYMN OF PRAISE “He is Exalted” (Sung twice)<br />

He is exalted, the King is exalted on high I will praise Him.<br />

He is exalted, forever exalted and I will praise His name!<br />

He is the Lord, Forever His truth shall reign.<br />

Heaven and earth rejoice in His holy name.<br />

He is exalted, the King is exalted on high.<br />

THE SALUTATION (Spoken)<br />

P The Lord be with you.<br />

C And also with you.<br />


Almighty God, You know we live under so many seemingly powerful authorities. Keep us<br />

mindful daily that Your Word carries the authority to forgive sin, to conquer evil, and to<br />

announce Your gracious Gospel that all the world would be Your friend; through Jesus Christ,<br />

Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and<br />

forever. Amen.<br />


THE OLD TESTAMENT Jeremiah 1:4-10 (17-19) (Jeremiah is called to be a prophet.)<br />

THE SPECIAL MUSIC “Watoto na Malaika (Children and Angels, Rejoice)”…Michael<br />

<strong>Faith</strong> Choir Burkhardt<br />

The text and melody on which this arrangement is based is a composite transcription by Elaine<br />

Reitan and Michael Burkhardt of a Tanzanian song heard sung by children and adults in<br />

Mwanza, Tanzania.<br />

THE EPISTLE LESSON 1 Corinthians 12:31b---13:13 (The greatest gift is love.)<br />

THE HOLY GOSPEL St. Luke 4:31-44 (Jesus speaks with authority.)<br />

THE SERMON HYMN “All Friends in Christ”…Text: Sandy Knoernschild (Tune: LSB 644)<br />

All friends in Christ assembled Together at this place,<br />

Lift high the cross of Jesus, Proclaim His love and grace.<br />

With hearts and voices bonded We raise to God our song,<br />

And celebrate the fam’ly To which we all belong.<br />

We are His holy temple, The Spirit’s dwelling place.<br />

A vessel formed in weakness; A cup to hold God’s grace.<br />

One flock to graze His pasture, No harm on us bestowed.<br />

And at one shepherd’s bidding Are gathered in one fold.<br />

So, friends, we join in oneness The chosen of the Lord;<br />

Born of His Holy Spirit, Established by His Word.<br />

Our cornerstone is Jesus, And strong in Him we stand<br />

As heart to heart united, We walk with hand in hand.<br />

Used by permission CCLI # 623761<br />

THE SERMON “The Gospel Giver”<br />

St. Luke 4:43<br />

Pastor Joshua Baumann<br />


THE APOSTLES’ CREED see the inside back cover of the Hymnal<br />


THE OFFERING We gather our tithes, gifts of love, and our “Building Together in <strong>Faith</strong>” gifts.<br />

THE OFFERTORY “There Is A Redeemer”…Keith Green<br />

There is a Redeemer, Jesus, God’s own Son,<br />

Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One.<br />

Thank You, O my Father, for giving us Your Son;<br />

And leaving Your Spirit ‘til the work on earth is done.<br />

Jesus, my Redeemer, Name above all names,<br />

Precious Lamb of God, Messiah, hope for sinners slain.<br />

Thank You, O my Father, for giving us Your Son;<br />

And leaving Your Spirit ‘til the work on earth is done.<br />

When I stand in glory, I will see His face,<br />

And there I’ll serve my King forever, in that holy place.<br />

Thank You, O my Father, for giving us Your Son;<br />

And leaving Your Spirit ‘til the work on earth is done.<br />

Used by permission CCLI # 623761<br />


We bid you welcome in His name, As now you join our band,<br />

Our hearts with love and friendship give, For Christ has joined our hands.<br />

Lord, let Your love work unity, Unite us all as one,<br />

Unite our hopes, our dreams, our lives In the life of Your Son<br />

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, That saves a wretch like me!<br />


I once was lost, but now am found, Was blind, but now I see.<br />

NEW MEMBERS It is our joy on this Friendship Sunday to receive –<br />

Jerry & Brande Calway, Tyler & Riley<br />

Trevor Stoltenburg & Kelly Campbell,<br />

Fred Johnson<br />

Dawson, Brianne, & Logan<br />

Tanner & Brittney Kost, Laela & Porter<br />

Mark Swendsen<br />

Rick & Denise Mallo<br />

Justin & Katie Tostenson, Kaylee & Blake<br />

Mendel Miller & Darla Hicks, Ryann<br />


P Let us bring our prayers before the throne of our heavenly Father. We pray for the<br />

<strong>Church</strong> around the world. Grant, Lord Christ, that the Word You have revealed to us may<br />

not be bound, but have free course and be preached among us to strengthen our faith and<br />

be proclaimed freely to those who do not yet confess You as Lord and Savior. Protect and<br />

defend all whom You have called to witness Your power, might, grace, and mercy, so<br />

that the <strong>Church</strong> may grow in faithful maturity. Lord, in Your mercy,<br />

C hear our prayer.<br />

P We pray for our community of faith. O Holy Spirit, You have bestowed on us Your many<br />

gifts. Increase, enliven, and sustain the love we have for one another as members of the<br />

Body of Christ. Move us to put each other's needs above our own, so that in all<br />

earnestness we may care for the weak, the lonely, and the overlooked with the<br />

compassion of Christ. Grant that all who work together to proclaim Your Word and<br />

administer Your Sacraments in this place may do so with joyful conviction. Lord, in<br />

Your mercy,<br />

C hear our prayer.<br />

P Let us bring our prayers before the throne of our heavenly Father. We pray for the<br />

<strong>Church</strong> around the world. Grant, Lord Christ, that the Word You have revealed to us may<br />

not be bound, but have free course and be preached among us to strengthen our faith and<br />

be proclaimed freely to those who do not yet confess You as Lord and Savior. Protect and<br />

defend all whom You have called to witness Your power, might, grace, and mercy, so<br />

that the <strong>Church</strong> may grow in faithful maturity. Lord, in Your mercy,<br />

C hear our prayer.<br />

P We pray for our <strong>Faith</strong> family and its friends in the midst of life’s joys and<br />

struggles…Lord, in Your mercy,<br />

C hear our prayer.<br />

P Into Your hands, heavenly Father, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in Your<br />

mercy for the sake our Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.<br />

C Amen.<br />



Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,<br />

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us this day our daily bread;<br />

and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us;<br />

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.<br />

For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.<br />

THE BENEDICTION (With Sung Amens)<br />

P The Lord bless you and keep you.<br />

The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.<br />

The Lord look upon you with favor and † give you peace.<br />

THE CLOSING HYMN “What A Friend We Have in Jesus“ LSB 770<br />

Welcome to <strong>Faith</strong> Evangelical <strong>Lutheran</strong> on this Fourth Sunday After Epiphany, our<br />

Friendship Sunday! We are delighted to have you in worship with us. If you are visiting from<br />

out of town, we bid you welcome and God-speed on your journey. Should you be from our<br />

community, and have no church home, we invite you to make <strong>Faith</strong> your church home. Greeting<br />

you this morning:<br />

Before Early Service Before Late Service<br />

Merle Sorenson Tom & Jackie Smith<br />

Greg & Cathy Brock Kevin & Nicole Axtell<br />

After Early Service After Late Service<br />

Bob & Nancy Shoup Terry & Amie Miller<br />

Monte & Judy Farnsworth Jason & Denise Overweg<br />

Preaching this morning is our Assistant Pastor, Reverend Joshua Baumann. Our Senior Pastor,<br />

Reverend Brad Urbach is our Liturgist.<br />

Holy Communion is celebrated at our 11:00 service next Sunday. In this Sacrament, our Lord<br />

brings us strength and forgiveness to be about His vision and mission. Those confirmed<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong>s who come to the Sacrament of the Altar today are asked to read the communion side of<br />

our information card found in the pew rack and to sign the bottom of the reverse side so that our<br />

communion records might be complete.<br />

Holy Baptism We are grateful this morning for the Holy Baptisms of Riley<br />

Ray Calway and Damon Anthony Casconguay.<br />

Riley is the youngest son of Jerry & Brande Calway. Riley’s sponsors are his<br />


uncle and aunt Monte & Nicci Reeves. The Baptism follows our 11:00 service.<br />

Damon is the son of Nikaela Trujillo and Shawn Casconguay. Damon’s sponsors are<br />

Tyler Peterson and Kenzie Trujillo. This Baptism will follow our 8:20 service.<br />

May God richly bless Riley and Damon and their families and keep them in His eternal<br />

care.<br />

First Sunday of the Month Morning Fellowship Between services join us for a<br />

fresh cup of coffee, juice, and French Toast breakfast served by our high school<br />

youth who are attending our Synod’s National Youth Gathering in July. There will<br />

be a free will offering taken to support our youth in this endeavor.<br />

Blood Pressure! Stop by the Living Room today between 9:20 and 11:00 to<br />

get your blood pressure checked by one of <strong>Faith</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong>’s own health<br />

professionals. Helping you today are Cheryl Brull and Susan Burroughs. You<br />

will even get a Scripture mint. Here’s to your good health!<br />

Sunday School Sunday School continues today. Sunday School is for all children age 3 by<br />

September 1, 2011 through our High School, who meet in the Great Room. You can register for<br />

Sunday School in the Narthex.<br />

Our Adult Class Our Adult Class will not meet this morning so we can have our French Toast<br />

meal from 9:20-10:45. We will resume our class on the “Intersection of <strong>Church</strong> and State” next<br />

Sunday.<br />

Nursery Our Nursery is available during the 11:00 service. This is located in the Preschool<br />

Room. It is for children ages infant through 5 year olds.<br />

Nursing Moms can find a comfortable rocker in the Daycare. This is NOT a Nursery for young<br />

children, just a quiet, private place for nursing moms.<br />

God Be With You!<br />

Our Broadcasts Our Sonrise and Cable Broadcasts are provided for by Pastor Urbach in<br />

thanksgiving for the <strong>February</strong> birthdays of son Jonathan and daughter-in-law Andrea. Thanks<br />

Pastor and God bless you Jonathan & Andrea as you celebrate another year in your journey of life<br />

in Christ.<br />

Sonrise is also made possible by Laurie Graves and her family in loving remembrance of<br />

her mother, Doris Steffen, who died a year ago today. Thanks Laurie, may God bless you and<br />

your family and continue to comfort you richly.<br />

Our Cable Broadcast is also on our Website which Dennis and Carolyn Ryckman keep<br />

very current for us. Take a look at www.faithluth.com. COST: You may sponsor the radio<br />


oadcast of Sonrise for $30.00. This radio broadcast is on 1240 AM KCCR at 6:40 a.m. on<br />

Sunday morning. The cost of sponsoring the cable broadcast of our worship service is $35.00.<br />

This cable access broadcast is televised on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. on Channel 8. If you<br />

choose to sponsor both, the cost is $60.00.<br />

Jan. 27, Att. 472; General Fund $8,494.15; Building Fund $525.00 (Debt Retirement $505.00);<br />

Sunday School $33.50; Love Fund $75.00; Simply Giving Automatic Withdrawal $921.00<br />

(General $901; Building Fund Debt $20.00); Bible Study $20.00; Missions $100.00; Utecht<br />

Ministry $250.00; LYF for Youth Gathering $275.00; Broadcasts $35.00; Endowment Fund in<br />

memory of Doris Weischedel $250.00; Endowment Fund in memory of Marlene Young $250.00.<br />

Today: Feb. 3<br />

8:20 am Worship<br />

9:20-10:45 French Toast Breakfast<br />

9:45 am Sunday School/ NO Adult Study<br />

11:00 am Worship<br />

12:00 Souper Bowl Meal<br />

Mon: Feb. 4<br />

1:30 pm “Bless These Lips” Study in the<br />

Living Room<br />

6:30-8:30 pm Beth Moore “Daniel, Part 2”<br />

Study in the Living Room<br />

7:00 pm Men’s Fellowship<br />

Tues: Feb. 5<br />

8:25 am Staff Devotions<br />

6:15 pm Trustees<br />

6:30 pm Choir<br />

7:30-9:00 pm Pickleball in the Gym<br />

Wed: Feb. 6<br />

7:00 am Men’s Study<br />

6:30 pm Midweek<br />

6:30 pm “Heaven & Hell” study at Lila<br />

Houck’s 28318 US Hwy 14/34 Fort Pierre<br />

This Week at <strong>Faith</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />


8<br />

6:30 pm “Challenge of Islam” Study in<br />

Preschool room<br />

8:00 pm LYF<br />

Thurs: Feb. 7<br />

8:25 am Staff Devotions<br />

11:30 am Ministerium<br />

1:30-3:00 pm Pickleball<br />

6:30-8:30 pm Beth Moore “Daniel, Part 2”<br />

Study in Living Room<br />

7:00 pm New Adult Inquirer’s Class Begins<br />

Sun: Feb. 10<br />

8:20 am Worship<br />

9:45 am Sunday School/Adult Study<br />

11:00 am Communion<br />

4:00 pm <strong>Faith</strong> Circle Goodie Box Assembly<br />

6:00 pm Board of Missions<br />

6:30 pm Board of Education<br />

6:30 pm “Wilderness Wanderings” Study at<br />

church<br />

7:00 pm Board of Stewardship<br />

Thank you for your continued gifts to our Building Fund – We thank<br />

you for your gifts last Sunday to the Building Fund of $525.00. The gifts<br />

were designated as follows:

The Debt Retirement Account: $525.00<br />

Our New Focus We do have a balance in our Building account. We are grateful for this. We<br />

have now done all we intend to do at this time. Therefore, we encourage everyone to direct their<br />

Building Fund gifts to the Debt Retirement account. We wish to be aggressive with our debt.<br />

On <strong>February</strong> one we made our regular payment plus two advance payments. We have<br />

now made 91 advance payments saving $371,899.52 in interest. Our balance is $816,412.91.<br />

The Shades Soon we will add shades on the upper windows in the gym. The shades will match<br />

the shades on the lower windows. So while they are not a “Black-out” shade it will screen out the<br />

direct sunlight that can smack you right in the eyes. The shades will have a remote control to raise<br />

and lower them because Jay is only so tall. The shades are now paid for and they have been<br />

ordered Thank you!<br />

***<br />

Thank You Thank you for your gifts of $593.00 on January 20 to provide gifts of Bibles from<br />

the Hong Kong Mission Society for our South Dakota Hong Kong Mission team of 28 people<br />

who will work with three schools in Hong Kong. They will arrive back home today.<br />

Annual Report The Annual Report is now on the Oak Table in the Narthex. Pick yours up<br />

today.<br />


Next Adult Inquirer’s Class Pastor Urbach will teach a winter Adult<br />

Inquirer’s class. It will begin Thursday, <strong>February</strong> 7 at 7:00 p.m. and will<br />

be done before Holy Week.<br />

It is a great Biblical and Doctrinal review for our members and a<br />

way in which those interested in becoming <strong>Lutheran</strong> and knowing what<br />

our church teaches may become members.<br />

Men’s Bible Study * A brief reminder that men’s morning Bible study is open to any men of<br />

the congregation and friends. Our winter and spring Bible study takes place on Thursday<br />

mornings from 7:00-7:55 a.m. in the Young Conference Room (located right in the church<br />

offices). Our study for these Thursday mornings will look at a topic that we as men may be quick<br />

to shy away from: Love. In 1 Corinthians 13 we get a man’s view of love from the Apostle Paul,<br />

and ultimately God’s view of love. What does it mean to embrace love like a man and to daily<br />

live that love like a man? Hope you can join us as we examine the characteristics of love and<br />

discover in new ways how the God of love continually loves us. This study is led by Pastor<br />

Baumann.<br />


Women’s Bible Study Daniel, Part 2 is the study of “eschatology,” the End Times. Traditional<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong> perspectives will also be discussed alongside more contemporary theories. This study<br />

will run January through <strong>February</strong>. There will be two classes beginning Monday, January 14 from<br />

6:30-8:30 p.m., then the same class will then be taught on Thursday, January 17 from 6:30-8:30<br />

p.m. We would welcome new participants and there is no lesson to be completed before the first<br />

class. If you have questions contact Daria Bossman (Thursday) at dariabossman@gmail.com<br />

(712-251-7763); or Vona Johnson (Mondays) at vona@pie.midco.net (605-280-7565).<br />

Monday Afternoon Women’s Study “Bless These Lips” is the new study for the women on<br />

Monday afternoons. This study will begin Monday, <strong>February</strong> 4 at 1:30 p.m. “Bless These Lips:<br />

40 Days of Spiritual Renewal” examines things we say that get in the way of our relationships<br />

with God and with others. Each chapter draws on lip product anaolgies and uses humor,<br />

anecdotes, and observations to intorduce Scripture passages that address common behaviors and<br />

attitudes. And each day’s reading includes Bible study questions and suggestions for personal<br />

reflection.<br />

LifeLight “Heaven and Hell” Small Group Bible Study Open to anyone in the congregation,<br />

this study meets in various homes on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30, with a “come and go<br />

as you need to” feel to the evening. The study is 9 sessions and is a part of the LifeLight Bible<br />

study series of in-depth studies of Bible books. The Bible study has begun, but there is still time<br />

to get connected! The nine sessions for this series are as follows: Session 1: A Guided Tour of<br />

Heaven and Hell. Session 2: Daddy, What Happens When We Die? Session 3: The Justice of<br />

God and the Fate of the Wicked, Part 1. Session 4: The Justice of God and the Fate of the<br />

Wicked, Part 2. Session 5: The Mercy of God and the Fate of the Redeemed. Session 6: Behold,<br />

the Dwelling Place of God is With Men. Session 7: And They Will Be His People. Session 8: For<br />

the Healing of the Nations. Session 9: Living Heavenward. The study will pause after <strong>February</strong> 6<br />

for the season of Lent and resume after Easter. If interested please contact Bob Miller at: (605)<br />

224-9955.<br />

Islam Study Bill Markley’s class on Islam will conclude on <strong>February</strong> 6 th . Thanks Bill for sharing<br />

all your time and efforts with the class.<br />

Sunday Morning Bible Class—Our Sunday Morning Bible class is led by one of our Pastor’s<br />

each week and takes place in the Christian Family Life Center (The Gym) in between services<br />

from 9:45 to 10:45. The current study is entitled: The Intersection of <strong>Church</strong> and State which<br />

gives a closer look at the roles, relationships, rhetoric, and reasons for each of these two realms.<br />

Today the study takes a pause as we join in Christian Fellowship for French toast and friendship<br />

building. The study will also take a break for Sunday, <strong>February</strong> 17 as well so that our Hong<br />

Kong Mission team can share with the congregation the details of their recent trip to Hong Kong<br />

the love God has shown to them and to the people of Hong Kong. Join us Sunday, <strong>February</strong> 10 th<br />

as we resume our <strong>Church</strong> and State study.<br />


***<br />

ATTN: New Teacher’s Meeting Time – In an effort to better connect with our <strong>Faith</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong><br />

teachers and to strive to better meet the needs of those who faithfully and wonderfully serve<br />

Jesus’ <strong>Church</strong>, our teacher meeting times will be the last Wednesday of each month at 5:45.<br />

These meetings, held once a month for a half hour, are important times for our pastors, teachers,<br />

and helpers to talk, connect, encourage, and discuss important matters that come up throughout<br />

the month. These once a month meetings will take place on a Wednesday Night before Midweek<br />

for the Months of Jan. Feb. Mar. & Apr. Both Sunday school and Midweek teachers are to come<br />

at 5:45 p.m. Meeting times will be under a half hour and will be held in the gym. Teachers—<br />

Look for more reminders in the weeks to come!<br />

OUR Next TEACHER’S MEETING NIGHT IS: Wednesday, <strong>February</strong> 27th @ 5:45 pm in<br />

the gym. For all Midweek and Sunday School Teachers.<br />

Women of <strong>Faith</strong> We are having our mission project of “Little Dresses for Africa” again. The<br />

first work night is Monday, <strong>February</strong> 11 at 7:30. There are many ways to help. We need many<br />

pillowcases. New is preferred. All sizes and colors can be used. Other supplies needed are: ¼<br />

inch elastic, cute buttons, pre fold bias tape, appliqués, straight pins with plastic heads, and<br />

thread. Several sewing machines would be helpful. You do not need to sew to be helpful. You can<br />

measure elastic and bias tape, cut out the dress pattern from the pillowcases and many other<br />

things. We hope to have some precut and in a kit that you can take home to sew also. If you have<br />

questions, call Doreen Miller at 224-9955 or Jan Larson at 224-6574.<br />

Men’s Fellowship will meet tomorrow night at 7:00. Pastor Urbach will share an excellent<br />

DVD on <strong>Lutheran</strong> Hour Ministries. We will then have a couple of fun Dart ball games. You will<br />

note one of the Dart ball targets is up in the gym today.<br />

Bring a snack to share, the beverages will be provided.<br />

Men’s State Dart-ball Tournament will be held Saturday, March 9 at the 4-H<br />

Building west of Mitchell, SD. Contact John Barber at 220-2660 if interested.<br />

Practice every Monday night at 7:00 p.m. until the tournament.<br />

Goodie Boxes The members of <strong>Faith</strong> Circle will be sending goodie boxes to<br />

college students who are members of our congregation. You may give their<br />

mailing address to the office or to a circle member when she calls. Goodie boxes<br />

are sent in October and <strong>February</strong>. It is important we have an accurate school year<br />

address for the packages. If you wish to give a monetary gift to help with the postage expense<br />

please contact a <strong>Faith</strong> Circle member. Thank you. The boxes will be assembled <strong>February</strong> 10 at<br />


4:00 p.m. and <strong>Faith</strong> Circle will hold their monthly meeting at that time.<br />

<strong>Faith</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> Preschool is excited to announce that we have a new entrance door and<br />

window! It is the same as all the other door and window entrances into the church complex. It is<br />

wonderful – so much brighter and warmer! ☺ Thank you Board of Trustees and <strong>Faith</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong>!<br />

Jan Larson, Director/Teacher<br />

Need In-home Services for Yourself or a Loved one? Homecare Services is a private agency<br />

committed to providing expert advice and specialized care to those who want to remain living at<br />

home and need a little extra assistance. Services are affordable and tailored to meet your<br />

individual needs. Call Sheila Hinderer at Homecare Services for more information at 605-224-<br />

2273.<br />

Free Tax Help Beginning Monday, <strong>February</strong> 4 through April 15, <strong>2013</strong>, certified volunteers will<br />

provide free Income Tax service. Tax assistance will be provided on Monday, Tuesday, and<br />

Wednesday afternoon from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM at the Pierre Area Senior Center located at 401<br />

West Pleasant Avenue.<br />

All taxpayers are requested to bring photo ID’s and Social Security Cards for<br />

identification, their 2011 Tax Return and all 2012 income statements such as W-2’s, 1099’s, and<br />

all other information relating to interest, dividends, etc. If you plan to itemize, please bring all<br />

expense records.<br />

All taxpayers are required to sign their tax returns before they are filed electronically.<br />

Main Street Living may be seen each Sunday morning at 10 AM on KDLT-NBC Sioux Falls or<br />

at 9 AM on KEVN-FOX Rapid City. Mailing address is Main Street Living, 1400 S. Duluth Ave,<br />

Sioux Falls, SD 57105. The program may be viewed on the web at www.mainstreetliving.com. Email<br />

address vicrames@sio.midco.net.<br />

<strong>February</strong> 03, <strong>2013</strong> – Today Janitor Bob tells of the healing power of Jesus as he ministers to<br />

people.<br />

The featured is Rev. Darren Olson, the executive secretary of the <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong>, South<br />

Dakota District. The sermon theme is “This Is Our Father’s World.” The hymns are Son of God<br />

Eternal Savior; Lord Take My Hand and Lead Me; and God Loved the World So That He Gave.<br />

The Main Street Living Choir will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing<br />

impaired.<br />

<strong>February</strong> 10, <strong>2013</strong> – Kid’s Crossing – Janitor Bob and Lisa talk about the transfiguration of<br />

Christ as they compare it to a transformation.<br />

The featured speaker is Rev. Aaron Asmus from Memorial <strong>Lutheran</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in Sioux<br />

Falls, SD. The sermon theme is “Beyond Imagination.” The hymns are O Worship the King; Tis<br />

Good God To Be There; and Go My Children With My Blessing. The Main Street Living Choir<br />

will provide the hymns. The program is interpreted for the hearing impaired.<br />


Life Quote “Adopting one child won’t change the world; but for that child, the world will<br />

change.” David Avilla, executive director of Advocate for Orphans – A “Life Quote” from<br />

<strong>Lutheran</strong>s For Life · www.lutheransforlife.org.<br />

Acolytes for Sunday, Feb 10 th Early: Leandra Hoefener and Joshua Thompson<br />

Late: Riley Bren, Wyatt Loesch<br />

JYM YOUTH! Our JYM activity for the month of <strong>February</strong> is going to be ice<br />

skating. Be looking in next week’s bulletin for the date. This event will most likely take place<br />

on a Sunday afternoon towards the end of <strong>February</strong> from 3:00-5:30. The cost will just be the<br />

skate rentals. <strong>Faith</strong> <strong>Lutheran</strong> will provide snacks and beverages back at church, and Pastor<br />

Baumann will be leading a devotion as well. Our March activity will be bowling, April will be<br />

a movie, May will be a lock-in, June-possibly a trip to hike out onto Crazy Horse, July will be<br />

swimming and a cookout, and an August activity is still up for grabs, possibly a canoe trip. Be<br />

checking next week’s bulletin for further details for <strong>February</strong>.<br />

Did you know? –The word “Eucharist” is taken from the Greek word “ευχαριστεω”<br />

which is pronounced: you-car-is-te-oh, and it means: to give thanks. When we take Holy<br />

Communion, or the Eucharist as it is also called, we certainly do it with gratitude and<br />

with thanks to Jesus for what He did and gave for us.<br />

PRAYERS: Please remember in your prayers those 3 individuals from our<br />

congregation who are in Hong Kong on the mission trip and are returning to the U.S. today.<br />

They are: Ken Brull, Annette Hill, and Crystal Ortbahn, as well as a group of 26 others from<br />

the South Dakota District. We thank God for them and for their servant hearts.<br />

Did you know? Today’s Super Bowl will be the 10 th time New Orleans has hosted the NFL’s<br />

biggest game of the year. Will you be one of the 100 million people watching today’s game?<br />

Go Forty-Ravers!<br />

L.Y.F. French Toast Fundraiser TODAY. Our free-will French Toast breakfast<br />

will be held in between our two worship services at 9:20 lasting until about 10:30 with the<br />

board of Parish Fellowship serving a noon meal that day as well. Hope you can join us for one<br />

or both of these meals. The proceeds will go to benefit the youth group heading to the National<br />

Youth Gathering in San Antonio this next summer.<br />


Sunday School Children Singing Date: Next Sunday, <strong>February</strong> 10 th our Sunday<br />

School Children will be singing in the late service (11:00) only. Thank you for being present<br />

and for allowing your Sunday School child to bless our worship service next Sunday.<br />

L.Y.F. Guest Presentation on Suicide Intervention— This past Wednesday, Julie<br />

Moore from Avera St. Mary’s came and spoke on the difficult topic of suicide and suicide<br />

intervention. She is a skilled trainer and has helped provide some resources and tools to be used<br />

in prevention and awareness. Next week our high school youth will watch the movie: How to<br />

Save A Life.<br />

National Youth Gathering Parent’s Meeting: At this informational meeting held<br />

two weeks ago, we discussed all the important questions of: Who? What? When? Where? Why?<br />

and How? pertaining to the National Youth Gathering trip. If you were not able to attend this<br />

meeting but are planning on going to the gathering you NEED to speak with pastor Baumann so<br />

that he can bring you up to speed on everything from now until the time we leave. You Need!<br />

Need! Need! to connect with him if you were not at the Wednesday meeting! Thanks to everyone<br />

for their efforts thus far.<br />

“My Hometown Video” Prior to attending the National Youth Gathering in San Antonio,<br />

our group will be submitting a 60-90 second video of our great hometown! If you are attending<br />

the national youth gathering, Pastor Baumann and Michael Shoup ask that you would be willing<br />

to be a part of this short video representing your hometown. We can include pictures, video clips,<br />

“famous” places, things that we appreciate about Pierre, etc. Video submissions need to be in by<br />

May 31 st .<br />

Need to talk? Need prayers and encouragement? Pastor Baumann would love to pray for you,<br />

and if possible even with you for anything big or small that may be on your heart or mind. Find<br />

him after worship, or in the office for a special opportunity for prayer and conversation.<br />

On The Lighter Side: Puns for fun<br />

“Jokes about German sausage are the wurst.”<br />

“I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid. But he says he can stop anytime.”<br />

Verse of the Week:<br />

Micah 6:8 “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you?<br />

To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”<br />

Has prayer, daily Bible reading, and helping your neighbor been a part of your<br />

walking humbly with God recently?<br />


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