TechMatch - VIFU

TechMatch - VIFU

TechMatch - VIFU


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<strong>TechMatch</strong> 02<br />

LAND & MILJØ 2010<br />

Health & Food Days 2010<br />

Pro’Energy Meetings<br />

B2B 4 Energy<br />

Elmia World Bioenergy 2010<br />

Teknologisøgninger<br />

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Sustainable Packaging Trays for Fresh or Frozen Meat Products<br />

Harvesting Machinery for Sida Hermaphrodita and Salix Viminalis (Energetic Plants)<br />

The Genetic Identifi cation of Cultivars and Species of Crop Plants<br />

Fuel and Energy Complex Producing Energy and Eco-Fuel<br />


T<br />


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i Europa.<br />

<strong>TechMatch</strong> har til formål at fremme samarbejde på tværs af landegrænser.<br />

<strong>TechMatch</strong> udbydes af det danske konsortium under Enterprise Europe Network - verdens største<br />

erhvervsnetværk.<br />

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Du er også meget velkommen til at kontakte os, hvis du ønsker din teknologi formidlet videre i Europa.<br />

Kathrine Vejgaard Stage<br />

Agro Business Park<br />

Tlf. 89 99 25 25<br />

kvs@agropark.dk<br />

Interesseret i en teknologi?<br />

Anders Skeem<br />

Agro Business Park<br />

Tlf. 40 30 96 37<br />

as@agropark.dk<br />

Mette Toft Christensen<br />

Agro Business Park<br />

Tlf. 89 99 25 03<br />



Rapid and Uniform Smoke Flavor Process for Food<br />

(Ref: 10 US 87GA 3G95)<br />

A large US company is looking for proposals for technology to<br />

rapidly and uniformly smoke the surface of food. Smoking based on<br />

smoke directly generated from wood chips is preferable. However,<br />

fl avoring and/or coloring with smoke concentrate can be a solution<br />

so long as the quality is equivalent to the direct smoke. They are<br />

interested in contract development and equipment supply.<br />

Active Packaging for Ready to Eat Salads<br />

(Ref: 09 ES 23C7 3FSF)<br />

A Spanish company is looking for an active packaging material<br />

for their ready to eat salads. Sought packaging should contain<br />

antioxidant and antimicrobial substances in its matrix. Furthermore,<br />

the packaging should maintain the initial organoleptic properties<br />

of the salads. The requested technology can be either at laboratory<br />

stage or fully developed. The company seeks partners with experience<br />

in food packaging for technical cooperation.<br />

Oil Catcher Sesame and Halva Emulgator<br />

(Ref: 09 TR 98OC 3FSO)<br />

Turkish SME manufacturing food products is looking for a new<br />

emulgator formula for the purpose of catching the oil accumulated<br />

on sesame and halva. The company is looking for technical cooperation<br />

or commercial agreement with technical assistance.<br />

A Unique Scientifi c and Regulatory Database Regarding 2100<br />

Ingredients that can be used in Food and Food Supplements<br />

(Plants, Seaweed, Fungus, Vitamin?)<br />

(Ref: 10 FR 34K2 3G4N)<br />

A French SME of consultancy in nutrition and health has created<br />

an innovative scientifi c and regulatory<br />

on-line database regarding ingredients<br />

for food, food supplements and fortifi ed<br />

foods. The database gives laboratories,<br />

agro-food groups, raw material suppliers,<br />

food supplements manufacturers<br />

the opportunity to fi nd relevant and<br />

comprehensive information about<br />

2100 ingredients to innovate and make<br />

their formulation more competitive. A<br />

Commercial Agreement with Technical<br />

Assitance is sought.<br />

Sustainable Packaging Trays for Fresh or Frozen Meat Products<br />

(Ref: 10 US 87GA 3GAW)<br />

A large US company is looking for proposals for sustainable, environmentally<br />

friendly packaging trays for fresh or frozen meat products.<br />

They are interested in licensing, product acquisition, contract<br />

research, proof of concept leading to scale-up to manufacturing,<br />

joint development, and supplier agreement.<br />


Spray-Drying Technology in Milk Industry Sought for<br />

Production of Calcium-Enriching Additive-Food<br />

(Ref: 10 HU 50S2 3GA6)<br />

A Hungarian SME is looking for a milk powder producing factory<br />

also having special equipment for instant powder making. The<br />

technology background should be able to apply the spray-drying<br />

for milk powder production and fl uid-bed instantisation of milk<br />

powder. The Hungarian SME is looking for a partner with a technology<br />

already on the market. Type of cooperation sought: manufacturing<br />

agreement ? a novel utilisation of an existing production<br />

line.<br />

New R&D Technologies for Minimally Processed and<br />

Prepared Foods for Companies in the Agro Food Sector<br />

(Ref: 10 ES 29h4 3G68)<br />

A Spanish SME providing R&D services is looking for establishing<br />

collaboration agreements with universities, research centres and<br />

companies able to carry out research for the agro-food industry.<br />

Fields of particular interest are minimally processed and prepared<br />

foods with the aim to extend shelf life and preservation in general.<br />

The company is looking for licence agreements or technical<br />

cooperation agreements for the development of new technologies<br />

in these sectors.<br />

Urgent: Looking for Joint Research to Analyze & Detect<br />

Patulin Mycotoxine on Organic Apples<br />

(Ref: 10 FR 33j6 3G4I)<br />

A French company, specialised in fruit processing is looking for<br />

solution or technical cooperation to solve a problem of Patulin contamination<br />

of organic apples. The goal is to fi nd a solution to avoid<br />

the mycotoxine presence on fresh apple and/or eliminate it at any<br />

stage of the process. Development of rapid test is also requested.<br />

This company is looking for research centres or companies interested<br />

in joining a collaborative research or able to provide technical<br />

assistance and solutions.<br />

Innovative Food and Food Supplements Formulation According<br />

to the European Regulation 1924/2006 and the<br />

Country’s National Regulation<br />

(Ref: 10 FR 34K2 3GFI)<br />

A French scientifi c and regulatory consultancy SME in nutrition<br />

and health off ers to formulate and develop innovative products in<br />

accordance with the regulation of targeted countries, regarding the<br />

composition, regulation 1924/2006 and the claims. The SME can<br />

help at each step of the product development: formulation, galenic<br />

development, redaction of scientifi c fi le justifying the claim, notifi -<br />

cation through the administration. The SME looks for Commercial<br />

agreement with technical assistance.

Production of Natural Pigments by Monascus to Provide<br />

a Natural Healthy Coloration to Food Products<br />

(Ref: 10 ES 24E1 3GEG)<br />

Researchers at a Spanish Technological Center have developed<br />

modifi ed strains from a rice isolate of Monascus. Strains have been<br />

developed which overproduce red, orange or yellow pigments. Pigment<br />

negative mutants as well as diff erent wild-type derived strains<br />

which do not produce the mycotoxin Citrinin have been developed<br />

as well. The technology for recovery and addition to foods is also<br />

available. Partners from industry are being sought to exploit the<br />

existing know-how (licence agreements).<br />

A Method or Apparatus for a Controlled Input/Output of<br />

Ice-Cream to/from a Freezing Tunnel<br />

(Ref: 10 TR 95LD 3G9U)<br />

A leader Turkish company located in Kahramanmaras, producing<br />

ice cream, milk puddings, syrup desserts and cheese heurek/<br />

pastry is looking for a new method or apparatus for a controlled<br />

input/output of ice-cream to/from a freezing tunnel at -50C. The<br />

company is searching for a method/system of controlled input and<br />

output of ice cream in a freezing tunnel. Technical cooperation and<br />

license agreement is preferred.<br />

Smart Labelling Solutions for Applications Ranging from<br />

Food to Medical Device Packaging<br />

(Ref: 10 GB 46P4 3GD7)<br />

A Scottish company has developed a novel labelling process which<br />

indicates whether opened packs of cooked meats are still edible.<br />

Such products are often wasted due to concerns over food safety,<br />

and this product addresses this. The product can be used in food<br />

and other perishable products. The Scottish company seeks partner<br />

organisations interested in further developing this for packaging<br />

of perishable items inlcluding food, single use medical devices,<br />

surgical dressings etc.<br />

Packaging Technology for Agrofood Industrial Process<br />

(Ref: 10 IT 53V2 3GCW)<br />

Italian Agrofood SME is interested to packaging technology. The<br />

material has to be from renewable resources and biodegradable<br />

with an effi cient barrier that can prolong the shelf life of product. It<br />

can replace existing barrier materials. Partners for technical cooperation<br />

are being sought to evaluate and test the technology.<br />

Ultimate Sterilisation Process of the Dried Egg White for<br />

Food and Pharma Industries<br />

(Ref: 10 CZ 0744 3GD5)<br />

A Czech research organisation has developed a state-of-the-art<br />

technology that is capable to perfectly sterilise dried egg white. The<br />

method inactivates all microorganisms in the powder, including<br />

spores, thus keeping it microbiologically pure for further processing.<br />

At the same time, the process increases the strength of the egg<br />

white gel. The organisation is looking for partners from food and<br />

pharma manufacturers that would like to apply the technology.<br />


Partners Required to Manufacture Childrens’ Health<br />

Drinks under License<br />

(Ref: 10 GB 46P4 3GF2)<br />

A Scottish company has developed a range<br />

of childrens’ health soft drinks, containing<br />

no artifi cial ingredients. These branded<br />

products have been successfully launched<br />

in the UK recently, and the company now<br />

seeks partners to manufacture and market<br />

the product under license to increase market<br />

reach.<br />

Patented Seed Extracting Machine For Fresh Apricot<br />

(Ref: 10 TR 99PD 3GGJ)<br />

A Turkish SME developed a machine that extracts the seed of fresh<br />

apricot without damaging the fruit. By the help of this patented<br />

machine, higher amount of apricot seed oil is obtained compared<br />

to oil extracted from dried one. The company wants to do commercial<br />

agreement with technical assistance with industrial machine<br />

and food producers.<br />

Multi Channel Electric Current Distribution System Is<br />

Sought For Oil-Free Frying Machine<br />

(Ref: 10 TR 99PD 3GFW)<br />

A Turkish company has developed an oil-free frying machine in<br />

which electric arcs generated by the electrodes is passed through a<br />

conductor medium consisting of suspended fruits and vegetables.<br />

They are looking for a multi channel distribution system that will<br />

enable homogenous transfer of generated electric arcs through the<br />

particular medium. The company wants to do technical cooperation<br />

with companies that can integrate this multi channel system<br />

into this machine in prototyping phase.<br />

Food Manufacturer Integrating Functional Ingredients<br />

Preventing Osteoporosis<br />

(Ref: 10 BE 0213 3GKM)<br />

A Belgian company, with research and development in-house<br />

capacities, is active in health ingredients development,including<br />

their pre-clinical and clinical validation. It has developed a natural<br />

bioactive that address the metabolic syndrome and ageing related<br />

chronic health, such as osteoporosis. The functional ingredient is<br />

extracted from a natural antioxidant: the olive polyphenols. The<br />

company is searching partners for prototyping new products, active<br />

in health food or pharmaceutical sectors.

Kulhydratrige fødevare- og foderingrediensers eff ekt på immun-respons<br />


Vi indbyder små og mellemstore virksomheder til samarbejde om screening af fødevare – og foderingrediensers evne til at påvirke immunrespons.<br />

Det overordnede mål i forskningsprojektet er at undersøge, hvordan struktur og kemisk sammensætning påvirker den immunmodulerende<br />

eff ekt af polysakkarider, herunder hvordan modifi cering og procesbetingelser påvirker kulhydratkildernes eff ekt.<br />

I et forskningsprojekt vedrørende fi bres immunmodulerende eff ekt er der etableret en platform til kemisk karakterisering af ingredienser<br />

for deres indhold og sammensætning af polysakkarider, deres molekylvægt samt et standardiseret set-up til screening for in vitro immunmodulerende<br />

eff ekter.<br />

Vi inviterer små og mellemstore virksomheder til i et samarbejde om udnyttelse af disse analytiske værktøjer til at undersøge betydningen<br />

af råvaren og de enkelte fremstillingsprocesser for den immunmodulerende eff ekt af foder- og fødevareingredienser. Resultater af sådanne<br />

screeningsundersøgelser vil kunne danne grundlag for at vurdere om der er potentiale i at foretage mere omfattende undersøgelser.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Projektet henvender sig til SMVer, som fremstiller og udvikler kulhydrat-baserede fødevare- og foderingredienser, og som har interesse<br />

i at identifi cere, optimere og dokumentere funktionelle egenskaber i relation til immunfunktion.<br />

De deltagende institutioner tilbyder forskningsbaseret know-how og samarbejde indenfor de allerede etablerede forskningsplatforme,<br />

der inkluderer kulhydratkemi, immunologi og dyremodeller, og vil kunne bistå virksomhederne i deres udviklingsarbejde med rådgivning<br />

indenfor disse områder.<br />

Yderligere information: https://djfextranet.agrsci.dk/sites/fi bimmun/public/Pages/front.aspx<br />

Henvendelse senest 1. marts 2010<br />

Kontakt:<br />

Seniorforsker Helle Nygaard Lærke<br />

Aarhus Universitet<br />

Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet<br />

Blichers Allé 20<br />

8830 Tjele<br />

Telefon: 8999 1141<br />

Email: HelleN.Laerke@djf.au.dk<br />

Drying Pesticide Free Fruits and Vegetables By Solar<br />

Energy<br />

(Ref: 10 TR 99PD 3GH0)<br />

A Turkish SME discovered a system for drying fresh fruits and vegetables<br />

in two days although it takes four days with existing systems.<br />

Also, by the help of this system, pesticide residues are removed<br />

from surfaces easily. It uses hot water that is obtained from solar<br />

energy. So all these advantages decrease of labour and production<br />

costs. The company wants to do manufacturing agreement with<br />

food producers.<br />

New Appetite Suppressant Chocolate<br />

(Ref: 10 ES 23D2 3GJG)<br />

A Spanish company has developed a new chocolate able to act as<br />

appetite suppressant. The product combines for fi rst time the good<br />

taste of chocolate and spirulina, a microscopic algae and natural<br />

source of minerals, proteins, vitamins and amino acids, avoiding<br />

thus the use of chemicals. Other natural ingredient is joboba because<br />

acts directly with the control of appetite. The product is fully<br />

developed and commercially available. The company is looking for<br />

partners to licentiate the technology.

Technology of Soil Cleaning from Oil Contaminations<br />

(Ref: 10 RU 86FG 3G7I)<br />

A Russian R&D Institute from Saratov region develops methods of<br />

soil cleaning from oil contaminations that can be used at oil refi nery,<br />

transportation and storage enterprises and for post-accident<br />

clean-up. The Institute is looking for partners for technical cooperation<br />

or a license agreement.<br />

Drip Irrigation Technology to Increase Irrigation Effi ciency<br />

and Agricultural Production<br />

(Ref: 09 TR 98OA 3G1E)<br />

Turkish company producing PP Compression Fittings for PE Pipes<br />

is looking for technological partners and research institutes and<br />

companies interested in further development and testing of new<br />

applications of existing drip irrigation systems. The technology<br />

the company is looking for is easy to install, easy to design, very<br />

inexpensive, and should reduce disease problems associated with<br />

inappropriate levels of moisture plants.<br />

Innovative Method for Straw Arranging in Cowsheds<br />

(Ref: 09 PL 62AP 3FX4)<br />

Polish medium enterprise working in a branch of agricultural<br />

machinery production is interested in machinery for processing<br />

of straw bales processing, so that a layer of straw is placed in huge<br />

cowsheds. The company is opting for commercial agreement with<br />

technical assistance or licensing agreement.<br />

Drip Irrigation Pipes & Systems<br />

(Ref: 09 TR 98OA 3G0Z)<br />

A Turkish company in Ankara, whose predominant product are PP<br />

Compression Fittings for PE Pipes has developed innovative drip<br />

irrigation pipes and system. Main advantage of the drip irrigation<br />

system is that it helps get richer crop than traditional irrigation<br />

systems. The company is looking for industrial partners interested<br />

in further development and in research institutes and companies<br />

for testing of new applications. They are ready to off er technical<br />

assistance as well as joint venture.<br />

Technology of Micropropagation of Ornamental Plants<br />

(Ref: 09 PL 61AL 3FKG)<br />

A Polish university has developed a project with the objective to<br />

work out the ingredients composition of nutrients for ornamental<br />

plants newly implemented into in vitro conditions and to improve<br />

the composition of nutrients for species which are diffi cult to<br />

propagate. The project also involves selection of suitable explants,<br />

diff erent methods of micropropagation and selection of best times<br />

to regenerate in the in vitro cultures. Laboratories for joint further<br />

development are welcome.<br />

LAND & MILJØ<br />

Wastewater Treatment Technology with Biological Filter<br />

Method using Microwave Electromagnetic Radiation<br />

(Ref: 09 PL 62AQ 3FX3)<br />

A research unit from North-East Poland developed a technology of<br />

microwave radiation which increases the effi ciency of the wastewater<br />

treatment process with a biological fi lter method. The wastewater<br />

treatment process can be improved by the increase of biofi lm<br />

activity, due to microwave radiation. The technology is designed for<br />

wastewater treatment. The research unit is interested in scientifi ctechnical<br />

cooperation or in licensing agreement and in commercial<br />

agreement with technical assistance.<br />

Automation in Production of Agricultural Equipment -<br />

CNC Turning and Milling Machines<br />

(Ref: 09 HR 89GM 3ECM)<br />

Small Croatian company specialized in production of agricultural<br />

equipment is looking for a technology provider and partner for<br />

further development of production process. Company needs an<br />

upgrade of processing equipment using CNC machines (Computer<br />

Numerical Control Machines) to increase the quality, accuracy and<br />

speed of equipment and spare parts production which has to result<br />

in an upgraded product portfolio.<br />

Transgene Containment System<br />

(Ref: 10 IT 54W2 3G3I)<br />

One of the major Italian universities has developed an innovative<br />

transgene containment system able to prevent the germination<br />

of transgenic seeds. The university is seeking either a license or<br />

technical cooperation agreement with companies and research<br />

institutes with the purpose of developing the protected system<br />

and testing new applications.<br />

Harvesting Machinery for Sida Hermaphrodita and Salix<br />

Viminalis (Energetic Plants)<br />

(Ref: 10 PL 62AS 3G3L)<br />

Polish SME that specializes in the production of mining machinery<br />

is looking for technology of harvesting machinery for harvesting<br />

energetic plants, especially sida hermaphrodita and salix viminalis<br />

(energetic willow). The harvesting machine should be able to cut<br />

and process the energetic plants for further production of pellets<br />

and briquette. The company is looking for industrial partners<br />

specializing in agricultural machinery with relevant experience for<br />

technical or joint venture cooperation.<br />

System for Protein Production in Plants<br />

(Ref: 10 ES 23C6 3G93)<br />

A public research organisation from Southeast Spain has developed<br />

a technology for the expression of proteins in plants, which is<br />

based in the use of an expression vector derived from a plant virus.<br />

The technology allows the transient expression of foreign proteins<br />

and with a high expression level. Plant biotechnology companies<br />

are sought for commercial agreements with technical assistance.

Improvement of the Ecosystem Function of the Soil on<br />

the Basis of Microbial Carbonising<br />

(Ref: 09 DE 18A5 3FU6)<br />

The rising emission of carbon dioxide and methane change our<br />

global climate negatively. By industrial production produced pollutants<br />

strain amongst other things our soils. A German company<br />

would like to use biological biomass treatment with the objective<br />

to bind carbon with positive eff ects for the soil. The German company<br />

is looking for partners having such solution or are interested<br />

in joining the process development.<br />

By-Products with Potential as Animal Feed<br />

(Ref: 10 DK 20B7 3G3S)<br />

A Danish research group in the area of animal health and bioscience<br />

is looking for partners within the biofuel industry that have<br />

by-products with potential as animal feed. The research group is<br />

looking for technical co-operation.<br />

Biological Reactor for Wastewater Treatment in Anaerobic<br />

- Aerobic System<br />

(Ref: 09 PL 62AQ 3FX0)<br />

Research unit from North-East Poland has developed a biological<br />

reactor for wastewater treatment in anaerobic - aerobic system. The<br />

possibilities were joined in anaerobic and aerobic process, using<br />

anaerobic activated sludge and biological fi lter. Microwave radiation<br />

was used in order to improve the effi ciency of compounds decomposition.<br />

It can be used in wastewater treatment. The research<br />

unit is interested in scient.-tech. cooperation with fi nancial support,<br />

licensing agreement.<br />

Biological Reactor for Wastewater Treatment in Anaerobic<br />

System<br />

(Ref: 09 PL 62AQ 3FX5)<br />

Research unit from North-East Poland has developed a biological<br />

reactor, in which anaerobic wastewater treatment processes are<br />

performed, in low pressure conditions. Electromagnetic microwave<br />

radiation is used as a factor supporting the process. The invention<br />

can be used in anaerobic wastewater treatment. The research unit is<br />

interested in scientifi c-technical cooperation or in licensing agreement.<br />

Plant Viruses Detection Methods<br />

(Ref: 10 ES 23C6 3GDM)<br />

A Spanish public research organisation has developed detection<br />

methods for plant viruses which are quick, cheap and reliable.<br />

These methods enable the early detection of an important battery<br />

of plant viruses producing diseases in horticulture fi elds at the<br />

beginning of the fi rst symptoms and therefore enable the control of<br />

the disease. Agriculture biotechnological companies are sought for<br />

commercialising agreements with technical assistance adn technical<br />

co-operation.<br />

LAND & MILJØ<br />

Technology for Air Purifi cation from Organic and<br />

Microbiological Pollutants by Plasma Adsorption<br />

(Ref: 10 RU 86FG 3GEU)<br />

A small Russian company from Saint Petersburg develops a<br />

technology for air purifi cation from organic pollutants by plasma<br />

adsorption; it can be used to clean emissions of industrial productions.<br />

The technology is based on the idea of removing organic<br />

pollutants from the air in low temperature atmospheric-pressure<br />

plasma created in a gas-discharge reactor. Pilot gas reactors are already<br />

in test operation. The company seeks partners for the further<br />

development and implementation of the technology<br />

Breeding of New Cultivars of Ornamental Plants<br />

(Ref: 09 PL 61AL 3FOA)<br />

A Polish university has developed methods of breeding new, original<br />

cultivars of ornamental plants. The objective of this project is to<br />

produce new, attractive cultivars of plants by the means of induced<br />

in vitro mutagenesis. It allows to breed new cultivars of a plant from<br />

only one initial cultivar in short period of time. Thanks to applying<br />

the system of eff ective regeneration in in vitro cultures, the breeding<br />

process can be planned for any season. License/manufacturing<br />

agreements are sought.<br />

The Genetic Identifi cation of Cultivars and Species of<br />

Crop Plants<br />

(Ref: 09 PL 61AL 3FLH)<br />

A Polish university has developed a project, which researches on<br />

identity of crops by the means of molecular markers RAPD-PCR<br />

type. A unique bands profi le called DNA-fi ngerprint allows cultivar<br />

and species identifi cation at their early developmental stages, e.g.<br />

at the stage of seedling or cutting in when plants exhibit a great<br />

morphological similarity. The university is looking for cooperation<br />

with plant growers, plant breeders, courts and customs houses.<br />

Wireless Sensor System (Passive Tags) for Process<br />

Optimization in Horticulture and Other Applications<br />

(Ref: 09 NL 60AH 3FVZ)<br />

A Dutch SME, with in depth knowledge of sensors and wireless<br />

technology for diff erent applications, has developed a wireless passive<br />

sensor tag to measure the soil water content of potted plants.<br />

The wireless tag technology enables cost eff ective monitoring of<br />

large number of units/potted plants. The company is looking for<br />

partners to establish a technical cooperation, licensing, manufacturing<br />

or a commercial<br />

agreement<br />

with technical<br />


Fuel and Energy Complex Producing Energy and Eco-Fuel<br />

(Ref: 09 PL 62AP 3FYX)<br />

A Polish company is looking for a partner to develop innovative<br />

technology in the form of fuel and energy complex. The company<br />

is planning a project which aims to run the fuel-energy complex<br />

both generating electricity and producing eco-fuel from renewable<br />

resources using innovative technologies developed by Polish<br />

scientists.<br />

Omnidirectional Wind Energy Generator<br />

(Ref: 10 PT 65BN 3G6L)<br />

A Portuguese SME has developed an innovative technology that<br />

direct wind from all directions to a central inert turbine to produce<br />

energy. This is a low cost omnidirectional device that can be easily<br />

installed in open ground or in the roofs of common houses. The<br />

company is seeking partners for industrial production of the device<br />

and funding for further development.<br />

Uniform Heat Distribution in Greenhouses using Solar<br />

Light/Energy<br />

(Ref: 09 TR 95LA 3FVF)<br />

A Turkish company producing tarhana (a dried food stuff made<br />

from yoghurt, spices and a kind of wheat) is looking for technologies<br />

in uniform heat distribution in greenhouses using solar light/<br />

energy. The technology must distribute heat gained by solar light<br />

equally to the every part of the greenhouse. The technology must<br />

be easy to install, worth via the crops quality. The company is looking<br />

for license agreement or technical cooperation.<br />

Know-How for Biomass (Pellet) Heating Equipment<br />

Production<br />

(Ref: 10 LV 58AD 3G8S)<br />

A Latvian company has developed original product lines of biomass<br />

heating equipment (pellet burners) applicable in private and industrial<br />

environments. The company off ers know-how and technology<br />

to industrial partners for production<br />

of heating equipment<br />

under license agreement as<br />

well as seeks for cooperation in<br />

development of new products.<br />

ENERGI<br />

Methanol Fuel Cell Power Generator<br />

(Ref: 10 GR 49Q4 3G9B)<br />

A Greek manufacturing company located in Athens, has developed<br />

an innovative technology for methanol fuel cell power generator<br />

using an integrated methanol reformer. The company seeks<br />

for industrial partners for joint venture agreement and technical<br />

cooperation.<br />

Integration of Renewable Energy within Mobile Water<br />

Treatment Plants<br />

(Ref: 09 IT 56Z5 3CJO)<br />

An Italian company, specialized in water treatment sector, is looking<br />

for a new technology to integrate the energy production using<br />

green energy to the mobile plants for the water treatment. The<br />

company is searching partners for technical cooperation.<br />

Biomass Gasifi er Stove for Domestic Heating Applications<br />

(Ref: 10 NL 60AH 3G7Y)<br />

A Dutch company developed a biomass gasifi er stove that uses<br />

chopped wood to heat domestic housing<br />

with central heating. In the process the<br />

wood will provide a clear burning gas.<br />

Heat provided from this burning process<br />

is transferred via a heat-exchanger<br />

in a closed central heating circuit. The<br />

stove is to be used in domestic applications<br />

or small commercial applications<br />

in heating of buildings or private swimming<br />

pools. The company is interested<br />

in further joint<br />

development and<br />


Novel Hybrid-Filtration Technology for Chemical /<br />

Biological Desulphurisation of Biogas<br />

(Ref: 10 DE 1067 3GFR)<br />

Hydrogen sulphide is a by-product of many industrial processes. It<br />

is causing highly irritating bad smell, can lead to health problems<br />

and also cause damage on technical components such as corrosion.<br />

A German company has developed a combined chemical / biological<br />

desulphurisation system for biogas based on a novel hybridfi<br />

ltration technology. The company seeks users of the customisable<br />

system e.g. operators of biogas plants, but also agricultural or<br />

industrial companies with an odour problem.<br />

Green Energy Car<br />

(Ref: 10 DE 1380 3GKW)<br />

A German-Greek SME has developed a car completely powered by<br />

green energy. The car is supplied by energy from sun, air fl ow, wind,<br />

the magnetic fi eld and movement of axis directly during driving. As<br />

the batteries are constantly being recharged it is not necessary to<br />

stop the green car for recharging. The company is looking for partners<br />

from the automotive industry interested in licence agreements<br />

or a joint venture.<br />

Innovative Low-Cost Thermal Solar Panel<br />

(Ref: 10 IT 52T2 3GCN)<br />

ENERGI<br />

An Italian independent inventor off ers a new thermal solar panel<br />

with a unit cost up to 15 times lower than normal panels. It is easy<br />

to build and to install and it produces hot water for domestic usage<br />

and swimming pools. It can be used as a heating system for a<br />

house, can be integrated in an<br />

air conditioning system, coupled<br />

to heat pumps or used in<br />

the cooling of photovoltaic solar<br />

panels. The inventor is looking<br />

for license agreements or for<br />

partners for the industrialisation<br />

of the product.<br />

Thermal Solar Integrated System for the Household<br />

(Ref: 10 PL 64BD 3GH4)<br />

A Polish company involved in thermal solar systems installation is<br />

looking for advance installation technologies for improving and<br />

broadening its services. The company is seeking best practices<br />

in the design of an integrated system, connecting with fi replace,<br />

boiler or heat pump in the thermal solar systems and of use for<br />

bigger solar systems. The company is interested in having contacts<br />

with producers, manufacturers or research organizations, for technical<br />

cooperation or license agreement.

C<br />


Hvad er matchmaking?<br />

Matchmaking inden for erhvervslivet går ud på at samle forskellige interessenter inden for en given<br />

sektor ved kontaktbørser rundt om i Europa med det formål at skabe nye, nationale som internationale<br />

relationer blandt de deltagende parter.<br />

Ved disse kontaktbørser, som typisk forløber over en eller to dage, får de deltagende parter lejlighed til at møde<br />

mange nye, potentielle samarbejdspartnere. Møderne aftales på forhånd og varer typisk 30 minutter, som er<br />

nok til at se, om der er potentiale for samarbejde i fremtiden. Matchmaking er med andre ord den hurtigste og<br />

billigste måde at få nye kontakter i andre lande.<br />

De fl este matchmaking events foregår i forbindelse med internationale messer og giver din virksomhed<br />

mulighed for at møde andre virksomheder, som er interessante for jer - uanset om det er i forbindelse med<br />

at købe, sælge eller fi nde nye teknologier m.m.<br />

Der er mange arrangementer af denne art i Europa, og Enterprise Europe Network bringer i det efterfølgende<br />

information om nogle af dem.<br />

Vil du høre mere om, eller har du lyst til at deltage i disse matchmaking events, fi nder du kontaktinformation på<br />

vore konsulenter forrest i <strong>TechMatch</strong>.

Health & Food Days 2010<br />

Pro’Energy - Technological Business Meetings<br />

Matchmaking Events i Europa<br />

Sustainable development is not just one of the challenges faced by the food and agriculture industry, it is a<br />

strategic issue in its own right. Beyond immediate public health concerns, health and nutrition must act as a<br />

driving force behind this new situation. In line with today’s social and economic climate and environmental<br />

concerns, sustainable food must tie in with products that are safe, accessible to all, and meet people’s nutritional<br />

needs.<br />

Who should attend?<br />

Professionals and engineers from technological centres, research lab managers, nutritional and functional<br />

ingredient suppliers, equipment and technology suppliers, professionals from out-of-home food services,<br />

service providers, retailers (supermarket and specialised retailing).<br />

Those two days are organized around four opportunities to discuss and initiate partnerships:<br />

1. Business Meetings - to identify future partners: up to twenty confi dential meetings can be organised for<br />

each participant. About 800 participants are awaited, and 4,500 to 5,000 business meetings are planned.<br />

2. Round Tables, Workshops and Conferences - hosted by scientifi c and technical experts and by International<br />

industry players, those meetings are unique occasions for receiving and sharing information.<br />

3. Exhibition Centre - areas dedicated to presentation of new products, innovative ingredients, new technologies,<br />

services and expertise.<br />

4. Product Trends and Innovations Area - spotlight on food products from around the world in an area dedicated<br />

to the latest trends in health and nutrition innovation.<br />

Yderligere information<br />

http://www.aliments-sante.fr<br />

Within the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network and the DERBI 2010 International<br />

Conference, the CRCI Languedoc-Roussillon, member of Med2Europe (the Enterprise Europe<br />

Network Consortium for French Mediterranean Area) is organizing, for the 5th year in a row,<br />

the Pro’Energy Technological Business Meetings, a Brokerage Event focusing on:<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Renewable energies<br />

Eco-building and energy effi ciency<br />

Meet your future international partners<br />

The Pro’energy Technological Business Meetings is a tailor-made event off ering plenty of<br />

business opportunities to companies and research centers.<br />

A number of opportunities are there for you!<br />

Manufacturer, research center, distributor, installer... whatever your activity may be within<br />

the fi eld of renewable energy or sustainable construction, the Pro’energy Technological Business<br />

Meetings is a chance to identify the right business partners and the research centers<br />

with the scientifi c skills to meet your needs.<br />

Yderligere information<br />

http://www.pro-energy.eu/<br />

Tilmelding<br />

Mette Toft Christensen, Agro Business Park, mtc@agropark.dk<br />

Dato:<br />

16.-17. juni 2010<br />

Sted:<br />

La Rochelle, Frankrig<br />

Sektorer:<br />

Fødevaresektoren<br />

Sundhedssektoren<br />

Tilmelding:<br />

mtc@agropark.dk<br />

Dato:<br />

3.-4. maj 2010<br />

Sted:<br />

Perpignan, Frankrig<br />

Sektorer:<br />

Energi<br />

Tilmelding:<br />

15. april 2010

B2B 4 Energy: Technology Brokerage Event during Expo Energy 2010<br />

Enterprise Europe Network – Bulgaria is organising a technology and business matchmaking<br />

event during Expo Energy 2010, from 13 to 16 April 2010 in Sofi a, Bulgaria. The Brokerage<br />

Event will take place in Inter Expo Center – Sofi a. You can fi nd more information about Expo<br />

Energy on the exhibition’s website: www.iec.bg.<br />

The focus of B2B 4 Energy will be on Energy Effi ciency, Renewable Energy Sources, Heating,<br />

Ventilating, and Air Conditioning, Gas Installations, Electrical Engineering.<br />

The event will facilitate establishment of joint ventures and partnerships under EU projects<br />

and joint application for EU funding.<br />

Participants<br />

Companies, academic and research institutes in the fi eld of energy-effi ciency, alternative and<br />

renewable energy sources, machinery and equipment applicable in the sphere, developers<br />

of specialized software and companies off ering complete EE solutions with industrial application.<br />

Yderligere information<br />

www.iec.bg<br />

Netværkstur til Elmia World Bioenergy 2010<br />

Matchmaking Events i Europa<br />

Inspirations- og netværkstur til World Bioenergy 2010 og matchmaking i Elmia Conference<br />

and Exhibition Center<br />

Faglighed, netværk og nye kontakter er både overskrift og indhold, når Enterprise Europe<br />

Network Danmark inviterer virksomheder og andre aktører på fælles netværkstur til Elmia<br />

World Bioenergy 2010 i Jönköping i Sverige.<br />

Turen giver god mulighed for at besøge den meget store og spændende messe, møde nye<br />

kontakter fra ind- og udland og netværke med de øvrige danske deltagere.<br />

Matchmaking Event<br />

Deltag også i matchmaking eventen på messen og fi nd nye samarbejdspartnere. Matchmakingen<br />

kombinerer de to fagspecifi kke messer World Bioenergy og Elmia Recycling to Energy<br />

og tilbyder deltagerne en unik mulighed for at profi lere deres know-how, teknologier,<br />

produkter og projekter samt at møde internationale teknologiudbydere, forretningsforbindelser<br />

og forskningspartnere.<br />

Yderligere information og tilmelding til turen<br />

Kathrine Vejgaard Stage, Agro Business Park, kvs@agropark.dk, tlf. 8999 2525<br />

Dato:<br />

13. april 2010<br />

Sted:<br />

Sofi a, Bulgarien<br />

Sektorer:<br />

Energi<br />

Tilmelding:<br />

mtc@agropark.dk<br />

Dato:<br />

25.-27. maj 2010<br />

Sted:<br />

Jönköping, Sverige<br />

Sektorer:<br />

Bioenergi<br />

Aff aldshåndtering<br />

Energiudvinding<br />

Genbrug<br />

Tilmelding:<br />


H<br />



<strong>TechMatch</strong> er på vegne af det danske konsortium under Enterprise Europe Network udarbejdet af:<br />

Fakta om Enterprise Europe Network<br />

Hvem er vi?<br />

• 550 organisationer<br />

• 5000 erfarne fagfolk<br />

• Aktiviteter i 44 lande<br />

Niels Pedersens Allé 2<br />

8830 Tjele<br />

Tlf. 89 99 25 00<br />

Fax 89 99 25 99<br />

info@agropark.dk<br />

www.agropark.dk<br />

Hvad kan vi gøre for dig?<br />

• Vi hjælper virksomheder med at identifi cere potentielle<br />

handelspartnere<br />

• Vi hjælper SMVer med at udvikle nye produkter, baner vejen<br />

til nye markeder og informerer dem om EU-aktiviteter<br />

og -muligheder<br />

• Vi rådgiver SMVer om tekniske emner såsom intellektuelle<br />

ejendomsrettigheder, standarder og EU-lovgivning<br />

• Vi fungerer som mellemled imellem iværksættere og<br />

EU-beslutningstagere og formidler synspunkter i begge<br />

retninger<br />

Ansvarshavende redaktører:<br />

Simon Poulsen<br />

Agro Business Park<br />

Tlf. 89 99 25 01<br />

sp@agropark.dk<br />

Mette Toft Christensen<br />

Agro Business Park<br />

Tlf. 89 99 25 03<br />

mtc@agropark.dk<br />

www.enterprise-europe.dk<br />


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