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Gulu University Medical Journal (GUMJ) 2009/2010 Vol 5.<br />

1. A diagnosis is most likely not possible at this stage<br />

because history is not adequate. Though she may<br />

have a few rough ideas in mind.<br />

Possible impressions could be;<br />

• Pneumonia in view of the cough associated with<br />

difficulty in breastfeeding.<br />

• Febrile illness in view of the fever for example<br />

malaria and bacterial meningitis.<br />

• Anaemia in view of difficulty in breathing.<br />

2. At this stage she has only been able to ascertain<br />

the presenting complaint, history of presenting<br />

complaint, review of other systems. So she has to<br />

inquire more about other aspects of the history and<br />

examine the patient to be sure of the diagnosis.<br />

3. Right from the beginning as Dr Doreen gets<br />

engraved into a conversation with the patient’s<br />

mother, you have to keep in mind important aspects<br />

like DIB * 4/7 and cough *3/7. It’s important to<br />

note that the DIB is not worsened on lying down<br />

and no h/o body swelling. As you proceed, it’s<br />

wise to ask yourself a few questions like: why is<br />

the child always in and out of health facilities? ,<br />

what does the ‘hole in the heart” imply?<br />

Other aspects are that she delivered from home; the<br />

child’s birth was preterm and she was under weight.<br />

She was breastfed less than the recommended 6<br />

months, and does not feed adequately.<br />

4. From the history and examination results, the child<br />

most likely has a congenital heart disease (CHD).<br />

5. The diagnosis is Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD).<br />

Congenital means existing before or at birth.<br />

Congenital heart diseases can be classified according<br />

to whether they cause cyanosis or characterized by<br />

presence of a shunt.<br />

They can present with a heart murmur (which Lamunu<br />

had), heart failure or cyanosis. Examination revealed no<br />

cyanosis. Hence the condition is acyanotic. The shunt<br />

can be at the atrial wall or the ventricular wall level.<br />

Lamunu has ventricular septal defect with a left to<br />

right shunt.<br />

Defects of the ventricular septum are the commonest and<br />

usually occur as isolated defects and as one component<br />

Quiz Answers<br />

of a combination of anomalies. The opening is usually<br />

single and situated in the membranous portion of the<br />

septum i.e. perimembranous (75%). Malalignment<br />

defects may due to malalignment of infundibular<br />

septum and trabecular muscular septum; muscular<br />

defects may be located anywhere in the muscular<br />

septum (5-20%). Presentation depends primarily on<br />

defect size and status of the pulmonary vascular bed,<br />

rather than on the location of the defect.<br />

Shunting depends on the relative pulmonary and<br />

systemic vascular resistance. In large defects there is<br />

equilibration of right and left ventricular pressures. A<br />

large VSD with a low pulmonary resistance, degree of<br />

left to right shunt is increased.<br />

Usually large defects come to medical and, often,<br />

surgical attention very early in life. Natural history<br />

of ventricular septal defect ranges from spontaneous<br />

closure to congestive cardiac failure (CCF) and death<br />

in early infancy. The patient’s defect is of moderate<br />

size and spontaneous closure has not taken place and it<br />

could be that she has developed in view of the dyspnea,<br />

little interest in playing and difficulty in B/F. Among<br />

others are the possible development of pulmonary<br />

vascular obstruction (more with large) defects, Right<br />

Ventricular (RV) outflow tract obstruction, aortic<br />

regurgitation, and infective endocarditis.<br />

Lamunu’s DIB and cough indicate pulmonary<br />

hypertension though no haemoptysis as yet, though<br />

no worry for severe pulmonary vascular obstruction<br />

(Eisenmenger Syndrome) which usually presents with<br />

symptoms in adult life including exertional dyspnea,<br />

chest pain, syncope, and haemoptysis. Thus, the<br />

importance of correcting moderate-large defects<br />

surgically early in life when pulmonary vascular<br />

disease is still reversible or not yet developed. The<br />

right-to-left shunt leads to cyanosis, clubbing, and<br />

erythrocytosis. In all patients, the degree to which<br />

pulmonary vascular resistance is elevated before<br />

operation is a critical factor determining prognosis.<br />

If the pulmonary vascular resistance is one-third or<br />

less of the systemic value, progression of pulmonary<br />

vascular disease after operation is unusual. However,<br />

for a moderate to severe increase in pulmonary<br />

vascular resistance preoperatively, either no change or<br />

a progression of pulmonary vascular disease is common<br />

Gulu University Medical Students’ Association (GUMSA) Passion for life 64

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