Phoenix Journal 197 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 197 - Four Winds 10

Phoenix Journal 197 - Four Winds 10


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eliminated, thus enabling HSS to deliver the fidelity promised by digital compact discs.<br />

Norris’ American Technology Corp. is now licensing HSS to several companies. Among the first is Carver<br />

Corp. the well-known audio manufacturer, which expects to use HSS in a new product slated for next fall.<br />

HSS may be the biggest breakthrough since speakers were invented in 1925. [End quoting]<br />

Sounds like something many wives will love, considering how much room stereo speakers take up in a<br />

home. And another toy for all of us electronics buffs.<br />


A concerned reader of the recent Free Energy article in the News Desk (Jan. 14, 1997) suggested I should<br />

have advised inventors that the only way they would get their inventions out to the public was to give all<br />

information to the people as fast as they could get it out there via the Internet or any other cheap way of<br />

distribution. He said going for a patent was a sure way to get the feds after the inventors.<br />

I agree wholeheartedly with this basic idea and wish that the inventors would do it.<br />

The truth of this situation is, as I see it, most inventors are unwilling to give their ideas to others without<br />

compensation for their hard work and much expense (usually) and protection from the copycats.<br />

It’s a catch-22 since some other person (even the feds) would probably apply for a patent and stop the<br />

inventor and others from making their own device.<br />

If enough people would immediately make one and put it to use, the power of numbers might have a<br />

positive effect, but by the same token if enough people would do as I suggested the problem would be<br />

solved also.<br />

Just remember, the reason for the trouble this country and world is in—most people sit on their hands and<br />

pay no attention to the man putting the noose around their neck, while they watch some sitcom on the boob<br />

tube. While most of the remainder are sheeple helping the Elite to make the nooses.<br />

There are very few people, relatively, who are working with God and there are, relatively, few people who<br />

are leading us to our demise. Most of the remainder don’t have much of an idea of what is taking place<br />

even though many truly believe they know.<br />

Thank you and God bless you, Hank. It’s good to know there are still some out there who want to help<br />

make a difference in the lives of all of us.<br />

From a news FAX, 1/20/97, [quoting:]<br />



Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has reactivated his British arms buying network and is secretly rebuilding<br />


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