Read the Case-Based Curriculum for Neurology Residents.

Read the Case-Based Curriculum for Neurology Residents.

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Report of thc Ethics rod HuEanillcs Subcommittee<br />

Nirctccn hundrcd ai.octy-oac was Bot o!.ly thc cod of thc fust ycar of thc Dccadc of thc Braio, but thc<br />

cod of tbc hrst dccadc of thc acquircd inmuaodcficicncy syndrooc (ArDS) cpidcmic. Aftcr l0 ycars<br />

markcd by a growiag uodcrstardiag of <strong>the</strong> buman inouaodeficicocy vnus (HIV) and thc diseascs it<br />

causcs, thc AAN fccls that this is an appropriatc tine <strong>for</strong> ncurologists to rcflcct on t-be magnitudc of<br />

lhc cpidcmic ald its ioplicadons <strong>for</strong> cacb of us in our practiccs and tcaching aod scicntific carecrs.<br />

As qcurologisls and neuroscienciss, wc oow apprcciate lhai HMircctly invadcs <strong>the</strong> DervousJAlcrD<br />

catly in tbc coursc of infccrior, producing virus-rclatcd discasc that may be guirc indcpcndcnt of thc<br />

dcA:cc of imnuoc supprcssion, just as it rcsults ia CNS tumors and opportunistic iafeitions rhat arc<br />

rmportan! latc oarkcrs of imounological cbargc. Thus, HIV infcctiou produces ncurologiql discasc<br />

tbrougbout its coursc, and ncurologiss bavc an impona.at contriburioo to makc to thc gn'derstaadiag of<br />

<strong>the</strong> discasc, to tbe carc of i.ofcctcd paticnts, to socicqy's rcspoDsc to thc occds of thosc iovolvcd. and<br />

ultiraatcly to T hatcvcr succcss we *ill harc cootrolliog thc epidcmic oationally ard throughouthc world.<br />

In 1990 tbc cusulative death roll from AIDS rcacbcd loo,'m i! thc Uqitcd Statcs, with 30,196 dcaths<br />

in that ycar alonc. Thc cu.oulativc casc totsr <strong>for</strong> adurts and adoresccnts rcacbcd r52,23r, In 19g9, thc<br />

ccnrcrs.<strong>for</strong> Discasc courror (cDc) prcdictcd 365,000 diagDosed cascs of AIDS by LD2 witb 28,060<br />

cuoulativc dcatbs. If thcsc prcdictions arc accuratc, o,c Jhourd scc learly 2u,00{i ncwly diagnosid<br />

cascs of AIDS in thc rcx h^,o ycars wit-h pcrhaps as uEDy as l65,mo delhs __ a ocar Liptig of tlc<br />

ctrrlent rate.<br />

AIDS i! 1989 was thc sccoqd lca.liqg cat(c of dcath a.oong youag Amcricar meu (agcd }.44). It<br />

t9E8' it was rhc cighth lcarring causc of death a.moog comp.auty agco womcn but is -by now surcly rn<br />

tbe top fivc. As imprcssive as thcsc qumbers are, it is stiil tloughr &at AfDS surveillarcc idcntifics<br />

only 70 ' 90vo of ases, so cvcr tlcsc rumbers arc undcrcstimatJs of thc problcm il this country<br />

AIDS_ is also ircreasi'gly a discasc of thc poor and uadcrprivilcged- This is oor mercry bccausc thc<br />

coEbirario! of acquircd disabirity aad <strong>the</strong> nccd <strong>for</strong> etpcnsive -Jdi""r ""r" inpovcrishes -;y ;"i.",<br />

but bccause sprcad of thc d.iscase has bcco disproponiolar" a-ong thc racial aad cthaic miroriry<br />

groups that coDstitutc tic bulk of Aacrica's urban ulderclass.<br />

l! is cstiEarcd that rhcrc arc rwo million Hrv-bJectcd pcoplc i.o all of ahc Amcricas and morc dran<br />

thrcc million infected in A-frica - pcrhaps six millioo worldwidc. Furtbcrmore, urdcr-rcponing is a<br />

Steat ProblcE ia thc Third World wirh perhaps oaly 6Vo or 1Vo of ao cstioarcd 600,00d casci of alDS<br />

rcponed ia Africa.<br />

The AIDS cpidemic prcscnts a challcogc to &urologists to cxaEilc thc nost iEportalt mcdical, cthid<br />

aad socia.l issues of our tinc. Wc arc proEptcd to thirt abod <strong>the</strong> prevcntability of tbc discasc ald<br />

what wc ca.s do individually aad collcctiraly g6 dinirich ia cnormity. Wc must ipprcciatc thc tcr6ilal<br />

oa[urs of thc illacss ard dctcraioc bov rrc cao bclp paticus copc with thc iDcvitati[ty of carly dcath.<br />

Thus, we nccd to undcrstaad <strong>the</strong> lcgal ard cthic.l ralidiry of advancc dircctincs - whcthcr tbey be<br />

liviag wills or durablc powcrs of anorDcy <strong>for</strong> hcalti care - ard pronotc thcir usc. wc must Lelp ro<br />

iocrcasc awarcncss of AIDS as a dcncating ilncss, wlich rcquires us to colhont both <strong>the</strong> problcns of<br />

obtaining in<strong>for</strong>ucd coaseot from patients who may bc incapablc of undcrstaoding thc rcquirimcnts of<br />

lbcir carc aad <strong>the</strong> problcms sf siffiglding or withdrawing erc from palic s when pcnincnt advalcc<br />

dircctivcs arc lacking. Thc AIDS cpidcoic also hiehlights thc problems of thc oaldistributioo of carc rs<br />

Ancrica atrd <strong>the</strong> lack of adcquatc health carc insurancc <strong>for</strong> a largc and ucedy scgpcot of our<br />

population.<br />


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