Read the Case-Based Curriculum for Neurology Residents.

Read the Case-Based Curriculum for Neurology Residents.

Read the Case-Based Curriculum for Neurology Residents.


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Ethical Rolc of Neurologists io AIDS Epidcmic<br />

Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, as ocurologists wc rccognizc thc spccial cootriburion wc can orakc b}r<br />

1) Developing and maintaiaing cxgrcrtise in tbc recognitioo aad trcalocot of <strong>the</strong><br />

ocurologiel oanifcstatioos of HfV discasc and cducating noo-ucurolosists i! thcsc<br />

auea5.<br />

2) Dcvclopi.ug and promulgating an appropriatc awarcncss of tbc diagnosric implicatioas of<br />

dcmcntia in AIDS Paticnts ard of thc othcr ncurological complicaiions of FilV infcctior.<br />

3) A!af)|ri!8 sooc of tlc bchaviora.l aad subjcctivc maaifcstatious of AIDS so that rhcy<br />

may bc propcrly managcd as cithcr signs and syoptoms of orgaaic involvcmcqt or<br />

enotioDal responsas to tbc illness.<br />

4) Accuratcly advisiag- about prognosis in paricnts witb lcrvous s).,tc' iDvorvemc[t -<br />

nei<strong>the</strong>r promotiog falsc hope oor fostcring tberapeutic nibilism.<br />

5) npplyiry spccial knowlcdgc a-sd cxpcrisncc that ocurologiss may havc ir thc<br />

haragemetrt of acutc aad cbronic pair in <strong>the</strong> scttiDg HMiseasc.<br />

6) Dcvcloping and oaintaining appropriatc educarionar progra^s at rhc mcdica.l school,<br />

rcsidcocy, and post-graduatc lcvcls conccruing thc ncuroiogy of HIV discase.<br />

Notc: Thc abovc is iltcndcd ro servc- as aD iDtcrin rcport. Thc Amcrican Academy<br />

curc'tly<br />

of Ncurologr<br />

studyiDg<br />

is<br />

thc issuc of tcsting bca.lth-carc workcrs aod othcr rssucs that<br />

i.Eportancc.<br />

bavc rcccrtly gaincd<br />

AdditioDal statctncDts arc <strong>for</strong>tbcohing,<br />

This statcmcnt is providcd os an cdltcationor savicc of thc Amcican Acodcmy or Ncumro&,.<br />

on sn assessment<br />

h k b'SCd<br />

of curent scientilc and clinicat infimution. It is nor inrcndci<br />

prcper<br />

to incfultk all posibtc<br />

methodt of can lor o panicurar ncumrogicat poblez.r or ar! legitimate uireria<br />

spccifc proccdun. <strong>for</strong> choosin'g o use a<br />

Nci<strong>the</strong>r is it in,ldcd to drua"'^y n*onobr, ajtcmatiw neniaougics.<br />

rccognizes<br />

hrthar<br />

in<br />

spccifc paticnt care -dccitio^s { \ nnuati"e of <strong>the</strong> paticnt and ae pn}sician<br />

<strong>the</strong> paticng iig yo,<br />

bated on all of <strong>the</strong> circLmstancc, involvad-<br />

(Copyrigbt 1991 - Ancrica! Acadcuy of Ncurologr)<br />

'Thc Erhics aud Humanidcs subcoEEitlcc is gratcfrrl to Dr. Richard Foa wbo &aftcd this repon.<br />

This slatemcDt has bccn published ia Ncuroloqv as shoqn bclov. pubtishcd vcrsion uray iacludc minor<br />

cditorial cbanges.<br />

A.Eerica! Acadcmy of Ncur-ologr. Rcport of thc AEcrica! Acadcuy of Ncurologr oo thc<br />

ctbical rolc of oeurologists ia rbc AIDS cpidcmic. Ncurolow 1992;42;lll6_tll7.<br />

Approvcd EHSC 05/91<br />

Approvcd PC 06/91<br />

Approvcd EB 09191<br />

Ethics 8rd Humsnttlcs SubcoDElttcc:<br />

Ronald Cran<strong>for</strong>d. M.D. - Chair<br />

Janes L. Bcrnat. M.D.<br />

Maynard M. Cohcn, M.D.<br />

Jobl R. Dclfs. M.D.<br />

David Jackson, M.D.<br />

(3tue3\<br />

H. Richard Bcrcs<strong>for</strong>4 M-D.<br />

Gastouc Cclcsia" MJ).<br />

John P. Conomy, M-D.<br />

Richard P. Foa, M-D.<br />

Alison Wicbna4 M.D.

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