Open - Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS)

Open - Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS)

Open - Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS)


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(29)<br />


Purpc9a of section<br />

‘he Departmnt of the ~vironnent is CO-Ordinstirqa geneKalrequestcm the pert<br />

of varioustmdiesmncezned with leisureactivitiesto re-insertquestionsm this<br />

tcpic into the QIS for me year. A leisuresectionpreviouslyt@eared in 1973,<br />

1977, 1980 ati 1983.<br />

TbeS questionsare of specialinterestb tcdiesomcamed with tie development<br />

<strong>and</strong> utiliseticmof s~rts <strong>and</strong> Out&or activities,sud as tbe Countryside<br />

Cmmissirm, the SportsCouncil,ti the Neticnel‘IWristBoardsin ~lsud,<br />

Scotl<strong>and</strong>,<strong>and</strong> Wales,as well es to local autlmritieswlm have to plan the<br />

Sllocatim of rescumes in the lightof currentti ~ted damrv3. ~rts ad<br />

other leisurefacilitieshave seen a largegrowthin recentyeare,but thereare<br />

big differencesbetweenregims, ard betweenurbanad ruralareas,in the level ><br />

of provision. A profileof the sorts of peoplewho participatein different i<br />

activitiesakw.snot cnly b the ~larity of differantactivitieshas chamged<br />

over the years,but also ha SUE sectionsof the camnunityhave becom nore<br />

active in theirleisuretime than others.<br />

Q1<br />

Use a calendarto help informantswith the referencepericd. It begins<br />

m a Mmday, fourwe%ks prior to the Sundaybeforethe interview. Fbr<br />

e=le J if w are interviewingon Wednesday5 Wbru.ary1986, the<br />

refereme pericdwuld be Mcnday 6 Januaryb Suday 2 February.<br />

Accept the informant’sdefinitionof what institutes a holiday,but<br />

‘holidays’must te the main pxpcse of the journey.<br />

Q l(a)<br />

Elude<br />

nightsawaycm holidaythat startedbeforethe beginningof the<br />

refenmce period.<br />

Q l(b)<br />

~clude muntries passedthroughwhile traveling, m.lessthe informant<br />

s@?@ thereovernightor longer. :1<br />

Q2<br />

‘lhis~stion roversthe typesof =tivities dme met frequentlyby<br />

mat pecple. Wte that:<br />

watchedtelevision:inchxleswstcbingvideo tapesbut<br />

~ playingvideogeues - specifyet Q3<br />

readingtocka:<br />

excludesmagazines,Ccznicsrd newspapers<br />

visit* frierdsm relatims etc: includesvisit@ frierrlsetc in<br />

hcspital<br />

gardening: includesallotmentsad greenhousesbut<br />

~ wirrlowkox ati balccsiygardeni~<br />

dresarnaking etc: excludesdarningad<br />

mtiing<br />

house repsirsd DIY: includesdecoratingad housemaintenancebut<br />

exch.xleselectricaljobsard car maintenance

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