Sinai Disengagement Agreement - Vol. I - Gerald R. Ford ...

Sinai Disengagement Agreement - Vol. I - Gerald R. Ford ...

Sinai Disengagement Agreement - Vol. I - Gerald R. Ford ...


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.--SECR: El' / SENSITIV E August 26, 1975<br />


FROM:<br />


~~ENT SCOWCRO~T:@<br />

Secretary Kissinger has sent you the following report on his August 25<br />

:meeting with Pri:me Minister Rabin:<br />

•<br />

"I:m:mediate1y upon returning fro:m Alexandria, I :met for 2-1/2 hour s this<br />

evening to give the Israeli negotiating tea:m a report on :my talks today<br />

with President Sadat and Foreign Minister Fah:my. With only :minor details<br />

to be cleared up, I believe we now have agree:ment on the :map. With<br />

respect to the text of the agree:ment itself, while the Israelis want to study<br />

it overnight, their reaction to the language we worked out in Alexandria __<br />

and in particular the inclusion of references to blockades and the passage<br />

of Israeli cargoes through the canal -- indicates that the differences have<br />

been significantly narrowed.<br />

"I will :meet again to:morrow :morning with the Israeli negotiating tea:m to<br />

get their considered reaction before returning to Alexandria to:morrow<br />

afternoon. There is still a great deal of work to do if we are to wrap up<br />

the agree:ment by the end of the week, and there are still possibilities that<br />

further hitches can develop although the prospects are clearly better as a<br />

result of the decisions taken by Sadat today which I have already reported<br />

to you.<br />

"The next i:m:mediate tasks facing us are to work out the text of a· trilateral<br />

agree:ment governing the stationing of US civilian personnel at the :monitoring<br />

stations in the vicinity of the Passes and of the bilateral US-Israeli Me:morandt:.:<br />

of Understanding. We provided drafts of both of these in technical talks held<br />

by :me:mbers of :my staff ,vith the Israelis in Jerusale:m today while I was<br />

in Egypt, and they have pro:mised us their reactions to:morrow. On the<br />

1-1e:morandu:m of Understanding, as you know~ the Israelis have been pressing<br />

for assurances with regard to econo:mic and :military assistance and oil<br />

supply as well as diplo:matic and political support which in :many instances<br />

go far beyond what we can or should give the:m. The draft we gave the:m<br />

cut back sharply on :many of these assurances, and I expect so:me tough<br />


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