C. S. Milliken

C. S. Milliken

C. S. Milliken


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I<br />

C. S. <strong>Milliken</strong><br />

Southern California<br />

Iris Gardens<br />

?asaderu<br />

. Lg33 >

Foreword<br />

Where can you make a more worthwhile and permanent<br />

investment than in your home or garden ? Remember:-the beauty and<br />

charm of a lovely flower is not affected by an economic depression.<br />

Plant iris. They pay big dividends with unequalled regularity.<br />

W'e extend to you a cordial invitation to come to our<br />

gardens during the blooming season. Our earliest varieties commence to<br />

flower in March and our latest continue into June. Visitors are thus<br />

greeted by a changing display throughout the season. We are constantly<br />

adding new varieties of outstanding merit so that each year our display<br />

is more impressive than the last.<br />

In our catalogues we have endeavored to list only chose<br />

varieties that are worthy of a place in your garden. Each year we include<br />

some of the outstanding new introductions and take out those varieties<br />

that have thus been surpassed. This makes it possible for our customers<br />

to order from our catalgoues with the assurance that all varieties selected<br />

are outstanding.<br />

fr<br />

II we can be of any help in solving your garden problems<br />

we shall consider it a privilege. Come to the gardens if possible; if not,<br />

we invite your correspondence.<br />

C. S. MILLIKEN<br />

Southern California<br />


970 New York Avenue<br />

PaseoruR. CaLrroRNn<br />

193 3

g 1'3Introductions<br />

a_gzrr-a-:<br />

CHINA LANTERN (Essig, 1933). This iris adds an encirely new color note<br />

to the garden and is different from anything yet produced. The<br />

striking features are its brilliant carrying colors in the garden and the<br />

vigor and profusion of its inflorescence. The color is bright Bordeaux<br />

red falls and old gold standards which defy description. The flowering<br />

stalks are three or four-branched and from 3% to 4 feet tall. The<br />

foliage is large and clean. It comes from a long succession of Essig<br />

hybrids crossed with Cardinal, the latter giving it the brilliant red<br />

falls.... $10.00<br />

MRY COAST (Essig, 1933). A beautiful, large, clear ivory self of fine<br />

texture and substance. The falls are thick, wide and flaring and show<br />

off to the very best advantage. The standards are erect and give<br />

proper symmetry to the flowers. The stems are well branched and<br />

three feet high. The foliage is vigorous. It is one of the earliest to<br />

flower in the spring, blooming with us from the middle of March until<br />

the last of April, with a tendency to bloom again in the fall of the year.<br />

The soft pale color adds a new note to the whites and vellows now<br />

offered 5.00<br />

SHINING WATERS (Essig, l9j3). A reflection of the clear blue weslern<br />

skies in still, shining waters. The best of the many smooth, clear blues<br />

obtained after years of progressive breeding along a particular line.<br />

It is a fitting climax of such parentage as Caterina, Carthusian, Marian<br />

Mohr, California Blue, (Jncle Remus, and Moa. The self color is<br />

about midway between the shades of the darker Sierra Blue and the<br />

lighter Pale Moonlight, yet it is really not a competitor of either.<br />

The firm, wax-like texture and perfect finish, symmetry, and poise of<br />

'the falls and standards are enhanced by a bright orange beard. The<br />

flowering stalks are straight, three to four-branched and from four to<br />

five feet tall. Last May it was rated 94 in the garden by an accredited<br />

judge. It combines the smoothness and finish of Hoogiana with the<br />

size and poise of Easter Morn. 5.00<br />

TENAYA (Essig, 1933). One of the best of the many rich, velvety, dark<br />

purple selfs which have dttracted so much attention in the originator's<br />

garden during recent years. After comparing it with other new offerings<br />

in the same general color range, we enthusiastically include it in<br />

new creations for this year. The color is a rich raisin-purple with<br />

iridescent reflections, the standards changing somewhat to dull<br />

auricula purple. There is an aniline beard and old gold at the bases<br />

of the stylets which light up the interior as by a lamp. The substance<br />

is certainly up to the highest standards. It is of sturdy Modoc and<br />

Cardinal parentage. The flower stalks are well branched and three feec<br />

high, It is a conspicuous and attractive garden and show variety.... 5.00<br />



ARBUTUS (Lothrop, 1933) H. M. A. I. S. This is a seedling of Mother of<br />

Pearl by Dejazet. The finely formeC large flowers are on tall well<br />

brancheJ stalks. The domed standards are pinkish lavender ar rhe iips<br />

shaCing to light yellow at the base..Substance and texture are lirm<br />

and fine with a smooth lustrous surface, which cause it to resist rain<br />

and hail, hot sun and burning wind. Height 36 inches. $5.00<br />

LAURENTIA (Dr. F. F. Villiams, 1933). This beardless iris is a beautiful<br />

vBlyety cerise purple self with a large golden signal patch on the falls.<br />

The flowers are largel than those of Cacique and are carried on 40-inch<br />

stems. It should be planted in a moist location. 5.00<br />

PERSIAN PRINCESS. A pogc-regelia hybrid which is superior to anything<br />

of its type we have ever seen. The large, well shapeC flowers are<br />

Bishop's purple veined with Maddeq violet, the haft being veined<br />

with seal brown. The falls are exceptionally rich and velvety. A single<br />

stalk used as a cut flower is sure to cause a sensation. This iris is taller<br />

than others of its type, growing to a full 3 feet in our garden. ..... 5.00<br />


(M illiken, I 9 3 3). An extremely vigorous spuria resembling<br />

Ochroleuca in color and growing to a height of 64 inches. The flowers<br />

are larger than those of any pther spuria, the falls being 4 inches long<br />

by 2 inches wide and the standards \y"<br />

inches tall by I /, inches wide.<br />

Because of its outstanding superiority, this variety was awarded Honqrable<br />

Mention by the A. I. S.. . . 2.50<br />

qJ-rt-a-,<br />

C. S. MILLIKEN<br />

So,*,t'hern California<br />


970 New Yonx AveNUE, PASADENA, Cer-rponNre

Midgard EuPhony Clara NoYes<br />

Special Collection Price $5.00

C. S. MILLIKEN-IRIS I Paqe Five<br />


The More Recently Introduced Varieties of<br />

Outstanding Merit<br />

e/0$\9<br />

AHWAHNEE (Esslg, 193i'). A vcry large flower of heavy substance. The falls velvety<br />

dahlia carmine, standards iridescent lavender and brown, and a brightly glowing<br />

center. Perfectly hardy and has a long blooming period. J ft<br />

Each<br />

2.00<br />

AIRY DREAM (Sturtevant). A very beautiful soft pink of Pallida habit resembling<br />

Susan Bliss, but with a larger flower and better branching.3)4 ft..... .. 2.50<br />

AMBER (DyAes). A vigorous yellow self with a conspicuous rcddish golden beard. It is<br />

a very free flowering and dcsirable variety. J ft.... ..3 for 91.00; .50<br />

AMBROSIA (Sturteuant). This is one of the most filmy flowcrs of a pale pink with a<br />

deep orange beard. The flower is large and of splendid rounded form. A word<br />

description gives a very inadequate idea of the great charm of this variety. 3 ft.. . 2.50<br />

AMNERIS (MiIIet). A very 6ne deep blue with velvety falls. As yet bur little known<br />

in this country. Fragrant, lare. )14 ft.. . . . . ..3 for 92.00; .75<br />

About Iris<br />

(f Ints is an easy-to-grow per-<br />

".<br />

I ennial, atihome in almost any soi[,<br />

requiring little attention or moisture<br />

and furnishing flowers of enchanting<br />

beauty and delicacy over a long period<br />

of time.<br />

There are hundreds of varieties of<br />

Iris and charming new introductions<br />

are added each year. These varieties<br />

are classified under group heads as<br />

listed throughout this catalog. While<br />

all of these groups have the general<br />

characteristics of Iris with which we<br />

are all familiar, there is sufficient difference<br />

in formation of bloom, colorings,<br />

time of blossoming, height of<br />

flower stalk, etc., to give unlimited<br />

SeNre Bengena<br />

(See Paee 23)

Paee Six\ C S. MILLIKEN-IRIS<br />

Mrnceny (P. I2)<br />

APHRODITE, (Dykes). A stately violet-pink that receives Each<br />

enthusiastic admiration from our visitors. 4 ft.. . . . . .<br />

3 for $1.00; .50<br />

ARIEL (MurrelL). Soft harebell blue. A charming flower,<br />

fragranc and early. 3t/ ft.. ......3 for $1.00; .50<br />

ARLETTE (Cayeux). A large beautiful cream with a golden<br />

beard. Free flowering and of good sul>stance. 2rr4 ft.<br />

3 for $2.00; .75<br />

ARZANI (Sturteuant.) A vigorous red-purple of fine habit.<br />

Tall.3%ft.....<br />

..3 for $2.00; .75<br />

ASPHODEL (Morrison). A large light lavender-violet flower with an<br />

almost a self. Fine form and rich satiny texture. Fragrant. 324 ft..<br />

orange beard;<br />

1.00<br />

AURELLE (Denis). This is unquestionably one of the finest of the red-purple bicolors.<br />

The flowers are large and the falls are very rich and velvety and carry a golden<br />

beard.4 ft... .. .....3 for $2.00;<br />

AUTUMN GLOW (Sturteaant). This is a particularly attractive ruffled soft amber. Its<br />

shapeand habit of growth make it a favorite where this color is desired. About<br />

t tt..<br />

3 for $1.00:<br />

.15<br />

.50<br />

BLUE AND GOLD (Essig, 1931). A most unusual and attractive large, bright, rich<br />

blue self. The bright golden beard makes a sharp contrast which is apparent from<br />

some distance; hence the name. 3r/ ft.. . . . . 1.50<br />

BLUE GOWN (Essig, 19 j2). A tall blue iris of fine depth of color, nearly a self, large size,<br />

good form and 6rm substance . The brilliant golden bearC is charmingly displayed<br />

on wide flaring falls. The stems are slender, stiff and from four to five feet high.<br />

We have introduced a number of blue iriscs, but every one of them has an indir,-<br />

idual quality and distinction. . . .. .<br />

BONNIE BLUE (.Sturteaant). A "blue-toned, jaunty" iris which is "very vigorous and<br />

floriferous. 3ft.... .3for$1.00:<br />

BRUNO (Bliss). One of the finest of the famous "Dominions." Very rich in color. J ft...<br />

3.50<br />

.50<br />

r.00<br />

CALIFORNIA BLUE (Essig, 1929). A most vigorous iris, fine foliage, long blooming<br />

season, large flowers, great height, well branched and early. Rich bluish violet<br />

with a glowing beard. It is the most delightfully fragrant iris which we know.<br />

5 ft.... ......3 for 92.00; .75<br />

CAMELIARD (Sturtevant). A very unusual and beautiful blend of yellow and wine<br />

color. The flowers are very large, seven inches, and are borne on well branched<br />

stems. One of the most distinct of recent introductions. It has been an outstanding<br />

favoriie with the visitors to our gardens. 4 ft.. 2.50<br />

CAMEO (Sturteuant). A very beautiful pink and yellow blend. A bit of sunset in a flower.<br />

1 fr.... ......3 for $1.00: .50<br />

CANOPUS (Bliss). Of the famous Dominion strain. A bronzed purple, rich falls. The<br />

flowers are very large and single stalks have four to six flowers in full bloom at<br />

one time. Wonderfullv fine when well established. 4 ft. ......3 for $1.00t .50

CANYON MISTS (Berry). A delightfut light mauve self resemblins Mlle. Schwartz in Each<br />

color,butearlierandbetter.S)/ft.....<br />

... .. .....3 for 91.00; .50<br />

CARNELIAN rLothrop. tq )2t. Th* huss rcd flowcr one four_foot .plcndidly branchcd<br />

of two pcrfcctty<br />

:,."1.^: ?:::9ll"q<br />

hardr- parcnr5. The flowei,;;;;. l;rs. as those<br />

or, Los Angercs. rn cflcct it is a rcd scl(. rcddcr and more smoothlv coJorcd than<br />

Nlcdrano. Accordinq to Ridgeway, the standards are Auricula purpie and the falls<br />

Blackish Red Purpie.<br />

s.50<br />

CHASSEUR (Vilmor.in\. One o_f thc be:t yellow:. Thc yellow is opaque inqtead ol<br />

transluccnt a. in citronclla. Flowcr> arc largc and'borne on 'iali-stcms. ?f.<br />

Late.<br />

.....J for $1.00; .50<br />

CITRONET LA (Bilss)- A most wonderful flower with fairly luminous yellow standards.<br />

Very effective in brightening the garden. About I ft. .<br />

......3 for 91.00; .50<br />

CLARA NoYES (sc^sq, H, P.).-A beaytiful blend of peach and apricor tonesproducins<br />

a most delighrlul Thc color reproducrion -cffect.<br />

on page 4 gives r;;.ht1;;;?<br />

imprcssion of thc ffowcr than can be conveyed by a *o.3 acs8iipr,on r ft.....-.-. 4.00<br />

COPPERSMITH rSfiu11t. An outstanding varicy of coppery red coloring. Flowers are<br />

largc, flaring and of heavy substancE. ll, fa. . .<br />

r.00<br />

coRoNA<br />

',s-',y,,,1?n,'<br />

dcparturc-a ycllow<br />

.'A l"y<br />

bicolor of srn6616 .ariny subsrance,<br />

wrtn rlcn yellow standards and white falls: low branched and florifcrou.. ll in.' 2.50<br />

OYGNET (.stur.teuant)..A tall ivory_whire wirh flaring_ falls. Reddish veinings at the<br />

throat add ro irs distincrness.'This is an outstan?ing iris ;;a iecommend it.<br />

-" .....3 for 91.00; .S0<br />

DAUNTLESS tConnellt Ulqucrtionably onc of che 6ncst bright red irir yct inrroluccd.<br />

It was awarded thc Dykc. mcdal in lq2q by the Amciican Iri. gjc,;s1, Flow_.is<br />

olfineformandsubstance.)/zft. ....... 5.00<br />

DAY DREAM (Sturtevant). A. blen-d of pinkish toncs with falls darker than the standards.<br />

Large blooms and a rall, well branched sralk. A p"p;i;.-;;;;t;.;i;. . 2.00<br />

DIONE (Edlmann)., A deJigh.tful white of good form and substance, with brighr blue<br />

veining on either side of rhe orangc bEard. 3 ft.... . .f fo? $Z.OO; .75<br />

DOLLY,MADI,SON (\l/illiamsod.,Large wcll formcl flowcrs ot ma,rre an.l lilac warmed<br />

y-,1. u,{:,,o* gtow at rhe rhroar and a bright orangc bcar.J. Ex:cl:tionally fine<br />

porse. J rr...... .....3 for $2.50: 1.00<br />

..q',il+scope<br />

to the gardener who wishes to<br />

specialize on this interesting species.<br />

The planting of iris should no longer<br />

be confined simply to one small bed.<br />

For borders, walks and mass effects no<br />

perennial is more pleasing. Many have<br />

encire sections of their gardens devoted<br />

to iris.<br />

It is impossible to lay down any hard<br />

and fast rules regarding the culture of<br />

iris, as conditions aie varied. They<br />

thrive in any soil, unless it is pure sand.<br />

When u,'ell established they should be<br />

given enough water, particularly just<br />

before and during biooming time, to<br />

keep them in good growing condition.<br />

Give good drainage and you will not<br />

SIN GaenreL<br />

(See Page 16)

Pase Ten\ c S. MILLIKEN-IRIS<br />

FEDORA (Cayeux). Standards old gold; falls reddish purple; Each<br />

edged with gold. 3 ft. ....3 for $1.00; .50<br />

FELDSPAR (Morrison). An opalescent greenish yellow<br />

which is distinct and attractive. Flowers of excellent<br />

substance, very early and blooming over a long period.<br />

2% ft.. ..3 for $2.00; .75<br />

FESTM (Morrison) . "An I ris King with its gorgeous coloring<br />

and typical Variegata branching, but with added<br />

height, size and vigor. 3 ft." . . 10.00<br />

Fvvva. (Page 27)<br />

FIREFALL (Essig, 1928). This bright red iris with its glowing<br />

yellow beard is u,cll named. The flowers are of good<br />

size borne on stalks of medium height. A brilliant<br />

flower. 30 in..... .......3 for $2.00: .75<br />

FLAMBEAU (Sturleaanl). A tall radiant yellow iris with flaring falls and bright orange<br />

beard. Brown veining on the hafts. Vigorous and free flowdring. 3 ft. . .3-for 92.00; .75<br />

FRIEDA MOHR (Mohr). A flower that is a! once admired for its charming form and<br />

poise. A luminous pink bicolor with standards pale lilac and flaring fills a deep<br />

iilac rose. Tall with branching rather high but well spaced. Bloomin! period from<br />

midseason to very late. Hardy. 4 ft.... .....3 for $2.00; .75<br />

GARGANTUA (Millet). This is an outstanding variety in our garden. A single stalk<br />

has several flowers open at the same time and creates a striking display. The large<br />

flowers are deep violet blue selfs of 6ne form. Highly recommended. Midseason<br />

to late. 4 tt. . .'. f.50<br />

GERMAINE PERTHUIS (MiILet). A very rich violec which is regarded by M. Millet<br />

as his best proCuction. UndoubteCly a very superior variety. 3 ft. . ..3 for $1.00; .50<br />

GLOWING EMBERS (Sturtevant.). Deep purple falls, brownish lavender standards and<br />

a golden.center. Vely greatly admired. Splendid in the garden picture-if gro-wn-in<br />

a large clump.3% ft .3 for $1.00; .50<br />

GOLD IMPERIAL (Sturtet:ant). A rich chrome yellow self with orange<br />

standing for its rich texture. l0 in.<br />

beard. Out-<br />

3 for $1.00; .50<br />

GOLD LACE (Lothrop, 1932). A seedling of Mme. Durrand having the tall, slenderly<br />

graceful stem of its parent and also the charactcristic habit 6f [linoinc fnrth<br />

Hower after flower froirr the same branch until one wonders if tne suooii'*itl'c"ei<br />

be exhausted. The flowers are gracefully poised and arc excellent in iubitance and<br />

form. The standards are a bright old gold and the flaring old gold falls are smoothly<br />

overlaid with rosy lavender. The whole flower is covered with sparkling gold dust.<br />

H. M. A. I. S... 3.50<br />

GOLD STANDARD (Edlmann). A very attractive yellow. The color deepens at the<br />

throat and is made more luminous bv a bright orange beard. Free flowering, well<br />

branched. 1% ft.. ...3 for $2.50; 1.00<br />

GRACE STURTEVANT (Bllss). This famous "Dominion" is certainlv one of the finest<br />

of all. A very rich velvety brown wich a brilliant golden beard.'There is no other<br />

varietv exceot Red Flare in which the luminous beard is such a strikingly beautiful<br />

part oi the flower. 3 ft. . . .<br />

3.00<br />

HENRI RMERB (Millet). Very large flowers on strong, many branched stems. The<br />

standards are pure lemon yellow shading to canary yellow at the base. The falls<br />

are a blend of lilac mauve and canary yellow, the combination of which is exquisite.<br />

3 ,'z [t. . 3.50<br />

HOLLYWOOD (Essig, 1931). A charming bright pink, yellow and old gold blend of<br />

the most bewitching colors. The stiff horizontal falls are daphne red overlaid with<br />

shades of violet and the center of the flower is lighted by various shades of amber<br />

yellow and old gold, producing a most delightful effect. ) ft..... 2.00<br />

HORIZON (Morrison). A clear light blue lavender which will delight anyone in search<br />

of blue toned irises. 3 % ft . . . .3 for $2.00; .75

U MILLIKEN-IRIS I Page Eleuen<br />

IMPRESSARIO (Morrison). A violet and purple flower of great size carried on well<br />

branched stems. 1)/ ft. . . . . .3 for $1.00; .50<br />

ISHTAR (Sturteaant). Wonderful form, substance and carriage. Warm buff coloring. It<br />

blooms late with Chasseur, Dryade, Avalon and others. )% ft.......3 for $2.00; .75<br />

JADU (Sturteuant). "A plicata, standards and style branches blush-pink, falls white,<br />

both dotted with rose. 'ladu' means a charm. 30 in.". 2.50<br />

JUBILEE (J. Soss)<br />

flower.2 ft...<br />

t":oi'o' wi:h eu:ere<br />

l:1'"*' i:'l::::: 1"::o ^ f;:: ;1ffil .50<br />

KALIF (Sturteuant). White tinted with lavender. A strong grower, well branched. J ft.<br />

anCover.....<br />

3 for $2.001<br />

KESTREL (Morrison). Blackish purple falls and violet standards. The flowers are large<br />

and of good substance. ) tt....<br />

3 for $1.00: .50<br />

-tJ<br />

KING KARL (J. Soss). Cream and buff, flushed and sprinkled with'.purple.2)4 fr.<br />

3 for $1.00;<br />

LABOR (Cayeux). Introduced rn 1926 and regarded by the introducers as the finest<br />

variety which they had offered up to that time. A very unusual copperv color.<br />

Flowers large and of good form. 3 ft..... . . . .3 for 92.00;<br />

.50<br />

.tlt<br />

LAMIA (Sturteuant). Large flowers of delicate light pink blend. Habic and growth of<br />

Mme. Cheri. It makes a very fine garden mass. 4 ft.... ......3 for $2.00<br />

LE GRAND FERRE (Cayeux). Large flowers of a fawn and pinkish blend carried on<br />

well branched tall stalks. 3% ft.. ....3 for $1.00;<br />

LONA (Soss). Buff, sprinkled with pinkish purple, yellow throat. Different and beautiful.<br />

Z%fr.. .....3for $1.00:<br />

.t5<br />

.50<br />

.50<br />

"Qltlrtl+"<br />

not overwater, however, so that they<br />

will become water-logged and decay.<br />

If too dry before getting rooted they<br />

are likely to shrivel even if they do<br />

not die.<br />

Do not plant deep; barely cover the<br />

rhizomes.<br />

Some varieties should be divided<br />

every two years-others every three or<br />

four. Give the rhizomes room for the<br />

side shoots to get a foothold.<br />

Of course there are exceptions to the<br />

above general cultural notes as you<br />

discover further on in this book. When<br />

any group or variety of iris demands<br />

special lreatment we have called a[tenion<br />

to it in the catalog listings.<br />

Eo. MrcnEl<br />

(See Page 22)

Page TweIDe\ s. MtLLTKE^{- rRIS<br />

LOS ANGELES (Mohr-Mitchell). A stunning large white flower of fine shape and sub- Each<br />

stance. The standards are faintly edged with clear blue, the falls beautifully reticulated<br />

red-brown at the base with the blue style arms adding a note of clear color<br />

in the center. A flower that is at once admireC for its poise and clean aoDearance.<br />

Tall and well branched. 4 ft. . . 2.00<br />

LOUDOUN (FendalL). This is an unusual combination of vellow lined and dotted with<br />

chestnut. The flower is large with flaring falls. A good show variety that appears<br />

early in the season and has a long blooming period. 2% ft.. .3 for 92.00; .75<br />

$<br />

MAJESTIC (Bltss). A strong growing "Dominion." Standards light lavender with<br />

bronze base, falls rich raisin purple. Well branched.3% ft. ..3 for $1.00; .50<br />

MARGERY (Dean). Light wistaria violet; falls Bradley's violet; deep chrome beard.<br />

Large, tall and hardy. A splendid variety, not widely known. 5 ft....3for92,00; .75<br />

MARQUISETTE (Cayeux). A shrimp pink which is one of the most beautiful shades<br />

of any of the pink varieties. Free flowering.1% ft. .. .3 for 92.50; 1.00<br />

MARY BARNETT (CumbLer). A fragrant clear pale blue-lavender with a brilliant<br />

orange beard. A very fine flower on shorc-branched scalks. 3 ft.. ... . .3 for 92.00; .75<br />

MAUNA LOL (Berry). A tall, large flowered well branched iris of decided merit. The<br />

reddish flowers are very conspicuous in the garden. It is of Mesopotamica parentage<br />

and flourishes in California. 4 ft.... ............ 1.50<br />

MESSALINE (Millet). A very vigorous and large flowered variety in red and gold. It<br />

is as yet but little known but is decidedly worth having. 4 ft. . . r.50<br />

MIDGARD (Sass). An outstanding iris greatly admired by all who see it. The color<br />

combination is yellow deeply flushed with rose pink. The large. perfectly formed<br />

flowers are borne on 3 ft. stalks. See color illustration on page 4...... 1.00<br />

MILDRED PRESBY (Farr). Cream standards and very rich velvety violet falls. A very<br />

popular variety which has received recognition from the American Iris Society.<br />

30 in... .....3 for $1.00; .50<br />

MME. CECILE BOUSCANT (Mlllet). A delightful light orchid-pink self of wonderful<br />

form and subscance. An unusual and beJutiful viriety. The flowers are large and<br />

are borne on 3 ft. stems.. ....3 for g2.00; .75<br />

MME. DURRAND (Denis). Very large flower, carried on tall branching stems. Standards<br />

clay color, flushed mauve; falls light Amparo purple, flushed clay color. This<br />

is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful of all irises, reminding one of a choice opal.<br />

See color illusiration on page 8. 5 ft.. .......3 for $1.00; .50<br />

MODOC (Essig, 1929). This remarkable iris is a cross of two outstanding and perfectly<br />

hardy paients. For velvety depth of color, substance and generalnigor, it musl<br />

be put-in the very front rank. The standards are cotinga pJrple, thelalls darker<br />

than Ridgeway's blackish-purple. . 5.00<br />

MRS. MARION CRAN (Perry). A beautiful shade of brilliant light rose. A prodisious<br />

bloomer. This is the true stock. 4 ft.... S ?or gi.OO; .50<br />

NADJI-(Sturteuant).-'.'A dark rich red-purple flower giving a remarkably fine garden<br />

effect; over 1 ft." . . .. .. .... .. . . . 1.50<br />

NAOMI (Sturteuant\. A combination of lilac and dahlia carmine with buff stvle. J ft.. . .<br />

3 for $2.00; .75<br />

NEW-ALBION (.Essig, 1932). A sister seedling of Easter Morn, but quite distinct in<br />

form, color and substance, and also prodrJcing quite a different garden effect. The<br />

flowers are pure waxy-white with fine'clean cut*s6ndards and nice"ly-formed, flaring<br />

falls withoL-{ the yeilow markings in the center, which is one of-the oucstandin[<br />

features of Easter Morn. The varietv is also somewhat smaller than its illustriou,s<br />

sistgr, but is none the less hardy having also been proved in the East. It is the<br />

earliest of the large flowered whites. j ft. . . 3.50

PLuie cl Or<br />

PI,UIE D'OR (C'o-r,riir). Probabll thc bcst pr-rrc goJdcn vcllou':cll rct prccir-rccc1. -fhc Iiach<br />

lloucrs arc ol finc form anC substancc and arc bornc on strrrng, r,,ell-branchcd<br />

stcnls. -.\ profusc bloorncr.'fhis iris uon thc I)r'l


OLD IVORY (Sturteuant). A soft light yellow with brown Each<br />

throat markings. One of the rnost beautiful clumps in<br />

ourgarden. 3 ft.... i..:.........3for$i.oo; .50<br />

OPHELIA (Cayeux). An unusually beautiful combination of<br />

orange, cream, mauve and bronze tints lit up by a<br />

deep orange beard. It is impossible to describe the<br />

charm of this flower. 3 ft.... ...3 for g2.00; .?5<br />

Weren lnts (Page 29)<br />

ORTRUD (Morrison). A large rich reddish blend. It makes<br />

an impressive clump when in full bloom. 32/ ft. . . . . .<br />

3 for 92.00; .75<br />

PACIFIC (Essigl 1929). An early.clear.deep blue with a long bloogning period. Excellent<br />

sha_pe and substance, particularly resistant to roc; good;rfoliage, vigorous, but<br />

rather slou/ to increase. Praised by many of the most- pnilninetit breeters of the<br />

country. 3 ft.... ....3 for 92.50; 1.00<br />

PALE MOONLIGHT (Essig, 193],). This is a vigorous iris bearinq tall, well-branched<br />

stcms and large stately flowcrs of pale_cam[anula blue. unifo]m throughout. Thc<br />

standards are four inches high, th^e falls slighrly flaring and four inchei long. and<br />

thebeardbrightorange. A magnificentclump. 4 tt.... ....... .. 2.00<br />

PARMA (EdLmann). "Similar to Ramona but larger and richer in color. Ourstanding<br />

from the effect of the red-orange beards and old gold hafts veined with cinnamon<br />

brown. 3 ft.' 3.50<br />

PASTEL SHADES (Essig, 1932). A thoroughbred intermediate plicata with well-balanceC<br />

and somewhat ruffled flowers, which are of a charming Combination of yellow,<br />

amber.and qld g"L4,overlaid-with pink color tones. The name somewhat expresses<br />

the color effect. This beautiful hybrid produces an abundance of flowers-and is<br />

especially 6ne as a cut flower and as an exhibit at flower shows. 3.b0<br />

PEAU ROUGE (Cayeux). A distinctive color combination found in no other iris. The<br />

standards are a soft old rose, flushed with bronze and the falls are a deep rich<br />

velvety red, slightly flushed with bronze. 2/z ft.. ....3 for $t.00; .50<br />

PETRUCHIO (Morrison). -fhis makes a very brilliant patch in the garden with its rich<br />

carmine and violet covering. It has been a consistent fall bloomer in our garden.<br />

3ft.... .....3foi92.50; 1.00<br />

$<br />

PICADOR (Morrison). A large variegata with standards buff-gold to a base of mustard<br />

yellow and fdlls mineral red to dahlia carmine. Mr. Morrison considers this onc<br />

of his bcst introductions and rates it 95. 4 ft 10.00<br />

PINK JADU (Sturteuant). A beautiful plicata. White ground color dotted wirh rosc<br />

Style branches rose-pink. J3 in. . .<br />

7.50<br />

PINK<br />

LASS (Essie, 1929). A charming pink plicata which is always admired. Excellent<br />

as a cut flower. 3 ft... . . ....3 for $2.00; .75<br />

PIONEER (Blis_s). _One<br />

of the very finest of the red-purples. Well branched, free flowering,<br />

vigorous. 3% ft.. ....3 for gl.0ti-; .50<br />

PRIMROSE (Sturteaant). A reFned and pure yellow which is unquestionably in the<br />

front rank among yellow irises. Civ6n an-Award of Merit bv'the American Iris<br />

Society. The standards slightly deeper than the falls. l0 in..........3 for 91.00; .50<br />

PRINCESS OSRA (Bliss). A very large flowered clear white spotted and veined with<br />

light lavender. Distinct and oneof thebesrof its type. I ft.........3for91.00; .50<br />

PURISSIMA (Mohr-Mitchell). This is a splendid white. It is large, vigorous, well<br />

branched, and of good form and substance. It seems to do betterln California than<br />

in the East. 3% to 4 ft. .... . 1.50

(- MILL IKEN - IRIS I Page Fifteen<br />

RAE (Lolhrop. 193A. An cxceptionallv clear and luminous vcllow on a low-branchcd Each<br />

l6-inch stcrn. '[-hc larue flou/er has thick substance and finc closc tcxture. In the<br />

garden or on the show rablc ir is outstanding bccausc of its clear warm color and<br />

hne form. According to Ridgewal' the conic-domed standards arc Ambcr and thc<br />

llarins falls are Barium Yellow vcined dccocr vellow in the hait. -fhe beard is<br />

Dccp"Chromc. thc bruad lcllow rtr'lc. are eircct. H. \1. .\. l. S.... 7.00<br />

RAYO DE SOL (.Mohr-MitcheLLl. A largc flowered lcmon chromc of gooC substancc. -fhc<br />

falls arc flaring and havc a fcw white lines at the haft. lt is a sistcr seedling o{<br />

i Mirasol .<br />

2.50<br />

RED FLARE (,\lilLiken, 19321. This varictl, has attracted manv visitors in our gardcns.<br />

Its blood rcd flowers with their brilliant soldcn beards carrieC liehtlv on ihrcc to<br />

four loot wcll-branchcC:tcm\ attract onc s attcntion from a dirtancc. and a clo.cr<br />

inspection increases onc's admiration of it. Falls oxblooC rcd, slightly deeper in<br />

the middlc than at thc edges, flaring; standards InCian rcd shading to lustrous<br />

antique brou'n near thc haft. E.xccllent substance. Stalk 3 to 4 feet, wcll branchcd.<br />

Unquestionable hardincss. H. M. A. I. S. . . . 7.50<br />

RENE DENIS (.Denis). This rare varicty is a.tov to those who appreciatc refinement.<br />

It is a delicate blending of yellow, rose and grey. The flowcrs are largc with flaring<br />

falls. S% ft..... ....3 for 92.50'; 1.00<br />

REVERIE (Sturteuant) Rcd. buff and oink. Fine form and substance. Latc blooming.<br />

40 in...<br />

3 for $1.00; .50<br />

RIALGAR (Sturteuant) This is an iris that will brighten your garden. Standards bright<br />

yellow; falls brown. Largc flowers. A deservedly popular variety. 2 ft. .3 for 91.00; .50<br />

ROBT. WALLACB (Perry). -fhis is a favorite of ours. The falls are a vcry deep rich<br />

purple, thc standards a deep violct. Greatl-"- admired bv all of our visitors. Often<br />

blooms in winter in California and again in spring. 324 ft.. ..3 for 91.00; .50<br />

ROSE ASH (Morrison). "A flower of srcat size combined with fine substancc and form<br />

lts lovcll' color, a subdued rosc, dcepcns bcyond the bcard. 3 ft.' . .<br />

ROSE MITCHELL (Essig, /929). Profcssor E.ssig's idea of thc worth of thc flower is<br />

shown bv his naming it for Mrs. S1'dne,v Mitchcll, a namc which suggcsts the rosc<br />

color and also hne rris orip;inations. -lhe plant ha: cxccptional vigor. The flowcrs<br />

are rosc colorcd selfs. 4 ft...... 1.50<br />

ROSULTRA ( Ess i g. I 929). -[-his makcs<br />

a splendid garden clump as it is<br />

1'loriferous, is verv vigorous and<br />

has a rosy shadc with exccptional<br />

carrl ing qualitics. It is<br />

also part icularlr- bcautiful undcr<br />

artificial light. 3 ', [t. . .<br />

3 for $2.00; .75<br />

SAN DIEGO l.\Iohr-MitcheLD. Immcnse<br />

bk>orns of dccp velvctv<br />

bluc purplc. It is a sccdling of<br />

Caudichau and El Oapitan, retaining<br />

thc color of thc formcr<br />

and thc si:c and shapc of thc<br />

latter..lbin..... 2.00<br />

7.50<br />

SAN FRANCISCO (Mohr-Mitchell).<br />

'l'his iris uas a*ardcd thc [)1'kcs<br />

\lcdal as thc bcst ,\mcrican introduction<br />

ol 192.7. 'l'irll stems<br />

branching low and widc carrv<br />

thc largc llotcrs of whitc distinctll<br />

cdgcd u ith lavcndcr bluc.<br />

..\ supcrior varictl . .1"{ in...... 2.00<br />

SreeRr,\r IRrs<br />

(See Pogc 2r))

VrorEr Lars<br />

See Page r8

Paee Eighteen n C. S MILLIKEN-IRIS<br />

THEME (Lothrop, i,932). Among dark blends thcrc is no iris more beautiful and distin- Each<br />

guished. The large flowcrs are carried on perfcctly branched stcms 46 inches tall.<br />

The substance is thick and firm. The ground color of the conic standards is bronzegray<br />

with lavender rcflcctions which grow dccper and more beautiful with age. In<br />

a newly-opened flowcr the undertone of thc broad flaring falls is bronzed tan flushed<br />

and veined Petunia Violct which changes to a deep gray tinted and veined Old<br />

Lithro Purple. In its rarc coloring it is unlike any other iris and in size, form,<br />

substance and branching could not be improved. H. M. A. I. S... 10.00<br />

THESEUS (Hort). A creamy white deepening to yellow in the throat. Verv beautiful<br />

and especially recommended for California. 2,r4 ft.. ..3 for $1.00;<br />

TROUVAILLE (Cayeur). Standards white: falls dccp reddish purple, with wide white<br />

margin. 2 [r.... .....3 for $1.00;<br />

TYRIAN (Sturtetant). A vivid deep claret. 3 ft. .3 for $1.00;<br />

.50<br />

.50<br />

.50<br />

UNCLE REMUS (Essig, 1928). A deep mulberry purple self with cadmium yellow beard.<br />

Earlier than Gaudichau, which $/as one parent. In two successive years before<br />

introduction it was ratcd 90 by a committee of the American Iris Society 3% ft.<br />

3 for $2.00; .75<br />

VALKYRIE (Sturteuant). This huge iris with its olive standards and its long drooping<br />

velvety dark purple falls is unlike any oth€r variety grown. The conspicuous<br />

veiningontheupperportion of the fallsadds to itseffectiveness. 4 ft..3 for 92.00; .75<br />

VIOLET LAKE (Dean). This is reproduced natural size and in color on page 17. It is<br />

a remarkably effective landscape variety and was outstanding in our gardens this<br />

past year. We are listing it at a price that will allow a general distribution. 2/z ft.<br />

3 for $1.00; .50<br />

VISHNU (Sturteuant). A light pinkish-cinnamon ground color covered with a pale glistcning<br />

lavender bloom. Good form and hcight. Fragrant. 18 in.. 7.50<br />

WEDGEWOOD (DyAes). Onc of the very bluest of the beardeC irises and a very beautiful<br />

garden variety. It blooms freely. )2/ ft.<br />

.3 for $1.00; .50<br />

WESTERN SKIES (Essi1, 1929). A fine silky palc blue, large flowers of good substance.<br />

A seedling of Miss Willmott. 3 to 5 ft. ......3 for $2.00; .75<br />

WILLIAM MOHR (Mohr). A remarkable result of a cross between two races of bearded<br />

iris. A very large lilac flower with violet vcins. It is beautiful and unusual. Particularly<br />

impressive as a cut flower. Fortunately also it is hardy. 2 ft..3 for $2.50; 1.00<br />

W. R. DYKES (DyAes). Thc masterpiece of thc latc W. R. Dykes and a truly outstanding<br />

iris. It is a golden yellow self of great sizc and heavy substancc. -fhc standards<br />

arc dome shaped bcing verl'tall and bcautifullv frilled. The falls are crinkled<br />

giving added richncss to the flower. In some scasons purple flakcs appear on the<br />

falls. The beard is brilliant orange . This iris is in great demand by all breeders who<br />

arc working for yellows. The pollen is fcrtilc. 40 in.. 15.00<br />

YOSEMITE FALLS (Essig, 1931'). A hugc bicolor with exceedingly long falls; hencc<br />

thc name . The standards arc light bluish violct, well carried and four and one-half<br />

inches high.'fhc falls arc hvacinth violct, thc basal third lincd with white and<br />

brown, four and onc-half inches long and thrcc inches wide, drooping. The beard<br />

is cadmium 1'ellow. 'lhc stems are from thrcc to four-branchcd and three to four<br />

fcet in height. lt is pcrfcctly hardy.. 3.50

C. S. MILL II(EN- IRIS I Page Nineteen<br />

Varieties Grouped by Color<br />

Many of our customers wish to get a general idea of the garden values of different irises<br />

without spending time to read through the entire list carefully. To help them we have grouped<br />

many of our listed varieties into color groups. Sometimes the same variety may occur in more<br />

than one group if its colors will allow it to be used where those groups are wanted in a planting.<br />

It would be possible to subdivide each group into subgroups but no attempt has been made<br />

to do this as little would be gained for landscape purposes by so doing.<br />

The great variety of color combinations in irises makes any classification of this sort of nothing<br />

more than suggestive value. Color is only one of the elements which give iris character. The<br />

height, carriage, shape, substance, branching, abundance of blooms, and the character of the<br />

foliage, must be considered.<br />

WHITE,<br />

Cygnet<br />

Damozel<br />

Dione<br />

Easter Morn<br />

E^i.,,<br />

Hexagona Alba<br />

Jean Chevreau<br />

and<br />

varieties with borders or<br />

Jeanne d'Arc<br />

Kashmir White<br />

Los Angeles<br />

Mildred Presby<br />

Mt. Whitney<br />

New Albion<br />

Ochroleuca<br />

markings of other<br />

Princess Osra<br />

Purissima<br />

San Francisco<br />

Seafoam<br />

Sitka<br />

Snowcup<br />

Snow White<br />

colors on a white ground:<br />

Stylosa Alba<br />

Theseus<br />

Trouvaille<br />

True Charm<br />

True Delight<br />

Wattii<br />

PINK,<br />

including varieties with distinctly pink shadings; rose-lilacs, etc.<br />

Airv Drcam Fricda Mohr Midgard Reverie<br />

Ambrosia Hollywood Mmi:. Cecile Bouscant Rosado<br />

Aphrodite Jacinto Mmc. Cheri Rose Ash<br />

Arkansas Iadu Mme. Durfand Rose Mitchcll<br />

Arsace J. B. Dumas Mrs. Marion Cran Rosultra<br />

Cameo Lamia Ophelia San Gabriel<br />

Dav Dream Le Grand Ferrc Pastel Shadcs Susan Bliss<br />

Deiicatissima Lona Pink Iadu Violet Lake<br />

Dream Marquisettc Pink Lass Wild Rose<br />

Dreamlight Mary Cibson Rene Denis<br />


Amneris<br />

Blue and Gold<br />

Blue Gown<br />

Bluestone<br />

E,mperor<br />

Foliosa<br />

Fontarabie<br />

Gargantua<br />

and the darker near-blues and violets:<br />

Germaine Perthuis<br />

Hexagona<br />

Ideal<br />

Impressario<br />

J. J. Dean<br />

Kestrel<br />

Lady Chas. Allom<br />

Margery<br />

Marocain<br />

Mildred Presby<br />

Monspur<br />

Neptune<br />

Perry's Blue<br />

Ricardi Fonce<br />

San Diego<br />

Savannarum<br />

Souv. de Mme.<br />

Gaudichau<br />

Tectorum<br />

-fenebrae<br />

27 Avril<br />


PaseTwenttll C. S. MILLIKEN-IRIS<br />

LAVENDER, and light violets, blucs, mauves, and greys. General effect light:<br />

Amneris<br />

Corrida<br />

Kalif<br />

Rajput<br />

Ariel<br />

Asia<br />

Asphodel<br />

Avalon<br />

Azrael<br />

Ballerine<br />

Bellorio<br />

Bluebeard<br />

Bonnie Blue<br />

California Blue<br />

Canyon Mists<br />

Caterina<br />

Claridad<br />

Crusader<br />

Dilkash<br />

Dolly Madison<br />

Duke of York<br />

Dulcinea<br />

Eden Phillpotts<br />

El Capitan<br />

Elsa<br />

Endymion<br />

Hippolyta<br />

Hoogiana<br />

Horizon<br />

Ideal<br />

King6sher Blue<br />

Lady Foster<br />

Lady Lou<br />

Leonato<br />

Mady Carriere<br />

Mary Barnett<br />

Mauvine<br />

Mesopotamica<br />

Nefert<br />

Pacific<br />

Pale Moonlight<br />

Pallida<br />

Papillion<br />

San Gabriel<br />

Santa Barbara<br />

Sensation<br />

Shining Waters<br />

Sierra Blue<br />

Simone Vaissiere<br />

Sindjkha<br />

Souv. de L. Michaud<br />

Stipples<br />

Stylosa<br />

Sweet Lavender<br />

Western Skics<br />

Wm. Mohr<br />

Conquistador<br />

Jacqueline Guillot Princess Beatricc Yosemite Falls<br />

Coronado<br />

Japonica<br />

Queen Caterina<br />

Yvonne Pelletier<br />

YELLOW and lighter-colored varieties with considerable yellow Includcs creams. For dark<br />

colors having yellow, see Bronze:<br />

Doxa<br />

Endymion<br />

Euphony<br />

Feldspar<br />

Flambeau<br />

Geo. Yeld<br />

Gloria<br />

Gold Imperial<br />

Gold Lace<br />

Gold Nuggct<br />

Gold Standard<br />

Harlequin<br />

Henri Riviere<br />

Inner Glow<br />

I shta r<br />

lvory Coast<br />

Jubilee<br />

King Karl<br />

Lorelev<br />

Loudoun<br />

Mme. Durrand<br />

Ochracea<br />

Old Ivory<br />

Ophelia<br />

O. Sulphuria<br />

Pastel Shades<br />

Pluie d'Or<br />

Primrose<br />

BRONZES, and those with some bronze. The darker yellow combinations:<br />

Afterglow<br />

Amber<br />

Argynnis<br />

Arlette<br />

Aurea<br />

Aurea Maculata<br />

Autumn Glow<br />

Bclisaire<br />

Cameliard<br />

Chalice<br />

Chasseur<br />

Citronella<br />

Corona<br />

Curiosity<br />

Ahwahnee<br />

Alcazar<br />

Ambassadcur<br />

Bruno<br />

Canopus<br />

Coppersmith<br />

Druid<br />

Fe stive<br />

Glowing Embers<br />

Grace Sturtevant<br />

Iris King<br />

Messaline<br />

Parma<br />

Picador<br />

Sherbert 2nd<br />

Rac<br />

Rayo de Sol<br />

Rcichenbachia<br />

Rialgar<br />

Shekinah<br />

Soledad<br />

Sundew<br />

Sunlight<br />

Virginia Moore<br />

Vishnu<br />

W. R. Dykcs<br />

Ycllow Moon<br />

Yellow Queen<br />

Zwanenburg<br />

Stolonifera<br />

Theme<br />

Our Srcc(<br />

The ideal climate in which our gardens<br />

are located produces a quality of scock<br />

which is not surpassed. We are ofcen<br />

asked if our irises are hardy in colder<br />

climates. We ship them all over the<br />

United States with perfect satisfaction<br />

and receive repeat orders year after<br />

year. As our season of blooming is advanced<br />

six weeks or so ahead of that<br />

in the Eastern States, it allows us to<br />

ripen the rhizomes in our rainless summer<br />

and send them without danger<br />

from rot in time to become well established<br />

for the following spring. This is<br />

an advantage too imporlant to overlook.<br />

Se,runN<br />

(See Page 26)

C. S. MILLIKEN-IRIS I Pase Twent't.one<br />

Garden Collection No. 1-$10.00<br />

(Value $16.50)<br />

jar/n<br />

I<br />

// /"./ I r<br />

//// / l:<br />

/ -rQel<br />

/// Y)<br />

a@ (<br />

t 23t \<br />

Y-y /--<br />

l. Dryade, I<br />

2. Majestic, 1<br />

3. True Delight, 3<br />

4, Aurelle, I<br />

5. Sundew,2<br />

6. Uncle Rernus, 3<br />

7. Rialgar, I<br />

8. Pink Lass, I<br />

9. Western Skies, I<br />

10. Pluie d'Or, I<br />

11. Rosultra, 3<br />

12. California Blue, 3<br />

13. Gold Imperial, 3<br />

1,1. Wedgewood, 3<br />

S p ecial C alif or nia Collection $1 0.00<br />

(Value $16.7t)<br />

20. Ideal, 3<br />

21, Rosado, 3<br />

22. Santa Barbara, 3<br />

23. California Blue, 3<br />

24. Gold Imperial, 3<br />

25. Margery, I<br />

26. San Gabriel, 3<br />

Garden Collection J\o.<br />

(Vatue $2.2i)<br />

27. Rosultra, 3<br />

28. Rialgar, 3<br />

29. i[fdawna Loa, I<br />

30. Mme. Durrand, 3<br />

31. Purissima, I<br />

32. Belisaire, 3<br />

33. Pacific,3<br />

2, $4.t0<br />

Ballerine, 3<br />

Chalice, 3<br />

Impressario, I<br />

Mildred Presby, 3<br />

Cameo, I<br />

Arzani, I<br />

Citronella, 3<br />

Germaine Perthuis, 1<br />

Delicatissima, 3<br />

Souv. de Loetitia Michaud, 3<br />

Roc\ G arden Collection, $5.00<br />

A collection of twenty-five dwarf iris in an assortment of colors. It includcs some of thc<br />

bcst varieties which we have listed.<br />

As sortment Collection, $3.00<br />

Wc have prcparcd this collection for those who wish to get some of the fine standard varicties<br />

of iris at a very reasonablc price. It consists of twenty-four plants in eight diffcrent varieties.<br />

The colors are in bronze, pink, blue, lavender, yellow, red, white and lavender, and purple.<br />

Collection price, $3.00 (delivered free).

Page Twentl.two \ c. s MILL IKEN- IRIS<br />




Many exceptionally fine varieties are included in this lisc, but large stocks<br />

enable us to furnish them at very reasonable prices.<br />

The letter "S" represents the three upright petals or standards, and "F"<br />

petals or falls in the following listed varieties'<br />

the three lower<br />

Please do not order less than<br />

three of a kind.<br />

AFTE,RGLOW. Lavender, grey and yellow<br />

blend. 3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

ALCAZAR. Bronze and violet purple. Tall.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

AM BASSADEUR. Larse flowered reddish<br />

bronze. 3 fo:r 75c;10 for $2.00<br />

CRIMSON KING. A very rich claret purple.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

CRUSADER. Brilliant blue-toned bicolor.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

DAMOZEL. Fine white edged with blue lavender.<br />

3 for 75c; l0 for $2.00<br />

ANTONIO. Violet bicolor. Fine shaoe and substance.<br />

3 for 75c: l0 for $2.00<br />

ARGYNNIS. S. golden yellow; F. reddish<br />

brown. 3 for 75c; 10 for $2.00<br />

ARSACE. Pinkish-lilac flower. Good foliage.<br />

3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

ASIA. S. silvery-lavender; F. light violet.<br />

3 Ior 7Sct 10 for $2.00<br />

AVALON. A oinkish lavender of excellent<br />

shape 3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

AZRAEL. A beautiful violet flower. 4'.4 ft.<br />

3 f.or 75c; l0 for $2.00<br />

BALBOA. Large bicolor in red-violet.<br />

3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

B A L L E R I N E. Large violet -blue flower.<br />

Scented. 3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

BE,LISAIRE. Golden fawn and rosv crimson.<br />

3 ft. 3 for 75c; l0 for $2.00<br />

BELLORIO. Soft mouse grey; distinct.<br />

3 for 50c; 10 for $1.50<br />

CATERINA. Tall, light bluish lavender.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

CHALICE. Beautiful soft vellow. Late.<br />

3 tor 75c; l0 for g2.00<br />

CLARIDAD. One of the bluest. Fine form. J ft.<br />

3 for 75c: l0 for $2.00<br />

CONQUISTADOR. Deep mauve to light<br />

violet. 3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

CORONADO. S. lavender; F. red-purple.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

CORRIDA. S. Ontario violet; F. lishc blue. See<br />

color illustration on page 8.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />


A rose oink. Tall and late.<br />

3 foi 75c; l0 for $2.00<br />

DREAM. One of the best pinks. Fragrant.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />


Flushed with oink. Tall.<br />

3 for 75c;10 for $2.00<br />

DUKE OF YORK. Fine large silvery blue.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

DULCINEA. Light lavender, violet blue. Early.<br />

3 for 50c; 10 for $1.50<br />

EDEN PHILLPOTTS. Large, dark lavender<br />

blue. 3 ior 75c; l0 for 92.00<br />

ED. MICHEL.<br />

flower.<br />

Large<br />

- wine-red. Handsome<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

ESPLENDIDO. A large purple bicolor. Tall.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

FAIRY. White, edged with pale blue.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

FONTARABIE. S. violet blue; F. rich purple.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

GEO. J. TRIBOLET. A rich deeo purple of<br />

fine form.<br />

3 for 75c; f0 ior'$2.00<br />

GEO. YELD. A buff and wine colored combination.<br />

3 for 75c;10 for $2.00<br />

HIPPOLYTA. A clear blue lavender. Tall.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for 91.50<br />

IDEAL. A clear blue. Good for mass effect.<br />

3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

INNER GLOW. An ivorv white with vellow<br />

throat.<br />

3 fbr 75c; 10 foi$2.00

C. S. MILLIKEN,_iRIS I Page Twentr.three<br />

IRIS KING.<br />

Gold standards and garnct falls.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

JACINTO. A bcautilul flowcr in shades of<br />

violet. 3 for 75c: 10 for $2.00<br />

JACQUELINE GUILLOT. Largc flowcrs of<br />

sih'cr1' bluc. 3 for 75c; 10 for $2.00<br />

J. B. DUMAS. Onc of thc choiccst of thc<br />

''pink ' iris. Sce color illustration on pagc ,9.<br />

3 for 50c: 10 for $1.50<br />

JEAN CHEVREAU. S. r'cllou: F. rvhitc sprinklcd<br />

brou.n. 3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />


Whitc. rcticulated violct.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

J. J. DEAN. Light violct and purple bicolor.<br />

3 for 50c; 10 for $1.50<br />

JULIA MARLOWE. Large rcddish flowcr;<br />

highll' rated. 3 for 75c; l0 for $2.00<br />

KASHMIR WHITE. Largc flowcrs, tall stcms.<br />

3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

KHARPUT. Rich violct. Blooms with San<br />

Gabricl 3 for 50c: 10 for $1.50<br />



Rich dark rcddish-purnlc. l6 in.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

r\ bcautiful dark bluc.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

LADY FOSTER. S. palc blue ; F. bluish-r'iolct.<br />

3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

LADY LOU. Lavcndcr violct scll. Vcn' earlr'.<br />

3 for 75c; l0 for $2.00<br />

LENT A. WILLIAMSON. \'elvctv roval nurplc.<br />

J for 50c; l0 for $i.50<br />

LEONATO. A finc lavcndcr. Larsc and fragrant.<br />

3 for 75c: l0 for $2.00<br />

LEVERRIER. A larsc llowcred Ricardi hvbrid.<br />

Scc color illu-trati,'n on pagc l{.<br />

3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

LORD<br />

son.<br />


S. rosr': F. rich crim-<br />

3 for 75c: 10 for $2.00<br />

LORE,LEY. S. lcmon vcllow, F. marinc bluc.<br />

3 for 50c: 10 for $1.50<br />

MADY CARRIERIT. Bluc and lisht vcllow<br />

hlcnC. J for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

MARY GIBSON. Bronzc and old rosc. Bcautiiul<br />


3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

rose.<br />

MAUVINE. \lauvc bicokrr. 'l'all and handsomc.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />

MESOPOTAMICA. Bluc and violct. -l'all.<br />

carlv. 3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

MME. CHERI. lflcnd of lcllou'. pink and blue .<br />

3 for 50c; 10 for $1.50<br />

NEPTUNE.<br />


.\ r'crl good bh-re-ptrrplc bicolor.<br />

3 for 50c; 10 for $1.50<br />

Old sold and bluish lavcndcr.<br />

.3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

OLYMPUS.<br />

S. rosc and bronzc; F. rcd-purplc.<br />

3 lor 75c: l0 for $2.00<br />

OPERA. A vcrv rich dccp purple. Sce color<br />

illustration on page 8.<br />

3 for 75c;10 for 92.00<br />

PALLIDA.<br />

Lavcndcr with rosl'tingc. Fragrant.<br />

3 for 50c: 10 for $1.50<br />

PRINCESS BEATRICE. A lovclv oalc bluc.<br />

J for 50c; lb for $1.50<br />

QUEEN CATERINA. Palc lavcnder-r'iolet sclf.<br />

Sce color illustration on pagc 8.<br />

3 for 50c; 10 for 91.50<br />

RAJPUT.<br />


A violct sclf of flnc form.<br />

3 for 50c: 10 for $1.50<br />

FONCE. Light violct. Verv carlr'.<br />

3 for 50c; l0 for 91.50<br />

ROSADO. -A bcautiful clcar pink. Large flowers.<br />

3 for 50cl 10 for $1.50<br />

.,\ rich vclvetr'-ourole bi-<br />

3 for 75c; io foi $z.OO<br />


color<br />

SANTA BARBARA. A finc lavendcr blue.<br />

Early. 3 for 50c; l0 for 91.50<br />


Soft vcllow of Pallida habit.<br />

3 for 50c: 10 for $1.50<br />

SIMONE VAISSIERE. Clear aniline t:lue. ) %<br />

ft. 3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />


SOLEDAD.<br />

Dull lavendcr and buff blcnd.<br />

3 for 50c; 10 for 91.50<br />

,\ beautilul oale r.cllow sclf.<br />

S for 50c; l0 for $1.50<br />


roval purplc. Scc color illustration on pagc ll.<br />

3 fot 75c:10 for $2.00<br />

SUSAN BLISS. .\ bcautiful pinkish lilac.<br />

3 for 50c: 10 for $1.50<br />

SWEET LAVENDER. A rufflcd rosc-lavendcr.<br />

3 for 50c: 10 for $1.50<br />

TENEBRAE. Rich dccp purplc. A "Dominion. '<br />

3 for 50c; 10 for 91.50<br />

TRUE CHARM. Whitc with lavcndcr tracinu.<br />

3/, ft 3 for 75c: 10 for $2.00<br />

Purc white cdged with dccp<br />

3 for 75c:10 for $2.00<br />

27 AVRIL. .-\ strong violct-purplc. ,{ ft.<br />

3 for 75c: 10 for $2.00<br />


MOORI.I. A dccp lcllou sclf.<br />

3 for 50c; 10 for 91.50<br />

WILD ROSE. (lokrrcd as thc namc indicatcs.<br />

3ft 3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50<br />

YE,LLOW MOON. .\ r'cllorv sclf ol' Pallid:r<br />

habit 3 for 50c:10 for $1.50<br />


i\ clcar skr'-bluc. J lt.<br />

3 for 50c: l0 for $1.50

Page Twenty.fow \ C. S. MILLIKEA{-IRIS<br />


Useful for Roc( Gardens and Borders<br />

The blooming season of this group is early; in California from January into March; in<br />

colder climates during April as a rule<br />

Dozen<br />

AUREA MACULATA. Yellow with bright orange beard. Purplish venarions on falls.<br />

6 in... 2.50<br />

BLUEBEARD (Perry). S. Bluish white; F. olive green with some purple veining. 8 to<br />

l0 in.. ..... .. ... 2.50<br />

BLUESTONE (Perry). A purple in which the falls are only slightly darker than the<br />

standards. 6 to 8 in. 2.50<br />

CURIOSITY (Perry).S. pale greenish yellow; F. green with deeper green and purple<br />

veining.6 to 8 in. ....... 2,50<br />

GLORIA. Cream with some greenish-yellow veining on the falls. 6 to 8 in. 2.50<br />

HARLEQUIN (Perry). Pale straw. l0 to 12 in. ... . 2.50<br />

MAROCAIN (Noaeaute). A very blackish violet. One of the finest. 4 to 6 in. 5.00<br />

NIOBE (Caparne). Rich purple. Very free flowering. 4 to l0 in. . . . . 2.50<br />


(Collected). A clear deep yellow self. 6 in.. 3.50<br />

SNOWCUP. Pure white standards and greenish white falls. 6 to l0 in. . . .. 2,50<br />


The varieties of this group are natives of Asia Minor and Persia where the summers are<br />

rainless.-ThgV start to grow with the fall rains and grow throughout the winter. Susiana grows<br />

well in California and is being successfully grown by-many amiteur gardeners in other paits of<br />

the country. lt has to be given winter protection in the Colder sectidns and has to be fifted in<br />

sections which have summer rains. Grow in full sun in warm location. Likes lime.<br />

IRIS SUSIANA (The Mourning lris). A wonderful flower of large size, borne on l2 in.<br />

stems. It looks as if it were almost black, flecked with grey. In realitv it has purpleblack<br />

veining and_spotting on a grey ground. The standdrds are soirewhat'lighter<br />

than the falls. Fall delivery only. 910.00 a dozen.<br />

Each<br />

1.00<br />


This grouF of beard-ed iris is closely related to the Oncocyclus group but is much easier to<br />

grow. It includes some of the most beautiful of all irises and wifl be mf.-rch'more extensivelv srown<br />

when better known. The rhizomes must be kept dry durinq the summer. either bv liTri-ns or<br />

being placed where they get no irrigation. Growth doe! not sta'rt until late winter or eirly spr'ing.<br />

Each<br />

HOOGIANA. Native of Turkestan. The late Mr. Dykes, the leading iris authority,<br />

thinks that "lris Hoogiana is perhaps the most aiistocratic of all irises. There is-a<br />

grace and distinction about the large flowers of uniform color, set off bv the brieht<br />

golden beard which is noc found even in the best pallidas." Color, pall grey-bite.<br />

l/ ft. Fall delivery only... ............ 1.00<br />

STOLONIFERA. Native of Russian Turkestan. Those who see ir stand and admire.<br />

The finest things cannot be described. Flowers shot with "electro-blue." Falls and<br />

standards wavy. Fall delivery. 1.00

-J<br />

,rt,,rx t'st' I tr t s<br />

iris<br />

-)apancsc<br />

nccd irn abundancc ol'watcr irt bkxrming time but not throughout thc vcar.<br />

'l hc lloucrs arc largc irnd 1lat, oftcn 8 or l0 inchcs acnrss, :rnd arc in $hitc, blr-rc, purplc, pink and<br />

lavcndcr. \\'c ship in thc l'all and thc spring. thc lirttcr probabll'bcing thc hcst tir.r.rct() plant.<br />

GOLD BOUND. l)or-rble. I)urc snou uhitc uith gold bar. L:rrgc..<br />

KAGA-RIBI l'TorthLtllttt. Singlc. .\ finc light larcndcr. r'crncd rcd-purplc. . .<br />

KOKI-NO-IRO (tlr.s:ral Cblc.r.r. L)oublc. [)ecp bluc purplc uith a pror.ninent ()ri]ns!<br />

hI rtch.<br />

KURO-KUMO (1)orA('Lrirclst. L)oublc. Dark bluc purple uith vellou :one<br />

VIOLET BEAUTY. Sin{rlc. l\Jain color a dccp bluc violct<br />

tsach<br />

b ./5<br />

./5<br />

./5<br />

./5<br />


Page Twenty.six \ C, S. MILLIKEN -IRIS<br />


We are growing a number of hvbrids of this type but are listing only two this year. They<br />

are particularlv vigorous and easy to grow, much easier than Susiana.<br />

Each<br />

SATURN. Beautiful deep purple veining on a grey ground. The flowers are nor so round<br />

as in Susiana but are large and of excellent substance. Easv to handle as a cut<br />

flower.2 ft. .. . . $f .00<br />

PARTHENOPE (Van Tubergen). A light red purple. . . 1.50<br />


CHEROKEE MAID (\{/illiamson). (Susiono e ?). A verv dark maroon. The flowers are<br />

sometimes imperfecc but the perfect ffowers are beautiful 1.00<br />


(Foster) . This variety is easily grown. It is a cross of Iberica by Pallida . . 3 f or 1.00<br />

HAMADAN (Foster). Rich violet with black beard 1.00<br />

IBPALL (Foster). (lberica x PaIIida). Large, free flowering, shades of red and violet<br />

u/ithabronzebeard.2ft...... .....3for 1.00<br />

NEFERT (Foster). (Pallida x lberica). A very beautiful violet flower which has no<br />

veining. Nothing else at all like it.. ........3 for 1.00<br />

PANDORA (Foster). A light pinkish blue<br />

1.50<br />


(Foster). Dwarf. VerSr deep purple.<br />

1.00<br />

WILLIAM MOHR (Mohr). A remarkable result of a cross between two races of bearded<br />

iris. A very large lilac flower with violet veins. It is beautiful and unusual. Particularly<br />

impressive as a cut flower. Fortunately also it is hardy. 2 ft. 3 for 92.50; 1.00<br />

ZWANENBURG (Deni.s). (Lutescens aurea by.Susiano). A large and very unusual<br />

flower in shades of cream and purple. Vigorous and hardy................3 for 1.00<br />

Collection of 9 varieties (including Wm. Mohr) 5.00<br />

EVANSI A f,Crested lris\<br />

Each<br />

JAPONICA. Native of Central China and Japan. The foliage is evergreen. The flowers<br />

are borne in large numbers on 2 to 3 ft. branching stems. Pale blue brightened with<br />

yellow. Segments wavy. Give partial shade and more water than for bearded iris. . .50<br />

TECTORUM. Native of Central China. Is grown on the thatched roofs in Japan.<br />

Flowers much larger than Japonica, blue-purple with conspicuous white crest on<br />

falls. 15 in... . . .50<br />

WATTII. A beautiful and rare iris from the Himalaya Nlountains. The flowers are like<br />

thoseofJaponica but whiteandarecarriedonpanicleson4to 5 ft. stems...... 1.00

(, MILL IKEN - IRIS I Page Twentl.seven<br />

APOGON fiBeardless Iris[<br />

American Species<br />

The varieties of this group are quite different in appearance from the beardcd iris. The<br />

leaves are blade-likc and in California are green all u/inter. The flowers, in contrast to the bearded<br />

iris, are flat. They can stand more water than the bearded varicties and do well in partial shade.<br />

They are particularly effective in borders and around pools.<br />

ARKANSAS (Essis, 1932)<br />

pink-toncd Fulva. .<br />

A very unusual and charming pinkish-orange sclf, likc a<br />

Each<br />

$2.50<br />

CACIQUE(Berry). Adarkrichpurplewithgoldensignalpatch. ltoSft...3for$2.50; f.00<br />

CHOCTAW (Essig, 1932). A bcautiful soft medium-toned mauve purple sclf. Paler<br />

than L)orothca K. Williamson 2.50<br />

CHRYSOPHOENICIA (Small). The Gold and Purple iris. Discovercd in Louisiana it<br />

has proved hardv and is unquestionablv one of thc most beautiful of the nativc<br />

American iriscs. Thc flower ii large, dcepcr in color than Vinicolor and the golden<br />

patch morc sprcading. A rarc variety. 3 for $5.00; 2.00<br />

DOROTHEA K. WILLIAMSON (Willicmson). A hvbrid of Fulva and Foliosa. The<br />

flowcrs are largc and are vcry brilliant vclvety purplc. bornc on l0 in. stems. A<br />

llne cut flowcr. Hardr .3 for $2.00; .75<br />

FOLIOSA. l-his is much likc Hcxagona cxcept rcduced in hcight. Color blue. Height<br />

12 in. Nativc of Southern United States .....3 for $2.00; .75<br />

FULVA. Flowers brisht tcrra cotta on l8 in. stcms. No other iris of this brick red color<br />

known. All six .segmcnts slightly drooping. Nativc in South but is easily grown in<br />

Northcrn Unitcd Statcs. Flouri'hcs in California. ....3 for 92.00; .75<br />

GIGANTICAERULEA (SmaLL). A tall native Louisiana specics bearing large bright<br />

violet-blue flowcrs of fine shape and substance. A strong grower. 4 ft. . . . 2.50<br />

HEXAGONA. A strikins tall bluc iris which makes a bcautiful combination with thc<br />

yellow Spurias. Floicr. in latc April and early Ma-v in California. The truc vancty<br />

is.cldom listed. 3 to 4 ft. ....3 for 92.50; f .00<br />

HEXAGONA ALBA. As far as wc know, we arc th€ onlv conccrn in the Unitcd Statcs<br />

offering this bcautiful and rarc iris. The flower is'largc. of good substance, and<br />

greatly admircd by all who have sccn it.3% ft... . .. . .... .. 3.50<br />

LAEVIGATA ALBOPURPUREA. This is a strikins iris somcwhat resemblins thc<br />

Japanerc varictics in :hapc uf flowcr and habit of growth. -l'hc rtandards arc"crcct<br />

and purc whitc. Thc falls arc whitc mottlcd and spottcd with blue-purple. An<br />

cxcellcnt varictl'to plant ncar your pool or in othcr moist locations............ 2.50<br />

PURPUREA. A raisin purplc hybrid. )% ft. . . . . .3 for 91.25; .50<br />

SAVANNARUM. A tall bluc which can be grown in thc pool if desircd. Ir also grows<br />

well in thc gardcn. Thc petals are thickCr and morc pointed than Hcxagona. T% ft.<br />

3 for $2.00: .75<br />

TULSA (Essig, 1932). Vcrl' dcep and rich velvct-v, ro-val purplc self. This is thc finest<br />

dark purple so far obtained in anv iris and is extraordinar,v in every way. Perfectly<br />

exquisitc<br />

VINICOLOR (.Small). This rare and exquisite winc colorcd iris was discovered in Louisiana<br />

but ha-s proved hardl in thi north. A beautiful goldcn yellow stripe lights<br />

the centcr of the flowcr. 3itr tr.. 1.50<br />

5.00<br />

VIOLIPURPUREA (Small). This is another native iris of southern Louisiana. Thc<br />

golden crest cuts abruptly into the violet-purple ground color of the sepal bladc,<br />

there being no intcrmcdiate area of pale flecks or vcins such as surround thc crests<br />

in man5 spccics. 3 ft.... 2.5O<br />

YELLOW FULVA. A very rare variety scldom listed. It is not only bcautiful in itsclf<br />

but should be of great interest to all hybridizers. .. . f0.00

-<br />

Twentt.eieht \ (-. b MILL IKEN - IRIS<br />


fDutch Iris\<br />

The iris of this group have bulbs, not rhizomes. We ship from August to November<br />

Minimum quantities, I dozen.<br />

IMPERATOR. A large blue of very intense color. One of the best....Per dozen.<br />

Per 100..<br />

WEDGEWOOD. Probably the finest of all Dutch Iris yet introduced<br />

Very tall and vigorous.<br />

Wedgewood Blue.<br />

.Perdozen.....<br />

YELLOW QUEEN. The best of the golden yellows . . .Per dozen<br />

Per 100. . .<br />

Mixture of superior varieties<br />

....Per dozen.<br />

lst.<br />

$1.25<br />

7.50<br />

2.00<br />

r.25<br />

7.50<br />

1.50<br />

Unguicularis<br />

A more euphonious name by which this group is often known is that of Stylosa. While<br />

scientifically we must talk of unguicularis, becatfse this name was given first, in our gardens may<br />

we not grow stylosa? The garden use o[ the iris in this group is reserved for those who live in<br />

the milder climates.<br />

The plants start blooming in the fall and bloom throughout the winter. They grow wild in<br />

Algeria, Greece and Asia Min6r. The foliage is grass-like an-d the flowers are borneitn stem-like<br />

paits, really elongated perianth tubes, 8 to 16 inches long. The flower is one of great refinement<br />

and is delightful in the house.<br />

Plant preferably from August to December. We do not advise planting later than February<br />

exceot in balled clumos.<br />

STYLOSA. I-ilac blue with grassy evergreen foliage.<br />

STYLOSA ALBA. A white form...<br />

STYLOSA ALTAFLORA. The flowers in this selected form are taller and<br />

bluer than in the ordinary stylosa and the foliage is narrower. It is a<br />

suoerior form of this beautiful iris.. . . . .35<br />

STYLOSA MARGINATA. A form of bluer hue and somewhat broader foliase<br />

thanabove. Makesavery rankgrowth. ........ .25<br />

STYLOSA SPECIOSA. A violet form, narrower foliage and somewhat smaller<br />

flower and shorter perianth tube. . . .75<br />

Spurias<br />

Each Dozen<br />

$ .25 $ 2.50<br />

.25 2.50<br />

3.50<br />

2.50<br />

(We ship these in the fall only. We can move them locally at other times of year.)<br />

The iris in chis group should be grown much more extensively than they are at the present<br />

time. The flowers lalt f

Before You ORDER<br />

Please Read This<br />

QuaNrIrv PnIces: Prices of new introductions are for single rhizomes.<br />

Standard varieties (see page 22) are quoted only in groups of 3 and 10.<br />

Price per hundred or in larger quantities, also prices for special collections,<br />

will be cheerfully furnished upon request.<br />

PosracB: We prepay postage anywhere in the United States on orders<br />

amounling to $2.00 and over. On orders of less than $2.00 add 25 cents<br />

to cover postage.<br />

Tenvts: Cash with order. Remit by personal check, express or postal<br />

money order.<br />

GuanaNree.: We exercise due care to keep all varieties true to nqme and<br />

hold ourselves in readiness to replace, upon proof, any stock that may be<br />

otherwise. We ship only healthy, live, growing stock which we guaranLee<br />

to arrive in good condition. However, we cannot be expected to guarantee<br />

results of planting because of the lack of control over planting conditions.<br />

Competent advice on the growing of irises is cheerfully furnished so that<br />

you, like many other satisfied customers, should have no difficulty at all<br />

in growing this easy-to-grow stock.<br />

LeNoscapING AND Pr-aNrrNc SenvIcr,: We offer our services in helping<br />

you work out any of your planting problems and will submit plans, or if<br />

you wish, we will offer suggestions regarding any tentative plans which<br />

you have made. We make no charge for this s:rvice.<br />

C. S. MILLIKEN<br />


970 New Yonx AveNue. Peseoeue. CelrronNle<br />

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C. S. MnrxnN<br />


970 New York Ave., Pasadena,.Cal.<br />

Order No.

IN DEX<br />

Page<br />

Page<br />

Page<br />

Afterclow. .........22 Dutch lris.........28 Lent A. Williamson.2S Rialcar............lt<br />

Ahwalrnee. 5 EasterMorn.......9 Lonato...........2t Ricardi Fonce......23<br />

Airy Dream. .. ..... t Eden Phillpotts.....22 Leverrier. . . . . .. ...2) $obt. Wallace.. ....11<br />

Alcizar.. ..........22 EC. Michel.. .-.-.-.22 Lona..............ll Rcado.. ........ -.2t<br />

Ambasadeur.......ZZ ElCapitan.........9 LordLambourne....2l RceAsh..........15<br />

Amber......-.....- 5 Elsa...............9 Loreley.......-...-2J RceMadder.......23<br />

Ambrosia..........5 Ember.............9 LosAngeles........l2 RoseMitchell......lt<br />

Amneris. . . .. ... ... 5 Emmror. ..... .. . . .29 Loudoun. ... .. .... .lZ Rosultra.. .. .. . .. ..l5<br />

Antonio............22 Endvmion. 9 MadvCarriere......2l SanDieso.........l5<br />

Aphrodite..........6 Espllndido.........ZZ Maj€stic.-.........12 Sanfrancisco......15<br />

Aibutus...--....-..7 Eubhony.. 9 Maigery...........12 SanGabriel........16<br />

Arcvnnis...........ZZ Fairv...............22 Marocaln..........24 SantaBarbara......2l<br />

Ar-iel ..............6 Fedora.............10 Marqui*tte..-.....12 Saturn.............26<br />

Arkansas..........27 Feldsoar...........l0 MarvBarnett......l2 Savannarum........27<br />

Arlette.... 6 Festive............10 MaryGibson.......ZJ Sefoam...........16<br />

Arsace.............22 Firefall............10 MaunaLoa. .......17 Sensation..........16<br />

Ar2ani.............6 Flambeau..........l0 Mauvine...........2J Sequoiah...........16<br />

Asia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ZZ Foliosa . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Mesopotamie. . . . . . 23 Shikinah. . . . . - . . . . .2J<br />

Asohodel...........6 Fontarabie.........22 Mesline..........12, ShelfordGiant......29<br />

Arirea.............28 FriedaMohr.......l0 Mideard..-....-.-.12 SherbertZnd.......16<br />

Aurea Maculaca . . . . 24 Fulva . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Mildred Presby. . . . . 12 Shining Waters . . . . . 2<br />

AurelIe............6 Garsantua.........l0 Mme.CecileBous- SierraBlue.........16<br />

AutumnGIow......6 Ceoll.Tribolet.....22 cant.............12 SimoneVaissiere....2S<br />

Avalon............22, Geo.Yeld..........22 Mme.Cheri........2j Sindjkha...........23<br />

A2rael.............22 Germaine Perthuis. .10 Mme. Durrand. ....12 Sir Michael. . . . ....16<br />

Balboa... .......22 Cisanticaerulea.....27 Modoc.............12 Sitka.,............16<br />

Ballerine...........22 Cloria.............24 Monspur...........29 Snowcup...........24<br />

Belisaire. ..........22 GlowincEmbers....l0 Mrs. Marion Cran..l2 SnowWhite........16<br />

BefIorio............22 Goldlmperial......l0 Mt.Whitney....... t Soledad............Zt<br />

Blue and Gold...... 6 Gold Lace..........10 Nadii... ...........12 Souv. de Loetitia<br />

Bluebeard..........24 GoldNuccet.......Zg Naoini.............12 Michaud.........16<br />

BlueGown......... 6 GoldStan-dard......t0 Nefert.............26 Souv.deMme.<br />

Bluestone..........24 GraceSturtevant...l0 Neptune...........2) Gaudichau. ......2J<br />

BonnieBlue........ 6 Harodan..........26 NewAlbion. .......12 Stioples............ltt<br />

Bruno.............6 Harleouin...... ...24 Niobe.-........-..24 Stol6nifera.........24<br />

Cacique......-..-..2,7 Henri Riviere....-..10 Ochrace...........23 Stylosa............28<br />

California Blue. . . . . 6 Hexaqona. .. ... .. ..27 Ochroleuca. . .. .... .29 Stylosa A|ba...... ..28<br />

Cameliard. 6 HexaconaAlba..-..27 OchroleucaSul- StylcaAltaflora....28<br />

Cameo.............6 Hippolyta..........2Z phurea...........79 StylosaMarginata...28<br />

Canopus...........6 H

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